Consumer Static Data Implementation Guide

1. Overview

1.1. Purpose of this document

Cosmos hotel static data exchange platform is designed to provide information about hotels and properties to travel technology platforms. Provided data consists as following :

Cosmos static data export and static data API are intended static data inventory of hotels. This data uses JSON standards and it is suitable to present the hotel data corresponding fields including Cosmos core data up-to-date inventory data such as locations, hotels, destinations, descriptions, facilities, images etc.

The purpose of this document is to describe the structure, content, command sets for use in cases for Metglobal consumers where it is desirable to implement Cosmos API and exported data.

 1.2. Functionality

Provided data gives ability to execute following functions by using JSON based HTTP requests:

1.3. Environments

Support Team provides technical support during development, implementation and test stages.

Implementation process consists of:

2. Static Database

Static database can be reached by API or exported in JSON format. Every table can be reached by unique endpoint or export file. Database files, endpoints and relational table structure is as follows:

2.1. Data Structure

Contents of Cosmos data model structure consists different types of field types such as :

Code refers to unique code of the property, in hexadecimal format.

While importing Cosmos static data, please be sure that you set property as hexadecimal or text format.

Some auto sense applications converts some special cases in hexadecimal notation to unintended number format.

Text content, contains free format unicode text data in UTF-8 format. It can contain string, float, integer or boolean values.

Referral, includes unique codes of the unique property which can be reached by its own categorized endpoint or export file (i.e. in hotel object, under image dataset container, category refers to code in image-categories endpoint or export file)

Dataset container, includes categorized group of data fields.

Currency and language tags refers to global libraries such as :

Update information fields provide latest update date and time combined data of related dataset in UTC. Formatted in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.ssssss

Language Tags includes lingual information, specifies language information of the dataset in language-country format. (i.e. en-us refers to US English)

The first tag defined as language tag uses lowercase letters as defined by ISO639-1. Second tag defined as country uses lowercase letter as defined by ISO3166-1 .

2.2. Hotel Structure

Hotel object contains source of the main data by referring or including all the properties in categorized data structure : Text contents, referrals, currency/language tags and dataset containers.

Referrals used for common data that single or multiple hotels ownes.

Unique content presented by text content.

Deleted hotels can be reached from hotels/deleted table which have totally the same structure as hotels object. Master hotel code for duplicated hotels can be reached from hotels/deleted table in order to have information about remaining active hotel code.

Sample hotel data with referrals and text content shown below :

2.2. Destination Structure

Cosmos provides multiple destination levels of destination hierarchy in human readable format (national, regional, sub-regional, local and sub-destination based). This structure gives ability to define independent destinations which can contain intersected hotel sets.

Definition of dependent destinations is also valid in case a destination have been covered by a bigger destination and have a relation. In this case multi-level destination structure provided to define by parent-child relation with many-to-many relationship. That means, a single destination may have more than one parent or child destinations. A child destination may have its child destinations. There is no limit for the level of the destination and number of total relations for a single destination.

Sub-destination’s parent destination code refers to covering higher level destination. Many-to-­many structure provides advantages for incoming search designing and displaying destination information. This structure  creates destination matrix in order to provide ability to reach sophisticated certain destination that have complex relation with destination network.

3. Endpoint / Export Data Descriptions

3.1. Hotels

Endpoint : /hotels

Export file name : hotels-[number].json (number is a range of integer values which indicates that the export file is multiple)

codestringCode of the hotel

Master hotel code (hotels)

This code refers to the master hotel code reachable only from "hotels/deleted" table or action=deleted in API request.

