Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language Detected language: English [00:00.000 --> 00:02.000] I hope you enjoyed the video. [00:02.000 --> 00:04.000] If you did, please leave a like and subscribe to my channel. [00:04.000 --> 00:32.000] Thank you for watching. [00:34.000 --> 00:36.000] Thank you for watching. [00:36.000 --> 00:38.000] Thank you for watching. [00:38.000 --> 01:07.000] Thank you for watching. [01:08.000 --> 01:20.000] Thank you for watching. [01:38.000 --> 01:46.000] In fact, in the Azerbaijan-Karabakh region, the elections of the gondarma parliament that the Armenians want to hold in May have been cancelled. [01:47.000 --> 01:59.000] The Defense Committee of the Pachistan Senate announced that it was in cooperation with Azerbaijan on the issue of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and in the Karabakh region under the occupation of the Armenians, the elections of the gondarma parliament that they want to hold in May have been cancelled. [01:59.000 --> 02:09.000] In fact, in the Azerbaijan-Karabakh region, the elections of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict that the Armenians want to hold in May have been cancelled. [02:10.000 --> 02:18.000] It is noted that the Pakistani government and the people, who are in friendship and brotherly relations with Azerbaijan, fully supports the official position on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue and reports their support. [02:18.000 --> 02:34.000] The Armenia rule expands its policy. It is not unlike Pakistan that obligates Azerbaijan to нашаise its territory and its waters, but to implement the Resolution of Amendment 82281538-874 on the matter. [02:35.000 --> 02:38.000] It turns out that the skinship of the international law must be traditions, and that the occupation must be endurance. [02:38.000 --> 02:44.000] It was also pointed out that the Senate's Defense Committee, represented by all the states and the main political parties of Pakistan, [02:44.000 --> 02:48.000] once again states that it is in cooperation with the Azerbaijani people. [02:48.000 --> 02:53.000] The international law of the debate, the regulation of the UN and the implementation of the accepted regulations, [02:53.000 --> 02:57.000] and the resolution of human rights and justice standards are supported. [02:57.000 --> 02:59.000] Turan Mehmedov reports. [02:59.000 --> 03:09.000] The United States General Assembly of the United States of America, on March 31, adopted a resolution on the Day of the Liberation of Azerbaijan. [03:09.000 --> 03:21.000] The United States General Assembly of the United States of America, on March 31, adopted a resolution on the Day of the Liberation of Azerbaijan. [03:21.000 --> 03:29.000] It is reported in the Senate that the assembly was signed by the President of the United States of America, Vincent Pryat, [03:29.000 --> 03:31.000] on March 31, 1918. [03:31.000 --> 03:35.000] It is noted that the liberation of the Azerbaijani people in the United States of America, [03:35.000 --> 03:38.000] in recent years, has been recognized by a number of states in the United States of America. [03:38.000 --> 03:42.000] The United States of America, with the support of the Azerbaijani community and the Pax Tursk Institute, [03:42.000 --> 03:48.000] recognized the liberation of the Azerbaijani people in the Senate of New York in 1918. [03:48.000 --> 03:52.000] The assembly of the United States of New Jersey was adopted in 2013. [03:52.000 --> 03:58.000] As a result of the United States of America's information campaign to the Azerbaijani community, [03:58.000 --> 04:03.000] the liberation of the Azerbaijani people was recognized in 2009-2011 by Jim Gibson and Brian Sandoval, [04:03.000 --> 04:11.000] the governors of Nevada, three official proclamations, and John Zervas, a congressman in Texas, in 2011. [04:11.000 --> 04:18.000] It is also remembered that on March 31, the day of the liberation of the Azerbaijani people was announced, [04:18.000 --> 04:22.000] based on the decree signed in 1998 by the national leader Hidar Aliyev. [04:22.000 --> 04:24.000] Here are the news reports. [04:24.000 --> 04:29.000] In the city of Skokie, Illinois, the United States of America, the Azerbaijani state is celebrated. [04:29.000 --> 04:31.000] Our flag is on the coast of Chicago. [04:31.000 --> 04:36.000] In the park of the Skokie-North coast, the city of the Diaspora of Azerbaijan, [04:36.000 --> 04:41.000] the city of Skokie, which is the capital of the United States of America, is celebrated with a big reception. [04:41.000 --> 04:45.000] The city of Skokie, which is located in the Kuk district of Illinois, [04:45.000 --> 04:51.000] and its population is more than 65 thousand, is famous for its museums, parks and natural recreation centers. [04:51.000 --> 04:55.000] The center of the Skokie-North coast park of the Diaspora of America was founded in 1988 [04:55.000 --> 05:00.000] with the support of the same non-governmental organization and the state of the country. [05:00.000 --> 05:06.000] In the Ukrainian island of Alirad, the head of the Azerbaijani parliament, Rasul Aguilar, [05:06.000 --> 05:11.000] the head of the Romani-Assyrian leadership, visited the grave of the national leader Hidar Aliyev in Fahrikhiyaban. [05:17.000 --> 05:21.000] As you can see, Karim Akademiq Zarifa was buried in Alevan. [05:21.000 --> 05:31.000] We also visited the graves of our hero son and daughters, who died in Azerbaijan's freedom and prosperity, in Numan Diyati Martyrs' Cemetery. [05:31.000 --> 05:41.000] Azerbaijan and its parliament are also present. [05:45.000 --> 05:46.080] The thanks to the [05:47.000 --> 05:48.800] ? [05:55.000 --> 05:38.880] Emeitaşlı's [05:53.000 --> 05:55.000] ? [05:55.000 --> 05:58.400] This is a broad discussion on its development. [05:58.400 --> 05:55.000] Ukraine-Azerbaijan [06:00.320 --> 06:02.040] Ukraine-Azerbaijani [06:02.040 --> 06:04.280] Ukraine-Azerbaijani [06:04.280 --> 06:07.280] Ukraine-Azerbaijani [06:07.280 --> 06:09.280] Ukraine-Azerbaijani [06:09.280 --> 06:13.280] Ukraine-Azerbaijani [06:13.280 --> 06:17.280] Ukraine-Azerbaijani [06:17.280 --> 06:24.280] President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ildar Ibrahimov-Konaklar, gave extensive information about the activities of the Azerbaijani parliament, the legal process and international cooperation. [06:24.280 --> 06:28.280] It is known that there is a good cooperation between our countries based on mutual trust. [06:28.280 --> 06:32.280] Our countries also support and defend each other's interests in international institutions. [06:32.280 --> 06:40.280] On the island of Ukraine, the working group leader, Raman Nasirov, said that the group represented by him is included in the parliament history of the 27th. [06:40.280 --> 06:48.280] It is interesting that the cooperation between each of our legislative bodies is expanded. There is always cooperation between our countries. [06:48.280 --> 06:54.280] Azerbaijan is a representative country that we will learn from. The development going on here is in sight. [06:54.280 --> 07:00.280] Then, on the island of Ukraine, the members of the Azerbaijani Karadeniz Economic Cooperation Organization met with the representative of the parliament assembly. [07:00.280 --> 07:07.280] The representative made a wide statement about the historical relations of our member states and the existing relations in different directions. [07:07.280 --> 07:11.280] He noted the mutual cooperation between our parliamentarians in international institutions. [07:11.280 --> 07:17.280] In Raman Nasirov, he said that it would be beneficial for our parliamentarians to establish a mutual cooperation in international organizations. [07:17.280 --> 07:23.280] We feel that our mutual cooperation in international institutions should also be established, in addition to our bilateral relations, he said. [07:23.280 --> 07:25.280] Sudabya Jahangirov, Karguli News. [07:26.280 --> 07:33.280] The social situation in Armenia is getting tense again. The second largest city in the country, Gümrü, has also held a public meeting. [07:33.280 --> 07:40.280] The city of Gümrü in Armenia is again in the midst of protests. The meeting was an incident. [07:40.280 --> 07:47.280] At the meeting held by the parliament, one of the members of the parliament, Kiraç Mirzoyan, was fired by the members of the parliament. [07:47.280 --> 07:53.280] It was time for the people who tried to destroy the meeting to leave. [07:53.280 --> 07:57.280] The opposition called for serious protests in the name of the Armenian government. [07:57.280 --> 08:07.280] The representative of the founding parliament, Garegen Cugasyan, noted that the political and economic monopoly of the Sarkisian regime strengthened the social economy of the country. [08:07.280 --> 08:10.280] People do not want to live in Armenia anymore. [08:10.280 --> 08:14.280] The reason for the high level of foreign currency is political repressions. [08:14.280 --> 08:20.280] Activities are constantly being persecuted. As a result, there are nearly a million people in Armenia. [08:20.280 --> 08:23.280] 20 years ago, this number was 4 million. [08:23.280 --> 08:28.280] According to the words of Garegen, as the country empties, the level of life of people falls below. [08:28.280 --> 08:31.280] The decrease in worker confidence has a negative impact on the economy. [08:31.280 --> 08:36.280] The members of the parliament see the only way out of this situation as the resignation of the government. [08:36.280 --> 08:40.280] For this reason, the protest wave is expected to expand. [08:40.280 --> 08:42.280] Gunal Habib, news. [08:42.280 --> 08:50.280] Now let's meet with the events that took place in foreign countries. [09:13.280 --> 09:18.280] The examples obtained will be compared with the DNA of the members of the parliament and the committee. [09:18.280 --> 09:20.280] There were 150 people on the plane. [09:20.280 --> 09:29.280] According to the experts, due to the high speed of the plane, the identification of the identity of the victims of the plane will be based on the broken body. [09:29.280 --> 09:34.280] According to the statement of the French prosecutor, the second pilot, Andreas Lubitz, [09:34.280 --> 09:42.280] has taken the plane from the body and opened the stenogram of the German plane's black box. [09:42.280 --> 09:46.280] When the captain Patrick Sonderheimer, who had left the cabin a few minutes ago, [09:46.280 --> 09:50.280] was returning, he saw the cabin door and asked the second pilot to open it. [09:50.280 --> 09:53.280] Then he tried to remove the door with metal stuff. [09:53.280 --> 09:58.280] In the audio, the sound of the passengers' wheezing sounds were heard 5 minutes before the flight. [09:58.280 --> 10:00.280] The investigation continues. [10:00.280 --> 10:07.280] According to the statement of Veltam Zontak, the second pilot, Andreas Lubitz, has found psychotropic substances in his house. [10:11.280 --> 10:20.280] According to Reuters, in the city of Galifax, Canada, the Aerobus A320 plane left the cabin without any hard work. [10:20.280 --> 10:24.280] The plane from Toronto also had 132 passengers and 5 crew members. [10:24.280 --> 10:27.280] 25 of the passengers were taken to the hospital. [10:27.280 --> 10:32.280] It is reported that the A320 plane left the cabin due to an accident, [10:32.280 --> 10:35.280] which was caused by an accident in the air. [10:35.280 --> 10:37.280] The exact cause of the accident is not yet known. [10:37.280 --> 10:41.280] It is also reported that the electric equipment at the airport was cut off during the flight. [10:41.280 --> 10:46.280] After the accident, several A320 pilots were arrested at the Galifax International Airport. [10:49.280 --> 10:52.280] According to the statement of the French prosecutor, the second pilot, Andreas Lubitz, [10:52.280 --> 10:56.280] has taken the plane from the body and opened the stenogram of the German plane's black box. [10:56.280 --> 10:59.280] The representatives of the various associations participating in the accident [10:59.280 --> 11:03.280] are against the dictatorship of foreign investors and the unfair tax system. [11:03.280 --> 11:06.280] The participants of the accident, however, criticized the government's policy [11:06.280 --> 11:09.280] and took the responsibility of making reforms. [11:12.280 --> 11:17.280] According to Euronews, the second round of elections held in the regional councils in France [11:17.280 --> 11:22.280] was led by the former president of the country, Nicolas Arquaz, [11:22.280 --> 11:26.280] who won the Central Socialist People's Movement. [11:26.280 --> 11:30.280] Sarkozy's party won the 65 regional councils. [11:30.280 --> 11:35.280] The current head of state, François Oula's Socialist Party won 31 councils. [11:35.280 --> 11:38.280] The ultra-right National Front Party, led by Marine Le Pen, [11:38.280 --> 11:40.280] did not win a single council. [11:40.280 --> 11:44.280] According to the statement, the results of the elections held in the regional councils [11:44.280 --> 11:48.280] can affect the presidential elections in France in 2017. [11:48.280 --> 11:51.280] In Great Britain, the election campaign is officially launched [11:51.280 --> 11:55.280] in relation to the parliamentary elections to be held in May. [11:55.280 --> 11:59.280] The main candidates for the prime minister are the current prime minister David Cameron [11:59.280 --> 12:03.280] and the leader of the Labourist Party, Ed Miliband. [12:03.280 --> 12:09.280] Analysts note that Nigel Farage's independence party's influence has increased. [12:09.280 --> 12:18.280] This party is on the side of Britain's withdrawal from the European Union. [12:18.280 --> 12:22.280] According to Euronews, two people were killed in the explosion and fire [12:22.280 --> 12:25.280] in one of the residential buildings in Manhattan, New York City, [12:25.280 --> 12:28.280] United States of America's New York City. [12:28.280 --> 12:31.280] At the time of the incident, 22 people were injured. [12:31.280 --> 12:35.280] Three buildings were blown up after the explosion, and one building was seriously damaged. [12:35.280 --> 12:39.280] According to information, the explosion took place in the restaurant [12:39.280 --> 12:42.280] located on the first floor of the building. [12:42.280 --> 12:45.280] One hour before the incident, construction work was carried out [12:45.280 --> 12:47.280] in the gas station system in the building. [12:47.280 --> 12:50.280] The reasons for the incident are investigated. [12:50.280 --> 12:54.280] The coalition led by Saudi Arabia, especially the warplanes, [12:54.280 --> 12:57.280] hit the positions of the Hussis in Yemen. [12:57.280 --> 13:01.280] In the course of the attacks, warplanes were bombed in Paitaq, [13:01.280 --> 13:05.280] and the warplanes were bombed in the Hussis, and the warplanes were bombed in the Hussis, [13:05.280 --> 13:07.280] and the warplanes were bombed in the Hussis, [13:07.280 --> 13:11.280] and the Hussis were taken to the side of Paitaq. [13:11.280 --> 13:17.280] In addition, the attack time of the Dayelami warplanes was extended to 8 fighters. [13:17.280 --> 13:21.280] During the attacks, the forces supporting the Hussi community and the former president [13:21.280 --> 13:26.280] Ali Abdullah Salehi were armed with them and many were injured. [13:26.280 --> 13:31.280] In the city of Aden, 30% of the Hussi movement was killed [13:31.280 --> 13:33.280] in the confrontation with the local self-defense forces. [13:33.280 --> 13:38.280] In addition, the Hussis left 1,800 prisoners in the territories they occupied [13:38.280 --> 13:40.280] and were released. [13:40.280 --> 13:44.280] On the other hand, a second statement was accepted in the summit meeting [13:44.280 --> 13:47.280] held in the city of Sharm al-Sheikh of the Arab League of States. [13:47.280 --> 13:50.280] The statement stated that the attacks carried out in Yemen [13:50.280 --> 13:56.280] will continue until the Hussis give their own weapons to the government. [13:56.280 --> 14:01.280] According to Euronews, Papua New Guinea also suffered an earthquake [14:01.280 --> 14:03.280] at 7.16 degrees Celsius. [14:03.280 --> 14:08.280] The epicenter of the earthquakes was 55 kilometers east of the city of Kokopo. [14:08.280 --> 14:12.280] The earthquake was at a depth of 65 kilometers at the bottom of the sea. [14:12.280 --> 14:15.280] The victims and disasters are not yet reported. [14:15.280 --> 14:21.280] The Sakyat Okyan Tsunami Intelligence Center reported that the waves [14:21.280 --> 14:23.280] were 3 meters high. [14:23.280 --> 14:27.280] According to Reuters, 14 people died from the most powerful earthquakes [14:27.280 --> 14:30.280] in the north of Chile in the last 80 years. [14:30.280 --> 14:32.280] 20 people are still being affected. [14:32.280 --> 14:36.280] Uninterrupted rains that continued for a week led to the loss of tea. [14:36.280 --> 14:40.280] In the most damaged of the earthquakes, in the cities of Shantafagasta, Atacama, [14:40.280 --> 14:44.280] Kokimbo and Kopyapo, hundreds of people died in the water. [14:44.280 --> 14:46.280] The cleaning work continues in the lands. [14:46.280 --> 14:50.280] Schools are closed and commando