Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language Detected language: Arabic [00:00.000 --> 00:05.000] Horses and Hussainis are on the road all the way from food and drink [00:05.000 --> 00:11.000] to protect the security equipment and the cooperation of the families and medical teams. [00:11.000 --> 00:15.000] Our horses are on the way to Khouroum Qasr to serve the visitors. [00:15.000 --> 00:17.000] Abu Abdullah, Imam of Hussain. [00:17.000 --> 00:22.000] We bring medical supplies for the patient, [00:22.000 --> 00:25.000] the pills, the ointments, the homes for the visitors, [00:25.000 --> 00:27.000] food and drink for the visitors. [00:27.000 --> 00:31.000] I wish them the first acceptance and a good ending. [00:31.000 --> 00:33.000] And they will reach peace, God willing. [00:33.000 --> 00:38.000] The children and families are participating in the 40-day march [00:38.000 --> 00:41.000] from Basra, starting from Qazaa al-Zubair, [00:41.000 --> 00:45.000] then Sfwan, Qasr, Khour al-Zubair and Faw, [00:45.000 --> 00:48.000] towards Qibla al-Sumood, al-Tahadi and al-Fidaa, [00:48.000 --> 00:51.000] and the march of the revolutionaries and the free people in the world, [00:51.000 --> 00:54.000] like Al-Hussain, peace be upon him. [00:54.000 --> 00:57.000] Where are you going? [00:57.000 --> 00:59.000] Where are you going? [00:59.000 --> 01:02.000] Where are you going? [01:02.000 --> 01:04.000] Where are you going? [01:04.000 --> 01:05.000] To Karbala. [01:05.000 --> 01:06.000] To Karbala? [01:06.000 --> 01:07.000] Yes. [01:07.000 --> 01:08.000] Who are you? [01:08.000 --> 01:09.000] I am Abu Abu. [01:09.000 --> 01:12.000] Here are your visitors and your lovers heading towards you, Abu Abdullah. [01:12.000 --> 01:15.000] Here are your supporters, Abu Al-Fadl Al-Abbas. [01:15.000 --> 01:18.000] Here are the followers of the people of the house, peace be upon them. [01:18.000 --> 01:25.000] Welcome them and welcome them because you are the people of generosity, generosity and martyrdom. [01:25.000 --> 01:29.000] Kazem Al-Hawi, Al-Furat, Basra. [01:31.000 --> 01:35.000] As a annual tradition, the people of Al-Hala are presenting at Hussaini festivals [01:35.000 --> 01:37.000] in the area between the two shrines, [01:37.000 --> 01:41.000] before they are welcomed by the guests of Imam Al-Hussain [01:41.000 --> 01:43.000] on the road to Baghdad, Karbala. [01:43.000 --> 01:46.000] The owners of the Hussaini festivals in Bab al-Aqqad [01:46.000 --> 01:48.000] and their concern for the religious poets [01:48.000 --> 01:53.000] and the fate of the house of Muhammad in different circumstances and challenges. [01:53.000 --> 01:56.000] Details in the report of Hussain Al-Shimari. [01:56.000 --> 01:59.000] Peace be upon Allah. [01:59.000 --> 02:02.000] Peace be upon Allah. [02:02.000 --> 02:08.000] Peace be upon you, Hussain. [02:08.000 --> 02:12.000] With the poems of these followers and the signs of sadness [02:12.000 --> 02:15.000] that fluttered on the ground of sacrifice and sacrifice [02:15.000 --> 02:20.000] for the pure holiday that ascended in the highest sky of Karbala. [02:20.000 --> 02:23.000] With this magnificent Hussaini scene, [02:23.000 --> 02:29.000] the people of Al-Hala entered the city of Sayyid al-Shuhada, Karbala Al-Hussain, peace be upon him. [02:29.000 --> 02:32.000] In advance, condolences to Abu Al-Ahrar [02:32.000 --> 02:34.000] in the memory of the martyrdom of Sayyid al-Sajideen, [02:34.000 --> 02:37.000] Imam Ali Ibn Al-Hussain, peace be upon them. [02:37.000 --> 02:40.000] The descent of Bab al-Aqqad on this day of mourning [02:40.000 --> 02:45.000] is a reminder of the martyrdom of Imam Zayn al-Abideen, peace be upon him. [02:45.000 --> 03:05.120] The number of the [03:05.120 --> 03:30.920] Hussain's [03:30.920 --> 03:35.920] to the visitors who are walking on foot from the southern and central provinces [03:35.920 --> 03:41.920] and heading towards Karbala to revive the 400th martyrdom of Imam Hussain, peace be upon him. [03:41.920 --> 03:46.920] This is the fifth year in a row, there will be embassies and embassies of the Qism al-Sha'ar [03:46.920 --> 03:51.920] for