namestringName of the hotel. For usage and display proposals, go to Convension Proposals section.
destinationreferralDestination code of the hotels location (destinations)
zipcodestringZipcode of the hotel
addressstringAddress of the hotel
latitudefloatGeographic coordinate latitude information that specifies the north-south position of hotels point on Earth's surface.
longitudefloatGeographic coordinate longitude information that specifies the north-south position of hotels point on Earth's surface.
currencycodecurrency-tagCurrency code of the hotels used currency. Currency codes are global designators defined by ISO-4217.
hotel_typereferralHotel Type code of the hotels type (hotel-types)
starsfloatHotels star rating (1 to 5) given by hotels local country authority. The source of star rating is hotelier and its local authority. Cosmos project doesn't have any star rating valuation process.
availability_scorefloat This value give the availability score (0 to 1) for hotel and calculated by (hotel response count / hotel search request conut)
nr_roomsintegerTotal number of rooms in the hotel
nr_restaurantsintegerTotal number of restaurants in the hotel
nr_barsintegerTotal number of bars in the hotel
nr_hallsintegerTotal number of halls in the hotel
yearbuiltintegerFirst built year of the hotel
themesreferral (list)List of theme codes separated with comma, including themes which the hotel compromises (themes)
facilitiesreferral (list)List of facility codes separated with comma, including facilities which the hotel compromises (facilities)
translationstranslationTranslations endpoint or export file including translated content with various languages (hotels/translations)
checkin_fromstringEarliest check in time in local. Formatted in ISO 8601 24h format HH:MM
checkout_tostringLatest check out time in local. Formatted in ISO 8601 24h format HH:MM
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the hotel information.
chainsreferral (list)List of hotel chain codes separated with comma, including hotel chains which the hotel belongs to (chains)
descriptionsdataset containerDescription sets in default language
  • language-country
Language-Country TagLanguage and country information of hotel description content
  • hotel_information
stringHotel information of the hotel providing overall, general important points about hotel such as history, architecture, view, outstanding features and important facilities such as spa, golf etc.
  • hotel_introduction
stringHotel Introduction of the hotel providing brief information about the hotel with a sentence to give an overall impression of the hotel to the traveler at first sight.
  • location_information
stringLocation information of the hotel providing where the hotel is located within the destination and some details on the neighborhood, transportation and statement  on how to get the hotel.
  • attraction_information
stringAttraction information of the hotel providing details on the tourist attractions, popular landmarks, important points such as places to visit around the hotel, near activities etc.
  • hotel_amenity
stringHotel amenities details the facilities and services provided in public areas on the hotel promises including food&drink facilities, pool, entertainment areas, lobby features, reception services.
Imagesdataset containerImage library of the hotel.
  • category
referralImage category code of the image (image-categories)
  • tag
stringProposed text to be displayed in image alt tag including image information
  • original
stringURL address of the original photo. Not processed, original photo which hotelier provides.
  • thumbnail_images
dataset containerThumbnail image library of the hotel image.
    • large
stringProcessed large version of the original image. Width of the image limited with 750 pixels. If the original image width is lower than 750 pixels, large field returns as "null"
    • small
stringProcessed small version of the original image. Width or height limited with 70 pixels by keeping aspect ratio constant.
    • mid
stringProcessed middle version of the original image. Width limited with 160 pixels, height limited with 100 pixels by keeping aspect ratio constant.

3.2. Destinations

Endpoint : /destinations

Export file name : destinations-[number].json (number is a range of integer values which indicates that the export file is multiple)

codestringCode of the destination
namestringName of the destination. For usage and display proposals, go to Convension Proposals section.

Parent destination code (destinations)

countryreferralCode of the country which the destination belongs to (countries)
regionsreferral (list)List of region codes separated by comma which the destination belogs to (regions)
latitudefloatGeographic coordinate of the destination centre that specifies north-south position of destinations point on the Earth's surface.
longitudefloatGeographic coordinate of the destination centre that specifies north-south position of destinations point on the Earth's surface.
translationstranslationTranslations endpoint or export file including translated content with various languages (destinations/translations)
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the destination.

3.3 Regions

Endpoint : /regions

Export file name : regions-[number].json (number is a range of integer values which indicates that the export file is multiple)

codestringCode of the region
namestringName of the region. For usage and display proposals, go to Convension Proposals section.
countryreferralCode of the country which the region belongs to (countries)
kindstringKind of the region (possible contents are : province, state, island, other)
translationstranslationTranslations endpoint or export file including translated content with various languages (regions/translations)
state_codestringState code of the region. If region is not state, returns as "null".
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the region.

3.4 Countries

Endpoint : /countries

Export file name : countries-[number].json (number is a range of integer values which indicates that the export file is multiple)

codestringCode of the country
namestringName of the country.
continentreferralCode of the continent which the region belongs to (continents)
translationstranslationTranslations endpoint or export file including translated content with various languages (countries/translations)
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the country.

3.5 Continents

Endpoint : /continents

Export file name : continents-0.json

codestringCode of the continent
namestringName of the continent
translationstranslationTranslations endpoint or export file including translated content with various languages (continents/translations)
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the continent.

3.6 Chains

Endpoint : /chains

Export file name : chains-[number].json (number is a range of integer values which indicates that the export file is multiple)

codestringCode of the hotel chain
namestringName of the hotel chain
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the hotel chain.

3.7 Hotel Types

While most of the properties within cosmos database are called hotel and commonly 'hotel' is used among travelers as terminology; hotel types give an overall idea to the guest about the architecture, size and/or sometimes offerings of the hotel. The guests' expectations from a motel and a resort are different. A hotel or a hostel has difference in terms of services and facilities. So, by providing type of the hotel guests can make better selection. Some travelers look into more design or interesting experience. Hotel types defines coverage of hotel services and facilities in general.

Endpoint : /hotel-types

Export file name : hoteltypes-0.json

codestringCode of the hotel type
namestringName of the hotel type
translationstranslationTranslations endpoint or export file including translated content with various languages (hotel-types/translations)
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the hotel type.

3.8 Hotel Themes

Hotel theme defines which interest or type of guests the hotel best fits/caters. Guests can modify/filter their search based on the hotel theme such as beach, spa, golf, family, honeymoon etc. An accommodation property can be good fit for more than one type of travelers/interests so a hotel can have more than one theme. Eg: A hotel can have characteristics of both spa hotel and golf hotel or family, ski and adventure.

Endpoint : /hotel-themes

Export file name : hotelthemes-0.json

codestringCode of the hotel theme
namestringName of the hotel theme
translationstranslationTranslations endpoint or export file including translated content with various languages (hotel-themes/translations)
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the hotel theme.

