LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - pebble/sstable - compression.go (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: 2024-05-07 08:15Z f03e7efe - meta test only.lcov Lines: 35 67 52.2 %
Date: 2024-05-07 08:16:33 Functions: 0 0 -

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Copyright 2021 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
       2             : // of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
       3             : // the LICENSE file.
       4             : 
       5             : package sstable
       6             : 
       7             : import (
       8             :         "encoding/binary"
       9             : 
      10             :         ""
      11             :         ""
      12             :         ""
      13             :         ""
      14             : )
      15             : 
      16           1 : func decompressedLen(blockType blockType, b []byte) (int, int, error) {
      17           1 :         switch blockType {
      18           0 :         case noCompressionBlockType:
      19           0 :                 return 0, 0, nil
      20           1 :         case snappyCompressionBlockType:
      21           1 :                 l, err := snappy.DecodedLen(b)
      22           1 :                 return l, 0, err
      23           1 :         case zstdCompressionBlockType:
      24           1 :                 // This will also be used by zlib, bzip2 and lz4 to retrieve the decodedLen
      25           1 :                 // if we implement these algorithms in the future.
      26           1 :                 decodedLenU64, varIntLen := binary.Uvarint(b)
      27           1 :                 if varIntLen <= 0 {
      28           0 :                         return 0, 0, base.CorruptionErrorf("pebble/table: compression block has invalid length")
      29           0 :                 }
      30           1 :                 return int(decodedLenU64), varIntLen, nil
      31           0 :         default:
      32           0 :                 return 0, 0, base.CorruptionErrorf("pebble/table: unknown block compression: %d", errors.Safe(blockType))
      33             :         }
      34             : }
      35             : 
      36             : // decompressInto decompresses compressed into buf. The buf slice must have the
      37             : // exact size as the decompressed value.
      38           1 : func decompressInto(blockType blockType, compressed []byte, buf []byte) error {
      39           1 :         var result []byte
      40           1 :         var err error
      41           1 :         switch blockType {
      42           1 :         case snappyCompressionBlockType:
      43           1 :                 result, err = snappy.Decode(buf, compressed)
      44           1 :         case zstdCompressionBlockType:
      45           1 :                 result, err = decodeZstd(buf, compressed)
      46           0 :         default:
      47           0 :                 return base.CorruptionErrorf("pebble/table: unknown block compression: %d", errors.Safe(blockType))
      48             :         }
      49           1 :         if err != nil {
      50           0 :                 return base.MarkCorruptionError(err)
      51           0 :         }
      52           1 :         if len(result) != len(buf) || (len(result) > 0 && &result[0] != &buf[0]) {
      53           0 :                 return base.CorruptionErrorf("pebble/table: decompressed into unexpected buffer: %p != %p",
      54           0 :                         errors.Safe(result), errors.Safe(buf))
      55           0 :         }
      56           1 :         return nil
      57             : }
      58             : 
      59             : // decompressBlock decompresses an SST block, with manually-allocated space.
      60             : // NB: If decompressBlock returns (nil, nil), no decompression was necessary and
      61             : // the caller may use `b` directly.
      62           0 : func decompressBlock(blockType blockType, b []byte) (*cache.Value, error) {
      63           0 :         if blockType == noCompressionBlockType {
      64           0 :                 return nil, nil
      65           0 :         }
      66             :         // first obtain the decoded length.
      67           0 :         decodedLen, prefixLen, err := decompressedLen(blockType, b)
      68           0 :         if err != nil {
      69           0 :                 return nil, err
      70           0 :         }
      71           0 :         b = b[prefixLen:]
      72           0 :         // Allocate sufficient space from the cache.
      73           0 :         decoded := cache.Alloc(decodedLen)
      74           0 :         decodedBuf := decoded.Buf()
      75           0 :         if err := decompressInto(blockType, b, decodedBuf); err != nil {
      76           0 :                 cache.Free(decoded)
      77           0 :                 return nil, err
      78           0 :         }
      79           0 :         return decoded, nil
      80             : }
      81             : 
      82             : // compressBlock compresses an SST block, using compressBuf as the desired destination.
      83             : func compressBlock(
      84             :         compression Compression, b []byte, compressedBuf []byte,
      85           1 : ) (blockType blockType, compressed []byte) {
      86           1 :         switch compression {
      87           1 :         case SnappyCompression:
      88           1 :                 return snappyCompressionBlockType, snappy.Encode(compressedBuf, b)
      89           1 :         case NoCompression:
      90           1 :                 return noCompressionBlockType, b
      91             :         }
      92             : 
      93           1 :         if len(compressedBuf) < binary.MaxVarintLen64 {
      94           1 :                 compressedBuf = append(compressedBuf, make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64-len(compressedBuf))...)
      95           1 :         }
      96           1 :         varIntLen := binary.PutUvarint(compressedBuf, uint64(len(b)))
      97           1 :         switch compression {
      98           1 :         case ZstdCompression:
      99           1 :                 return zstdCompressionBlockType, encodeZstd(compressedBuf, varIntLen, b)
     100           0 :         default:
     101           0 :                 return noCompressionBlockType, b
     102             :         }
     103             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14