Link objects are references to filesystem links.



Creates a Link object.

Link.fromUri(Uri uri)

Creates a Link object.



absolute Link

Returns a Link instance whose path is the absolute path to this.

hashCode int

The hash code for this object.

read-only, inherited
isAbsolute bool

Returns a bool indicating whether this object's path is absolute.

read-only, inherited
parent Directory

The directory containing this.

read-only, inherited
path String

read-only, inherited
runtimeType Type

A representation of the runtime type of the object.

read-only, inherited
uri Uri

Returns a Uri representing the file system entity's location.

read-only, inherited


operator ==(other) bool

The equality operator.



create(String target, { bool recursive: false }) Future<Link>

Creates a symbolic link. Returns a Future<Link> that completes with the link when it has been created. If the link exists, the future will complete with an error.

createSync(String target, { bool recursive: false }) → void

Synchronously create the link. Calling createSync on an existing link will throw an exception.

rename(String newPath) Future<Link>

Renames this link. Returns a Future<Link> that completes with a Link instance for the renamed link.

renameSync(String newPath) Link

Synchronously renames this link. Returns a Link instance for the renamed link.

Resolves the path of a file system object relative to the current working directory, resolving all symbolic links on the path and resolving all .. and . path segments.

resolveSymbolicLinksSync() String

Resolves the path of a file system object relative to the current working directory, resolving all symbolic links on the path and resolving all .. and . path segments.

target() Future<String>

Gets the target of the link. Returns a future that completes with the path to the target.

targetSync() String

Synchronously gets the target of the link. Returns the path to the target.

update(String target) Future<Link>

Updates the link. Returns a Future<Link> that completes with the link when it has been updated. Calling update on a non-existing link will complete its returned future with an exception.

updateSync(String target) → void

Synchronously updates the link. Calling updateSync on a non-existing link will throw an exception.

delete({bool recursive: false }) Future<FileSystemEntity>

Deletes this FileSystemEntity.

deleteSync({bool recursive: false }) → void

Synchronously deletes this FileSystemEntity.

exists() Future<bool>

Checks whether the file system entity with this path exists. Returns a Future<bool> that completes with the result.

existsSync() bool

Synchronously checks whether the file system entity with this path exists.

noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic

Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.

stat() Future<FileStat>

Calls the operating system's stat() function on the path of this FileSystemEntity. Identical to FileStat.stat(this.path).

statSync() FileStat

Synchronously calls the operating system's stat() function on the path of this FileSystemEntity. Identical to FileStat.statSync(this.path).

toString() String

Returns a string representation of this object.

watch({int events: FileSystemEvent.ALL, bool recursive: false }) Stream<FileSystemEvent>

Start watching the FileSystemEntity for changes.
