[21:57:26] alright alright alright [21:57:29] How is everybody? [21:57:42] wow its matthew mcconaugughy [21:57:49] Yes murph [21:57:56] Now I have to go discover the secrets of the universe [21:57:58] uuaauuuuuuuu [21:58:16] snrk [21:58:18] Raptor1628 have to go to a concert. Be late by two hours if its still going by then. [21:58:24] yeah yeah [21:58:27] have a good time [21:58:31] Oh totally [21:58:36] Gonna be so much fun [21:58:40] Nerd [21:58:42] This is first time playing this piece for me [21:58:43] so [21:58:45] :o [21:58:47] why dont you do proper nerd stuff [21:58:48] Apples 4 lyfe [21:58:53] also gotta go [21:58:54] what's the plan on management stuff for this meeting [21:58:56] Bye~ [21:59:25] *** Joins: mkalash (mkalash@mustafa.kalash) [21:59:29] also like i said in thread i'm here but my internet drops all the time atm so i may be quiet [21:59:37] we'll see [21:59:53] trying to light the beacons and get everyone in here [22:00:10] * Paradoxon warbles. [22:00:16] are we gonna have everyone talking or should i be poking the bot to make it work with the !request/!release stuff [22:00:35] eh.... [22:00:40] I think we're good without a talking stick [22:00:43] sure [22:00:45] if we need it later, we can turn it on [22:00:47] *nod [22:00:57] *checks the roster [22:01:08] turning it on would require an op though [22:01:14] which we... uh... don't appear to have [22:01:23] I remember that bot [22:01:26] and the channel's not registered, so [22:01:29] I couldn't be bothered to do more than read with it around [22:01:48] mm, i thought it slowed stuff down quite a bit, yeah [22:01:58] And back [22:02:06] anyway, anyone in contact with welp or snapwalk that can get their butts in here? [22:02:17] I am here :U [22:02:24] :o [22:02:45] Need to grow a bigger butt so Raptor1628 can spot it [22:02:51] wao [22:03:04] or borrrow one from someone else [22:03:04] I think that your butt is just fine, Welp. [22:03:10] oh, you were greyed so I thought you were AFK [22:03:18] alright, I'm going to be riight back [22:03:46] Windows 10 is really bad at 4k :| [22:03:58] yes it is [22:04:07] There is a choice [22:04:07] thats why i have my laptop set to half native [22:04:09] You have a 4K screen? [22:04:09] :( [22:04:34] And i thought my 2 1920x1080 screens i have at home were an overkill [22:04:57] It is between choosing to have everything 1:1 tiny, or to have inconsistent shitty scaling with a mouse cursor that looks like it's from literally 3.1 [22:04:57] i wouldn't ever say that is overkill but yh [22:05:02] oh man [22:05:04] the scaling is so bad [22:05:08] ugh [22:05:14] * GinjaNinja32 1080p + 1440x900 :v [22:05:22] i just set mine to half 4k and it looks fine even if it's a bit lower than i'd like [22:05:27] anything else looks whack [22:05:38] Isn't that just [22:05:41] 1080p [22:05:44] *** Joins: HarpyEagle (HarpyEagle@sorcery-2ogde8.dynamic.uwaterloo.ca) [22:05:49] hokay, back, the head was beckoning [22:05:53] I wonder why Microsoft keeps failing at getting the DPI stuff, etc. right [22:05:54] you people and your high rez screens [22:06:08] anyway, think this is who we'll have, let me just take a note [22:06:14] how's everybody doing? [22:06:20] Not dead yet [22:06:21] Been better [22:06:33] My head hurts. [22:06:46] I can't handle this, I'm going back to tiny mode. [22:07:01] Good [22:07:01] man, everybody's fucked up today [22:07:19] :/ [22:07:38] My think got cancelled because it snowed even after they were like "Pfffft, snow, probably won't cancel" [22:08:05] Alright, got a roster together, let's get this ball rolling [22:08:24] On the bright side [22:08:29] It's sunny out today [22:08:36] yeah, when it's not snowing... [22:08:39] My condolences, HarpyEagle [22:08:43] Anyway, first, small stuff [22:09:19] Anybody have comments, questions, concerns, complaints, bitches, congratulations for something done last month? [22:09:35] Population's rising. [22:10:32] Everyone thank Snapshot for stepping up and taking over Mordeth's position on short notice [22:10:59] And in case anyone else noticed that, PapaDrow and Za_Redman retired and were retired respectively for inactivity [22:11:53] We'll save the debate on a new map for last, because it'll probably take the most time, so first on the agenda is... [22:12:31] Polaris Ports, how much is too much? Is there anything else major we need to port? Should there be some control for porting things that might be a little too weird for Bay? [22:13:15] I dunno. I don't feel like is a super big deal to port a few of their stuff. [22:13:18] IMO if it wouldn't be accepted as a bay-first feature it shouldn't be accepted as a port, anything else... meh. standard PR controls. [22:13:27] Yeah. [22:13:37] Pretty much what Ginja said. [22:13:44] Ginja basically summarized the whole thing, yeah. [22:13:48] Things have been fine so far in that regard. [22:13:48] treat ports the same as any other PR, basically [22:13:53] For example, they just did something with making ponchos for each department, down to armor and rad protection, and another with little pink lunchboxes [22:14:15] I know we're not spr srs, but they're definitely making a lot of stuff for a more residential feel [22:14:27] that's more what I'm getting at, not something like uh...that dark click port [22:14:42] I could see the lunchboxes around. Ponchos... Yeah, might be too much. [22:14:45] I think we have a lunchbox port up? [22:14:49] Yeah, I'm with Paradoxon [22:14:53] Yeah we have lunchboxes up [22:14:57] Lunchboxes make sense to me in the Exodus setting, so I wouldn't have any issue with that [22:15:02] *** Quits: spookerton (spookerton@fluffy.wambler) (Connection closed) [22:15:04] Dunno about ponchos [22:15:04] I have generally focused on content PRs that fit more or less into the current station map [22:15:07] we do have a lunchbox port up, yeah [22:15:19] *** Joins: spookerton (spookerton@fluffy.wambler) [22:15:24] Lunchboxe have thus been ported, casual clothing, ponchos, and the like haven't [22:15:32] I mostly agree with Paradox. While some things may be nice, it should probably be regulated. The fact that polaris has it doesn't mean we have to have it too [22:15:46] I see they're axing tcomms. I wouldn't be opposed to that. [22:16:02] That PR's been up forever [22:16:07] T-coms would be very much simplified in my current say PR [22:16:16] I don't think Tcomms should be axed. Just, be made more accessible. Having it hidden behind a super-regulated teleporter... Meh. [22:16:20] And that's a pretty big thing to axe [22:16:39] About telecommunications, i think completely axing them is a bad idea. Instead, the system should be tweaked, simplified, and should actually motivate people to tinker with it [22:16:41] I don't like the way they're doing it, anyway. [22:16:46] I guess I'm more for simplifying it a ton [22:16:56] It's unnecessarily bulky, especially since it's never used. [22:17:07] If we axe TComms we could axe nscript or whatever its called [22:17:12] I'm not against adding things like their casual clothes or whatever, just wondering what staff opinion was on it, this cropped up from a dsay debate [22:17:13] What happened to Loganbacca's networking system? [22:17:13] To shed a little light on that- it's one of Kelenius' PRs that's intended to (afaik) basically replace the existing idea of lots of interacting machines with a single magic black box that does the same tasks without all of the signalling. [22:17:21] Scripting is already disabled [22:18:03] Alright, so looks like that's not a huge issue, I'm definitely in the "change, don't remove" camp for telecomms, but I'll leave that up to our devs [22:18:16] yeah, NTSL has been gone for aaaaaages [22:18:28] My rewrite would keep the T-com machines but they wouldn't be the crazy implementation they are now [22:18:39] The current code is unmaintainable [22:18:46] Definitely a start. [22:19:06] Didn't Loganbacca come up with something to replace the packet system? [22:19:12] wireless connections or something [22:19:26] There is a simple system for sending packages between things, yes [22:19:38] NTSL is really an overkill in terms of complexity. There should be some basic logic like servers dropping messages if they contain "X", but not something that requires you to code, which is something most players don't have skills in. [22:20:06] I could live with some coding, the main issue is how the server can be killed with a basic while-loop [22:20:09] Next up is a topic suggested by ThatOneGuy as part of his work on Lore, he's been working on implementing Khaarmani both in lore and in the game, as well as another antag race, both of which would be admin only, to be used for events or other things along those lines. TOG wanted to know what the staff feeling on event-only antag races was. [22:20:28] I think it was a system to basically abstract proc calls between objects, so you could directly call stuff on some other objects instead of passing datums around [22:20:50] That would be cool [22:20:58] *** Joins: simpleirc (simpleirc@sorcery-g6nen6.a077.mov5.100c.2600.IP) [22:21:05] I'd be for it. [22:21:09] Personally I don't think it's a problem, it keeps some races from getting too casual like Vox did [22:21:16] and keeps some sense of mystery [22:21:17] Yeah. [22:21:21] Oh, before we get too far away from the last topic [22:21:28] Fine with me, but I'd be wary of spending too much time on fleshing them out. A framework's more useful than rails. [22:21:31] The problem with Vox is that it required whitelist for their specific gamemode [22:21:33] Lore could use some expansion with races which are not station races [22:21:51] actually nvm [22:21:55] And nobody would have the whitelist so it was never played. If its admin only that shouldnt be a problem. [22:22:00] Which is why I think the idea was, grab staff and players, fill them in on specific lore if they need it [22:22:15] which lets us have a bit more influence over quality and adherence to lore [22:22:23] I wish TOG was here to go over this in more detail, but that's life. [22:22:23] So basically the way old heist worked with vox, except admin-chosen rather than rng. [22:22:24] indeed that was the plan [22:22:24] I'm totally for it. I miss antag-only species like the Vox used to be. A few monthes ago, I was actually working on revamping a part of the skrellian lore with that idea in mind (before the Resomi were