Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language Detected language: English [00:00.000 --> 00:19.880] A [00:19.880 --> 00:21.880] You [00:49.880 --> 00:54.360] Think by in large the West was on the side of Saddam Hussein [00:57.720 --> 01:01.440] Weapons we give friends is a more government [01:01.440 --> 01:13.920] I'm certain that the the gas was supplied by [01:13.920 --> 01:26.600] And businessmen were going in and out of the Iraqi embassy to sit down the same as was America [01:26.600 --> 01:50.480] We are also sent a very long-range link also special [01:50.480 --> 01:56.480] 10 casualties in a series of violent explosions in Iraq, among them children and women. [01:56.480 --> 02:11.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [02:11.480 --> 02:18.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [02:18.480 --> 02:46.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [02:48.480 --> 03:09.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [03:09.480 --> 03:16.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [03:16.480 --> 03:44.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [03:46.480 --> 04:05.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [04:05.480 --> 04:13.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [04:13.480 --> 04:18.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [04:18.480 --> 04:37.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [04:37.480 --> 04:58.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [04:58.480 --> 05:22.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [05:22.480 --> 05:50.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [05:50.480 --> 06:04.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [06:04.480 --> 06:27.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [06:27.480 --> 06:48.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [06:48.480 --> 07:16.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [07:16.480 --> 07:36.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [07:36.480 --> 07:57.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [07:57.480 --> 08:19.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [08:19.480 --> 08:38.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [08:38.480 --> 08:53.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [08:53.480 --> 09:17.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [09:17.480 --> 09:32.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [09:32.480 --> 09:47.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [09:47.480 --> 10:15.480] The Syrian army has captured the militant group in Kharq al-Hudnawa and is confirming the arrival of the counterattack. [10:17.480 --> 10:25.480] Once again, the European Union is banning a visit to Iran by the European Parliament after imposing different conditions for the visit. [10:25.480 --> 10:34.480] Iran considers it an intrusion into its internal affairs, and it is under pressure from the Israeli and US administration. [10:34.480 --> 10:48.480] The visit was supposed to take place on Saturday and for a week, but it was cancelled due to the conditions imposed by the European Parliament for the visit of its five-member delegation to Iran. [10:48.480 --> 11:12.480] The delegation headed by the head of the Iranian European Affairs in the European Parliament, Tarja Kronberg, met two Iranian prisoners, the director of the cinema Jaafar Banahi and the lawyer Nasrin Soutouda, who the European Parliament awarded an award, known as the Sakharov Award for Human Rights. [11:12.480 --> 11:21.480] The award was awarded and the visit was connected to previous conditions for the visit of two Iranian citizens who were awarded a judicial right. [11:21.480 --> 11:29.480] Tehran considered them an intrusion into their internal affairs and refused to be visited in accordance with previous conditions. [11:29.480 --> 11:49.480] Unfortunately, the European Parliament imposed previous conditions and asked for unreasonable things to do with this visit, which the Iranian Parliament called to consider such conditions an intrusion into the internal affairs of the Iranian Islamic Republic. [11:49.480 --> 12:04.480] The officials in the Iranian Council and the head of the Iranian European Affairs in the Council, Kazem Jalali, saw that the scenario of the previous conditions, which led to the cancellation of the visit, had already begun with the Zionist lobby, [12:04.480 --> 12:15.480] which had been under pressure from the European Parliament