hours are provided in many cities. [14:50.280 --> 14:54.280] Government agencies do not expect that the number of victims will increase. [14:56.280 --> 15:01.280] According to Reuters, a lot of serious disasters have occurred in the Tibetan region of China. [15:01.280 --> 15:04.280] The most intense situation is observed in the Burang region, [15:04.280 --> 15:06.280] which is located in the southwest of Tibet. [15:06.280 --> 15:10.280] The movement of public transport during the freezing of roads has deteriorated. [15:10.280 --> 15:14.280] In some areas, the snow level has increased by 70 centimeters. [15:14.280 --> 15:17.280] In Tibet, the Yellow Sea has been declared as a natural disaster. [15:20.280 --> 15:24.280] According to Reuters, a powerful fire in Indonesia caused a landslide. [15:24.280 --> 15:28.280] In the Western Java state of the country, natural disasters have been reported [15:28.280 --> 15:30.280] with the death of at least 12 people. [15:30.280 --> 15:33.280] More than 300 residents have been evacuated from the disaster zone. [15:33.280 --> 15:37.280] Police, police officers and intelligence brigades have been sent to the land for rescue. [15:37.280 --> 15:40.280] In many parts of the country, there have been serious disasters. [15:40.280 --> 15:44.280] As a result of landslides and landslides, 11 houses have been completely destroyed [15:44.280 --> 15:46.280] and the movement of public transport has deteriorated. [15:55.280 --> 15:59.280] In March 1998, various measures have been taken in the region [15:59.280 --> 16:02.280] to prevent the events of the genocide in Azerbaijan. [16:02.280 --> 16:06.280] On the 31st of March, on the day of the massacres of the Azerbaijanis, [16:06.280 --> 16:09.280] a measure has been taken to prevent the events of the genocide. [16:09.280 --> 16:12.280] At the end of the last 200 years of the Armenian nationals, [16:12.280 --> 16:15.280] the President of the Caucasus Muslim Authority has given information [16:15.280 --> 16:19.280] on ethnic cleansing, occupation and genocide politics against our people. [16:19.280 --> 16:23.280] It has been reported that the Bednam neighbors, who want to realize [16:23.280 --> 16:26.280] the great Armenian culture in the Caucasus and Turkey, [16:26.280 --> 16:30.280] have subsequently committed terrible disasters, murders and crimes. [16:30.280 --> 16:34.280] In Baku, Yenchen, Akcivan, Shamakhi, Lenkaran, Kuba, Salian [16:34.280 --> 16:38.280] and other disasters, there have been tens of thousands of people killed, [16:38.280 --> 16:42.280] living areas, historical and cultural monuments, mosques, synagogues [16:42.280 --> 16:44.280] and churches have been destroyed. [16:44.280 --> 16:47.280] In religious institutions, the head of the State Committee, [16:47.280 --> 16:50.280] Mr. Mubariz Kurbanli, has said that the Armenian nationals [16:50.280 --> 16:53.280] have been fighting against our people for the past year. [16:53.280 --> 16:57.280] The main purpose of this is to drive the Azerbaijanis out of the lands of the past. [16:57.280 --> 17:00.280] The main purpose of this is to establish the great Armenian state [17:00.280 --> 17:03.280] in which the Armenian historians and ideologists have created. [17:03.280 --> 17:06.280] The deputy minister of employment in Azerbaijan, Meral Barlas, [17:06.280 --> 17:09.280] has said that he is in the direction of exposing the false [17:09.280 --> 17:12.280] theses of the Armenian propaganda of Azerbaijan and Turkey. [17:12.280 --> 17:15.280] In the meeting, he said that the great disasters [17:15.280 --> 17:18.280] that have been inflicted on the people of Azerbaijan [17:18.280 --> 17:21.280] have attracted the attention of the international community, [17:21.280 --> 17:24.280] and that the historical events of these bloody events [17:24.280 --> 17:27.280] have led the world leaders, the parliamentarians [17:27.280 --> 17:30.280] and the international organizations to take action. [17:30.280 --> 17:33.280] A memorial ceremony has been held at the Azerbaijani Teachers Institute [17:33.280 --> 17:36.280] until the 31st of March 2020. [17:36.280 --> 17:39.280] As a result of the occupation of the Armenian armed forces [17:39.280 --> 17:42.280] of the teachers' institute and the Azerbaijani lands, [17:42.280 --> 17:45.280] a meeting was held with the workers' group [17:45.280 --> 17:48.280] to appreciate the efforts and efforts of the Armenian forces. [17:48.280 --> 17:51.280] At the ceremony, where the historical Armenian violence [17:51.280 --> 17:54.280] was reported to the rector of the teachers' institute, [17:54.280 --> 17:57.280] the Azerbaijani people were exposed [17:57.280 --> 18:00.280] to the Armenian genocide in different periods of the history. [18:00.280 --> 18:03.280] The historical facts prove that the Armenians [18:03.280 --> 18:06.280] wanted to establish the great Armenian state [18:06.280 --> 18:09.280] among the borders of the Azerbaijani territories [18:09.280 --> 18:12.280] by implementing the policy of the city. [18:12.280 --> 18:15.280] As part of this policy, in the 31st of March 2019, [18:15.280 --> 18:18.280] terrible crimes were committed. [18:18.280 --> 18:21.280] The leader of the workers' group, the deputy of the nation, [18:21.280 --> 18:24.280] Khamusei Nkazimli, pointed out that in the 20th century [18:24.280 --> 18:27.280] the Azerbaijani people were forced to leave their [18:27.280 --> 18:30.280] historical lands due to the genocide and deportations. [18:30.280 --> 18:33.280] The political value of the 31st of March genocide [18:33.280 --> 18:36.280] was given to Ulu Önder Hilder Aliyev, [18:36.280 --> 18:39.280] and then other events related to the genocide were heard. [18:39.280 --> 18:42.280] At the Azerbaijani architecture and construction university, [18:42.280 --> 18:45.280] on the 31st of March, the Azerbaijani people [18:45.280 --> 18:48.280] were forced to leave their historical lands [18:48.280 --> 18:51.280] due to the genocide and deportations. [18:51.280 --> 18:54.280] The rector of the university, Gülçohrem Mmedba Martın, [18:54.280 --> 18:57.280] said that the 31st of March is one of the [18:57.280 --> 19:00.280] most memorable and unforgettable pages of our history. [19:00.280 --> 19:03.280] In the early 20th century, the Armenians [19:03.280 --> 19:06.280] were forced to leave their historical lands [19:06.280 --> 19:09.280] due to the genocide and deportations. [19:09.280 --> 19:12.280] In 1918, the Armenians were forced to leave [19:12.280 --> 19:15.280] their historical lands due to the genocide and deportations. [19:15.280 --> 19:18.280] In the early 21st century, the Armenians were forced to [19:18.280 --> 19:21.280] leave their historical lands due to the genocide and deportations. [19:21.280 --> 19:24.280] On the 31st of March, the Azerbaijani people [19:24.280 --> 19:27.280] were forced to leave their historical lands [19:27.280 --> 19:30.280] due to the genocide and deportations. [19:30.280 --> 19:33.280] After the genocide and deportations were lifted [19:33.280 --> 19:39.280] in the country, [19:39.280 --> 19:44.280] As a result of the genocide, they said that our people are subject to heavy deprivation and difficulties. [19:44.280 --> 19:51.280] Then, the year-long film, which is based on the genocide that the Armenians committed against our people 97 years ago, was shown. [19:51.280 --> 20:12.280] Latvia's Riga city councilor, Seder Mavni, is in Surakhanurayun, where the leader of the Riga city councilor, Andres Ameirikis, is a member of the council. [20:12.280 --> 20:23.280] They visited the Hidar Aliyev Mesa, where the leader of the Riga city councilor, Andres Ameirikis, is a member of the council. [20:24.280 --> 20:27.280] Gorkem Laftalmoğlu Kalim is a member of the academic council of the Riga city councilor, Seder Mavni. [20:28.280 --> 20:34.280] Visitors visited the Martyrs' Council, where our heroic men and women, who died for the freedom of Azerbaijan and their culture, live. [20:35.280 --> 20:40.280] The Riga city councilor, Seder Mavni, who was watching Baku, was informed of what was happening in the city council. [20:40.280 --> 20:47.280] Then, the Latvian guests who came to Surakhanurayun of Paitaq were introduced to the fire station, the state historical architecture group. [20:48.280 --> 20:53.280] It was reported that the building, which was included in UNESCO's world heritage, was rebuilt with the support of the Hidar Aliyev Foundation. [20:54.280 --> 20:59.280] Later, the guests who were introduced to the Surakhanurayun with the Hidar Aliyev center were informed that there were multimedia and drawing studios here. [21:00.280 --> 21:03.280] Electron library, which is part of the world library system, is active. [21:03.280 --> 21:10.280] After meeting with the Hidar Aliyev center, Latvian Riga city councilor, Seder Mavni, Andris Amerikis, wrote his last words in his book. [21:11.280 --> 21:13.280] Then, the Latvian guests visited the Hidar Aliyev park. [21:14.280 --> 21:21.280] Riga city councilor, Seder Mavni, Riga sea sports director, Andris Amerikis, and Ilgar Abbasov, the governor of Surakhanurayun, made friends in the park. [21:22.280 --> 21:27.280] The two-sided cooperation was discussed at the meeting, which was held in Surakhanurayun. [21:27.280 --> 21:33.280] The opinions of the representatives of the meeting were discussed, and the directions of the future parties were discussed. [21:34.280 --> 21:36.280] Elmaddin Guliyev, Zahar Dadaşov, Reshat Mehtil, Khabarlar. [21:37.280 --> 21:43.280] On March 31st, different measures were taken in the regions until the genocide of the Azerbaijanis. [21:44.280 --> 21:50.280] On March 31st, until the genocide of the Azerbaijanis, a scientific and practical conference was held in the Gubadli district. [21:50.280 --> 22:04.280] The head of the Riga government, Malik Sagov, stated that in March 1918, the Armenians killed Azerbaijan in Bakir, Shamakhi, Guba, Karabakh, Zangazur, Nakhchivan, Lankaran areas, only according to national responsibility. [22:05.280 --> 22:07.280] A large part of Baku was turned into ruins. [22:08.280 --> 22:15.280] He said that in the following periods, the Armenians continued to depart from the historical lands of Azerbaijan and occupy the Azerbaijani lands. [22:15.280 --> 22:31.280] In 1948-1953, the Armenians continued to depart from the historical lands of Azerbaijan, and in the early stages of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the Armenians repulsed the Azerbaijanians from their historical lands. [22:32.280 --> 22:39.280] Those who left asked for the right and political value of the Azerbaijanis to be given to the genocide of the world states and popular international organizations. [22:39.280 --> 22:45.280] On March 31st, until the day of the Azerbaijanis' genocide, a memorial ceremony was held in the Beylagan district. [22:46.280 --> 22:52.280] Previous participants laughed at the Azerbaijani genocide complex and remembered the memory of the victims of the genocide. [22:53.280 --> 23:06.280] At the ceremony, the head of the Beylagan district government, Baku Abdullayev, told the Armenians about the ethnic cleansing and genocide policy that they had against the Azerbaijanis in time by talking about the mass murders committed in March 31st, 1918. [23:06.280 --> 23:14.280] He said that after the Armenians left Baku, Azerbaijan's other lands and the old Azerbaijani lands in the present-day Armenia were occupied by the Azerbaijani lands. [23:15.280 --> 23:17.280] Hundreds of lives were lost and left behind. [23:18.280 --> 23:24.280] The necessity of bringing these little ones to the world public was emphasized and the work that was done in this direction was highly valued. [23:25.280 --> 23:29.280] The Azerbaijani state of Agra University was taken into account on the day of the Azerbaijanis' genocide. [23:29.280 --> 23:36.280] Rector Ibrahim Jafarov said that as a result of the genocide policy carried out by the Armenians, Azerbaijan was massacred by the Armenians, [23:37.280 --> 23:41.280] hundreds of lives were lost and the lands were occupied by the Azerbaijanis and thousands of people were deported from their homeland. [23:42.280 --> 23:47.280] Rector Bahadiselal gave proper political value to these events and talked about the services of Ulu Önder Heydar Aliyev. [23:47.280 --> 23:58.280] He said that on March 31st, on the day of the Azerbaijanis' genocide, the winners of the city competition held between the students of the Azerbaijani state of Agra University were invited by the Adab Badi Campaisa. [23:59.280 --> 24:10.280] The women's council of the Yen-Azerbaijani Party and the women's council of the Yen-Azerbaijani Party held a humanitarian action in the pension of the women's council of the Yen-Azerbaijani Party. [24:10.280 --> 24:21.280] The women's council of the Yen-Azerbaijani Party and the women's council of the Yen-Azerbaijani Party met with the people of the state who live in the pension of the women's council of the Yen-Azerbaijani Party and the women's council of the Yen-Azerbaijani Party. [24:22.280 --> 24:26.280] At the pension, the Nahr Surah was organized for the women and the holiday gifts were presented. [24:27.280 --> 24:31.280] The women and the men expressed their condolences for the state concern shown to them. [24:31.280 --> 24:43.280] For the women and the men who live in the pension of the pensioners, which is a general type of organization that supports the state, 180 people live in the pension for the women and the men of labor. [24:44.280 --> 24:54.280] The Yen-Azerbaijani Party of the women's council of the Yen-Azerbaijani Party and the women's council of the Yen-Azerbaijani Party noted that showing respect and concern to the people of this class is one of the greatest values of the Azerbaijani people. [24:54.280 --> 25:01.280] It noted that the state needs to show respect and concern to the elderly people who are currently in the pension. All their demands are paid. [25:02.280 --> 25:09.280] It was noted that the conditions created for men and women in our country are a manifestation of their concern to the citizens of this category of state. [25:10.280 --> 25:15.280] The director of the pension, Gatibe Asadova, highly valued the organization of humanitarian action. [25:16.280 --> 25:21.280] The plan continued with the concert program presented by the Bedi Eusfaliat Collective of the Bnegadi Central Civilization House. [25:21.280 --> 25:24.280] Mansoor Hasanov, Namiq Waliyev, Gofer, Ibetli Khyberler. [25:26.280 --> 25:34.280] The local organizations of the Yen-Azerbaijani Party held the conference of the Youth Unions, and the conference also looked at the organizational issues. [25:35.280 --> 25:40.280] The Yen-Azerbaijani Party held the fourth conference of the Youth Union of the Yen-Azerbaijani Party. [25:40.280 --> 25:51.280] It noted that the Yen-Azerbaijani Party, which was established with the request of the time at the time of Asif Imam Aliyev, was always honest in its own political direction, [25:52.280 --> 25:57.280] and that it was chosen with the services of the people and the state, and that it perfected the situation in the society with its achievements. [25:58.280 --> 26:02.280] The youth union of the new Yen-Azerbaijani Party, Sardar Mabini Elvin Mehmetzade, [26:02.280 --> 26:10.280] noted that 11,247 people out of the 25 members of the Yen-Azerbaijani Party were young, and that all the measures taken against them in the sabbath were implemented. [26:11.280 --> 26:15.280] The head of the Zungarid city administration, Mabini Elgin Habibullahyev and others, [26:16.280 --> 26:20.280] talked about the positive results of the state youth policy and stated that today in our country, [26:21.280 --> 26:24.280] the youth have formed at a high intellectual level, at the national level, [26:25.280 --> 26:28.280] and that the youth have actively participated in the social and political processes. [26:28.280 --> 26:31.280] In the conference, the issue of the organization was looked at. Elvin Mehmetzade, [26:32.280 --> 26:35.280] the initiative was selected by the Yen-Azerbaijani Party, Sardar Sardar Mabini Elvin Mehmetzade, [26:36.280 --> 26:39.280] and the representatives of the Yen-Azerbaijani Party, Sardar Mabini Elvin Mehmetzade, were also selected. [26:40.280 --> 26:44.280] The Yen-Azerbaijani Party held the fourth conference of the Yen-Azerbaijani Party, Sardar Mabini Elvin Mehmetzade, [26:45.280 --> 26:46.280] and said that the organization, Sardar Javed Osmanov, [26:47.280 --> 26:50.280] talked about the social and economic development of our country [26:51.280 --> 26:53.280] and that it also demonstrated the finding of regions at the fund of the carefully obtained resources, [26:53.280 --> 26:57.280] It is noted that it is of great importance for the formation of the state administration [26:57.280 --> 26:59.280] as a high-level private institution. [26:59.280 --> 27:02.280] The head of the new Azerbaijani party, the Young Union of the AĞDAŠ party, [27:02.280 --> 27:05.280] Anar Şahmuradov, in the last period of the third conference, [27:05.280 --> 27:09.280] received information about what was happening and what was going on. [27:09.280 --> 27:14.280] It is noted that the Young Union of the AĞDAŠ party has 6,820 members. [27:14.280 --> 27:18.280] This is 42% of the members in the AĞDAŠ party. [27:18.280 --> 27:22.280] In the account period, 2,117 young people joined the ruling party. [27:22.280 --> 27:25.280] The head of the National Assembly, the Head of the Education and Education Committee, [27:25.280 --> 27:28.280] Şemsedin Hacıyev, the head of the Young Union of the AĞDAŠ party, [27:28.280 --> 27:31.280] Imur Orucuf, from the attention and concern shown to the new generation, [27:31.280 --> 27:34.280] and from the responsibility that falls on them. [27:34.280 --> 27:37.280] He also took care of the organizational issues at the conference. [27:37.280 --> 27:40.280] He selected the representatives of the Young Union of the AĞDAŠ party at the conference. [27:40.280 --> 27:43.280] Samir Urmanoglu, Samir Guliyev reports. [27:44.280 --> 27:47.280] In accordance with the recommendation of the head of state, [27:47.280 --> 27:50.280] the prophylactic examination of the situation in the city of Shirvan continues. [27:50.280 --> 27:53.040] The residents of the city of Shirvan [27:53.040 --> 27:54.280] are in the hospital in the city center, [27:54.280 --> 27:58.280] in the center of the 충altı 我hal escalator hasn and in the medical areas in holiday villages. [27:58.280 --> 28:00.640] The condition of the court in the city [28:00.640 --> 28:03.480] is that the facility in the emergency department [28:03.480 --> 28:06.780] can operate at a high level [28:06.780 --> 28:10.280] with deliberate measures ready to reefs to尋找 militants [28:10.280 --> 28:12.880] and operational measures for the patients. [28:13.080 --> 28:14.520] The department of medical facilities speech [28:14.520 --> 28:17.280] and news roaring plans to advance openq operations [28:17.280 --> 28:27.280] The residents are being treated by color, ultrasound, stematology, therapy, cardiogram, laboratory analysis and other tests. [28:27.280 --> 28:34.280] Since the beginning of February, more than 35,000 residents have been treated by medical tests in the city of Shirvan. [28:34.280 --> 28:47.280] As a result of this medical examination, a total of 100 patients have been treated. These patients have been taken to the hospital for dispensary examination by specialized doctors. [28:47.280 --> 28:54.280] In the future, medical prophylactic measures will be taken to prevent these diseases. [28:54.280 --> 28:58.280] According to the graph, the city's teachers have also been examined. [28:58.280 --> 29:04.280] I have visited the city center of Shirvan as well as other institutions. [29:04.280 --> 29:07.280] The tests have been confirmed. [29:07.280 --> 29:11.280] According to the graph, I would like to thank the head of the country. [29:11.280 --> 29:13.280] Experienced doctors are being examined. [29:13.280 --> 29:16.280] Medical brigades, schools and kindergartens are also being examined. [29:16.280 --> 29:21.280] They serve elderly people who cannot go to the hospital or the clinic at home. [29:21.280 --> 29:25.280] Vagif Necefov, the owner of Aghiev village, reports. [29:25.280 --> 29:28.280] It is snowing in the Daşkesen district since last night. [29:28.280 --> 29:31.280] There are 30 snow-covered roads in the center of the district. [29:31.280 --> 29:34.280] There are 50 centimeters of snow in Yenikent and Karauğullar villages. [29:34.280 --> 29:38.280] The Daşkesen district has been strengthened by a 22-hour road service administration. [29:38.280 --> 29:43.280] Heavy machinery and workers travel to clean the roads, snow and ice. [29:43.280 --> 29:46.280] A special commission has been created in the Daşkesen district up to the airport. [29:46.280 --> 29:53.280] It has been stated from the commission that there are no problems with the equipment of the public's electricity, gas and water. [29:53.280 --> 29:58.280] It keeps the public's attention on the villages and keeps the situation under control. [30:00.280 --> 30:05.280] The Astara district, which is considered as the capital of Azerbaijan, is getting more beautiful day by day. [30:05.280 --> 30:09.280] The boulevards and parks are being built on the seashore of the district. [30:11.280 --> 30:14.280] In the framework of the Regional Social Economic Development Development Program, [30:14.280 --> 30:18.280] the construction of park boulevards and parks continues in Astara. [30:18.280 --> 30:23.280] The park boulevards are being built under water for many years in the Eskere district. [30:23.280 --> 30:27.280] The construction of the park boulevards, which is located in the 9-sector area, [30:27.280 --> 30:32.280] and the construction of the solar panels and lighting system in the 6,000-square-meter area is underway. [30:32.280 --> 30:37.280] In addition, the construction of the fairways in the 600-square-meter area is underway. [30:37.280 --> 30:40.280] The boulevards are now ready for construction in two cities. [30:40.280 --> 30:51.280] In the end of February 2014, the construction of boulevards began in the 8-sector area along the coast of the Astara district. [30:51.280 --> 30:55.280] The sidewalks along the coast are 650 meters long. [30:55.280 --> 31:00.280] The sidewalks are made of concrete and are made of reinforced concrete constructions. [31:00.280 --> 31:04.280] The parks along the coast have been improved. [31:04.280 --> 31:10.280] The construction of the park boulevards has been completed. [31:10.280 --> 31:14.280] In the park boulevard, the entertainment centers of the people of Astara have been built, [31:14.280 --> 31:18.280] as well as large cultural facilities for tourists. [31:18.280 --> 31:22.280] When we think of rest on the coast of the sea, we think of the city of Odega-Baki. [31:22.280 --> 31:25.280] We think of rest in the Gdae-Baki boulevard. [31:25.280 --> 31:30.280] Astara has such a boulevard. It is a very big thing. [31:30.280 --> 31:34.280] It is a very beautiful place for our children. [31:34.280 --> 31:39.280] It is a very beautiful place for our children to have fun, travel and rest. [31:39.280 --> 31:44.280] On behalf of the residents of Astara, we would like to express our gratitude to our President. [31:44.280 --> 31:48.280] I used to go to Baki when I was young. [31:48.280 --> 31:50.280] My parents used to go to Baki. [31:50.280 --> 31:52.280] But now they live here. [31:52.280 --> 31:55.280] We come here every evening with my friends. [31:55.280 --> 31:57.280] We spend a lot of time here. [31:57.280 --> 31:59.280] Thank you very much, our President. [31:59.280 --> 32:01.280] I would like to send my condolences to Seydar Aliyev. [32:01.280 --> 32:04.280] I would like to name Astara as the southern capital of Astara. [32:04.280 --> 32:06.280] I would like to thank Ilham Aliyev for coming. [32:06.280 --> 32:10.280] I would like to beautify the southern capital of Astara. [32:10.280 --> 32:15.280] This park you see is the dream of Astara residents for centuries. [32:15.280 --> 32:19.280] They did not put stones on it during the civil war. [32:19.280 --> 32:26.280] But to see the park boulevard, we used to go to the movies, watch TV or go to Baki. [32:26.280 --> 32:28.280] Now there is no need for this. [32:28.280 --> 32:32.280] In the boulevard, there is a cafe, a restaurant, an open fitness club. [32:32.280 --> 32:34.280] There is also a mini sports field. [32:34.280 --> 32:37.280] There is also a children's sports academy. [32:37.280 --> 32:41.280] Hikmet Aliyev, Eldaniz Gurbanov, Gunal Qasimov, Khabarer. [32:41.280 --> 32:45.280] Let's get acquainted with the current situation in the state roads. [32:45.280 --> 32:47.280] Good evening. [32:47.280 --> 32:51.280] We would like to present your information. [32:51.280 --> 32:53.280] Thank you very much. [32:53.280 --> 32:58.280] Now let's move on to the central part of Baku. [32:58.280 --> 33:02.280] As you can see on the screen, there is a high-intensity movement. [33:02.280 --> 33:09.280] From Baku Hanuf Street, Semen Durgun Street, Rashid Beipitov Street and Ceyhun Azubal Street. [33:09.280 --> 33:14.280] From Eyni Vaziyat, Inshatçılar Street, Izmir Street and Eyni. [33:14.280 --> 33:18.280] It is possible to see the direction of Senjavid Street. [33:18.280 --> 33:22.280] From Azneftarasi, Nevciler Street and Bulbul Street. [33:22.280 --> 33:24.280] From Zaliev Street, Azatliq Square. [33:24.280 --> 33:28.280] And from Niyazi Street, Istiglalet Street. [33:28.280 --> 33:31.280] As we can see, the movement forms a tight line. [33:31.280 --> 33:33.280] At the same time, the movement is tight. [33:33.280 --> 33:39.280] From Yusuf Sefer Street, Afiatim Jalilov Street, Khojal Street and Heydar Ali Street. [33:39.280 --> 33:43.280] A relatively normal movement from Akhazemik Zarif Aliyev Street. [33:43.280 --> 33:47.280] From Rasulzad Street and Nevciler Street. [33:47.280 --> 33:52.280] From Nakhmed Rejabil Street and Ataturk Street. [33:52.280 --> 33:56.280] It is a normal movement from this direction. [33:56.280 --> 34:00.280] From Eyni Vaziyat Street, Puskin Street. [34:00.280 --> 34:03.280] And from Azatliq Street. [34:03.280 --> 34:08.280] From Getmestier Street, Vagif Street and Menmedarat Street. [34:08.280 --> 34:10.280] It is a tight line. [34:10.280 --> 34:14.280] But it is a normal movement. [34:14.280 --> 34:20.280] And as we can see, the movement forms a tight line from Kharigurban Street to Bakkhan Street. [34:20.280 --> 34:25.280] But on the other hand, it is a normal movement from Fizuli Street and Fizuli Street. [34:25.280 --> 34:28.280] That's all for now. Thank you. [34:29.280 --> 34:31.280] We have seen the movement situation. [34:31.280 --> 34:34.280] Thank you for managing the movement center. [34:34.280 --> 34:37.280] We will finish the news at 17 o'clock. [34:37.280 --> 34:39.280] See you again. [34:39.280 --> 34:44.280] Thank you. [35:09.280 --> 35:13.280] The government budget should be paid to the tax authorities [35:13.280 --> 35:17.280] without being late from the 15th of the year. [35:17.280 --> 35:21.280] The Republic of Azerbaijan is ready for taxes. [35:22.280 --> 35:27.280] The roads from Iran to North Azerbaijan are filled with Armenians. [35:27.280 --> 35:30.280] To the lands of North Azerbaijan. [35:30.280 --> 35:37.280] To the lands of the Russian invaders, the Iranians, the Nakhchivans and the Karabakhs. [35:37.280 --> 35:42.280] The Armenian ideologues and political leaders should be exposed. [35:42.280 --> 35:46.280] The Armenians, who have taken the path of cultural and intellectual integration, [35:46.280 --> 35:48.280] will be sent to Urartu. [35:48.280 --> 35:51.280] They will be sent to South and North Caucasus. [35:51.280 --> 35:55.280] They will be sent to many more regions. [35:55.280 --> 35:59.280] They will be sent from sea to sea with the dream of a great Armenian. [35:59.280 --> 36:02.280] March 31, 1130. [36:02.280 --> 36:07.280] Armenians. Anatomy of the Armenian Empire. [36:32.280 --> 36:35.280] The world around us is full of colors. [36:35.280 --> 36:38.280] Every color has its own colors. [36:38.280 --> 36:41.280] All colors have the ability to create a feeling [36:41.280 --> 36:44.280] in the surrounding environment. [36:44.280 --> 36:47.280] According to the unified color of the scholars, [36:47.280 --> 36:50.280] children are able to feel the colors. [36:50.280 --> 36:53.280] Children are able to feel the colors. [36:53.280 --> 36:56.280] Children are able to feel the colors. [36:56.280 --> 36:59.280] Children are able to feel the colors. [36:59.280 --> 37:02.280] According to the unified color, [37:02.280 --> 37:05.280] children are more sensitive to colors than adults. [37:05.280 --> 37:08.280] It is not a coincidence that every child [37:08.280 --> 37:12.280] is eager to take shape with great pleasure. [37:20.280 --> 37:23.280] These children, who are spiritually clean, [37:23.280 --> 37:30.280] feel the colors more sensitively than adults. [37:30.280 --> 37:33.280] Children who see this beauty [37:33.280 --> 37:36.280] that rises above them thanks to the great power [37:36.280 --> 37:54.280] wants to take it to paper with the help of bright colors. [38:06.280 --> 38:11.280] The children are interested in the sunken sky. [38:18.280 --> 38:21.280] The colors of the sky are enough [38:21.280 --> 38:25.280] to keep their colors in the bed. [38:25.280 --> 38:28.280] The woman puts her hair to the sky [38:28.280 --> 38:31.280] and looks at the blue sky. [38:31.280 --> 38:34.280] The woman puts her hair to the sky [38:34.280 --> 38:37.280] and looked up at the blue sky. [38:38.280 --> 38:43.280] The main letters of the words used in the sentence are for the color order. [38:45.280 --> 38:49.280] The first letter of the woman's word is the g, the red. [38:50.280 --> 38:53.280] The n, the orange in the nana's word, [38:54.280 --> 38:57.280] the s, the yellow in the s, in the hair's word, [38:58.280 --> 39:01.280] and the y, in the yuyup's word, indicate old age. [39:01.280 --> 39:05.280] Amongst the cleanest colors we see in the sky, [39:06.280 --> 39:10.280] there are numerous yellow colors that cannot be chosen by human eyes. [39:11.280 --> 39:15.280] These colors, completing each other, [39:16.280 --> 39:19.280] are like the palette of universal power. [39:20.280 --> 39:23.280] Occasionally, the diversity in different seasons [39:23.280 --> 39:30.280] brings us together through the colors and tones in this palette. [39:42.280 --> 39:46.280] Our fathers, who are good at taking colors, [39:47.280 --> 39:51.280] show their skills in painting the lines. [39:51.280 --> 39:55.280] Our painters, who are proud of their natural colors [39:56.280 --> 39:59.280] and their artistic beauty, [40:00.280 --> 40:05.280] show their great talents in both painting and painting. [40:05.280 --> 40:09.280] The artists, who are proud of the beauty of the world, [40:09.280 --> 40:34.280] create the miracles of art with the creation of universal power. [40:39.280 --> 40:49.280] When thinking about color, the first thing that comes to mind is the color red. [40:50.280 --> 40:53.280] The reason is that human blood is in this color. [40:54.280 --> 40:57.280] Red is the symbol of colors, the flag. [40:58.280 --> 41:01.280] Scientists have calculated the measurement of red color [41:02.280 --> 41:05.280] as 620-760 nanometers. [41:05.280 --> 41:12.280] It is the symbol of life, of energy, of love, of femininity. [41:13.280 --> 41:16.280] Sheikh Nizami Gencevi wrote in his seven beautiful works [41:17.280 --> 41:20.280] about the color red. [41:20.280 --> 41:35.280] Red is the symbol of life, the flag. [41:50.280 --> 41:55.280] Red is the symbol of life, the flag. [41:56.280 --> 42:04.280] Red is the symbol of life, the flag. [42:10.280 --> 42:13.280] This color does not affect human health. [42:13.280 --> 42:19.280] It raises the tone of the blood, normalizes the activity of the heart, [42:20.280 --> 42:21.280] activates the frozen activity. [42:22.280 --> 42:25.280] It is the color that children love the most. [42:26.280 --> 42:29.280] It makes those who are suffering more anxious. [42:30.280 --> 42:33.280] Since it is difficult to get the color red, [42:34.280 --> 42:37.280] in the old days, in a number of countries in the Middle East, [42:37.280 --> 42:42.280] colored pieces were sold very cheaply. [42:48.280 --> 42:53.280] The measurement of orange color is 585-620 nanometers. [42:54.280 --> 42:58.280] The color of the sun is considered to be a source of health, beauty, [42:59.280 --> 43:02.280] and youth in a number of eastern countries. [43:02.280 --> 43:06.280] It is used to improve the activity of the bloodstream, [43:07.280 --> 43:11.280] the digestive system, from this color. [43:12.280 --> 43:15.280] It plays a positive role in the destruction of sorrow [43:16.280 --> 43:17.280] and hellish cells. [43:18.280 --> 43:19.280] It increases the power of hells. [43:20.280 --> 43:22.280] It raises the level of neuroendocrine. [43:23.280 --> 43:27.280] The energy in orange color is used to destroy the love of life [43:27.280 --> 43:31.280] in the bloodstream. [43:32.280 --> 43:33.280] It is beneficial to see. [43:34.280 --> 43:37.280] The alban cells on different living creatures [43:38.280 --> 43:42.280] living in water and dry land protect them from enemies [43:43.280 --> 43:48.280] and bring light to the eyes, heart and heart. [43:49.280 --> 43:53.280] Since these colors, which are located between red and yellow, [43:53.280 --> 43:58.280] are made up of different colors, it has a lot of life force. [44:08.280 --> 44:10.280] Although yellow is represented by the sun, [44:11.280 --> 44:13.280] it is more harmonious with yellow. [44:14.280 --> 44:19.280] The measurement of yellow color is 575-585 nanometers. [44:19.280 --> 44:24.280] Even Nizami Gencevi wrote about this color. [44:49.280 --> 44:53.280] Yellow was Musa's mother, of course. [44:54.280 --> 44:57.280] They gave her a lot of value. [44:58.280 --> 45:01.280] Yellow is the source of happiness. [45:02.280 --> 45:05.280] Yellow is the most precious thing. [45:07.280 --> 45:11.280] In the eastern region, yellow color is used to improve [45:12.280 --> 45:15.280] the activity of the digestive tract. [45:15.280 --> 45:19.280] It improves the activity of the digestive tract and the liver. [45:20.280 --> 45:23.280] It activates the vegetative digestive system. [45:24.280 --> 45:27.280] It plays a big role in cleaning the