Kubernetes 24-Hour Test Report


Passed Failed Avg Time (s) Test
1 0 589 [k8s.io] Density [Feature:Performance] should allow starting 30 pods per node using { ReplicationController} with 0 secrets and 0 daemons
1 0 946 [k8s.io] Load capacity [Feature:Performance] should be able to handle 30 pods per node { ReplicationController} with 0 secrets and 0 daemons
1 0 0 Deferred TearDown
1 0 38 Extract
1 0 0 get kubeconfig
1 0 0 IsUp
1 0 0 kubectl version
1 0 1 list nodes
1 0 297 TearDown
1 0 17 TearDown Previous
1 0 1799 Test
1 0 276 Up