the embassies of Imam Hussain in Babylon to honor the owner of the order and the time [03:51.920 --> 03:55.920] and the embassies of the embassies will enter the land of Karbala. [03:55.920 --> 04:00.920] By God, we will hold these embassies until the appearance of the owner of the order, [04:00.920 --> 04:06.920] because these are the embassies of Fatima al-Zahra and Sayyida Zainab. [04:06.920 --> 04:11.920] God willing, we will complete these embassies and return to the service of the visitors of Imam Hussain. [04:11.920 --> 04:15.920] We will stand in the way of the visitors of Imam Hussain. [04:15.920 --> 04:17.920] It is to be noted that the embassies of the beloved Imam Hussain, [04:17.920 --> 04:23.920] which started at the beginning of Muharram al-Haram, are still in service to this day. [04:23.920 --> 04:30.920] They will continue until the 20th of July to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, [04:30.920 --> 04:35.920] with clear evidence of the extent to which these believers are attached to Imam Hussain, [04:35.920 --> 04:41.920] the pure heritage, and their attempt on every religious occasion to revive the order of the people of the house. [04:41.920 --> 04:45.920] For Al-Furat, Hussain al-Shemari, Karbala al-Muqaddasa. [04:45.920 --> 04:53.920] The Islamic Supreme Council organized in favor of the governor of Deqar, [04:53.920 --> 04:58.920] the first annual poetry festival to commemorate the tragedies of the people of the house, peace be upon them, [04:58.920 --> 05:05.920] and the pain that the people of the house experienced during the march of the martyrs after the tragic death. [05:05.920 --> 05:13.920] The poetry and the Hussainian poems were inspired by the principles for which the master of the youth of the people of Jannah, [05:13.920 --> 05:18.920] Imam al-Hussain, peace be upon him, who represented Nebraska in lighting the path of the oppressed, [05:18.920 --> 05:21.920] to walk and be steadfast on the path of truth. [05:21.920 --> 05:27.920] In favor of the governor of Deqar, Wahab al-Ghazzi and Thana, with this report. [05:27.920 --> 05:31.920] With the march of the martyrs and the children of Hussain to Damascus, [05:31.920 --> 05:37.920] the sadness and pain of the people of the house continues in the misfortunes of their mothers [05:37.920 --> 05:43.920] that the Islamic Supreme Council organized in favor of the governor of Deqar, [05:43.920 --> 05:50.920] the Hussainian poetry festival, which was held in the Hussainiyah of Shaheed al-Mihrab, [05:50.920 --> 05:57.920] in favor of a number of the organizers and a gathering of the children of the city. [05:57.920 --> 06:05.920] The Hussainian poetry festival is organized in favor of the governor of Deqar, [06:05.920 --> 06:10.920] the Hussaini children's year-end festival, to revive this painful memory. [06:10.920 --> 06:15.920] The organizations of the doctors of the silver regiment organized the first annual festival [06:15.920 --> 06:22.920] Ali al-Taf al-Hussaini, which was sponsored and supported by the Supreme Islamic Council of Deqar. [06:22.920 --> 06:27.920] The poetry festival, in which the poems and the Hussaini poems are pure, [06:27.920 --> 06:53.160] so that the words expressed, the burning speech, and the tears shed on the owner of the [06:53.160 --> 07:05.000] state, sufficient to memorize his words. [07:05.000 --> 07:12.000] You are the ones who built them, you are the ones who destroyed them, you are the ones who destroyed them [07:12.000 --> 07:22.000] Hussaini scholars, inspired by the lessons of glory, victory, and sacrifice of the martyrs in their long journey [07:22.000 --> 07:29.000] From the Hussainiyah of the martyrs of Al-Mihrab in Al-Fadliya, Wahhab Al-Ghizi, Al-Furat [07:29.000 --> 07:35.000] Despite the start of the project Najaf Al-Ashraf in the capital of the Islamic culture [07:35.000 --> 07:40.000] The logistical and artistic preparations were not at the level of the important event [07:40.000 --> 07:44.000] According to our observers and followers of the cultural scene in the province [07:44.000 --> 07:46.000] Falah Al-Gharaoui report [07:46.000 --> 07:54.000] Three