body. [45:28.280 --> 45:30.280] This color creates happiness and good energy. [45:31.280 --> 45:34.280] It removes fatigue and burden. [45:35.280 --> 45:36.280] It increases the expression of death. [45:37.280 --> 45:38.280] It increases madness. [45:38.280 --> 45:44.280] The more you look at the yellow girl, the brighter your eyes become. [46:00.280 --> 46:03.280] Yellow color calms the senses. [46:03.280 --> 46:07.280] Especially, it increases the love of life in intelligent people. [46:08.280 --> 46:12.280] It stimulates the taste of nature and beauty. [46:13.280 --> 46:17.280] The measurement of yellow color is 510-550 nanometers. [46:18.280 --> 46:24.280] It is calculated in such a way that it affects the center of human spiritual energy. [46:25.280 --> 46:28.280] Nizami Gencevi wrote about this color. [46:28.280 --> 46:36.280] Yellow color is the only color that gives to the angels. [46:37.280 --> 46:40.280] Yellow color is the harmony of everything. [46:41.280 --> 46:44.280] Yellow color brightens the eyes. [46:45.280 --> 46:48.280] It calms the mind with yellow color. [46:49.280 --> 46:53.280] Youth is always yellow color. [46:53.280 --> 46:57.280] The yellow color calms the eyes. [46:58.280 --> 47:03.280] It has a wide use of arterial and eye-intensive drugs. [47:04.280 --> 47:06.280] It reduces the speed of inflammation. [47:07.280 --> 47:08.280] It takes away headaches. [47:09.280 --> 47:10.280] It increases immunity. [47:10.280 --> 47:22.280] It accelerates the release of toxins from the body. [47:23.280 --> 47:34.280] Blue and sky-blue colors have been transformed into the image of lightness and brightness in our people's minds due to their infinity. [47:34.280 --> 47:39.280] Therefore, we call the sky sky. [47:43.280 --> 47:48.280] The blue color is 480-510 nanometers. [47:49.280 --> 47:50.280] It is calming. [47:51.280 --> 47:53.280] When applied, it creates a sense of fear. [47:54.280 --> 47:56.280] It is the color of the center of energy. [47:57.280 --> 48:02.280] Thinness or a sense of elevation can be arranged with it. [48:02.280 --> 48:07.280] The blue color is good for patients with high fever. [48:08.280 --> 48:09.280] It has a bactericidal effect. [48:10.280 --> 48:13.280] Arterial nutrition and appetite are reduced. [48:14.280 --> 48:15.280] It is good for headaches. [48:16.280 --> 48:18.280] It removes coldness. [48:19.280 --> 48:21.280] It is good for the eye-intensive process. [48:22.280 --> 48:27.280] The color of the sky is 450-480 nanometers. [48:27.280 --> 48:33.280] It is considered to be a symbol of honor, hope and fortune in many of the eastern countries. [48:34.280 --> 48:42.280] Eastern countries consider this color to be a positive effect on the parasympathetic nervous system. [48:43.280 --> 48:45.280] It has antibacterial effects. [48:46.280 --> 48:48.280] It removes fatigue and coldness. [48:48.280 --> 48:53.280] It has the ability to increase youthfulness and creativity. [48:53.280 --> 49:17.280] It strengthens immunity. [49:17.280 --> 49:22.280] The blue color is the last color in the northern sky. [49:23.280 --> 49:25.280] It is placed between the sky and the red color. [49:26.280 --> 49:33.280] It has taken life-lovingness from one color to the other. [49:34.280 --> 49:39.280] The color of the blue color is 380-450 nanometers. [49:40.280 --> 49:43.280] The color of the blue color is positive for pregnant women. [49:43.280 --> 49:46.280] It calms the brain and eyes. [49:47.280 --> 49:51.280] It increases the amount of endorphin and melatonin, which is the hormone of pregnancy, in the blood. [49:52.280 --> 49:54.280] It has the ability to increase youthfulness. [49:55.280 --> 49:58.280] It increases the potential for immunity and creativity. [49:58.280 --> 50:07.280] The colors of the blue color are different from each other. [50:08.280 --> 50:12.280] Some colors are different from each other, and others are different from each other. [50:13.280 --> 50:14.280] We are like human beings. [50:15.280 --> 50:22.280] When we learn the colors, we begin to realize the ocean of colors that surrounds us. [50:23.280 --> 50:26.280] The colors are different in temperature. [50:26.280 --> 50:27.280] The colors are different from each other. [50:28.280 --> 50:33.280] When we learn the colors of the red, orange, yellow, and yellow, [50:34.280 --> 50:40.280] The colors of the red are called the colors of the sky, blue, dark blue, and gray. [50:41.280 --> 50:46.280] The colors of red, yellow, sun, white and blue are the colors of the sky. [50:46.280 --> 50:53.280] The blue sky is called this because it has ice, water and shadow colors. [51:01.280 --> 51:04.280] The sounds also have their own color. [51:04.280 --> 51:08.280] For example, from the nine sounds in our tongue, [51:08.280 --> 51:11.280] the color of the A sound is all red, [51:11.280 --> 51:20.280] E is blue, O is blue, Ö is blue, Ö is yellow, U is yellow, [51:27.280 --> 51:30.280] O is the sky, Ö is the coffee. [51:32.280 --> 51:35.280] People living in the ocean of colors, [51:35.280 --> 51:40.280] differ in color depending on the color of their hair, eyes and skin. [51:40.280 --> 51:50.280] There are four seas, blue, black, yellow and red, named after the colors. [51:50.280 --> 52:15.280] When you learn the secrets of the artist's palette, you will be able to read these works easily like an interesting book. [52:15.280 --> 52:25.280] The different colors that are seen with the influence of light contain the secrets of the world, the universe and humanity. [52:45.280 --> 52:59.280] These children who want to put the colors in their place will only learn the beauty of the colors of life. [53:45.280 --> 53:59.280] 181 people were burned out of 186 houses and 510 people were killed. [53:59.280 --> 54:05.280] One of the biggest victims of this policy was the people of the Shamakhi massacre. [54:05.280 --> 54:23.280] The participation of the Shamakhi massacres caused the same disaster to Shamian in the Kuba massacre. [54:23.280 --> 54:35.280] At 5 p.m. on the 30th of March, the sounds of fire were heard in Baku. [54:35.280 --> 54:57.280] The Armenian soldiers, armed from the top to the top, were put into houses, the people of the religion were cut into pieces, and the children of the village were thrown into the fire. [55:05.280 --> 55:17.280] This year's film is a historical research that can be used against all false claims about the southern Caucasus of Armenia. [55:17.280 --> 55:29.280] The film proves that the land where the Armenian nation is currently located is specific to the Azerbaijani state in all historical periods, and the aborigines of these lands are Azerbaijani Turks. [55:29.280 --> 55:43.280] The oldest anthropological tombs connected to the Armenians in all of Armenia were only built in the 17th century, and only the tombs that were excavated in the Kenakir necropolis are confirmed. [55:43.280 --> 55:51.280] Here, the Armenians are considered to have been excavated, that is, the Caucasians. [55:51.280 --> 55:59.280] The history of the Azerbaijani people is closely related to the history of the Armenians. [55:59.280 --> 56:07.280] The fact that the Armenians have come to the front of Asia, the fact that the history of the Azerbaijani people has been quickly distorted by the Armenian writers, and other important issues have been scientifically established. [56:07.280 --> 56:15.280] The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote that the Armenians were taken from the lands of Phrygia. [56:15.280 --> 56:19.280] This fact is also recognized by the Armenian scholars. [56:19.280 --> 56:23.280] The Armenian language does not have any resemblance to the Armenian term. [56:23.280 --> 56:25.280] This is a clean, ancient state. [56:25.280 --> 56:41.280] It is proven that the Armenians did not live in the southern Caucasus until they were taken to the area of ​​Irevan, Chukhursat, with the permission of the ruler of Azerbaijan Karakoyunlu, Cahan Shah, from the city of Sil, the center of the Armenian Catholicism, in 1441. [56:41.280 --> 56:47.280] History shows that the name of the lands of the Azerbaijanis was changed by the Armenians. [56:47.280 --> 56:57.280] The name of the lands of the Azerbaijanis was changed by the Armenians. [56:57.280 --> 57:09.280] In addition, it is shown that the best names of the civil servants have been changed, and in general, the name of the lands of the Armenians has been changed. [57:09.280 --> 57:22.280] The history of this and other monasteries and churches in Karabakh is closely linked to the history of the Caucasian Albania from the very old past, from 1836 until the completion of the Genghisar Catholicism. [57:22.280 --> 57:27.280] The Armenians changed the name of the three mazjins and expressed it as the three mazjins. [57:27.280 --> 57:30.280] There is no meaning of this word in the Armenian language. [57:30.280 --> 57:39.280] However, the meaning of this word in Azerbaijani Turkish is the three mazjins. [59:30.280 --> 59:40.280] The first of the four mazjins was the son of the Armenian Catholic Church in the village of Karabakh. [59:40.280 --> 59:50.280] The first of the four mazjins was the son of the Armenian Catholic Church in the village of Karabakh. [01:00:20.280 --> 01:00:43.280] The information service of the Azerbaijani TV continues its work live in the studio of Tural Uruzhev, hello. [01:00:43.280 --> 01:00:51.280] The Defense Committee of the Senate of Pakistan has issued a statement in support of Azerbaijan in the matter of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. [01:00:51.280 --> 01:01:00.280] In the document, the so-called parliamentary elections are condemned, which the Armenians are going to hold in the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region in May of this year. [01:01:00.280 --> 01:01:11.280] In the document, illegal elections are decisively condemned in the so-called parliament, which the separatist regime intends to hold in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan on May 3 of this year. [01:01:11.280 --> 01:01:23.280] It is noted that the government and the people of Pakistan, which have friendly and brotherly relations with Azerbaijan, fully supports the official side in the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, expresses their solidarity with it and condemns the occupation policy of Armenia. [01:01:23.280 --> 01:01:33.280] The statement says that Islamabad supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan and supports the unambiguous implementation of the requirements of the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council. [01:01:33.280 --> 01:01:57.280] It is also noted that the Defense Committee of the Senate, in which all the provinces and the main political parties of Pakistan are represented, once again expresses solidarity with the Azerbaijani people and supports the resolution of the conflict on the basis of the principles of international law, the UN Charter and the resolutions adopted peacefully and on the basis of universal norms of justice. [01:01:57.280 --> 01:02:05.280] The General Assembly of the United States of New Jersey adopted a resolution to commemorate the Day of the Sacrifice of the Azerbaijani Genocide on March 31. [01:02:05.280 --> 01:02:15.280] The General Assembly of the United States of New Jersey adopted a resolution to commemorate the Day of the Sacrifice of the Azerbaijani Genocide on March 31, 2015. [01:02:15.280 --> 01:02:26.280] In the document signed by the chairman of the Assembly, Vincent Prieta, it is said that the events of March 31, 1918 are one of the most condemned bloody crimes in world history. [01:02:26.280 --> 01:02:32.280] It should be noted that the Azerbaijani genocide in recent years has been recognized by resolutions and proclamations of several states of the United States. [01:02:32.280 --> 01:02:46.280] Thanks to the efforts of the American-Azerbaijani society and the PaxTurkic Institute, the Senate of New York in 2012 adopted a resolution that recognized the Azerbaijani genocide in 1918, and the Assembly of the United States of New Jersey adopted a similar document in 2013. [01:02:46.280 --> 01:03:04.280] As a result of the company of the network of the Azerbaijani in the United States, according to the information of the American public, the Azerbaijani genocide was also recognized by three official proclamations by the governor of the state of Nevada, Jim Gibson and Brian Sandoval in 2009-2011, and by the resolution of the congressman of the state of Texas, John Zervos in 2011. [01:03:04.280 --> 01:03:14.280] Let us remind you that according to the decree signed in 1998 by the general national leader, Gaidar Malivu, the date of March 31 was announced as the day of the Azerbaijani genocide. [01:03:14.280 --> 01:03:24.280] According to the initiative of the members of the Azerbaijani diaspora, the flag of our country is raised in the largest and most famous park of the city of Skokie, Illinois, USA. [01:03:24.280 --> 01:03:32.280] Located in the province of Cook, the city of Skokie, with a population of over 65,000 people, is famous for museums, parks and entertainment centers. [01:03:32.280 --> 01:03:39.280] The park was established in 1988 on the initiative of the same-name non-governmental organization and local residents. [01:03:39.280 --> 01:03:54.280] Located in Baku, the delegation headed by the working group of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine on inter-parliamentary ties with Azerbaijan, Roman Nasirov, in honor of his funeral, honored the memory of the general national leader, Gaidar Malivu. [01:03:54.280 --> 01:04:09.280] It was honored the memory of the outstanding scientist-autonomist, the academician Zerif Aliyev. [01:04:09.280 --> 01:04:19.280] The memorial complex of the USA for the archipelago, the delegation honored the memory of the heroic defenders who fell for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. [01:04:19.280 --> 01:04:26.280] Azerbaijan is also an exemplary country for us. [01:04:26.280 --> 01:04:39.280] At this meeting, the head of the working group of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine on inter-parliamentary ties with Azerbaijan, Roman Nasirov, announced that there will be a wide exchange of opinions on the development of cooperation between legislative bodies. [01:04:39.280 --> 01:04:54.280] At the meeting, the working group of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine on inter-parliamentary ties with Azerbaijan, with the similar working group of Mili Mejlis, made statements around further strengthening of ties in various directions, including between legislative bodies. [01:04:54.280 --> 01:05:05.280] The head of the working group of Mili Mejlis on Azerbaijan, Eldar Brogimov, told in detail about the activities of the Azerbaijani parliament in the legislative process of international cooperation. [01:05:05.280 --> 01:05:10.280] He noted the presence of effective cooperation between our countries based on mutual trust. [01:05:10.280 --> 01:05:15.280] Our countries defend and support the interests of each other and international organizations. [01:05:15.280 --> 01:05:27.280] The head of the working group of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine on inter-parliamentary ties with Azerbaijan, Roman Nasirov, said that the group is represented by at least 27 parliamentarians, each of whom is interested in expanding the cooperation of our legislative bodies. [01:05:27.280 --> 01:05:37.280] There has always been mutual cooperation between our countries. Azerbaijan is an exemplary country for us too. A guest added that there is an all-out development here. [01:05:37.280 --> 01:05:47.280] Azerbaijan is a key country in the South Caucasus. This is said in an article published on the website of the influential Italian newspaper Il Giornale. [01:05:47.280 --> 01:05:57.280] An analytical article on the geopolitical situation in the Caucasus and the role of Azerbaijan in the region is posted on the website of the influential Italian newspaper Il Giornale. [01:05:57.280 --> 01:06:03.280] The publication notes that mutual recognition and acceptance of cultural diversity is the main way to progress and prosperity. [01:06:03.280 --> 01:06:11.280] It is of great importance to have a meeting with the Pope of Rome during the visit of the Vatican of the President of such a country as Azerbaijan, which unites all these positive moments in itself. [01:06:11.280 --> 01:06:19.280] He notes that Azerbaijan is a key country in the South Caucasus. The author emphasizes the importance of our country from the point of view of maintaining the balance in the region of the Persian Gulf. [01:06:19.280 --> 01:06:27.280] He writes that Azerbaijan is also a country with rich energy resources. Representatives of various religions and nations live freely here. [01:06:27.280 --> 01:06:37.280] The protection of their rights is carried out at the state level. Ethnic minorities living in this country can freely propagate and protect their cultural values and religion. [01:06:37.280 --> 01:06:45.280] According to the article, it is noted that Azerbaijan, where the policy of multiculturalism is carried out at the state level, which reflects the joint living in the conditions of the world, [01:06:45.280 --> 