Beyond the Sacred–Secular


by Ps. Gift Daniel

ENGAGE, our revamped e-newsletter, desires to engage you in witnessing the power of the Gospel through the stories of our partners and influencers for God’s kingdom. Many of our mission partners are witnessing how the gospel is changing lives globally every day. We would like to engage you in missions so that you can also learn of these experiences first-hand. In doing so, we will be more aware of God at work not only in the church but also in the marketplace, and even in the most unlikely places where the Gospel is least known.

ENGAGE will highlight some of these opportunities where you can participate, not just to bless our overseas work but more so for you to be blessed, encouraged and excited by it. There will be opportunities for you to connect with our overseas mission partners through various digital platforms. Even if you are unable to participate in these activities, we appreciate your engagement before the throne of grace to pray for the brothers and sisters we work with.

The feature story “Beyond the Sacred–Secular” brings a perspective into the dichotomy many of us struggle with – the compartmentalization of our lives into the sacred and the secular. Understanding the sacred–secular divide has significant impact on two key areas of our Christian life: our mission and our living. Our desire is that we will find our unique place of contribution to His kingdom (by serving the Lord in the marketplace and/or in ministry) and that we flourish as created by God for His unique purpose.

Let us look forward to a more meaningful engagement with our overseas outreach work in 2022!

Beyond the Sacred–Secular

"To a man who lives unto God, nothing is secular, everything is sacred. He puts on his workday garment, and it is a vestment to him. He sits down to his meal, and it is a sacrament. He goes forth to his labor, and therein exercises the office of the priesthood. His breath is incense and his life a sacrifice. He sleeps on the bosom of God, and lives and moves in the divine presence. To draw a hard and fast line and say, "This is sacred and this is secular," is, to my mind, diametrically opposed to the teaching of Christ and the spirit of the gospel." - Charles Spurgeon

As Charles Spurgeon has rightly stated – we often live by the imaginary lines that divide our Christian lives into sacred and non-sacred halves. As if some parts of our lives are important to God and other parts of our lives are not. ENGAGE speaks to two professionals, Tan Geok Seng and Tsetsenbaatar (Baatar) who are holding highly demanding jobs in the marketplace and yet are actively and passionately involved in God’s work. They are both part of the EquipAsia training programme run by The Bible Church for Christian leaders in less-evangelized countries – Geok Seng as a teacher and Baatar as a student from Mongolia.

Tan Geok Seng

Tan Geok Seng works in sales operations for an American MNC and is involved in frequent meetings across different time zones.

He recounts that he has been involved in ministry since he was 16 in the 1980s. His ministry journey began primarily with youth evangelism and discipleship, and has evolved over the years. In church, he is actively serving in two CARE groups, facilitating parenting teens and pre-marital counselling courses, and teaching discipleship classes and in the EquipAsia training programme.

When asked why he does what he does, given the nature and schedule of his work, he simply says service to God has been an inherent part of his Christian journey. He believes serving God has been his privilege, and being involved in ministry is his response to experiencing God's love in his life. He is convinced that the call to be the "Salt and Light" goes beyond the sacred and secular divide, and that work, ministry or service at home, all of it, is part of God's calling. He further adds that being a child of God gives him the Father’s perspective and values that guide him as a Christian worker in the secular marketplace.

"Serving God has been a privilege, and being involved in ministry is my response to experiencing God's love in my life."

He expresses that ministry has its set of challenges in terms of feeling stagnant at times, and the need to constantly improve his skills and knowledge to grow and serve more effectively is ever-present. When overwhelmed, he will take a step back and rest in order to rejuvenate. He is motivated to persevere in ministry by the encouragement of those serving alongside him, the church community and the fruits of his labour. His one desire is to remain faithful for as long as he can with God’s help and to finish well in his faith journey.

While balancing ministry and secular work with family life can be challenging at times, Geok Seng is grateful that his children are independent young adults and his flexible working hours allow him to prepare the lessons for the classes he teaches. He acknowledges the blessings of fellowship, encouragement and learning opportunities including from those of different cultures that he has gained from being part of the work done in many countries through EquipAsia.

Asked how young people who are reluctant to serve God may be encouraged to do so, his reply is both empathetic and insightful. He does not think they are unwilling to serve God. Rather they need effective models of godly living and faithful service. The lack of influence, encouragement and inspiration like the Apostle Paul had over Timothy hinders young people from being involved in ministry these days. Perhaps a remarkable insight to continually ponder on! The need for champions undoing the secular–sacred divide, leaders and teachers reflecting Jesus in tangible ways is looming more than ever in the Now.

Pause for thought ...

Who inspires you to serve God and love people?

Tsetsenbaatar (Baatar)

As the CEO of a law firm in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia), Tsetsenbaatar (Baatar) oversees several lawyers in providing legal services to organizations. Besides his demanding work, he leads the Christian lawyers' fellowship where he shares the word of God, encouraging and training members to be effective witnesses of God in their workplaces. Baatar also serves on the board of several Christian organizations, including World Vision and the Vision Fund of Mongolia.

It is not uncommon for churches in Mongolia to face difficult legal issues such as registration-related matters, and persecution from local governors, particularly those in the more remote regions. Baatar often goes to court to advocate on their behalf. As a Christian, he is convinced that it is his "duty to help communities do their service well and make good governance."

Bataar’s involvement in ministry work began when he was a teenager, and he has been actively serving for the past 25 years. He started as a Sunday School teacher, and grew to be a youth leader, worship leader and pastor. He is motivated to minister to people because witnessing their growth and success gives him much joy and satisfaction.

