Device-Aware API and Board

If you need to implement test behavior for device (DUT or station) in a board-specific way, use or extend cros.factory.device.device_types.DeviceBoard. This class provides board-specific functionality, e.g.:

  • forcing device charge state

  • observing on-board sensors such as temperature sensors

  • querying the EC (embedded controller)

  • directly reading/writing values over the I2C bus

Obtaining a Board object

To obtain a cros.factory.device.device_types.DeviceBoard object for the device under test, use the following function:


Returns a Device board interface from DUT config.


Returns a Device board interface from Station config.

Extending the Board class

The base implementation of all boards is cros.factory.device.device_types.DeviceBoard. Currently if board_class is not specified, device_utils.CreateDUTInterface() function will return an instance of interface for ChromeOS devices using the subclass cros.factory.device.boards.chromeos.ChromeOSBoard. However, you may find that you need to customize or override certain functionality for your project. To do so:

  1. Define a new subclass of cros.factory.device.boards.chromeos.ChromeOSBoard in the cros.factory.device.boards package. In general, for a board named xxx, you will add a file private-overlays/overlay-xxx-private/chromeos-base/factory-board/files/py/device/boards/ containing the following:

    from cros.factory.device.boards import chromeos
    from cros.factory.device import device_types
    from cros.factory.utils import type_utils
    # Implement or import and override the components with difference.
    class XxxPower(types.DeviceComponent):
      def DoSomething(self):
    class XxxBoard(chromeos.ChromeOSBoard):
      # ... implement/override methods here ...
      def power(self):
        return XXXPower(self)

    Generally, your class should be derived from the cros.factory.device.boards.chromeos.ChromeOSBoard class, but if your device is not ChromeOS, you may wish to directly subclass or cros.factory.device.device_types.DeviceBoard.

  2. Specify that your implementation should be used. To do this, in private-overlays/overlay-board-private/chromeos-base/factory-board/files/py/config/devices.json, write a JSON configuration to specify the type of board and link to use just like the following:

    {"dut": {"board_class": "XXXBoard", "link_class": "XXXLink"}}

    board_class refers to the class name under cros.factory.device.boards, and link_class refers to the class name under cros.factory.device.links.

Adding new modules to the Board class

If you need to perform some system operation in a highly CrOS-specific or board-specific way, you may need to add a new property or method to the cros.factory.device.device_types.DeviceBoard class.

Let’s say that you’re working on a cool new CrOS device (“mintyfresh”) with a built-in air freshener, and you need to write a test for this game-changing new component. Consider the following questions:

  • Is there a mostly standard way of controlling the air freshener across CrOS devices, but that might be different for certain devices? (For instance, you can call ectool airfreshener 1 to enable the air freshener, but CrOS devices with a non-standard EC may need to implement this differently.)

    In this case, add an abstract module to cros.factory.device and include that in cros.factory.device.device_types.DeviceBoard as a new DeviceProperty airfreshener. it will work for “standard” devices but can be overridden as necessary.

  • Is the functionality totally one-off for your device? (For instance, you need to control the device via a hard-coded register on the I2C bus.)

    If so, add an abstract method to cros.factory.device.device_types.DeviceBoard and provide the implementation directly in your cros.factory.device.boards.mintyfresh.MintyFreshBoard class. Don’t provide an implementation in cros.factory.device.boards.chromeos.ChromeOSBoard, since it wouldn’t be useful on other boards anyway.

  • Is the functionality confidential?

    If so, simply implement your functionality in cros.factory.device.boards.mintyfresh.MintyFreshBoard. Once the device is launched, add a method to cros.factory.device.device_types.DeviceBoard and move your implementation to cros.factory.device.boards.chromeos.ChromeOSBoard so it can be re-used for future devices.

API Documentation

class cros.factory.device.device_types.DeviceBoard(link: cros.factory.device.device_types.IDeviceLink)

A base class all for board implementations to inherit from.

Call(*args, **kargs) int

Executes a command on target device, using convention.

The arguments are explained in Popen.

Do not override this function. The behavior of this function depends on the underlying device (e.g. SSH-connected device or local device), which has been well-handled by Popen.


Exit code from executed command.

CallOutput(*args, **kargs) Union[None, bytes, str]

Runs the command on device and returns standard output if success.