months are all that remains to establish the activities of Najaf Al-Ashraf in the capital of the Islamic culture [07:54.000 --> 07:59.000] And despite some preparations, but in the eyes of experts and specialists [07:59.000 --> 08:03.000] It is far from reality and does not represent ambition [08:03.000 --> 08:08.000] This great city has a cultural structure that understands the whole world [08:08.000 --> 08:10.000] It understands the whole of humanity [08:10.000 --> 08:17.000] But our real problem is how we present this great heritage [08:17.000 --> 08:22.000] We must not rely only on one creator [08:22.000 --> 08:25.000] In fact, there are many things [08:25.000 --> 08:30.000] There are roads that lead to the airport and the city's entrances [08:30.000 --> 08:34.000] We need a real cleanliness in which the individual participates [08:34.000 --> 08:38.000] All the institutions of the civil society and the non-civil society participate [08:38.000 --> 08:43.000] While others confirmed that the scientific, cultural, and literary status of this city [08:43.000 --> 08:46.000] It did not appear to the eye, as the officials promised [08:46.000 --> 08:50.000] With the print of seven thousand manuscripts and a book [08:50.000 --> 08:55.000] And they went back to a thousand, and even this thousand was not achieved [08:55.000 --> 08:58.000] Supposedly, in these environments that Najaf celebrates [08:58.000 --> 09:01.000] As the capital of the Islamic culture [09:01.000 --> 09:04.000] To show these manuscripts to the world [09:04.000 --> 09:10.000] With a beautiful, scientifically proven solution [09:10.000 --> 09:15.000] And take into account the number of these manuscripts and unprinted books [09:15.000 --> 09:20.000] And print it and see the light in a short period of time [09:20.000 --> 09:25.000] To see the whole world, what is found in Najaf and what we have of civilization [09:25.000 --> 09:29.000] The most important and most prominent thing is the heritage of the old city [09:29.000 --> 09:32.000] Where the houses of scientists and their scientific meetings [09:32.000 --> 09:36.000] Questions were asked by the sons of this city [09:36.000 --> 09:38.000] Where are we from that? [09:38.000 --> 09:40.000] Currently, the old city, Zain Abdi Street [09:40.000 --> 09:43.000] Here are the centers, as they say, which are the basis of the city of Najaf [09:43.000 --> 09:46.000] That is, all of them are without these conditions [09:46.000 --> 09:50.000] Especially the old building, which indicates that it does not have a heritage [09:50.000 --> 09:54.000] It indicates the existence of religious scholars and references in Najaf Al-Ashraf [09:54.000 --> 09:57.000] And it indicates the greatness of this city [09:57.000 --> 10:00.000] That it is the capital of the Islamic culture [10:00.000 --> 10:04.000] How to show the bright side of a city that extends its roots [10:04.000 --> 10:08.000] In the depth of history for more than a thousand years [10:08.000 --> 10:13.000] Experts have confirmed that what this holy city needs [10:13.000 --> 10:19.000] Is to show the scientific, cultural and historical aspects on the ground [10:19.000 --> 10:24.000] However, time takes its course, according to them [10:24.000 --> 10:27.000] In Al-Aqra and Al-Furat, Najaf Al-Ashraf [10:27.000 --> 10:38.000] Al-Nashra continues with you, and you are watching it [10:38.000 --> 10:41.000] Iran has resumed its threat by closing the Hormuz Strait [10:41.000 --> 10:43.000] In the face of sea navigation [10:43.000 --> 10:55.000] If international sanctions are imposed on it [10:55.000 --> 11:00.000] Arab observers visited Syria, the city of Homs, today [11:00.000 --> 11:02.000] And looked at the situation there [11:02.000 --> 11:04.000] The head of the delegation, Mohammed Dabi [11:04.000 --> 11:07.000] Confirmed that no security crack has been recorded in the city [11:07.000 --> 11:10.000] During the first day, at the same time [11:10.000 --> 11:12.000] With the cooperation of the Syrian authorities [11:12.000 --> 11:15.000] With the members of the delegation [11:15.000 --> 11:20.000] After the first day of the committee of Arab