LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - pebble/sstable - writer.go (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: 2024-05-05 08:15Z 94cfeb2b - tests + meta.lcov Lines: 1296 1449 89.4 %
Date: 2024-05-05 08:16:36 Functions: 0 0 -

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Copyright 2011 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
       2             : // of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
       3             : // the LICENSE file.
       4             : 
       5             : package sstable
       6             : 
       7             : import (
       8             :         "bytes"
       9             :         "encoding/binary"
      10             :         "fmt"
      11             :         "math"
      12             :         "runtime"
      13             :         "slices"
      14             :         "sort"
      15             :         "sync"
      16             : 
      17             :         ""
      18             :         ""
      19             :         ""
      20             :         ""
      21             :         ""
      22             :         ""
      23             :         ""
      24             :         ""
      25             :         ""
      26             :         ""
      27             :         ""
      28             : )
      29             : 
      30             : // encodedBHPEstimatedSize estimates the size of the encoded BlockHandleWithProperties.
      31             : // It would also be nice to account for the length of the data block properties here,
      32             : // but isn't necessary since this is an estimate.
      33             : const encodedBHPEstimatedSize = binary.MaxVarintLen64 * 2
      34             : 
      35             : var errWriterClosed = errors.New("pebble: writer is closed")
      36             : 
      37             : // WriterMetadata holds info about a finished sstable.
      38             : type WriterMetadata struct {
      39             :         Size          uint64
      40             :         SmallestPoint InternalKey
      41             :         // LargestPoint, LargestRangeKey, LargestRangeDel should not be accessed
      42             :         // before Writer.Close is called, because they may only be set on
      43             :         // Writer.Close.
      44             :         LargestPoint     InternalKey
      45             :         SmallestRangeDel InternalKey
      46             :         LargestRangeDel  InternalKey
      47             :         SmallestRangeKey InternalKey
      48             :         LargestRangeKey  InternalKey
      49             :         HasPointKeys     bool
      50             :         HasRangeDelKeys  bool
      51             :         HasRangeKeys     bool
      52             :         SmallestSeqNum   uint64
      53             :         LargestSeqNum    uint64
      54             :         Properties       Properties
      55             : }
      56             : 
      57             : // SetSmallestPointKey sets the smallest point key to the given key.
      58             : // NB: this method set the "absolute" smallest point key. Any existing key is
      59             : // overridden.
      60           2 : func (m *WriterMetadata) SetSmallestPointKey(k InternalKey) {
      61           2 :         m.SmallestPoint = k
      62           2 :         m.HasPointKeys = true
      63           2 : }
      64             : 
      65             : // SetSmallestRangeDelKey sets the smallest rangedel key to the given key.
      66             : // NB: this method set the "absolute" smallest rangedel key. Any existing key is
      67             : // overridden.
      68           2 : func (m *WriterMetadata) SetSmallestRangeDelKey(k InternalKey) {
      69           2 :         m.SmallestRangeDel = k
      70           2 :         m.HasRangeDelKeys = true
      71           2 : }
      72             : 
      73             : // SetSmallestRangeKey sets the smallest range key to the given key.
      74             : // NB: this method set the "absolute" smallest range key. Any existing key is
      75             : // overridden.
      76           2 : func (m *WriterMetadata) SetSmallestRangeKey(k InternalKey) {
      77           2 :         m.SmallestRangeKey = k
      78           2 :         m.HasRangeKeys = true
      79           2 : }
      80             : 
      81             : // SetLargestPointKey sets the largest point key to the given key.
      82             : // NB: this method set the "absolute" largest point key. Any existing key is
      83             : // overridden.
      84           2 : func (m *WriterMetadata) SetLargestPointKey(k InternalKey) {
      85           2 :         m.LargestPoint = k
      86           2 :         m.HasPointKeys = true
      87           2 : }
      88             : 
      89             : // SetLargestRangeDelKey sets the largest rangedel key to the given key.
      90             : // NB: this method set the "absolute" largest rangedel key. Any existing key is
      91             : // overridden.
      92           2 : func (m *WriterMetadata) SetLargestRangeDelKey(k InternalKey) {
      93           2 :         m.LargestRangeDel = k
      94           2 :         m.HasRangeDelKeys = true
      95           2 : }
      96             : 
      97             : // SetLargestRangeKey sets the largest range key to the given key.
      98             : // NB: this method set the "absolute" largest range key. Any existing key is
      99             : // overridden.
     100           2 : func (m *WriterMetadata) SetLargestRangeKey(k InternalKey) {
     101           2 :         m.LargestRangeKey = k
     102           2 :         m.HasRangeKeys = true
     103           2 : }
     104             : 
     105           2 : func (m *WriterMetadata) updateSeqNum(seqNum uint64) {
     106           2 :         if m.SmallestSeqNum > seqNum {
     107           2 :                 m.SmallestSeqNum = seqNum
     108           2 :         }
     109           2 :         if m.LargestSeqNum < seqNum {
     110           2 :                 m.LargestSeqNum = seqNum
     111           2 :         }
     112             : }
     113             : 
     114             : // flushDecisionOptions holds parameters to inform the sstable block flushing
     115             : // heuristics.
     116             : type flushDecisionOptions struct {
     117             :         blockSize          int
     118             :         blockSizeThreshold int
     119             :         // sizeClassAwareThreshold takes precedence over blockSizeThreshold when the
     120             :         // Writer is aware of the allocator's size classes.
     121             :         sizeClassAwareThreshold int
     122             : }
     123             : 
     124             : // Writer is a table writer.
     125             : type Writer struct {
     126             :         writable objstorage.Writable
     127             :         meta     WriterMetadata
     128             :         err      error
     129             :         // cacheID and fileNum are used to remove blocks written to the sstable from
     130             :         // the cache, providing a defense in depth against bugs which cause cache
     131             :         // collisions.
     132             :         cacheID uint64
     133             :         fileNum base.DiskFileNum
     134             :         // dataBlockOptions and indexBlockOptions are used to configure the sstable
     135             :         // block flush heuristics.
     136             :         dataBlockOptions  flushDecisionOptions
     137             :         indexBlockOptions flushDecisionOptions
     138             :         // The following fields are copied from Options.
     139             :         compare              Compare
     140             :         split                Split
     141             :         formatKey            base.FormatKey
     142             :         compression          Compression
     143             :         separator            Separator
     144             :         successor            Successor
     145             :         tableFormat          TableFormat
     146             :         isStrictObsolete     bool
     147             :         writingToLowestLevel bool
     148             :         cache                *cache.Cache
     149             :         restartInterval      int
     150             :         checksumType         ChecksumType
     151             :         // disableKeyOrderChecks disables the checks that keys are added to an
     152             :         // sstable in order. It is intended for internal use only in the construction
     153             :         // of invalid sstables for testing. See tool/make_test_sstables.go.
     154             :         disableKeyOrderChecks bool
     155             :         // With two level indexes, the index/filter of a SST file is partitioned into
     156             :         // smaller blocks with an additional top-level index on them. When reading an
     157             :         // index/filter, only the top-level index is loaded into memory. The two level
     158             :         // index/filter then uses the top-level index to load on demand into the block
     159             :         // cache the partitions that are required to perform the index/filter query.
     160             :         //
     161             :         // Two level indexes are enabled automatically when there is more than one
     162             :         // index block.
     163             :         //
     164             :         // This is useful when there are very large index blocks, which generally occurs
     165             :         // with the usage of large keys. With large index blocks, the index blocks fight
     166             :         // the data blocks for block cache space and the index blocks are likely to be
     167             :         // re-read many times from the disk. The top level index, which has a much
     168             :         // smaller memory footprint, can be used to prevent the entire index block from
     169             :         // being loaded into the block cache.
     170             :         twoLevelIndex bool
     171             :         // Internal flag to allow creation of range-del-v1 format blocks. Only used
     172             :         // for testing. Note that v2 format blocks are backwards compatible with v1
     173             :         // format blocks.
     174             :         rangeDelV1Format    bool
     175             :         indexBlock          *indexBlockBuf
     176             :         rangeDelBlock       blockWriter
     177             :         rangeKeyBlock       blockWriter
     178             :         topLevelIndexBlock  blockWriter
     179             :         props               Properties
     180             :         blockPropCollectors []BlockPropertyCollector
     181             :         obsoleteCollector   obsoleteKeyBlockPropertyCollector
     182             :         blockPropsEncoder   blockPropertiesEncoder
     183             :         // filter accumulates the filter block. If populated, the filter ingests
     184             :         // either the output of w.split (i.e. a prefix extractor) if w.split is not
     185             :         // nil, or the full keys otherwise.
     186             :         filter          filterWriter
     187             :         indexPartitions []indexBlockAndBlockProperties
     188             : 
     189             :         // indexBlockAlloc is used to bulk-allocate byte slices used to store index
     190             :         // blocks in indexPartitions. These live until the index finishes.
     191             :         indexBlockAlloc []byte
     192             :         // indexSepAlloc is used to bulk-allocate index block separator slices stored
     193             :         // in indexPartitions. These live until the index finishes.
     194             :         indexSepAlloc bytealloc.A
     195             : 
     196             :         // To allow potentially overlapping (i.e. un-fragmented) range keys spans to
     197             :         // be added to the Writer, a keyspan.Fragmenter is used to retain the keys
     198             :         // and values, emitting fragmented, coalesced spans as appropriate. Range
     199             :         // keys must be added in order of their start user-key.
     200             :         fragmenter        keyspan.Fragmenter
     201             :         rangeKeyEncoder   rangekey.Encoder
     202             :         rangeKeysBySuffix keyspan.KeysBySuffix
     203             :         rangeKeySpan      keyspan.Span
     204             :         rkBuf             []byte
     205             :         // dataBlockBuf consists of the state which is currently owned by and used by
     206             :         // the Writer client goroutine. This state can be handed off to other goroutines.
     207             :         dataBlockBuf *dataBlockBuf
     208             :         // blockBuf consists of the state which is owned by and used by the Writer client
     209             :         // goroutine.
     210             :         blockBuf blockBuf
     211             : 
     212             :         coordination coordinationState
     213             : 
     214             :         // Information (other than the byte slice) about the last point key, to
     215             :         // avoid extracting it again.
     216             :         lastPointKeyInfo pointKeyInfo
     217             : 
     218             :         // For value blocks.
     219             :         shortAttributeExtractor   base.ShortAttributeExtractor
     220             :         requiredInPlaceValueBound UserKeyPrefixBound
     221             :         // When w.tableFormat >= TableFormatPebblev3, valueBlockWriter is nil iff
     222             :         // WriterOptions.DisableValueBlocks was true.
     223             :         valueBlockWriter *valueBlockWriter
     224             : 
     225             :         allocatorSizeClasses []int
     226             : }
     227             : 
     228             : type pointKeyInfo struct {
     229             :         trailer uint64
     230             :         // Only computed when w.valueBlockWriter is not nil.
     231             :         userKeyLen int
     232             :         // prefixLen uses w.split, if not nil. Only computed when w.valueBlockWriter
     233             :         // is not nil.
     234             :         prefixLen int
     235             :         // True iff the point was marked obsolete.
     236             :         isObsolete bool
     237             : }
     238             : 
     239             : type coordinationState struct {
     240             :         parallelismEnabled bool
     241             : 
     242             :         // writeQueue is used to write data blocks to disk. The writeQueue is primarily
     243             :         // used to maintain the order in which data blocks must be written to disk. For
     244             :         // this reason, every single data block write must be done through the writeQueue.
     245             :         writeQueue *writeQueue
     246             : 
     247             :         sizeEstimate dataBlockEstimates
     248             : }
     249             : 
     250           2 : func (c *coordinationState) init(parallelismEnabled bool, writer *Writer) {
     251           2 :         c.parallelismEnabled = parallelismEnabled
     252           2 :         // useMutex is false regardless of parallelismEnabled, because we do not do
     253           2 :         // parallel compression yet.
     254           2 :         c.sizeEstimate.useMutex = false
     255           2 : 
     256           2 :         // writeQueueSize determines the size of the write queue, or the number
     257           2 :         // of items which can be added to the queue without blocking. By default, we
     258           2 :         // use a writeQueue size of 0, since we won't be doing any block writes in
     259           2 :         // parallel.
     260           2 :         writeQueueSize := 0
     261           2 :         if parallelismEnabled {
     262           2 :                 writeQueueSize = runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
     263           2 :         }
     264           2 :         c.writeQueue = newWriteQueue(writeQueueSize, writer)
     265             : }
     266             : 
     267             : // sizeEstimate is a general purpose helper for estimating two kinds of sizes:
     268             : // A. The compressed sstable size, which is useful for deciding when to start
     269             : //
     270             : //      a new sstable during flushes or compactions. In practice, we use this in
     271             : //      estimating the data size (excluding the index).
     272             : //
     273             : // B. The size of index blocks to decide when to start a new index block.
     274             : //
     275             : // There are some terminology peculiarities which are due to the origin of
     276             : // sizeEstimate for use case A with parallel compression enabled (for which
     277             : // the code has not been merged). Specifically this relates to the terms
     278             : // "written" and "compressed".
     279             : //   - The notion of "written" for case A is sufficiently defined by saying that
     280             : //     the data block is compressed. Waiting for the actual data block write to
     281             : //     happen can result in unnecessary estimation, when we already know how big
     282             : //     it will be in compressed form. Additionally, with the forthcoming value
     283             : //     blocks containing older MVCC values, these compressed block will be held
     284             : //     in-memory until late in the sstable writing, and we do want to accurately
     285             : //     account for them without waiting for the actual write.
     286             : //     For case B, "written" means that the index entry has been fully
     287             : //     generated, and has been added to the uncompressed block buffer for that
     288             : //     index block. It does not include actually writing a potentially
     289             : //     compressed index block.
     290             : //   - The notion of "compressed" is to differentiate between a "inflight" size
     291             : //     and the actual size, and is handled via computing a compression ratio
     292             : //     observed so far (defaults to 1).
     293             : //     For case A, this is actual data block compression, so the "inflight" size
     294             : //     is uncompressed blocks (that are no longer being written to) and the
     295             : //     "compressed" size is after they have been compressed.
     296             : //     For case B the inflight size is for a key-value pair in the index for
     297             : //     which the value size (the encoded size of the BlockHandleWithProperties)
     298             : //     is not accurately known, while the compressed size is the size of that
     299             : //     entry when it has been added to the (in-progress) index ssblock.
     300             : //
     301             : // Usage: To update state, one can optionally provide an inflight write value
     302             : // using addInflight (used for case B). When something is "written" the state
     303             : // can be updated using either writtenWithDelta or writtenWithTotal, which
     304             : // provide the actual delta size or the total size (latter must be
     305             : // monotonically non-decreasing). If there were no calls to addInflight, there
     306             : // isn't any real estimation happening here. So case A does not do any real
     307             : // estimation. However, when we introduce parallel compression, there will be
     308             : // estimation in that the client goroutine will call addInFlight and the
     309             : // compression goroutines will call writtenWithDelta.
     310             : type sizeEstimate struct {
     311             :         // emptySize is the size when there is no inflight data, and numEntries is 0.
     312             :         // emptySize is constant once set.
     313             :         emptySize uint64
     314             : 
     315             :         // inflightSize is the estimated size of some inflight data which hasn't
     316             :         // been written yet.
     317             :         inflightSize uint64
     318             : 
     319             :         // totalSize is the total size of the data which has already been written.
     320             :         totalSize uint64
     321             : 
     322             :         // numWrittenEntries is the total number of entries which have already been
     323             :         // written.
     324             :         numWrittenEntries uint64
     325             :         // numInflightEntries is the total number of entries which are inflight, and
     326             :         // haven't been written.
     327             :         numInflightEntries uint64
     328             : 
     329             :         // maxEstimatedSize stores the maximum result returned from sizeEstimate.size.
     330             :         // It ensures that values returned from subsequent calls to Writer.EstimatedSize
     331             :         // never decrease.
     332             :         maxEstimatedSize uint64
     333             : 
     334             :         // We assume that the entries added to the sizeEstimate can be compressed.
     335             :         // For this reason, we keep track of a compressedSize and an uncompressedSize
     336             :         // to compute a compression ratio for the inflight entries. If the entries
     337             :         // aren't being compressed, then compressedSize and uncompressedSize must be
     338             :         // equal.
