Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language Detected language: English [00:00.000 --> 00:02.000] TITLE CARD [00:30.000 --> 00:54.400] I think, by and large, the West was on the side of Saddam Hussein. [00:54.400 --> 01:15.200] But I'm certain that the gas was supplied by Germans. [01:15.200 --> 01:23.800] And businessmen were going in and out of the Iraqi embassy. [01:23.800 --> 01:27.200] I think, by and large, the West was on the side of Saddam Hussein, as was America. [01:27.200 --> 01:51.800] We also tried to sell him a very long-range cannon, a special cannon. [01:51.800 --> 01:56.800] We tried to sell him a very long-range cannon, a special cannon. [01:56.800 --> 02:09.800] I think, by and large, the West was on the side of Saddam Hussein, as was America. [02:09.800 --> 02:26.800] I think, by and large, the West was on the side of Saddam Hussein, as was America. [02:39.800 --> 02:45.800] I think, by and large, the West was on the side of Saddam Hussein, as was America. [03:09.800 --> 03:17.800] Black smoke spread the sky on the second day of Eid al-Adha. [03:17.800 --> 03:21.800] This is the atmosphere of Eid on its second day in Iraq. [03:21.800 --> 03:24.800] Victims and blood were scattered everywhere. [03:24.800 --> 03:26.800] Destruction and destruction. [03:26.800 --> 03:31.800] And all of that was the result of a series of terrorist explosions. [03:31.800 --> 03:33.800] It hit different parts of Iraq. [03:33.800 --> 03:40.800] The Ministry of Interior said that more than 20 people fell between a murder and a wound [03:40.800 --> 03:43.800] as a result of an explosion that was attached to a party, [03:43.800 --> 03:48.800] killing Iranian visitors in the Taj, the northern capital of Baghdad. [03:48.800 --> 03:54.800] The terrorist group did not exclude the children who took advantage of the Eid to have fun and play. [03:54.800 --> 04:00.800] They tried to blow up factories in the outskirts of Sadr, the eastern capital, [04:00.800 --> 04:04.800] killing seven children and injuring others. [04:04.800 --> 04:06.800] The second day of Eid. [04:06.800 --> 04:08.800] The world is celebrating Eid. [04:08.800 --> 04:10.800] All the children are wounded. [04:10.800 --> 04:12.800] Twenty houses are destroyed. [04:12.800 --> 04:17.800] In the north of Baghdad, the armed forces targeted the Al-Shabak group, [04:17.800 --> 04:22.800] a Kurdish group of Shia Muslims, in different parts. [04:22.800 --> 04:26.800] They killed five people and injured ten. [04:26.800 --> 04:32.800] They killed a family from the sect, including the father, the mother, [04:32.800 --> 04:36.800] and their child in the district of Kafaa, in the north of the province. [04:36.800 --> 04:39.800] They destroyed a house in the district of Somar. [04:39.800 --> 04:43.800] They killed a woman and her 18-year-old daughter. [04:43.800 --> 04:47.800] They injured four members of the family. [04:47.800 --> 04:52.800] In the district of Al-Karama, the armed forces detonated a bomb inside a house, [04:52.800 --> 04:57.800] which led to the injury of six members of the family. [04:57.800 --> 05:01.800] The Syrian army's leadership, the armed groups, [05:01.800 --> 05:05.800] has been accused of committing excessive violations to stop the fire. [05:05.800 --> 05:08.800] Its determination has continued to resist these groups. [05:08.800 --> 05:11.800] A statement came to the Syrian army. [05:11.800 --> 05:14.800] These attacks took place in different areas, [05:14.800 --> 05:19.800] between Harifa, Damascus, Hama, Aleppo, Idlib, Deraa, and Deir ez-Zor. [05:19.800 --> 05:26.800] At the same time, the Syrian military leadership agreed to stop the fire on the second day. [05:26.800 --> 05:30.800] The armed groups broke through to stop the fire. [05:30.800 --> 05:33.800] The number of breaks the armed groups broke through [05:33.800 --> 05:37.800] reached more than 30 in most of the Syrian cities, [05:37.800 --> 05:42.800] by attacking the army's borders and by blowing up destroyed