source code: py/probe_info_service/app_engine/testdata/

Test Data for Probe Info ServiceΒΆ

Roughly, the major dataflow this service provides is:

  1. Given probe info or overridden probe statement of components, the service converts them into a bundle file that contains all the corresponding probe statements.

  2. The user invokes the bundle file to gain test results from real devices.

  3. Given the test results, the service analyzes them and performs status changes.

The unittests cover both the stateless functionality of each single step, as well as some common scenarios, which is constructed by a series of stateful API calls. Since both types of tests need test material like probe infos, probe statements, test results, etc, this folder centralizes those data to share across different test cases.

Most of the files in this folder follow a fixed naming convention:

  • <data_type> represents the kind of the test data.

  • <id> is an index for cross referencing between testdata files.

  • <variation> summaries the detail of the test data.

  • <file_extension> is just the hint for the editor to choose the correct syntax parser.

For example, component_probe_info-1-param_value_error.prototxt contains a ComponentProbeInfo protobuf message. The message records the probe info of an imagined qualification. In addition, the probe info contains some wrong values so the service should consider it invalid.

probe_info_parsed_result-1-param_value_error.prototxt, on the other hand, contains the expected output the service should return from component_probe_info-1-param_value_error.prototxt.