     339             :         compressedSize   uint64
     340             :         uncompressedSize uint64
     341             : }
     342             : 
     343           2 : func (s *sizeEstimate) init(emptySize uint64) {
     344           2 :         s.emptySize = emptySize
     345           2 : }
     346             : 
     347           2 : func (s *sizeEstimate) size() uint64 {
     348           2 :         ratio := float64(1)
     349           2 :         if s.uncompressedSize > 0 {
     350           2 :                 ratio = float64(s.compressedSize) / float64(s.uncompressedSize)
     351           2 :         }
     352           2 :         estimatedInflightSize := uint64(float64(s.inflightSize) * ratio)
     353           2 :         total := s.totalSize + estimatedInflightSize
     354           2 :         if total > s.maxEstimatedSize {
     355           2 :                 s.maxEstimatedSize = total
     356           2 :         } else {
     357           2 :                 total = s.maxEstimatedSize
     358           2 :         }
     359             : 
     360           2 :         if total == 0 {
     361           2 :                 return s.emptySize
     362           2 :         }
     363             : 
     364           2 :         return total
     365             : }
     366             : 
     367           2 : func (s *sizeEstimate) numTotalEntries() uint64 {
     368           2 :         return s.numWrittenEntries + s.numInflightEntries
     369           2 : }
     370             : 
     371           2 : func (s *sizeEstimate) addInflight(size int) {
     372           2 :         s.numInflightEntries++
     373           2 :         s.inflightSize += uint64(size)
     374           2 : }
     375             : 
     376           2 : func (s *sizeEstimate) writtenWithTotal(newTotalSize uint64, inflightSize int) {
     377           2 :         finalEntrySize := int(newTotalSize - s.totalSize)
     378           2 :         s.writtenWithDelta(finalEntrySize, inflightSize)
     379           2 : }
     380             : 
     381           2 : func (s *sizeEstimate) writtenWithDelta(finalEntrySize int, inflightSize int) {
     382           2 :         if inflightSize > 0 {
     383           2 :                 // This entry was previously inflight, so we should decrement inflight
     384           2 :                 // entries and update the "compression" stats for future estimation.
     385           2 :                 s.numInflightEntries--
     386           2 :                 s.inflightSize -= uint64(inflightSize)
     387           2 :                 s.uncompressedSize += uint64(inflightSize)
     388           2 :                 s.compressedSize += uint64(finalEntrySize)
     389           2 :         }
     390           2 :         s.numWrittenEntries++
     391           2 :         s.totalSize += uint64(finalEntrySize)
     392             : }
     393             : 
     394           2 : func (s *sizeEstimate) clear() {
     395           2 :         *s = sizeEstimate{emptySize: s.emptySize}
     396           2 : }
     397             : 
     398             : type indexBlockBuf struct {
     399             :         // block will only be accessed from the writeQueue.
     400             :         block blockWriter
     401             : 
     402             :         size struct {
     403             :                 useMutex bool
     404             :                 mu       sync.Mutex
     405             :                 estimate sizeEstimate
     406             :         }
     407             : 
     408             :         // restartInterval matches indexBlockBuf.block.restartInterval. We store it twice, because the `block`
     409             :         // must only be accessed from the writeQueue goroutine.
     410             :         restartInterval int
     411             : }
     412             : 
     413           2 : func (i *indexBlockBuf) clear() {
     414           2 :         i.block.clear()
     415           2 :         if i.size.useMutex {
     416           2 :       
     417           2 :                 defer
     418           2 :         }
     419           2 :         i.size.estimate.clear()
     420           2 :         i.restartInterval = 0
     421             : }
     422             : 
     423             : var indexBlockBufPool = sync.Pool{
     424           2 :         New: func() interface{} {
     425           2 :                 return &indexBlockBuf{}
     426           2 :         },
     427             : }
     428             : 
     429             : const indexBlockRestartInterval = 1
     430             : 
     431           2 : func newIndexBlockBuf(useMutex bool) *indexBlockBuf {
     432           2 :         i := indexBlockBufPool.Get().(*indexBlockBuf)
     433           2 :         i.size.useMutex = useMutex
     434           2 :         i.restartInterval = indexBlockRestartInterval
     435           2 :         i.block.restartInterval = indexBlockRestartInterval
     436           2 :         i.size.estimate.init(emptyBlockSize)
     437           2 :         return i
     438           2 : }
     439             : 
     440             : func (i *indexBlockBuf) shouldFlush(
     441             :         sep InternalKey, valueLen int, flushOptions flushDecisionOptions, sizeClassHints []int,
     442           2 : ) bool {
     443           2 :         if i.size.useMutex {
     444           2 :       
     445           2 :                 defer
     446           2 :         }
     447             : 
     448           2 :         nEntries := i.size.estimate.numTotalEntries()
     449           2 :         return shouldFlushWithHints(
     450           2 :                 sep.Size(), valueLen, i.restartInterval, int(i.size.estimate.size()),
     451           2 :                 int(nEntries), flushOptions, sizeClassHints)
     452             : }
     453             : 
     454           2 : func (i *indexBlockBuf) add(key InternalKey, value []byte, inflightSize int) {
     455           2 :         i.block.add(key, value)
     456           2 :         size := i.block.estimatedSize()
     457           2 :         if i.size.useMutex {
     458           2 :       
     459           2 :                 defer
     460           2 :         }
     461           2 :         i.size.estimate.writtenWithTotal(uint64(size), inflightSize)
     462             : }
     463             : 
     464           2 : func (i *indexBlockBuf) finish() []byte {
     465           2 :         b := i.block.finish()
     466           2 :         return b
     467           2 : }
     468             : 
     469           2 : func (i *indexBlockBuf) addInflight(inflightSize int) {
     470           2 :         if i.size.useMutex {
     471           2 :       
     472           2 :                 defer
     473           2 :         }
     474           2 :         i.size.estimate.addInflight(inflightSize)
     475             : }
     476             : 
     477           2 : func (i *indexBlockBuf) estimatedSize() uint64 {
     478           2 :         if i.size.useMutex {
     479           2 :       
     480           2 :                 defer
     481           2 :         }
     482             : 
     483             :         // Make sure that the size estimation works as expected when parallelism
     484             :         // is disabled.
     485           2 :         if invariants.Enabled && !i.size.useMutex {
     486           2 :                 if i.size.estimate.inflightSize != 0 {
     487           0 :                         panic("unexpected inflight entry in index block size estimation")
     488             :                 }
     489             : 
     490             :                 // NB: The i.block should only be accessed from the writeQueue goroutine,
     491             :                 // when parallelism is enabled. We break that invariant here, but that's
     492             :                 // okay since parallelism is disabled.
     493           2 :                 if i.size.estimate.size() != uint64(i.block.estimatedSize()) {
     494           0 :                         panic("index block size estimation sans parallelism is incorrect")
     495             :                 }
     496             :         }
     497           2 :         return i.size.estimate.size()
     498             : }
     499             : 
     500             : // sizeEstimate is used for sstable size estimation. sizeEstimate can be
     501             : // accessed by the Writer client and compressionQueue goroutines. Fields
     502             : // should only be read/updated through the functions defined on the
     503             : // *sizeEstimate type.
     504             : type dataBlockEstimates struct {
     505             :         // If we don't do block compression in parallel, then we don't need to take
     506             :         // the performance hit of synchronizing using this mutex.
     507             :         useMutex bool
     508             :         mu       sync.Mutex
     509             : 
     510             :         estimate sizeEstimate
     511             : }
     512             : 
     513             : // inflightSize is the uncompressed block size estimate which has been
     514             : // previously provided to addInflightDataBlock(). If addInflightDataBlock()
     515             : // has not been called, this must be set to 0. compressedSize is the
     516             : // compressed size of the block.
     517           2 : func (d *dataBlockEstimates) dataBlockCompressed(compressedSize int, inflightSize int) {
     518           2 :         if d.useMutex {
     519           0 :       
     520           0 :                 defer
     521           0 :         }
     522           2 :         d.estimate.writtenWithDelta(compressedSize+blockTrailerLen, inflightSize)
     523             : }
     524             : 
     525             : // size is an estimated size of datablock data which has been written to disk.
     526           2 : func (d *dataBlockEstimates) size() uint64 {
     527           2 :         if d.useMutex {
     528           0 :       
     529           0 :                 defer
     530           0 :         }
     531             :         // If there is no parallel compression, there should not be any inflight bytes.
     532           2 :         if invariants.Enabled && !d.useMutex {
     533           2 :                 if d.estimate.inflightSize != 0 {
     534           0 :                         panic("unexpected inflight entry in data block size estimation")
     535             :                 }
     536             :         }
     537           2 :         return d.estimate.size()
     538             : }
     539             : 
     540             : // Avoid linter unused error.
     541             : var _ = (&dataBlockEstimates{}).addInflightDataBlock
     542             : 
     543             : // NB: unused since no parallel compression.
     544           0 : func (d *dataBlockEstimates) addInflightDataBlock(size int) {
     545           0 :         if d.useMutex {
     546           0 :       
     547           0 :                 defer
     548           0 :         }
     549             : 
     550           0 :         d.estimate.addInflight(size)
     551             : }
     552             : 
     553             : var writeTaskPool = sync.Pool{
     554           2 :         New: func() interface{} {
     555           2 :                 t := &writeTask{}
     556           2 :                 t.compressionDone = make(chan bool, 1)
     557           2 :                 return t
     558           2 :         },
     559             : }
     560             : 
     561             : type checksummer struct {
     562             :         checksumType ChecksumType
     563             :         xxHasher     *xxhash.Digest
     564             : }
     565             : 
     566           2 : func (c *checksummer) checksum(block []byte, blockType []byte) (checksum uint32) {
     567           2 :         // Calculate the checksum.
     568           2 :         switch c.checksumType {
     569           2 :         case ChecksumTypeCRC32c:
     570           2 :                 checksum = crc.New(block).Update(blockType).Value()
     571           1 :         case ChecksumTypeXXHash64:
     572           1 :                 if c.xxHasher == nil {
     573           1 :                         c.xxHasher = xxhash.New()
     574           1 :                 } else {
     575           1 :                         c.xxHasher.Reset()
     576           1 :                 }
     577           1 :                 c.xxHasher.Write(block)
     578           1 :                 c.xxHasher.Write(blockType)
     579           1 :                 checksum = uint32(c.xxHasher.Sum64())
     580           0 :         default:
     581           0 :                 panic(errors.Newf("unsupported checksum type: %d", c.checksumType))
     582             :         }
     583           2 :         return checksum
     584             : }
     585             : 
     586             : type blockBuf struct {
     587             :         // tmp is a scratch buffer, large enough to hold either footerLen bytes,
     588             :         // blockTrailerLen bytes, (5 * binary.MaxVarintLen64) bytes, and most
     589             :         // likely large enough for a block handle with properties.
     590             :         tmp [blockHandleLikelyMaxLen]byte
     591             :         // compressedBuf is the destination buffer for compression. It is re-used over the
     592             :         // lifetime of the blockBuf, avoiding the allocation of a temporary buffer for each block.
     593             :         compressedBuf []byte
     594             :         checksummer   checksummer
     595             : }
     596             : 
     597           2 : func (b *blockBuf) clear() {
     598           2 :         // We can't assign b.compressedBuf[:0] to compressedBuf because snappy relies
     599           2 :         // on the length of the buffer, and not the capacity to determine if it needs
     600           2 :         // to make an allocation.
     601           2 :         *b = blockBuf{
     602           2 :                 compressedBuf: b.compressedBuf, checksummer: b.checksummer,
     603           2 :         }
     604           2 : }
     605             : 
     606             : // A dataBlockBuf holds all the state required to compress and write a data block to disk.
     607             : // A dataBlockBuf begins its lifecycle owned by the Writer client goroutine. The Writer
     608             : // client goroutine adds keys to the sstable, writing directly into a dataBlockBuf's blockWriter
     609             : // until the block is full. Once a dataBlockBuf's block is full, the dataBlockBuf may be passed
     610             : // to other goroutines for compression and file I/O.
     611             : type dataBlockBuf struct {
     612             :         blockBuf
     613             :         dataBlock blockWriter
     614             : 
     615             :         // uncompressed is a reference to a byte slice which is owned by the dataBlockBuf. It is the
     616             :         // next byte slice to be compressed. The uncompressed byte slice will be backed by the
     617             :         // dataBlock.buf.
     618             :         uncompressed []byte
     619             :         // compressed is a reference to a byte slice which is owned by the dataBlockBuf. It is the
     620             :         // compressed byte slice which must be written to disk. The compressed byte slice may be
     621             :         // backed by the dataBlock.buf, or the dataBlockBuf.compressedBuf, depending on whether
     622             :         // we use the result of the compression.
     623             :         compressed []byte
     624             : 
     625             :         // We're making calls to BlockPropertyCollectors from the Writer client goroutine. We need to
     626             :         // pass the encoded block properties over to the write queue. To prevent copies, and allocations,
     627             :         // we give each dataBlockBuf, a blockPropertiesEncoder.
     628             :         blockPropsEncoder blockPropertiesEncoder
     629             :         // dataBlockProps is set when Writer.finishDataBlockProps is called. The dataBlockProps slice is
     630             :         // a shallow copy of the internal buffer of the dataBlockBuf.blockPropsEncoder.
     631             :         dataBlockProps []byte
     632             : 
     633             :         // sepScratch is reusable scratch space for computing separator keys.
     634             :         sepScratch []byte
     635             : }
     636             : 
     637           2 : func (d *dataBlockBuf) clear() {
     638           2 :         d.blockBuf.clear()
     639           2 :         d.dataBlock.clear()
     640           2 : 
     641           2 :         d.uncompressed = nil
     642           2 :         d.compressed = nil
     643           2 :         d.dataBlockProps = nil
     644           2 :         d.sepScratch = d.sepScratch[:0]
     645           2 : }
     646             : 
     647             : var dataBlockBufPool = sync.Pool{
     648           2 :         New: func() interface{} {
     649           2 :                 return &dataBlockBuf{}
     650           2 :         },
     651             : }
     652             : 
     653           2 : func newDataBlockBuf(restartInterval int, checksumType ChecksumType) *dataBlockBuf {
     654           2 :         d := dataBlockBufPool.Get().(*dataBlockBuf)
     655           2 :         d.dataBlock.restartInterval = restartInterval
     656           2 :         d.checksummer.checksumType = checksumType
     657           2 :         return d
     658           2 : }
     659             : 
     660           2 : func (d *dataBlockBuf) finish() {
     661           2 :         d.uncompressed = d.dataBlock.finish()
     662           2 : }
     663             : 
     664           2 : func (d *dataBlockBuf) compressAndChecksum(c Compression) {
     665           2 :         d.compressed = compressAndChecksum(d.uncompressed, c, &d.blockBuf)
     666           2 : }
     667             : 
     668             : func (d *dataBlockBuf) shouldFlush(
     669             :         key InternalKey, valueLen int, flushOptions flushDecisionOptions, sizeClassHints []int,
     670           2 : ) bool {
     671           2 :         return shouldFlushWithHints(
     672           2 :                 key.Size(), valueLen, d.dataBlock.restartInterval, d.dataBlock.estimatedSize(),
     673           2 :                 d.dataBlock.nEntries, flushOptions, sizeClassHints)
     674           2 : }
     675             : 
     676             : type indexBlockAndBlockProperties struct {
     677             :         nEntries int
     678             :         // sep is the last key added to this block, for computing a separator later.
     679             :         sep        InternalKey
     680             :         properties []byte
     681             :         // block is the encoded block produced by blockWriter.finish.
     682             :         block []byte
     683             : }
     684             : 
     685             : // Set sets the value for the given key. The sequence number is set to 0.
     686             : // Intended for use to externally construct an sstable before ingestion into a
     687             : // DB. For a given Writer, the keys passed to Set must be in strictly increasing
     688             : // order.
     689             : //
     690             : // TODO(peter): untested
     691           2 : func (w *Writer) Set(key, value []byte) error {
     692           2 :         if w.err != nil {
     693           0 :                 return w.err
     694           0 :         }
     695           2 :         if w.isStrictObsolete {
     696           0 :                 return errors.Errorf("use AddWithForceObsolete")
     697           0 :         }
     698             :         // forceObsolete is false based on the assumption that no RANGEDELs in the
     699             :         // sstable delete the added points.
