Kubernetes 24-Hour Test Report


Passed Failed Avg Time (s) Test
12 0 33 [k8s.io] Container Manager Misc [Serial] Validate OOM score adjustments once the node is setup pod infra containers oom-score-adj should be -998 and best effort container's should be 1000
12 0 26 [k8s.io] Container Manager Misc [Serial] Validate OOM score adjustments once the node is setup burstable container's oom-score-adj should be between [2, 1000)
12 0 8 [k8s.io] Container Manager Misc [Serial] Validate OOM score adjustments once the node is setup docker daemon's oom-score-adj should be -999
12 0 27 [k8s.io] Container Manager Misc [Serial] Validate OOM score adjustments once the node is setup guaranteed container's oom-score-adj should be -998
12 0 8 [k8s.io] Container Manager Misc [Serial] Validate OOM score adjustments once the node is setup Kubelet's oom-score-adj should be -999
12 0 86 [k8s.io] CriticalPod [Serial] [Disruptive] when we need to admit a critical pod should be able to create and delete a critical pod
12 0 112 [k8s.io] Density [Serial] [Slow] create a batch of pods latency/resource should be within limit when create 10 pods with 0s interval
12 0 218 [k8s.io] Density [Serial] [Slow] create a sequence of pods latency/resource should be within limit when create 10 pods with 50 background pods
12 0 69 [k8s.io] DynamicKubeletConfiguration [Feature:DynamicKubeletConfig] [Serial] [Disruptive] When a configmap called `kubelet-{node-name}` is added to the `kube-system` namespace The Kubelet on that node should restart to take up the new config
12 0 202 [k8s.io] GarbageCollect [Serial] Garbage Collection Test: Many Pods with Many Restarting Containers Should eventually garbage collect containers when we exceed the number of dead containers per container
12 0 176 [k8s.io] GarbageCollect [Serial] Garbage Collection Test: Many Restarting Containers Should eventually garbage collect containers when we exceed the number of dead containers per container
12 0 80 [k8s.io] GarbageCollect [Serial] Garbage Collection Test: One Non-restarting Container Should eventually garbage collect containers when we exceed the number of dead containers per container
12 0 1478 [k8s.io] MemoryEviction [Slow] [Serial] [Disruptive] when there is memory pressure should evict pods in the correct order (besteffort first, then burstable, then guaranteed)
12 0 68 [k8s.io] Node Container Manager [Serial] Validate Node Allocatable set's up the node and runs the test
12 0 664 [k8s.io] Resource-usage [Serial] [Slow] regular resource usage tracking resource tracking for 10 pods per node
12 0 503 [k8s.io] Restart [Serial] [Slow] [Disruptive] Docker Daemon Network should recover from ip leak