source code: setup/

Custom Factory Reset Process



The factory reset is the standard process that will be run in the reset shim. The process of factory reset is quite different between factories, since it depends on how partners wants to control the factory flow.

To increase the flexibility without breaking the security concern, we enabled some limited actions with limited arguments. This doc describes the format of the config file, and the process to enable this feature.


  • Prepare a config json file.

  • In the factory repo, setup/image_tool edit_toolkit_config -i shim.bin.

  • Press 6 and input the path of the config file.

  • Boot the factory shim and perform action_p.


  • Check RMA SHIM for the details of image tool.

  • The format of config file is an array of actions, the action_p will execute the actions in order.



Reset the device

This action cleans the data on the device.


Charge/Discharge the battery

This action makes sure the state of battery meets the config in cutoff.json.


Request a http request

This action sends a post request to a specific url with specific arguments.

    {"HttpRequest": {"url": "<url>", "post_arg": {"<key>": "<value>"}}}

Display QRcodes

This action displays multiple qrcodes with specific size in specific location. If position is not given, the qrcode will be displayed in the center. If continue_key is given, the action will stop after displaying the qrcodes. The behavior is the same as StopAndConfirm. We adjust the order of displayed content to make it more stable. If the content contains the pattern <ARGUMENT>, then it will be replaced by the information of the DUT.

  • <hwid> will be replaced by the hwid string.

  • <serial_number> will be replaced by the serial_number in vpd.

  • <mlb_serial_number> will be replaced by the mlb_serial_number in vpd.

  • <wifi_mac0> will be replaced by the wifi_mac0 in vpd.

  • <service_tag> will be replaced by the service_tag in vpd.

    {"DisplayQRcode": {
        "qrcodes": [{"size": <size>, "position": [<x>, <y>], "content": "<string to display>"}],
        "continue_key": "a"

Wait a user input

This action stops the process and waits user to input a specific string and press enter to continue the process.

    {"StopAndConfirm": "<string to input>"}

Check AC state

This action makes sure the state of AC meets the config in cutoff.json.


Clear the terminal

This action clears the terminal.


Cutoff the battery

This action cuts off the battery by the method in cutoff.json and sets the charge mode to normal.

This action is mandatory to be executed in the end of the process.