Your webbrowser has tried to access an Internet website that is used for distribution of sexual child abuse material. Distribution is punishable according to Swedish legisltation.

16 Kap 10a§ Brottsbalken.

If you are the domain owner and wish to make a complaint about blocked online content issues, please read information provided here.

In case you have any objections against the blocking of this Internet website, do not hesitate to contact the Child Protection Team at the Swedish National Bureau of Investigation at.

For further information visit

Please report sexual abuse against children to the
Swedish National Bureau of Investigation!

Swedish National Bureau of Investigation and the Internet Service Providers working together against the abuse of children on the Internet.

Are you worried about, or have you lost control of your sexuality? Do you fell anxiety about thoughts and actions or are afraid to cause yourself or anyone else any harm? At PrevenTell, the helpline at unwanted sexuality, you´ll get the opportunity to anonymously talk to a professional with extensive experience in simular matters.

Our goal is for you to find help and treatment in time. Behind PrevenTell is the Centre for Andrology and sexual medicine at Karlolinska University Hospital.

Welcome to for more information or call