Universal Display reported its financial results for Q2 2024, saying its blue PHOLED project takes longer than expected

Universal Display reported its financial results for Q2 2024, saying its blue PHOLED project takes longer than expected

Universal Display reported its financial results for Q2 2024, saying its blue PHOLED project takes longer than expected

Posted by on 2024-08-03

Universal Display Corporation reported its financial results for Q2 2024, with revenues of $159 million (up 8% from Q2 2023 and a net income of $52 million (up from $50 million in Q2 2023). The company ended the quarter with $879 million in cash and equivalents.

UDC RGB PHOLED materials photoUDC says it believes the OLED market's trajectory is robust, and it is raising the lower end of its annual guidance, now saying that its revenues will be in the range of $645 million to $675 million.