     700           2 :         return w.addPoint(base.MakeInternalKey(key, 0, InternalKeyKindSet), value, false)
     701             : }
     702             : 
     703             : // Delete deletes the value for the given key. The sequence number is set to
     704             : // 0. Intended for use to externally construct an sstable before ingestion into
     705             : // a DB.
     706             : //
     707             : // TODO(peter): untested
     708           1 : func (w *Writer) Delete(key []byte) error {
     709           1 :         if w.err != nil {
     710           0 :                 return w.err
     711           0 :         }
     712           1 :         if w.isStrictObsolete {
     713           0 :                 return errors.Errorf("use AddWithForceObsolete")
     714           0 :         }
     715             :         // forceObsolete is false based on the assumption that no RANGEDELs in the
     716             :         // sstable delete the added points.
     717           1 :         return w.addPoint(base.MakeInternalKey(key, 0, InternalKeyKindDelete), nil, false)
     718             : }
     719             : 
     720             : // DeleteRange deletes all of the keys (and values) in the range [start,end)
     721             : // (inclusive on start, exclusive on end). The sequence number is set to
     722             : // 0. Intended for use to externally construct an sstable before ingestion into
     723             : // a DB.
     724             : //
     725             : // TODO(peter): untested
     726           2 : func (w *Writer) DeleteRange(start, end []byte) error {
     727           2 :         if w.err != nil {
     728           0 :                 return w.err
     729           0 :         }
     730           2 :         return w.addTombstone(base.MakeInternalKey(start, 0, InternalKeyKindRangeDelete), end)
     731             : }
     732             : 
     733             : // Merge adds an action to the DB that merges the value at key with the new
     734             : // value. The details of the merge are dependent upon the configured merge
     735             : // operator. The sequence number is set to 0. Intended for use to externally
     736             : // construct an sstable before ingestion into a DB.
     737             : //
     738             : // TODO(peter): untested
     739           0 : func (w *Writer) Merge(key, value []byte) error {
     740           0 :         if w.err != nil {
     741           0 :                 return w.err
     742           0 :         }
     743           0 :         if w.isStrictObsolete {
     744           0 :                 return errors.Errorf("use AddWithForceObsolete")
     745           0 :         }
     746             :         // forceObsolete is false based on the assumption that no RANGEDELs in the
     747             :         // sstable that delete the added points. If the user configured this writer
     748             :         // to be strict-obsolete, addPoint will reject the addition of this MERGE.
     749           0 :         return w.addPoint(base.MakeInternalKey(key, 0, InternalKeyKindMerge), value, false)
     750             : }
     751             : 
     752             : // Add adds a key/value pair to the table being written. For a given Writer,
     753             : // the keys passed to Add must be in increasing order. The exception to this
     754             : // rule is range deletion tombstones. Range deletion tombstones need to be
     755             : // added ordered by their start key, but they can be added out of order from
     756             : // point entries. Additionally, range deletion tombstones must be fragmented
     757             : // (i.e. by keyspan.Fragmenter).
     758           2 : func (w *Writer) Add(key InternalKey, value []byte) error {
     759           2 :         if w.isStrictObsolete {
     760           0 :                 return errors.Errorf("use AddWithForceObsolete")
     761           0 :         }
     762           2 :         return w.AddWithForceObsolete(key, value, false)
     763             : }
     764             : 
     765             : // AddWithForceObsolete must be used when writing a strict-obsolete sstable.
     766             : //
     767             : // forceObsolete indicates whether the caller has determined that this key is
     768             : // obsolete even though it may be the latest point key for this userkey. This
     769             : // should be set to true for keys obsoleted by RANGEDELs, and is required for
     770             : // strict-obsolete sstables.
     771             : //
     772             : // Note that there are two properties, S1 and S2 (see comment in format.go)
     773             : // that strict-obsolete ssts must satisfy. S2, due to RANGEDELs, is solely the
     774             : // responsibility of the caller. S1 is solely the responsibility of the
     775             : // callee.
     776           2 : func (w *Writer) AddWithForceObsolete(key InternalKey, value []byte, forceObsolete bool) error {
     777           2 :         if w.err != nil {
     778           0 :                 return w.err
     779           0 :         }
     780             : 
     781           2 :         switch key.Kind() {
     782           2 :         case InternalKeyKindRangeDelete:
     783           2 :                 return w.addTombstone(key, value)
     784             :         case base.InternalKeyKindRangeKeyDelete,
     785             :                 base.InternalKeyKindRangeKeySet,
     786           0 :                 base.InternalKeyKindRangeKeyUnset:
     787           0 :                 w.err = errors.Errorf(
     788           0 :                         "pebble: range keys must be added via one of the RangeKey* functions")
     789           0 :                 return w.err
     790             :         }
     791           2 :         return w.addPoint(key, value, forceObsolete)
     792             : }
     793             : 
     794           2 : func (w *Writer) makeAddPointDecisionV2(key InternalKey) error {
     795           2 :         prevTrailer := w.lastPointKeyInfo.trailer
     796           2 :         w.lastPointKeyInfo.trailer = key.Trailer
     797           2 :         if w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.nEntries == 0 {
     798           2 :                 return nil
     799           2 :         }
     800           2 :         if !w.disableKeyOrderChecks {
     801           2 :                 prevPointUserKey := w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.getCurUserKey()
     802           2 :                 cmpUser :=, key.UserKey)
     803           2 :                 if cmpUser > 0 || (cmpUser == 0 && prevTrailer <= key.Trailer) {
     804           1 :                         return errors.Errorf(
     805           1 :                                 "pebble: keys must be added in strictly increasing order: %s, %s",
     806           1 :                                 InternalKey{UserKey: prevPointUserKey, Trailer: prevTrailer}.Pretty(w.formatKey),
     807           1 :                                 key.Pretty(w.formatKey))
     808           1 :                 }
     809             :         }
     810           2 :         return nil
     811             : }
     812             : 
     813             : // REQUIRES: at least one point has been written to the Writer.
     814           2 : func (w *Writer) getLastPointUserKey() []byte {
     815           2 :         if w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.nEntries == 0 {
     816           0 :                 panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("no point keys added to writer"))
     817             :         }
     818           2 :         return w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.getCurUserKey()
     819             : }
     820             : 
     821             : // REQUIRES: w.tableFormat >= TableFormatPebblev3
     822             : func (w *Writer) makeAddPointDecisionV3(
     823             :         key InternalKey, valueLen int,
     824           2 : ) (setHasSamePrefix bool, writeToValueBlock bool, isObsolete bool, err error) {
     825           2 :         prevPointKeyInfo := w.lastPointKeyInfo
     826           2 :         w.lastPointKeyInfo.userKeyLen = len(key.UserKey)
     827           2 :         w.lastPointKeyInfo.prefixLen = w.split(key.UserKey)
     828           2 :         w.lastPointKeyInfo.trailer = key.Trailer
     829           2 :         w.lastPointKeyInfo.isObsolete = false
     830           2 :         if !w.meta.HasPointKeys {
     831           2 :                 return false, false, false, nil
     832           2 :         }
     833           2 :         keyKind := base.TrailerKind(key.Trailer)
     834           2 :         prevPointUserKey := w.getLastPointUserKey()
     835           2 :         prevPointKey := InternalKey{UserKey: prevPointUserKey, Trailer: prevPointKeyInfo.trailer}
     836           2 :         prevKeyKind := base.TrailerKind(prevPointKeyInfo.trailer)
     837           2 :         considerWriteToValueBlock := prevKeyKind == InternalKeyKindSet &&
     838           2 :                 keyKind == InternalKeyKindSet
     839           2 :         if considerWriteToValueBlock && !w.requiredInPlaceValueBound.IsEmpty() {
     840           1 :                 keyPrefix := key.UserKey[:w.lastPointKeyInfo.prefixLen]
     841           1 :                 cmpUpper :=
     842           1 :                         w.requiredInPlaceValueBound.Upper, keyPrefix)
     843           1 :                 if cmpUpper <= 0 {
     844           1 :                         // Common case for CockroachDB. Make it empty since all future keys in
     845           1 :                         // this sstable will also have cmpUpper <= 0.
     846           1 :                         w.requiredInPlaceValueBound = UserKeyPrefixBound{}
     847           1 :                 } else if, w.requiredInPlaceValueBound.Lower) >= 0 {
     848           1 :                         considerWriteToValueBlock = false
     849           1 :                 }
     850             :         }
     851             :         // cmpPrefix is initialized iff considerWriteToValueBlock.
     852           2 :         var cmpPrefix int
     853           2 :         var cmpUser int
     854           2 :         if considerWriteToValueBlock {
     855           2 :                 // Compare the prefixes.
     856           2 :                 cmpPrefix =[:prevPointKeyInfo.prefixLen],
     857           2 :                         key.UserKey[:w.lastPointKeyInfo.prefixLen])
     858           2 :                 cmpUser = cmpPrefix
     859           2 :                 if cmpPrefix == 0 {
     860           2 :                         // Need to compare suffixes to compute cmpUser.
     861           2 :                         cmpUser =[prevPointKeyInfo.prefixLen:],
     862           2 :                                 key.UserKey[w.lastPointKeyInfo.prefixLen:])
     863           2 :                 }
     864           2 :         } else {
     865           2 :                 cmpUser =, key.UserKey)
     866           2 :         }
     867             :         // Ensure that no one adds a point key kind without considering the obsolete
     868             :         // handling for that kind.
     869           2 :         switch keyKind {
     870             :         case InternalKeyKindSet, InternalKeyKindSetWithDelete, InternalKeyKindMerge,
     871           2 :                 InternalKeyKindDelete, InternalKeyKindSingleDelete, InternalKeyKindDeleteSized:
     872           0 :         default:
     873           0 :                 panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("unexpected key kind %s", keyKind.String()))
     874             :         }
     875             :         // If same user key, then the current key is obsolete if any of the
     876             :         // following is true:
     877             :         // C1 The prev key was obsolete.
     878             :         // C2 The prev key was not a MERGE. When the previous key is a MERGE we must
     879             :         //    preserve SET* and MERGE since their values will be merged into the
     880             :         //    previous key. We also must preserve DEL* since there may be an older
     881             :         //    SET*/MERGE in a lower level that must not be merged with the MERGE --
     882             :         //    if we omit the DEL* that lower SET*/MERGE will become visible.
     883             :         //
     884             :         // Regardless of whether it is the same user key or not
     885             :         // C3 The current key is some kind of point delete, and we are writing to
     886             :         //    the lowest level, then it is also obsolete. The correctness of this
     887             :         //    relies on the same user key not spanning multiple sstables in a level.
     888             :         //
     889             :         // C1 ensures that for a user key there is at most one transition from
     890             :         // !obsolete to obsolete. Consider a user key k, for which the first n keys
     891             :         // are not obsolete. We consider the various value of n:
     892             :         //
     893             :         // n = 0: This happens due to forceObsolete being set by the caller, or due
     894             :         // to C3. forceObsolete must only be set due a RANGEDEL, and that RANGEDEL
     895             :         // must also delete all the lower seqnums for the same user key. C3 triggers
     896             :         // due to a point delete and that deletes all the lower seqnums for the same
     897             :         // user key.
     898             :         //
     899             :         // n = 1: This is the common case. It happens when the first key is not a
     900             :         // MERGE, or the current key is some kind of point delete.
     901             :         //
     902             :         // n > 1: This is due to a sequence of MERGE keys, potentially followed by a
     903             :         // single non-MERGE key.
     904           2 :         isObsoleteC1AndC2 := cmpUser == 0 &&
     905           2 :                 (prevPointKeyInfo.isObsolete || prevKeyKind != InternalKeyKindMerge)
     906           2 :         isObsoleteC3 := w.writingToLowestLevel &&
     907           2 :                 (keyKind == InternalKeyKindDelete || keyKind == InternalKeyKindSingleDelete ||
     908           2 :                         keyKind == InternalKeyKindDeleteSized)
     909           2 :         isObsolete = isObsoleteC1AndC2 || isObsoleteC3
     910           2 :         // TODO(sumeer): storing isObsolete SET and SETWITHDEL in value blocks is
     911           2 :         // possible, but requires some care in documenting and checking invariants.
     912           2 :         // There is code that assumes nothing in value blocks because of single MVCC
     913           2 :         // version (those should be ok). We have to ensure setHasSamePrefix is
     914           2 :         // correctly initialized here etc.
     915           2 : 
     916           2 :         if !w.disableKeyOrderChecks &&
     917           2 :                 (cmpUser > 0 || (cmpUser == 0 && prevPointKeyInfo.trailer <= key.Trailer)) {
     918           1 :                 return false, false, false, errors.Errorf(
     919           1 :                         "pebble: keys must be added in strictly increasing order: %s, %s",
     920           1 :                         prevPointKey.Pretty(w.formatKey), key.Pretty(w.formatKey))
     921           1 :         }
     922           2 :         if !considerWriteToValueBlock {
     923           2 :                 return false, false, isObsolete, nil
     924           2 :         }
     925             :         // NB: it is possible that cmpUser == 0, i.e., these two SETs have identical
     926             :         // user keys (because of an open snapshot). This should be the rare case.
     927           2 :         setHasSamePrefix = cmpPrefix == 0
     928           2 :         // Use of 0 here is somewhat arbitrary. Given the minimum 3 byte encoding of
     929           2 :         // valueHandle, this should be > 3. But tiny values are common in test and
     930           2 :         // unlikely in production, so we use 0 here for better test coverage.
     931           2 :         const tinyValueThreshold = 0
     932           2 :         // NB: setting WriterOptions.DisableValueBlocks does not disable the
     933           2 :         // setHasSamePrefix optimization.
     934           2 :         considerWriteToValueBlock = setHasSamePrefix && valueLen > tinyValueThreshold && w.valueBlockWriter != nil
     935           2 :         return setHasSamePrefix, considerWriteToValueBlock, isObsolete, nil
     936             : }
     937             : 
     938           2 : func (w *Writer) addPoint(key InternalKey, value []byte, forceObsolete bool) error {
     939           2 :         if w.isStrictObsolete && key.Kind() == InternalKeyKindMerge {
     940           1 :                 return errors.Errorf("MERGE not supported in a strict-obsolete sstable")
     941           1 :         }
     942           2 :         var err error
     943           2 :         var setHasSameKeyPrefix, writeToValueBlock, addPrefixToValueStoredWithKey bool
     944           2 :         var isObsolete bool
     945           2 :         maxSharedKeyLen := len(key.UserKey)
     946           2 :         if w.tableFormat >= TableFormatPebblev3 {
     947           2 :                 // maxSharedKeyLen is limited to the prefix of the preceding key. If the
     948           2 :                 // preceding key was in a different block, then the blockWriter will
     949           2 :                 // ignore this maxSharedKeyLen.
     950           2 :                 maxSharedKeyLen = w.lastPointKeyInfo.prefixLen
     951           2 :                 setHasSameKeyPrefix, writeToValueBlock, isObsolete, err =
     952           2 :                         w.makeAddPointDecisionV3(key, len(value))
     953           2 :                 addPrefixToValueStoredWithKey = base.TrailerKind(key.Trailer) == InternalKeyKindSet
     954           2 :         } else {
     955           2 :                 err = w.makeAddPointDecisionV2(key)
     956           2 :         }
     957           2 :         if err != nil {
     958           1 :                 return err
     959           1 :         }
     960           2 :         isObsolete = w.tableFormat >= TableFormatPebblev4 && (isObsolete || forceObsolete)
     961           2 :         w.lastPointKeyInfo.isObsolete = isObsolete
     962           2 :         var valueStoredWithKey []byte
     963           2 :         var prefix valuePrefix
     964           2 :         var valueStoredWithKeyLen int
     965           2 :         if writeToValueBlock {
     966           2 :                 vh, err := w.valueBlockWriter.addValue(value)
     967           2 :                 if err != nil {
     968           0 :                         return err
     969           0 :                 }
     970           2 :                 n := encodeValueHandle(w.blockBuf.tmp[:], vh)
     971           2 :                 valueStoredWithKey = w.blockBuf.tmp[:n]
     972           2 :                 valueStoredWithKeyLen = len(valueStoredWithKey) + 1
     973           2 :                 var attribute base.ShortAttribute
     974           2 :                 if w.shortAttributeExtractor != nil {
     975           1 :                         // TODO(sumeer): for compactions, it is possible that the input sstable
     976           1 :                         // already has this value in the value section and so we have already
     977           1 :                         // extracted the ShortAttribute. Avoid extracting it again. This will
     978           1 :                         // require changing the Writer.Add interface.