cars. [05:42.800 --> 05:47.800] The latest explosion of a destroyed car was in front of the Syrian church in Deir ez-Zor, [05:47.800 --> 05:50.800] according to official sources. [05:50.800 --> 05:56.800] I think these actions continue the work of the armed groups, [05:56.800 --> 06:00.800] and they strive to spread as much chaos and destruction as possible [06:00.800 --> 06:04.800] in their complete rejection of any political situation that Syria has started. [06:04.800 --> 06:07.800] In an application to the statement issued by the Syrian army [06:07.800 --> 06:09.800] to stop the fire and maintain the right to respond, [06:09.800 --> 06:12.800] its military units responded to the sources of the fire [06:12.800 --> 06:14.800] and the resistance of the armed groups, [06:14.800 --> 06:18.800] where more than 20 armed groups were killed in these operations, [06:18.800 --> 06:21.800] including armed groups of Arab nationalities, [06:21.800 --> 06:25.800] as well as the arrest of some of those who tried to sneak into Syrian lands [06:25.800 --> 06:27.800] across neighboring countries. [06:27.800 --> 06:31.800] The Syrian army kept the right to respond at any point, [06:31.800 --> 06:34.800] at any center, at any location that was exposed to the fire [06:34.800 --> 06:36.800] or that caused this destruction, [06:36.800 --> 06:39.800] considering that the protection of civilians is the main task of the Syrian army, [06:39.800 --> 06:41.800] especially during Eid al-Adha. [06:41.800 --> 06:45.800] The reaction of the Syrian army was based on the actions of the armed groups, [06:45.800 --> 06:48.800] so the reaction was harsh in some places. [06:48.800 --> 06:52.800] To this end, the Syrian army expanded its control over a large part of the Kurdish district [06:52.800 --> 06:54.800] in the city of Tal Kalakh in Homs, [06:54.800 --> 06:59.800] which is considered one of the main centers for the armed groups in the Middle East. [06:59.800 --> 07:03.800] And in light of the field supplies and the actions of the armed groups [07:03.800 --> 07:05.800] in most of the Syrian cities, [07:05.800 --> 07:08.800] the guidance approved by the Syrian military leadership, [07:08.800 --> 07:11.800] which is a candidate for quick withdrawal, has a clear goal to fail, [07:11.800 --> 07:16.800] especially since some of the armed groups did not agree to the ceasefire. [07:16.800 --> 07:19.800] Mazen Salam ala Alam, Damascus. [07:20.800 --> 07:23.800] The Eid al-Adha in Syria was not successful [07:23.800 --> 07:27.800] because the armed groups breached it before it was born. [07:27.800 --> 07:30.800] And this puts the mission of the United Nations Ambassador, [07:30.800 --> 07:33.800] Al-Akhzhar Al-Ibrahimi, on the line. [07:33.800 --> 07:36.800] The Eid al-Adha in Syria [07:36.800 --> 07:39.800] The Eid al-Adha did not last long in Syria. [07:39.800 --> 07:43.800] It carried with it the elements of its failure from the beginning. [07:43.800 --> 07:47.800] The most important elements were the lack of a mechanism to achieve [07:47.800 --> 07:51.800] the respect of the armed groups that were opposed to its position [07:51.800 --> 07:56.800] and that were not governed by a specific system for their commitments in this matter. [07:56.800 --> 08:00.800] As a result, the language of violence quickly returned to its head [08:00.800 --> 08:04.800] through the operations of a separate explosion here and there. [08:04.800 --> 08:07.800] It started from Ma'arat al-Numan, [08:07.800 --> 08:10.800] where the armed groups tried on the day of Eid [08:10.800 --> 08:13.800] to attack the military base of the army, [08:13.800 --> 08:16.800] taking advantage of the guidance of ceasefire, [08:16.800 --> 08:20.800] so that the fight would return to the explosion on multiple fronts. [08:20.800 --> 08:24.800] It was also the case that some of the armed opposition refused the guidance [08:24.800 --> 08:27.800] before it was born, including what is called the Nusra Front, [08:27.800 --> 08:32.800] which