Looking for a job

Finding a job is not a simple task, but also not as complicated as it might seem. People looking for employment very often wonder why no one invites them for job interviews, since they send dozens or even hundreds of applications. And when such an opportunity arises, they are surprised that this is their first and last contact with a given company. If you want to know why this is happening, learn about some of the critical mistakes people make when looking for a job.

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How to start looking for a job? In fact, how not to do it?

I was prompted to write an article about looking for a job by a message from one of the would-be candidates. It was a response to an advertisement about looking for an intern. After the initial selection of applications, we decided to invite a job-seeking lady for an interview.
However, the candidate probably thought about her decision, because on the same day she sent me an e-mail refusing it. Our Lady was appalled that someone dared to offer her an internship. She also gave me some advice on the recruitment, employment and treatment of employees. She asked how poor she is to live on internship wages, pay for studies, fuel for commuting and her passions, etc.? I omit the fact that she sent her internship application herself, being aware (I hope) what such an internship is.
I was not indebted and I was also tempted to give some advice to the Lady looking for employment about what life and job seeking looks like. I asked her a few questions and sent her a "little elaboration". I hope she survived, because so far neither widu nor hearing. 🙂
I will not quote the content of this correspondence, but driven by the impulse of this situation, I decided to list the most common mistakes that hinder my job search. Maybe their analysis will be useful to you when you decide to look for a dream job. I am not a career advisor or professional recruiter. These are my thoughts and observations based on experience. Both as a person looking for a job and a person looking for valuable employees, having dozens of recruitment processes under his belt. In short, I know what looking for a job involves.

You only look for a job when you lose it

Or when the pain of working with your current employer becomes unbearable and you are burned out, discouraged and without energy.
In my opinion, this is the biggest mistake that almost everyone makes and they start looking for a job too late. Many employees think that if they already have a job, they deserve it for life or stick to it, even though all signs in the sky indicate that they are wasting their potential.
When things change and they suddenly lose their jobs, they panic. They are surprised, despite earlier signals that they are unlikely to stay in office for too long.

You're looking passively (not to say lazily)

Most people find work passively. Ie. one in which the peak of engagement is responding to job offers appearing in the media. Meanwhile, the best job offers spread beyond official communication channels. And I'm not talking about the fact that they are distributed "under the table". Many of them are carried out simply on the basis of internal promotions or through employee orders.
By passive search for employment, you lose the chance to find such a position.
Another thing is that even if your company is not currently recruiting, it doesn't mean you don't have a job opportunity. Most employers, even if they are not currently looking for employees, would be happy to hire a valuable and committed person with an idea for themselves.