observers in Syria [11:20.000 --> 11:24.000] The president of the Sudanese national delegation, Mohammed Dabi, confirmed [11:24.000 --> 11:27.000] No security crack has been recorded in the city of Homs [11:27.000 --> 11:31.000] Which has been talked about a lot in some media [11:31.000 --> 11:35.000] About the exposure of its residents to repression and daily killings [11:35.000 --> 11:41.000] Dabi confirmed that some of the 50 observers, in addition to ten [11:41.000 --> 11:43.000] Found that the situation is calm [11:43.000 --> 11:46.000] And there is nothing to spoil the atmosphere there [11:46.000 --> 11:51.000] It is clear that the committee will complete its Thursday tour in the same city [11:51.000 --> 11:56.000] Where the observers will evaluate the credibility of what the opposition claims [11:56.000 --> 12:00.000] That repression extends from the Syrian authorities [12:00.000 --> 12:04.000] In a later development, the Syrian news agency said [12:04.000 --> 12:08.000] That a group described as terrorists attacked at dawn [12:08.000 --> 12:11.000] A line to transport gas to the city of Homs [12:11.000 --> 12:15.000] Near the village of Al-Mokhtariya, which led to the leak of gas [12:15.000 --> 12:17.000] It is what analysts have counted [12:17.000 --> 12:22.000] An attempt to cut off traffic from the city to warn the observers [12:22.000 --> 12:25.000] That things are not as they seem [12:25.000 --> 12:29.000] The SANA agency quoted a Syrian security source [12:29.000 --> 12:33.000] That the army killed a number of armed men and injured others [12:33.000 --> 12:38.000] When they were trying to sneak across the border with Turkey [12:38.000 --> 12:40.000] It quoted the same source [12:40.000 --> 12:44.000] That the security forces were able to extract a number of weapons [12:44.000 --> 12:47.000] And ammunition and military supplies [12:47.000 --> 12:50.000] And fake ID cards [12:50.000 --> 12:53.000] The Syrian People's Council, in addition to taking measures [12:53.000 --> 12:57.000] Described it as important to protect the national product [12:57.000 --> 13:02.000] By imposing a tax estimated at 30% on the Turkish product [13:02.000 --> 13:07.000] In Arabic, Lebanon decided not to send observers to Syria [13:07.000 --> 13:10.000] In the wake of the Arab League of Nations [13:10.000 --> 13:14.000] A recent government source clarified that two presidents, [13:14.000 --> 13:17.000] Suleiman and Mikati, refused to send a former student [13:17.000 --> 13:19.000] From the Arab League of Nations [13:19.000 --> 13:23.000] To send ten Lebanese observers to Syria [13:23.000 --> 13:27.000] In accordance with the self-determination policy [13:31.000 --> 13:35.000] Our correspondent in the name of the White House, Josh Ernest [13:35.000 --> 13:40.000] Talked about the White House's agreement with the former Yemeni president, [13:40.000 --> 13:43.000] Ali Abdullah Saleh, in order to receive treatment [13:43.000 --> 13:47.000] Ernest said in a press statement that the American officials [13:47.000 --> 13:50.000] Are still teaching the president's student to come to America [13:50.000 --> 13:52.000] To receive treatment [13:52.000 --> 13:54.000] Confirming that the information she talked about [13:54.000 --> 13:56.000] About the agreement is incorrect [13:56.000 --> 14:00.000] The New York Times reported that the officials [14:00.000 --> 14:03.000] In the American administration did not reveal their identity [14:03.000 --> 14:06.000] That Washington has agreed to allow Saleh [14:06.000 --> 14:11.000] To go to the United States on conditions that have not been clarified [14:14.000 --> 14:18.000] Iran has renewed its threat to close the Hermitage [14:18.000 --> 14:21.000] In the case of the oldest Western countries [14:21.000 --> 14:24.000] With international sanctions on its oil exports [14:24.000 --> 14:27.000] Iran's threat to close the Hermitage [14:27.000 --> 14:30.000] According to its major countries [14:30.000 --> 14:33.000] With a view to its position towards Tehran [14:33.000 --> 14:38.000] Especially when 40% of the world's oil is consumed by the sea [14:38.000 --> 14:40.000] Passes through