adopted many of the explosions that lost hundreds of lives and wounded. [08:32.800 --> 08:37.800] It was also responsible for many of the previous explosions in Iraq. [08:37.800 --> 08:39.800] A new test, [08:39.800 --> 08:42.800] which is being faced by the international envoy to Syria, [08:42.800 --> 08:44.800] al-Akhdir al-Ibrahimi, [08:44.800 --> 08:47.800] who hoped that the Eid would be launched [08:47.800 --> 08:50.800] and that it would build on it other steps [08:50.800 --> 08:54.800] towards reaching a settlement that would put an end to the war there. [08:54.800 --> 08:59.800] However, al-Ibrahimi does not find anyone to help him face the international community. [08:59.800 --> 09:03.800] The division in the International Security Council and in other international events [09:03.800 --> 09:06.800] is still on the rise between the Western countries, [09:06.800 --> 09:10.800] which support the armed groups in one way or another, [09:10.800 --> 09:12.800] and each of China and Russia, [09:12.800 --> 09:15.800] which both refuse any military intervention in the crisis, [09:15.800 --> 09:17.800] on the other hand. [09:17.800 --> 09:21.800] Many analysts consider that al-Ibrahimi's guidance on the Eid [09:21.800 --> 09:25.800] was the basis for him to be able to catch his breath [09:25.800 --> 09:28.800] in order to prepare in the light of its results, [09:28.800 --> 09:31.800] if it succeeded, a plan to follow. [09:31.800 --> 09:34.800] So far, and since he took over the post two months ago, [09:34.800 --> 09:39.800] he has not presented a clear political plan to deal with the crisis, [09:39.800 --> 09:42.800] because everything he is looking for here and there [09:42.800 --> 09:45.800] are ideas and the faces of a general public [09:45.800 --> 09:49.800] that still need to be rethought. [09:49.800 --> 09:53.800] It is a process that makes it difficult for Western and Arab countries [09:53.800 --> 09:56.800] to come to the decision of the military decision [09:56.800 --> 09:59.800] by continuing to support the armed groups. [09:59.800 --> 10:02.800] At a time when these groups are split [10:02.800 --> 10:05.800] under the guidelines and interests of these countries, [10:05.800 --> 10:08.800] with their lack of a joint reference, [10:08.800 --> 10:11.800] which could give the international community [10:11.800 --> 10:15.800] a clear vision of what the Syrian government wants. [10:15.800 --> 10:18.800] Once again, the European Union will cancel a visit [10:18.800 --> 10:21.800] for parliamentarians from it to Iran, [10:21.800 --> 10:24.800] after imposing conditions contrary to the rules [10:24.800 --> 10:27.800] on the visit program, which Iran considers [10:27.800 --> 10:30.800] an intervention in its internal affairs. [10:30.800 --> 10:34.800] It comes under pressure from the Israeli and American administrations. [10:34.800 --> 10:37.800] A visit was scheduled to take place on Saturday [10:37.800 --> 10:39.800] and for a week. [10:39.800 --> 10:42.800] However, it was canceled because of the conditions [10:42.800 --> 10:45.800] imposed by the European Parliament [10:45.800 --> 10:48.800] to visit its delegation of five deputies to Iran. [10:48.800 --> 10:51.800] The delegation headed by the President [10:51.800 --> 10:54.800] of the European Affairs Commission [10:54.800 --> 10:57.800] in the European Parliament, Tarja Kronberg, [10:57.800 --> 11:00.800] has bought in exchange for two of the Iranian prisoners, [11:00.800 --> 11:03.800] the film director Jaafar Bannai [11:03.800 --> 11:06.800] and the lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, [11:06.800 --> 11:09.800] who have been awarded by the European Parliament [11:09.800 --> 11:12.800] with the Sakharov Prize for Human Rights. [11:12.800 --> 11:15.800] The timing of the award and the connection [11:15.800 --> 11:18.800] of the visit with the conditions [11:18.800 --> 11:21.800] related to two Iranian citizens [11:21.800 --> 11:24.800] was issued by a judicial ruling [11:24.800 --> 11:27.800] which Tehran considered an intervention [11:27.800 --> 11:30.800] in its internal affairs, [11:30.800 --> 11:33.800] and refused to allow the visit [11:33.800 --> 11:36.800] according to the conditions. [11:36.800 --> 11:39.800] It is unreasonable to hold these visits [11:39.800 --> 11:42.800] in the name of the Iranian parliament [11:42.800 --> 11:45.800] considering these conditions [11:45.800 --> 11:48.800] as an intervention in the internal affairs [11:48.800 --> 11:51.800] of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [11:51.800 --> 11:54.800] The officials of the Iranian Parliament [11:54.800 --> 11:57.800] headed by the President of the European Affairs Commission [11:57.800 --> 12:00.800] in the European Parliament, Kadhim Jalali, [12:00.800 --> 12:03.800] see that the scenario of setting the conditions [12:03.800 --> 12:06.800] for the visit of the Syrian lobbyist [12:06.800 --> 12:09.800] who has been pressuring the European Parliament [12:09.800 --> 12:12.800] since the announcement of the visit [12:12.800 --> 12:15.800] of five deputies from the left [12:15.800 --> 12:18.800] and the Green Party to Tehran. [12:18.800 --> 12:21.800] Jalali said that the submission of the Syrian lobbyist [12:21.800 --> 12:24.800] reflects the non-independence of the decisions [12:24.800 --> 12:27.800] taken by the European Parliament. [12:27.800 --> 12:30.800] The Syrian lobbyist is the one who is pressuring [12:30.800 --> 12:33.800] the European Parliament to prevent any connection [12:33.800 --> 12:36.800] between him and the Islamic Republic of Iran. [12:36.800 --> 12:39.800] Tehran's rejection of the conditions [12:39.800 --> 12:42.800] for the previous visit of the European Parliament [12:42.800 --> 12:45.800] is another way of expressing its submission [12:45.800 --> 12:48.800] to the repressions, [12:48.800 --> 12:51.800] even if such visits have a positive effect [12:51.800 --> 12:54.800] on the strained relationship [12:54.800 --> 12:57.800] between it and the European Union [12:57.800 --> 13:00.800] and its last obligation to export its oil [13:00.800 --> 13:03.800] under the guise of its peaceful nuclear program. [13:06.800 --> 13:09.800] All of Italy, France and Spain have witnessed [13:09.800 --> 13:12.800] a confrontation between the police and the protesters [13:12.800 --> 13:15.800] who need the European recovery policy. [13:15.800 --> 13:18.800] In Greece, the authorities have granted the shops [13:18.800 --> 13:21.800] the permission to sell food products [13:21.800 --> 13:28.800] in order to deal with the financial crisis. [13:28.800 --> 13:31.800] The failure of the European economic policies [13:31.800 --> 13:34.800] and the alternative recovery plans [13:34.800 --> 13:37.800] is the voice of the protesters here in northern Italy, [13:37.800 --> 13:40.800] where the Prime Minister Mario Monti [13:40.800 --> 13:43.800] was giving a speech in the Rivadagarda region. [13:43.800 --> 13:46.800] But the peaceful march was accepted by the Italian authorities [13:46.800 --> 13:51.800] without any resistance from the Italian authorities. [13:54.800 --> 13:57.800] The police were unable to get the protesters [13:57.800 --> 14:00.800] to the building where Monti is standing [14:00.800 --> 14:03.800] to express their opinion on the rejection [14:03.800 --> 14:06.800] of his government's policy. [14:06.800 --> 14:09.800] What happened in this region [14:09.800 --> 14:12.800] is part of a wave of anger in the Italian quarter, [14:12.800 --> 14:15.800] as thousands of protesters rushed to the capital, Rome, [14:15.800 --> 14:18.800] to protest against Monti. [14:18.800 --> 14:21.800] Here in the French airport in Paris, [14:21.800 --> 14:24.800] workers from the French airline company [14:24.800 --> 14:27.800] are entering the airport to protest [14:27.800 --> 14:30.800] after the European economic crisis [14:30.800 --> 14:33.800] has tightened up the company [14:33.800 --> 14:36.800] and decided to reduce its workforce by 