Kubernetes 24-Hour Test Report


Passed Failed Avg Time (s) Test
0 2 56 [k8s.io] kubelet [k8s.io] host cleanup with volume mounts [Volume][HostCleanup][Flaky] Host cleanup after disrupting NFS volume [NFS] move NFS client pod's UID directory then delete pod
0 2 268 [k8s.io] PersistentVolumes [Volume][Disruptive][Flaky] when kubelet restarts Should test that a file written to the mount before kubelet restart can be read after restart.
0 2 263 [k8s.io] PersistentVolumes [Volume][Disruptive][Flaky] when kubelet restarts Should test that a volume mounted to a pod that is deleted while the kubelet is down unmounts when the kubelet returns.
0 2 1304 Test
2 0 199 [k8s.io] kubelet [k8s.io] host cleanup with volume mounts [Volume][HostCleanup][Flaky] Host cleanup after disrupting NFS volume [NFS] after stopping the nfs-server and deleting the (active) client pod, the NFS mount and the pod's UID directory should be removed.
2 0 198 [k8s.io] kubelet [k8s.io] host cleanup with volume mounts [Volume][HostCleanup][Flaky] Host cleanup after disrupting NFS volume [NFS] after stopping the nfs-server and deleting the (sleeping) client pod, the NFS mount and the pod's UID directory should be removed.
2 0 21 [k8s.io] Pods Extended [k8s.io] Delete Grace Period should be submitted and removed [Conformance] [Flaky]
2 0 74 [k8s.io] Volumes [Volume] [k8s.io] PD should be mountable [Flaky]
2 0 0 Deferred TearDown
2 0 0 DiffResources
2 0 41 DumpClusterLogs
2 0 17 Extract
2 0 0 get kubeconfig
2 0 0 IsUp
2 0 0 kubectl version
2 0 0 list nodes
2 0 7 ListResources After
2 0 7 ListResources Before
2 0 10 ListResources Down
2 0 9 ListResources Up
2 0 388 TearDown
2 0 18 TearDown Previous
2 0 40 ThirdParty resources [Flaky] [Disruptive] Simple Third Party creating/deleting thirdparty objects works [Conformance]
2 0 364 Up