this oil [14:40.000 --> 14:42.000] More in this report [14:42.000 --> 14:46.000] It seems that Iran has adopted the language of surprises [14:46.000 --> 14:50.000] Which it has been accustomed to launching from time to time [14:50.000 --> 14:53.000] After proving its ability in recent years [14:53.000 --> 14:56.000] To get out of the international pressure [14:56.000 --> 14:58.000] Which is related to its Hellenistic program [14:58.000 --> 15:01.000] In addition to its developing international role as a player [15:01.000 --> 15:03.000] It cannot be ignored [15:03.000 --> 15:06.000] Because of the developments in the region [15:06.000 --> 15:09.000] The Iranian surprise has come today [15:09.000 --> 15:12.000] With a threat to close the Hermitage [15:12.000 --> 15:15.000] In the case of imposing sanctions on its oil exports [15:15.000 --> 15:18.000] A step according to observers [15:18.000 --> 15:21.000] Could force the world economy to reconsider [15:21.000 --> 15:23.000] Their position towards Tehran [15:23.000 --> 15:26.000] Preserving its interests in the Middle East [15:26.000 --> 15:30.000] That 40% of the world's oil is consumed by the sea [15:30.000 --> 15:32.000] Passes through this oil [15:32.000 --> 15:34.000] The Iranian position [15:34.000 --> 15:37.000] Comes in the shadow of moves carried out by the United States [15:37.000 --> 15:41.000] And some European countries to economic blockade Iran [15:41.000 --> 15:43.000] An Iranian threat [15:43.000 --> 15:45.000] Became closer to reality today [15:45.000 --> 15:48.000] After maneuvers carried out by the Iranian navy [15:48.000 --> 15:51.000] East of the Hermitage, the Oman Sea, the Gulf of Aden [15:51.000 --> 15:53.000] And the Indian Ocean [15:53.000 --> 15:56.000] These maneuvers have become a training [15:56.000 --> 15:59.000] For any electronic movements by the alleged enemy [15:59.000 --> 16:02.000] In addition to carrying out defensive operations [16:02.000 --> 16:05.000] In the depths of the seas against the warships [16:05.000 --> 16:08.000] With its calm steps, Tehran has proven to the world [16:08.000 --> 16:11.000] That it improves the policy of breaking the neck with its enemies [16:11.000 --> 16:15.000] Who seek the policy of any arm [16:17.000 --> 16:20.000] Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin [16:20.000 --> 16:23.000] Calls on the opposition to review the results of the legislative elections [16:23.000 --> 16:26.000] Putin confirmed in a press statement [16:26.000 --> 16:29.000] That he does not need to cover up the victory [16:29.000 --> 16:32.000] In the presidential election that will take place in the coming days [16:32.000 --> 16:35.000] Putin described the opposition as a movement [16:35.000 --> 16:37.000] With clear goals [16:37.000 --> 16:40.000] And trying to remove the legitimacy [16:40.000 --> 16:42.000] From the electoral process [16:42.000 --> 16:44.000] In line with the presidential elections [16:44.000 --> 16:48.000] In addition, former Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin [16:48.000 --> 16:51.000] Confirmed that the Prime Minister is ready to discuss with the opposition [16:51.000 --> 16:54.000] And organize the presidential elections in a neat way [16:57.000 --> 17:00.000] As for the witnesses, let's move on to our colleague Nouras [17:00.000 --> 17:02.000] And the news, dear Nouras [17:04.000 --> 17:05.000] Thank you, Adnan [17:05.000 --> 17:07.000] Good evening, dear viewers [17:07.000 --> 17:22.000] After the break, sports news [17:22.000 --> 17:23.000] Welcome [17:23.000 --> 17:26.000] The Central Union has decided to participate in the Olympic Games [17:26.000 --> 17:29.000] In the Dubai International Championship [17:29.000 --> 17:31.000] It is scheduled to be hosted by the Emirates [17:31.000 --> 17:34.000] From the 18th to the 23rd of next month [17:34.000 --> 17:37.000] A member of the small union said that the director of the election [17:37.000 --> 17:38.000] Abdul Jabbar Hashem [17:38.000 --> 17:40.000] He submitted a request to the union [17:40.000 --> 17:42.000] In which he confirmed the desire of the coach Radish Neshil [17:42.000 --> 17:43.000] To