since the announcement of the visit of its five-member delegation, including a delegation from the left and the Green Party to Tehran. [12:15.480 --> 12:23.480] And Jalali said that the submission to the Zionist lobby reflects the independence of the decisions taken by the European Parliament. [12:23.480 --> 12:37.480] The Zionist body is the one who exerts pressure on the European Parliament and urges it to place such pressures to prevent any connection between it and the Iranian Islamic Republic. [12:37.480 --> 12:47.480] Tehran's rejection of the previous conditions for the visit of the European Parliament's delegation is another expression of its lack of submission to the negotiations, [12:47.480 --> 13:05.480] even if such visits have a positive impact on the relationship between them and the European Union after the last warning imposed on its oil exports under the framework of its peaceful nuclear program. [13:05.480 --> 13:32.020] All of Italy, France and Spain have witnessed confrontations between the police and protesters who are in need of European [13:32.020 --> 13:35.980] protection and alternative protection plans. [13:35.980 --> 13:44.020] It is the same as the situation of the protesters in northern Italy, where Prime Minister Mario Monti gave his word in Rivadel, [13:44.020 --> 13:55.980] but the peaceful march was faced with security and repression by the Italian authorities. [13:55.980 --> 14:15.980] It is the same as the situation of the protesters in Paris, where thousands of protesters flocked to the capital, Rome, to protest against the policies of the financial government. [14:15.980 --> 14:31.980] Here, at the Paris International Airport, employees of the French airline enter the airport after the European economic crisis has hit the company and it has decided to reduce 10% of its workforce. [14:31.980 --> 14:38.980] We do not want to be the only ones responsible for the difficulties that the French air routes are facing. [14:38.980 --> 14:49.980] There have been some major strategic errors over the past 10 years, and once again, employees pay the bill, and this is not an easy matter for us. [14:49.980 --> 14:56.980] The attack was characterized by a violent nature, and the demonstration turned into clashes between the workers of the protesters and the French police, [14:56.980 --> 15:01.980] which made the protesters' treatment and repression worse in an attempt to separate them. [15:01.980 --> 15:09.980] But the labor camps have confirmed that a larger number of people will join the protests that continue during the weekend. [15:09.980 --> 15:17.980] In France, as well, five labor camps, employees, residents and workers, have stepped down from work to protest in the middle of next month, [15:17.980 --> 15:22.980] in the course of a European day, against the policies of corruption that drown Europe in economic recession. [15:22.980 --> 15:25.980] What do we want? What do we want? [15:25.980 --> 15:31.980] Spain is the other country that has been living in constant protests for months, and this is the city of Barcelona, [15:31.980 --> 15:38.980] on a date of protests for the elderly, after they regretted the government policies of the failed economy. [15:38.980 --> 15:49.980] People have lost hope because they do not see a clear way to the end or a quick solution, and what they see is a long-term matter. [15:49.980 --> 15:57.980] I am here for my grandchildren, and yesterday I saw a slogan that asks, what will you say to your grandchildren? [15:57.980 --> 16:02.980] They have lost what they fought for their grandparents in the past. [16:02.980 --> 16:09.980] The demonstration itself witnessed the living of the Greeks, against the policies of corruption and the demonstration of the financial situation, [16:09.980 --> 16:22.980] and in the course of a severe economic crisis, the authorities allowed shops to sell food products that are out of stock, at a price of 66% of other goods. [16:22.980 --> 16:30.980] This is without any danger to public health, according to what the Italian newspaper La Repubblica published on the electronic website, [16:30.980 --> 16:36.980] indicating that 27% of the Greeks live below the poverty line. [16:36.980 --> 16:42.980] And in the light of this popular movement that oppresses European countries and prevents them from being rescued, [16:42.980 --> 16:47.980] German Chancellor Angela Merkel called for a better management of financial markets, [16:47.980 --> 16:54.980] and