Nevertheless, he candidly acknowledges the challenges he faces in his journey of faith and work. He says working with people requires perseverance because of the time it takes to see results. In the face of difficulty, his heart has wrestled with questions about his purpose of ministry when there are easier options to take. He remembers the times he isolated himself from people when feeling overwhelmed. When asked how he overcomes the rough times, he says he finds assurance in knowing each day has its load but he can always depend on God's grace to help him handle the challenges. His greatest encouragement comes from reading the word of God daily.

"Working with people requires perseverance because of the time it takes to see results."

Baatar believes work and ministry are equally important, like the two hands of a person, and both are a Christian's responsibility in this life. Both his work and ministry enable him to grow spiritually as well as develop his skills. Although he has to juggle family life with the demands of his work and ministry responsibilities, he feels fulfilled.

When asked why he joined the EquipAsia training programme and what he expects in the future, he expresses how the subjects of Biblical Counselling, Biblical Ethics, and Biblical Leadership grabbed his interest. He is keen to learn more and hopes to influence more leaders in Mongolian society to serve the Lord.

As an established lawyer himself, he perceives young people are presented with various career choices leaving little room for ministry. His appeal to them is to serve God in every sphere of their life — beginning with family, spouse and friends. Bataar has an interesting approach to ministry; he sees ministry as a pleasure that would be fulfilling as opposed to the pleasures of the world that would most likely end in sorrow.

Pause for thought ...

What does “to serve God wherever you are” look like for you?

Did You Know?

Mongolia is known as “the land of the blue sky”, as it has over 260 days of clear, blue sky in a year.

The word “Mongol” means brave.

The capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, means “red hero”.

Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia. It’s in the Tuul River valley, bordering the Bogd Khan Uul National Park. Originally a nomadic Buddhist center, it became a permanent site in the 18th century. Soviet control in the 20th century led to a religious purge. Soviet-era buildings, museums within surviving monasteries, and a vibrant conjunction of traditional and 21st-century lifestyles typify the modern city.

Ice cream is the favourite winter snack in Mongolia.

In winter you’ll find street vendors selling ice-cream on the street from paper boxes. There’s no need for a freezer at -30 degrees Celsius (-22 degrees Fahrenheit).

How can I Pray for Mongolia?

How can I engage?

English Corner

Sign up as an individual or a couple to facilitate a 10-session online course called “English Corner” to teach conversational English to foreigners in Asian countries. Starting in July 2022, classes will be held once a week for 1 to 1.5 hours. Necessary training and curriculum will be provided.

Pl contact Ps. Gift Daniel at for more details

Teach music online

Teach our youths in Cebu, Philippines to play musical instruments like the drum, piano and guitar. There will be 6-8 sessions of one-to-one online teaching.

Pl contact Timothy Beh at for more details

Country Representatives

Serve to advance the cause of persecuted workers from restricted-access nations and to bring missions closer to home. We are currently looking for "Country Representatives" to serve as coordinators for each mission fields: Laos, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia and Mongolia. Representatives would perform the following:

  • Acting as point-of-contact between interested adopters and CrossShare team
  • Vetting and posting regular updates sent in by each ministry partners from their mission field
  • Setting up new profiles of our ministry partners onto the website

It is preferable if you can commit to serve for a minimum period of 6 months.

Contact Tianli at 97437171 for more details

Missions Calendar 2022

Event Dates
Go To School update (Batam) 27 Feb at 4pm
Go To School update (Cebu) 27 Mar at 4pm
CrossShare launch 1 Mar
English Corner orientation and training 16 July at 10am
EquipAsia Part 2 Hybrid training 17 April – 6 May
TBC Asian Mission Fellowship 10 Jan, 7 Mar, 16 May, 4 July, 5 Sep and 7 Nov at 8pm

To get regular prayer updates on our overseas outreach work

Concerning Contact
Nepal Church Planting Mission Paul Lim (
EquipAsia (EA) WhatsApp group update on EA hybrid/in-country training Law Le Li Hp (97854708)
Workers in restricted-access nations through CrossShare website Tianli (97437171)
Youth Discipleship ministry in Prey Veng, Cambodia Tuck Weng (

TBC Asian Mission Fellowship

Scripture exhorts us to encourage one another as the day is drawing near. This is what we aim to do through our Zoom fellowship with our mission partners (who can speak English) serving in Bhutan, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, India, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines and other countries.

Started in May 2021, this time of worship, devotion, sharing and prayer has been well received. In 2022, our devotions will be based on the book of Habakkuk. Due to security concerns, please note that this will be a closed meeting. Please join us if you have a burden to encourage those who are going through persecution and difficult times. Meetings are usually held on the first Mondays of odd months (exceptions are due to other events). Please register here to join the meeting.

Meeting Date Time
10 Jan 8pm-9.30pm
7 Mar 8pm-9.30pm
16 May 8pm-9.30pm
4 July 8pm-9.30pm
5 Sept 8pm-9.30pm
7 Nov 8pm-9.30pm

You may contact for any EquipAsia related matters

CrossShare Website

Scripture tells us to share one another’s burden as we all belong to the same body of Christ. The aim of the CrossShare website is to provide opportunity for our worshippers to share the burden with our mission partners from less-evangelized nations through prayer and practical ways. Our CrossShare website will feature a brief description, photos and updates of our partners’ ministries in restricted-access nations. You can adopt them by praying and supporting their ministry.

Because of the sensitive nature of their work, you need to have our permission to access the profiles of the website. Please contact Tianli (hp: 97437171) for permissions (Registration starts from 1 March).