source code: py/test_list_editor/frontend/

Test List Editor Frontend Developer Guide

This is the frontend for the test list editor. It is created with React.


  • node, you can alternatively use nvm to manage your node version. We use node v18 and npm v8 at the time this project is created.

Folder structure

The folder structure is scaffolded by create-react-app. The folder structure can be found here

  • src/, Stores the source code for the frontend. All the source code (e.g. .tsx, .css, etc.) should be placed in this folder or it would not be built.

    • src/components stores the component that will be used in src/pages.

    • src/services stores the API caller to the backend server.

    • src/pages stores the page layout to specific sites.

    • When you visit localhost:5100/upload, you are visiting the element inside src/pages/upload.

    • src/interfaces stores the interface definitions used at multiple locations.

  • public/, Stores the static files for the web page. Files like index.html, pictures will be placed here.

  • node_modules/, Stores the node module for the frontend.

  • .env, Stores the configuration for running the dev frontend.

Start the dev frontend server

  • If you just want to recover the existing packages, you should run npm ci. If you want to run the installation process and also update the package when possible, use npm install.

    # Run the command to recover existing packages based on package.json.
    npm ci
  • The frontend default runs on port 5100. If you want to change the port setting, you can modify the .env file located in this folder. Or, with the following command.

    # In the frontend folder.
    echo "PORT=${YOUR_PORT_NUMBER}" >> .env
  • If you want the page to show up in your browser, you will need to set up port forwarding from your remote server to your local web browser.

# start the dev frontend server
npm run start
# Now the frontend is running on port 5100.
# Go to localhost:5100 to see the webpage.
  • If you want to test the functionality of the tool, it is recommended to start the backend server as well. You can find the documentation to run the server in backend folder.

Before submitting code changes

  • Run tests on code npm run test or npm run coverage.

  • Run formatter whenever possible npm run format.

  • Run linter and fix lint errors npm run lint.

Production container

  • The production container uses a nginx instance to serve the static files.

  • The default port for nginx inside the container is 6000 and should not be modified, but you can bind it to a different port on your host by specifying it when running the container using the PORT argument as below example. However, if you need to modify the port inside the container itself, you will need to edit the Dockerfile and nginx.conf files.

# Builds the container
docker build -t dev-editor-fe .

# Runs the container
# Change PORT variable to change the bind location
docker run -p ${PORT}:6000 dev-editor-fe