Do not override this function. The behavior of this function depends on the underlying device (e.g. SSH-connected device or local device), which has been well-handled by Popen.


If command exits with zero (success), return the standard output; otherwise None. If the command didn’t output anything then the result is empty string.

CheckCall(command: Union[str, Sequence[str]], stdin: Union[None, int, IO[Any]] = None, stdout: Union[None, int, IO[Any]] = None, stderr: Union[None, int, IO[Any]] = None, cwd: Optional[str] = None, log=False) int

Executes a command on device, using subprocess.check_call convention.

Do not override this function. The behavior of this function depends on the underlying device (e.g. SSH-connected device or local device), which has been well-handled by Popen.

  • command – A string or a list of strings for command to execute.

  • stdin – A file object to override standard input.

  • stdout – A file object to override standard output.

  • stderr – A file object to override standard error.

  • cwd – The working directory for the command.

  • log – True (for or a logger object to keep logs before running the command.


Exit code from executed command, which is always 0.


CalledProcessError if the exit code is non-zero.

CheckOutput(command: Union[str, Sequence[str]], stdin: Union[None, int, IO[Any]] = None, stderr: Union[None, int, IO[Any]] = None, cwd: Optional[str] = None, log=False, *, encoding: Optional[str] = 'utf-8') Union[str, bytes]

Executes a command on device, using subprocess.check_output convention.

Do not override this function. The behavior of this function depends on the underlying device (e.g. SSH-connected device or local device), which has been well-handled by Popen.

  • command – A string or a list of strings for command to execute.

  • stdin – A file object to override standard input.

  • stderr – A file object to override standard error.

  • cwd – The working directory for the command.

  • log – True (for or a logger object to keep logs before running the command.

  • encoding – The name of the encoding used to decode the command’s output. Set to None to read as byte.


The output on STDOUT from executed command.


CalledProcessError if the exit code is non-zero.

abstract GetStartupMessages()

Get various startup messages.

This is usually useful for debugging issues like unexpected reboot during test.

Returns: a dict that contains logs.

Glob(pattern: str) List[str]

Finds files on target device by pattern, similar to glob.glob.


pattern – A file path pattern (allows wild-card ‘*’ and ‘?).


A list of files matching pattern on target device.


Returns True if a device is ready for access.

This is usually simply forwarded to link.IsReady(), but some devices may need its own readiness check in additional to link layer.

Popen(command: Union[str, Sequence[str]], stdin: Union[None, int, IO[Any]] = None, stdout: Union[None, int, IO[Any]] = None, stderr: Union[None, int, IO[Any]] = None, cwd: Optional[str] = None, log=False, encoding: Optional[str] = 'utf-8') subprocess.Popen

Executes a command on target device using subprocess.Popen convention.

Compare to subprocess.Popen, the argument shell=True/False is not available for this function. When command is a list, it treats each item as a command to be invoked. When command is a string, it treats the string as a shell script to invoke.

  • command – A string or a list of strings for command to execute.

  • stdin – A file object to override standard input.

  • stdout – A file object to override standard output.

  • stderr – A file object to override standard error.

  • cwd – The working directory for the command.

  • log – True (for or a logger object to keep logs before running the command.

  • encoding – Same as subprocess.Popen, we will use utf-8 as default to make it output str type.


An object similar to subprocess.Popen.

ReadFile(path: str, count: Optional[int] = None, skip: Optional[int] = None) str

Returns file contents on target device.

By default the “most-efficient” way of reading file will be used, which may not work for special files like device node or disk block file. Use ReadSpecialFile for those files instead.

Meanwhile, if count or skip is specified, the file will also be fetched by ReadSpecialFile.

  • path – A string for file path on target device.

  • count – Number of bytes to read. None to read whole file.

  • skip – Number of bytes to skip before reading. None to read from beginning.


A string as file contents.

ReadSpecialFile(path: str, count: Optional[int] = None, skip: Optional[int] = None, encoding: Optional[str] = 'utf-8')

Returns contents of special file on target device.

Reads special files (device node, disk block, or sys driver files) on device using the most portable approach.

  • path – A string for file path on target device.

  • count – Number of bytes to read. None to read whole file.

