source code: py/umpire/server/e2e_test/

Integration tests for Umpire docker

This test should be run by umpire test. is in directory setup/ under root directory of factory repository (in ../../../../setup relative to this directory.)


  • Host: The machine where source tree is located.

  • Test Docker: The docker where main test script is run.

  • Umpire Docker: The Umpire docker instance to be tested, created by the main test script.

Directory structure in source tree

In directory py/umpire/server/e2e_test:

  • The main test script.

  • Dockerfile: Dockerfile to build Test Docker.

  • requirements.txt: Dependencies of main test script, would be installed in Test Docker.

  • testdata/umpire: Data that would be mounted on /var/db/factory/umpire in Umpire Docker.

  • testdata/cros_docker: Data that would be mounted on /mnt in Umpire Docker.

  • testdata/config: Testdata used by main test script.

In directory setup:

  • Shell script used to control factory server services, in particular, Umpire.

Test flow

The test flow is as follows when umpire test is executed.

  • Build the factory server docker image. (Same as build)

  • Build Test Docker from Dockerfile in this directory, which copies py/, py_pkg/, bin/, setup/ into /usr/local/factory in Test Docker.

  • Start a new Test Docker instance, with a temporary folder on Host stored in environment variable TMPDIR, and mounted on same path inside Test Docker.

  • Inside Test Docker, for each set of test, a new Umpire Docker is created on setUpClass, and destroyed on tearDownClass.

  • Inside Test Docker, when creating a new Umpire Docker, copy testdata/cros_docker into ${TMPDIR}/cros_docker/, testdata/umpire into ${TMPDIR}/cros_docker/umpire/${PROJECT}/, and set HOST_SHARED_DIR environment variable to ${TMPDIR}/cros_docker when calling umpire run inside main test script.

  • The docker service on Host would then create Umpire Docker, mount ${TMPDIR}/cros_docker to /mnt in Umpire Docker, ${TMPDIR}/cros_docker/umpire/${PROJECT} to /var/db/factory/umpire in Umpire Docker.

  • Test is executed by calling other commands, and interact with Umpire Docker.