10%. [14:36.800 --> 14:39.800] We don't want to be the only ones [14:39.800 --> 14:42.800] to be responsible for the difficulties [14:42.800 --> 14:45.800] that have arisen in the past 10 years. [14:45.800 --> 14:48.800] And once again, the employees are paying the bill. [14:48.800 --> 14:51.800] This is unacceptable to us. [14:51.800 --> 14:54.800] The strike is characterized by a protest [14:54.800 --> 14:57.800] and the protest has turned into clashes [14:57.800 --> 15:00.800] between the workers and the French police, [15:00.800 --> 15:03.800] which has hurt the protestors' treatment [15:03.800 --> 15:06.800] and repressed them in an attempt to separate them. [15:06.800 --> 15:09.800] But the workers' clashes have confirmed [15:09.800 --> 15:12.800] that they are not the only ones. [15:12.800 --> 15:15.800] In France, five groups of workers, [15:15.800 --> 15:18.800] the unemployed and the unemployed [15:18.800 --> 15:21.800] have also come to protest in the middle of next month [15:21.800 --> 15:24.800] in the framework of a European Day [15:24.800 --> 15:27.800] against the economic crisis in Europe. [15:27.800 --> 15:30.800] Spain, on the other hand, [15:30.800 --> 15:33.800] has been experiencing hot protests for months. [15:33.800 --> 15:36.800] This is the city of Barcelona [15:36.800 --> 15:39.800] where the economic crisis has come to an end. [15:39.800 --> 15:42.800] People have lost hope [15:42.800 --> 15:45.800] because they don't see a clear way of salvation [15:45.800 --> 15:48.800] or a quick solution, [15:48.800 --> 15:51.800] and what they see is a far-fetched matter. [15:51.800 --> 15:54.800] I'm here for my grandchildren. [15:54.800 --> 15:57.800] Yesterday I saw a slogan asking, [15:57.800 --> 16:00.800] what will you say to your grandchildren? [16:00.800 --> 16:03.800] They have lost what their ancestors lost in the past. [16:03.800 --> 16:06.800] The scene of the protests in Greece [16:06.800 --> 16:09.800] is a protest against the policies [16:09.800 --> 16:12.800] of the economic crisis. [16:12.800 --> 16:15.800] In order to prevent the extreme economic crisis, [16:15.800 --> 16:18.800] the authorities allowed the shops to sell food [16:18.800 --> 16:21.800] with a price of less than 66% of the other prices. [16:21.800 --> 16:24.800] Not to mention the danger of this on public health [16:24.800 --> 16:27.800] according to what the Italian newspaper La Repubblica [16:27.800 --> 16:30.800] has published on the electronic website, [16:30.800 --> 16:33.800] indicating that 27% of the Greeks [16:33.800 --> 16:36.800] are living under the poverty line. [16:36.800 --> 16:39.800] In the shadow of this popular movement [16:39.800 --> 16:42.800] that is attacking European countries [16:42.800 --> 16:45.800] in the midst of their inability to save themselves, [16:45.800 --> 16:48.800] German advisor Angela Merkel [16:48.800 --> 16:51.800] called for a better regulation of the financial markets. [16:51.800 --> 16:54.800] She said that structural reforms have started to show their effects [16:54.800 --> 16:57.800] in some countries, although they are painful. [16:57.800 --> 17:00.800] According to the Italian newspaper Merkel, [17:00.800 --> 17:03.800] the unemployment rate in these countries has increased to 25%, [17:03.800 --> 17:06.800] while the government is seeking a law [17:06.800 --> 17:27.800] to prevent protests by the police. [17:36.800 --> 17:43.800] The protestors continue their protests in Mina [17:43.800 --> 17:46.800] on the second day of Eid al-Adha [17:46.800 --> 17:49.800] and the first day of Tashreeq. [17:49.800 --> 18:05.600] The [18:05.600 --> 18:16.380] bewildered [18:16.380 --> 18:28.380] indigenous people live in Mina. [18:28.380 --> 18:30.380] in the early days of Eid. [18:30.380 --> 18:33.380] They throw the big, medium, and small [18:33.380 --> 18:35.380] rubble of the Aqabah, [18:35.380 --> 18:37.380] assuring their innocence from the devils [18:37.380 --> 18:39.380] and their adherence to the Oneness of the