3.9 Facilities

A facility is simply anything that an accommodation property provides to the guests. Facilities of a hotel lists down equipments, services, room and bathroom amenities, activities within the hotel for use of its guests at the property rooms and public areas . It also includes dining, entertainment, sports divisions/areas as well as architectural features such as restaurant, bar, conference hall, spa, pool, garden and so on. Facilities varies from hotel to hotel based on its classification and offerings and room facilities may vary sometimes from room to room.

Endpoint : /facilities

Export file name : facilities-0.json

codestringCode of the facility
namestringName of the facility
facility_typereferralCode of the facility type which the facility meets (facility-types)
categoryreferralCode of the facility category which the facility meets (facilities/categories)
themesreferral (list)List of theme codes separated by comma which the facility meets (facilities/themes)
scopereferralCode of the scope which the facility meets (facilities/scopes)
charge_freestringCharge information : "Free" , "Surcharge" or null
translationstranslationTranslations endpoint or export file including translated content with various languages (facilities/translations)
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the hotel theme.

3.10 Facility Types

Type of the facility helps to group the facilities to show what it is related in general and to easily list or consolidate the facilities under types. Eg: Food&Drink, Entertainment, Hotel Services, Activities&Sports.

Endpoint : /facility-types

Export file name : facilitytypes-0.json

codestringCode of the facility type
namestringName of the facility type
translationstranslationTranslations endpoint or export file including translated content with various languages (facility-types/translations)
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the facility type.

3.11 Facility Categories

Facility category identifies detailed categorization of the facility to show the use of the facility. Eg: Breakfast, heating, view, watersports.

Endpoint : /facility-categories

Export file name : facilitycategories-0.json

codestringCode of the facility category
namestringName of the facility category
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the facility category.

3.12 Facility Themes

Theme of the facility helps which facility is useful for which type of traveler/guest. While most of the facilities will appeal to most hotel guests, some of them targets a specific type of traveler. Eg: while you may highlight babycot for family travelers, a 'wheelchair access' can attract guests with disability or elderly.

Endpoint : /facility-themes

Export file name : facilitythemes-0.json

codestringCode of the facility theme
namestringName of the facility theme
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the facility theme.

3.13 Facility Scopes

Scope of the facility identifies where the facility is located or where the service/feature is provided.  Eg: It is a quick checklist to show whether the facility is in the room, within thehotel/property premises or nearby the hotel/property.

Endpoint : /facility-scopes

Export file name : facilityscopes-0.json

codestringCode of the facility scope
namestringName of the facility scope
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the facility scope.

3.14 Image Categories

Image categories defines subject of the hotel image what it is related with.

Endpoint : /image-categories

Export file name : imagecategories-0.json

codestringCode of the image categoryCode of the room type
namestringName of the image categoryName of the room type
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the image categoryLatest update date and time of the room type

3.15 Room Types

In hotels, rooms are categorized and priced according to the type of bed, number of occupants, number of bed, decor, specific furnishings or features and nowadays special even the special theme available in the room. Room types defines normalized types of rooms. Additional information such as baby coating, non-smoking are dynamic, varies on hoteliers side and provided by dynamic search and book API.

List of room types with statements shown below :




SBSingle, where the host provide single bed.


DBDouble, where the host provide double bed.


TWTwin, where the host provide twin bed.


TBTriple, where the host provide one double and a single bed or a combination of beds  and roll-aways.



Quad, where the post provide 2 double beds or 1 double + 2 single bed or 4 single beds.

Family Room


5 people Family Room, where the post provide 2 double beds + 1 single bed or or a combination of beds  and roll-aways.

Family Room


6 people Family Room, where the post provide 2 double beds + 2 single beds or or a combination of beds  and roll-aways.

Family Room


7 people Family Room, where the post provide 2 double beds + 3 single beds or or a combination of beds  and roll-aways.

Family Room


8 people Family Room, where the post provide 3 double beds + 2 single beds or or a combination of beds  and roll-aways.
Family RoomFLFamily Room

Endpoint : /room-types 

 Export file name : roomtypes-0.json

codestringCode of the room type
namestringName of the room type
translationstranslationTranslations endpoint or export file including translated content with various languages (room-types/translations)
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the room type

3.16 Meal Types

Meal types defines types of meal provided by the hotel.

List of meal types with statements shown below :


Room Only


Room Only

All Inclusive


All Inclusive, where the host providers Breakfast,

Champagne Brunch buffet, Late Breakfast, Lunch Food,

Kids Dinner, Dinner.

Full Board

FBFull Board, where the host providers all three daily meals.

Half Board

HBHalf Board, where the host providers only a breakfast and dinner or lunch meals.


BEBreakfast English





Ultra All Inclusive, where the host providers Breakfast,

Champagne Brunch buffet, Late Breakfast, Lunch Food,

Kids Dinner, Dinner, Mini Bar and Room Service. 

