source code: py/hwid/service/appengine/

HWID Service

This folder contains the mandatory files to deploy HWID Service on AppEngine. Most of the files are porting from HWID Server with modifications to adapt to factory repository.


The origin HWID Server Arch Overview and Design Doc.

Important Files

  • app.yaml: Config file for deploying service on AppEngine.

  • cron.yaml: Config file for deploying cronjob on AppEngine.

  • ${factory_dir}/deploy/ The main script to deploy and test HWID Service. Run for more usage.

  • The very first loading file on AppEngine.

  • The API entry point. It defines the API handlers.

  • The HWID API function implementation.

Run and Deploy


There are three environments to deploy to:

  1. prod

    • GCP project name: chromeos-hwid

    • AppEngine APP ID: s~chromeos-hwid

    • AppEngine URL:

    • AppEngine Management Page:

    • Cloud Storage Bucket:

    • Borgcron Job Sigma: http://sigma/jobs/chromeoshwid

    • Endpoint URL:

  2. staging

    • GCP project name: chromeos-hwid-staging

    • AppEngine APP ID: s~chromeos-hwid-staging

    • AppEngine URL:

    • AppEngine Management Page:

    • Cloud Storage Bucket:

    • Borgcron Job Sigma: N/A (Job only exists for prod).

    • Endpoint URL:

  3. local

    • GCP project name: N/A

    • AppEngine APP ID: N/A

    • AppEngine URL: N/A

    • Cloud Storage Bucket: (Note: Just the server is local, the bucket is not)

    • Borgcron Job Sigma: N/A

    • Endpoint URL: http://localhost:8080/api/chromeoshwid/v1/

AppEngine Deployment Flow

Run Local Server

Download database:

  • Redis:

    1. GCP console -> Memorystore -> Redis -> Export -> Select bucket -> Export

    2. GCP console -> Cloud Storage -> Select bucket -> Download redis rdb

  • Datastore:

    1. GCP console -> Datastore -> Export

    2. Select namespace=”all namespace” -> Select bucket -> Export

    3. GCP console -> Cloud Storage -> Select bucket -> Download Datastore folder

Impersonated service account (For gerrit access):

  • GCP console -> IAM -> Add your LDAP as “Service Account Token Creator”

Run local server:

export REDIS_RDB=${redis_rdb}
export DATASTORE=${datastore}

deploy/ build
deploy/ deploy local

Deploy Staging/Prod

  1. Make sure the contents of three repos is what you want:

Normally, we would use ToT: Run repo sync . in each repo.

  1. Make sure endpoint config is up-to-date. If the interface is not changed, you can skip this step and the deployment script will find the latest version of config.

# As endpoint interface changes, you may need to generate the json config of
# Open API settings. Note that ${endpoint_service_name} here is the AppEngine
# URL mentioned above without `https://` schema prefix.
cd ${appengine_dir}
PYTHONPATH=../../../../build/hwid/protobuf_out \
  python ../../../../build/hwid/lib/endpoints/ \
  get_openapi_spec hwid_api.HwidApi --hostname "${endpoint_service_name}"
# You can then deploy the generated config file `chromeoshwidv1openapi.json`.
gcloud endpoints services deploy chromeoshwidv1openapi.json
  1. Before deploying to prod, you have to deploy to staging:

# If you use Google Cloud Platform for the first time, you may have to
# install gcloud sdk (  gcloud may ask you
# to register or loging your account.  Please enter your google domain acount.
# It may also ask you to register or login a GCP project account, you can
# use 'chromeos-factory'.  The deploy script will choose the right GCP project
# to deploy.
deploy/ deploy staging
  1. Make sure all tests are passed:

# In chroot: unittest
make test
# Out of chroot: integration test and e2e test
# - Integration test creates a docker image, which may take a long time for the
#   first time running this script.
# - e2e test list is placed at http://go/factory-private-git
deploy/ test
  1. If all tests are passed, now we can deploy the HWID Service to prod:

deploy/ deploy prod
  1. Open the AppEngine management page, and watch the traffics are not blocked.

Invoking API

Before invoking the API, you should add your LDAP to client_allowlist in $factory-private/config/hwid/service/appengine/configurations.yaml, and deploy the app engine again.


Example request for local server:

  • Shell:


bom_request() {
  local request="$(echo -e "hwid: 'DRALLION360-ZZCR A3B-A3G-D4Y-Q8I-A9W'\nverbose: true" | \
    protoc --encode "${HWID_API_MESSAGES_PACKAGE}.BomRequest" \
    --proto_path="${PROTO_PATH}" "${PROTO_FILE}" | base64)"

  echo "${request}" | base64 -d | \
    curl -s -XPOST localhost:5000/_ah/stubby/HwidService.GetBom \
      --data-binary @- | \
    protoc --decode "${HWID_API_MESSAGES_PACKAGE}.BomResponse" \
      --proto_path="${PROTO_PATH}" "${PROTO_FILE}"
  • Python:

# Copy the generated to local
import hwid_api_messages_pb2
import urllib.request

def get_bom():
  msg = hwid_api_messages_pb2.BomRequest(
      hwid='DRALLION360-ZZCR A3B-A3G-D4Y-Q8I-A9W',
  payload = msg.SerializeToString()
  req = urllib.request.Request('http://localhost:5000/_ah/stubby/HwidService.GetBom', data=payload)
  with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as fp:
    resp = hwid_api_messages_pb2.BomResponse()


Example request for staging/e2e/prod environment:

# usage:
#   deploy/ request [prod|e2e|staging] ${proto_file} ${api}
# The input should be in prototxt format. See the definition in
# `py/hwid/service/appengine/proto`

$ cat > /tmp/request.txt << EOF
hwid: "AKALI C5B-A4B-E3K-62Q-A8E"
verbose: true

$ ./deploy/ request staging hwid_api_messages \
  HwidService.GetBom < /tmp/request.txt


cros_sdk make -C ../platform/factory test  # factory unittests
./ test  # integration tests and e2e tests


To view the logs, you have to go to AppEngine Management Page -> Versions -> Diagnose -> Logs

HWID Database Ingestion Pipeline

The ingestion pipeline helps AppEngine get access to the HWID Database on Gerrit, there are two stages of the pipeline.

  1. Borgcron Job Ingestion

    • Uploads HWID Databse from gerrit to BigStore bucket [bucket]/staging every day. (code: http://go/chromeos-hwid-ingestion)

  2. AppEngine Cronjob Ingestion

    • Validates the HWID Databse files in BigStore bucket [bucket]/staging. If the file is validated, move the file from [bucket]/staging to [bucket]/live.

Borgcron Job Deployment

The borgcron job is to periodically(every 24h) upload the latest HWID Database from git(via git/gerrit-on-borg) to the cloud buckets. Since it is a borgcron job, we don’t port this part to the factory repository. To modify the code and deploy, please refers to http://go/hwid-server-arch -> Run & deploy -> Deploying the borgcron job.