announced) [22:22:34] im here actually. on phone. [22:22:44] *** simpleirc is now known as TOGphone [22:22:46] oh that's who that is [22:22:47] Fantastic [22:22:48] i was wondering [22:23:03] TOG, take it away [22:23:19] I'm here now. Missed the first 10 minutes but I'm caught up now [22:23:44] *** Joins: Ravensdale (Raven@sorcery-i7urt5.dial.eltopia.net) [22:24:11] whoopsy lol. alright the idea with species, specifically the idea i had, kharmaan, and probably any new species we add to the game would be event only [22:24:12] I mean i'd be for people playing Vox unwhitelisted if I didn't already know they'd just turn into clowns. [22:24:35] On that subject, well, since I was talking about it [22:24:52] I still have my Ka'merr stuff written somewhere [22:24:55] whitelists are useless for stuff like that so who ever is putting them in round just grabs staff and players and fill them in on what they need [22:25:33] The advantage with that antag-only species is that it would be tied to the skrellian whitelist, not some obscure whitelist that nobody would ever apply for [22:25:36] wouldnt even have a fully super detailed thing like the other species since they're not crew [22:26:27] I'm against the idea of whitelisting antag anything. [22:26:35] agreed [22:26:41] It's just something we would grab players for [22:27:07] *** Quits: spookerton (spookerton@fluffy.wambler) (Connection closed) [22:27:13] Well, I was looking for the thread I made at the time, but: [22:27:17] Imo create a brief synopsis/lore post for. If you need them, recruit players and throw them in bodies [22:27:32] And tell them to use AOOC if they have any questions [22:27:52] *** Joins: spookerton (spookerton@fluffy.wambler) [22:27:57] And then toss them a lore post to read in the first couple of minutes of a round. [22:28:03] No major complaints or concerns? Looks like you've got the green light TOG. [22:28:13] Anyone got a last word on that? [22:28:14] Eh [22:28:23] It was just basically aspecies available for Heist round, so it wasn't for their own specific gamemode or whatever, so tying them to the skrellian whitelist didn't seem an issue to me [22:28:27] I'd rather have a brief synopsis that pops up, or a boo to read. Something in-game [22:28:30] But, yeah, ToG's plans, totally for it [22:28:36] instead of 'here, go to this wiki page/forum thread to read all you want' [22:28:42] book* [22:28:43] We can have both [22:29:26] When you grab the players for the event, you probably want to set their antag status anyways [22:29:28] We can make a race entry on them [22:29:30] In game [22:29:31] What distinguishes ka'ammer or whatever from Skrell, but isn't distinctive enough to warrant a separate whitelist? [22:29:36] Just nobody would be able to select them [22:29:40] That will give them a blurb that someone can write [22:29:48] *** Joins: TOG (TOGphone@sorcery-q42kgf.6614.aegr.100c.2600.IP) [22:30:15] Because they're absolutely not Skrell :o They're the neanderthal pseudo-raptors that just happen to live on Qerr'balak too, and have a long history of being legally and illegally enslaved [22:30:36] And you want to tie them to the Skrell whitelist? [22:30:37] *** Quits: TOGphone (simpleirc@sorcery-g6nen6.a077.mov5.100c.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [22:30:50] But, not the topic, I thought I'd just mention it while we were on the topic of antag stuff. Should probably finish writing their stuff. [22:30:52] What, are we talking about resomi now? [22:31:09] No pseudo raptors from skrell [22:31:18] Resomis are the reason why I dropped them at the time. Zuhayr announced them like, two days after my own thread. [22:31:38] Ah, right, now I remember [22:32:05] The answer, in any case Para, is seeing as event-only antags are alright, if you'd like to make a race like that, go right ahead. [22:32:06] Yeah. Somehow those two got mixed together in my mind. TBH I'm not really a fan of the current resomi lore, so that probably helped [22:32:19] Anyone have anything new before we get too off track? [22:32:27] Tying them with the skrell whitelist makes a lot of sense, because they're deeply entangled with the Skrell's history, so I expect the whitelisted to know about them. Anyway. [22:32:32] I like the idea of an antag-only alien species [22:32:42] Ala xenomorph [22:32:42] Why are you needing a whitelist if they are event only? [22:33:01] as long as they will never go the way of the Vox and become crew as well. [22:33:07] Because what I'm talking about is not event only, it's an optional thing for Heist. [22:33:08] We really wouldn't...I think that was just para's idea for implementation before we talked about this [22:33:42] Basically, whitelisted for Skrell would have the possibility of playing Ka'merr rather than Skrell as Heisters. That's all. [22:33:49] Heist is a pretty different debate, and all I could see whitelisted species for heist leading to is the current situation for vox [22:33:53] But we're drifiting. [22:33:58] (so basically the same as vox in heist are alternate) [22:34:26] The issue with Vox is that they were the only species allowed in Heist at the time. What I'm suggesting is totally different. [22:34:31] Yeah [22:34:46] No, you're suggesting the way vox work currently [22:34:50] No as in, /right now/ vox in heist are not the same vox as station vox. [22:34:50] where if you have their whitelist [22:35:01] you can play the antag vox [22:35:01] I think having species that are antagonist only would be pretty cool actually as long as they aren't restricted to just one gamemode. [22:35:06] Vox: Species tied to their own whitelist for their own gamemode. Ka'merr : Optional species for the skrell whitelisted for Heist rounds along the normal Heisters. [22:35:23] You haven't played heist in a very long time, have you :p [22:35:34] 'their own gamemode' being... Heist? [22:35:51] Sofar the Bogani are antag only and meant for events as if they have a gamemode theyll get overplayed and old quick [22:36:05] game modes with species get older faster than crew species [22:36:06] bogani [22:36:21] Raaah, yeah, we need a stick because this is getting confused. No, I'm talking about "old Vox" here. Yes, they would work like "modern Vox", except that there's still a pretty big gap between Skrell and Ka'merr, compared to Vox Pariah and Vox Raider. [22:36:25] Also I think event-only species seems like a good compromise to a whitelist as event-only necessarily means they'll have admin supervision I guess [22:36:26] Anyway. [22:36:32] Anyway, we're getting fairly off track [22:36:38] indeed we are [22:36:42] spook idea thing [22:37:08] Event only antag can work. [22:37:10] Next topic was one I was going to throw up on the forums, but figured I could get more of a response here [22:38:44] A lot of our retired admins still kick around on the forums a good deal, the idea was brought up that Retired Staff that wanted the title would be given a custom title on the forums, no big colored banner, showing up in the staff bar or anything, just "Retired Staff" instead of a job based on their post count, and with that rank they would be able to post in the public staff forum, the way retmins could on the old forums [22:39:04] They wouldn't have access to the private forums, or any authority, but they could speak their mind on goings on and public staff topics [22:39:26] I'm looking to avoid any power creep on retmins, but the suggestion did have some merit [22:40:14] What does having retired staff posting on public staff forum topics add to the discussions that happen there? [22:40:27] Not in a negative sense, I just mean as a motive for doing it. [22:40:50] Experience mostly, community investment, and a bit of wisdom from some folks [22:40:53] they have knowledge, they've staffed before, and often have useful opinions. [22:41:01] More voices from people with experience. [22:41:05] Wouldn't see an issue with it. At worst, if someone abuses it, we take it from them and that's it. Retired mins could shed some light on stuff more recent staff don't know about/understand [22:41:45] A retired with honors title is what staff for another game/forum get, and it works well there [22:41:58] Indeed. (also getting off shortly bit will be back) [22:42:14] I get the general sentiment, but most pre-decision chatter happens in the private forums. Primarily, unless I'm missing something, most of the discussion that happens in the public forums is stuff like roll calls and announcements. [22:43:00] Which positions retired admins more as commentators than involved people. [22:43:24] Spook, how much have you been looking at the staff forums lately? [22:43:32] On and off ¬¬; [22:43:47] the only policy discussion we've had on the private forums lately was for ERT guidelines [22:43:51] Which was secret for a reason [22:43:57] Almost everything else has been public [22:44:05] https://baystation12.net/forums/view/psf/ [22:44:44] Eh. I guess I'm thinking more in terms of total topics and posts from a snapshot pov. [22:44:50] Are there any guidelines currently on what we should take to the private forum? It seems like p much everything is in the public forum these days [22:45:36] that'd be important to have. so far all I've seen is admin stuff and the ERT thing but that's all been you Raps [22:45:39] Relevant to retired staff I'm still planning on implementing blue NT badges for retired staff in game. [22:45:47] sweet [22:45:53] cool [22:46:02] I swear I wrote that somewhere [22:46:10] *** Quits: TOG (TOGphone@sorcery-q42kgf.6614.aegr.100c.2600.IP) (Connection closed) [22:46:18] To staff wondering if their topic belongs in this forum, currently anything relating to Lore, Non-Confidential Staff Policy, Gameplay, or Server Direction will be posted here. Anything else will be kept private at the OP's discretion. [22:46:22] Citation from https://baystation12.net/forums/threads/purpose-of-this-forum.1574/ [22:46:24] Since active staff have name color changes they'll be fine as is. [22:46:31] atlantis beat me to it [22:46:52] Hmm. I guess minuta like Atlantis telling the admins about a new verb seems like a good example of something that belongs in the private forum [22:47:14] Ah [22:47:14] *** Joins: Mordeth221 (Mordeth221@Mordeth.Mordekaiser) [22:47:38] Thanks Atlantis [22:47:54] *** Quits: Mordeth221 (Mordeth221@Mordeth.Mordekaiser) (Connection closed) [22:48:11] *** Joins: Mordeth221 (Mordeth221@Mordeth.Mordekaiser) [22:49:01] yeah [22:49:03] Hey Mordie [22:49:11] We were actually just talking about you [22:49:15] And all retired mins for that matter [22:49:32] *** Joins: TOG (simpleirc@sorcery-q42kgf.6614.aegr.100c.2600.IP) [22:49:35] Okay, any major complaints with that? I'll probably open it to anyone retired in the last 6 months or so off the bat. [22:49:45] sounds good to me [22:49:54] No problem with it. [22:49:54] I feel comfortable with that. [22:50:01] Is good [22:50:25] Yeah it's good [22:50:53] Alright, what's next [22:51:08] Oh, maintenance drones [22:51:12] Paradox, you want to take this one? [22:51:26] Well, uh, I didn't really expect that to come up, but, alright [22:51:27] Whats the deal with maintdrones? [22:51:39] It's not even that big an issue, just a remark I made yesterday or the day before. [22:52:02] mhmm [22:52:26] Well, I was just talking about the fact that maint drones were initially designed to just be a way to pass the time in another way than mouse or ghost during a round [22:52:29] There was concern among a few staff members and players that the scope of maintenance drones has gone too far. The incident that triggered it was one ejecting the SM. While they shouldn't be impacting the round much, the concern was that stopping a delam was a pretty serious impact [22:52:43] *** Quits: TOG (simpleirc@sorcery-q42kgf.6614.aegr.100c.2600.IP) (Connection closed) [22:52:49] Well, go ahead Raptor. [22:53:06] I mean, we could just allow construction drones [22:53:25] Also unrelated but I have a comment to make at the end of the meeting assuming my battery doesn't die by then. [22:53:42] I think the problem with drones is that they have way too many available tools right now. In fact, a drone is better in some aspects than an engineering cyborg. [22:54:04] How so? [22:54:32] mobility, able to hide. [22:54:41] Generally ignored [22:54:56] On the other side, they do have much smaller reserves of material [22:55:08] They also dont have to listen to the crew [22:55:12] And they physically cannot move most large stuff [22:55:19] And they can jump in disposals to get to anywhere fast. [22:55:26] Unless it got fixed, they can. [22:55:30] They can only move objects marked as tiny or whitelisted larger objects. [22:55:31] Well, they are basically law bound to ignore everyone so there's little reason not to ignore them in turn unless they act out of place [22:55:31] They can't pull, but they can push canisters [22:55:59] Pushing may need looking at [22:56:36] To be specific, just from briefly looking at their code. Engiborgs don't have sheet loader to fill lathes and they don't have wood or plastic in terms of resources. [22:56:40] Anyway, I'm fond of the little drons myself, but may be one who can be seen as one who abuses their mechanics as well. [22:56:46] Drones have those. Among other tools. [22:56:48] Well... What exactly are we trying to accomplish with maintenance drones? [22:57:10] Let's look at what we generally want first, and determine if their current build fits what we want. [22:57:16] Cyborgs can also ask crew to man those things, drones can't. You know how hard it is to fix an APC if there's no boards, or batteries you can grab? [22:57:23] I think the idea was for a way for people to casually build/repair minor stuff [22:57:24] man the lathes* [22:57:28] And yeah [22:57:37] Drones are useful for fixing things. [22:58:01] And allowing you to stay out of the round. What I enjoyed about drone is no one even gave me a second glance when I randomly stopped moving due to admin things or lagging out [22:58:08] I think as long as they're repairing things not currently being interacted with, having an effect by fixing things is acceptable [22:58:09] And what do we constitute minor? Windows and walls? [22:58:11] try doing that as a crewmember [22:58:16] In my mind, drones were just made to do some small engie/janitorial stuff to pass the time instead of observing. Cleaning hallways, improving chairs and shit. But them becoming the emergency engineering service of the station... Not really a fan. [22:58:22] I think the idea of their extent was like, patching small holes, or rearranging furniture [22:58:29] maintenance drones are pretty much low material capacity engineering cyborgs with a non-interaction clause. They do exist to fix things, but for the most part they're a vehicle for more experienced players to putter around in without needing to engage in the round proper. [22:58:31] I wouldn't mind drones losing the cleaning aspect honestly. [22:58:50] janitors already have hard enough time finding work without drones cleaning all the blood [22:59:06] As paradox said, drones have become too efficient in fixing things. They should be able to do basic repairs, but not fix almost everything. [22:59:31] Station structure obviously. [22:59:32] They really only can do structural stuff assuming they follow laws [22:59:43] The big issue, I think, is their ephemerality (?) [22:59:44] IMO take away their ability to build girders and door frames, and give them an inflatable rack or something. :B [22:59:46] what about wiring/APCI repairs? [22:59:53] And at that they can't do reinforced walls or borosilicate glass [23:00:01] APC* [23:00:07] They can't do APC repairs without a human [23:00:12] Like, the incident Raptor mentioned was basically a ghost seeing the SM delaminating, joining as drone, ejecting the core and going back to ghosting [23:00:27] It'd also be nice if there was a certain level of control of them. Like, ability to input a custom command that is displayed to the drone via the drone control console. Or just expand the existing list of areas you can send them via the ping function. [23:00:34] Also, can we please remove their ability to resist out of being held at will? [23:00:35] They lost their grabber Snapshot? [23:00:45] The grabber can't pick up batteries I thought. [23:00:46] That seems more like an administration issue than necessarily a problem with the role itself para [23:00:54] It could last I checked Snapshot [23:00:57] and HarpyEagle, god no please. [23:01:04] Why? [23:01:11] Yeah, but it needs to be talked about because if we don't make rules on that, then we can't do anything about players doing it [23:01:13] I have enough issues of crewmembers grabbing me and carrying me around for the lulz [23:01:23] I'm running toward a breached area to fix it [23:01:25] Also they have the sheet loader so they can use a lathe. [23:01:35] someone picks me up, and carries me halfway across the station so they can point me to a broken light. [23:01:36] Stay away from crew members then? [23:01:37] * Ravensdale flails. [23:01:37] They have no way of accessing circuit boards without a human or a lathe. [23:01:43] It's part of how drones are supposed to behave [23:01:55] Drones aren't supposed to actively hide crew [23:01:58] Not interacting =/= avoiding [23:02:00] They're supposed to ignore them [23:02:00] I do hate to refer to the don't be a dick clause, but a ghost joining as a drone to eject the engine core and then ghosting again seems like a perfect match :p [23:02:00] Moving drones around is the only way to deal with them when they don't understand the idea of non-interaction [23:02:05] Plus you try avoiding people on dial-up [23:02:16] iirc all synthetics can dispense those basic circuits from EngiVend or whatever is that vendor at engineering called [23:02:21] Nope [23:02:22] Spookerton, they did it to eject a delaminating SM, sorry if I wasn't clear, given Raptor already explained the incident [23:02:29] No it was clear [23:02:30] But [23:02:32] HarpyEagle, the case mentioned *isn't* non-interaction [23:02:34] Drones can't interface with the enginievend [23:02:38] Then it would be an easy solution to the problem [23:02:51] They have code that prevents them with interfacing with most machines. [23:02:59] They joined, affected the round in a silent and major way, and then ghosted. [23:03:10] Whether they saved the station or fucked it, that's a dick move. [23:03:14] Yes and that's something that should be punishable [23:03:25] Acting on OOC information as well ICly [23:03:37] You don't need to punish everyone for the actions of one person. [23:03:53] I think. [23:04:09] Drones should have the 'improve' clause of their laws/directives removed. [23:04:10] Oh, let's just make things clear, I have no intention of punishing anyone nor chaning anything [23:04:13] they're there to fix things. [23:04:16] As it stands now, the problem isn't maintenance drones having access to things like plastic and wood. It's that engine drones don't. [23:04:26] And that's easily fixed. [23:04:41] To maintain things. [23:04:58] Replace broken lights, weld the cracks in the wall. Replace a broken window. Fix cut wiring, etc... [23:05:29] Keep in mind and I will iterate again [23:05:29] It's not even skirting. As described, it's abuse of mechanics. *shrug [23:05:42] Maintenance drones have very little metal [23:05:47] He also the other day explicilty bitched out other engineers [23:05:51] They also can't replace reinforced walls [23:05:55] and told them they should have abused mechanics to do their job -properly [23:05:56] which is lol [23:06:01] but also not relevant sorry [23:06:09] Alright, so we agree that joining for 30 seconds to do something like fix a delaminating engine is a shit, if they were drone for say, most of the round, and ended up fixing it during the process of the round, that's not abuse imo [23:06:19] Basically raptor, ye [23:06:27] Works for me. [23:06:29] Raptor I'll provide a counterpoint. [23:06:34] Yeah, it's a case by case treatment, I guess. [23:06:48] I played as a drone once and spent two hours rebuilding the engine only to fail [23:06:54] Right as the round ended [23:07:23] remove improve clause when [23:07:39] I'd also support removal of the "improve" part [23:07:46] As would I [23:07:52] They can't do much to improve anyway [23:08:05] Well... I guess it wouldn't hurt. [23:08:09] Improve doesn't cover the SM problem [23:08:17] They're /maintenance/ drones, after all. [23:08:19] what would removing improve change? [23:08:26] Pop up floor tiles and replace it with wood flooring? :P [23:08:26] Stop them adding chairs and shit to arrivals? [23:08:27] Personally I've always taken "improve" to mean like, building a layer of rod floor around the outside of the station to make spacewalks safer, rather