source code: py/config/

ChromeOS Factory Software Build Configuration

This directory contains Build configuration JSON config and schema files and will be visited by module cros.factory.utils.config_utils.

To add files, create the right JSON (config and schema) files in board overlay factory-board/files/py/config/ and install into system.

List of available config


This is a sample config file for enabling separate registration code for custom label projects. While using this, ODM/OEM needs to:

  • Copy the file to the project private overlay.

  • Rename the file to custom_label_reg_code.json.

  • Change/Add project specific configurations in the custom_label_reg_code.json. ODM/OEM needs to follow below sample to config the content: Sample content:

  "phaser360": {
    "laser": false,
    "dopefish": false
  "bobba360": {
    "gik360": false


  1. The first level keys of phaser360/bobba360 should be the model name of your device which could be get by #cros_config / name in dut.

  2. The second level keys of dopefish/gik360 is the custom-label-tag of the custom label device belongs to the model listed as the first level keys. The name could be get by #cros_config /identity custom-label-tag in dut.

  3. The value of the second level keys are indicating whether the registration code for the corresponding custom label devices are enabled or not:

true: the feature is enabled, which means ODM/OEM applied separate registration code bundle for the device, the software will check the registration code according to the custom label device name.

false: the feature is disabled, which means ODM/OEM doesn’t apply separate registration code bundle for the device and will use the same registration code bundle as the model it belongs to, the software will check registration code according to the model name.

  • Submit new configuration file to your private overlay code base.

  • Make sure to use the registration code for your custom label devices in factory.

  • If all steps are setup correctly, factory.par gooftool verify_vpd will pass.