Kubernetes 24-Hour Test Report


Passed Failed Avg Time (s) Test
36 0 652 [k8s.io] Resource-usage [Serial] [Slow] regular resource usage tracking resource tracking for 0 pods per node [Benchmark]
36 0 878 [k8s.io] Resource-usage [Serial] [Slow] regular resource usage tracking resource tracking for 105 pods per node [Benchmark]
36 0 718 [k8s.io] Resource-usage [Serial] [Slow] regular resource usage tracking resource tracking for 35 pods per node [Benchmark]
24 0 304 [k8s.io] Density [Serial] [Slow] create a batch of pods latency/resource should be within limit when create 105 pods with 0s interval [Benchmark]
12 0 323 [k8s.io] Density [Serial] [Slow] create a batch of pods latency/resource should be within limit when create 105 pods with 100ms interval [Benchmark]
12 0 153 [k8s.io] Density [Serial] [Slow] create a batch of pods latency/resource should be within limit when create 35 pods with 0s interval [Benchmark]
12 0 248 [k8s.io] Density [Serial] [Slow] create a batch of pods with higher API QPS latency/resource should be within limit when create 105 pods with 0s interval (QPS 60) [Benchmark]