Self CateringSCSelf Service Catering


Endpoint : /meal-types

 Export file name : mealtypes-0.json

codestringCode of the meal typeCode of the room type
namestringName of the meal typeName of the room type
translationstranslationTranslations endpoint or export file including translated content with various languages (meal-types/translations)
updated_atstringLatest update date and time of the meal typeLatest update date and time of the room type

4. API Query and Functions

This section includes API requests and responses for all endpoints.  Used parameters in queries descriptions as follows :

codestringRepresents a particular record
sincestringRepresents a list of records by given date (YYYY-MM-DD)
actionstringRepresents a list of records by filtering with defined action codes : added, updated, deleted
language_codestringRepresents a list of records by its ISO or RFC 5646 code (eg. de, zh_cn)
limitintConstrains the record list (eg. limit=2)


4.1 Endpoint Options

Content-Type : application/json


4.2 Endpoint Descriptions

endpointmethodcodesince&limitformatactionlanguage_codemandatory parameters
GET(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick) (tick)language_code
GET(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick) (tick)language_code




































4.3 Examples

4.3.1 Hotels

Request : GET /api/static/v1/hotels/?code=100007

        "code": "100007",
        "master": null,
        "name": "Memphis Hotel Amsterdam",
        "country": "nl",
        "zipcode": "1071 NX",
        "address": "De Lairessestraat 87",
        "destination": "2078f",
        "latitude": 52.35352913701477,
        "longitude": 4.872272238135338,
        "currencycode": "EUR",
        "checkin_from": "14:00",
        "checkout_to": "12:00",
        "nr_rooms": 78,
        "stars": 4.0,
        "availability_score": 0.7,
        "hotel_type": "204",
        "images": [
                "category": "39",
                "tag": "Twin Room",
                "original": "",
                "thumbnail_images": {
                    "large": "",
                    "small": "",
                    "mid": ""
                "category": "39",
                "tag": "Superior Room",
                "original": "",
                "thumbnail_images": {
                    "large": "",
                    "small": "",
                    "mid": ""
                "category": "39",
                "tag": "Bathroom",
                "original": "",
                "thumbnail_images": {
                    "large": "",
                    "small": "",
                    "mid": ""
                "category": "4f",
                "tag": "Exterior",
                "original": "",
                "thumbnail_images": {
                    "large": "",
                    "small": "",
                    "mid": ""
                "category": "33",
                "tag": "Bar",
                "original": "",
                "thumbnail_images": {
                    "large": "",
                    "small": "",
                    "mid": ""
                "category": "38",
                "tag": "Brasserie",
                "original": "",
                "thumbnail_images": {
                    "large": "",
                    "small": "",
                    "mid": ""
                "category": "39",
                "tag": "Double Room",
                "original": "",
                "thumbnail_images": {
                    "large": "",
                    "small": "",
                    "mid": ""
                "category": "39",
                "tag": "Double Room",
                "original": "",
                "thumbnail_images": {
                    "large": "",
                    "small": "",
                    "mid": ""
                "category": "39",
                "tag": "Double Room",
                "original": "",
                "thumbnail_images": {
                    "large": "",
                    "small": "",
                    "mid": ""
        "regions": [
        "themes": [
        "facilities": [
        "descriptions": {
            "en-us": {
                "Hotel Information": {
                    "EMB Hotel Memphis is a deluxe hotel located in the fashionable heart of Amsterdam. With its ivy- covered facade, this hotel is the perfect place to sample the charm of one of Europe's most cosmopolitan cities. Ideal for sight seeing, the Gresham Memphis is within walking distance from the famous Rijks Museum, Van Gough Museum and Heineken Brewery tour. Also the surrounding area is packed with boutiques, charming cafes and tempting bistros."
        "year_built": null,
        "nr_restaurants": null,
        "nr_bars": null,
        "nr_halls": null,
        "updated_at": "2015-09-16T06:37:54.154742Z"