than replacing the engine though. [23:08:32] Could expand the access system a bit to also include "but if you have this access you're still denied" [23:09:01] I feel were going off track [23:09:05] And give things like the SM vent/ending buttons deny-drone access checks [23:09:21] Drones are players too. I don't see why they need to be gimped [23:09:25] they so rarely cause any issues [23:09:30] To warrant this much debate [23:09:54] The only thing that needs to happen is engie borgs need plastic and wood [23:09:58] :V [23:10:09] Yeh. I think for the most part any issue with drones is mostly administrative; ie they need to be punished for being bad, rather than taking away the toys they were bad with :b [23:10:15] Alright, so for future reference [23:10:18] Ban people for doing that [23:10:24] Ban/warn anyway [23:11:01] I... Don't know? [23:11:07] It does [23:11:11] Oh cool [23:11:12] Not a clue- mordeth :D [23:11:18] i have 184MB of non-zipped logs [23:11:31] (and this isn't #bs12, client is confusing me) [23:11:46] Aight [23:11:49] Next topic [23:12:02] Reesleeving port, I personally like the idea [23:12:08] But it definitely warrants some discussion [23:12:13] Anyone need filling in on what it is? [23:12:15] Yay I have coverage! [23:12:17] Yes! [23:12:19] * Ravensdale raises hand [23:12:29] https://github.com/Baystation12/Baystation12/pull/12576 [23:12:30] Which flavor of resleeving? [23:12:30] Raptor1628: Resleeving (again) by NullSnapshot · Pull Request #12576 · Baystation12/Baystation12 · GitHub [23:12:35] Cloning replacement. [23:12:40] Clone spawn with no ckey [23:12:49] Would make organ replacement a lot easier [23:12:55] Neural laces is basically a replacement for cloning. You can create dumb clones whenever and harvest them for organs [23:12:58] Ohh. [23:13:00] Anyone that dies with an implant in their head can have that implant put into the clone to save them [23:13:09] Anyone that dies without one can have the implant implanted after death [23:13:12] When a player dies, you have to recover their neural lace and implant it into a new body [23:13:12] and then be saved using it [23:13:16] Works for me [23:13:18] Nope [23:13:19] Raptoe [23:13:37] wasn't that part of it Snap? Or was that not carried over from zuh's deal? [23:13:37] Players can choose if they want a lace [23:13:58] Players with a lace when they die can have their lace removed and implanted into an alive body [23:14:07] Players without laces cannot be cloned [23:14:09] Hm... [23:14:22] You can only have one lace In a body [23:14:26] out of curiosity, can this be any alive body, or only ckeyless 'dumb' ones? [23:14:37] As someone that hammered out a lot of verbage to make this more palatable on the Polaris side of things before zuh closed it out, I approve wholeheartedly. But this was an absolute nest of vipers the last N times it was discussed in suggestions. What changes that now? [23:14:49] I'm not sure whether demanding players to have an implant of some kind if they ever want to be cloned is a good way to go [23:15:08] If you try and insert a lace into an active player there's a 30% success rate to replace the ckey controlling the body [23:15:08] Resleeving would allow us to get rid of cloning, which is a massive pain in the ass in terms of coherency and impact on many concepts like death and murder. I'd be more than glad to see it done. [23:15:18] Does EMP damage the lace? [23:15:23] No [23:15:30] The lace cannot be destroyed [23:15:54] Para, in which ways exactly does this deal with the issues of cloning? [23:15:58] They only way to dispose of a lace is to hold it or space it. [23:16:04] Does the lace have an 'expiration' time, like brains that are out of body before becoming useless? [23:16:11] No [23:16:12] Resleeving : Transfering someone from one body to another [23:16:26] And can it be blown up? :P [23:16:29] Cloning : Making a new someone with the former someone's memories and personality and pretend it's the former someone [23:16:33] Laces will always be good as long as the player is not actively in another mob [23:16:47] Heads up 5% battery left [23:16:53] Okay [23:16:54] Harpy- it kills off the odd thing with people being unclonable if their magic soul doesn't exist, and provides a plausibility thing for what that soul consists of. [23:17:47] I assume it can be blown up [23:18:09] To me it seems there's nearly zero difference. Instead of using the cloning machine to transfer the mind, we use one of those laces. Either way we end up with original person's mind in new body. [23:18:10] It's probably susceptible to being c4'd or devastation'd ye [23:18:11] Something to test then :P [23:18:16] Anyway, as it's described, I like the idea. [23:18:34] It also deals with the issue of the clone's legal responsability and legal identity, solves the issue of "is it murder if the guy is cloned" [23:18:45] BTW I did some community surveys that brought up interesting points. [23:18:46] Atlantis- mechanically there's no difference. In terms of coherency, it substantially reduces the handwavium. [23:18:55] Solves the issue of "OH GOD I'M A CLONE I'M NOT MYSELF" [23:19:11] reducing handwavium by any amount is a plus for me [23:19:18] Hm... [23:19:26] Right. [23:19:26] About CMD however. [23:19:31] *** Joins: TOG (simpleirc@sorcery-q42kgf.6614.aegr.100c.2600.IP) [23:19:33] regarding clone legal issues, what resolution does laces give us for that? [23:19:34] Since it requires surgery, the players want a machine that can perform the neural lace operation at the cost of more time to player in body [23:19:44] could it be waved that the lace only records long term memories while the person is asleep or similar? [23:19:51] But they don't want the machine available at round start. [23:19:53] so if they die, they lost all memories of that day. [23:20:00] My point of view is probably different to me. I still see nearly zero IC difference, except that different method is used to transfer the mind to new body [23:20:04] You can't take an echo of a dead brain [23:20:05] Ravens dale it does periodic backups evey 30 minutes. [23:20:19] We still want to avoid the 'I'm cloned NOW GO ARREST URIST MCDUDE! HE KILLED ME IN THE MAINTENANCE WITH A CROWBAR! [23:20:21] Harpy: Should a clone be considered legally responsible for his original's crimes ? Like, someone's a murderer and gets killed during their arrest. They get cloned. Should the clone be arrested for the murders ? [23:20:32] 3% battery. [23:20:47] IMO the fluff should be it scans your brain in low-stress situations, where you're not concentrating much on anything [23:20:48] (Any kind of decision on how long people should forget when they die should really be codified, by the bee) [23:20:51] ie sleeping, daydreaming, etc [23:20:52] If the clone's not legally responsible, then why do they keep the same job, identity and possessions as the original ? [23:20:58] Right, and the other part? [23:21:02] im good with that fluff [23:21:03] Snap [23:21:09] Say your bit before your battery dies [23:21:21] that way you can never ever ever argue it as "oh but the thing took a backup right after i saw urist mcmurderous with the knife" [23:21:33] Players have been complaining about late night grief and they think people are multi keying [23:21:38] But, yeah Ravens, basically, transferring the lace from a body to another provokes data corruption on the last hours [23:21:46] If you ban people for grief please take note of their IP [23:21:59] Thanks Paradoxon for explaining that [23:22:00] I'm going to be making an grief ip registry on the admins board [23:22:06] shouldn't IP bans handle that? [23:22:06] Don't we IP ban to begin with [23:22:07] I've gotten reports of that from the logs of my sleep-FK [23:22:11] Also I'm moving onto another phone here shortly [23:22:20] Not if they're using ip ranges rsptor [23:22:22] raptor only permas IP I think [23:22:29] Rog, go ahead and make that log snap, I'll put up a note for staff [23:22:31] Also we don't know if it's the same person [23:22:34] We need to make sure. [23:22:36] Thanks for the heads up [23:22:48] One last thing I wanted to ask about resleeving and lore [23:22:56] alright shoot [23:23:17] I like the idea of the lace recording memories while someone sleeps. It fits in nice and tidily as that's what the brain does already, but as long as we have some form of CMD remaining I'm content with whatever works. [23:23:25] Also players don't want the resleeving machine available at round start. They want it buildable by rnd [23:23:48] That sounds silly to me. [23:23:49] That... Would be debattable [23:24:03] You can still due surgery [23:24:05] I'd prefer it that way. give rnd more to do [23:24:08] If that replaces cloning, it means people would be un-revivable 'til Robotics/R&D/Cargo is staffed [23:24:13] Yeah. [23:24:15] The machine allows you to build that and have it automate insertion. [23:24:20] Ah [23:24:23] Ooh, right. [23:24:25] That can work then [23:24:28] In that case, yeah. [23:24:29] At the cost of longer time to player in body [23:24:31] ... If someone is serious enough about being a hilarryus griffin that they're willing to have (or use a service with) a whole range of IPs, they're either on a vpn or a mobile network. Either one is kind of hard to deal with, and scribbling down individual IP addresses in margins won't help much ¬¬ [23:25:02] Spookerton we only need to look for ips with the same last address space. [23:25:15] mhmm [23:25:29] Unless you want to ban whole IP ranges, which can result in non-griefers being banned too. [23:26:07] Anyways, sleeving [23:26:11] How widespread and well-adopted is this technology? Does it only see limited use? Or do you have lots of people using it to try and live forever etc? I think the biggest effects this has on lore and IC attitudes come out of that question [23:26:19] The biggest hurdle I can see here would either be "I don't want an implant to be cloned" [23:26:24] It's default on [23:26:25] I'm for the idea. [23:26:30] And widely used [23:26:32] And that's perfect Raptor. [23:26:34] By all species. [23:26:43] Harpy- the exact same questions already exist for cloning :p [23:26:48] I don't like the idea of it being widely used personally [23:26:49] What this does is create a rigid game play dnc [23:26:57] It's just easier for the player themselves can enforce it [23:26:58] Well its pretty much Vox lore 101 stuff [23:27:00] *** Quits: TOG (simpleirc@sorcery-q42kgf.6614.aegr.100c.2600.IP) (Connection closed) [23:27:08] Pretty much spook, but thats because it doesn't answer those questions raise by cloning [23:27:16] instead of a DNC that never gets read, they can just opt out of the cloning thingie [23:27:29] Lore-wise, I tend to consider Skrell don't like using revival methods much, but I don't plan on enforcing it IG. Too big an issue, players should be able to do as they please on that. [23:27:57] Alright, so general staff opinion on this is positive? [23:28:09] Mine is, in any case. [23:28:10] I still have some questions [23:29:26] Lorewise harpy I think it's probably easiest to answer "why don't we all live forever" with "casual use is very expensive, it's preventative medicine for emergencies not a weekend bodyhopper toy" or something. [23:29:39] But that's all tog's ballgame [23:30:04] *** Joins: TOG (simpleirc@sorcery-q42kgf.6614.aegr.100c.2600.IP) [23:30:05] Harpy, ask away [23:30:20] Could always fluff the lore so that clones only last for a few weeks at best [23:30:27] god wat no [23:30:30] no no no. [23:30:31] Okay, next question is "why aren't people paranoid about other people being replaced using this technology" [23:30:33] That'd be heavy grimdark [23:30:38] Id be very against that [23:30:41] I'm not really fan of making these implants only way to clone someone, but i'm a minority in this case. It'd be nice thing if there would be an alternative (perhaps with some risks/etc. involved), but having it as the only method is quite meh, given there's bunch of characters that don't want prosthetics for various IC reasons. [23:30:41] I would be too [23:30:50] Harpy - they should be! [23:30:53] "Implanting into a body with no lace, but with a player, has a 30% chance of ghosting that player and overwriting their brain with the person being resleeved." [23:30:54] Which is why I'd like some kind of resolution for that [23:31:34] Have any of you ever read books about EVE Online? They cover a lot of cloning things. [23:31:48] One would assume that kind of overwriting would be highly illegal and that there's a way to check if someone was overwritten like that [23:31:56] Well of course it would be illegal :D [23:32:22] I mean, corporate espionage is probably only just touching the surface of the grimdark you can get with this [23:32:32] Well what do you y'all prefer in the matter? should people accept it as a reality, albeit a horrid one with people radically against it and wanting to kill people cloned through technology, etc. like Future version of Life-Luddites [23:32:33] Yeah, but, Harpy [23:32:44] The fear of death in EVE comes from not having a clone prepared for you. [23:32:46] Regarding overwriting, it shouldn't be limited to if(prob(30)). Even if successful it should have negative impacts. Occassional blackouts, drunkiness effect, etc. [23:32:48] What if there's a particularly totalitarian colony out there just outside of SolGovs influence [23:32:59] Why does "what if" matter :o [23:33:08] It's 2560, you can literally go through massive surgery to look exactly like someone, sound like them, steal their identity and do the exact same thing that resleeving would in that case [23:33:21] So we could maybe try a run where you need a back-up scan to be cloned [23:33:28] People without a backup die for good. [23:33:31] Thatd what it used to be [23:33:35] I agree Atl, maybe requiring the person in control to be on a constant dose of like, synaptizine to not fall over twitching. [23:33:43] you need to be backup in yhe system to clone [23:34:01] Actually that would be an interesting compromise [23:34:02] Possibly heavy brain damage, given that it implies overwriting a goddamn brain [23:34:04] I also like that idea spook. [23:34:18] For the immortality thing, webcomic I'm reading has hinted at an idea that could work to counter the immortality thing. After a century and a half, give or take a couple decades, the human brain is just... incapable of handling so much, and gradually devolves into insanity. [23:34:18] So while it's possible to live for forever, attempts to use resleeving to game the Reaper will lead to complete insanity and the mind eventually just shuts down and the reaper wins. [23:34:19] Keep cloning, but only from backups. And add resleeving. So either you get the implant, or preventive scan. [23:34:23] As long as that brain damage is treatable. [23:34:29] I'm with atlantis there [23:34:33] You either have a lace [23:34:35] or get scanned [23:34:39] That's a good compromise [23:34:40] That does seem like a pretty reasonable compromise. [23:34:42] Sounds good to me. [23:34:50] I fail to see how this changes anything [23:34:55] o.o [23:34:58] And having massive brain damage from an overwrite is alright [23:35:00] which "this" [23:35:07] the 'scan to make clone' [23:35:13] so you go to medbay and get a backup and bam youre okay mostly [23:35:15] comprimise [23:35:44] Ravensdale, the thing is, it goes the other way around too [23:35:46] *shrug* A lot of this also applies to cloning tho, and we dealt with that by simply ignoring all of the fridge logic. [23:35:51] Well, so, basically either you have a lace and you're 'safe', or you don't and you go for regular backups which aren't invasive but aren't on the fly. [23:35:54] I think we could comprimise and make it so that cloining from a dead body is almost unviable and a backup is better [23:35:55] Which was kind of unsatisfying [23:36:08] What if people wants their characters to dislike cloning ? Because being a clone is a far bigger deal than getting a tiny piece of technology in your neck [23:36:26] (Alright gotta go concert starting) [23:36:28] Yeah, sorry if I made this seem like such a big deal [23:36:30] *** Quits: TOG (simpleirc@sorcery-q42kgf.6614.aegr.100c.2600.IP) (Connection closed) [23:36:40] Well, it's both a big deal and also mostly irrelevant [23:36:43] The big thing is [23:36:44] I just had a bunch of questions on my mind [23:36:51] Almost all of these problems already exist [23:37:12] All an implant-based corpse cloning thing does is provide answers to some of them [23:37:27] Paradox: If they don't want to be cloned, they can use the lace. If they don't want any implants, they can still use the preventive scans thing. Fluff wise, those are the same, but lace performs automatic scans, while cloner requires you to visit every now and then [23:38:02] And not all of them! But focusing on what it doesn't solve ignores the fact that it DOES solve a number of existing things that have been handwaved since the beginning of time because they have no satisfactory explanation as is. [23:38:02] Yeah, what I'm saying is, the whole deal about "people not wanting to use cybernetics" can be turned around [23:38:04] Right, so in other words it's really not the solution to the lore issues that I was hoping for, but is no worse than what we have now [23:38:30] There's no reason it can't be built on to solve other lore problems :b [23:38:31] okay theres [23:38:34] two discussions going on here. [23:38:50] Can yall resolve to the one discussion [23:38:52] Not so much two discussions as a general one and a specific one ;b [23:39:24] Okay, general one I think is resolved [23:39:32] Yeah for resleeving [23:39:40] The topics are basically "What if I don't like implants", "How can I be cloned if I don't like implants", and "Doesn't this have implications for medical and espionage background fluff" [23:40:07] And IMO they're mostly personal preference questions, which makes them hard to answer decisively :( [23:40:13] Last one is probably all the repressed questions about cloning that I've put aside over the years [23:40:21] probably just* [23:40:24] also if your character is against cloning then uh [23:40:33] isn't the option just to die naturally when your time comes. [23:40:38] My vote is for resleeving, against the compromise 'scan' idea. [23:40:53] ravens- the compromise thing was resleeving PLUS scans [23:41:03] Gameplay, we've figured out [23:41:03] just in case [23:41:13] I know [23:41:15] still against [23:41:16] Rog [23:41:18] And if we don't include the backup scan functionality, it's highly likely the community at large will throw a fit [23:41:41] Wait, we have a community ? *grins* [23:42:04] ... It's probably a heck of a cleaner floor to pitch resleeving at than it was six months ago, either way. [23:42:25] The alternative solution would be to see what the current playerbase thinks about it [23:42:44] basically. Resleeving would be for hardcore death-knockers like probable-death-jobs ERT/Security/Engineering, that allow you a slightly more 'seemless' restoration [23:42:45] Why not put up a suggestions poll for "admins pls go", "resleeving + scans", and "resleeving on its own" [23:42:46] And offer both "sleeving only" and "sleeving + scan" as a consultative vote, just to get a proper idea [23:43:08] and clone-scanning is for joe-bloggs that doesn't really think he's going to do anything other than die in his own piss at 87. [23:43:13] Spook, don't steal my sentences. e.e [23:43:15] lolol [23:43:27] But para [23:43:32] I have your lace right here :c [23:43:37] It whispers to me :3 [23:43:42] Nuuuuh. [23:43:50] oh [23:43:52] side-topic [23:44:07] we need to agree that better cloning like laces [23:44:14] will bring about "I fear no death" officers [23:44:15] I'm with mordeth here. Also imagine, would a low grade employee, like janitor have a neural lace (which i presume would still be a relatively expensive thing?) [23:44:26] Mordykins, [23:44:31] ... Mordeth is bringing a good point about that. [23:44:43] and we have far less administrative ground to say "FEAR THE MERCS" [23:44:46] While cloning can be presented as "You die, we just make a copy of you" [23:44:51] "No I can't die." [23:44:53] Resleeving is definitely "You don't die" [23:45:02] Atlantis- we can just say it's company policy to offer one as an optional part of employment medical. [23:45:07] 'unless they throw a bomb on your corpse' [23:45:18] Or just step on the lace or something. But still. [23:45:21] Ye [23:45:21] unless they pull a metal-gear and put a bomb in your snoot [23:45:23] Alright, definitely going to check with the community on this [23:45:31] You're still very vulnerable to becoming kill [23:45:33] With the two options of with or without backups as an alternative [23:45:36] Just [23:45:39] I CAN