Give your OFFERING Online

Use your PC or phone to make a one-time donation by debit, credit, e-Transfer, or PayPal... Sign-up for monthly debit... Or drop-off in-person

Thank you for your continued support and faithfulness as we navigate these uncharted waters.

One-time Online Giving

Click the button below to open the PayPal donations form. You can use debit, credit, or a PayPal account to make your donation.

Click the e-Transfer button to get instructions on how to set up your bank app to email an e-Transfer to Amberlea Church

Pre-authorized Monthly Giving

Sign-up for Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR): Automate the direct debit from your bank account on the 20th of every month with PAR.

Giving By Paper Cheque

If you would like to continue to give by cheque, put your offering in the church mailbox. Or mail it to:
Amberlea Presbyterian Church
1820 Whites Road, Pickering, ON L1V 1R8

We will have someone check the church mailbox every Tuesday. We request that you NOT leave cash in the mailbox.

NOTE: Include your postal address with all gifts

In order to issue a tax receipt, the CRA requires that we include your name and address on the receipt (it is part of how they identify you). So be sure to enter your address -- at least the first time. You may also include a note to direct your donation to a specific purpose.

For more information...

To contact the church office, complete the form below and click SUBMIT.

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