<p style="color:green"> <b> This is base element for all type of reports [ONLINE and SCHEDULE]. Few elements explained below: </b><br /><br /> <b>"reportType":</b> This identifies which report user wants to generate. The report type enumeration includes:<br /> <br /> [DEVICE_DETAIL,TRAFFIC_DETAIL,TRAFFIC_COST_SUMMARY,DEVICE_DAILY_TRAFFIC_USAGE,DEVICE_STATUS_ACTIVITY ,DEVICE_TRAFFIC_USAGE,DEVICE_SUMMARY,TRAFFIC_SUMMARY_TREND,COST_SUMMARY_TREND,DEVICE_SUMMARY_TREND]<br /> <b>"groupBy":</b> This works as a normal group by clause. The generated report is grouped on user provided value (column name).<br /><br /> <b>"onBehalfOf":</b> This is used when Master Account is trying to generate a report for a child account (sub-account). Child account ID should be provided.<br /><br /> <b>"product":</b> It specifies product for which user wants to generate report. ANY value can be provided if user wishes not to specify any specific product.<br /><br /> Product enumeration includes: [CDMA, CDMACC, GLOBALSIM, COVERAGESIM, AERCLOUD, ANY]<br /> <b>"isReportPreview":</b> This should be true for ONLINE and false for SCHEDULE reports.<br /><br /> <b>"reportOnHierarchy":</b> if true will return report for all the accounts in the hierarchy.<br /><br /> <b>"allDevices":</b> if true will return report for all devices ignoring any device filters.<br /><br /> <b>"visibleToSubAccount":</b> if true will return report should be visible to sub-account else false.<br /><br /> <b>"reportGroup":</b> This is obsolete and instead filters with report_group column should be used. This will be removed soon.<br /><br /> <b>"columns":</b> Future purpose.<br /> </p>