
Sequential execute the functions.

Function Arguments






The list of the function expression.


The input of the next function is the output of the previous function. The concept is:

data = Func1(data)
data = Func2(data)

This function is very useful when you want to union the outputs of a series of probe functions.


Assume that we want to design a probe statement to probe general information from the device. The expected probed data should contain two fields:

  • device_sku comes from the command cros_config /identity sku-id

  • device_version from the command get_version --board.

Instead of implementing a new probe function, we can reuse the existing shell function, which executes a single command, and writes a probe statement like:

  "eval": {
    "sequence": {
      "functions": [
          "shell": {
            "command": "cros_config /identity sku-id",
            "key": "device_sku"
          "shell": {
            "command": "get_version --board",
            "key": "device_version"

The expected probed results is:

    "device_sku": <output_of_the_cros_config_command>,
    "device_version": <output_of_the_get_version_command>

As this function is very common to use, the probe framework also supplies a syntax sugar for it. Above probe statement can be simplified to:

  "eval": [  # A list of functions means to apply the `sequence`
             # function.
      "shell": {
        "command": "cros_config /identity sku-id",
        "key": "device_sku"
      "shell": {
        "command": "get_version --board",
        "key": "device_version"