Oil and Fun Don't Mix

by Admin

Posted on 27-03-2023 12:19 PM

When biomarkers are used in monitoring programmes, it is important to be aware of potential confounding factors ( thain et al. , 2008 ). Seasonal variations in temperature affect the biological activities of marine organisms (especially erod activity) and may also affect the behaviour, toxicity, and bioavailability of the oil. To make a critical assessment of the field data, parameters such as temperature and salinity of the ambient water in the sampling period must be recorded. The age/size, sex, maturation, and reproductive cycle of the sentinel species may affect the biomarker responses. To reduce the possible effect of these biological factors, samples should be as homogeneous as possible. great

Oil Spill | Gulf of Mexico | April 2010

Other deepwater horizon oil spill on april 20, 2010, the deepwater horizon (dwh) oil rig exploded and subsequently sank approximately 40 miles off the coast of louisiana. Eleven people lost their lives as a result of this disaster and more than 4. 9 million barrels of oil were released into the gulf of mexico. site Coastal louisiana, the most productive ecosystem in the nation and home to nearly 40% of the nation’s wetlands, was severely affected by this disaster. With respect to the work the cpra does, the dwh oil spill resulted in settlements with multiple responsible parties and associated fines and penalties related to statues including the oil pollution act of 1990 (opa) and the clean water act (cwa).

On april 20, 2010, the mobile offshore drilling unit deepwater horizon, which was being used to drill a well for bp in the macondo prospect (mississippi canyon 252-mc252), experienced a significant explosion, fire, and subsequent sinking in the gulf of mexico, resulting in an unprecedented volume of oil and other discharges from the rig and from the wellhead on the seabed. The deepwater horizon oil spill is the largest offshore oil spill in u. S. History, discharging millions of barrels of oil over a period of 87 days. In addition, well over 1 million gallons of dispersants were applied to the waters of the spill area in an attempt to disperse the spilled oil.

What Were the Impacts?

When oil spills occur, it is critical to quickly understand the environmental impact using geographic information systems (gis), satellite technologies, aerial photographs, and historical data. With more than 50 years of experience in assessing the impacts associated with oil spills, exponent leverages cutting-edge monitoring tools, historical data, and modeling software to provide in-depth information to help clients navigate the difficult path forward after an oil spill. Our consultants provide services to most of the major international oil companies, as well as pipeline, oilfield engineering design, and service companies. In addition, our scientists have supported u. S. And international governments in responding to and assessing spill impacts.

Our electrical engineering & computer science team studied how climate hazards affect the electrical grid to create degradation models and evaluates replacements and repairs, as well as the impact on substations and apparatuses. We defined the vulnerabilities of 70 types of assets and provided scenario planning, enabling sce to strategically focus on the areas of greatest risk. Environmental analysis leveraging collaborative expertise from civil engineering and environmental & earth sciences, we evaluated wildfires and their impacts, including geologic and hydrologic hazards, and debris flow impacts from fire within and downstream of burned areas. We then provided remedial solutions tailored to local site conditions.

Humans modify ecosystems in both intentional and unintentional ways, and impacts at the ecosystem scale, in turn, have both direct and indirect effects on human well-being. There is growing recognition that what is needed for informed environmental management and policy are measures that (a) link human actions to likely changes in ecosystems and (b) link changes in ecosystems to consequent changes in human well-being (millennium ecosystem assessment, 2005; nrc, 2005a; teeb, 2010). An analysis of environmental impacts can provide the link between human actions and environmental conditions. An analysis of ecosystem services—the benefits that people receive from ecosystems—can provide the link between ecosystem conditions and human well-being.