     979           1 :                         if attribute, err = w.shortAttributeExtractor(
     980           1 :                                 key.UserKey, w.lastPointKeyInfo.prefixLen, value); err != nil {
     981           0 :                                 return err
     982           0 :                         }
     983             :                 }
     984           2 :                 prefix = makePrefixForValueHandle(setHasSameKeyPrefix, attribute)
     985           2 :         } else {
     986           2 :                 valueStoredWithKey = value
     987           2 :                 valueStoredWithKeyLen = len(value)
     988           2 :                 if addPrefixToValueStoredWithKey {
     989           2 :                         valueStoredWithKeyLen++
     990           2 :                 }
     991           2 :                 prefix = makePrefixForInPlaceValue(setHasSameKeyPrefix)
     992             :         }
     993             : 
     994           2 :         if err := w.maybeFlush(key, valueStoredWithKeyLen); err != nil {
     995           1 :                 return err
     996           1 :         }
     997             : 
     998           2 :         for i := range w.blockPropCollectors {
     999           2 :                 v := value
    1000           2 :                 if addPrefixToValueStoredWithKey {
    1001           2 :                         // Values for SET are not required to be in-place, and in the future may
    1002           2 :                         // not even be read by the compaction, so pass nil values. Block
    1003           2 :                         // property collectors in such Pebble DB's must not look at the value.
    1004           2 :                         v = nil
    1005           2 :                 }
    1006           2 :                 if err := w.blockPropCollectors[i].Add(key, v); err != nil {
    1007           1 :                         w.err = err
    1008           1 :                         return err
    1009           1 :                 }
    1010             :         }
    1011           2 :         if w.tableFormat >= TableFormatPebblev4 {
    1012           2 :                 w.obsoleteCollector.AddPoint(isObsolete)
    1013           2 :         }
    1014             : 
    1015           2 :         w.maybeAddToFilter(key.UserKey)
    1016           2 :         w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.addWithOptionalValuePrefix(
    1017           2 :                 key, isObsolete, valueStoredWithKey, maxSharedKeyLen, addPrefixToValueStoredWithKey, prefix,
    1018           2 :                 setHasSameKeyPrefix)
    1019           2 : 
    1020           2 :         w.meta.updateSeqNum(key.SeqNum())
    1021           2 : 
    1022           2 :         if !w.meta.HasPointKeys {
    1023           2 :                 k := w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.getCurKey()
    1024           2 :                 // NB: We need to ensure that SmallestPoint.UserKey is set, so we create
    1025           2 :                 // an InternalKey which is semantically identical to the key, but won't
    1026           2 :                 // have a nil UserKey. We do this, because key.UserKey could be nil, and
    1027           2 :                 // we don't want SmallestPoint.UserKey to be nil.
    1028           2 :                 //
    1029           2 :                 // todo(bananabrick): Determine if it's okay to have a nil SmallestPoint
    1030           2 :                 // .UserKey now that we don't rely on a nil UserKey to determine if the
    1031           2 :                 // key has been set or not.
    1032           2 :                 w.meta.SetSmallestPointKey(k.Clone())
    1033           2 :         }
    1034             : 
    1035           2 :         w.props.NumEntries++
    1036           2 :         switch key.Kind() {
    1037           2 :         case InternalKeyKindDelete, InternalKeyKindSingleDelete:
    1038           2 :                 w.props.NumDeletions++
    1039           2 :                 w.props.RawPointTombstoneKeySize += uint64(len(key.UserKey))
    1040           2 :         case InternalKeyKindDeleteSized:
    1041           2 :                 var size uint64
    1042           2 :                 if len(value) > 0 {
    1043           2 :                         var n int
    1044           2 :                         size, n = binary.Uvarint(value)
    1045           2 :                         if n <= 0 {
    1046           0 :                                 w.err = errors.Newf("%s key's value (%x) does not parse as uvarint",
    1047           0 :                                         errors.Safe(key.Kind().String()), value)
    1048           0 :                                 return w.err
    1049           0 :                         }
    1050             :                 }
    1051           2 :                 w.props.NumDeletions++
    1052           2 :                 w.props.NumSizedDeletions++
    1053           2 :                 w.props.RawPointTombstoneKeySize += uint64(len(key.UserKey))
    1054           2 :                 w.props.RawPointTombstoneValueSize += size
    1055           2 :         case InternalKeyKindMerge:
    1056           2 :                 w.props.NumMergeOperands++
    1057             :         }
    1058           2 :         w.props.RawKeySize += uint64(key.Size())
    1059           2 :         w.props.RawValueSize += uint64(len(value))
    1060           2 :         return nil
    1061             : }
    1062             : 
    1063           1 : func (w *Writer) prettyTombstone(k InternalKey, value []byte) fmt.Formatter {
    1064           1 :         return keyspan.Span{
    1065           1 :                 Start: k.UserKey,
    1066           1 :                 End:   value,
    1067           1 :                 Keys:  []keyspan.Key{{Trailer: k.Trailer}},
    1068           1 :         }.Pretty(w.formatKey)
    1069           1 : }
    1070             : 
    1071           2 : func (w *Writer) addTombstone(key InternalKey, value []byte) error {
    1072           2 :         if !w.disableKeyOrderChecks && !w.rangeDelV1Format && w.rangeDelBlock.nEntries > 0 {
    1073           2 :                 // Check that tombstones are being added in fragmented order. If the two
    1074           2 :                 // tombstones overlap, their start and end keys must be identical.
    1075           2 :                 prevKey := w.rangeDelBlock.getCurKey()
    1076           2 :                 switch c :=, key.UserKey); {
    1077           0 :                 case c > 0:
    1078           0 :                         w.err = errors.Errorf("pebble: keys must be added in order: %s, %s",
    1079           0 :                                 prevKey.Pretty(w.formatKey), key.Pretty(w.formatKey))
    1080           0 :                         return w.err
    1081           2 :                 case c == 0:
    1082           2 :                         prevValue := w.rangeDelBlock.curValue
    1083           2 :                         if, value) != 0 {
    1084           1 :                                 w.err = errors.Errorf("pebble: overlapping tombstones must be fragmented: %s vs %s",
    1085           1 :                                         w.prettyTombstone(prevKey, prevValue),
    1086           1 :                                         w.prettyTombstone(key, value))
    1087           1 :                                 return w.err
    1088           1 :                         }
    1089           2 :                         if prevKey.SeqNum() <= key.SeqNum() {
    1090           1 :                                 w.err = errors.Errorf("pebble: keys must be added in strictly increasing order: %s, %s",
    1091           1 :                                         prevKey.Pretty(w.formatKey), key.Pretty(w.formatKey))
    1092           1 :                                 return w.err
    1093           1 :                         }
    1094           2 :                 default:
    1095           2 :                         prevValue := w.rangeDelBlock.curValue
    1096           2 :                         if, key.UserKey) > 0 {
    1097           1 :                                 w.err = errors.Errorf("pebble: overlapping tombstones must be fragmented: %s vs %s",
    1098           1 :                                         w.prettyTombstone(prevKey, prevValue),
    1099           1 :                                         w.prettyTombstone(key, value))
    1100           1 :                                 return w.err
    1101           1 :                         }
    1102             :                 }
    1103             :         }
    1104             : 
    1105           2 :         if key.Trailer == InternalKeyRangeDeleteSentinel {
    1106           0 :                 w.err = errors.Errorf("pebble: cannot add range delete sentinel: %s", key.Pretty(w.formatKey))
    1107           0 :                 return w.err
    1108           0 :         }
    1109             : 
    1110           2 :         w.meta.updateSeqNum(key.SeqNum())
    1111           2 : 
    1112           2 :         switch {
    1113           1 :         case w.rangeDelV1Format:
    1114           1 :                 // Range tombstones are not fragmented in the v1 (i.e. RocksDB) range
    1115           1 :                 // deletion block format, so we need to track the largest range tombstone
    1116           1 :                 // end key as every range tombstone is added.
    1117           1 :                 //
    1118           1 :                 // Note that writing the v1 format is only supported for tests.
    1119           1 :                 if w.props.NumRangeDeletions == 0 {
    1120           1 :                         w.meta.SetSmallestRangeDelKey(key.Clone())
    1121           1 :                         w.meta.SetLargestRangeDelKey(base.MakeRangeDeleteSentinelKey(value).Clone())
    1122           1 :                 } else {
    1123           1 :                         if base.InternalCompare(, w.meta.SmallestRangeDel, key) > 0 {
    1124           1 :                                 w.meta.SetSmallestRangeDelKey(key.Clone())
    1125           1 :                         }
    1126           1 :                         end := base.MakeRangeDeleteSentinelKey(value)
    1127           1 :                         if base.InternalCompare(, w.meta.LargestRangeDel, end) < 0 {
    1128           1 :                                 w.meta.SetLargestRangeDelKey(end.Clone())
    1129           1 :                         }
    1130             :                 }
    1131             : 
    1132           2 :         default:
    1133           2 :                 // Range tombstones are fragmented in the v2 range deletion block format,
    1134           2 :                 // so the start key of the first range tombstone added will be the smallest
    1135           2 :                 // range tombstone key. The largest range tombstone key will be determined
    1136           2 :                 // in Writer.Close() as the end key of the last range tombstone added.
    1137           2 :                 if w.props.NumRangeDeletions == 0 {
    1138           2 :                         w.meta.SetSmallestRangeDelKey(key.Clone())
    1139           2 :                 }
    1140             :         }
    1141             : 
    1142           2 :         w.props.NumEntries++
    1143           2 :         w.props.NumDeletions++
    1144           2 :         w.props.NumRangeDeletions++
    1145           2 :         w.props.RawKeySize += uint64(key.Size())
    1146           2 :         w.props.RawValueSize += uint64(len(value))
    1147           2 :         w.rangeDelBlock.add(key, value)
    1148           2 :         return nil
    1149             : }
    1150             : 
    1151             : // RangeKeySet sets a range between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) with
    1152             : // the given suffix to the given value. The resulting range key is given the
    1153             : // sequence number zero, with the expectation that the resulting sstable will be
    1154             : // ingested.
    1155             : //
    1156             : // Keys must be added to the table in increasing order of start key. Spans are
    1157             : // not required to be fragmented. The same suffix may not be set or unset twice
    1158             : // over the same keyspan, because it would result in inconsistent state. Both
    1159             : // the Set and Unset would share the zero sequence number, and a key cannot be
    1160             : // both simultaneously set and unset.
    1161           1 : func (w *Writer) RangeKeySet(start, end, suffix, value []byte) error {
    1162           1 :         return w.addRangeKeySpan(keyspan.Span{
    1163           1 :                 Start: w.tempRangeKeyCopy(start),
    1164           1 :                 End:   w.tempRangeKeyCopy(end),
    1165           1 :                 Keys: []keyspan.Key{
    1166           1 :                         {
    1167           1 :                                 Trailer: base.MakeTrailer(0, base.InternalKeyKindRangeKeySet),
    1168           1 :                                 Suffix:  w.tempRangeKeyCopy(suffix),
    1169           1 :                                 Value:   w.tempRangeKeyCopy(value),
    1170           1 :                         },
    1171           1 :                 },
    1172           1 :         })
    1173           1 : }
    1174             : 
    1175             : // RangeKeyUnset un-sets a range between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive)
    1176             : // with the given suffix. The resulting range key is given the
    1177             : // sequence number zero, with the expectation that the resulting sstable will be
    1178             : // ingested.
    1179             : //
    1180             : // Keys must be added to the table in increasing order of start key. Spans are
    1181             : // not required to be fragmented. The same suffix may not be set or unset twice
    1182             : // over the same keyspan, because it would result in inconsistent state. Both
    1183             : // the Set and Unset would share the zero sequence number, and a key cannot be
    1184             : // both simultaneously set and unset.
    1185           1 : func (w *Writer) RangeKeyUnset(start, end, suffix []byte) error {
    1186           1 :         return w.addRangeKeySpan(keyspan.Span{
    1187           1 :                 Start: w.tempRangeKeyCopy(start),
    1188           1 :                 End:   w.tempRangeKeyCopy(end),
    1189           1 :                 Keys: []keyspan.Key{
    1190           1 :                         {
    1191           1 :                                 Trailer: base.MakeTrailer(0, base.InternalKeyKindRangeKeyUnset),
    1192           1 :                                 Suffix:  w.tempRangeKeyCopy(suffix),
    1193           1 :                         },
    1194           1 :                 },
    1195           1 :         })
    1196           1 : }
    1197             : 
    1198             : // RangeKeyDelete deletes a range between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive).
    1199             : //
    1200             : // Keys must be added to the table in increasing order of start key. Spans are
    1201             : // not required to be fragmented.
    1202           1 : func (w *Writer) RangeKeyDelete(start, end []byte) error {
    1203           1 :         return w.addRangeKeySpan(keyspan.Span{
    1204           1 :                 Start: w.tempRangeKeyCopy(start),
    1205           1 :                 End:   w.tempRangeKeyCopy(end),
    1206           1 :                 Keys: []keyspan.Key{
    1207           1 :                         {Trailer: base.MakeTrailer(0, base.InternalKeyKindRangeKeyDelete)},
    1208           1 :                 },
    1209           1 :         })
    1210           1 : }
    1211             : 
    1212             : // AddRangeKey adds a range key set, unset, or delete key/value pair to the
    1213             : // table being written.
    1214             : //
    1215             : // Range keys must be supplied in strictly ascending order of start key (i.e.
    1216             : // user key ascending, sequence number descending, and key type descending).
    1217             : // Ranges added must also be supplied in fragmented span order - i.e. other than
    1218             : // spans that are perfectly aligned (same start and end keys), spans may not
    1219             : // overlap. Range keys may be added out of order relative to point keys and
    1220             : // range deletions.
    1221           2 : func (w *Writer) AddRangeKey(key InternalKey, value []byte) error {
    1222           2 :         if w.err != nil {
    1223           0 :                 return w.err
    1224           0 :         }
    1225           2 :         return w.addRangeKey(key, value)
    1226             : }
    1227             : 
    1228           1 : func (w *Writer) addRangeKeySpan(span keyspan.Span) error {
    1229           1 :         if, span.End) >= 0 {
    1230           0 :                 return errors.Errorf(
    1231           0 :                         "pebble: start key must be strictly less than end key",
    1232           0 :                 )
    1233           0 :         }
    1234           1 :         if w.fragmenter.Start() != nil &&, span.Start) > 0 {
    1235           1 :                 return errors.Errorf("pebble: spans must be added in order: %s > %s",
    1236           1 :                         w.formatKey(w.fragmenter.Start()), w.formatKey(span.Start))
    1237           1 :         }
    1238             :         // Add this span to the fragmenter.
    1239           1 :         w.fragmenter.Add(span)
    1240           1 :         return w.err
    1241             : }
    1242             : 
    1243           1 : func (w *Writer) encodeRangeKeySpan(span keyspan.Span) {
    1244           1 :         // This method is the emit function of the Fragmenter.
    1245           1 :         //
    1246           1 :         // NB: The span should only contain range keys and be internally consistent
    1247           1 :         // (eg, no duplicate suffixes, no additional keys after a RANGEKEYDEL).
    1248           1 :         //
    1249           1 :         // We use w.rangeKeysBySuffix and w.rangeKeySpan to avoid allocations.
    1250           1 : 
    1251           1 :         // Sort the keys by suffix. Iteration doesn't *currently* depend on it, but
    1252           1 :         // we may want to in the future.