participate in the election [17:43.000 --> 17:45.000] And that the union agreed to the request [17:45.000 --> 17:48.000] Because it is the priority of the team that has external achievements [17:48.000 --> 17:51.000] In addition, the union decided to participate in the Olympic Games [17:51.000 --> 17:52.000] In the championship [17:52.000 --> 17:55.000] After the apology of the coach Neshil to the participation [17:55.000 --> 17:57.000] But to cancel two games in Syria [17:57.000 --> 18:00.000] And the inability to agree to carry out an experimental game [18:00.000 --> 18:03.000] Between the 10th and the 20th of next month [18:03.000 --> 18:07.000] Made things go in the direction of the Olympic choice [18:11.000 --> 18:15.000] The Central Union extended the period of temporary transfers [18:15.000 --> 18:17.000] Between the elections to the next Thursday [18:17.000 --> 18:19.000] Instead of the first of last Sunday [18:19.000 --> 18:21.000] That was announced by the committee of the competitions [18:21.000 --> 18:22.000] In the Ali Jabbar union [18:22.000 --> 18:24.000] And the union added [18:24.000 --> 18:26.000] To extend the period of transfers [18:26.000 --> 18:28.000] To the end of the official work for the next Thursday [18:28.000 --> 18:31.000] According to the conditions that were previously announced [18:31.000 --> 18:33.000] To expand the scope in front of the players and the media [18:33.000 --> 18:35.000] To determine some of the related matters [18:35.000 --> 18:38.000] Jabbar explained that the conditions that should be available [18:38.000 --> 18:39.000] To get the transfer [18:39.000 --> 18:42.000] Is that the player is originally registered with the club [18:42.000 --> 18:45.000] And to get the official exemption from the club [18:45.000 --> 18:48.000] And not to miss a minute [18:48.000 --> 18:50.000] In the games of the current round [18:54.000 --> 18:57.000] The university's invitation to create the football championship [18:57.000 --> 18:59.000] For the western region [18:59.000 --> 19:02.000] And the country's team was able to achieve the championship [19:02.000 --> 19:04.000] After his victory over Salah Al-Din's team [19:04.000 --> 19:06.000] With four goals against nothing [19:06.000 --> 19:08.000] Ismail Haqi with the details [19:11.000 --> 19:14.000] The football championship is a girl's game [19:14.000 --> 19:16.000] That has not been established much [19:16.000 --> 19:19.000] It is a game with simple rules [19:19.000 --> 19:21.000] It is played on a sandy ground [19:21.000 --> 19:23.000] And with bare feet [19:23.000 --> 19:27.000] The university of Tikrit has hosted its first championship [19:27.000 --> 19:29.000] Of the western region [19:29.000 --> 19:31.000] For three provinces [19:31.000 --> 19:34.000] They are Anbar, Salah Al-Din and Mousel [19:34.000 --> 19:37.000] As for the football championship [19:37.000 --> 19:40.000] This game is a girl's game in the province [19:40.000 --> 19:43.000] In the beginning, we thank Tikrit University [19:43.000 --> 19:45.000] For hosting this championship [19:45.000 --> 19:48.000] And the province needed to identify [19:48.000 --> 19:49.000] This championship [19:49.000 --> 19:51.000] Even if it was the foundation and the foundation [19:51.000 --> 19:52.000] In the province [19:52.000 --> 19:55.000] This game in general [19:55.000 --> 19:58.000] Is a game with simple rules [19:58.000 --> 20:00.000] Tikrit University host [20:00.000 --> 20:03.000] The football championship of the western region [20:03.000 --> 20:06.000] And this seems to be the first championship [20:06.000 --> 20:09.000] That has been held in Iraq for many years [20:09.000 --> 20:12.000] And we have prepared this game [20:12.000 --> 20:14.000] With international specifications [20:14.000 --> 20:17.000] Even the sand according to the international specifications [20:17.000 --> 20:20.000] And this game has its own rules [20:20.000 --> 20:22.000] As for the two provinces [20:22.000 --> 20:25.000] No team has scored a goal in the other round [20:25.000 --> 20:28.000] But the country team was able to score [20:28.000 --> 20:31.000] Four goals in the third round [20:31.000 --> 20:34.000] Which consists of 12 minutes [20:34.000 --> 20:36.000] For the first round [20:36.000 --> 20:39.000] To win with four goals [20:39.000 --> 20:40.000] Against nothing [20:40.000 --> 20:43.000] For Salah Al-Din team [20:43.000 --> 20:46.000] Thank God, thank God and thank the Lord of the worlds [20:46.000 --> 20:48.000] That the championship went well [20:48.000 --> 20:50.000] And the final match went well [20:50.000 --> 20:53.000] For the country team in the western region [20:53.000 --> 20:55.000] And the first and second shots [20:55.000 --> 20:56.000] Without goals [20:56.000 --> 20:57.000] A strong game [20:57.000 --> 20:58.000] Two good teams [20:58.000 --> 21:00.000] The third shot was the decisive one [21:00.000 --> 21:03.000] The match ended well for the country team [21:03.000 --> 21:04.000] In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful [21:04.000 --> 21:05.000] Thank God, thank God [21:05.000 --> 21:06.000] We succeeded today [21:06.000 --> 21:08.000] We got the first place [21:08.000 --> 21:10.000] The championship of the western region [21:10.000 --> 21:11.000] The beach ball [21:11.000 --> 21:12.000] To win against Salah Al-Din team [21:12.000 --> 21:13.000] The final match [21:13.000 --> 21:15.000] I wish those who are on this game [21:15.000 --> 21:17.000] To find the beach ball [21:17.000 --> 21:20.000] And a bigger support to compete with the Iraqi player [21:20.000 --> 21:23.000] In the western region [21:23.000 --> 21:26.000] In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful [21:26.000 --> 21:29.000] The first one to establish the beach ball in Iraq [21:29.000 --> 21:32.000] I established it [21:32.000 --> 21:35.000] When I saw the end of the world cup [21:35.000 --> 21:38.000] And I saw the team of Thailand [21:38.000 --> 21:40.000] And Japan climbing [21:40.000 --> 21:42.000] Without competition [21:42.000 --> 21:45.000] The game is not known in the Arab countries [21:45.000 --> 21:48.000] Or in Asia, only Thailand and Japan [21:48.000 --> 21:50.000] So I fought in 2005 [21:50.000 --> 21:53.000] And established the first beach ball in Iraq [21:53.000 --> 21:55.000] From the governor of Salah Al-Din [21:55.000 --> 21:56.000] Ismail Al-Hakki [21:56.000 --> 21:58.000] Al-Fourat [22:01.000 --> 22:03.000] Worldwide, the Scottish player Alex Ferguson [22:03.000 --> 22:05.000] Is a coach in Manchester United [22:05.000 --> 22:07.000] Because he wants to stay with the green team [22:07.000 --> 22:10.000] Ryan Giggs for one more year in the stadium [22:10.000 --> 22:13.000] Ferguson said that he wishes [22:13.000 --> 22:16.000] Giggs to continue his journey with the red devils [22:16.000 --> 22:19.000] And extend his contract for one season at least [22:19.000 --> 22:22.000] Indicating that he enjoys a huge power [22:22.000 --> 22:25.000] Although he is 38 years old [22:25.000 --> 22:28.000] And the Welsh player is used to renew for one season [22:28.000 --> 22:31.000] With Manchester United in recent years [22:31.000 --> 22:34.000] It is mentioned that Giggs wore a Manchester United shirt [22:34.000 --> 22:37.000] Since about 20 years [22:37.000 --> 22:40.000] Journalists confirmed that the English club [22:40.000 --> 22:43.000] Wants to contract with the Brazilian Ricardo Kaka [22:43.000 --> 22:46.000] In a deal that could reach 26 million euros [22:46.000 --> 22:49.000] Reports published by the Spanish news agency [22:49.000 --> 22:52.000] Report that André Flash, the coach of the Blues [22:52.000 --> 22:55.000] Wants to support Kaka in the middle of the stadium [22:55.000 --> 22:58.000] To play alongside Frank Lombard [22:58.000 --> 23:01.000] And his brothers Matta and Raul Mirilich [23:01.000 --> 23:04.000] Reports indicate that the money that the club will get [23:04.000 --> 23:07.000] From the Anelka transfer deal [23:07.000 --> 23:09.000] And the possibility of moving Alex and Furlan Malouda [23:09.000 --> 23:12.000] To the Russian club [23:12.000 --> 23:15.000] They will help to get the Brazilian players [23:15.000 --> 23:18.000] In case he agrees to play for the English club [23:18.000 --> 23:21.000] The manager of Real