4.3.2 Hotels Translations

Request : GET /api/static/v1/hotels/translations/?language_code=zh_cn


    "count": 60130,
    "next": "/api/static/v1/hotels/translations/?language_code=zh_cn&page=2",
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "code": "101df7",
            "descriptions": {
                "Hotel Information": "<p><b>酒店位置</b> <br />住在皮罗瓦茨的Hotel Miran,您将在海边,而且靠近Murter Harbor。 该海滩 酒店位于普尔维奇和弗拉讷湖自然公园地区。</p><p><b>客房</b> <br />酒店的 71 间客房定能让您在旅途中找到家的舒适。您的加厚层卧床备有纯棉床单和羽绒被。客房设有私人阳台,您可以在这里欣赏海滩和海洋景色。所提供的卫星电视可满足您的娱乐需求。浴室提供淋浴和吹风机。</p><p><b>休闲、SPA、高端服务设施</b> <br />您可到海边、在私人沙滩上玩耍一天;或者充分利用室外游泳池等其他度假设施。其他设施包括免费无线上网、游乐厅/游戏室和大堂电视。借助收费的区内班车,您可方便前往附近的景点。</p><p><b>餐饮</b> <br />您可以到酒店的餐厅随便吃一点;这里设有酒吧。或者也可以足不出户,享受限时客房服务。在酒店的泳池放松、嬉戏的同时",
                "Hotel Amenity": "游戏室, 游戏室, ",
                "Location Information": "位于皮罗瓦茨"
            "code": "108e5a",
            "descriptions": {
                "Hotel Information": "<p><b>酒店位置</b> <br />住在Star Inn Hotel Bremen Columbus,您可以享受不来梅核心区的便利,步行即可到达阿姆威尔大道和自由集市。 该酒店紧邻不来梅罗兰石像及交易广场。</p><p><b>客房</b> <br />有 148 间空调客房提供冰箱和平板电视;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒适。免费无线上网让您与朋友保持联系;有线节目可满足您的娱乐需求。独立浴室提供手持淋浴花洒和吹风机。便利设施包括直拨电话,以及保险箱和书桌。</p><p><b>休闲、SPA、高端服务设施</b> <br />您可抽空慰劳一下自己,享受一下全方位服务的 SPA。</p><p><b>餐饮</b> <br />欢迎光临酒吧/酒廊,点一杯喜欢的饮品,畅饮一番。收费提供早餐。</p><p><b>商务及其他服务设施</b> <br />特色服务/设施包括免费高速有线上网、24 小时商务中心和视听设备。计划在不来梅举办活动?这家 酒店的活动空间",
                "Hotel Amenity": "收费自助停车设施, 收费自助停车设施, ",
                "Location Information": "在不来梅市政厅附近",
                "Attraction Information": "布莱梅哥伦布斯星辰酒店的首选机场是不来梅 (BRE) - 3.7 km / 2.3 mi。<p>距离指的是酒店到景点或机场的直线距离,而不代表实际的旅行距离。<br /><br />所显示的距离近精确到 0.1 英里或 0.1 公里。</p>"
            "code": "10e1d9",
            "descriptions": {
                "Hotel Information": "<p><b>酒店位置</b> <br />住在贝尔格莱德的Crystal Hotel Belgrade,您只需几分钟便能到达塞尔维亚国家图书馆和圣萨瓦大教堂。 该 4 星级酒店紧邻Partizan Stadium及尼古拉特斯拉博物馆。</p><p><b>客房</b> <br />有 44 间空调客房提供迷你吧和平板电视;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒适。客房设有私人阳台。所提供的有线电视可满足您的娱乐需求。便利设施包括保险箱和书桌。</p><p><b>休闲、SPA、高端服务设施</b> <br />您可到屋顶露台和花园欣赏美景,还可利用礼宾服务等服务和设施。</p><p><b>餐饮</b> <br />您可以到餐厅或咖啡馆享用一顿美餐。也可以足不出户,享受酒店的限时客房服务。欢迎光临酒吧/酒廊,点一杯喜欢的饮品,畅饮一番。</p><p><b>商务及其他服务设施</b> <br />特色服务/设施包括商务中心、豪华轿车或公务车服务和货币兑换。这家酒店的活动",
                "Location Information": "在圣萨瓦大教堂附近"
            "code": "11bbb6",
            "descriptions": {
                "Hotel Information": "<p><b>酒店位置</b> <br />住在雅典柯洛纳基的Best Western Plus Embassy Hotel,只需几分钟便能到达Mavili 广场和U.S. Embassy。 该 4 星级酒店靠近雅典卫城和帕特农神庙。</p><p><b>客房</b> <br />有 31 间空调客房提供迷你吧和平板电视;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒适。您的泰普尔卧床备有纯棉床单。透过窗户,可欣赏城市和花园景色。免费无线上网可让您与朋友保持联系。配备盆浴的独立浴室提供梳妆镜和免费洗浴用品。</p><p><b>休闲、SPA、高端服务设施</b> <br />您可利用免费无线上网、礼宾服务和大堂电视等便利服务和设施。</p><p><b>餐饮</b> <br />您可以到服务Best Western Plus Embassy Hotel住客的咖啡馆找些吃的,或者逛逛小吃吧/熟食店。欢迎光临酒吧/酒廊,点一杯喜欢的饮品,畅饮一番。</p><p><b>商务及其他服务设施</b> <br />特色服务/设施包括24 小时商务中心",
                "Location Information": "位于雅典(柯洛纳基)",
                "Attraction Information": "贝斯特韦斯特大使馆酒店的首选机场是雅典 (ATH-埃莱夫塞里奥斯韦尼泽洛斯) - 17.6 km / 10.9 mi。<p>距离指的是酒店到景点或机场的直线距离,而不代表实际的旅行距离。<br /><br />所显示的距离近精确到 0.1 英里或 0.1 公里。</p>"
            "code": "1301d3",
            "descriptions": {