01:06:51.280] representatives of various races and religions from this point of view can serve the country as an example. [01:06:51.280 --> 01:07:01.280] We continue our issue. From April 2 to April 4, an international Azerbaijan exhibition of tourism and travel AITF 2015 will be held in Baku. [01:07:01.280 --> 01:07:10.280] At the exhibition, which is held for the 14th time, more than 350 companies from 40 countries of the world will present their proposals in 70 tourist directions. [01:07:10.280 --> 01:07:14.280] At the exhibition, Azerbaijan is planned to present stands in 13 regions. [01:07:14.280 --> 01:07:20.280] In parallel with this exhibition, a single specialized exhibition of the region's hotel and restaurant industries will be opened, [01:07:20.280 --> 01:07:26.280] the 9th Caucasian international exhibition of equipment and accessories for hotels, restaurants and supermarkets, [01:07:26.280 --> 01:07:32.280] as well as the 2nd Caspian international exhibition of boats and yachts. [01:07:32.280 --> 01:07:38.280] Now we offer your attention to a blog of foreign news. Get acquainted with the most noticeable events in the world. [01:07:38.280 --> 01:07:54.280] As Euronews reports, the process of identifying the bodies of passengers of the crashed Airbus A320 airliner, [01:07:54.280 --> 01:07:56.280] owned by Germanwings, continues. [01:07:56.280 --> 01:08:02.280] Investigators reported that 78 samples of DNA were detected during the investigation of the remains of the victim of the disaster. [01:08:02.280 --> 01:08:05.280] The samples received will be compared with the DNA of their relatives. [01:08:05.280 --> 01:08:08.280] There were 150 people who suffered the crash of the airliner. [01:08:08.280 --> 01:08:12.280] According to investigators, due to the fact that the plane crashed into the mountain at high speed, [01:08:12.280 --> 01:08:15.280] identification of the person of the victim of the disaster will be carried out on the parts of their bodies. [01:08:15.280 --> 01:08:21.280] The French prosecutor's office came to the conclusion that the second pilot, Andreas Lübeck, had intentionally caused an accident. [01:08:21.280 --> 01:08:25.280] The German newspaper Bildt published a stenogram of the recording of the black box of the airliner. [01:08:25.280 --> 01:08:33.280] Leaving the cabin for a few minutes, then returning, the crew commander Patrick Sonderhammer saw the door locked and demanded the second pilot to open it. [01:08:33.280 --> 01:08:36.280] Then he tried to break the door with a metal object. [01:08:36.280 --> 01:08:39.280] The record shows the cries of passengers five minutes before the crash of the plane. [01:08:39.280 --> 01:08:41.280] Investigations are carried out according to the facts. [01:08:41.280 --> 01:08:47.280] According to the newspaper Bildt & Sonderhammer, in the house of the second pilot, Andreas Lübeck, psychotropic substances were detected. [01:08:49.280 --> 01:08:54.280] In the Canadian city of Halifax, the passenger airliner Airbus A320, having made a hard landing, [01:08:54.280 --> 01:08:58.280] left beyond the takeoff and landing strip, Reuters reports. [01:08:58.280 --> 01:09:02.280] There were 132 passengers and five crew members on the plane that flew from Toronto. [01:09:02.280 --> 01:09:05.280] 25 passengers were injured and placed in the hospital. [01:09:05.280 --> 01:09:12.280] Although it is reported that the airliner, owned by Air Canada, left beyond the takeoff and landing strip due to bad weather, [01:09:12.280 --> 01:09:14.280] the exact cause of the incident is not known yet. [01:09:14.280 --> 01:09:18.280] It is also noted that during the accident, there were problems with energy supply at the airport. [01:09:18.280 --> 01:09:22.280] After the incident, several flights were canceled at Halifax International Airport. [01:09:25.280 --> 01:09:29.280] According to Euronews, protests against the world's tough economy took place in Brussels. [01:09:29.280 --> 01:09:32.280] 20,000 demonstrators joined the demonstrations. [01:09:32.280 --> 01:09:41.280] More than 150 representatives of various associations took part in the protest against the reduction of state expenses and the unscrupulous tax system. [01:09:41.280 --> 01:09:46.280] Participants of the protest, heavily involved in government policy, noted the importance of reform. [01:09:49.280 --> 01:09:53.280] As reported by Euronews, the second round of elections in the regional council was completed in France. [01:09:53.280 --> 01:10:00.280] The right-wing party, headed by former President Nicolas Sarkozy, the Alliance for the People's Movement, won the election result. [01:10:00.280 --> 01:10:03.280] This party won the elections in 65 regional councils, [01:10:03.280 --> 01:10:09.280] and the Socialist Party of the current President Francois Hollande received the majority in 31 councils. [01:10:09.280 --> 01:10:14.280] The ultra-right party of the National Front, headed by Marine Le Pen, was unable to get any seats. [01:10:14.280 --> 01:10:24.280] It should be noted that the results of the elections held in the regional councils may affect the upcoming presidential elections in 2017. [01:10:24.280 --> 01:10:30.280] The official start of the election campaign in Great Britain is due to the parliamentary elections, which will take place on May 7. [01:10:30.280 --> 01:10:37.280] The main candidates for the post-premier of the minister are the current head of government David Cameron and the leader of the opposition Labour Party Ed Miliband. [01:10:37.280 --> 01:10:42.280] Analysts note the gradual growth in the authority of the party of independence headed by Nigel Farage. [01:10:42.280 --> 01:10:46.280] This party is a supporter of the exit of Great Britain from the European Union. [01:10:49.280 --> 01:10:54.280] According to Euronews, the earthquake in Papua New Guinea has been recorded with an magnitude of 7.6 points. [01:10:54.280 --> 01:11:00.280] Its epicenter was located 55 km southeast of the city of Kokopana, 65 km deep in the sea. [01:11:00.280 --> 01:11:03.280] So far there is no information about the victims and the destruction. [01:11:03.280 --> 01:11:09.280] The Pacific Ocean Warning Center from the tsunami warned that the height of the wave will reach 3 meters. [01:11:09.280 --> 01:11:16.280] The number of victims of one of the most severe floods in the last 80 years in northern Chile has reached 14 people. [01:11:16.280 --> 01:11:20.280] 20 people are still listed as missing, Reuters reports. [01:11:20.280 --> 01:11:24.280] The continuous rainy week has become the reason for the exit of the river from the coast. [01:11:24.280 --> 01:11:30.280] The most affected by the floods in the cities of Antofagasta, Atacama, Qaqimba and Capiapa, hundreds of houses remained under water. [01:11:30.280 --> 01:11:33.280] Rescue work continues in the territories. [01:11:33.280 --> 01:11:36.280] Schools are closed, a curfew has been announced in many cities. [01:11:36.280 --> 01:11:40.280] According to Reuters, the snowstorm in the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China has led to serious consequences. [01:11:40.280 --> 01:11:45.280] The most difficult situation is observed in the Burang region, located in the southwestern part of Tibet. [01:11:45.280 --> 01:11:49.280] As a result, the roads of the people of the Netherlands are paralyzed by the movement of public transport. [01:11:49.280 --> 01:11:52.280] In some areas, the height of the snow has reached 70 cm. [01:11:52.280 --> 01:11:56.280] Due to the natural disaster in Tibet, the yellow level of anxiety has been declared. [01:11:58.280 --> 01:12:03.280] The strong snowfall in the Vendane River in the southern part of the Tibetan Autonomous Region, [01:12:03.280 --> 01:12:06.280] has caused a landslide. [01:12:06.280 --> 01:12:10.280] As Reuters reports, the Western Java province has suffered natural disasters, [01:12:10.280 --> 01:12:13.280] killing at least 12 people. [01:12:13.280 --> 01:12:16.280] About 300 people were evacuated from the disaster zone. [01:12:16.280 --> 01:12:20.280] Police, military and rescue teams were involved in the search for the landslides on the territory. [01:12:20.280 --> 01:12:24.280] The disaster has led to serious destruction in many regions of the country. [01:12:24.280 --> 01:12:33.280] As a result of the storm and landslide, 11 houses were completely destroyed and the movement of public transport was paralyzed. [01:12:39.280 --> 01:12:41.280] And now about the weather in the country. [01:12:41.280 --> 01:12:44.280] Tomorrow in Baku, on the Bshun Peninsula, the precipitation is expected in some places. [01:12:44.280 --> 01:12:47.280] During the day, the change of clouds, at times cloudy. [01:12:47.280 --> 01:12:53.280] There will be moderate north wind, the temperature at night from 2 to 4, during the day 5-9 degrees of heat. [01:12:53.280 --> 01:12:57.280] In the areas where the rain is expected, in mountainous and mountainous areas there is snow. [01:12:57.280 --> 01:13:01.280] There is a possibility that the precipitation will stop during the day, and in some places it is possible that there will be fog. [01:13:01.280 --> 01:13:07.280] There will be gusty winds and eastern wind at times, the temperature at night from 0 to 5, during the day 7-12 degrees of heat. [01:13:07.280 --> 01:13:12.280] In the mountains at night from 1 to 6 frosts, and during the day from 0 to 5 degrees of heat. [01:13:13.280 --> 01:13:17.280] Now we are connecting to the Center for Management of the State Highway Police of Baku. [01:13:17.280 --> 01:13:21.280] The responsible officer Rufat Kuli will introduce us to the situation on the capital streets. [01:13:21.280 --> 01:13:23.280] Good evening, Rufat. [01:13:25.280 --> 01:13:27.280] Good evening. Thank you. [01:13:27.280 --> 01:13:30.280] I would like to introduce you to the situation on the roads of our capital. [01:13:30.280 --> 01:13:34.280] As we can see, the dense traffic is currently observed on the street of Bokehanovo, [01:13:34.280 --> 01:13:38.280] in the direction of Sameda-Vurgunov street, towards the avenue of Roshida-Beibotovo, [01:13:38.280 --> 01:13:41.280] and in the direction of the avenue of Azatlykh. [01:13:41.280 --> 01:13:44.280] The same situation can be observed on the avenue of Azatlykh. [01:13:44.280 --> 01:13:48.280] Here, in the direction of the street of Medorazov, towards the street of Vagif. [01:13:48.280 --> 01:13:52.280] The traffic is loaded, but in the opposite direction, i.e. the avenue of Ziabenyadovo, [01:13:52.280 --> 01:13:54.280] the traffic is free. [01:13:54.280 --> 01:13:57.280] Normal traffic is observed on the street of Akademika Zarefa-Liva, [01:13:57.280 --> 01:14:00.280] up to the street of Rasulza, and to the avenue of Nevchilar. [01:14:00.280 --> 01:14:04.280] As we can see, the intense traffic is on the street of Fetelkhankhoysky, [01:14:04.280 --> 01:14:07.280] as in the direction of the street of Ahmed Rajabli, also in the opposite direction, [01:14:07.280 --> 01:14:09.280] i.e. to the avenue of Atatürk. [01:14:09.280 --> 01:14:13.280] The traffic is difficult on the street of Niyazi, in the direction of the square of Azneft, [01:14:13.280 --> 01:14:16.280] and also in the opposite direction, i.e. from the avenue of Nevchilar, [01:14:16.280 --> 01:14:18.280] up to the avenue of Bülbül. [01:14:18.280 --> 01:14:21.280] It should be noted that on the street of Shakhali-Gurbanov, [01:14:21.280 --> 01:14:24.280] as in the direction of the square of Fizuli, also in the opposite direction, [01:14:24.280 --> 01:14:26.280] i.e. to the street of Bakikhanov. [01:14:26.280 --> 01:14:28.280] Here, the traffic is tight at the moment. [01:14:28.280 --> 01:14:31.280] On the street of Uzera-Gadzebeko, as in the direction of the avenue of Azatlykh, [01:14:31.280 --> 01:14:35.280] also in the direction of Pushkin Street, the traffic is free at the moment. [01:14:35.280 --> 01:14:39.280] In addition, I would like to note that on the street of Yusif Safarov, [01:14:39.280 --> 01:14:43.280] at the moment, the traffic is loaded in the direction of the avenue of Geydar Aliyev, [01:14:43.280 --> 01:14:46.280] and in the direction of the street of Hojaly. [01:14:46.280 --> 01:14:50.280] And I would like to note that at the moment on the avenue of Nevchilar, [01:14:50.280 --> 01:14:53.280] as in the direction of the street of Neriman-Nerimanov, [01:14:53.280 --> 01:14:56.280] also in the opposite direction, i.e. to the street of Senjavid. [01:14:56.280 --> 01:14:58.280] Here the traffic is dense. [01:14:58.280 --> 01:15:00.280] That's all for me. Thank you and all the best. [01:15:00.280 --> 01:15:02.280] Thank you for the detailed information. [01:15:02.280 --> 01:15:05.280] Let me remind you that from the center of traffic control of the State Road Police, [01:15:05.280 --> 01:15:08.280] we were introduced to the situation on the streets of Baku. [01:15:08.280 --> 01:15:10.280] This is the end of our issue. [01:15:10.280 --> 01:15:13.280] I wish you all the best. See you. [01:15:40.280 --> 01:15:42.280] Thank you. [01:16:10.280 --> 01:16:12.280] Thank you. [01:16:40.280 --> 01:16:42.280] Thank you. [01:17:10.280 --> 01:17:12.280] Thank you. [01:17:40.280 --> 01:17:42.280] Thank you. [01:18:10.280 --> 01:18:12.280] Thank you. [01:18:40.280 --> 01:18:42.280] Thank you. [01:19:10.280 --> 01:19:12.280] Thank you. [01:19:40.280 --> 01:19:42.280] Thank you. [01:20:10.280 --> 01:20:12.280] Thank you. [01:20:40.280 --> 01:20:42.280] Thank you. [01:21:10.280 --> 01:21:12.280] Thank you. [01:21:40.280 --> 01:21:46.280] The ventilation hole in the bathroom must have holes in the lower part of the door. [01:21:46.280 --> 01:21:50.280] It is not possible to connect these to keep the bathroom clean. [01:21:50.280 --> 01:21:54.280] At least twice a year we have to clean up the broken legs. [01:21:54.280 --> 01:21:57.280] For this purpose, private companies with special licenses, [01:21:57.280 --> 01:22:00.280] which are engaged in cleaning up the public space or the legs, [01:22:00.280 --> 01:22:04.280] should be contacted. [01:22:04.280 --> 01:22:06.280] Or keep it. [01:22:06.280 --> 01:22:10.280] The blood pressure is bad. It is not felt. [01:22:10.280 --> 01:22:14.280] But we can feel the signs of poisoning from this. [01:22:14.280 --> 01:22:19.280] Headache, headache, heart attack, insomnia. [01:22:19.280 --> 01:22:24.280] We immediately release the person who is poisoned by the blood pressure to clean air. [01:22:24.280 --> 01:22:28.280] We free him from the clothes that make it difficult for him to breathe. [01:22:28.280 --> 01:22:30.280] We call for emergency medical help. [01:22:30.280 --> 01:22:31.280] Let's not forget. [01:22:31.280 --> 01:22:35.280] Being addicted to rules is a danger to our lives. [01:22:35.280 --> 01:22:38.280] Call 112 when it is dangerous. [01:23:35.280 --> 01:23:41.280] The Azerbaijan TV, Civilization Channel and the Azerbaijan Radio are live on air. [01:24:05.280 --> 01:24:15.280] We invite you to join us from Dagestan, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Russia. [01:24:15.280 --> 01:24:18.280] Support the organization, Millennium Tourism and Baku Paradise. [01:24:18.280 --> 01:24:22.280] The host of the concert is Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Maslikov. [01:24:22.280 --> 01:24:36.280] You can get the tickets from the boxes centered around the city. [01:24:52.280 --> 01:25:02.280] What would I say if my homeland called me a son? [01:25:02.280 --> 01:25:05.280] I would be dead and end up on the rock. [01:25:05.280 --> 01:25:09.280] That person is really lucky that the homeland called him a son. [01:25:09.280 --> 01:25:11.280] The people called him a real citizen. [01:25:11.280 --> 01:25:13.280] One more topic is affected by our homeland. [01:25:13.280 --> 01:25:18.280] This topic is so wide that no matter which side we approach, it does not end. [01:25:18.280 --> 01:25:22.280] We will talk to our guests now. [01:25:22.280 --> 01:25:29.280] Our first guest was Teymur Mammadov, who represented our homeland with dignity. [01:25:29.280 --> 01:25:30.280] Please. [01:25:42.280 --> 01:25:44.280] Teymur, hello. [01:25:44.280 --> 01:25:45.280] How are you? [01:25:45.280 --> 01:25:47.280] Thank you very much. [01:25:47.280 --> 01:25:50.280] I would like to ask you a question. [01:25:50.280 --> 01:25:58.280] How does it feel to stand on the highest pillar of the Galibiyah chair and listen to the state anthem under the three-coloured flag? [01:25:58.280 --> 01:26:01.280] It is a very beautiful feeling. [01:26:01.280 --> 01:26:04.280] I don't know how to explain it. [01:26:04.280 --> 01:26:07.280] Other states participate in it. [01:26:07.280 --> 01:26:09.280] The invaders of other states participate in it. [01:26:09.280 --> 01:26:11.280] And right now, our anthem is being sung. [01:26:11.280 --> 01:26:27.280] When you stand on the highest pillar of the Galibiyah chair and listen to the state anthem under the three-coloured flag, you feel very excited. [01:26:27.280 --> 01:26:31.280] Teymur, we know that our people have always been in the limelight. [01:26:31.280 --> 01:26:34.280] If we look at history, we see that this is the case. [01:26:34.280 --> 01:26:40.280] How is the attitude of our people in the world arenas at the present time? [01:26:40.280 --> 