What do Budgies eat?

Budgies are omnivores and need a varied diet for good health. They eat insects, vegetation, seeds, fruits, and berries in the wild. For the first 4 to 5 weeks of life, both male and female parents feed budgies crop milk mixed with regurgitated food and insects for protein. After that, juvenile budgies feed themselves solid foods. Budgies need fresh, varied food daily, including seeds and pellets, fruits, vegetables, and soft foods. Fruits, vegetables, and soft foods should be fed every other day or every day, but seeds and pellets can be fed daily.

Budgies love fruits, especially true and false berries, which are high in antioxidant polyphenols, vitamin C, and fiber. Budgies also like apples, bananas, melons, papayas, pears, and berries. Fresh and moderately served fruits prevent digestive issues. Budgies also need vitamins and minerals from vegetables. Kale, collard greens, lettuce, carrots, beets, and sweet potatoes are all good options. They can also eat soft foods like sprouted seeds, cooked eggs, and rice.

Budgies need a balanced diet of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy and fight off infections. Budgies need vitamin A, which is found in fruits and dark leafy vegetables, vitamin B6, which promotes growth and muscle control, and vitamin B12, which builds muscle. Budgies need calcium, magnesium, and iron from beans, leafy greens, and whole grains.

As a budgie owner, you must give them fresh, clean water daily and avoid giving them caffeine or alcohol. Birds should avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can cause intoxication, diarrhea, and death. Budgies need a cuttlebone or mineral block to trim their beaks and get essential minerals, especially calcium. They also need grit to digest food in their gizzard.

I have learned the importance of feeding my budgies a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, seeds, and pellets after several years of ownership. When I first got my budgies, I fed them only seeds, which led to an unbalanced diet. After doing some research, I learned that budgies need fresh fruits and vegetables daily, so I started feeding them apples, berries, and leafy greens like kale and collard greens. I also learned the importance of giving them fresh water daily and cleaning their food and water dishes to prevent bacterial infections. A balanced diet has kept them healthy, happy, and active.