                "Hotel Information": "<p><b>酒店位置</b> <br />Bayside Resort Hotel位于西雅茅斯的海恩尼斯 - 雅茅斯,只需几分钟便能到达Putter's Paradise Miniature Golf和Wild Animal Lagoon。 该酒店紧邻Englewood Beach及约翰·F·肯尼迪海恩尼斯博物馆。</p><p><b>客房</b> <br />有 128 间空调客房提供冰箱和平板电视;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒适。免费无线上网让您与朋友保持联系;有线节目可满足您的娱乐需求。便利设施包括电话,以及书桌和咖啡机/茶具。</p><p><b>休闲、SPA、高端服务设施</b> <br />您可享受室内游泳池、SPA 浴缸和桑拿等丰富度假设施。其他设施包括免费无线上网、游乐厅/游戏室和台球桌。</p><p><b>餐饮</b> <br />欢迎光临酒吧/酒廊或池畔酒吧,点一杯喜欢的饮品,放松一下。包含免费的冷热自助式早餐。</p><p><b>商务及其他服务设施</b> <br />特色服务/设施包括免费高速有线上网、24 ",
                "Location Information": "位于西雅茅斯(海恩尼斯 - 雅茅斯)"
            "code": "15c3f1",
            "descriptions": {
                "Hotel Information": "<p><b>客房</b> <br />空调客房提供迷你吧和液晶电视;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒适。客房设有私人阳台。免费无线上网可让您与朋友保持联系。便利设施包括保险箱和咖啡机/茶具。</p><p><b>休闲、SPA、高端服务设施</b> <br />您可利用酒店的按摩慰劳一下自己,或者到花园欣赏美景。这家度假村还提供免费无线上网和旅游/票务服务。</p><p><b>商务及其他服务设施</b> <br />酒店提供免费停车设施。</p>",
                "Location Information": "临近乌布猴林"
            "code": "15c3f3",
            "descriptions": {
                "Hotel Information": "<p><b>酒店位置</b> <br />M Boutique Hotel位于怡保,可方便到达怡保百盛购物中心和马里安曼寺。 该酒店紧邻霹雳州皇家高尔夫俱乐部及苏丹阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹游乐园。</p><p><b>客房</b> <br />有 93 间客房提供迷你吧和液晶电视;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒适。浴室提供淋浴和吹风机。便利设施包括电话和咖啡机/茶具。</p><p><b>休闲、SPA、高端服务设施</b> <br />不妨享受健身设施等度假设施,或者试试免费无线上网等服务和设施。</p><p><b>商务及其他服务设施</b> <br />特色服务/设施包括干洗/洗衣服务、公共区域空调和电梯。</p>",
                "Location Information": "临近怡保百盛购物中心"
            "code": "15c3f7",
            "descriptions": {
                "Hotel Information": "<p><b>酒店位置</b> <br />友友大饭店位于台北的核心区,步行即可到达台北之家和林森公园。 该酒店紧邻站前地下街及光华商场。</p><p><b>客房</b> <br />有 57 间客房提供冰箱;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒适。免费无线上网可让您与朋友保持联系。浴室提供浴缸或淋浴和吹风机。便利设施包括电话和咖啡机/茶具;而且每天提供客房服务。</p><p><b>休闲、SPA、高端服务设施</b> <br />您可利用免费无线上网和旅游/票务服务等便利服务和设施。</p><p><b>商务及其他服务设施</b> <br />特色服务/设施包括豪华轿车或公务车服务、干洗/洗衣服务和行李储存室。酒店提供免费代客停车。</p>",
                "Location Information": "位于台北(中山)"
            "code": "16fcc5",
            "descriptions": {
                "Hotel Information": "<p><b>酒店位置</b> <br />Eldora Hotel位于顺化,可方便到达Truongtien 桥和东巴市场。 该 4.5 星级 星级酒店紧邻顺化皇家美术馆及皇城。</p><p><b>客房</b> <br />客房提供私人 SPA 浴缸和LED 电视;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒适。免费的有线和无线上网帮助您与朋友保持联系;此外客房还提供有线节目,以满足您的娱乐需求。配备独立的浴缸和淋浴的独立浴室提供浸泡浴缸和大花洒淋浴喷头。便利设施包括直拨电话,以及保险箱和免费报纸。</p><p><b>休闲、SPA、高端服务设施</b> <br />到全方位服务的 SPA 放松一下;在这里,您可以享受按摩。如果想要休闲地度假,可好好利用室内游泳池、SPA 浴缸和健身设施。其他特色包括免费无线上网和礼宾服务。</p><p><b>餐饮</b> <br />您可以到服务Eldora Hotel住客的餐厅享用一顿美餐。欢迎光临酒吧/酒廊,点一杯喜欢的饮",
                "Location Information": "临近Truongtien 桥"
            "code": "18b20f",
            "descriptions": {
                "Hotel Information": "<p><b>酒店位置</b> <br />Hotel T.A.P Paradise位于班加罗尔的甘地讷格尔 - 麦吉司梯克,可方便到达Cubbon 公园和跑马场大道。 该酒店紧邻提普夏宫及班加罗尔, 印度。</p><p><b>客房</b> <br />48 间空调客房定能让您在旅途中找到家的舒适。客房设有私人配备家具的阳台,您可以在这里欣赏城市和庭院景色。客房提供数码节目以及电脑,以满足您的娱乐需求。便利设施包括直拨电话,以及收费的客房内儿童看护和电话叫醒服务。</p><p><b>休闲、SPA、高端服务设施</b> <br />您可利用礼宾服务、婚庆服务和旅游/票务服务等便利服务和设施。住客可搭乘收费班车前往附近的商场。</p><p><b>商务及其他服务设施</b> <br />特色服务/设施包括24 小时商务中心、上网点和电脑站。住客可付费乘坐(应要求提供)从酒店到机场的班车或使用附近的停车场。</p>",
                "Hotel Amenity": "礼宾服务, 礼宾服务, ",
                "Location Information": "位于班加罗尔(甘地讷格尔 - 麦吉司梯克)"