01:26:46.280] Like the Azerbaijani state, the international arena is a very powerful arena. [01:26:46.280 --> 01:26:48.280] Everyone knows it. [01:26:48.280 --> 01:26:53.280] We have won two gold medals in the London Olympics. [01:26:53.280 --> 01:26:55.280] We have won many medals. [01:26:55.280 --> 01:26:58.280] They know our state and fear it. [01:26:58.280 --> 01:27:00.280] Now they fear it. [01:27:00.280 --> 01:27:04.280] We have seen many injustices in the field of education. [01:27:04.280 --> 01:27:08.280] And you have also seen injustices in the London Olympics. [01:27:08.280 --> 01:27:10.280] Tell us about it. [01:27:10.280 --> 01:27:16.280] In the semi-final, I faced an Italian boxer. [01:27:16.280 --> 01:27:20.280] In the first round, I got rid of him. [01:27:20.280 --> 01:27:24.280] In the second round, I knocked down two of them. [01:27:24.280 --> 01:27:28.280] But in the third round, I don't know how they did it. [01:27:28.280 --> 01:27:30.280] I think they did it on the other side. [01:27:30.280 --> 01:27:32.280] You have seen injustices. [01:27:32.280 --> 01:27:33.280] Yes, yes. [01:27:33.280 --> 01:27:35.280] The Italian boxer didn't believe in himself. [01:27:35.280 --> 01:27:38.280] Why do you think he did it? [01:27:38.280 --> 01:27:41.280] What was the reason? [01:27:41.280 --> 01:27:43.280] I don't know the reason. [01:27:43.280 --> 01:27:45.280] He knew it on his own. [01:27:45.280 --> 01:27:47.280] Unfortunately. [01:27:47.280 --> 01:27:51.280] Let's talk about your future. [01:27:51.280 --> 01:27:53.280] How old were you when you started boxing? [01:27:53.280 --> 01:27:57.280] I started boxing in 2006. [01:27:57.280 --> 01:27:59.280] Why did I choose this profession? [01:27:59.280 --> 01:28:05.280] My father, my mother, my father and my mother were all boxers. [01:28:05.280 --> 01:28:07.280] I opened my eyes and started boxing. [01:28:07.280 --> 01:28:09.280] Did you want to continue boxing? [01:28:09.280 --> 01:28:11.280] Yes, I want to continue boxing. [01:28:11.280 --> 01:28:13.280] Thank God, it's not bad. [01:28:13.280 --> 01:28:15.280] It's not bad at all. [01:28:15.280 --> 01:28:21.280] According to what I know, you didn't compete with the Armenians in a fight. [01:28:21.280 --> 01:28:23.280] You won the championship. [01:28:23.280 --> 01:28:25.280] You told us about this fight. [01:28:25.280 --> 01:28:31.280] In 2008, in the semi-final of the European Championship, [01:28:31.280 --> 01:28:35.280] I faced an Armenian boxer. [01:28:35.280 --> 01:28:38.280] I knocked him out in the second round. [01:28:38.280 --> 01:28:41.280] Let's talk about your achievements. [01:28:41.280 --> 01:28:43.280] Do you have any other achievements? [01:28:43.280 --> 01:28:47.280] I started in 2011. [01:28:47.280 --> 01:28:51.280] I became the European champion in Ankara. [01:28:51.280 --> 01:28:56.280] I was the first European champion in 1993. [01:28:56.280 --> 01:29:04.280] In 2011, Salman Alizade and I won the European Championship. [01:29:04.280 --> 01:29:07.280] You will also participate in European Games. [01:29:07.280 --> 01:29:09.280] What is your goal here? [01:29:09.280 --> 01:29:14.280] Will you participate in the first European Olympic Games? [01:29:14.280 --> 01:29:17.280] Of course, I will participate. [01:29:17.280 --> 01:29:22.280] My goal is to win in my country. [01:29:22.280 --> 01:29:25.280] I want to be a champion. [01:29:25.280 --> 01:29:27.280] We believe in you. [01:29:27.280 --> 01:29:29.280] We wish you good luck. [01:29:29.280 --> 01:29:33.280] According to the information we have, you participated in the Olympics. [01:29:33.280 --> 01:29:35.280] You won the third place there. [01:29:35.280 --> 01:29:37.280] This is the award you gave us. [01:29:37.280 --> 01:29:39.280] The third place is a very beautiful place. [01:29:39.280 --> 01:29:45.280] In boxing history, there is no such thing as a finalist or a champion. [01:29:45.280 --> 01:29:48.280] We have always won the first place. [01:29:48.280 --> 01:29:51.280] I became the sixth man. [01:29:51.280 --> 01:29:53.280] I won the first place again. [01:29:53.280 --> 01:29:56.280] Of course, this is a very big award. [01:29:56.280 --> 01:30:01.280] But if you are in the semi-final, you know that you have the first medal. [01:30:01.280 --> 01:30:06.280] Of course, the man wants to continue and go to the final. [01:30:06.280 --> 01:30:09.280] He wants to be a champion. [01:30:09.280 --> 01:30:15.280] But this is a very good award. [01:30:15.280 --> 01:30:18.280] This competition has been going on for four years. [01:30:18.280 --> 01:30:21.280] You don't know what will happen in four years. [01:30:21.280 --> 01:30:23.280] You don't know if you can participate or not. [01:30:23.280 --> 01:30:26.280] You don't know if you can win a license or not. [01:30:26.280 --> 01:30:32.280] Temür, there is such a saying that whoever sees his work with conscience in every field, [01:30:32.280 --> 01:30:34.280] he is a real citizen. [01:30:34.280 --> 01:30:37.280] What do you think about this idea? [01:30:37.280 --> 01:30:40.280] He is a real citizen. [01:30:40.280 --> 01:30:46.280] The first state should want the flag. [01:30:46.280 --> 01:30:47.280] The one that comes from your hand. [01:30:47.280 --> 01:30:48.280] The one that comes from your hand. [01:30:48.280 --> 01:30:50.280] They should know your state. [01:30:50.280 --> 01:30:52.280] The whole world should know you. [01:30:52.280 --> 01:30:55.280] You are the flag, you are the state. [01:30:55.280 --> 01:30:58.280] I think this is a citizen. [01:30:58.280 --> 01:31:01.280] Indeed, you have enough awards. [01:31:01.280 --> 01:31:06.280] And I wish you a lot of awards in the first European Games. [01:31:06.280 --> 01:31:07.280] Thank you very much. [01:31:07.280 --> 01:31:09.280] Thank you for coming. [01:31:11.280 --> 01:31:15.280] Our guest in the second part of our program is Prof. Cebi Bahramov. [01:31:15.280 --> 01:31:16.280] Welcome. [01:31:28.280 --> 01:31:30.280] Hello, Mr. Cebi. Welcome. How are you? [01:31:30.280 --> 01:31:32.280] Thank you very much. [01:31:32.280 --> 01:31:36.280] Mr. Cebi, I would like to start with our first question. [01:31:36.280 --> 01:31:40.280] The 31st of March was a year of painful memories for our people. [01:31:40.280 --> 01:31:43.280] But no matter how painful it was, let's go back to that period. [01:31:43.280 --> 01:31:47.280] Why did these events happen to our people? [01:31:47.280 --> 01:31:50.280] First of all, I would like to thank you for your invitation. [01:31:50.280 --> 01:31:58.280] And it has been at least 97 years since we met. [01:31:58.280 --> 01:32:02.280] I would like to ask, why did these events happen? [01:32:02.280 --> 01:32:05.280] And why did we commit these crimes against our people? [01:32:05.280 --> 01:32:12.280] Of course, Azerbaijan is a very rich and ancient civilized country. [01:32:12.280 --> 01:32:16.280] And according to its natural geographical conditions, [01:32:16.280 --> 01:32:19.280] according to its rich natural resources, [01:32:19.280 --> 01:32:22.280] for a very long period of time, [01:32:22.280 --> 01:32:27.280] it has been in the interests of various states and empires. [01:32:27.280 --> 01:32:34.280] And it is no doubt that oil has attracted more attention in these natural resources. [01:32:34.280 --> 01:32:37.280] Especially in the early 20th century, [01:32:37.280 --> 01:32:41.280] when the imperialist states were already present, [01:32:41.280 --> 01:32:48.280] all of the most fertile lands of the world were divided and divided. [01:32:48.280 --> 01:32:53.280] But the reason for the beginning of the First World War [01:32:53.280 --> 01:32:59.280] was the division of the most fertile lands. [01:32:59.280 --> 01:33:05.280] Here, the Caucasus and the Ottoman Turks' territories were divided. [01:33:05.280 --> 01:33:12.280] Of course, no state wanted to divide the land in its territory. [01:33:12.280 --> 01:33:17.280] Therefore, if we look at the beginning of the First World War, [01:33:17.280 --> 01:33:24.280] Germany had come after the beginning of the First World War. [01:33:24.280 --> 01:33:26.280] There were no other countries. [01:33:26.280 --> 01:33:29.280] There were no lands that were rich in energy resources. [01:33:29.280 --> 01:33:34.280] The lands of Azerbaijan, Russia, and the Ottoman Turks [01:33:34.280 --> 01:33:37.280] were all in the hands of the British Empire, [01:33:37.280 --> 01:33:40.280] which had a large part of Egypt. [01:33:40.280 --> 01:33:45.280] Therefore, in order to bring energy resources to such an environment, [01:33:45.280 --> 01:33:47.280] all the wars began. [01:33:47.280 --> 01:33:53.280] As a result, if you look at the beginning of the First World War, [01:33:53.280 --> 01:33:58.280] all the states that fought against each other, [01:33:58.280 --> 01:34:02.280] especially against Turkey, the Ottoman Turks, [01:34:02.280 --> 01:34:07.280] and the northern Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani people, [01:34:07.280 --> 01:34:10.280] began to show no other action than the Armenian action. [01:34:10.280 --> 01:34:15.280] What effects did you see on the 31st of March? [01:34:15.280 --> 01:34:17.280] I would like to start with my point. [01:34:17.280 --> 01:34:21.280] In 1917, in Russia, the war turned. [01:34:21.280 --> 01:34:24.280] First, the Tsarist government was replaced, [01:34:24.280 --> 01:34:26.280] then the temporary government was destroyed, [01:34:26.280 --> 01:34:29.280] and the government of the republics was taken over. [01:34:29.280 --> 01:34:32.280] The will of the government, in order to establish economic stability, [01:34:32.280 --> 01:34:35.280] had a great influence on the energy resources at that time. [01:34:35.280 --> 01:34:41.280] Therefore, in December 1917, with his own money, [01:34:41.280 --> 01:34:45.280] the members of the Tashkent Sun Party, the members of the Bacchist Committee, [01:34:45.280 --> 01:34:47.280] and the members of the Bacchist Party, [01:34:47.280 --> 01:34:50.280] the people of Sham, the people of the Caucasus, the people of the Fyogol, [01:34:50.280 --> 01:34:52.280] and the people of the Selahiyyat, [01:34:52.280 --> 01:34:54.280] the people of the Khamisar, [01:34:54.280 --> 01:34:58.280] who united under what currency? [01:34:58.280 --> 01:35:05.280] And after the Selahiyyat was given, 500,000 rubles of red money was given to him. [01:35:05.280 --> 01:35:06.280] Why did the conversation take place? [01:35:06.280 --> 01:35:08.280] To keep the oil of Baku in hand. [01:35:08.280 --> 01:35:10.280] And for this, think about it, [01:35:10.280 --> 01:35:14.280] a new order was signed in February of the 18th century. [01:35:14.280 --> 01:35:18.280] And here, 31.8 million rubles of red money. [01:35:18.280 --> 01:35:21.280] Red money at that time was of great value, [01:35:21.280 --> 01:35:24.280] that is, rubles were of great value. [01:35:24.280 --> 01:35:27.280] In addition, think about the numbers I mentioned. [01:35:27.280 --> 01:35:29.280] 13 Arabs were brought. [01:35:29.280 --> 01:35:31.280] 5,000 Armenian soldiers, [01:35:31.280 --> 01:35:34.280] who fought against Turkey on the Caucasus side, [01:35:34.280 --> 01:35:35.280] they brought him. [01:35:35.280 --> 01:35:38.280] They separated 2 million patrons. [01:35:38.280 --> 01:35:40.280] That means they separated 5,000 vintovkas. [01:35:40.280 --> 01:35:46.280] Did all of them have a sense of war here in March of the 18th century? [01:35:46.280 --> 01:35:49.280] Did they have a sense of war from another state? [01:35:49.280 --> 01:35:50.280] No. [01:35:50.280 --> 01:35:51.280] Why did the conversation take place? [01:35:51.280 --> 01:35:53.280] The conversation took place because [01:35:53.280 --> 01:35:58.280] they cleaned up this land from the local people, the Azerbaijani people, [01:35:58.280 --> 01:36:01.280] and took over the land that was full of oil and zinc. [01:36:01.280 --> 01:36:02.280] The main thing, [01:36:02.280 --> 01:36:05.280] with the condition that the Baku oil region was acquired, [01:36:05.280 --> 01:36:10.280] of course, they did not think that this was their fate. [01:36:10.280 --> 01:36:12.280] Now is a time to confirm this. [01:36:12.280 --> 01:36:15.280] In 2015, [01:36:15.280 --> 01:36:17.280] there was a letter sent to the oil committee of Kamian, [01:36:17.280 --> 01:36:19.280] which was signed, [01:36:19.280 --> 01:36:20.280] I have an idea. [01:36:20.280 --> 01:36:21.280] It says, [01:36:21.280 --> 01:36:23.280] if you cannot keep the city in your hands, [01:36:23.280 --> 01:36:24.280] burn it, [01:36:24.280 --> 01:36:26.280] destroy its people, [01:36:26.280 --> 01:36:31.280] and announce this in the press. [01:36:31.280 --> 01:36:33.280] And one of the Russian journalists, [01:36:33.280 --> 01:36:34.280] Razin, [01:36:34.280 --> 01:36:35.280] writes, [01:36:35.280 --> 01:36:36.280] if you see, [01:36:36.280 --> 01:36:41.280] giving this order is the job of a criminal. [01:36:41.280 --> 01:36:43.280] I can only call this a criminal. [01:36:43.280 --> 01:36:44.280] Therefore, [01:36:44.280 --> 01:36:46.280] in the Baku area, [01:36:46.280 --> 01:36:48.280] there is a reason. [01:36:48.280 --> 01:36:50.280] The reason is to keep the city in your hands. [01:36:50.280 --> 01:36:52.280] And this is necessary as an excuse. [01:36:52.280 --> 01:36:53.280] The excuse is, [01:36:53.280 --> 01:36:54.280] in March 24, [01:36:54.280 --> 01:36:55.280] in Evelina Mosque, [01:36:55.280 --> 01:36:59.280] the Azerbaijanian 5th Division officers [01:36:59.280 --> 01:37:03.280] went to Lankaran. [01:37:03.280 --> 01:37:05.280] The main reason was that [01:37:05.280 --> 01:37:06.280] at that time, [01:37:06.280 --> 01:37:08.280] the son of Hazrin Alp, [01:37:08.280 --> 01:37:15.280] one of the most powerful officers of the Azerbaijani people, [01:37:15.280 --> 01:37:17.280] died in Lankaran, [01:37:17.280 --> 01:37:19.280] at the time of the opening of Lankaran. [01:37:19.280 --> 01:37:22.280] All the officers went to his funeral. [01:37:22.280 --> 01:37:25.280] This is the excuse of the Cuyak, [01:37:25.280 --> 01:37:27.280] the Musavat Party, [01:37:27.280 --> 01:37:30.280] and the Azerbaijanians armed with it. [01:37:30.280 --> 01:37:31.280] This is the excuse. [01:37:31.280 --> 01:37:33.280] And in the city, [01:37:33.280 --> 01:37:35.280] a large number of people, [01:37:35.280 --> 01:37:40.280] started to commit suicide. [01:37:40.280 --> 01:37:43.280] Suicide in Baku is not enough. [01:37:43.280 --> 01:37:46.280] In other areas of Azerbaijan, [01:37:46.280 --> 01:37:49.280] for example, in the north of our territory, [01:37:49.280 --> 01:37:54.280] 122 villages were destroyed in the Kubar region. [01:37:54.280 --> 01:38:00.280] This means that more than 16 thousand people [01:38:00.280 --> 01:38:02.280] were killed in the genocide. [01:38:02.280 --> 01:38:03.280] The cemetery in the Kubar region. [01:38:03.280 --> 01:38:04.280] Yes. [01:38:04.280 --> 01:38:07.280] Now the history of Baku is related to this issue. [01:38:07.280 --> 01:38:11.280] In April 8-12 this year, [01:38:11.280 --> 01:38:13.280] the National Institute of Sciences, [01:38:13.280 --> 01:38:16.280] the head of the National Institute of Sciences, [01:38:16.280 --> 01:38:19.280] decided to hold a conference [01:38:19.280 --> 01:38:21.280] on the issue of genocide [01:38:21.280 --> 01:38:24.280] in the Kubar region. [01:38:24.280 --> 01:38:27.280] These issues are more than 60 percent [01:38:27.280 --> 01:38:29.280] in many countries of the world. [01:38:29.280 --> 01:38:33.280] This issue has come to such an extent [01:38:33.280 --> 01:38:36.280] that the cost of the crime against us [01:38:36.280 --> 01:38:38.280] should be explained to the whole world. [01:38:38.280 --> 01:38:40.280] And those who commit this crime [01:38:40.280 --> 01:38:42.280] should be held responsible. [01:38:42.280 --> 01:38:43.280] On the other hand, [01:38:43.280 --> 01:38:45.280] let me tell you that [01:38:45.280 --> 01:38:48.280] 115 villages were destroyed in Zangezer. [01:38:48.280 --> 01:38:50.280] More than 200 villages were destroyed [01:38:50.280 --> 01:38:52.280] in the Erevan region. [01:38:52.280 --> 01:38:54.280] In the south of Azerbaijan, [01:38:54.280 --> 01:38:57.280] the number of people who were killed [01:38:57.280 --> 01:39:01.280] was at least 130-150 people. [01:39:01.280 --> 01:39:04.280] This means that all the people of Azerbaijan [01:39:04.280 --> 01:39:08.280] were killed in the genocide against us. [01:39:08.280 --> 01:39:11.280] This is the explanation of the genocide. [01:39:11.280 --> 01:39:14.280] I would like to explain this to you. [01:39:14.280 --> 01:39:20.280] I owe you a debt of gratitude. [01:39:20.280 --> 01:39:27.280] This term was adopted by the Human Rights Commission [01:39:27.280 --> 01:39:31.280] on December 9, 1948, [01:39:31.280 --> 01:39:34.280] on the second day of the conference. [01:39:34.280 --> 01:39:37.280] According to the principle of religion, [01:39:37.280 --> 01:39:40.280] nationality, ethnicity, [01:39:40.280 --> 01:39:44.280] if a state, a nation or a nation is [01:39:44.280 --> 01:39:47.280] convicted of genocide, [01:39:47.280 --> 01:39:50.280] this movement is considered a genocide. [01:39:50.280 --> 01:39:52.280] All the signs of this, [01:39:52.280 --> 01:39:55.280] the Armenians who were