NOT DIE [23:45:50] oh yes, yes you can, and remember, while you're dead, they can do whatever they want with your sleeve [23:45:55] In any case, I feel like current cloning is just a massive paradox, it needs to be solved one way or the other [23:46:02] up to and including take it back home with them so they can shunt you into a clone for interrogations [23:46:04] >massive paradox [23:46:06] hah. [aradpx [23:46:10] paradox* [23:46:32] also I don't imagine it would be too hard for [23:46:37] round-starting with a sleeve [23:46:37] also the possible brain damage from implantation gone wrong [23:46:39] We don't have to keep our current cloning fluff [23:46:46] to impact the RNG Money you get at the start of a round [23:46:50] As an officer with a lace, you're only safe if at least one of you survives. ;) [23:47:11] Atl - WHAT current cloning fluff [23:47:12] hrnk [23:47:25] gronk [23:47:47] The only fluff we have about cloning is "You don't remember the moment of your death". [23:47:48] In fact, that can be a fun little objective for the mercs [23:47:51] Yeah [23:47:55] My explanation on how it could work with resleeving in mind, the cloning machine does exactly what neural lace does, but instead of relying on implant stores the neural data locally. If you want to revive the person, it loads the data from whatever database it uses, and does exactly the same thing as lace would do, all inside the machine. [23:48:02] 'capture the captain's net' [23:48:10] That would be neat. [23:48:20] It would also be very nice to actually define stronger constraints on what you are allowed to remember and forget. [23:48:20] lace* [23:48:20] it would be some predator level shit [23:48:24] Except it goes back to the same issue as cloning, Atlantis [23:48:30] imagine a 9 foot unathi in a breacher suit [23:48:32] You're talking about cloning someone's mind into a new body [23:48:40] cunt-punching the captain and pulling his spine out with the lace [23:48:54] thats some predator level shit. [23:48:58] Indeed [23:49:05] So is anyone against laces period? [23:49:07] On the very rare occasions that I actually die, I usually forget the whole day. It's easier. :3 [23:49:11] What's good with the first iteration of resleeving is that there's no copy at any point. It's transfering a person into a new body. [23:49:20] And what is the difference between transferring the mind via implant, and transferring the mind via a scanner? To me it seems the same. It's a new, cloned body, and original mind [23:49:34] The implant is unique. :b [23:49:37] I'm against laces assuming they would be the only option. Laces + backups would be okay for me [23:49:41] Because you're scanner didn't suck the mind out of the guy: It made a copy on a hard drive [23:49:54] The important thing is [23:50:17] your* [23:50:18] cloning = "Is the copy guilty of crimes/negligence/etc... that the original was before death?" [23:50:19] You can say exactly same thing about the lace. If it passively scans your brain when you are, say, sleeping, it de facto does exactly what a scanner would do [23:50:31] sleeving = "It's the same guy in a different body, book'em" [23:50:50] Raptor, I don't think anyone is unconditionally against, at least [23:50:56] With a lace, the original person /is/ dead. BUT a unique physical object representing their entire identity exists and can be used to create a duplicate of their /self/. [23:51:18] With magic scanners, the unsolvable question is "why don't we just make hundreds of steve" [23:51:26] laces solve that, and specifically that. [23:51:29] gary!!!! [23:51:56] See Spook, the issue is here [23:52:07] ...hundreds of Steve would explain our selective continuity between rounds >.> [23:52:11] ¬ u¬ [23:52:24] Both cloning and your definition of lace brings a major issue on how "new versions" are supposed to be handled [23:52:32] I see your point here, but still. We are de facto forcing players to either A) have an implant B) die permanently without any alternative [23:52:37] Same legal responsability ? Same belongings ? Same identity ? [23:52:38] * Ravensdale just went grimdark [23:52:46] Yes, paradoxon. [23:52:50] Yes to all. [23:52:58] Then murder doesn't exist anymore. [23:53:05] Well of course it does. [23:53:15] Nope, since the guy is legally the same as the other guy [23:53:22] Attempted murder is always a thing [23:53:25] *** Joins: Ccomp5950 (ccomp5950@totally.not.a.bot) [23:53:26] Regarding what you said, cloning X over and over would be a very severe SolGov crime, something that would be very carefully monitored and punished. It doesn't have to be possible from gameplay mechanics, but it can be theoretically possible in lore [23:53:26] You can't be accused of murdering someone if the someone is legally still alive [23:53:31] Steve-2 is Steve-1, but Steve-1 is dead. :D [23:53:45] Yeah, but then, Steve-2 isn't Steve-1 [23:53:46] See the issue ? [23:53:51] Nope. [23:53:54] nope [23:53:58] you can be accused of trying to kill them though spooks [23:54:02] I think what Para is getting at is that the meaning of murder changes and becomes less severe [23:54:09] er, Para [23:54:15] Absolutely right, harpyravens [23:54:16] More like, property damage [23:54:16] but [23:54:23] The meaning of murder changes because murder suddenly becomes a legal loophole [23:54:33] okay look [23:54:36] Steve 1 is still dead. Just because Steve 2 is also Steve doesn't make Steve 1 less dead. [23:54:49] We can discuss the ethical remifications of cloning and sleeving later [23:54:54] mom and dad have two kids. Both kids are Genetically 50% of each of their parents [23:54:56] gameplay wise...this is going to need a thread [23:55:01] Right [23:55:01] just because you killed one kid and the other is still alive [23:55:06] doesn't make it any better you killed one [23:55:13] Mordeth, both kids are legally two different persons. [23:55:22] Also I understand Atlantis, but it feels like to me that we have a possible solid base for cloning we can build up on and make coherent. [23:55:24] what if they're identical twins :I [23:55:27] Which isn't the case for Steve-1 and Steve-2 [23:55:34] Identical twins are still two persons :o [23:55:37] (all methods of undeath defile the sanctity of life - kill all zombies) [23:55:39] I'd like to comment about replacibility but... we should get back on schedule... [23:55:52] I think we need to move on. [23:55:56] and because it may inconvenience some characters, we're considering a compromise that cracks the foundation. [23:55:58] Alright, before we get onto the final topic, does anyone have something not on the agenda? [23:56:01] Yeah, let's move on and develop on a thread [23:56:19] Well, there's already a topic about that on the forums, but if anyone wants to talk about it - the player age limits for some jobs [23:56:32] aka reducing/increasing them as outlined in that topic [23:56:56] Last I understood the numbers, they did need some editing [23:57:00] I'm ok with whatever but lets not turn into anime-station 12 [23:57:04] Some increased, others decreased [23:57:04] where everyone's 16 and rutting [23:57:12] Player age Morde, not character [23:57:13] Mordeth, not that age limit [23:57:13] Mordeth221, this is player age, not charact [23:57:16] w/e raven [23:57:29] oh [23:57:34] we still have that system? [23:57:47] Ah, that does remind me of a similar age/job topic for after [23:57:50] It is inconsistent and silly, but it does exist [23:57:51] For those who didn't read the topic, basically, give some jobs a player age restriction (engineering, chemistry, etc.) and in return lower the restriction on some other jobs [23:58:06] increase sec, please [23:58:07] I thought we dropped it after our biggest griefers remained assistants with welding tools running at welding tanks [23:58:19] add any restriction at all for antags and I'll be happy :D [23:58:24] whiiich was summer last year iirc [23:58:37] It would address the relatively common "Atmos tech jobs and gases the station, then gets banned while yelling nazi things on the OOC chat" things [23:58:45] joins* [23:58:51] ... IS that relatively common? [23:58:55] Yes [23:58:57] wao [23:59:01] I banned someone for exactly that [23:59:05] This particular case occured about three days ago [23:59:12] Likely tied with the late night griefers discussion earlier [23:59:14] GinjaNinja32 was the banning admin i believe [23:59:22] hello [23:59:24] My case was about a month back [23:59:25] oh those guys [23:59:26] yeah [23:59:36] he was full of shit though, he set up Atmos like a pro. [23:59:49] zero-day(iirc) atmos tech set up atmos for phoron flood [23:59:55] you don't accidently do that [00:00:03] name was a nazi reference, as was the AI's [00:00:14] Joyous. [00:00:16] This was the particular reason why i made the fix-atmospherics-grief button. While it fixes the worst, it has some bad side effects like shutting down the engine, etc. [00:00:28] (the AI was *literally* HI-632 TLER) [00:00:35] ... [00:00:41] We have an auto-setup button for the engine though atlantis [00:00:44] so win-win [00:01:06] Yes, Mordeth, although it'd be nice to make sure there's no engineer working on the engine at the same time *wink wink* [00:01:09] Yeah i coded that too. But still. It breaks other stuff too. Any player-made gas related mods, such as, cooling loops, saunas, etc. [00:01:36] To be fair [00:01:39] Everything resets. Good when the damage is done, but i think it would be better to prevent it first. Which is why i suggested the player age limits to be reintroduced to some jobs [00:01:58] Saunas at least don't need to actually be hot to serve their role :b [00:02:03] I'd be fine with it, honestly. [00:02:20] also paradox pls [00:02:23] But yeah, player age stuff is aaaancient and could use bringing up to speed with current jobs. [00:02:28] I mean, if you can't wait 7 days to play a job... [00:02:31] I think overall it sounds good, people can probably point out specific things on the forum thread [00:02:56] Player age isn't exactly foolproof but it seems like it doesn't hurt [00:03:12] There's also the whole 'I have never played SS13, and now I'm the captain auuugh!' thing that player age helps prevent. [00:03:28] my personal preference is always going to be count of rounds participated in, but that's not a metric anyone records afaik [00:03:28] Also, yep. [00:04:19] we absolutely could start recording things like that, spookerton [00:04:21] Statistically, 95% of griefers which deliberately come and cause mess will be filtered out by this, or will at least pick a less dangerous postion where the worst thing they can do is welderbombing [00:04:24] That would be nice [00:04:36] Uh [00:04:38] Alright, so this is just general chatter over grief. [00:04:53] can we not throw the word "Statistics" and % around without evidence [00:04:55] We'll be making sure we record the IPs of any griefers, I'll make a note for that [00:04:56] Player age also helps filter out the complete newbies too [00:05:05] because as a long-term administrator [00:05:06] As I stated before [00:05:15] if someone wants to grief its a welding torch and the first public welding tank [00:05:18] then a click and a DC [00:05:38] maybe more than half my entire ban record. [00:05:45] wao [00:06:14] On the subject of age [00:06:16] 95% seems like a number you just uh [00:06:18] Welding tanks are still less harmful than, say, a SM delamination or a phoron flood [00:06:20] pulled out an ass :| [00:06:27] mordeth go to school [00:06:37] msay I was talking about deliberate griefers. Not all banned players [00:06:39] Mordeth221, 76% of all statistics are made up on the spot [00:06:41] Alright, yes, grief bad, verbs good [00:06:47] Statistics terrible [00:06:59] Time for our final topic so we can all go home. [00:06:59] sounds like Psi has something to say [00:07:03] What do we think about a minimal character (not player age) for certain jobs? [00:07:12] Feh [00:07:16] again, w/e [00:07:16] I honestly thought we already had that on the wiki somewhere [00:07:18] meh [00:07:19] Don't we already have it for command jobs ? [00:07:20] at least, a "suggested age" [00:07:22] where do we set the line [00:07:24] as long as we're not all 16 and in the ruts [00:07:28] I'd say, no. [00:07:34] Zuh did a thing for europa that polaris adopted that added minimum and recommended character ages for jobs [00:07:43] It's not really a problem at the moment is it? [00:07:49] and I think polaris is either using or planning to set command to minimum 25 [00:07:50] iirc there's something in job code that makes you get captain preferentially if you're in a specific age range [00:07:53] might be commented out tho [00:08:02] Honestly, teen doctors is far less prevalent than before, but... If we could prevent it, I'd be for it, yeah. [00:08:17] personally I'm totally on board with age minimums because a 19yo CMO ordering 27yo junior doctors around [00:08:22] kind of fucks me off :D [00:08:23] I think that piece of code was removed, GN [00:08:28] The only issue is how to handle the various species and their different ages [00:08:34] Sure, how about, if you're in the wrong age range you miss out on the first round of picks for that job [00:08:41] (Resomi and Dionaea, for example) [00:08:46] yeah, that's more of a "if you see it, say something," if you want to add suggested ages, go for it, but otherwise, it's generally good to talk to someone with an age that you think is sketch [00:08:47] going to be real honest harpy [00:08:55] dont think that'd change anything with our current player numbers [00:09:00] Probably [00:09:09] yeah, different species will have different ages, and if we were going to add specific you-must-be-older-than-this, where do you draw the line? [00:09:28] raptor - the thing is though, if we're going to enforce talk-to-person minimums, why not leave it up to mechanically enforced minimums instead :o [00:09:37] Could give species an age ratio relative humans [00:09:53] spookerton, because there are always going to be reasons that lower is OK but maybe someone else's slightly higher isn't [00:09:54] There may be a reasoning for why a young person is in such position [00:10:04] Well of course there's always reasoning. [00:10:05] Thing is, if we're going the talking way, we still need some landmarks to decide wether someone's toeing the line or not. [00:10:10] it's not a black/white yes/no, it's a grey area [00:10:15] With NT backstory, it's pretty likely they could have a wealthy/powerful family or something [00:10:38] You mean that thing people get poked for doing :o [00:10:45] :o [00:10:52] pls spook [00:11:06] you're thinking of that time someone said they were the daughter of NT's CEO or somethin silly [00:11:06] I played a 19 y.o. HoP who played the position mostly like a secretary. Worked well and people went along with it fine. Problem was the captains kept dying and everyone else in command kept putting her in the captain's seat >.> [00:11:07] like that [00:11:07] If done properly, it doesn't have to be a bad thing [00:11:23] But mordeth my mom is the CFO you can't talk to me like that [00:11:34] You also cant prove otherwise look I wrote it in my records [00:11:48] ok but I'm Hound [00:11:53] 9 foot robot has 0% of your shit [00:11:54] >:I [00:12:00] I have 3 hounds at home [00:12:02] I'm 100% sure we're drifting away from the topic :o [00:12:03] hounds r shit [00:12:05] fite me [00:12:12] we're drifting, yeah [00:12:18] a little [00:12:19] this is where the talky stick is useful [00:12:24] final topic? [00:12:27] indeed. [00:12:34] New Map. [00:12:41] * Paradoxon cheers. [00:12:41] Whichever ones wins is going to need some work. [00:12:52] Torch can probably fit max of 40ish without changing anything [00:12:55] but it'll be cramped [00:13:02] The Aeslyslessly [00:13:10] (I won't even try) [00:13:11] Aaaa I'm back [00:13:14] Is really small [00:13:27] I'm sitting out of this one, I know nothing of the maps and it'll take me too long to review them. [00:13:29] And doesn't even fit the safety requirements of a Vox Raider ship [00:14:12] Aesewhatever isn't necessarily small, it just features some very inefficient methods of using space [00:14:20] Either one will need a poll for whether or not we implement it or keep the exodus [00:14:27] But how far are we willing to go with fluff? [00:14:31] How far should we go? [00:14:38] (or if I fix mapswap blah blah we could use ~both~) [00:14:38] Already gave my mind on this. [00:14:43] And are there any devs willing to take charge of implementing whichever one is picked [00:14:46] Raptor i think that highly depends on whether it will become a permanent map, or part of rotation [00:14:48] That's all you ginja :P [00:14:54] I'm waiting patiently :P [00:14:56] yeah, i gotta poke at it at some point :v [00:14:58] If we're going the "joint operation" way, we need to really reconsider the job roster [00:15:00] nt, tell me mapswaaaaap [00:15:00] 14Mister Host Person: 981 to you. [00:15:26] job roster could be map-specific [00:15:29] potentially [00:15:36] it could get a bit messy, but it could be done [00:15:42] That'd be hella confusing [00:16:02] I don't really see how it would be confusing... [00:16:06] rotation is evil. :c [00:16:24] Because when I'm talking of changing the job roster, I'm talking about major changes. EuropaStation-style changes. [00:16:26] I personally don't think a rotation is the way to go if we cahnge fluff at all [00:16:36] And yeah, I'm really iffy about the rotation thing. [00:16:36] Yeah, my proposed changes would be massive as well [00:16:37] I personally like the idea of sticky vote on the forums, which runs for X weeks and decides what map will be on server for Y weeks [00:17:00] If we switch maps, even every two weeks or whatever, it will still feel somewhat disjointed [00:17:03] We need to see long term too [00:17:21] If we keep switching maps, when do we improve them ? When do we focus our efforts on that one mapping issue/project ? [00:17:37] One map means we have more hands working on improving it [00:17:54] Several maps, we're just splitting a workforce that's already pretty scarce [00:18:20] Map rotation meanwhile will allow experimentation, and make a specific map less likely to go stagnant. [00:18:36] Yes, but the maps of the rooster /will/ go stagnant themselves [00:19:34] Every mapper will be focused on their favourite map (which is quite understandable, honestly), and as a result, it'll be extra hard to make big mapping changes on the long run [00:19:45] And it's less server crippling when a glaring issue is found on a map. We can just knock it out of rotation until/if it gets fixed then bring it back. [00:20:16] We don't really have to keep twenty maps. Two or three would be enough. [00:20:26] yeah [00:20:27] ... Until we end up with one map because "that's okay, it's not urgent, we still have three/two maps left and I'm already busy on doing that on that one map" [00:20:41] Would all maps just be NT? [00:20:44] And one person is more than capable of doing massive mapping changes. [00:20:48] And they could be. [00:21:03] If it would be easier on fluff over all, they could all have the same matching theme [00:21:15] And it would allow some flexibility with player counts too. [00:21:27] 'oh, we have 10 players, let's grab this small map instead of the one built for 40+ people' [00:21:27] Sorry, I'm very cynical, but that's really how I see it. I genuinely think rotating maps will just stop any global improvement [00:21:59] As do I [00:22:03] And I'm very cynical, because I've seen the Exodus since I've been playing SS13 [00:22:06] Regarding mapping changes, developers should be responsible for ensuring that their feature works on all supported maps, assuming the feature has a mapping part, and that it's relevant to those maps (you wouldn't remap thrusters on a space station for example) [00:22:18] I know /tg/ has basically ended up with 2-3 used maps, each maintained by their creator [00:22:22] Man I wish I didn't die in the middle of the resleeving discussion :( [00:22:25] And about 4-5 unsued ones [00:23:00] (i'm off to bed, will read through my logs in the morning) [00:23:14] "we only have ~10 players" kind of contradicts the idea of a longer term voted thing. [00:23:16] Yeah, but Ravensdale, as a matter of fact, the Exodus did receive a lot of changes during its run [00:23:49] As would any other map that runs on a live server [00:23:51] So why new map? [00:23:55] why not change the exodus again? [00:24:04] It's a pretty tall order [00:24:09] Because gimmicks [00:24:21] Major changes would end up with what is essentially a different map [00:24:23] People like new maps [00:24:35] Atlantis, I agree, but if we have three different maps running, that means that each of them will receive a third of the attention the Exodus