4.3.3 Destinations

Request : GET /api/static/v1/destinations/

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4.3.4 Destinations Translations

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4.3.5 Regions

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4.3.6 Regions Translations

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4.3.7 Countries 

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4.3.7 Countries Translations

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4.3.8 Continents

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 4.3.9 Continents Translations

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4.3.10 Chains

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4.3.11 Hotel Types

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4.3.12 Hotel Types Translations

Request : GET /api/static/v1/hotel-types/translations/?language_code=zh_cn

    "count": 31,
    "next": "/api/static/v1/hotel-types/translations/?language_code=zh_cn&page=2",
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    "results": [
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            "name": "青年旅馆"
            "code": "204",
            "name": "酒店"
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            "code": "206",
            "name": "度假村"
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            "name": "住宅"
            "code": "208",
            "name": "床位加早餐"
            "code": "209",
            "name": "日式旅馆"
            "code": "210",
            "name": "农庄住宿"


4.3.13 Hotel Themes

Request : GET /api/static/v1/hotel-themes/

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            "updated_at": "2014-12-23T06:00:00Z"
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            "name": "Spa/Relax",
            "updated_at": "2014-12-23T06:00:00Z"
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            "updated_at": "2014-12-23T06:00:00Z"
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            "updated_at": "2014-12-23T06:00:00Z"
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            "updated_at": "2014-12-23T06:00:00Z"
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            "updated_at": "2014-12-23T06:00:00Z"
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            "updated_at": "2014-12-23T06:00:00Z"
            "code": "1009",
            "name": "Budget/Backpackers",
            "updated_at": "2014-12-23T06:00:00Z"


4.3.14 Hotel Themes Translations

Request : GET /api/static/v1/hotel-themes/translations/?language_code=fr

    "count": 23,
    "next": "/api/static/v1/hotel-themes/translations/?language_code=fr&page=2",
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    "results": [
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            "name": "Golf / Sports"
            "code": "1004",
            "name": "Romantisme / Lune De Miel"
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            "code": "1007",
            "name": "Design"
            "code": "1008",
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            "name": "Budget/Randonneur"


4.3.15 Facilities 

Request : GET /api/static/v1/facilities/?limit=4

    "count": 810,
    "next": "/api/static/v1/facilities/?limit=4&page=2",
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    "results": [
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            "category": "127",
            "themes": [
            "scope": "103",
            "charge_free": "",
            "updated_at": "2016-02-09T09:30:59.056764Z"
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            "updated_at": "2016-02-09T09:31:01.864961Z"
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            "themes": [],
            "scope": "101",
            "charge_free": "",
            "updated_at": "2016-02-09T09:30:53.989627Z"


4.3.16 Facilities Translations

Request : GET /api/static/v1/facilities/translations/?language_code=ru_ru

    "count": 810,
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            "name": "Клуб Для Подростков"
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            "code": "108",
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            "name": "Ресепшн Работает Ограниченное Время"
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            "name": "Услуги Для Инвалидов По Слуху"
            "code": "10e",
            "name": "Бесплатный Лёд"
            "code": "10f",
            "name": "Выставочные/Конференц-Залы"


4.3.17 Facility Types

Request : GET /api/static/v1/facility-types/?limit=2

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    "next": "/api/static/v1/facility-types/?limit=2&page=2",
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            "name": "Food & Drink",
            "updated_at": "2016-02-11T15:26:13.036475Z"


4.3.18 Facility Types Translations

Request : GET /api/static/v1/facility-types/translations/?language_code=de&limit=2

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4.3.19 Facilities Categories

Request : GET /api/static/v1/facility-categories/

    "count": 71,
    "next": "/api/static/v1/facility-categories/?page=2",
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            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.197160Z"
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            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.211665Z"
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            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.216650Z"
            "code": "106",
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            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.221501Z"
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            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.226286Z"
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            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.231072Z"
            "code": "109",
            "name": "Beds",
            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.235904Z"


4.3.20 Facility Categories Translations

Request : /facility-categories/translations/



4.3.21 Facilities Themes

Request : GET /api/static/v1/facility-themes/

    "count": 56,
    "next": "/api/static/v1/facility-themes/?page=2",
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    "results": [
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            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.556685Z"
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            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.561514Z"
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            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.576065Z"
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            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.580899Z"
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            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.585758Z"
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            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.590677Z"
            "code": "109",
            "name": "Beach",
            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.595478Z"


4.3.21 Facility Themes Translations

Request : GET /api/static/v1/facility-themes/translations/?language_code=tr&limit=2



