AUTHOR LOIC YENGO, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland; Contact: METHODS GWAS analysis: ANA_C2_V2 Download: eQTL data: eQTLgen (link to follow) Tissue: whole blood Reference: mQTL data: Download: Tissue: Whole blood Reference: Hannon et al. AJHG (2017): SMR analyses Version: 1.03 Command line: /home/l.yengo/exe/smr_Linux \ --bfile geno/chrom${chrom} \ --gwas-summary ../download/29JUN2020/ \ --beqtl-summary ${prefix} --cis-wind 2000 --thread-num 10 \ --out results/${QTLtype}/chrom${chrom}.${code}.${tissue} Genotype: randomly selected 10,000 participants of the UK Biobank. Imputed data (HRC+1000 genomes). Hard-called genotypes (posterior probability >0.9 otherwise set to missing). Missing value threshold 5%. Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium p-value threshold: 1e-5. Minor allele count >5. RESULTS eQTL results - One probe (ENSG00000183625) for the C-C chemokine receptor type 3 (CCR3) is detected at p_SMR<5e-8 (and p_HEIDI>0.05). HEIDI test checks if colocalization is due to causal variants being in LD as opposed to pleiotropy or causality. - Effect size: increased expression of CCR3 correlates positively with increased susceptibility to COVID-19. - eQTL position (hg19): 3:45909024 - cis-Heritability of CCR3 expression: 0.72 (S.E. 0.03). mQTL results - Two probes (cg00634029 and cg02315645) near LZTFL1 and CCR2 respectively detected at p_SMR<5e-8. Not enough SNPs for HEIDI test. - Effect size: increased methylation at these sites correlates positively with increased susceptibility to COVID-19. - mQTL position (hg19): cg00634029 (3:45889949) and cg02315645 (3:45908514)