    1253           1 :         w.rangeKeysBySuffix.Cmp =
    1254           1 :         w.rangeKeysBySuffix.Keys = span.Keys
    1255           1 :         sort.Sort(&w.rangeKeysBySuffix)
    1256           1 : 
    1257           1 :         w.rangeKeySpan = span
    1258           1 :         w.rangeKeySpan.Keys = w.rangeKeysBySuffix.Keys
    1259           1 :         w.err = firstError(w.err, w.rangeKeyEncoder.Encode(&w.rangeKeySpan))
    1260           1 : }
    1261             : 
    1262           2 : func (w *Writer) addRangeKey(key InternalKey, value []byte) error {
    1263           2 :         if !w.disableKeyOrderChecks && w.rangeKeyBlock.nEntries > 0 {
    1264           2 :                 prevStartKey := w.rangeKeyBlock.getCurKey()
    1265           2 :                 prevEndKey, _, ok := rangekey.DecodeEndKey(prevStartKey.Kind(), w.rangeKeyBlock.curValue)
    1266           2 :                 if !ok {
    1267           0 :                         // We panic here as we should have previously decoded and validated this
    1268           0 :                         // key and value when it was first added to the range key block.
    1269           0 :                         panic(errors.Errorf("pebble: invalid end key for span: %s",
    1270           0 :                                 prevStartKey.Pretty(w.formatKey)))
    1271             :                 }
    1272             : 
    1273           2 :                 curStartKey := key
    1274           2 :                 curEndKey, _, ok := rangekey.DecodeEndKey(curStartKey.Kind(), value)
    1275           2 :                 if !ok {
    1276           0 :                         w.err = errors.Errorf("pebble: invalid end key for span: %s",
    1277           0 :                                 curStartKey.Pretty(w.formatKey))
    1278           0 :                         return w.err
    1279           0 :                 }
    1280             : 
    1281             :                 // Start keys must be strictly increasing.
    1282           2 :                 if base.InternalCompare(, prevStartKey, curStartKey) >= 0 {
    1283           1 :                         w.err = errors.Errorf(
    1284           1 :                                 "pebble: range keys starts must be added in increasing order: %s, %s",
    1285           1 :                                 prevStartKey.Pretty(w.formatKey), key.Pretty(w.formatKey))
    1286           1 :                         return w.err
    1287           1 :                 }
    1288             : 
    1289             :                 // Start keys are increasing. If the start user keys are equal, the
    1290             :                 // end keys must be equal (i.e. aligned spans).
    1291           2 :                 if, curStartKey.UserKey) == 0 {
    1292           2 :                         if, curEndKey) != 0 {
    1293           1 :                                 w.err = errors.Errorf("pebble: overlapping range keys must be fragmented: %s, %s",
    1294           1 :                                         prevStartKey.Pretty(w.formatKey),
    1295           1 :                                         curStartKey.Pretty(w.formatKey))
    1296           1 :                                 return w.err
    1297           1 :                         }
    1298           2 :                 } else if, curStartKey.UserKey) > 0 {
    1299           1 :                         // If the start user keys are NOT equal, the spans must be disjoint (i.e.
    1300           1 :                         // no overlap).
    1301           1 :                         // NOTE: the inequality excludes zero, as we allow the end key of the
    1302           1 :                         // lower span be the same as the start key of the upper span, because
    1303           1 :                         // the range end key is considered an exclusive bound.
    1304           1 :                         w.err = errors.Errorf("pebble: overlapping range keys must be fragmented: %s, %s",
    1305           1 :                                 prevStartKey.Pretty(w.formatKey),
    1306           1 :                                 curStartKey.Pretty(w.formatKey))
    1307           1 :                         return w.err
    1308           1 :                 }
    1309             :         }
    1310             : 
    1311             :         // TODO(travers): Add an invariant-gated check to ensure that suffix-values
    1312             :         // are sorted within coalesced spans.
    1313             : 
    1314             :         // Range-keys and point-keys are intended to live in "parallel" keyspaces.
    1315             :         // However, we track a single seqnum in the table metadata that spans both of
    1316             :         // these keyspaces.
    1317             :         // TODO(travers): Consider tracking range key seqnums separately.
    1318           2 :         w.meta.updateSeqNum(key.SeqNum())
    1319           2 : 
    1320           2 :         // Range tombstones are fragmented, so the start key of the first range key
    1321           2 :         // added will be the smallest. The largest range key is determined in
    1322           2 :         // Writer.Close() as the end key of the last range key added to the block.
    1323           2 :         if w.props.NumRangeKeys() == 0 {
    1324           2 :                 w.meta.SetSmallestRangeKey(key.Clone())
    1325           2 :         }
    1326             : 
    1327             :         // Update block properties.
    1328           2 :         w.props.RawRangeKeyKeySize += uint64(key.Size())
    1329           2 :         w.props.RawRangeKeyValueSize += uint64(len(value))
    1330           2 :         switch key.Kind() {
    1331           2 :         case base.InternalKeyKindRangeKeyDelete:
    1332           2 :                 w.props.NumRangeKeyDels++
    1333           2 :         case base.InternalKeyKindRangeKeySet:
    1334           2 :                 w.props.NumRangeKeySets++
    1335           2 :         case base.InternalKeyKindRangeKeyUnset:
    1336           2 :                 w.props.NumRangeKeyUnsets++
    1337           0 :         default:
    1338           0 :                 panic(errors.Errorf("pebble: invalid range key type: %s", key.Kind()))
    1339             :         }
    1340             : 
    1341           2 :         for i := range w.blockPropCollectors {
    1342           2 :                 if err := w.blockPropCollectors[i].Add(key, value); err != nil {
    1343           0 :                         return err
    1344           0 :                 }
    1345             :         }
    1346             : 
    1347             :         // Add the key to the block.
    1348           2 :         w.rangeKeyBlock.add(key, value)
    1349           2 :         return nil
    1350             : }
    1351             : 
    1352             : // tempRangeKeyBuf returns a slice of length n from the Writer's rkBuf byte
    1353             : // slice. Any byte written to the returned slice is retained for the lifetime of
    1354             : // the Writer.
    1355           1 : func (w *Writer) tempRangeKeyBuf(n int) []byte {
    1356           1 :         if cap(w.rkBuf)-len(w.rkBuf) < n {
    1357           1 :                 size := len(w.rkBuf) + 2*n
    1358           1 :                 if size < 2*cap(w.rkBuf) {
    1359           1 :                         size = 2 * cap(w.rkBuf)
    1360           1 :                 }
    1361           1 :                 buf := make([]byte, len(w.rkBuf), size)
    1362           1 :                 copy(buf, w.rkBuf)
    1363           1 :                 w.rkBuf = buf
    1364             :         }
    1365           1 :         b := w.rkBuf[len(w.rkBuf) : len(w.rkBuf)+n]
    1366           1 :         w.rkBuf = w.rkBuf[:len(w.rkBuf)+n]
    1367           1 :         return b
    1368             : }
    1369             : 
    1370             : // tempRangeKeyCopy returns a copy of the provided slice, stored in the Writer's
    1371             : // range key buffer.
    1372           1 : func (w *Writer) tempRangeKeyCopy(k []byte) []byte {
    1373           1 :         if len(k) == 0 {
    1374           1 :                 return nil
    1375           1 :         }
    1376           1 :         buf := w.tempRangeKeyBuf(len(k))
    1377           1 :         copy(buf, k)
    1378           1 :         return buf
    1379             : }
    1380             : 
    1381           2 : func (w *Writer) maybeAddToFilter(key []byte) {
    1382           2 :         if w.filter != nil {
    1383           2 :                 prefix := key[:w.split(key)]
    1384           2 :                 w.filter.addKey(prefix)
    1385           2 :         }
    1386             : }
    1387             : 
    1388           2 : func (w *Writer) flush(key InternalKey) error {
    1389           2 :         // We're finishing a data block.
    1390           2 :         err := w.finishDataBlockProps(w.dataBlockBuf)
    1391           2 :         if err != nil {
    1392           1 :                 return err
    1393           1 :         }
    1394           2 :         w.dataBlockBuf.finish()
    1395           2 :         w.dataBlockBuf.compressAndChecksum(w.compression)
    1396           2 :         // Since dataBlockEstimates.addInflightDataBlock was never called, the
    1397           2 :         // inflightSize is set to 0.
    1398           2 :         w.coordination.sizeEstimate.dataBlockCompressed(len(w.dataBlockBuf.compressed), 0)
    1399           2 : 
    1400           2 :         // Determine if the index block should be flushed. Since we're accessing the
    1401           2 :         // dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.curKey here, we have to make sure that once we start
    1402           2 :         // to pool the dataBlockBufs, the curKey isn't used by the Writer once the
    1403           2 :         // dataBlockBuf is added back to a sync.Pool. In this particular case, the
    1404           2 :         // byte slice which supports "sep" will eventually be copied when "sep" is
    1405           2 :         // added to the index block.
    1406           2 :         prevKey := w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.getCurKey()
    1407           2 :         sep := w.indexEntrySep(prevKey, key, w.dataBlockBuf)
    1408           2 :         // We determine that we should flush an index block from the Writer client
    1409           2 :         // goroutine, but we actually finish the index block from the writeQueue.
    1410           2 :         // When we determine that an index block should be flushed, we need to call
    1411           2 :         // BlockPropertyCollector.FinishIndexBlock. But block property collector
    1412           2 :         // calls must happen sequentially from the Writer client. Therefore, we need
    1413           2 :         // to determine that we are going to flush the index block from the Writer
    1414           2 :         // client.
    1415           2 :         shouldFlushIndexBlock := supportsTwoLevelIndex(w.tableFormat) && w.indexBlock.shouldFlush(
    1416           2 :                 sep, encodedBHPEstimatedSize, w.indexBlockOptions, w.allocatorSizeClasses,
    1417           2 :         )
    1418           2 : 
    1419           2 :         var indexProps []byte
    1420           2 :         var flushableIndexBlock *indexBlockBuf
    1421           2 :         if shouldFlushIndexBlock {
    1422           2 :                 flushableIndexBlock = w.indexBlock
    1423           2 :                 w.indexBlock = newIndexBlockBuf(w.coordination.parallelismEnabled)
    1424           2 :                 // Call BlockPropertyCollector.FinishIndexBlock, since we've decided to
    1425           2 :                 // flush the index block.
    1426           2 :                 indexProps, err = w.finishIndexBlockProps()
    1427           2 :                 if err != nil {
    1428           1 :                         return err
    1429           1 :                 }
    1430             :         }
    1431             : 
    1432             :         // We've called BlockPropertyCollector.FinishDataBlock, and, if necessary,
    1433             :         // BlockPropertyCollector.FinishIndexBlock. Since we've decided to finish
    1434             :         // the data block, we can call
    1435             :         // BlockPropertyCollector.AddPrevDataBlockToIndexBlock.
    1436           2 :         w.addPrevDataBlockToIndexBlockProps()
    1437           2 : 
    1438           2 :         // Schedule a write.
    1439           2 :         writeTask := writeTaskPool.Get().(*writeTask)
    1440           2 :         // We're setting compressionDone to indicate that compression of this block
    1441           2 :         // has already been completed.
    1442           2 :         writeTask.compressionDone <- true
    1443           2 :         writeTask.buf = w.dataBlockBuf
    1444           2 :         writeTask.indexEntrySep = sep
    1445           2 :         writeTask.currIndexBlock = w.indexBlock
    1446           2 :         writeTask.indexInflightSize = sep.Size() + encodedBHPEstimatedSize
    1447           2 :         writeTask.finishedIndexProps = indexProps
    1448           2 :         writeTask.flushableIndexBlock = flushableIndexBlock
    1449           2 : 
    1450           2 :         // The writeTask corresponds to an unwritten index entry.
    1451           2 :         w.indexBlock.addInflight(writeTask.indexInflightSize)
    1452           2 : 
    1453           2 :         w.dataBlockBuf = nil
    1454           2 :         if w.coordination.parallelismEnabled {
    1455           2 :                 w.coordination.writeQueue.add(writeTask)
    1456           2 :         } else {
    1457           2 :                 err = w.coordination.writeQueue.addSync(writeTask)
    1458           2 :         }
    1459           2 :         w.dataBlockBuf = newDataBlockBuf(w.restartInterval, w.checksumType)
    1460           2 : 
    1461           2 :         return err
    1462             : }
    1463             : 
    1464           2 : func (w *Writer) maybeFlush(key InternalKey, valueLen int) error {
    1465           2 :         if !w.dataBlockBuf.shouldFlush(key, valueLen, w.dataBlockOptions, w.allocatorSizeClasses) {
    1466           2 :                 return nil
    1467           2 :         }
    1468             : 
    1469           2 :         err := w.flush(key)
    1470           2 : 
    1471           2 :         if err != nil {
    1472           1 :                 w.err = err
    1473           1 :                 return err
    1474           1 :         }
    1475             : 
    1476           2 :         return nil
    1477             : }
    1478             : 
    1479             : // dataBlockBuf.dataBlockProps set by this method must be encoded before any future use of the
    1480             : // dataBlockBuf.blockPropsEncoder, since the properties slice will get reused by the
    1481             : // blockPropsEncoder.
    1482           2 : func (w *Writer) finishDataBlockProps(buf *dataBlockBuf) error {
    1483           2 :         if len(w.blockPropCollectors) == 0 {
    1484           2 :                 return nil
    1485           2 :         }
    1486           2 :         var err error
    1487           2 :         buf.blockPropsEncoder.resetProps()
    1488           2 :         for i := range w.blockPropCollectors {
    1489           2 :                 scratch := buf.blockPropsEncoder.getScratchForProp()
    1490           2 :                 if scratch, err = w.blockPropCollectors[i].FinishDataBlock(scratch); err != nil {
    1491           1 :                         return err
    1492           1 :                 }
    1493           2 :                 buf.blockPropsEncoder.addProp(shortID(i), scratch)
    1494             :         }
    1495             : 
    1496           2 :         buf.dataBlockProps = buf.blockPropsEncoder.unsafeProps()
    1497           2 :         return nil
    1498             : }
    1499             : 
    1500             : // The BlockHandleWithProperties returned by this method must be encoded before any future use of
    1501             : // the Writer.blockPropsEncoder, since the properties slice will get reused by the blockPropsEncoder.
    1502             : // maybeAddBlockPropertiesToBlockHandle should only be called if block is being written synchronously
    1503             : // with the Writer client.
    1504             : func (w *Writer) maybeAddBlockPropertiesToBlockHandle(
    1505             :         bh BlockHandle,
    1506           2 : ) (BlockHandleWithProperties, error) {
    1507           2 :         err := w.finishDataBlockProps(w.dataBlockBuf)
    1508           2 :         if err != nil {
    1509           0 :                 return BlockHandleWithProperties{}, err
    1510           0 :         }
    1511           2 :         return BlockHandleWithProperties{BlockHandle: bh, Props: w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlockProps}, nil
    1512             : }
    1513             : 
    1514           2 : func (w *Writer) indexEntrySep(prevKey, key InternalKey, dataBlockBuf *dataBlockBuf) InternalKey {
    1515           2 :         // Make a rough guess that we want key-sized scratch to compute the separator.
    1516           2 :         if cap(dataBlockBuf.sepScratch) < key.Size() {
    1517           2 :                 dataBlockBuf.sepScratch = make([]byte, 0, key.Size()*2)
    1518           2 :         }
    1519             : 
    1520           2 :         var sep InternalKey
    1521           2 :         if key.UserKey == nil && key.Trailer == 0 {
    1522           2 :                 sep = prevKey.Successor(, w.successor, dataBlockBuf.sepScratch[:0])
    1523           2 :         } else {
    1524           2 :                 sep = prevKey.Separator(, w.separator, dataBlockBuf.sepScratch[:0], key)
    1525           2 :         }
    1526           2 :         return sep
    1527             : }
    1528             : 
    1529             : // addIndexEntry adds an index entry for the specified key and block handle.
    1530             : // addIndexEntry can be called from both the Writer client goroutine, and the
    1531             : // writeQueue goroutine. If the flushIndexBuf != nil, then the indexProps, as
    1532             : // they're used when the index block is finished.
    1533             : //
    1534             : // Invariant:
    1535             : //  1. addIndexEntry must not store references to the sep InternalKey, the tmp
    1536             : //     byte slice, bhp.Props. That is, these must be either deep copied or
    1537             : //     encoded.