said that structural reforms have started to appear in some countries, despite the fact that they are painful. [16:54.980 --> 16:56.980] But the reality is the other way around. [16:56.980 --> 17:03.980] Spain, which Merkel classified as one of those countries, may have increased its unemployment rate to 25%, [17:03.980 --> 17:08.980] while the government is asking for a law that allows the police to conduct protests. [17:33.980 --> 17:37.980] God bless you, my friend, [17:37.980 --> 17:43.980] my friend, your partner, my friend. [17:43.980 --> 17:49.980] Praise and blessings are for you and your family. [17:49.980 --> 17:53.980] My friend, your partner, my friend. [17:53.980 --> 18:04.980] The pilgrims in Mina continue to perform their rites on the second day of Eid al-Adha on the first day of Tashriq. [18:04.980 --> 18:08.980] The guest of the Most Gracious, today and tomorrow, will throw the jamarat, [18:08.980 --> 18:12.980] and they will perform the Tawaf seven times over the honored Kaaba. [18:12.980 --> 18:22.980] Here in Mina, the guest of the Most Gracious, today and tomorrow, will stay from Tashriq to complete the last rites of the Hajj. [18:22.980 --> 18:29.980] After throwing the large Jamarat on the first day of Eid, [18:29.980 --> 18:34.980] they will throw the large, medium, and small jamarat, [18:34.980 --> 18:39.980] to be sure of their innocence from the devils and to hold them to the unification of the Creator. [18:39.980 --> 18:43.980] And where Allah Almighty has made every nation a place of refuge, [18:43.980 --> 18:49.980] for Hajj there are places of refuge that must be completed before the departure of the hajjeej to Mecca, [18:49.980 --> 18:51.980] returning to their homes. [18:51.980 --> 18:55.980] During the last two days, they remain in Mina. [18:55.980 --> 19:02.920] They throw the big, medium and small [19:02.920 --> 19:06.920] and pray around the honored Ka'bah for seven hours. [19:06.920 --> 19:10.920] After that, they perform the prayer behind the station of Ibrahim, peace be upon him, [19:10.920 --> 19:14.920] whom Allah Almighty has mentioned in His Noble Book, [19:14.920 --> 19:15.920] when He said, [19:15.920 --> 19:21.920] In it are clear verses of the station of Ibrahim, and whoever enters it is safe. [19:21.920 --> 19:35.920] And glory be to Allah, the Most High, the Most Merciful, and peace be upon our Master Muhammad. [19:35.920 --> 19:38.920] And as long as the hajjeej finishes performing the prayer, [19:38.920 --> 19:41.920] until they are concerned with the effort between the Safa and the Marwa, [19:41.920 --> 19:43.920] there are also seven places of refuge. [19:43.920 --> 19:46.920] They are obligatory places that Allah has imposed on His guests, [19:46.920 --> 19:49.920] and none of them can be left. [19:49.920 --> 19:54.920] After that, all the duties required for the hajj are completed. [19:54.920 --> 19:56.920] They are numbered days, [19:56.920 --> 19:59.920] which Allah has mentioned in His Noble Book, [19:59.920 --> 20:02.920] for those who are able to perform the hajj. [20:02.920 --> 20:05.920] They are days in which the hajjeej is mentioned, [20:05.920 --> 20:07.920] for the sake of Allah, which cannot be counted. [20:07.920 --> 20:09.920] Then, the hajjeej guards, [20:09.920 --> 20:13.920] from whom the visit of the Prophet, peace be upon him, [20:13.920 --> 20:15.920] and his family, [20:15.920 --> 20:19.920] from Mecca to Medina, [20:19.920 --> 20:25.920] where whoever wishes to visit the graves of the Imams of Baqia, peace be upon them, [20:25.920 --> 20:30.920] and the grave of Hamza, the uncle of the Prophet, peace be upon him, [20:30.920 --> 20:34.920] and the martyrs of Uhud, and the Masjid of Qiba, [20:34.920 --> 20:48.920] to return to their homes after that. [20:48.920 --> 20:51.920] The Gaza Strip witnessed a great rise in prices, [20:51.920 --> 20:53.920] especially the prices of the victims [20:53.920 --> 20:56.920] due to the continuous closure of the cemeteries. [20:56.920 --> 20:58.920] The charity organizations have been able, [20:58.920 --> 21:00.920] despite the lack of resources, [21:00.920 --> 21:04.920] to provide what they can provide in this Eid, [21:04.920 --> 21:07.920] as they were able to provide thousands of victims [21:07.920 --> 21:09.920] to the poor families, [21:09.920 --> 21:12.920] so that these families could at least [21:12.920 --> 21:15.920] enjoy the happiness of their families. [21:15.920 --> 21:17.920] The charity organizations have