Creator. [18:39.380 --> 18:41.380] And where Allah, the Almighty, [18:41.380 --> 18:43.380] has made every nation firm, [18:43.380 --> 18:45.380] the Hajj must be firm [18:45.380 --> 18:47.380] before the Hajj departs [18:47.380 --> 18:49.380] to Mecca, [18:49.380 --> 18:51.380] returning to their homes. [18:51.380 --> 18:53.380] They, during the last two days [18:53.380 --> 18:55.380] of their stay in Mina, [18:55.380 --> 18:57.380] throw the big rubble of the Aqabah [18:57.380 --> 18:59.380] and the small rubble of the Aqabah. [18:59.380 --> 19:01.380] Then, during the days of Tashreeq, [19:01.380 --> 19:03.380] they throw the seven rubble [19:03.380 --> 19:05.380] of the Aqabah around the Ka'bah. [19:05.380 --> 19:07.380] After that, they perform the prayer [19:07.380 --> 19:09.380] behind the Maqam of Abraham, [19:09.380 --> 19:11.380] peace be upon him. [19:11.380 --> 19:13.380] Allah, the Almighty, [19:13.380 --> 19:15.380] said in His Noble Book, [19:15.380 --> 19:17.380] Therein are clear signs [19:17.380 --> 19:19.380] of the Maqam of Abraham, [19:19.380 --> 19:21.380] and whoever enters it will be safe. [19:21.380 --> 19:29.380] Subhan Allah, Bukratan wa Asila [19:29.380 --> 19:35.380] Wa Sallallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad [19:35.380 --> 19:37.380] Whenever the pilgrims [19:37.380 --> 19:39.380] finish performing the prayer, [19:39.380 --> 19:41.380] they have to make an effort [19:41.380 --> 19:43.380] between the Safa and the Marwa, [19:43.380 --> 19:45.380] seven times a day. [19:45.380 --> 19:47.380] It is a must, [19:47.380 --> 19:49.380] and Allah has made it obligatory [19:49.380 --> 19:51.380] for the pilgrims to finish [19:51.380 --> 19:53.380] all the duties required [19:53.380 --> 19:55.380] during the Hajj. [19:55.380 --> 19:57.380] These are the few days [19:57.380 --> 19:59.380] that Allah has mentioned [19:59.380 --> 20:01.380] in His Noble Book [20:01.380 --> 20:03.380] for those who are able to go to Hajj. [20:03.380 --> 20:05.380] These are the days [20:05.380 --> 20:07.380] when the pilgrims remember [20:07.380 --> 20:09.380] the blessings of Allah [20:09.380 --> 20:11.380] that cannot be counted. [20:11.380 --> 20:13.380] Then, the pilgrims' caravans [20:13.380 --> 20:15.380] go to visit the Prophet, [20:15.380 --> 20:17.380] peace be upon him, [20:17.380 --> 20:19.380] and the grave of Hamza, [20:19.380 --> 20:21.380] the uncle of the Prophet, [20:21.380 --> 20:23.380] peace be upon him, [20:23.380 --> 20:25.380] and the martyrs of Uhud [20:25.380 --> 20:27.380] and Masjid Qiba, [20:27.380 --> 20:29.380] so that they can return [20:29.380 --> 20:49.380] to their homes. [20:49.380 --> 20:51.380] The Gaza Strip has seen [20:51.380 --> 20:53.380] a huge increase in the prices, [20:53.380 --> 20:55.380] especially the inflation prices [20:55.380 --> 20:57.380] due to the constant closure [20:57.380 --> 20:59.380] of the crossroads [20:59.380 --> 21:01.380] and the high prices [21:01.380 --> 21:03.380] of the sacrifices [21:03.380 --> 21:05.380] in the Gaza Strip. [21:05.380 --> 21:07.380] The charity organizations [21:07.380 --> 21:09.380] are trying to do their best [21:09.380 --> 21:11.380] to provide what they can [21:11.380 --> 21:13.380] in this Eid, [21:13.380 --> 21:15.380] where they have been able [21:15.380 --> 21:17.380] to provide thousands of sacrifices [21:17.380 --> 21:19.380] to help the poor families [21:19.380 --> 21:21.380] in the Gaza Strip. [21:21.380 --> 21:23.380] They have been able [21:23.380 --> 21:25.380] to provide thousands of sacrifices [21:25.380 --> 21:27.380] to help the poor families [21:27.380 --> 21:29.380] in order for these families [21:29.380 --> 21:31.380] to live at least the joy of Eid, [21:31.380 --> 21:33.380] which is forbidden [21:33.380 --> 21:35.380] due to the difficult economic situation. [21:35.380 --> 21:37.380] Every year, [21:37.380 --> 21:39.380] during Eid al-Adha, [21:39.380 --> 21:41.380] the donations are distributed [21:41.380 --> 21:43.380] to