    1538             : //  2. addIndexEntry must not hold references to the flushIndexBuf, and the writeTo
    1539             : //     indexBlockBufs.
    1540             : func (w *Writer) addIndexEntry(
    1541             :         sep InternalKey,
    1542             :         bhp BlockHandleWithProperties,
    1543             :         tmp []byte,
    1544             :         flushIndexBuf *indexBlockBuf,
    1545             :         writeTo *indexBlockBuf,
    1546             :         inflightSize int,
    1547             :         indexProps []byte,
    1548           2 : ) error {
    1549           2 :         if bhp.Length == 0 {
    1550           0 :                 // A valid blockHandle must be non-zero.
    1551           0 :                 // In particular, it must have a non-zero length.
    1552           0 :                 return nil
    1553           0 :         }
    1554             : 
    1555           2 :         encoded := encodeBlockHandleWithProperties(tmp, bhp)
    1556           2 : 
    1557           2 :         if flushIndexBuf != nil {
    1558           2 :                 if cap(w.indexPartitions) == 0 {
    1559           2 :                         w.indexPartitions = make([]indexBlockAndBlockProperties, 0, 32)
    1560           2 :                 }
    1561             :                 // Enable two level indexes if there is more than one index block.
    1562           2 :                 w.twoLevelIndex = true
    1563           2 :                 if err := w.finishIndexBlock(flushIndexBuf, indexProps); err != nil {
    1564           0 :                         return err
    1565           0 :                 }
    1566             :         }
    1567             : 
    1568           2 :         writeTo.add(sep, encoded, inflightSize)
    1569           2 :         return nil
    1570             : }
    1571             : 
    1572           2 : func (w *Writer) addPrevDataBlockToIndexBlockProps() {
    1573           2 :         for i := range w.blockPropCollectors {
    1574           2 :                 w.blockPropCollectors[i].AddPrevDataBlockToIndexBlock()
    1575           2 :         }
    1576             : }
    1577             : 
    1578             : // addIndexEntrySync adds an index entry for the specified key and block handle.
    1579             : // Writer.addIndexEntry is only called synchronously once Writer.Close is called.
    1580             : // addIndexEntrySync should only be called if we're sure that index entries
    1581             : // aren't being written asynchronously.
    1582             : //
    1583             : // Invariant:
    1584             : //  1. addIndexEntrySync must not store references to the prevKey, key InternalKey's,
    1585             : //     the tmp byte slice. That is, these must be either deep copied or encoded.
    1586             : //
    1587             : // TODO: Improve coverage of this method. e.g. tests passed without the line
    1588             : // `w.twoLevelIndex = true` previously.
    1589             : func (w *Writer) addIndexEntrySync(
    1590             :         prevKey, key InternalKey, bhp BlockHandleWithProperties, tmp []byte,
    1591           2 : ) error {
    1592           2 :         return w.addIndexEntrySep(w.indexEntrySep(prevKey, key, w.dataBlockBuf), bhp, tmp)
    1593           2 : }
    1594             : 
    1595             : func (w *Writer) addIndexEntrySep(
    1596             :         sep InternalKey, bhp BlockHandleWithProperties, tmp []byte,
    1597           2 : ) error {
    1598           2 :         shouldFlush := supportsTwoLevelIndex(
    1599           2 :                 w.tableFormat) && w.indexBlock.shouldFlush(
    1600           2 :                 sep, encodedBHPEstimatedSize, w.indexBlockOptions, w.allocatorSizeClasses,
    1601           2 :         )
    1602           2 :         var flushableIndexBlock *indexBlockBuf
    1603           2 :         var props []byte
    1604           2 :         var err error
    1605           2 :         if shouldFlush {
    1606           2 :                 flushableIndexBlock = w.indexBlock
    1607           2 :                 w.indexBlock = newIndexBlockBuf(w.coordination.parallelismEnabled)
    1608           2 :                 w.twoLevelIndex = true
    1609           2 :                 // Call BlockPropertyCollector.FinishIndexBlock, since we've decided to
    1610           2 :                 // flush the index block.
    1611           2 :                 props, err = w.finishIndexBlockProps()
    1612           2 :                 if err != nil {
    1613           0 :                         return err
    1614           0 :                 }
    1615             :         }
    1616             : 
    1617           2 :         err = w.addIndexEntry(sep, bhp, tmp, flushableIndexBlock, w.indexBlock, 0, props)
    1618           2 :         if flushableIndexBlock != nil {
    1619           2 :                 flushableIndexBlock.clear()
    1620           2 :                 indexBlockBufPool.Put(flushableIndexBlock)
    1621           2 :         }
    1622           2 :         w.addPrevDataBlockToIndexBlockProps()
    1623           2 :         return err
    1624             : }
    1625             : 
    1626             : func shouldFlushWithHints(
    1627             :         keyLen, valueLen int,
    1628             :         restartInterval, estimatedBlockSize, numEntries int,
    1629             :         flushOptions flushDecisionOptions,
    1630             :         sizeClassHints []int,
    1631           2 : ) bool {
    1632           2 :         if numEntries == 0 {
    1633           2 :                 return false
    1634           2 :         }
    1635             : 
    1636             :         // If we are not informed about the memory allocator's size classes we fall
    1637             :         // back to a simple set of flush heuristics that are unaware of internal
    1638             :         // fragmentation in block cache allocations.
    1639           2 :         if len(sizeClassHints) == 0 {
    1640           2 :                 return shouldFlushWithoutHints(
    1641           2 :                         keyLen, valueLen, restartInterval, estimatedBlockSize, numEntries, flushOptions)
    1642           2 :         }
    1643             : 
    1644             :         // For size-class aware flushing we need to account for the metadata that is
    1645             :         // allocated when this block is loaded into the block cache. For instance, if
    1646             :         // a block has size 1020B it may fit within a 1024B class. However, when
    1647             :         // loaded into the block cache we also allocate space for the cache entry
    1648             :         // metadata. The new allocation of size ~1052B may now only fit within a
    1649             :         // 2048B class, which increases internal fragmentation.
    1650           1 :         blockSizeWithMetadata := estimatedBlockSize + cache.ValueMetadataSize
    1651           1 : 
    1652           1 :         // For the fast path we can avoid computing the exact varint encoded
    1653           1 :         // key-value pair size. Instead, we combine the key-value pair size with an
    1654           1 :         // upper-bound estimate of the associated metadata (4B restart point, 4B
    1655           1 :         // shared prefix length, 5B varint unshared key size, 5B varint value size).
    1656           1 :         newEstimatedSize := blockSizeWithMetadata + keyLen + valueLen + 18
    1657           1 :         // Our new block size estimate disregards key prefix compression. This puts
    1658           1 :         // us at risk of overestimating the size and flushing small blocks. We
    1659           1 :         // mitigate this by imposing a minimum size restriction.
    1660           1 :         if blockSizeWithMetadata <= flushOptions.sizeClassAwareThreshold || newEstimatedSize <= flushOptions.blockSize {
    1661           1 :                 return false
    1662           1 :         }
    1663             : 
    1664           1 :         sizeClass, ok := blockSizeClass(blockSizeWithMetadata, sizeClassHints)
    1665           1 :         // If the block size could not be mapped to a size class we fall back to
    1666           1 :         // using a simpler set of flush heuristics.
    1667           1 :         if !ok {
    1668           1 :                 return shouldFlushWithoutHints(
    1669           1 :                         keyLen, valueLen, restartInterval, estimatedBlockSize, numEntries, flushOptions)
    1670           1 :         }
    1671             : 
    1672             :         // Tighter upper-bound estimate of the metadata stored with the next
    1673             :         // key-value pair.
    1674           1 :         newSize := blockSizeWithMetadata + keyLen + valueLen
    1675           1 :         if numEntries%restartInterval == 0 {
    1676           0 :                 newSize += 4
    1677           0 :         }
    1678           1 :         newSize += 4                            // varint for shared prefix length
    1679           1 :         newSize += uvarintLen(uint32(keyLen))   // varint for unshared key bytes
    1680           1 :         newSize += uvarintLen(uint32(valueLen)) // varint for value size
    1681           1 : 
    1682           1 :         if blockSizeWithMetadata < flushOptions.blockSize {
    1683           1 :                 newSizeClass, ok := blockSizeClass(newSize, sizeClassHints)
    1684           1 :                 if ok && newSizeClass-newSize >= sizeClass-blockSizeWithMetadata {
    1685           1 :                         // Although the block hasn't reached the target size, waiting to insert the
    1686           1 :                         // next entry would exceed the target and increase memory fragmentation.
    1687           1 :                         return true
    1688           1 :                 }
    1689           1 :                 return false
    1690             :         }
    1691             : 
    1692             :         // Flush if inserting the next entry bumps the block size to the memory
    1693             :         // allocator's next size class.
    1694           1 :         return newSize > sizeClass
    1695             : }
    1696             : 
    1697             : func shouldFlushWithoutHints(
    1698             :         keyLen, valueLen int,
    1699             :         restartInterval, estimatedBlockSize, numEntries int,
    1700             :         flushOptions flushDecisionOptions,
    1701           2 : ) bool {
    1702           2 :         if estimatedBlockSize >= flushOptions.blockSize {
    1703           2 :                 return true
    1704           2 :         }
    1705             : 
    1706             :         // The block is currently smaller than the target size.
    1707           2 :         if estimatedBlockSize <= flushOptions.blockSizeThreshold {
    1708           2 :                 // The block is smaller than the threshold size at which we'll consider
    1709           2 :                 // flushing it.
    1710           2 :                 return false
    1711           2 :         }
    1712             : 
    1713           2 :         newSize := estimatedBlockSize + keyLen + valueLen
    1714           2 :         if numEntries%restartInterval == 0 {
    1715           2 :                 newSize += 4
    1716           2 :         }
    1717           2 :         newSize += 4                            // varint for shared prefix length
    1718           2 :         newSize += uvarintLen(uint32(keyLen))   // varint for unshared key bytes
    1719           2 :         newSize += uvarintLen(uint32(valueLen)) // varint for value size
    1720           2 :         // Flush if the block plus the new entry is larger than the target size.
    1721           2 :         return newSize > flushOptions.blockSize
    1722             : }
    1723             : 
    1724             : // blockSizeClass returns the smallest memory allocator size class that could
    1725             : // hold a block of a given size and returns a boolean indicating whether an
    1726             : // appropriate size class was found. It is useful for computing the potential
    1727             : // space wasted by an allocation.
    1728           1 : func blockSizeClass(blockSize int, sizeClassHints []int) (int, bool) {
    1729           1 :         sizeClassIdx, _ := slices.BinarySearch(sizeClassHints, blockSize)
    1730           1 :         if sizeClassIdx == len(sizeClassHints) {
    1731           1 :                 return -1, false
    1732           1 :         }
    1733           1 :         return sizeClassHints[sizeClassIdx], true
    1734             : }
    1735             : 
    1736           2 : func cloneKeyWithBuf(k InternalKey, a bytealloc.A) (bytealloc.A, InternalKey) {
    1737           2 :         if len(k.UserKey) == 0 {
    1738           0 :                 return a, k
    1739           0 :         }
    1740           2 :         a, keyCopy := a.Copy(k.UserKey)
    1741           2 :         return a, InternalKey{UserKey: keyCopy, Trailer: k.Trailer}
    1742             : }
    1743             : 
    1744             : // Invariants: The byte slice returned by finishIndexBlockProps is heap-allocated
    1745             : //
    1746             : //      and has its own lifetime, independent of the Writer and the blockPropsEncoder,
    1747             : //
    1748             : // and it is safe to:
    1749             : //  1. Reuse w.blockPropsEncoder without first encoding the byte slice returned.
    1750             : //  2. Store the byte slice in the Writer since it is a copy and not supported by
    1751             : //     an underlying buffer.
    1752           2 : func (w *Writer) finishIndexBlockProps() ([]byte, error) {
    1753           2 :         w.blockPropsEncoder.resetProps()
    1754           2 :         for i := range w.blockPropCollectors {
    1755           2 :                 scratch := w.blockPropsEncoder.getScratchForProp()
    1756           2 :                 var err error
    1757           2 :                 if scratch, err = w.blockPropCollectors[i].FinishIndexBlock(scratch); err != nil {
    1758           1 :                         return nil, err
    1759           1 :                 }
    1760           2 :                 w.blockPropsEncoder.addProp(shortID(i), scratch)
    1761             :         }
    1762           2 :         return w.blockPropsEncoder.props(), nil
    1763             : }
    1764             : 
    1765             : // finishIndexBlock finishes the current index block and adds it to the top
    1766             : // level index block. This is only used when two level indexes are enabled.
    1767             : //
    1768             : // Invariants:
    1769             : //  1. The props slice passed into finishedIndexBlock must not be a
    1770             : //     owned by any other struct, since it will be stored in the Writer.indexPartitions
    1771             : //     slice.
    1772             : //  2. None of the buffers owned by indexBuf will be shallow copied and stored elsewhere.
    1773             : //     That is, it must be safe to reuse indexBuf after finishIndexBlock has been called.
    1774           2 : func (w *Writer) finishIndexBlock(indexBuf *indexBlockBuf, props []byte) error {
    1775           2 :         part := indexBlockAndBlockProperties{
    1776           2 :                 nEntries: indexBuf.block.nEntries, properties: props,
    1777           2 :         }
    1778           2 :         w.indexSepAlloc, part.sep = cloneKeyWithBuf(
    1779           2 :                 indexBuf.block.getCurKey(), w.indexSepAlloc,
    1780           2 :         )
    1781           2 :         bk := indexBuf.finish()
    1782           2 :         if len(w.indexBlockAlloc) < len(bk) {
    1783           2 :                 // Allocate enough bytes for approximately 16 index blocks.
    1784           2 :                 w.indexBlockAlloc = make([]byte, len(bk)*16)
    1785           2 :         }
    1786           2 :         n := copy(w.indexBlockAlloc, bk)
    1787           2 :         part.block = w.indexBlockAlloc[:n:n]
    1788           2 :         w.indexBlockAlloc = w.indexBlockAlloc[n:]
    1789           2 :         w.indexPartitions = append(w.indexPartitions, part)
    1790           2 :         return nil
    1791             : }
    1792             : 
    1793           2 : func (w *Writer) writeTwoLevelIndex() (BlockHandle, error) {
    1794           2 :         props, err := w.finishIndexBlockProps()
    1795           2 :         if err != nil {
    1796           0 :                 return BlockHandle{}, err
    1797           0 :         }
    1798             :         // Add the final unfinished index.
    1799           2 :         if err = w.finishIndexBlock(w.indexBlock, props); err != nil {
    1800           0 :                 return BlockHandle{}, err
    1801           0 :         }
    1802             : 
    1803           2 :         for i := range w.indexPartitions {
    1804           2 :                 b := &w.indexPartitions[i]
    1805           2 :                 w.props.NumDataBlocks += uint64(b.nEntries)
    1806           2 : 
    1807           2 :                 data := b.block
    1808           2 :                 w.props.IndexSize += uint64(len(data))
    1809           2 :                 bh, err := w.writeBlock(data, w.compression, &w.blockBuf)
    1810           2 :                 if err != nil {
    1811           0 :                         return BlockHandle{}, err
    1812           0 :                 }
    1813           2 :                 bhp := BlockHandleWithProperties{
    1814           2 :                         BlockHandle: bh,
    1815           2 :                         Props:,
    1816           2 :                 }
    1817           2 :                 encoded := encodeBlockHandleWithProperties(w.blockBuf.tmp[:], bhp)
    1818           2 :                 w.topLevelIndexBlock.add(b.sep, encoded)
    1819             :         }
    1820             : 
    1821             :         // NB: RocksDB includes the block trailer length in the index size
    1822             :         // property, though it doesn't include the trailer in the top level
    1823             :         // index size property.
    1824           2 :         w.props.IndexPartitions = uint64(len(w.indexPartitions))
    1825           2 :         w.props.TopLevelIndexSize = uint64(w.topLevelIndexBlock.estimatedSize())
    1826           2 :         w.props.IndexSize += w.props.TopLevelIndexSize + blockTrailerLen
    1827           2 : 
    1828           2 :         return w.writeBlock(w.topLevelIndexBlock.finish(), w.compression, &w.blockBuf)
    1829             : }
    1830             : 
    1831           2 : func compressAndChecksum(b []byte, compression Compression, blockBuf *blockBuf) []byte {
    1832           2 :         // Compress the buffer, discarding the result if the improvement isn't at
    1833           2 :         // least 12.5%.
