Kubernetes 24-Hour Test Report


Passed Failed Avg Time (s) Test
0 1 0 DiffResources
1 0 78 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Guestbook application should create and stop a working application [Conformance]
1 0 5 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl api-versions should check if v1 is in available api versions [Conformance]
1 0 28 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl apply should apply a new configuration to an existing RC
1 0 14 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl apply should reuse nodePort when apply to an existing SVC
1 0 7 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl cluster-info should check if Kubernetes master services is included in cluster-info [Conformance]
1 0 38 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl describe should check if kubectl describe prints relevant information for rc and pods [Conformance]
1 0 43 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl expose should create services for rc [Conformance]
1 0 18 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl label should update the label on a resource [Conformance]
1 0 20 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl logs should be able to retrieve and filter logs [Conformance]
1 0 39 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl patch should add annotations for pods in rc [Conformance]
1 0 44 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl rolling-update should support rolling-update to same image [Conformance]
1 0 17 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl run --rm job should create a job from an image, then delete the job [Conformance]
1 0 11 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl run default should create an rc or deployment from an image [Conformance]
1 0 10 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl run deployment should create a deployment from an image [Conformance]
1 0 14 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl run job should create a job from an image when restart is OnFailure [Conformance]
1 0 28 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl run pod should create a pod from an image when restart is Never [Conformance]
1 0 37 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl run rc should create an rc from an image [Conformance]
1 0 7 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl taint should update the taint on a node
1 0 14 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl version should check is all data is printed [Conformance]
1 0 5 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Proxy server should support --unix-socket=/path [Conformance]
1 0 8 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Proxy server should support proxy with --port 0 [Conformance]
1 0 21 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Simple pod should support exec
1 0 26 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Simple pod should support exec through an HTTP proxy
1 0 41 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Simple pod should support inline execution and attach
1 0 48 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Simple pod should support port-forward
1 0 27 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Update Demo should create and stop a replication controller [Conformance]
1 0 47 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Update Demo should do a rolling update of a replication controller [Conformance]
1 0 48 [k8s.io] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Update Demo should scale a replication controller [Conformance]
1 0 0 Deferred TearDown
1 0 67 Extract
1 0 0 get kubeconfig
1 0 3 IsUp
1 0 1 kubectl version
1 0 1 list nodes
1 0 5 ListResources After
1 0 5 ListResources Before
1 0 6 ListResources Down
1 0 6 ListResources Up
1 0 326 TearDown
1 0 17 TearDown Previous
1 0 287 Test
1 0 291 Up