the poor families [21:43.380 --> 21:45.380] in the Gaza Strip. [21:45.380 --> 21:47.380] This year, [21:47.380 --> 21:49.380] approximately 4,200 donations [21:49.380 --> 21:51.380] have been made. [21:51.380 --> 21:53.380] We can say that [21:53.380 --> 21:55.380] this year's donations [21:55.380 --> 21:57.380] are less than the previous years [21:57.380 --> 21:59.380] due to the current situation. [21:59.380 --> 22:01.380] Of course, the donations [22:01.380 --> 22:03.380] are distributed [22:03.380 --> 22:05.380] to three groups. [22:05.380 --> 22:07.380] The first group is the ones [22:07.380 --> 22:09.380] who benefit from the Islamic Association. [22:09.380 --> 22:11.380] They are the poor and the most in need. [22:11.380 --> 22:13.380] Then there are the big families [22:13.380 --> 22:15.380] with more than five people. [22:15.380 --> 22:17.380] Then, if there are many donations, [22:17.380 --> 22:19.380] we go to the people [22:19.380 --> 22:21.380] who have limited income. [22:21.380 --> 22:23.380] Of course, [22:23.380 --> 22:25.380] there are some houses [22:25.380 --> 22:27.380] that are closed. [22:27.380 --> 22:29.380] They wait for the Eid [22:29.380 --> 22:31.380] until the sacrifices [22:31.380 --> 22:33.380] are made. [22:33.380 --> 22:35.380] Thousands of poor families [22:35.380 --> 22:37.380] and unemployed people [22:37.380 --> 22:39.380] have benefited this year [22:39.380 --> 22:41.380] from the donations [22:41.380 --> 22:43.380] that are distributed [22:43.380 --> 22:45.380] by these associations [22:45.380 --> 22:47.380] to every house [22:47.380 --> 22:49.380] based on donations [22:49.380 --> 22:51.380] from Arab and Islamic associations [22:51.380 --> 22:53.380] with the amount of 2,000 families [22:53.380 --> 22:55.380] for each association. [22:55.380 --> 22:57.380] There are Turkish, Malaysian, [22:57.380 --> 22:59.380] Yemeni and Sudanese associations [22:59.380 --> 23:01.380] from the Arab world, [23:01.380 --> 23:03.380] the Islamic world, the Interbal and others. [23:03.380 --> 23:05.380] We thank the Islamic Association [23:05.380 --> 23:07.380] for helping the poor people [23:07.380 --> 23:09.380] who are unemployed [23:09.380 --> 23:11.380] and the poor people. [23:11.380 --> 23:13.380] This is the atmosphere [23:13.380 --> 23:15.380] of Eid al-Adha in the Gaza Strip [23:15.380 --> 23:17.380] that is different from [23:17.380 --> 23:19.380] what we see in the Arab [23:19.380 --> 23:21.380] and Islamic countries. [23:21.380 --> 23:23.380] The reality here is [23:23.380 --> 23:25.380] different from what we see [23:25.380 --> 23:27.380] in the Arab and Islamic countries. [23:27.380 --> 23:29.380] So, it is a new effort [23:29.380 --> 23:31.380] that is being made [23:31.380 --> 23:33.380] by these associations [23:33.380 --> 23:35.380] with the aim of making [23:35.380 --> 23:37.380] children and the poor families [23:37.380 --> 23:39.380] smile. [23:39.380 --> 23:41.380] The happiness of this Eid [23:41.380 --> 23:43.380] is the smile of the world [23:43.380 --> 23:45.380] in Gaza, Palestine. [23:45.380 --> 23:47.380] In the name of the Myanmar government, [23:47.380 --> 23:49.380] the number of massacres [23:49.380 --> 23:51.380] against Muslims has increased [23:51.380 --> 23:53.380] to 112 murders and 100 injuries [23:53.380 --> 23:55.380] and the destruction of about 3,000 houses. [23:55.380 --> 23:57.380] The Human Rights Organization [23:57.380 --> 23:59.380] expressed its concern [23:59.380 --> 24:01.380] about the thousands of Muslims [24:01.380 --> 24:03.380] and feared that the number [24:03.380 --> 24:05.380] of victims would increase [24:05.380 --> 24:07.380] based on witnesses who fled the massacre. [24:07.380 --> 24:09.380] More than 800 buildings [24:09.380 --> 24:11.380] were destroyed. [24:11.380 --> 24:13.380] The war of extermination [24:13.380 --> 24:15.380] and racial purification [24:15.380 --> 24:17.380] is a special war [24:17.380 --> 24:19.380] that thousands of Muslims [24:19.380 --> 