    1834           2 :         blockType, compressed := compressBlock(compression, b, blockBuf.compressedBuf)
    1835           2 :         if blockType != noCompressionBlockType && cap(compressed) > cap(blockBuf.compressedBuf) {
    1836           2 :                 blockBuf.compressedBuf = compressed[:cap(compressed)]
    1837           2 :         }
    1838           2 :         if len(compressed) < len(b)-len(b)/8 {
    1839           2 :                 b = compressed
    1840           2 :         } else {
    1841           2 :                 blockType = noCompressionBlockType
    1842           2 :         }
    1843             : 
    1844           2 :         blockBuf.tmp[0] = byte(blockType)
    1845           2 : 
    1846           2 :         // Calculate the checksum.
    1847           2 :         checksum := blockBuf.checksummer.checksum(b, blockBuf.tmp[:1])
    1848           2 :         binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(blockBuf.tmp[1:5], checksum)
    1849           2 :         return b
    1850             : }
    1851             : 
    1852           2 : func (w *Writer) writeCompressedBlock(block []byte, blockTrailerBuf []byte) (BlockHandle, error) {
    1853           2 :         bh := BlockHandle{Offset: w.meta.Size, Length: uint64(len(block))}
    1854           2 : 
    1855           2 :         if w.cacheID != 0 && w.fileNum != 0 {
    1856           2 :                 // Remove the block being written from the cache. This provides defense in
    1857           2 :                 // depth against bugs which cause cache collisions.
    1858           2 :                 //
    1859           2 :                 // TODO(peter): Alternatively, we could add the uncompressed value to the
    1860           2 :                 // cache.
    1861           2 :                 w.cache.Delete(w.cacheID, w.fileNum, bh.Offset)
    1862           2 :         }
    1863             : 
    1864             :         // Write the bytes to the file.
    1865           2 :         if err := w.writable.Write(block); err != nil {
    1866           0 :                 return BlockHandle{}, err
    1867           0 :         }
    1868           2 :         w.meta.Size += uint64(len(block))
    1869           2 :         if err := w.writable.Write(blockTrailerBuf[:blockTrailerLen]); err != nil {
    1870           0 :                 return BlockHandle{}, err
    1871           0 :         }
    1872           2 :         w.meta.Size += blockTrailerLen
    1873           2 : 
    1874           2 :         return bh, nil
    1875             : }
    1876             : 
    1877             : // Write implements io.Writer. This is analogous to writeCompressedBlock for
    1878             : // blocks that already incorporate the trailer, and don't need the callee to
    1879             : // return a BlockHandle.
    1880           2 : func (w *Writer) Write(blockWithTrailer []byte) (n int, err error) {
    1881           2 :         offset := w.meta.Size
    1882           2 :         if w.cacheID != 0 && w.fileNum != 0 {
    1883           2 :                 // Remove the block being written from the cache. This provides defense in
    1884           2 :                 // depth against bugs which cause cache collisions.
    1885           2 :                 //
    1886           2 :                 // TODO(peter): Alternatively, we could add the uncompressed value to the
    1887           2 :                 // cache.
    1888           2 :                 w.cache.Delete(w.cacheID, w.fileNum, offset)
    1889           2 :         }
    1890           2 :         w.meta.Size += uint64(len(blockWithTrailer))
    1891           2 :         if err := w.writable.Write(blockWithTrailer); err != nil {
    1892           0 :                 return 0, err
    1893           0 :         }
    1894           2 :         return len(blockWithTrailer), nil
    1895             : }
    1896             : 
    1897             : func (w *Writer) writeBlock(
    1898             :         b []byte, compression Compression, blockBuf *blockBuf,
    1899           2 : ) (BlockHandle, error) {
    1900           2 :         b = compressAndChecksum(b, compression, blockBuf)
    1901           2 :         return w.writeCompressedBlock(b, blockBuf.tmp[:])
    1902           2 : }
    1903             : 
    1904             : // assertFormatCompatibility ensures that the features present on the table are
    1905             : // compatible with the table format version.
    1906           2 : func (w *Writer) assertFormatCompatibility() error {
    1907           2 :         // PebbleDBv1: block properties.
    1908           2 :         if len(w.blockPropCollectors) > 0 && w.tableFormat < TableFormatPebblev1 {
    1909           1 :                 return errors.Newf(
    1910           1 :                         "table format version %s is less than the minimum required version %s for block properties",
    1911           1 :                         w.tableFormat, TableFormatPebblev1,
    1912           1 :                 )
    1913           1 :         }
    1914             : 
    1915             :         // PebbleDBv2: range keys.
    1916           2 :         if w.props.NumRangeKeys() > 0 && w.tableFormat < TableFormatPebblev2 {
    1917           1 :                 return errors.Newf(
    1918           1 :                         "table format version %s is less than the minimum required version %s for range keys",
    1919           1 :                         w.tableFormat, TableFormatPebblev2,
    1920           1 :                 )
    1921           1 :         }
    1922             : 
    1923             :         // PebbleDBv3: value blocks.
    1924           2 :         if (w.props.NumValueBlocks > 0 || w.props.NumValuesInValueBlocks > 0 ||
    1925           2 :                 w.props.ValueBlocksSize > 0) && w.tableFormat < TableFormatPebblev3 {
    1926           0 :                 return errors.Newf(
    1927           0 :                         "table format version %s is less than the minimum required version %s for value blocks",
    1928           0 :                         w.tableFormat, TableFormatPebblev3)
    1929           0 :         }
    1930             : 
    1931             :         // PebbleDBv4: DELSIZED tombstones.
    1932           2 :         if w.props.NumSizedDeletions > 0 && w.tableFormat < TableFormatPebblev4 {
    1933           0 :                 return errors.Newf(
    1934           0 :                         "table format version %s is less than the minimum required version %s for sized deletion tombstones",
    1935           0 :                         w.tableFormat, TableFormatPebblev4)
    1936           0 :         }
    1937           2 :         return nil
    1938             : }
    1939             : 
    1940             : // Close finishes writing the table and closes the underlying file that the
    1941             : // table was written to.
    1942           2 : func (w *Writer) Close() (err error) {
    1943           2 :         defer func() {
    1944           2 :                 if w.valueBlockWriter != nil {
    1945           2 :                         releaseValueBlockWriter(w.valueBlockWriter)
    1946           2 :                         // Defensive code in case Close gets called again. We don't want to put
    1947           2 :                         // the same object to a sync.Pool.
    1948           2 :                         w.valueBlockWriter = nil
    1949           2 :                 }
    1950           2 :                 if w.writable != nil {
    1951           1 :                         w.writable.Abort()
    1952           1 :                         w.writable = nil
    1953           1 :                 }
    1954             :                 // Record any error in the writer (so we can exit early if Close is called
    1955             :                 // again).
    1956           2 :                 if err != nil {
    1957           1 :                         w.err = err
    1958           1 :                 }
    1959             :         }()
    1960             : 
    1961             :         // finish must be called before we check for an error, because finish will
    1962             :         // block until every single task added to the writeQueue has been processed,
    1963             :         // and an error could be encountered while any of those tasks are processed.
    1964           2 :         if err := w.coordination.writeQueue.finish(); err != nil {
    1965           1 :                 return err
    1966           1 :         }
    1967             : 
    1968           2 :         if w.err != nil {
    1969           1 :                 return w.err
    1970           1 :         }
    1971             : 
    1972             :         // The w.meta.LargestPointKey is only used once the Writer is closed, so it is safe to set it
    1973             :         // when the Writer is closed.
    1974             :         //
    1975             :         // The following invariants ensure that setting the largest key at this point of a Writer close
    1976             :         // is correct:
    1977             :         // 1. Keys must only be added to the Writer in an increasing order.
    1978             :         // 2. The current w.dataBlockBuf is guaranteed to have the latest key added to the Writer. This
    1979             :         //    must be true, because a w.dataBlockBuf is only switched out when a dataBlock is flushed,
    1980             :         //    however, if a dataBlock is flushed, then we add a key to the new w.dataBlockBuf in the
    1981             :         //    addPoint function after the flush occurs.
    1982           2 :         if w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.nEntries >= 1 {
    1983           2 :                 w.meta.SetLargestPointKey(w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.getCurKey().Clone())
    1984           2 :         }
    1985             : 
    1986             :         // Finish the last data block, or force an empty data block if there
    1987             :         // aren't any data blocks at all.
    1988           2 :         if w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.nEntries > 0 || w.indexBlock.block.nEntries == 0 {
    1989           2 :                 bh, err := w.writeBlock(w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.finish(), w.compression, &w.dataBlockBuf.blockBuf)
    1990           2 :                 if err != nil {
    1991           0 :                         return err
    1992           0 :                 }
    1993           2 :                 bhp, err := w.maybeAddBlockPropertiesToBlockHandle(bh)
    1994           2 :                 if err != nil {
    1995           0 :                         return err
    1996           0 :                 }
    1997           2 :                 prevKey := w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.getCurKey()
    1998           2 :                 if err := w.addIndexEntrySync(prevKey, InternalKey{}, bhp, w.dataBlockBuf.tmp[:]); err != nil {
    1999           0 :                         return err
    2000           0 :                 }
    2001             :         }
    2002           2 :         w.props.DataSize = w.meta.Size
    2003           2 : 
    2004           2 :         // Write the filter block.
    2005           2 :         var metaindex rawBlockWriter
    2006           2 :         metaindex.restartInterval = 1
    2007           2 :         if w.filter != nil {
    2008           2 :                 b, err := w.filter.finish()
    2009           2 :                 if err != nil {
    2010           0 :                         return err
    2011           0 :                 }
    2012           2 :                 bh, err := w.writeBlock(b, NoCompression, &w.blockBuf)
    2013           2 :                 if err != nil {
    2014           0 :                         return err
    2015           0 :                 }
    2016           2 :                 n := encodeBlockHandle(w.blockBuf.tmp[:], bh)
    2017           2 :                 metaindex.add(InternalKey{UserKey: []byte(w.filter.metaName())}, w.blockBuf.tmp[:n])
    2018           2 :                 w.props.FilterPolicyName = w.filter.policyName()
    2019           2 :                 w.props.FilterSize = bh.Length
    2020             :         }
    2021             : 
    2022           2 :         var indexBH BlockHandle
    2023           2 :         if w.twoLevelIndex {
    2024           2 :                 w.props.IndexType = twoLevelIndex
    2025           2 :                 // Write the two level index block.
    2026           2 :                 indexBH, err = w.writeTwoLevelIndex()
    2027           2 :                 if err != nil {
    2028           0 :                         return err
    2029           0 :                 }
    2030           2 :         } else {
    2031           2 :                 w.props.IndexType = binarySearchIndex
    2032           2 :                 // NB: RocksDB includes the block trailer length in the index size
    2033           2 :                 // property, though it doesn't include the trailer in the filter size
    2034           2 :                 // property.
    2035           2 :                 w.props.IndexSize = uint64(w.indexBlock.estimatedSize()) + blockTrailerLen
    2036           2 :                 w.props.NumDataBlocks = uint64(w.indexBlock.block.nEntries)
    2037           2 : 
    2038           2 :                 // Write the single level index block.
    2039           2 :                 indexBH, err = w.writeBlock(w.indexBlock.finish(), w.compression, &w.blockBuf)
    2040           2 :                 if err != nil {
    2041           0 :                         return err
    2042           0 :                 }
    2043             :         }
    2044             : 
    2045             :         // Write the range-del block. The block handle must added to the meta index block
    2046             :         // after the properties block has been written. This is because the entries in the
    2047             :         // metaindex block must be sorted by key.
    2048           2 :         var rangeDelBH BlockHandle
    2049           2 :         if w.props.NumRangeDeletions > 0 {
    2050           2 :                 if !w.rangeDelV1Format {
    2051           2 :                         // Because the range tombstones are fragmented in the v2 format, the end
    2052           2 :                         // key of the last added range tombstone will be the largest range
    2053           2 :                         // tombstone key. Note that we need to make this into a range deletion
    2054           2 :                         // sentinel because sstable boundaries are inclusive while the end key of
    2055           2 :                         // a range deletion tombstone is exclusive. A Clone() is necessary as
    2056           2 :                         // rangeDelBlock.curValue is the same slice that will get passed
    2057           2 :                         // into w.writer, and some implementations of vfs.File mutate the
    2058           2 :                         // slice passed into Write(). Also, w.meta will often outlive the
    2059           2 :                         // blockWriter, and so cloning curValue allows the rangeDelBlock's
    2060           2 :                         // internal buffer to get gc'd.
    2061           2 :                         k := base.MakeRangeDeleteSentinelKey(w.rangeDelBlock.curValue).Clone()
    2062           2 :                         w.meta.SetLargestRangeDelKey(k)
    2063           2 :                 }
    2064           2 :                 rangeDelBH, err = w.writeBlock(w.rangeDelBlock.finish(), NoCompression, &w.blockBuf)
    2065           2 :                 if err != nil {
    2066           0 :                         return err
    2067           0 :                 }
    2068             :         }
    2069             : 
    2070             :         // Write the range-key block, flushing any remaining spans from the
    2071             :         // fragmenter first.
    2072           2 :         w.fragmenter.Finish()
    2073           2 : 
    2074           2 :         var rangeKeyBH BlockHandle
    2075           2 :         if w.props.NumRangeKeys() > 0 {
    2076           2 :                 key := w.rangeKeyBlock.getCurKey()
    2077           2 :                 kind := key.Kind()
    2078           2 :                 endKey, _, ok := rangekey.DecodeEndKey(kind, w.rangeKeyBlock.curValue)
    2079           2 :                 if !ok {
    2080           0 :                         return errors.Newf("invalid end key: %s", w.rangeKeyBlock.curValue)
    2081           0 :                 }
    2082           2 :                 k := base.MakeExclusiveSentinelKey(kind, endKey).Clone()
    2083           2 :                 w.meta.SetLargestRangeKey(k)
    2084           2 :                 // TODO(travers): The lack of compression on the range key block matches the
    2085           2 :                 // lack of compression on the range-del block. Revisit whether we want to
    2086           2 :                 // enable compression on this block.
    2087           2 :                 rangeKeyBH, err = w.writeBlock(w.rangeKeyBlock.finish(), NoCompression, &w.blockBuf)
    2088           2 :                 if err != nil {
    2089           0 :                         return err
    2090           0 :                 }
    2091             :         }
    2092             : 
    2093           2 :         if w.valueBlockWriter != nil {
    2094           2 :                 vbiHandle, vbStats, err := w.valueBlockWriter.finish(w, w.meta.Size)
    2095           2 :                 if err != nil {
    2096           0 :                         return err
    2097           0 :                 }
    2098           2 :                 w.props.NumValueBlocks = vbStats.numValueBlocks
    2099           2 :                 w.props.NumValuesInValueBlocks = vbStats.numValuesInValueBlocks
    2100           2 :                 w.props.ValueBlocksSize = vbStats.valueBlocksAndIndexSize
    2101           2 :                 if vbStats.numValueBlocks > 0 {
    2102           2 :                         n := encodeValueBlocksIndexHandle(w.blockBuf.tmp[:], vbiHandle)
    2103           2 :                         metaindex.add(InternalKey{UserKey: []byte(metaValueIndexName)}, w.blockBuf.tmp[:n])
    2104           2 :                 }
    2105             :         }
    2106             : 
    2107             :         // Add the range key block handle to the metaindex block. Note that we add the
    2108             :         // block handle to the metaindex block before the other meta blocks as the
    2109             :         // metaindex block entries must be sorted, and the range key block name sorts
    2110             :         // before the other block names.
    2111           2 :         if w.props.NumRangeKeys() > 0 {
    2112           2 :                 n := encodeBlockHandle(w.blockBuf.tmp[:], rangeKeyBH)
    2113           2 :                 metaindex.add(InternalKey{UserKey: []byte(metaRangeKeyName)}, w.blockBuf.tmp[:n])
    2114           2 :         }
    2115             : 
    2116           2 :         {
    2117           2 :                 // Finish and record the prop collectors if props are not yet recorded.