been able, [21:17.920 --> 21:19.920] despite the lack of resources, [21:19.920 --> 21:22.920] to provide what they can provide in this Eid, [21:22.920 --> 21:25.920] as they were able to provide thousands of victims [21:25.920 --> 21:27.920] to the poor families, [21:27.920 --> 21:30.920] so that these families could at least [21:30.920 --> 21:32.920] enjoy the happiness of their families [21:32.920 --> 21:35.920] due to the difficult economic conditions. [21:35.920 --> 21:37.920] Every year on Eid al-Adha al-Mubarak, [21:37.920 --> 21:40.920] the charity organizations arrive in general, [21:40.920 --> 21:43.920] and they are distributed to the poor families [21:43.920 --> 21:45.920] in the Gaza Strip, [21:45.920 --> 21:47.920] and this year they have reached [21:47.920 --> 21:50.920] approximately 4,200 victims. [21:50.920 --> 21:53.920] We can say that the number of victims [21:53.920 --> 21:56.920] in this year is less than in previous years [21:56.920 --> 21:58.920] due to the current situation. [21:58.920 --> 22:01.920] Of course, the victims are distributed [22:01.920 --> 22:03.920] in three categories. [22:03.920 --> 22:05.920] The first category is the benefit [22:05.920 --> 22:07.920] of the Islamic community, [22:07.920 --> 22:09.920] the poor and the most poor, [22:09.920 --> 22:11.920] then the large families, [22:11.920 --> 22:14.920] which consists of 5 individuals, [22:14.920 --> 22:18.920] then if there is a lot of charity, [22:18.920 --> 22:22.920] we send it to the people with limited income. [22:22.920 --> 22:26.920] Of course, in some houses, [22:26.920 --> 22:28.920] after the Eid, [22:28.920 --> 22:32.920] the victims are provided. [22:32.920 --> 22:34.920] Thousands of families [22:34.920 --> 22:36.920] who are in need of work [22:36.920 --> 22:38.920] have benefited this year [22:38.920 --> 22:40.920] from the donations and victims [22:40.920 --> 22:42.920] that are distributed [22:42.920 --> 22:44.920] by these organizations [22:44.920 --> 22:46.920] to every household [22:46.920 --> 22:48.920] based on donations and donations [22:48.920 --> 22:50.920] from Arab and Islamic institutions [22:50.920 --> 22:52.920] with a population of 2,000 families [22:52.920 --> 22:54.920] for each organization. [22:54.920 --> 22:58.920] There are Turkish, Malaysian, Yemeni, [22:58.920 --> 23:00.920] and Sudanese organizations [23:00.920 --> 23:02.920] from the Arab world, [23:02.920 --> 23:04.920] the Islamic world, [23:04.920 --> 23:06.920] Interbal, and others. [23:06.920 --> 23:08.920] This is the Islamic community [23:08.920 --> 23:10.920] that helps the poor, [23:10.920 --> 23:12.920] the poor, and the poor. [23:12.920 --> 23:14.920] This is the atmosphere [23:14.920 --> 23:16.920] of Eid Al-Adha in the Gaza Strip, [23:16.920 --> 23:18.920] which is different from the other [23:18.920 --> 23:20.920] Arab and Islamic worlds. [23:20.920 --> 23:22.920] The current situation here [23:22.920 --> 23:24.920] is free from expression. [23:24.920 --> 23:26.920] It is a new effort [23:26.920 --> 23:28.920] from these organizations [23:28.920 --> 23:30.920] and behind it, [23:30.920 --> 23:32.920] the supporting institutions [23:32.920 --> 23:34.920] with the aim of drawing a smile [23:34.920 --> 23:36.920] on the healing of poor children [23:36.920 --> 23:38.920] and families, [23:38.920 --> 23:40.920] and the participation of these families [23:40.920 --> 23:42.920] and the rest of society. [23:42.920 --> 23:44.920] Basam Al-Attar, Al-Alam, Gaza, Palestine. [23:44.920 --> 23:48.920] In the name of the Myanmar government, [23:48.920 --> 23:50.920] the number of Muslims killed [23:50.920 --> 23:52.920] and 100 injured has increased [23:52.920 --> 23:54.920] to 3,000 homes. [23:54.920 --> 23:56.920] The Human Rights Organization [23:56.920 --> 23:58.920] is worried about the thousands of Muslims [23:58.920 --> 24:00.920] and is afraid that the victims [24:00.920 --> 24:02.920] will be greater [24:02.920 --> 24:04.920] if they are called to witness [24:04.920 --> 24:06.920] more than 800 buildings [24:06.920 --> 24:08.920] that have been destroyed on the ground. [24:08.920 --> 24:10.920] The war of slavery and [24:10.920 --> 24:12.920] ethnic cleansing is an advantage [24:12.920 --> 24:14.920] that thousands of Muslims in Myanmar [24:14.920 --> 24:16.920] are exposed to [24:16.920 --> 24:18.920] due to the massacres [24:18.920 --> 24:20.920] that the Boudhists are committing [24:20.920 --> 24:22.920] against them. [24:22.920 --> 