24:21.380] are facing in Myanmar [24:21.380 --> 24:23.380] because of the massacres [24:23.380 --> 24:25.380] committed by the Buddhists. [24:25.380 --> 24:27.380] This is what the photos [24:27.380 --> 24:29.380] of the Human Rights Organizations [24:29.380 --> 24:31.380] that the artificial moons [24:31.380 --> 24:33.380] captured showed [24:33.380 --> 24:35.380] the transformation of the population [24:35.380 --> 24:37.380] into a part of the majority [24:37.380 --> 24:39.380] of Muslims in the western city [24:39.380 --> 24:41.380] and in our village. [24:41.380 --> 24:43.380] I went to put out the fire [24:43.380 --> 24:45.380] and then someone set fire to my feet [24:45.380 --> 24:47.380] and I didn't know who it was. [24:47.380 --> 24:49.380] National reports confirmed [24:49.380 --> 24:51.380] the burning of more than 3,000 houses [24:51.380 --> 24:53.380] and the eviction of about 75,000 people [24:53.380 --> 24:55.380] from their homes [24:55.380 --> 24:57.380] and those who fled the sea without food or water [24:57.380 --> 24:59.380] to shelters [24:59.380 --> 25:01.380] in the city of Setoy, [25:01.380 --> 25:03.380] the capital of the state of Rakhine. [25:03.380 --> 25:05.380] The International Human Rights Watch [25:05.380 --> 25:07.380] feared that the number of victims [25:07.380 --> 25:09.380] would increase to the point [25:09.380 --> 25:11.380] that more than 800 buildings [25:11.380 --> 25:13.380] in the state of Rakhine [25:13.380 --> 25:15.380] were destroyed [25:15.380 --> 25:17.380] and the government [25:17.380 --> 25:19.380] asked for protection [25:19.380 --> 25:21.380] as soon as possible. [25:21.380 --> 25:23.380] The government is not trying [25:23.380 --> 25:25.380] to find a solution to these [25:25.380 --> 25:27.380] complex problems. [25:27.380 --> 25:29.380] The situation here is very bad. [25:29.380 --> 25:31.380] In light of difficult human conditions [25:31.380 --> 25:33.380] according to the Human Rights Organizations, [25:33.380 --> 25:35.380] the voices demanding the protection [25:35.380 --> 25:37.380] of Muslims in Myanmar [25:37.380 --> 25:39.380] and the reports of the United Nations [25:39.380 --> 25:41.380] confirmed that they are [25:41.380 --> 25:43.380] one of the most oppressed minorities in the world. [25:47.380 --> 25:49.380] Iran is worried [25:49.380 --> 25:51.380] about the resurgence of [25:51.380 --> 25:53.380] racial and sectarian confrontation in Myanmar. [25:53.380 --> 25:55.380] The Iranian journalist [25:55.380 --> 25:57.380] Rahman Paras [25:57.380 --> 25:59.380] confirmed the need to find a solution [25:59.380 --> 26:01.380] to the sectarian conflict in Myanmar [26:01.380 --> 26:03.380] by calling on the Myanmar authorities [26:03.380 --> 26:05.380] to provide basic rights [26:05.380 --> 26:07.380] to the Muslim minority in this country. [26:07.380 --> 26:09.380] He also stressed the need [26:09.380 --> 26:11.380] to prepare his country [26:11.380 --> 26:13.380] to provide any assistance [26:13.380 --> 26:15.380] to the Myanmar government [26:15.380 --> 26:17.380] to find radical solutions [26:17.380 --> 26:19.380] to racial and religious conflicts [26:19.380 --> 26:21.380] in this country. [26:25.380 --> 26:27.380] This is the end of the broadcast. [26:27.380 --> 26:29.380] Thank you. [26:57.380 --> 26:59.380] The strikes and demonstrations [26:59.380 --> 27:01.380] in Europe against the policies [27:01.380 --> 27:03.380] of decolonization [27:03.380 --> 27:05.380] allow Greece to sell food [27:05.380 --> 27:07.380] which is its ultimate right. [27:15.380 --> 27:17.380] For more details [27:17.380 --> 27:19.380] about the news, reports [27:19.380 --> 27:21.380] and political articles, [27:21.380 --> 27:23.380] you can follow the website [27:23.380 --> 27:25.380] [27:25.380 --> 27:27.380] Thank you for watching. [27:55.380 --> 27:57.380] Thank you. [28:25.380 --> 28:27.380] Thank you. [28:55.380 --> 28:57.380] Thank you. [29:25.380 --> 29:27.380] Thank you. [29:55.380 --> 29:57.380] Thank you.