received [00:24:44] Also, changing up maps based on population wouldn't work [00:24:47] Because a round is going [00:24:48] Mappers won't work three times as hard to keep the same level of work for each map [00:24:49] A map rotation system will allow people to experiment a little more too. [00:24:51] with only like 10 people [00:24:53] ^ Paradoxon [00:24:56] Then suddenly there are 30 [00:24:56] Not necessarily, paradox. [00:25:12] Look at how little mappers work now [00:25:25] No offense mappers [00:25:30] Let's say you want to do a map change. You usually don't do the same map change for all, let's say, three maps, simply because it's not applicable. [00:25:57] Depends on the nature of the change. [00:25:59] If i want to redesign Exodus's chemistry for whatever reason, i'm not necessarily redesigning chemistry on Torch and Aeseyhhwhatherver. [00:26:22] And while true Raptor, it's also just as likely that that 10 people will become 2 people, depending on the hours. [00:26:38] IMHO what will happen with map rotation will be that there's just one popular map that will get almost all the attention. [00:26:41] I admit there are few changes that would impact all maps. Example could be my modular computers which required a machine to be mapped in, and some consoles to be replaced. But for such larger changes, replacing few things is usually doable within a very short time. [00:27:03] And any major change that completely forces a map redo will result in depreciated maps [00:27:13] And there can be some biases all around [00:27:15] Especially if you have more than 3 active maps [00:27:27] I assume you are talking about large scale things such as the relatively recent turf change. [00:27:43] like 'oh, I -LOVE- the engineering on this map, but on this map the medbay is mm-mm good.' [00:27:49] Notice how often tg uses metastation over the other 4 stations. [00:27:50] In that case, it should be responsibility of the author to update the official maps, or to ensure they are updated before the PR is merged [00:28:38] I'm almost certain we'll end up with a dominant map [00:28:43] Not only that, but we don't even have a working rotation system set up so... [00:28:55] Ideally, yes, in practice, no mapper will like being forced to work because devs are being active [00:29:02] Getting geared up for a rotation is premature [00:29:14] yeah [00:29:25] I think one of the only things that's being agreed on here is that a rotation is going to be complicated and take a lot of work [00:29:45] The bigger question is: Is a new map worth it period? [00:29:49] A lot has changed in two months [00:30:02] I personally think a map change, or a lore change, or both, could be a breath of fresh air [00:30:11] I think a new map is a good move PR-wise [00:30:20] I think it would be worth doing occasional announced map test instead of rotation [00:30:23] But our population isn't where it was when we started two months ago [00:30:25] I think a new map is worth it, and also for the same reason I think we shouldn't be afraid of changing up the job-roster [00:30:33] It really seems like a good way to allow us to put a fresh spin on RP on the server, and help us stand out. [00:30:50] There are both advantages and disadvantages. We'll get something unique (at least for some time until other servers stea... fork it from us), but there's no real way of predicting impact on playerbase [00:31:11] + of course, the very large amount of time needed to get new map actually in working shape so it can finally replace exodus. [00:31:15] New map will show that Bay is moving on rather than sticking to the old ways [00:31:25] You also have to decide how many maps you really want to have available [00:31:28] Honestly, Atlantis, considering what we went through, I think we can take the risk [00:31:56] Is it reasonable to ask players to memorize the layouts 3 maps? 5? 10? [00:32:03] I'm not necessarily saying a "Yes" or "No" here just for the record. I'm somewhere in between [00:32:20] It's better to do it now when our playerbase is still fluid rather than when most will be Exodus' veterans. [00:33:05] We can always start with the few-week based rotation, and if a new map gets significant majority we can always stop maintaining the unpopular maps and discard them from rotation [00:33:17] Personally, I enjoy exploration factor of a new map. You can have the basics memorized, important stuff easy to find [00:33:19] There will be a vote about a new map, or sticking with the exodus, regardless of who wins, and a rotation will be a possibility down the line, regardless, of the devs and coders here, is there someone willing to take charge of integrating whichever map is chosen? [00:33:22] Regardless of what it shows to other, I honestly don't much care to play on box anymore [00:33:23] then have all these little things to discover. [00:33:26] to others* [00:33:40] Anyway my batteries about to die again so I can't follow discussion anymore. I'd like to ask we table resleeving discussion and move it to public staff discussion. [00:33:51] :) [00:33:55] That was the idea, Snap :) [00:34:28] Good. 5% see you guys when I get home in an hour or so [00:34:48] 5% to you too [00:35:55] Raptor, i'm not sure whether one person can actually do integration of whole map by themselves. There will be bunch of things that have to be considered. Not only the mapping aspect, but probably bunch of lore changes, possible amendments to rules/IC regulations/etc. That's probably something that would require few people, with each having a specific task that is to be done [00:36:13] Not by themselves, and regardless of the map [00:36:25] I'm going to try to manage a lot of the server side/forum side/rule side of things [00:36:28] But I am no coder [00:36:34] I'm really looking for a dev to help with that :P [00:37:31] Didn't Ginja say he'd handle something like that [00:37:32] I can handle that (at least partially), assuming you can give me a list of what's necessary. [00:37:33] I know I can definitely help out, I dunno how things are going to look for me in a few months though [00:37:52] Eh, Atlantis, I think he needs someone who can come up with that list [00:37:57] Assuming there is no fluff change. [00:38:07] There's still getting the centcomm/mining Zs worked out [00:38:19] And then making sure multi-z works [00:38:25] I assumed he wants someone to do the technical part with code [00:38:33] It'd probably be easiest to create a new branch for that map [00:38:39] But I don't know, what would either of you suggest? [00:38:44] Atlantis he needs someone to do the project management stuff [00:39:01] at least, if I understand correctly [00:39:44] A branch would be the typical way to do this [00:39:46] Regarding your question, Raptor, i'm not sure if it'd necessarily have to be a new branch for everything. For new map exclusive things it'd be best, but some changes could also be useful on the existing maps [00:39:49] map* [00:40:31] Well, we get someone to decide if a PR belongs on dev or on the map branch [00:40:47] I'd say, keep the on separate branch, along with things that are intended to not be on server until new map is done, PR the rest right to Dev and do frequent Dev -> NewMapBranch merges [00:41:49] Sure [00:42:00] For example if the expeditions thing is ever done, we could always have a small shuttle for those added to exodus. Bonus points of giving players a hint of what's going to be on new map [00:42:22] Alright [00:42:37] Looks like I'll be looking for general help. [00:42:38] I'm sure we'll uncover a lot of things once we get started [00:42:45] I can help out for May at least [00:42:45] Does anyone want some closing words before I wrap this up? [00:44:16] i'm good [00:44:22] I have something [00:44:36] (Get down, it's a gun !) [00:44:58] Bringing in the new map is probably going to be a lot faster if we can get some time with people playing on it before it is necessarily 100% complete [00:45:30] Can we work towards being able to get it on the server period, in any state, and then schedule periods where we run on the new map temporarily [00:45:32] ? [00:45:42] And possibly easier as well. [00:45:45] At least for some testing, yeah [00:45:58] patching an issue with a 'mostly finished' work is potentially easier than 'finished and done' [00:46:11] (An issue I had with Polaris' map was that some esoteric areas were terribly mapped, like Xenobotany) [00:46:56] Testing it beforehand will let experts say "Oh, yeah, that room would be better that way" "This won't work" [00:47:14] A big issue I've seen whenever we've tried to do anything "temporary" that required a recompile and redeploy on the server is that the people who have access to change things around never show up [00:47:59] Yeah, I'm not an expert on that sort of thing, changing the map on the server side [00:48:04] but I will keep appointments I make [00:49:06] Ok cool [00:51:57] Okay so first step is going to be getting the map up to date with the current code, and compiling it. Next, someone runs around on the map for a bit and we compile a big list of everything outstanding. Lastly we hope that it isn't just one person plugging away at that list [00:52:47] First two could probably be done in a matter of days [00:53:07] I'm not really going to be around much next week to help though [00:53:27] When do we officially choose the map, anyways? [00:53:35] Alright, we can hash out th details later. Looks like no one else has anything else, major takeaways have been posted on the thread. [00:53:40] A week from yesterday [00:53:47] Okay [00:53:53] A thread will be coming for sleeving [00:53:58] Right, and thanks [00:54:19] And the map chosen will have a thread a week from today. Thanks to everyone for coming out and blowing...shit, three hours on this. [00:54:25] While you're all here, I'm putting up a PR re: https://baystation12.net/forums/threads/suggestion-new-voting-system-antag-opt-in-change.1737/ now [00:54:26] mkalash: [Suggestion] New voting system + antag opt-in change. | Baystation 12 Forums [00:54:30] if you want to put any thoughts in [00:54:31] Atlantis, post the logs when you have them. [00:54:33] I'm not sure how i will be available either, but if any code changes are necessary that aren't really a giant rewrites i should be able to find a bit of itme. [00:54:42] Otherwise, if you guys have to go, you're free to go, have a great saturday