24:24.920] This is what the photos of the Human Rights Organization [24:24.920 --> 24:26.920] that was hit by artificial stones [24:26.920 --> 24:28.920] showed the transformation of a population [24:28.920 --> 24:30.920] for a part of which [24:30.920 --> 24:32.920] a Muslim majority lives in [24:32.920 --> 24:34.920] the city of Kiew Ki Pyo, [24:34.920 --> 24:36.920] west of Myanmar, to Ramad. [24:36.920 --> 24:38.920] When the fire was ignited in our village, [24:38.920 --> 24:40.920] I went to put out the fire [24:40.920 --> 24:42.920] and then someone fired the fire at my feet. [24:42.920 --> 24:44.920] I didn't know who it was. [24:44.920 --> 24:46.920] The UN reports confirmed [24:46.920 --> 24:48.920] that more than 3,000 homes [24:48.920 --> 24:50.920] and about 75,000 people [24:50.920 --> 24:52.920] were burned [24:52.920 --> 24:54.920] from their homes [24:54.920 --> 24:56.920] and that they fled a sea [24:56.920 --> 24:58.920] without food or water [24:58.920 --> 25:00.920] towards camps for shelter [25:00.920 --> 25:02.920] in the capital city of Rakhine. [25:02.920 --> 25:04.920] The International Human Rights Watch [25:04.920 --> 25:06.920] reported that the victims [25:06.920 --> 25:08.920] were the biggest victims [25:08.920 --> 25:10.920] of a massacre [25:10.920 --> 25:12.920] and confirmed that more than [25:12.920 --> 25:14.920] 800 homes in Rakhine [25:14.920 --> 25:16.920] were destroyed and the government [25:16.920 --> 25:18.920] asked the citizens [25:18.920 --> 25:20.920] for help as soon as possible. [25:20.920 --> 25:22.920] The government [25:22.920 --> 25:24.920] is not trying to find a solution [25:24.920 --> 25:26.920] to these complicated problems. [25:26.920 --> 25:28.920] The situation here is very bad. [25:28.920 --> 25:30.920] In the light of difficult human conditions, [25:30.920 --> 25:32.920] according to human organizations, [25:32.920 --> 25:34.920] the voices demanding [25:34.920 --> 25:36.920] the protection of the Muslim minority [25:36.920 --> 25:38.920] in Myanmar have been heard [25:38.920 --> 25:40.920] and the UN reports confirm [25:40.920 --> 25:42.920] that they are one of the most [25:42.920 --> 25:44.920] oppressive minorities in the world. [25:46.920 --> 25:48.920] Iran has stopped worrying [25:48.920 --> 25:50.920] about the escalation [25:50.920 --> 25:52.920] of the ethnic and sectarian conflict [25:52.920 --> 25:54.920] in Myanmar. [25:54.920 --> 25:56.920] The Iranian foreign minister [25:56.920 --> 25:58.920] Rahman Mahmoud Paraz [25:58.920 --> 26:00.920] confirmed the need to find a solution [26:00.920 --> 26:02.920] to these problems [26:02.920 --> 26:04.920] and urged the Myanmar authorities [26:04.920 --> 26:06.920] to guarantee the basic rights [26:06.920 --> 26:08.920] of the Muslim minority in this country. [26:08.920 --> 26:10.920] He also insisted on preparing [26:10.920 --> 26:12.920] his country to provide any help [26:12.920 --> 26:14.920] to the Myanmar government [26:14.920 --> 26:16.920] to find a radical solution [26:16.920 --> 26:18.920] to the ethnic and religious conflicts [26:18.920 --> 26:20.920] in Myanmar. [26:20.920 --> 26:22.920] In addition to the hope of [26:22.920 --> 26:24.920] returning to peace and harmony [26:24.920 --> 26:26.920] between all classes and social [26:26.920 --> 26:30.920] and ethnic groups, [26:30.920 --> 26:32.920] 10 victims in a series of [26:32.920 --> 26:34.920] violent explosions in Iraq, [26:34.920 --> 26:36.920] among them children and women. [26:44.920 --> 26:46.920] The Syrian army is accusing [26:46.920 --> 26:48.920] the armed group of destroying the Hudna [26:48.920 --> 26:56.920] in order to repel them. [26:56.920 --> 26:58.920] The strikes and demonstrations [26:58.920 --> 27:00.920] in Europe are against the [27:00.920 --> 27:01.920] policies of the UN [27:01.920 --> 27:03.920] and Greece is preparing to sell [27:03.920 --> 27:05.920] all of its food supplies. [27:15.920 --> 27:17.920] And to follow up on the details [27:17.920 --> 27:19.920] of the reports and political articles, [27:19.920 --> 27:21.920] you can visit the website [27:21.920 --> 27:23.920] [27:23.920 --> 27:25.920] or you can watch the live broadcast [27:25.920 --> 27:27.920] on the website. [27:27.920 --> 27:39.920] Thank you. [27:57.920 --> 28:07.920] Thank you. [28:27.920 --> 28:37.920] Thank you. [28:57.920 --> 29:07.920] Thank you. [29:27.920 --> 29:37.920] Thank you. [29:37.920 --> 29:47.920] Thank you. [29:47.920 --> 29:57.920] Thank you.