Kubernetes 24-Hour Test Report


Passed Failed Avg Time (s) Test
0 1 38 [k8s.io] Services should be able to change the type and ports of a service [Slow]
0 1 0 DiffResources
0 1 2434 Test
1 0 172 [k8s.io] Addon update should propagate add-on file changes [Slow]
1 0 217 [k8s.io] Dynamic provisioning [k8s.io] DynamicProvisioner Alpha should create and delete alpha persistent volumes [Slow]
1 0 227 [k8s.io] Dynamic provisioning [k8s.io] DynamicProvisioner should create and delete persistent volumes [Slow]
1 0 68 [k8s.io] Networking [k8s.io] Granular Checks: Services [Slow] should function for endpoint-Service: http
1 0 68 [k8s.io] Networking [k8s.io] Granular Checks: Services [Slow] should function for endpoint-Service: udp
1 0 66 [k8s.io] Networking [k8s.io] Granular Checks: Services [Slow] should function for node-Service: http
1 0 83 [k8s.io] Networking [k8s.io] Granular Checks: Services [Slow] should function for node-Service: udp
1 0 66 [k8s.io] Networking [k8s.io] Granular Checks: Services [Slow] should function for pod-Service: http
1 0 63 [k8s.io] Networking [k8s.io] Granular Checks: Services [Slow] should function for pod-Service: udp
1 0 89 [k8s.io] Networking [k8s.io] Granular Checks: Services [Slow] should update endpoints: http
1 0 90 [k8s.io] Networking [k8s.io] Granular Checks: Services [Slow] should update endpoints: udp
1 0 112 [k8s.io] Networking [k8s.io] Granular Checks: Services [Slow] should update nodePort: http [Slow]
1 0 234 [k8s.io] Networking [k8s.io] Granular Checks: Services [Slow] should update nodePort: udp [Slow]
1 0 179 [k8s.io] Pod Disks Should schedule a pod w/ a readonly PD on two hosts, then remove both gracefully. [Slow]
1 0 145 [k8s.io] Pod Disks should schedule a pod w/ a readonly PD on two hosts, then remove both ungracefully. [Slow]
1 0 67 [k8s.io] Pod Disks should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD shared between multiple containers, write to PD, delete pod, verify contents, and repeat in rapid succession [Slow]
1 0 152 [k8s.io] Pod Disks Should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD, gracefully remove it, then schedule it on another host [Slow]
1 0 96 [k8s.io] Pod Disks should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD, ungracefully remove it, then schedule it on another host [Slow]
1 0 144 [k8s.io] Pod Disks should schedule a pod w/two RW PDs both mounted to one container, write to PD, verify contents, delete pod, recreate pod, verify contents, and repeat in rapid succession [Slow]
1 0 1645 [k8s.io] Pods should cap back-off at MaxContainerBackOff [Slow]
1 0 409 [k8s.io] Pods should have their auto-restart back-off timer reset on image update [Slow]
1 0 128 [k8s.io] Probing container should have monotonically increasing restart count [Conformance] [Slow]
1 0 306 [k8s.io] ScheduledJob should not schedule jobs when suspended [Slow]
1 0 359 [k8s.io] ScheduledJob should not schedule new jobs when ForbidConcurrent [Slow]
1 0 81 [k8s.io] Services should only allow access from service loadbalancer source ranges [Slow]
1 0 0 Deferred TearDown
1 0 15 DumpClusterLogs
1 0 37 Extract
1 0 0 get kubeconfig
1 0 1 IsUp
1 0 0 kubectl version
1 0 1 list nodes
1 0 10 ListResources After
1 0 8 ListResources Before
1 0 13 ListResources Down
1 0 14 ListResources Up
1 0 284 TearDown
1 0 27 TearDown Previous
1 0 292 Up