Introduction to Burpee Seeds

Burpee Seeds have been an essential part of American gardening for over 150 years! Founded by W. Atlee Burpee in 1876, the company has grown to be one of the largest and most reliable sources of seeds and plants in the country. (Not to mention, they have an incredible selection!)

However, what makes Burpee Seeds so special? Well, for starters, their seeds are open-pollinated, meaning that each seed is bred from its parent plant rather than being genetically modified. This ensures a higher quality product with robust flavors and varieties that can adapt to different climates and soil conditions. Furthermore, Burpee’s commitment to sustainability means that all their products are sourced using renewable energy sources like solar power.

Moreover, Burpee Seeds offer a wide range of options when it comes to purchasing their products: From online shopping through their website or app, to visiting physical stores around the country as well as catalog ordering - there’s something for everyone! Additionally, many of their seeds come with detailed instructions on how best to grow them and tips on how to care for your plants once they start blooming. All these elements guarantee success in growing beautiful plants!

In conclusion, Burpee Seeds provide an excellent way for gardeners of all levels – from beginners just starting out or experienced pros looking for exciting new varieties – to get high-quality seeds backed by decades of expertise. With such a comprehensive selection available alongside helpful advice and support every step of the way – it’s no wonder why so many people turn (or return) to Burpee Seeds year after year!

Origin and History of Burpee Seeds

Burpee Seeds have been around for a long time! Dating back to 1876 when founder W. Atlee Burpee began selling his seeds from his home in Pennsylvania, Burpee has become an iconic brand of garden seed. (It) is now the largest and oldest vegetable and flower seed company in North America.

Given its longevity, it's no surprise that Burpee has enriched not only our gardens but also our culture. Its catalogs have provided generations of gardeners with the help they need to grow beautiful plants and vegetables - something we still do today! Even its name has become synonymous with gardening: when we say "burpees", we are usually referring to a type of exercise.

Moreover, throughout its history, Burpee Seeds has been committed to providing high-quality products while ensuring sustainability and conservation efforts across the industry. It actively conducts research on new varieties of flowers and vegetables that can tolerate various climates, resist pests or diseases and even produce better yields than before. In addition, it focuses on breeding plants that require less water or fertilizer so that gardeners can be more responsible stewards of their environment.

Overall, Burpee Seeds is part of an enduring legacy that helps us cultivate and appreciate nature in all its glory! Their commitment to excellence through innovation provides us with the knowledge necessary to make our gardens thrive - something we should be proud of!

Benefits of Growing Burpee Varieties

Burpee seed varieties are a great choice for any gardener. Not only do they provide beautiful, colorful plants and blooms but they also offer added benefits! For starters, their unique genetics give them the ability to withstand harsh weather conditions such as cold temperatures and drought (which can be a real lifesaver if you live in an area with unpredictable weather). Additionally, many of these varieties are disease resistant, so you won't have to worry about plant diseases taking over your garden. And lastly, Burpee seeds come with an impressive warranty which ensures that if something goes wrong with the product, you'll get a replacement!

Furthermore, growing Burpee varieties can bring more than just aesthetic value to your garden. It's been known to act as natural pest control due to its strong scent which drives away pests such as aphids and mites. Also, it produces plenty of nectar which attracts beneficial insects like bees and butterflies who can help pollinate other nearby plants. Thus enabling them to produce fruit or flowers abundantly! (In fact this is a great way to draw wildlife into your garden too!).

Moreover, these seeds require less maintenance compared to other varieties because they grow fast and don't need frequent watering or fertilizing. Plus the fact that most of these plants are self-pollinating means that you don't have to manually transfer pollen from flower-to-flower – making gardening easier than ever before!

In conclusion, there are many advantages when it comes to growing Burpee seed varieties. They're perfect for those looking for low-maintenance gardening solutions while still enjoying vibrant colors in their gardens! So why not give them a try? You won't regret it!

How to Plant and Grow Burpee Seeds

Burpee Seeds have been a staple of home gardeners for generations. They are known for their hardiness and wide variety of plant varieties. (In fact,) the company was founded in 1876 by W. Atlee Burpee and has been a leading seed producer since then! From vegetables to annuals, perennials and even herbs, they offer something for everyone.

But how do you get started with Burpee seeds? Well, first you need to decide what type of plants you want to grow. There are so many different types of plants available that it can be overwhelming at times - but don't despair! Once you've decided on the plants you'd like to grow, it's time to select your seeds accordingly.

Next up is sowing! You will need to prepare the soil before planting your Burpee seeds. This involves removing any large stones or clumps from the area, tilling if necessary and adding fertilizers or amendments if needed. After that is done, simply scatter the seeds over the prepared soil surface and lightly rake them into the dirt (to ensure good contact). If direct sowing outside, cover lightly with soil and water frequency until germination happens - which usually takes about 10 days depending on the type of seed.

For indoor gardening or starting seeds indoors prior to transplanting outside later on, fill small pots with potting mix made specifically for seed starting; this contains nutrients needed for healthy seedlings as well as moisture retention properties which will benefit your newly-planted seeds greatly! Sow your Burpee Seeds once again according to package instructions - typically 3-4 inches apart - and cover lightly with soil before watering gently using a spray bottle or watering can set on low pressure settings; this helps avoid washing away newly planted seeds while ensuring even coverage of moisture throughout each container/pot/tray filled with new seedlings!

