source code: devtools/vim/

ChromeOS Factory Developer VIM Plugins

This folder contains VIM plugins that are useful for ChromeOS Factory development.


Run ./ to install script loader into your vim config. If your .vim folder or .vimrc file is not in default location (~/.vim and ~/.vimrc), you can use DOT_VIM=... VIMRC=... ./ to change it.


  • devtools/vim/ftplugin/python/sort_import.vim

    • sort python import lines

  • devtools/vim/ftplugin/python/pylint.vim

  • devtools/vim/ftplugin/python/basic.vim

    • basic setup (indent, tabs, etc…)

  • devtools/vim/plugin/add_pythonpath.vim

  • devtools/vim/autoload/localrc.vim

    • .local.vimrc loader

  • devtools/vim/plugin/iconv.vim

    • convert selected traditional Chinese string into simplified Chinese.

  • devtools/vim/coc-settings.json

    • a sample setting file for coc.nvim plugin.

    • to use coc.nvim

      • if the owner of ~/.config is root then sudo chown $(whoami) ~/.config

      • install the plugin by following the instructions on github.

      • in vim, :CocInstall coc-json coc-pyright coc-sh to install json, python, and shell extension.

      • copy or symlink this file to platform/factory/.vim/ folder (already added by default).