  • skip – Number of bytes to skip before reading. None to read from beginning.

  • encoding – The encoding of the file content.


A string or bytes as file contents.

SendDirectory(local: str, remote: str) None

Copies a local directory to target device.

local should be a local directory, and remote should be a non-existing file path on target device.


SendDirectory('/path/to/local/dir', '/remote/path/to/some_dir')

Will create directory some_dir under /remote/path/to and copy files and directories under /path/to/local/dir/ to some_dir.

  • local – A string for directory path in local.

  • remote – A string for directory path on remote device.

SendFile(local: str, remote: str) None

Copies a local file to target device.

  • local – A string for file path in local.

  • remote – A string for file path on remote device.

WriteFile(path: str, content: str) None

Writes some content into file on target device.

  • path – A string for file path on target device.

  • content – A string to be written into file.

WriteSpecialFile(path: str, content: str) None

Writes some content into a special file on target device.

  • path – A string for file path on target device.

  • content – A string to be written into file.


Sensor measures proper acceleration (also known as g-sensor).


Ambient light sensors.


Audio input and output, including headset, mic, and speakers.


Interface to connect and control Bluetooth devices.


Interface to control camera devices.


Interface for showing images or taking screenshot.


Module for controlling Embedded Controller.


Module for fan control.


Gyroscope sensors.


Hardware monitor devices.


Module for accessing to target devices on I2C bus.


Module for static information about the system.


Module for adding / removing start-up jobs.


Module for controlling LED.


Magnetometer / Compass.


Module for memory information.


Provide information of partitions on a device.


Provides operations on path names, similar to os.path.


Interface for reading and controlling battery.


Returns live system status (dynamic data like CPU loading).


Information of the persistent storage on device.


Provides access to temporary files and directories.


System module for thermal control (temperature sensors, fans).


Module for touch.




A python wrapper for http


Module for detecting udev event.


System module for USB type-C.


Interface for read / write Vital Product Data (VPD).


Camera vertical sync sensors.


Interface for controlling WiFi devices.

An abstract class for connection to remote or local device.

abstract Push(local: str, remote: str) None

Uploads a local file to target device.

  • local – A string for local file path.

  • remote – A string for remote file path on device.

abstract PushDirectory(local: str, remote: str) None

Copies a local file to target device.

local should be a local directory, and remote should be a non-existing file path on device.


PushDirectory('/path/to/local/dir', '/remote/path/to/some_dir')

Will create directory some_dir under /remote/path/to and copy files and directories under /path/to/local/dir/ to some_dir.

  • local – A string for directory path in local.

  • remote – A string for directory path on remote device.

abstract Pull(remote: str, local: None = None) Union[str, bytes]
abstract Pull(remote: str, local: str) None

Downloads a file from target device to local.

  • remote – A string for file path on remote device.

  • local – A string for local file path to receive downloaded content, or None to return the contents directly.


If local is None, return bytes or a string as contents in remote file. Otherwise, do not return anything.

abstract PullDirectory(remote: str, local: str) None

Downloads a directory from target device to local.

abstract Shell(command: Union[str, Sequence[str]], stdin: Union[None, int, IO[Any]] = None, stdout: Union[None, int, IO[Any]] = None, stderr: Union[None, int, IO[Any]] = None, cwd: Optional[str] = None, encoding: Optional[str] = 'utf-8') Any

Executes a command on device.

The calling convention is similar to subprocess.Popen, but only a subset of parameters are supported due to platform limitation.

  • command – A string or a list of strings for command to execute.

  • stdin – A file object to override standard input.

  • stdout – A file object to override standard output.

  • stderr – A file object to override standard error.

  • cwd – The working directory for the command.

  • encoding – Same as subprocess.Popen, we will use utf-8 as default to make it output str type.


An object representing the process, similar to subprocess.Popen.

abstract IsReady() bool

Checks if device is ready for connection.


A boolean indicating if target device is ready.

abstract IsLocal() bool

Checks if the target device exactly the local machine.

This is helpful for tests to decide if they can use Python native modules or need to invoke system commands.


True if the target device is local; False if remote or not certain.

Setup prerequisites of device connections.

Some device types need to do some setup before we can connect to. For example, we might need to start a DHCP server that assigns IP addresses to devices.