Finally(,) once germination occurs (and) your young seedlings are standing tall, be sure to provide adequate sunlight exposure as well as frequent waterings (accordingly). Caring for your new Burpee Seedlings is essential in order for them to flourish(!) If cared for properly they should produce beautiful blooms in no time at all!

Popular Varieties of Burpee Seeds

Burpee Seeds are a popular and beloved brand of garden seeds that have been around since 1876. Founded by W. Atlee Burpee, these seeds have provided gardeners with high-quality vegetables and flowers for generations! They offer a wide variety of different types of products, ranging from vegetable and flower seed packets to live plants. (Including tomatoes, peppers, squash, broccoli, petunias, begonias, and many more.) Not only that but they also provide tools and tips for successful gardening as well.

However one may not be aware of the vast array of Burpee Seed varieties available! There is something for everyone's unique style or skill level. For example there are heat resistant varieties perfect for hot climates; or organic options if you want to go green; or even no-fail mixes in case you're just starting out! Plus there are special collections such as the Heirloom Veggie Collection which offers rare types of veggies from decades past!

Transition: Let's take a look at some popular selections now!

Amongst the hundreds offered by Burpee Seeds are some especially populer ones that have stood the test of time. Two examples include 'Early Girl' Hybrid Tomato which is known for its superior flavor and early ripening fruits; as well as 'Big Boy' Hybrid Tomato which produces large fruits with excellent taste! 'Sweet Million' Cherry Tomatoes promise an abundant harvest throughout the season and are great for salads or snacking on straight off the vine. For those who want beautiful blooms 'Tidal Wave Silver' Petunia produces incredible vibrant silver flowers all summer long! And lastly there is 'Super Sugar Snap Peas', full of sweet peas with edible pods - yum!

Overall Burpee Seeds provides countless options when it comes to selecting your favorite varieties - so get out there and start exploring today!

Caring for your Burpee Plants

Burpee Seeds are an amazing way to add some life and color to your home. They have a long history of providing beauty and nutrition for generations! (Though, there are a few things to keep in mind when caring for your Burpee plants).

First off, make sure you choose the right spot for them. They need plenty of sunlight and adequate drainage so they don't stand in water. Secondly, give them enough water but not too much. If you over-water, it can cause root rot - yikes! Also, be sure to fertilize every few weeks with a slow-release fertilizer; this helps to ensure that your Burpees get all the nutrients they need.

Furthermore, pay attention to any pests or diseases that may appear on your plants. There are many ways to control these problems organically using items such as neem oil or insecticidal soap. But if you see any signs of disease or infestation, it's important to act quickly before it spreads further down the plant! Finally, prune regularly when needed - this encourages healthy growth and keeps your plants looking their best!

In conclusion, taking care of Burpee seeds is relatively easy if you remember these tips: choose the right spot; provide enough but not too much water; use fertilizer every few weeks; watch out for pests/diseases; and prune when necessary. With a bit of time and effort invested upfront, you'll be rewarded with gorgeous blooms in no time at all! Plus(!), who doesn't love seeing their hard work pay off?

Common Problems with Growing Burpee Plants

Burpee seeds have been a part of American gardening culture since 1876, when W. Atlee Burpee founded the seed and plant company that still bears his name. Despite their long history, there are still some common problems people experience when growing Burpee plants. Firstly, (as) it's important to know what kind of soil you're working with in order to prevent nutrient deficiencies or imbalances. Poor drainage can also be an issue; if your soil is too wet, root rot and other fungal diseases may occur! Additionally, many gardeners forget to check for pests before planting – aphids and spider mites can really destroy a crop! And lastly, improper watering techniques can lead to stunted growth or even death of the plant.

Nevertheless, with the right knowledge and preparation, these issues can be avoided. The best way to start is by researching the specific variety of Burpee seed you're thinking about planting – each type has different requirements for soil composition and water levels! Additionally, make sure to check your plants regularly throughout the season so you can catch any potential problems early on. Finally(,) don't forget that sometimes Mother Nature throws us curveballs – extreme temperatures or sudden storms can cause unexpected damage regardless of how much care we take! All in all(,) with enough patience and care these common problems won't stand in your way of creating a beautiful flower bed full of Burpee plants!


Burpee seeds are an integral part of gardening history! First introduced in 1876 by W. Atlee Burpee, the company has gone on to become a major player in the seed industry. (In fact,) it is one of the oldest seed companies in North America today.

The secret to Burpee's success lies in its dedication to providing superior quality products and stellar customer service. They offer a wide selection of heirloom and hybrid vegetable, herb, flower, and cover crop seeds for both home gardeners and commercial growers alike. Not only that but they also provide helpful information on growing conditions and planting tips as well as advice on garden design.

Furthermore, Burpee also offers a money back guarantee with all of their products - so you can have peace-of-mind when ordering from them! Additionally, they have recently added organic options to their already extensive selection of seeds which makes them even more appealing to customers looking for sustainable choices.

In conclusion, Burpee's commitment to quality and innovation has enabled them to remain one of the leading seed providers for over 140 years now! Their top-notch product offerings and superb customer service make them an ideal choice for anyone looking to grow their own food or flowers at home or commercially. Moreover, their money back guarentee ensures that you will never be dissatisfied with your purchase - making them an even better option when it comes time to select your next set of seeds! All in all, it is clear why so many people turn to Burpee when searching for quality seeds; there simply isn't another option that can compare!