    2118           2 :                 // Pre-computed props might have been copied by specialized sst creators
    2119           2 :                 // like suffix replacer.
    2120           2 :                 if len(w.props.UserProperties) == 0 {
    2121           2 :                         userProps := make(map[string]string)
    2122           2 :                         for i := range w.blockPropCollectors {
    2123           2 :                                 scratch := w.blockPropsEncoder.getScratchForProp()
    2124           2 :                                 // Place the shortID in the first byte.
    2125           2 :                                 scratch = append(scratch, byte(i))
    2126           2 :                                 buf, err := w.blockPropCollectors[i].FinishTable(scratch)
    2127           2 :                                 if err != nil {
    2128           1 :                                         return err
    2129           1 :                                 }
    2130           2 :                                 var prop string
    2131           2 :                                 if len(buf) > 0 {
    2132           2 :                                         prop = string(buf)
    2133           2 :                                 }
    2134             :                                 // NB: The property is populated in the map even if it is the
    2135             :                                 // empty string, since the presence in the map is what indicates
    2136             :                                 // that the block property collector was used when writing.
    2137           2 :                                 userProps[w.blockPropCollectors[i].Name()] = prop
    2138             :                         }
    2139           2 :                         if len(userProps) > 0 {
    2140           2 :                                 w.props.UserProperties = userProps
    2141           2 :                         }
    2142             :                 }
    2143             : 
    2144             :                 // Write the properties block.
    2145           2 :                 var raw rawBlockWriter
    2146           2 :                 // The restart interval is set to infinity because the properties block
    2147           2 :                 // is always read sequentially and cached in a heap located object. This
    2148           2 :                 // reduces table size without a significant impact on performance.
    2149           2 :                 raw.restartInterval = propertiesBlockRestartInterval
    2150           2 :                 w.props.CompressionOptions = rocksDBCompressionOptions
    2151           2 :       , &raw)
    2152           2 :                 bh, err := w.writeBlock(raw.finish(), NoCompression, &w.blockBuf)
    2153           2 :                 if err != nil {
    2154           0 :                         return err
    2155           0 :                 }
    2156           2 :                 n := encodeBlockHandle(w.blockBuf.tmp[:], bh)
    2157           2 :                 metaindex.add(InternalKey{UserKey: []byte(metaPropertiesName)}, w.blockBuf.tmp[:n])
    2158             :         }
    2159             : 
    2160             :         // Add the range deletion block handle to the metaindex block.
    2161           2 :         if w.props.NumRangeDeletions > 0 {
    2162           2 :                 n := encodeBlockHandle(w.blockBuf.tmp[:], rangeDelBH)
    2163           2 :                 // The v2 range-del block encoding is backwards compatible with the v1
    2164           2 :                 // encoding. We add meta-index entries for both the old name and the new
    2165           2 :                 // name so that old code can continue to find the range-del block and new
    2166           2 :                 // code knows that the range tombstones in the block are fragmented and
    2167           2 :                 // sorted.
    2168           2 :                 metaindex.add(InternalKey{UserKey: []byte(metaRangeDelName)}, w.blockBuf.tmp[:n])
    2169           2 :                 if !w.rangeDelV1Format {
    2170           2 :                         metaindex.add(InternalKey{UserKey: []byte(metaRangeDelV2Name)}, w.blockBuf.tmp[:n])
    2171           2 :                 }
    2172             :         }
    2173             : 
    2174             :         // Write the metaindex block. It might be an empty block, if the filter
    2175             :         // policy is nil. NoCompression is specified because a) RocksDB never
    2176             :         // compresses the meta-index block and b) RocksDB has some code paths which
    2177             :         // expect the meta-index block to not be compressed.
    2178           2 :         metaindexBH, err := w.writeBlock(metaindex.blockWriter.finish(), NoCompression, &w.blockBuf)
    2179           2 :         if err != nil {
    2180           0 :                 return err
    2181           0 :         }
    2182             : 
    2183             :         // Write the table footer.
    2184           2 :         footer := footer{
    2185           2 :                 format:      w.tableFormat,
    2186           2 :                 checksum:    w.blockBuf.checksummer.checksumType,
    2187           2 :                 metaindexBH: metaindexBH,
    2188           2 :                 indexBH:     indexBH,
    2189           2 :         }
    2190           2 :         encoded := footer.encode(w.blockBuf.tmp[:])
    2191           2 :         if err := w.writable.Write(footer.encode(w.blockBuf.tmp[:])); err != nil {
    2192           0 :                 return err
    2193           0 :         }
    2194           2 :         w.meta.Size += uint64(len(encoded))
    2195           2 :         w.meta.Properties = w.props
    2196           2 : 
    2197           2 :         // Check that the features present in the table are compatible with the format
    2198           2 :         // configured for the table.
    2199           2 :         if err = w.assertFormatCompatibility(); err != nil {
    2200           1 :                 return err
    2201           1 :         }
    2202             : 
    2203           2 :         if err := w.writable.Finish(); err != nil {
    2204           1 :                 w.writable = nil
    2205           1 :                 return err
    2206           1 :         }
    2207           2 :         w.writable = nil
    2208           2 : 
    2209           2 :         w.dataBlockBuf.clear()
    2210           2 :         dataBlockBufPool.Put(w.dataBlockBuf)
    2211           2 :         w.dataBlockBuf = nil
    2212           2 :         w.indexBlock.clear()
    2213           2 :         indexBlockBufPool.Put(w.indexBlock)
    2214           2 :         w.indexBlock = nil
    2215           2 : 
    2216           2 :         // Make any future calls to Set or Close return an error.
    2217           2 :         w.err = errWriterClosed
    2218           2 :         return nil
    2219             : }
    2220             : 
    2221             : // EstimatedSize returns the estimated size of the sstable being written if a
    2222             : // call to Finish() was made without adding additional keys.
    2223           2 : func (w *Writer) EstimatedSize() uint64 {
    2224           2 :         if w == nil {
    2225           2 :                 return 0
    2226           2 :         }
    2227           2 :         return w.coordination.sizeEstimate.size() +
    2228           2 :                 uint64(w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.estimatedSize()) +
    2229           2 :                 w.indexBlock.estimatedSize()
    2230             : }
    2231             : 
    2232             : // Metadata returns the metadata for the finished sstable. Only valid to call
    2233             : // after the sstable has been finished.
    2234           2 : func (w *Writer) Metadata() (*WriterMetadata, error) {
    2235           2 :         if w.writable != nil {
    2236           0 :                 return nil, errors.New("pebble: writer is not closed")
    2237           0 :         }
    2238           2 :         return &w.meta, nil
    2239             : }
    2240             : 
    2241             : // WriterOption provide an interface to do work on Writer while it is being
    2242             : // opened.
    2243             : type WriterOption interface {
    2244             :         // writerApply is called on the writer during opening in order to set
    2245             :         // internal parameters.
    2246             :         writerApply(*Writer)
    2247             : }
    2248             : 
    2249             : // UnsafeLastPointUserKey returns the last point key written to the writer to
    2250             : // which this option was passed during creation. The returned key points
    2251             : // directly into a buffer belonging to the Writer. The value's lifetime ends the
    2252             : // next time a point key is added to the Writer.
    2253             : //
    2254             : // Must not be called after Writer is closed.
    2255           2 : func (w *Writer) UnsafeLastPointUserKey() []byte {
    2256           2 :         if w != nil && w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.nEntries >= 1 {
    2257           2 :                 // w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.curKey is guaranteed to point to the last point key
    2258           2 :                 // which was added to the Writer.
    2259           2 :                 return w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.getCurUserKey()
    2260           2 :         }
    2261           0 :         return nil
    2262             : }
    2263             : 
    2264             : // NewWriter returns a new table writer for the file. Closing the writer will
    2265             : // close the file.
    2266           2 : func NewWriter(writable objstorage.Writable, o WriterOptions, extraOpts ...WriterOption) *Writer {
    2267           2 :         o = o.ensureDefaults()
    2268           2 :         w := &Writer{
    2269           2 :                 writable: writable,
    2270           2 :                 meta: WriterMetadata{
    2271           2 :                         SmallestSeqNum: math.MaxUint64,
    2272           2 :                 },
    2273           2 :                 dataBlockOptions: flushDecisionOptions{
    2274           2 :                         blockSize:               o.BlockSize,
    2275           2 :                         blockSizeThreshold:      (o.BlockSize*o.BlockSizeThreshold + 99) / 100,
    2276           2 :                         sizeClassAwareThreshold: (o.BlockSize*o.SizeClassAwareThreshold + 99) / 100,
    2277           2 :                 },
    2278           2 :                 indexBlockOptions: flushDecisionOptions{
    2279           2 :                         blockSize:               o.IndexBlockSize,
    2280           2 :                         blockSizeThreshold:      (o.IndexBlockSize*o.BlockSizeThreshold + 99) / 100,
    2281           2 :                         sizeClassAwareThreshold: (o.IndexBlockSize*o.SizeClassAwareThreshold + 99) / 100,
    2282           2 :                 },
    2283           2 :                 compare:              o.Comparer.Compare,
    2284           2 :                 split:                o.Comparer.Split,
    2285           2 :                 formatKey:            o.Comparer.FormatKey,
    2286           2 :                 compression:          o.Compression,
    2287           2 :                 separator:            o.Comparer.Separator,
    2288           2 :                 successor:            o.Comparer.Successor,
    2289           2 :                 tableFormat:          o.TableFormat,
    2290           2 :                 isStrictObsolete:     o.IsStrictObsolete,
    2291           2 :                 writingToLowestLevel: o.WritingToLowestLevel,
    2292           2 :                 cache:                o.Cache,
    2293           2 :                 restartInterval:      o.BlockRestartInterval,
    2294           2 :                 checksumType:         o.Checksum,
    2295           2 :                 indexBlock:           newIndexBlockBuf(o.Parallelism),
    2296           2 :                 rangeDelBlock: blockWriter{
    2297           2 :                         restartInterval: 1,
    2298           2 :                 },
    2299           2 :                 rangeKeyBlock: blockWriter{
    2300           2 :                         restartInterval: 1,
    2301           2 :                 },
    2302           2 :                 topLevelIndexBlock: blockWriter{
    2303           2 :                         restartInterval: 1,
    2304           2 :                 },
    2305           2 :                 fragmenter: keyspan.Fragmenter{
    2306           2 :                         Cmp:    o.Comparer.Compare,
    2307           2 :                         Format: o.Comparer.FormatKey,
    2308           2 :                 },
    2309           2 :                 allocatorSizeClasses: o.AllocatorSizeClasses,
    2310           2 :         }
    2311           2 :         if w.tableFormat >= TableFormatPebblev3 {
    2312           2 :                 w.shortAttributeExtractor = o.ShortAttributeExtractor
    2313           2 :                 w.requiredInPlaceValueBound = o.RequiredInPlaceValueBound
    2314           2 :                 if !o.DisableValueBlocks {
    2315           2 :                         w.valueBlockWriter = newValueBlockWriter(
    2316           2 :                                 w.dataBlockOptions.blockSize, w.dataBlockOptions.blockSizeThreshold, w.compression, w.checksumType, func(compressedSize int) {
    2317           2 :                                         w.coordination.sizeEstimate.dataBlockCompressed(compressedSize, 0)
    2318           2 :                                 })
    2319             :                 }
    2320             :         }
    2321             : 
    2322           2 :         w.dataBlockBuf = newDataBlockBuf(w.restartInterval, w.checksumType)
    2323           2 : 
    2324           2 :         w.blockBuf = blockBuf{
    2325           2 :                 checksummer: checksummer{checksumType: o.Checksum},
    2326           2 :         }
    2327           2 : 
    2328           2 :         w.coordination.init(o.Parallelism, w)
    2329           2 : 
    2330           2 :         if writable == nil {
    2331           0 :                 w.err = errors.New("pebble: nil writable")
    2332           0 :                 return w
    2333           0 :         }
    2334             : 
    2335             :         // Note that WriterOptions are applied in two places; the ones with a
    2336             :         // preApply() method are applied here. The rest are applied down below after
    2337             :         // default properties are set.
    2338           2 :         type preApply interface{ preApply() }
    2339           2 :         for _, opt := range extraOpts {
    2340           2 :                 if _, ok := opt.(preApply); ok {
    2341           2 :                         opt.writerApply(w)
    2342           2 :                 }
    2343             :         }
    2344             : 
    2345           2 :         if o.FilterPolicy != nil {
    2346           2 :                 switch o.FilterType {
    2347           2 :                 case TableFilter:
    2348           2 :                         w.filter = newTableFilterWriter(o.FilterPolicy)
    2349           0 :                 default:
    2350           0 :                         panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown filter type: %v", o.FilterType))
    2351             :                 }
    2352             :         }
    2353             : 
    2354           2 :         w.props.ComparerName = o.Comparer.Name
    2355           2 :         w.props.CompressionName = o.Compression.String()
    2356           2 :         w.props.MergerName = o.MergerName
    2357           2 :         w.props.PropertyCollectorNames = "[]"
    2358           2 : 
    2359           2 :         numBlockPropertyCollectors := len(o.BlockPropertyCollectors)
    2360           2 :         if w.tableFormat >= TableFormatPebblev4 {
    2361           2 :                 numBlockPropertyCollectors++
    2362           2 :         }
    2363             : 
    2364           2 :         if numBlockPropertyCollectors > 0 {
    2365           2 :                 if numBlockPropertyCollectors > maxPropertyCollectors {
    2366           0 :                         w.err = errors.New("pebble: too many block property collectors")
    2367           0 :                         return w
    2368           0 :                 }
    2369           2 :                 w.blockPropCollectors = make([]BlockPropertyCollector, 0, numBlockPropertyCollectors)
    2370           2 :                 for _, constructFn := range o.BlockPropertyCollectors {
    2371           2 :                         w.blockPropCollectors = append(w.blockPropCollectors, constructFn())
    2372           2 :                 }
    2373           2 :                 if w.tableFormat >= TableFormatPebblev4 {
    2374           2 :                         w.blockPropCollectors = append(w.blockPropCollectors, &w.obsoleteCollector)
    2375           2 :                 }
    2376             : 
    2377           2 :                 var buf bytes.Buffer
    2378           2 :                 buf.WriteString("[")
    2379           2 :                 for i := range w.blockPropCollectors {
    2380           2 :                         if i > 0 {
    2381           2 :                                 buf.WriteString(",")
    2382           2 :                         }
    2383           2 :                         buf.WriteString(w.blockPropCollectors[i].Name())
    2384             :                 }
    2385           2 :                 buf.WriteString("]")
    2386           2 :                 w.props.PropertyCollectorNames = buf.String()
    2387             :         }
    2388             : 
    2389             :         // Apply the remaining WriterOptions that do not have a preApply() method.
    2390           2 :         for _, opt := range extraOpts {
    2391           2 :                 if _, ok := opt.(preApply); ok {
    2392           2 :                         continue
    2393             :                 }
    2394           0 :                 opt.writerApply(w)
    2395             :         }
    2396             : 
    2397             :         // Initialize the range key fragmenter and encoder.
    2398           2 :         w.fragmenter.Emit = w.encodeRangeKeySpan
    2399           2 :         w.rangeKeyEncoder.Emit = w.addRangeKey
    2400           2 :         return w
    2401             : }
    2402             : 
    2403             : // internalGetProperties is a private, internal-use-only function that takes a
    2404             : // Writer and returns a pointer to its Properties, allowing direct mutation.
    2405             : // It's used by internal Pebble flushes and compactions to set internal
    2406             : // properties. It gets installed in private.
    2407           2 : func internalGetProperties(w *Writer) *Properties {
    2408           2 :         return &w.props
    2409           2 : }
    2410             : 
    2411           2 : func init() {
    2412           2 :         private.SSTableWriterDisableKeyOrderChecks = func(i interface{}) {
    2413           1 :                 w := i.(*Writer)
    2414           1 :                 w.disableKeyOrderChecks = true
    2415           1 :         }
    2416           2 :         private.SSTableInternalProperties = internalGetProperties
    2417             : }

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