How Do I Clean My House After Covid Australia?

How Do I Clean My House After Covid Australia?

How Do I Clean My House After Covid Australia?

How Do I Clean My House After Covid Australia?

Posted by Suji Siv @Clean Group on 2023-09-21

How Do I Clean My House After Covid Australia?


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of maintaining a clean and safe home environment has never been more apparent. This comprehensive guide to COVID-safe house cleaning in Australia is designed to empower homeowners with the knowledge and strategies needed to safeguard their households against viral threats.

We'll explore best practices for cleaning and disinfecting various surfaces, recommended cleaning agents, and effective cleaning routines to minimize the risk of infection. Whether you're a homeowner, a property manager, or a concerned tenant, this guide will equip you with valuable insights to ensure your living spaces remain safe and healthy.

Types of Cleaning Products and Disinfectants to Use

COVID-19 has presented a unique challenge to Australian households in terms of ensuring domestic safety. Cleaning and disinfecting the home is a critical step for preventing infection, but knowing what types of cleaning products and disinfectants to use can be confusing! (For instance), there are so many different possibilities at your disposal - from commercial solutions to natural remedies - that it's hard to know which one is right for you.

Fortunately, this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to make sure your home is kept safe during these trying times. Firstly, there are two main types of cleaning products that should be used: detergents and disinfectants. Detergents are designed to remove dirt, grime and grease from surfaces; while disinfectants kill germs on contact. It's important to note that neither will completely protect against viruses like COVID-19, so it's essential to use both in combination for maximum protection.

(On top of that), many people opt for store-bought solutions when it comes to cleaning and sanitizing their homes. For example, household bleach or chlorine based cleaners are effective against bacteria and viruses including coronaviruses; while alcohol-based solutions are also great for wiping down hard surfaces such as countertops or doorknobs. However, it's worth noting that they can cause damage if used incorrectly - so make sure you read the instructions carefully before using any product!

Moving forward, some people prefer less toxic alternatives such as vinegar or bicarbonate soda when cleaning their homes. While these don't work as well at killing germs compared to store bought products; they still offer some level of protection against the virus. Additionally, they have the added benefit of being much more gentle on surfaces than harsher chemicals - ideal for those looking for an eco-friendly option!

Lastly, (to sum up), there are plenty of options available when it comes to keeping your home clean during COVID-19 – from traditional store bought cleaners and disinfectants to more natural alternatives like vinegar or baking soda. No matter which route you decide to take; just remember one thing: always read the instructions carefully before using any product – doing so could save both time and money in the long run!

Areas to Focus Cleaning Efforts On

COVID-19 has changed the way we do many things, including cleaning our homes. It's important to focus on certain areas when it comes to keeping your house safe from this virus. (Firstly), common touchpoints such as door handles, light switches and remotes should be thoroughly disinfected on a daily basis. Bathrooms are another key area that needs to be focused on - toilets, showers and sinks should be wiped down with an approved cleaner after every use.

Moreover, hard surfaces in the kitchen should get special attention; countertops, tables and cupboard doors should all be wiped clean at least once a day. Vacuuming carpets and rugs regularly is key too for removing dust particles that may contain germs.(Furthermore), don't forget about soft furnishings like curtains or cushions - vacuuming or washing them will help keep them germ-free! Finally, make sure you're disposing of rubbish properly so that germs don't spread.

So there you have it: these are the main areas to hone your cleaning efforts on if you want to help protect yourself and your family against COVID-19! Take care and stay safe everyone!

Tips To Make House Cleaning Easier During the Pandemic

Covid-19 has changed the way we live and clean our homes. With new safety measures in place, it can be daunting to keep your house clean while avoiding infection (or worse!). But with a few simple tips, you can make house cleaning easier during these difficult times!

First, invest in some good quality cleaning products. Get all-purpose cleaners that say "antimicrobial" on them as well as disinfectants for more thorough cleaning. This will ensure your home is properly sanitised. Also, think about getting one of those robot vacuums – they're really handy!

Secondly, wear protective gear when cleaning. Glove up (especially if you have to touch any surfaces) and throw on a face mask and eye protection if you're using harsh chemicals or solvents. It might seem like overkill but it's better to be safe than sorry!

Thirdly, use the right technique when wiping down surfaces. Make sure you always go from top to bottom and don't forget hard-to-reach places like corners and between appliances – these are where most germs hide out!

Finally, utilise natural cleaning agents like vinegar or lemon juice for an eco-friendly alternative. Plus they smell great too! And remember: frequent hand washing is a must – wash for at least 20 seconds every time before returning to your duties!

So there you have it - Covid-safe house cleaning doesn't have to be complicated or overwhelming! Follow these tips and you'll soon be on your way to having a safe and sparkling home again in no time!.

Important Safety Considerations When Cleaning During COVID-19

Covid-19 has changed the way we go about our daily lives, including how we clean our homes. Cleaning your home during the pandemic is essential to keep it safe and hygienic for everyone in it. Here's a comprehensive guide to Covid-safe house cleaning in Australia with all the important safety considerations!

Firstly, use protective gear (gloves, mask, gown) when cleaning surfaces or objects that may have been contaminated with saliva or respiratory secretions. Also, avoid touching your face and try to stay away from other people while performing tasks like dusting or vacuuming. It's also important to keep windows open whenever possible so that air can circulate freely throughout your home.

Secondly, make sure you use disinfectant products that are effective against coronavirus on frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches and countertops. Disinfectants should be used according to manufacturer instructions and allowed sufficient contact time before wiping them off. Additionally, don't forget to dispose of any used cleaning materials appropriately such as disposing of cloths in a lined bin immediately after use.

Thirdly, practice good hand hygiene by washing hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds especially after you finish cleaning an area or object. If no soap is available then use an alcohol based sanitiser if possible but note that it shouldn't be used on broken skin or open wounds!

Furthermore, keep some distance from other members of your household when moving through common areas like hallways and bathrooms; this will help reduce the spread of germs within these spaces too.

In conclusion, although Covid-19 has caused us all difficulty when carrying out everyday tasks like cleaning our homes - following these safety considerations will go a long way towards helping us maintain a clean and virus-free environment! So let's embrace this challenge & take care of ourselves - one surface at a time!


In conclusion, COVID-Safe House Cleaning in Australia is an important topic for all households to consider! It is essential to understand the (bundel) of guidelines and strategies presented by the Australian Government and professional cleaners. This will help to reduce the spread of infection and ensure a safe environment for all. Moreover, regular cleaning and disinfection are key components in maintaining a healthy home. Furthermore, it is important to not forget basic practices such as proper handwashing after touching surfaces! Lastly, don't forget that prevention is always better than cure - so take necessary steps to keep your house clean and safe at all times! To sum up, following these simple yet effective techniques can save lives and protect your family from potential harm during this difficult time.


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