4.3.22 Facility Scopes

Request : GET /api/static/v1/facility-scopes/

    "count": 3,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
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            "name": "Hotel",
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            "name": "Nearby",
            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.856944Z"
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            "name": "Rooms",
            "updated_at": "2016-03-10T14:23:12.861765Z"




4.3.23 Image Categories

Request : GET /api/static/v1/image-categories/

    "count": 69,
    "next": "/api/static/v1/image-categories/?page=2",
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
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            "code": "13",
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            "code": "15",
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            "code": "17",
            "name": "Cafe/Bar"
            "code": "18",
            "name": "Banquet/Ballroom"
            "code": "19",
            "name": "Lounge"


4.3.23 Image Categories Translations

Request : GET /api/static/v1/image-categories/translations/?language_code=en

    "count": 69,
    "next": "/api/static/v1/image-categories/translations/?language_code=en&page=2",
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    "results": [
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            "code": "14",
            "name": "Guest room amenity"
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            "name": "Featured Image"
            "code": "17",
            "name": "Cafe/Bar"
            "code": "18",
            "name": "Banquet/Ballroom"
            "code": "19",
            "name": "Lounge"

4.3.24 Room Types

Request : GET /api/static/v1/room-types/

    "count": 10,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "code": "SB",
            "quantity": 1,
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            "updated_at": "2014-12-08T06:00:00Z"
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            "updated_at": "2014-12-08T06:00:00Z"
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            "updated_at": "2014-12-08T06:00:00Z"
            "code": "TB",
            "quantity": 3,
            "name": "Triple",
            "updated_at": "2014-12-08T06:00:00Z"
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            "quantity": 4,
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            "updated_at": "2014-12-08T06:00:00Z"
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            "quantity": 5,
            "name": "Family Room",
            "updated_at": "2014-12-08T06:00:00Z"
            "code": "FL6",
            "quantity": 6,
            "name": "Family Room",
            "updated_at": "2014-12-08T06:00:00Z"
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            "quantity": 7,
            "name": "Family Room",
            "updated_at": "2014-12-08T06:00:00Z"
            "code": "FL8",
            "quantity": 8,
            "name": "Family Room",
            "updated_at": "2014-12-08T06:00:00Z"
            "code": "FL",
            "quantity": 0,
            "name": "Family Room",
            "updated_at": "2016-01-14T15:02:29.855760Z"


4.3.24 Room Types Translations

Request : GET /api/static/v1/room-types/translations/?language_code=en

    "count": 10,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "code": "SB",
            "name": "Single"
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            "name": "Triple"
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            "code": "FL6",
            "name": "Family Room"
            "code": "FL7",
            "name": "Family Room"
            "code": "FL8",
            "name": "Family Room"
            "code": "FL",
            "name": "Family Room"

4.3.25 Meal Types

Request : GET /api/static/v1/meal-types/

    "count": 8,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
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            "updated_at": "2014-12-08T06:00:00Z"
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            "updated_at": "2015-03-04T07:55:02.512191Z"
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            "score": 2,
            "updated_at": "2015-03-04T07:54:56.745071Z"
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            "updated_at": "2015-03-04T07:54:38.857389Z"
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            "updated_at": "2015-03-04T07:54:32.715461Z"
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            "score": 5,
            "updated_at": "2015-03-04T07:53:57.572426Z"
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            "score": 6,
            "updated_at": "2015-03-11T08:25:18.177196Z"
            "code": "SC",
            "name": "Self Catering",
            "score": 0,
            "updated_at": "2015-12-14T13:07:42.503987Z"


4.3.25 Meal Types Translations 

Request : GET /api/static/v1/meal-types/translations/?language_code=en

    "count": 8,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "code": "RO",
            "name": "Room Only"
            "code": "BC",
            "name": "Breakfast Continental"
            "code": "BE",
            "name": "Breakfast English"
            "code": "HB",
            "name": "Half Board"
            "code": "FB",
            "name": "Full Board"
            "code": "AI",
            "name": "All Inclusive"
            "code": "UL",
            "name": "Ultra"
            "code": "SC",
            "name": "Self Catering"

5. Convension Proposals

Cosmos project provides some translatable fields such as hotel name, destination name and region name fields in different languages. These fields needs to have some convensions in order to have better perfornamce in searh and display applications.

Every translated content, including en_us as default language, provided with a translation in case it has corresponding translation. If there is no translation, content in original language in original charset provided.

In example,

LanguageDestination CodeDestination Name

In this particular example, since Düsseldorf doesn't have translation in English, the name of 149ec destination in English is "Düsseldorf". As "München" have translation in English, the name of 142aa destination in English is "Munich".

In search and display applications, if displaying in unicode required, "Düsseldorf" can be displayed as "Dusseldorf". A useful library for transliteration unicode convension can be found at :

Language specific alternate spelling convensions in search and display may also needed.

For the particular example "Düsseldorf", below table for German additional characters can be used for convension :

CharacterAlternate Spelling Substitution

So, in order to reach 149ec|Düsseldorf destination, 3 possible typings could be used :