How to reduce your appetite? Appetite suppressant tablets and herbs

How to reduce your appetite? The appetite, unlike hunger, appears suddenly and requires quick satisfaction. Most often we have an appetite for sweet, salty or fatty products, i.e. those that we should avoid if we are fighting overweight. How to reduce your appetite to lose unnecessary kilograms? Are tablets effective in reducing appetite?

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How to reduce your appetite?

Before we learn how to reduce appetite, we need to know what appetite is, and how it differs from hunger.
Appetite is a sudden desire to eat a specific product. Such a whim, however, is not physiological - then we are dealing with hunger, but psychological. In other words, appetite does not arise when the body is running out of nutrients, but for other reasons. The most common reasons for this include the desire to suppress negative emotions, such as:
Nutritionists call it emotional hunger.
Another reason for the appearance of appetite is visual or olfactory stimuli. Appetite appears when we see a beautifully decorated cake in a shop display case or when the smell of tasty food reaches us.
When we eat based on our appetite, the body gets used to stockpiling it and stores it as body fat.
No matter where the appetite comes from and how it works, if we are struggling with obesity or overweight, we must first of all know how to suppress our appetite. One way is with pills to reduce appetite.

Herbs to reduce appetite

As we mentioned earlier, the appetite has a psychological basis, which is why there are also appetite suppressants that are designed to increase the level of serotonin (the happiness hormone) in the body. Scientific research confirms that low levels of serotonin increase appetite.
In addition to the appetite suppressant tablets, pharmacies also find herbs to reduce appetite. One of the most popular slimming plants is hoodia gordonii. This South African plant affects the brain and increases blood circulation, which means that the body stores less fat. Herbs to reduce appetite also include: buckthorn, coriander, nettle and raspberry leaves. To tame your appetite, we also recommend chicory, peppermint and rosemary.
Remember that appetite suppressant pills are a temporary solution - they only last a few weeks. It is recommended to use them during a slimming diet.

What suppresses the appetite - what products to eat

There are many products that inhibit the appetite. One of them is fiber. The fiber swells in the stomach, which makes us feel full for longer. In your daily diet it is worth taking care of a large amount of fiber - about 30-40 grams a day.
The second product to reduce appetite is zinc. Low levels of zinc in the body can cause ravenous hunger. Zinc can be found in legumes, bran, seafood, onions and garlic. To reduce appetite, it is also worth consuming products containing chromium, such as:
Chorm is responsible for glucose metabolism - its deficiency increases the desire for sweets.
It is also recommended to eat unprocessed or slightly processed products to reduce appetite. The principle is simple, the more processed the product, the shorter the feeling of fullness. In other words, an apple will saturate us more than apple juice.

How to suppress the appetite - eating and shopping tricks

In addition to the use of appetite suppressants, it is worth changing a few eating and shopping habits.
First of all, it is recommended to eat products with a low glycemic index, i.e. those that will saturate the body for longer. They include, among others plums, almonds, strawberries. Secondly, avoid products that are processed and have a large amount of artificial additives, such as flavor enhancers, preservatives or dyes. Thirdly, and very importantly, when you want to eat sweets, it is worth reaching for fruit instead. Fourth, the way you eat reduces your appetite - eat slower and smaller portions. Fifth, wait 20 minutes and let the brain receive a signal from the stomach that you are full. Sixth and finally, drink plenty of mineral water between meals.