Kubernetes 24-Hour Test Report


Passed Failed Avg Time (s) Test
1 0 237 [k8s.io] Reboot [Disruptive] [Feature:Reboot] each node by dropping all inbound packets for a while and ensure they function afterwards
1 0 169 [k8s.io] Reboot [Disruptive] [Feature:Reboot] each node by dropping all outbound packets for a while and ensure they function afterwards
1 0 103 [k8s.io] Reboot [Disruptive] [Feature:Reboot] each node by ordering clean reboot and ensure they function upon restart
1 0 108 [k8s.io] Reboot [Disruptive] [Feature:Reboot] each node by ordering unclean reboot and ensure they function upon restart
1 0 179 [k8s.io] Reboot [Disruptive] [Feature:Reboot] each node by switching off the network interface and ensure they function upon switch on
1 0 121 [k8s.io] Reboot [Disruptive] [Feature:Reboot] each node by triggering kernel panic and ensure they function upon restart
1 0 0 Deferred TearDown
1 0 0 DiffResources
1 0 27 Extract
1 0 0 get kubeconfig
1 0 0 IsUp
1 0 0 kubectl version
1 0 0 list nodes
1 0 6 ListResources After
1 0 6 ListResources Before
1 0 6 ListResources Down
1 0 7 ListResources Up
1 0 294 TearDown
1 0 17 TearDown Previous
1 0 1096 Test
1 0 260 Up