Madrid team admitted [23:21.000 --> 23:24.000] Jose Mourinho that he wants to come back [23:24.000 --> 23:27.000] To work in England [23:27.000 --> 23:30.000] In the next two years [23:30.000 --> 23:33.000] And Mourinho said that he is happy to be in Real Madrid [23:33.000 --> 23:36.000] He thinks that the Royal Club is the best in football history [23:36.000 --> 23:39.000] We thank you for watching [23:39.000 --> 24:06.000] We thank you for watching [24:09.000 --> 24:12.000] We thank you for watching [24:39.000 --> 24:42.000] We thank you for watching [25:39.000 --> 25:42.000] We thank you for watching [26:09.000 --> 26:12.000] Without anyone's advice [26:12.000 --> 26:15.000] Without anyone's intervention [26:15.000 --> 26:18.000] In his internal affairs [26:18.000 --> 26:21.000] We cannot build a state of institutions [26:21.000 --> 26:24.000] Without building strong institutions [26:24.000 --> 26:28.000] We need a strong government [26:28.000 --> 26:31.000] A strong parliament [26:31.000 --> 26:34.000] A strong judiciary [26:34.000 --> 26:37.000] Strong civil society organizations [26:37.000 --> 26:40.000] And a strong people who express their opinions clearly [26:40.000 --> 26:43.000] And fully transparent [26:43.000 --> 26:46.000] And strong and effective media [26:46.000 --> 26:50.000] Who put their hands on the weak points [26:50.000 --> 26:53.000] Through strong institutions [26:53.000 --> 27:11.000] We cannot build a state of institutions [27:23.000 --> 27:26.000] Thank you for watching [27:26.000 --> 27:28.000] Mom, Mom! [27:28.000 --> 27:30.000] What's wrong, Mom? Why are you screaming? [27:30.000 --> 27:32.000] I'm shampooing Yasamin. [27:32.000 --> 27:34.000] I'm done with Yasamin. [27:34.000 --> 27:36.000] The foreigners brought me a mosaic. [27:36.000 --> 27:38.000] I don't want to lose my hair. [27:38.000 --> 27:40.000] I want a new one. [27:40.000 --> 27:42.000] Who's coming, Dad? [27:42.000 --> 27:44.000] I'll let him take you to the public show [27:44.000 --> 27:46.000] and buy you a whole carton [27:46.000 --> 27:48.000] of Yasamin shampoo. [27:48.000 --> 27:50.000] Thank you, Mom. [27:50.000 --> 27:52.000] You're welcome, Mom. [27:52.000 --> 27:54.000] After the show, [27:54.000 --> 27:56.000] he washes his hair with shampoo. [27:56.000 --> 27:58.000] After the show, [27:58.000 --> 28:00.000] he washes his hair with shampoo. [28:00.000 --> 28:02.000] Your eyes are blind. [28:02.000 --> 28:04.000] Do you have a nice shampoo? [28:04.000 --> 28:06.000] Yes, I have a nice shampoo. [28:06.000 --> 28:08.000] He gives me a nice scent. [28:08.000 --> 28:10.000] He gives me a nice scent. [28:10.000 --> 28:12.000] He gives me a nice scent. [28:12.000 --> 28:14.000] It's very nice. [28:14.000 --> 28:16.000] The foreigners brought me a carton of it. [28:16.000 --> 28:18.000] I don't want to lose my hair. [28:18.000 --> 28:20.000] I don't want to lose my hair. [28:20.000 --> 28:22.000] I don't want to lose my hair. [28:22.000 --> 28:24.000] The foreign company's products [28:24.000 --> 28:26.000] She is the best, always [28:54.000 --> 28:56.000] She is the best, always [29:24.000 --> 29:26.000] What should I do? [29:26.000 --> 29:28.000] What should I do? [29:28.000 --> 29:30.000] What should I do? [29:30.000 --> 29:32.000] What should I do? [29:32.000 --> 29:34.000] What should I do? [29:34.000 --> 29:36.000] What should I do? [29:36.000 --> 29:38.000] What should I do? [29:38.000 --> 29:40.000] What should I do? [29:44.000 --> 29:46.000] You, in the central government [29:46.000 --> 29:48.000] You don't accept, for example, [29:48.000 --> 29:50.000] that you are not announced as a minority [29:50.000 --> 29:52.000] or that you are not invited to live as a minority [29:52.000 --> 29:54.000] or that you have fears [29:54.000 --> 29:56.000] and they complain about the central government [29:56.000 --> 29:58.000] How about the issue of energy? [29:58.000 --> 30:00.000] Does the issue of energy form [30:00.000 --> 30:02.000] one of the important objections, for example, [30:02.000 --> 30:04.000] that the reality of the governorates today [30:04.000 --> 30:26.000] is based on oil and gas?