Worship This Week...

Sunday Worship (9AM & 11AM) *Sunday School (11AM) *Morning Prayers (7:15AM) *Tue Devotions (7:00PM) *Thu Bible Study (7:30PM)

① This Coming Sunday...

Join the venerable Rev Fr Theadore Hunt, on April 7th (9AM in-person & 11AM in-person & online)

  • Sunday School for children JK to grade 5 at 11 a.m.
  • Coffee & Tea service following 11AM worship
See the worship service bulletin below; take home a printed bulletin from in-person worship.

Bulletin for this coming Sunday...


② Last Sunday...

See a teaser reel for last Sunday's Sermon on Easter Sunday, "She saw the tomb empty..." To read the sermon as text and/or watch the whole worship service, go to https://bit.ly/cssdSermon

Include the link, https://bit.ly/cssdSermon, in your post along with a sentence saying how the video impacted you.

Below, are more 1-minute videos from last week.

day 2...
day 3...
day 4...
day 5...




But we're not just Sunday

I want to invite you to join us as we worship, during this week.

Join us Sunday evening at 6:00 PM online for evening prayer, and then again, Monday through Friday at 7:15 AM for morning prayer.

The Tuesday evening Prayer Bible Study Fellowship Group continues at 7:00 PM.




Click the Zoom button to connect to...

  • Morning Prayers (M-F 7:15 AM)
  • Evening Prayers (Sun 6:00 PM)
  • Bible Study (Thu 7:30PM)

(phone: 647-374-4685, id: 822-5170-7824, code: 078070)


⑤ TUESDAYS (7:00 p.m.)

Join Bev, Ezekiel, Margaret
... and...
for prayer and devotions, 7PM TUE

...or... go to our website while a Zoom meeting is in session and click the Zoom button in the banner.




click the image to open the subscription form



Livestream Replay of last Sunday's Worship Service

Typical Order of Service

The list below identifies the typical Order-of-Service. The items high-lighted in yellow are included in "This Week's Prayers, Readings, & Hymns" (the button above).

  • Welcome
  • Collect
  • Processional Hymn
  • First Reading
  • Psalm
  • Second Reading
  • Gradual Hymn
  • Gospel Reading
  • Sermon
  • Apostles' Creed
  • Intercessory Prayer
  • Offertory Hymn
  • Offertory Prayer
  • Lord's Prayer
  • Communion / Ablution Hymn
  • Prayer after Communion
  • Announcements
  • Closing Prayer
  • Recessional Hymn
  • Goodbye

... website...