against the people of Azerbaijan [01:39:55.280 --> 01:39:57.280] and the support of the Armenians, [01:39:57.280 --> 01:40:00.280] the Soviet Russia and the Bolsheviks, [01:40:00.280 --> 01:40:02.280] are included in the official documents. [01:40:02.280 --> 01:40:05.280] Therefore, the most severe crime against us, [01:40:05.280 --> 01:40:08.280] against our people, is the genocide. [01:40:08.280 --> 01:40:11.280] This is the final result. [01:40:11.280 --> 01:40:15.280] If we look at the final results of the First World War, [01:40:15.280 --> 01:40:20.280] the most severe crime against Azerbaijan is the genocide. [01:40:20.280 --> 01:40:24.280] The people of Azerbaijan are convicted of the genocide. [01:40:24.280 --> 01:40:29.280] More than 700,000 to 1 million people are convicted. [01:40:29.280 --> 01:40:31.280] The enemy of the West, [01:40:31.280 --> 01:40:35.280] the Soviet Russia and the Bolsheviks, [01:40:35.280 --> 01:40:39.280] the government was created with the help of the Soviet Russia. [01:40:39.280 --> 01:40:41.280] You know that the Irovan government, [01:40:41.280 --> 01:40:43.280] the Irovan people, [01:40:43.280 --> 01:40:45.280] and before that, Mr. Shukur Saad. [01:40:45.280 --> 01:40:47.280] This is our land. [01:40:47.280 --> 01:40:51.280] Therefore, against our international law, [01:40:51.280 --> 01:40:53.280] against our international community, [01:40:53.280 --> 01:40:57.280] for the recognition of the crime against us, [01:40:57.280 --> 01:41:00.280] we have the right to raise the issue. [01:41:00.280 --> 01:41:02.280] And we have the right to this, [01:41:02.280 --> 01:41:05.280] of course, to defend it. [01:41:05.280 --> 01:41:09.280] Mr. Shukur Saad, please give your final advice to our young people. [01:41:09.280 --> 01:41:11.280] First of all, [01:41:11.280 --> 01:41:14.280] we have a very strong Azerbaijan youth. [01:41:14.280 --> 01:41:16.280] We have a very powerful Azerbaijan youth. [01:41:16.280 --> 01:41:20.280] When we look at our young people who are at war, [01:41:20.280 --> 01:41:22.280] some of them, [01:41:22.280 --> 01:41:27.280] when the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict started, [01:41:27.280 --> 01:41:30.280] when we look at their heroism, [01:41:30.280 --> 01:41:36.280] we see that the number of young people has increased by a billion. [01:41:36.280 --> 01:41:38.280] Why? [01:41:38.280 --> 01:41:42.280] For example, I would like to add to the heroism that Ibad Husseinov has shown. [01:41:42.280 --> 01:41:47.280] He has shown all those who supported the Armenians, [01:41:47.280 --> 01:41:51.280] that the end of those who colluded with the Azerbaijani troops [01:41:51.280 --> 01:41:53.280] will be like the end of Monte Milano. [01:41:53.280 --> 01:41:55.280] In Elize, there is Mibariz Ibrahimov. [01:41:55.280 --> 01:41:57.280] In Elize, there is Farid Ahmadov. [01:41:57.280 --> 01:42:01.280] In Elize, there are 211 of our national heroes. [01:42:01.280 --> 01:42:03.280] Our young people are very strong. [01:42:03.280 --> 01:42:05.280] They are very strong. [01:42:05.280 --> 01:42:09.280] You know that, with the support of our President, [01:42:09.280 --> 01:42:12.280] a very big idea is given to the development of religion in Azerbaijan. [01:42:12.280 --> 01:42:14.280] They do very big things. [01:42:14.280 --> 01:42:18.280] They create different levels of religious objects. [01:42:18.280 --> 01:42:21.280] And this year, we will hold the European Olympic Games. [01:42:21.280 --> 01:42:24.280] And here, the power of the Azerbaijani youth will show itself once again. [01:42:24.280 --> 01:42:30.280] Of course, I would like our young people to know the past of our homeland [01:42:30.280 --> 01:42:35.280] and the issues related to our people very deeply. [01:42:35.280 --> 01:42:38.280] Because to the world's knowledge, to the world history, [01:42:38.280 --> 01:42:40.280] to the world's culture, to the world's politics, [01:42:40.280 --> 01:42:42.280] to the Azerbaijani people, [01:42:42.280 --> 01:42:44.280] to the higher level, [01:42:44.280 --> 01:42:46.280] to the great personalities, [01:42:46.280 --> 01:42:48.280] I would like to take the second step. [01:42:48.280 --> 01:42:51.280] I believe that these crimes against us [01:42:51.280 --> 01:42:56.280] will become the responsibility of those who commit these crimes. [01:42:56.280 --> 01:42:58.280] Remember one thing. [01:42:58.280 --> 01:43:00.280] Always be sure. [01:43:00.280 --> 01:43:03.280] The Azerbaijani youth is a very strong youth. [01:43:03.280 --> 01:43:07.280] It is a youth capable of showing great heroism. [01:43:07.280 --> 01:43:11.280] I have no doubt that they will not only occupy Karabakh, [01:43:11.280 --> 01:43:13.280] but they will also occupy Azerbaijan. [01:43:13.280 --> 01:43:16.280] They will destroy Zengizur and Iravani [01:43:16.280 --> 01:43:19.280] and will destroy all of Azerbaijan. [01:43:19.280 --> 01:43:20.280] Everyone should know this. [01:43:20.280 --> 01:43:21.280] I hope so. [01:43:21.280 --> 01:43:22.280] Thank you. [01:43:22.280 --> 01:43:23.280] Thank you very much. [01:43:25.280 --> 01:43:27.280] Our guest in the third part of our interview [01:43:27.280 --> 01:43:29.280] is Zahor Amir Islanov, [01:43:29.280 --> 01:43:31.280] a retired artist who is known as a performer of more contemporary music. [01:43:31.280 --> 01:43:32.280] Please. [01:43:44.280 --> 01:43:46.280] Hello. Nice to meet you. How are you? [01:43:46.280 --> 01:43:48.280] Thank you very much. [01:43:48.280 --> 01:43:50.280] Have a nice day. [01:43:50.280 --> 01:43:52.280] God willing, we will live happily ever after. [01:43:52.280 --> 01:43:53.280] God willing. [01:43:53.280 --> 01:43:55.280] When Zahor presented you, [01:43:55.280 --> 01:43:58.280] I presented you as a performer of more contemporary music. [01:43:58.280 --> 01:44:00.280] Do you like this presentation? [01:44:00.280 --> 01:44:04.280] And do you think you will be the first to talk about this subject? [01:44:04.280 --> 01:44:07.280] Yes, this is an honor and a pride for me. [01:44:07.280 --> 01:44:12.280] I hope that in the future, God willing, [01:44:12.280 --> 01:44:14.280] in the years to come, [01:44:14.280 --> 01:44:19.280] I will be able to present positive songs to the people of Azerbaijan. [01:44:19.280 --> 01:44:23.280] How many songs do you have so far? [01:44:23.280 --> 01:44:29.280] I have about 10 songs. [01:44:29.280 --> 01:44:35.280] In general, songs are divided into two parts. [01:44:35.280 --> 01:44:37.280] About the people, [01:44:37.280 --> 01:44:39.280] about the army, [01:44:39.280 --> 01:44:41.280] and about the state. [01:44:41.280 --> 01:44:44.280] It is divided into three parts. [01:44:44.280 --> 01:44:46.280] In general, there are many songs, [01:44:46.280 --> 01:44:50.280] and I still continue to work on them. [01:44:50.280 --> 01:44:55.280] Because this genre is the only genre that gives me strength and energy. [01:44:55.280 --> 01:44:58.280] This comes from my national upbringing. [01:44:58.280 --> 01:45:06.280] This comes from the education my father gave us. [01:45:06.280 --> 01:45:11.280] I am proud to be a participant in both wars, [01:45:11.280 --> 01:45:14.280] and even in the Great Patriotic War. [01:45:14.280 --> 01:45:16.280] Zahor, and according to the information we have, [01:45:16.280 --> 01:45:18.280] you are both state servants. [01:45:18.280 --> 01:45:20.280] By the way, you would give us information. [01:45:20.280 --> 01:45:22.280] How is your work going on in this field? [01:45:22.280 --> 01:45:25.280] Our work is going very well in this field. [01:45:25.280 --> 01:45:31.280] I am proud and honored to be a civil servant, [01:45:31.280 --> 01:45:37.280] a member of the Azerbaijani Republic's Ministry of Internal Affairs, [01:45:37.280 --> 01:45:43.280] and a representative of the international war orchestra. [01:45:43.280 --> 01:45:45.280] Congratulations on this award. [01:45:45.280 --> 01:45:46.280] I congratulate you. [01:45:46.280 --> 01:45:48.280] The conversation was very interesting, [01:45:48.280 --> 01:45:50.280] but we would like to hear from you in the end. [01:45:50.280 --> 01:45:53.280] We would also like to hear about the song you will perform. [01:45:53.280 --> 01:45:54.280] What song will it be? [01:45:54.280 --> 01:45:56.280] The song is called Vetenoglu. [01:45:56.280 --> 01:46:01.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:46:01.280 --> 01:46:06.280] The song is a very beautiful and rich song. [01:46:06.280 --> 01:46:08.280] As I said before, [01:46:08.280 --> 01:46:14.280] it is a song that has a sense of victory. [01:46:14.280 --> 01:46:16.280] Thank you very much for coming. [01:46:16.280 --> 01:46:18.280] Thank you very much for the interview. [01:46:18.280 --> 01:46:33.280] Thank you very much. Thank you for inviting me. [01:46:48.280 --> 01:46:50.280] Thank you very much. [01:47:18.280 --> 01:47:20.280] Thank you very much. [01:47:48.280 --> 01:47:50.280] Thank you very much. [01:48:18.280 --> 01:48:20.280] Thank you very much. [01:48:48.280 --> 01:48:57.280] The song is called Vetenoglu. [01:48:57.280 --> 01:49:06.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:49:06.280 --> 01:49:22.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:49:22.280 --> 01:49:34.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:49:34.280 --> 01:49:44.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:49:44.280 --> 01:49:54.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:49:54.280 --> 01:50:04.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:50:04.280 --> 01:50:14.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:50:14.280 --> 01:50:24.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:50:24.280 --> 01:50:34.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:50:34.280 --> 01:50:44.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:50:44.280 --> 01:50:54.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:50:54.280 --> 01:51:04.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:51:04.280 --> 01:51:14.280] The song is called Samir Hacı. [01:51:14.280 --> 01:51:24.280] The song is called Samir Hacı. [01:51:24.280 --> 01:51:34.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:51:34.280 --> 01:51:44.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:51:44.280 --> 01:51:54.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:51:54.280 --> 01:52:04.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:52:04.280 --> 01:52:14.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:52:14.280 --> 01:52:24.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:52:24.280 --> 01:52:34.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:52:34.280 --> 01:52:44.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:53:04.280 --> 01:53:14.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:53:14.280 --> 01:53:24.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:53:24.280 --> 01:53:34.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:53:34.280 --> 01:53:44.280] Hayat Hesenzade's song is called Samir Hacı. [01:53:44.280 --> 01:53:54.280] In 1917, after the Bolshevik invasion in Russia, Baku, the largest industrial and cultural center of Azerbaijan, was captured by the Bolshevik-Tashkent groups. [01:53:54.280 --> 01:54:02.280] The national government, which was ready to announce the Republic of Azerbaijan, saw Baku as the new capital of the Soviet Union. [01:54:02.280 --> 01:54:08.280] Without Baku, the new state's economic industry, infrastructure and cultural potential would be minimized. [01:54:08.280 --> 01:54:18.280] In other words, if Baku was not restored, the Bolshevik Armenian government would be established there, and Azerbaijan's government would have to face a lot of problems. [01:54:18.280 --> 01:54:22.280] The newly established Azerbaijani government was well aware of this. [01:54:22.280 --> 01:54:30.280] In January 1918, four months before the announcement of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a meeting of the Muslim Union Committee was held in Gencede. [01:54:30.280 --> 01:54:38.280] Azerbaijan's center must be cleared from the enemy of Baku, because there is no body without a head and it cannot live. [01:54:38.280 --> 01:54:42.280] We need great help, and only the Ottoman state can help us. [01:54:42.280 --> 01:54:46.280] Thus, the political goal and military policy was also clear. [01:54:46.280 --> 01:54:52.280] Without the help of the Ottoman state, it was impossible to create the military-political foundations of the Azerbaijani state, [01:54:52.280 --> 01:55:02.280] to liberate Baku, and to establish the National Political Council over the country. Hayat Gencede's view of Baku's political and military victory was echoed. [01:55:02.280 --> 01:55:04.280] A lot of events took place in Gencede. [01:55:04.280 --> 01:55:16.280] A lot of measures were taken in the direction of the formation of the state, the formation of the government, and the development of the government in other areas of Azerbaijan. [01:55:16.280 --> 01:55:23.280] We can say that the Gencede period of the Azerbaijani People's Republic is a very important place in the history of Azerbaijan. [01:55:23.280 --> 01:55:28.280] However, the most important issue at that time was the liberation of Baku. [01:55:28.280 --> 01:55:16.280] The inner [01:55:16.280 --> 01:55:35.280] state was Gencede. However, all the opportunities needed in the state of Baku were provided by the infrastructure itself. [01:55:35.280 --> 01:55:41.280] Also, it was a strategic issue, as it was a matter of taking back what belonged to the nation. [01:55:41.280 --> 01:55:46.280] Whatever it was, Baku had to be liberated. [01:55:46.280 --> 01:56:04.280] At that time, the forces of the Turkish-Islamic army had begun to gather in Gencede. [01:56:04.280 --> 01:56:28.280] In October 1917, after the rule of Baku was taken over in Petersburg, a week later, the Soviet government was established in both Noya and Abrail. [01:56:28.280 --> 01:56:34.280] After the events of March, in Baku, the Azerbaijani people's position was hit hard. [01:56:34.280 --> 01:56:38.280] They used this opportunity to try to improve their rule. [01:56:38.280 --> 01:56:45.280] However, the Soviet of the People's Republic of Baku, in order to improve their position, [01:56:45.280 --> 01:56:54.280] used more than political means, military-political means, and continued the policy of repression against the Azerbaijani people. [01:56:54.280 --> 01:57:14.280] In those days, a friendly confrontation was signed between the Ottoman state and the Azerbaijani Republic, which was of great importance. [01:57:14.280 --> 01:57:26.280] When it comes to everything, the Azerbaijani and Turkish Turks are people who share the same heritage, the same culture and language. [01:57:26.280 --> 01:57:34.280] Therefore, in difficult situations, it is not possible to think of something more natural than helping each other. [01:57:34.280 --> 01:57:44.280] The contribution that the Azerbaijani brothers made to Turkey in the Istiklal War, [01:57:44.280 --> 01:57:54.280] and when the Ottoman State was attacked by the Azerbaijani people in 1918, [01:57:54.280 --> 01:58:06.280] the fact that a large number of Azerbaijani soldiers were removed from the Trabolus-Garp front and sent to Azerbaijan by Nuri Pasha, was the biggest proof of this. [01:58:06.280 --> 01:58:14.280] At that time, as you know, the Azerbaijani soldiers who were sent from the Trabolus front also participated, [01:58:14.280 --> 01:58:21.280] and this struggle was fought under the name of the Caucasus Islamic Army. [01:58:21.280 --> 01:58:27.280] The 5th division of the Ottoman Army was sent to Azerbaijan with the demonstration of Nuri Pasha, [01:58:27.280 --> 01:58:31.280] who did not care about living in a difficult situation in the Ottoman state. [01:58:31.280 --> 01:58:36.280] The 5th division of the Ottomans was established by the Caucasus Islamic Army, [01:58:36.280 --> 01:58:41.280] under the supervision of a military minister who was responsible for the independence of the Ottoman Empire. [01:58:41.280 --> 01:58:48.280] Under the command of Nuri Pasha, one of the most fearless, brave, intelligent and faithful soldiers of the time, [01:58:48.280 --> 01:58:52.280] the Caucasus Islamic Army sent the help of the Azerbaijani Turks. [01:58:52.280 --> 01:58:57.280] Out of these Turks and Azerbaijanis, only 18 soldiers and officers participated. [01:59:09.280 --> 01:59:14.280] With the help of the Caucasus Islamic Army, Azerbaijan was able to spread its rule of the government in the lands quickly, [01:59:14.280 --> 01:59:18.280] and began to create state bodies on the shores. [01:59:18.280 --> 01:59:21.280] The liberation of Baku began to seem real. [01:59:21.280 --> 01:59:30.280] As such, in 1918, in the 3rd of September, Lillin sent a terrible telegram to the head of the Baku People's Commissariat, Ter Gavrilyan. [01:59:30.280 --> 01:59:35.280] In the telegram, it was said that Baku would be held by the Turkish and Azerbaijani People's Republics, [01:59:35.280 --> 01:59:40.280] and that everything should be prepared to burn down the whole city. [01:59:40.280 --> 01:59:47.280] At the same time, those who led the Baku People's Commissariat led the Azerbaijani People's Republics to end their activities. [01:59:47.280 --> 