source code: py/test/l10n/

l10n Migrate Region FieldsΒΆ

Since, we stopped using fixed numeric id to encode region fields. Some discussions can be found on

Basically, instead of

region_field: !region_field
region_component: !region_component
 - name: verify.regions
  evaluate: >
      Assert(GetVPDValue('ro', 'region') in [
          'us', 'gb',

you should use

region_field: !region_field [us, gb]
region_component: !region_component

in your HWID database. And this is the default setup for all new HWID databases. For HWID database of old projects, if you need to enable a new region, which is not in the LEGACY_REGIONS_LIST defined by Instead of adding the new region to the list, you should migrate to new region field instead.

You need to do the following:

  1. Create a new image id and new image pattern in HWID database.

  2. The new image pattern can have everything copied from latest image pattern, and then you change region_field to new_region_field. You should still preserve 8 bits for the new field.

  3. In encoded_fields section, define new_region_field as following:

    new_region_field: !region_field ['us', '' ...]
    # You should only list countries approved for list device, including the new
    # region you plan to add.
  4. Get approval of new HWID database from device PM and SIE.