01:59:51.280] Not long before the meeting began, with the support of Lillin, [01:59:51.280 --> 01:59:58.280] the head of the Georgian government, Jordanian, requested the Azerbaijani Turks to connect the way to Azerbaijan. [01:59:58.280 --> 02:00:03.280] He promised him that if he did not leave the Georgian Turks to Azerbaijan, [02:00:03.280 --> 02:00:06.280] the Soviet Russia would recognize his independence. [02:00:06.280 --> 02:00:10.280] In 1921, the meetings began in the young direction of the Baku Soviet. [02:00:10.280 --> 02:00:15.280] In 1922, the forces of the Baku Soviet approached Göçay from Kürdemirişkale. [02:00:15.280 --> 02:00:20.280] The long-running battles of the two weeks resulted in the victory of the Caucasus Islamist Army [02:00:20.280 --> 02:00:24.280] in the account of the additional forces and Azerbaijani people sent from Turkey. [02:00:24.280 --> 02:00:30.280] The enemy took the first major victory of the Caucasus Islamist Army under the command of Ahmet Hamid Bey in Göçay. [02:00:30.280 --> 02:00:37.280] The victory of the Caucasus Islamist Army under the command of Göçay was the turning point in the fight for the independence [02:00:37.280 --> 02:00:41.280] of the Azerbaijani People's Republics from Baku to Baku. [02:00:41.280 --> 02:00:47.280] In these battles, the Baku Soviet troops were hit so hard that they could not come to their senses again. [02:00:47.280 --> 02:00:52.280] In Göçay, the new bodies of the national state began to operate in Kürdemirişkale. [02:00:52.280 --> 02:01:00.280] The Caucasus Islamist Army began to see liberation in the direction of Baku by the unification of Baku and Taksinak. [02:01:00.280 --> 02:01:05.280] In 2020, the city of Shamak, which is an important strategic region, was liberated in this direction. [02:01:05.280 --> 02:01:10.280] At the end of the year, the leader of Shamyan, the Baku Soviet, had to resign. [02:01:10.280 --> 02:01:14.280] However, the enemy did not want to give up the most important position of Baku. [02:01:14.280 --> 02:01:19.280] In spite of this, the command of the Caucasus Islamist Army saw extremely serious preparations [02:01:19.280 --> 02:01:22.280] for the liberation of the city of Shamak. [02:01:22.280 --> 02:01:25.280] Let's watch the chronology of the battles. [02:01:25.280 --> 02:01:31.280] The attack on the city of Baku began at 1.00 on the night from 13th to 14th of September. [02:01:33.280 --> 02:01:38.280] The 9th Caucasus Army of the 5th Caucasus Division ordered the 6th Infantry Army, [02:01:38.280 --> 02:01:43.280] which was on the side of the road of Baku, to move to the north of this road to the city. [02:01:43.280 --> 02:01:48.280] At 3.30 o'clock, the enemy's first forces had already been captured. [02:01:48.280 --> 02:01:52.280] The commander of the British and Centro-Caspian troops, [02:01:52.280 --> 02:01:55.280] with the help of the activity of the 5th Division, [02:01:55.280 --> 02:02:00.280] regrouped the first-serving military units that had taken the artillery. [02:02:00.280 --> 02:02:04.280] In the left wing, the British troops retreated somewhat, [02:02:04.280 --> 02:02:06.280] and they hid in these high places. [02:02:06.280 --> 02:02:09.280] A division was sent against the Turkish-Azerbaijan troops. [02:02:09.280 --> 02:02:15.280] At the same time, the Palkovnik keyboard brought additional forces to the areas where the Turkish divisions advanced. [02:02:15.280 --> 02:02:19.280] At 8.00 o'clock, the British started the grouping. [02:02:19.280 --> 02:02:23.280] Although this grouping could not get out of the positions held by the Turkish divisions, [02:02:23.280 --> 02:02:26.280] it took them against their advance from the left wing. [02:02:27.280 --> 02:02:31.280] With the start of the attack, the Centro-Caspian troops had fallen into a fight. [02:02:31.280 --> 02:02:33.280] Many of the crews had escaped and were scattered. [02:02:33.280 --> 02:02:39.280] General Dokuçay, after the big challenges, gathered their forces in one place and gave the order to retreat. [02:02:39.280 --> 02:02:42.280] Even if the local troops tried to retreat twice, [02:02:42.280 --> 02:02:47.280] they could not get out of the positions held by the Turkish divisions in the direction of the Turkish-Caspian border. [02:02:47.280 --> 02:02:52.280] Although the 38th Infantry Division advanced slightly from the enemy positions, [02:02:52.280 --> 02:02:54.280] it faced serious resistance. [02:02:54.280 --> 02:02:59.860] In particular, the [02:02:59.860 --> 02:03:07.380] Palkovnik and the Warchuster corps were under the command of Colonel Faviel in the 5th Infantry Division. [02:03:07.380 --> 02:03:13.880] The British corps was supported by two planes and six armored vehicles, [02:03:13.880 --> 02:03:17.880] which greatly increased the firepower of the units. [02:03:17.880 --> 02:03:23.380] On the 38th of July, a gap was created between the left wing of the 5th Caucasian Division and the wing of the GANAD. [02:03:23.380 --> 02:03:29.380] The British troops were able to use this to create stronger defensive positions in the north direction. [02:03:29.380 --> 02:03:31.380] In order to remove this gap, [02:03:31.380 --> 02:03:35.380] the 107th Infantry Division, which was kept under the command of the Caucasian-Islamic forces, [02:03:35.380 --> 02:03:39.380] decided to fight directly to Bilajari from the Haji Hasan village. [02:03:39.380 --> 02:03:48.380] However, the 107th Infantry Division was not able to move much further because of the military-technical defensive positions of the British divisions. [02:03:48.380 --> 02:03:54.380] A day later, the formation of the 15th Infantry Division's firepower on Bilajari [02:03:54.380 --> 02:04:00.380] allowed the 38th Infantry Division to move much further and to capture the Bilajari highlanders. [02:04:00.380 --> 02:04:06.380] The attack, which was continued, resulted in the capture of the highlanders in the Armenian village near the evening. [02:04:06.380 --> 02:04:11.380] The 15th Infantry Division's command decided to attack from the north. [02:04:11.380 --> 02:04:15.380] After creating contact with the command of the 107th Caucasian Division, [02:04:15.380 --> 02:04:19.380] there were battles in the 38th Infantry Division. [02:04:19.380 --> 02:04:25.380] Although the resistance against the Turkish-Azerbaijan troops was shown in the 14th of September by the British troops, [02:04:25.380 --> 02:04:29.380] it was no doubt that the victory of Baku had been resolved. [02:04:29.380 --> 02:04:36.380] Therefore, they were more concerned with the issue of removing the gap with the ships in the morning of the 15th of September. [02:04:36.380 --> 02:04:43.380] After the preparation of artillery, they attacked the city on the 15th of September. [02:04:43.380 --> 02:04:49.380] After that, the left wing of the 5th Caucasian Division, under the condition of passing through the Armenian village, [02:04:49.380 --> 02:04:55.380] had to enter the city and the western part of it had to be cleared by the English-Armenian weapons. [02:04:55.380 --> 02:05:02.380] After the city was captured, a footpath and two log batteries had to be stored there for the creation of the law. [02:05:02.380 --> 02:05:06.380] The remaining sound of the division had to be recorded and gathered around the fort. [02:05:06.380 --> 02:05:10.380] The 15th Infantry Division, on the right, had to move from the Armenian village [02:05:10.380 --> 02:05:14.380] to the eastern part of the city and the black city, [02:05:14.380 --> 02:05:19.380] and a footpath and a log battery had to be stored here for the creation of the law. [02:05:19.380 --> 02:05:22.380] The remaining sounds had to be recorded on the side of the fort. [02:05:22.380 --> 02:05:26.380] The artillery preparation started at 5.30 in the morning on the 15th of September. [02:05:26.380 --> 02:05:31.380] After an hour, the units of the 5th Caucasian Division attacked. [02:05:31.380 --> 02:05:35.380] This attack started so quickly that the Armenian forces who wanted to protect the fort [02:05:35.380 --> 02:05:40.380] thought that there was only a way to save their lives. [02:05:40.380 --> 02:05:45.380] After a short period of time, the 13th, 9th and 56th units reached the edge of the city. [02:05:45.380 --> 02:05:52.380] Now they could see what the officers and officers were doing in the streets of the city with their own eyes. [02:05:52.380 --> 02:05:58.380] The 15th Infantry Division's 38th Infantry Division and the 197th Caucasian Division sent to its right [02:05:58.380 --> 02:06:01.380] continued the attack on the city. [02:06:01.380 --> 02:06:05.380] At 6.30, the 38th Infantry Division was now in the Armenian village, [02:06:05.380 --> 02:06:10.380] with the two far-reaching 8 Sehra Toh and 2 Teher. [02:06:10.380 --> 02:06:14.380] At 8.30, the 38th Infantry Division and the Azerbaijani soldiers [02:06:14.380 --> 02:06:20.380] took control of the Zihni Bey's headquarters in Ahmetli and the ruling cities of the black city. [02:06:20.380 --> 02:06:24.380] At about 15 o'clock, the 38th Infantry Division entered the black city [02:06:24.380 --> 02:06:29.380] and was greeted here with great joy by the Azerbaijani officers of the city. [02:06:29.380 --> 02:06:34.380] On September 15, talks were held between the command of the city's ruling bodies [02:06:34.380 --> 02:06:40.380] and the 5th Caucasian Division on the topic of Iran, America, Sweden and Denmark. [02:06:40.380 --> 02:06:43.380] In response to the demands of the city authorities, [02:06:43.380 --> 02:06:46.380] a request was made to surrender the city of Baku. [02:06:46.380 --> 02:06:49.380] On September 15, the Turkish-Azerbaijani soldiers [02:06:49.380 --> 02:06:54.380] represented the city of Baku with their English, Centro Caspian and Dachshund elements. [02:06:54.380 --> 02:06:59.380] The Azerbaijani newspaper wrote on its own September 15, 1919, [02:06:59.380 --> 02:07:02.380] as follows about the liberation of the city of Baku. [02:07:02.380 --> 02:07:07.380] If we consider May 28 to be the official day of our independence, [02:07:07.380 --> 02:07:10.380] we can assume that the independence of the Azerbaijani citizens [02:07:10.380 --> 02:07:13.380] and the intervention of the Azerbaijani government in Baku [02:07:13.380 --> 02:07:18.380] is truly achieved on September 15. [02:07:18.380 --> 02:07:21.380] Today, only Azerbaijan and the Dijer-Zagafia region [02:07:21.380 --> 02:07:24.380] are as independent as they are now, [02:07:24.380 --> 02:07:27.380] and today is the day when the danger of the Turkish rights [02:07:27.380 --> 02:07:30.380] directed against the Fizki region is unleashed. [02:07:41.380 --> 02:07:43.380] The city of Baku was liberated from occupation. [02:07:43.380 --> 02:07:46.380] The city of Baku was greeted with joy and joy [02:07:46.380 --> 02:07:48.380] by the sacrifices of Turkish soldiers. [02:07:48.380 --> 02:07:51.380] On the way to the liberation of the city of Baku, [02:07:51.380 --> 02:07:54.380] Azerbaijan remembered the Turkish soldiers and officers [02:07:54.380 --> 02:07:57.380] who had been martyred on the way to the liberation of the city of Baku. [02:07:57.380 --> 02:07:59.380] When the city of Baku was liberated, [02:07:59.380 --> 02:08:02.380] 800,000 Turkish soldiers had been martyred. [02:08:02.380 --> 02:08:05.380] In August, 1130 Turkish soldiers were martyred, [02:08:05.380 --> 02:08:08.380] 30 of them were officers. [02:08:08.380 --> 02:08:11.380] The arrival of the Ottoman army to Azerbaijan [02:08:11.380 --> 02:08:14.380] was both due to the internal political situation of Azerbaijan [02:08:14.380 --> 02:08:16.380] and the environmental conditions. [02:08:16.380 --> 02:08:19.380] Since the beginning of the movement in Azerbaijan, [02:08:19.380 --> 02:08:21.380] it has been based on legal, political, [02:08:21.380 --> 02:08:23.380] economic, strategic and moral principles. [02:08:23.380 --> 02:08:25.380] What were these principles? [02:08:25.380 --> 02:08:27.380] Until now, in Azerbaijan, [02:08:27.380 --> 02:08:31.380] the Barseviks and the Armenian Tashnaks [02:08:31.380 --> 02:08:35.380] had committed mass massacres against the Azerbaijanis, [02:08:35.380 --> 02:08:38.380] and they were not stopped. [02:08:38.380 --> 02:08:41.380] And under such circumstances, [02:08:41.380 --> 02:08:43.380] the Ottoman state, [02:08:43.380 --> 02:08:46.380] as the center of Islam, [02:08:46.380 --> 02:08:48.380] had to solve these problems, [02:08:48.380 --> 02:08:50.380] and the people of Azerbaijan [02:08:50.380 --> 02:08:52.380] looked at the Ottomans as if they were free. [02:08:52.380 --> 02:08:54.380] Another part of the problem was [02:08:54.380 --> 02:08:57.380] that the international people were linked to military strategies. [02:08:57.380 --> 02:08:59.380] The Ottoman side was led by the Caucasus, [02:08:59.380 --> 02:09:01.380] and the Central Asian side. [02:09:01.380 --> 02:09:03.380] Because in the last phase of the war, [02:09:03.380 --> 02:09:05.380] they fought in the Battle of Nefmen Bay. [02:09:05.380 --> 02:09:07.380] One of them was Baku, [02:09:07.380 --> 02:09:09.380] the other was Mosul. [02:09:09.380 --> 02:09:12.380] Under such circumstances, the Ottoman army came to Azerbaijan. [02:09:12.380 --> 02:09:14.380] The war zones of the Ottoman army [02:09:14.380 --> 02:09:16.380] were regrouped. [02:09:16.380 --> 02:09:18.380] Azerbaijanis and other Muslims living in the Caucasus [02:09:18.380 --> 02:09:20.380] were also included. [02:09:20.380 --> 02:09:24.380] Therefore, the Caucasus-Islamic army was included. [02:09:24.380 --> 02:09:26.380] Without looking at all this, [02:09:26.380 --> 02:09:28.380] the Caucasus-Islamic army was able to liberate Baku. [02:09:28.380 --> 02:09:30.380] At the same time, the Azerbaijani Republic [02:09:30.380 --> 02:09:33.380] had social conflicts in Azerbaijan. [02:09:33.380 --> 02:09:35.380] As a result, in 1918, [02:09:35.380 --> 02:09:38.380] Baku was liberated in 15th century. [02:09:38.380 --> 02:09:40.380] While the city was liberated, [02:09:40.380 --> 02:09:42.380] the Turkish artillerymen [02:09:42.380 --> 02:09:44.380] did not suffer any harm. [02:09:44.380 --> 02:09:46.380] They fired at the Turkish artillerymen [02:09:46.380 --> 02:09:48.380] in such a way that the city was not liberated. [02:09:48.380 --> 02:09:50.380] The liberation of Baku [02:09:50.380 --> 02:09:52.380] was the beginning of the new political center [02:09:52.380 --> 02:09:54.380] of the Republic of Azerbaijan. [02:09:54.380 --> 02:09:56.380] With the liberation of Baku, [02:09:56.380 --> 02:09:58.380] laws were passed in the city. [02:09:58.380 --> 02:10:00.380] The Azerbaijani government, [02:10:00.380 --> 02:10:02.380] the non-Muslims, [02:10:02.380 --> 02:10:04.380] the non-Azerbaijani people [02:10:04.380 --> 02:10:06.380] who were active in Baku, [02:10:06.380 --> 02:10:08.380] approached their organizations [02:10:08.380 --> 02:10:10.380] and provided their goods, [02:10:10.380 --> 02:10:12.380] property and life [02:10:12.380 --> 02:10:14.380] without any danger. [02:10:14.380 --> 02:10:16.380] This was undoubtedly [02:10:16.380 --> 02:10:18.380] a sign of the tolerance [02:10:18.380 --> 02:10:20.380] of the Azerbaijani government [02:10:20.380 --> 02:10:22.380] and showed an example [02:10:22.380 --> 02:10:24.380] of the Azerbaijani people [02:10:24.380 --> 02:10:26.380] to all countries, [02:10:26.380 --> 02:10:28.380] both to the East and to the West. [02:10:28.380 --> 02:10:30.380] However, the Armenians, [02:10:30.380 --> 02:10:32.380] who did not know how to defend themselves [02:10:32.380 --> 02:10:34.380] from Baku city, [02:10:34.380 --> 02:10:36.380] burned their houses, [02:10:36.380 --> 02:10:38.380] and they were killed. [02:10:38.380 --> 02:10:40.380] To take this action against [02:10:40.380 --> 02:10:42.380] this massive anarchy, [02:10:42.380 --> 02:10:44.380] the command of the Caucasus Armed Forces [02:10:44.380 --> 02:10:46.380] took very serious measures. [02:10:46.380 --> 02:10:48.380] A number of measures were taken [02:10:48.380 --> 02:10:50.380] to recover the security [02:10:50.380 --> 02:10:52.380] and safety of Baku city. [02:10:52.380 --> 02:10:54.380] In September 2018, [02:10:54.380 --> 02:10:56.380] the commander of the Caucasus Armed Forces [02:10:56.380 --> 02:10:58.380] Nuru Pasha ordered the people of Baku. [02:10:58.380 --> 02:11:00.380] In this order, it was stated that [02:11:00.380 --> 02:11:02.380] all weapons should be confiscated [02:11:02.380 --> 02:11:04.380] by 6 pm, [02:11:04.380 --> 02:11:06.380] and that the death penalty [02:11:06.380 --> 02:11:08.380] will be imposed on the people of Baku. [02:11:08.380 --> 02:11:10.380] On the same day, the Azerbaijani government [02:11:10.380 --> 02:11:12.380] called on the city's people [02:11:12.380 --> 02:11:14.380] in Khoisk, the capital of the Azerbaijani government. [02:11:14.380 --> 02:11:16.380] The call was also said that [02:11:16.380 --> 02:11:18.380] the Azerbaijani government will not give way [02:11:18.380 --> 02:11:20.380] to the people of Baku [02:11:20.380 --> 02:11:22.380] to invade the people of Baku. [02:11:22.380 --> 02:11:24.380] The liberation of Baku city [02:11:24.380 --> 02:11:26.380] was of great importance [02:11:26.380 --> 02:11:28.380] in the life of Azerbaijan's society, [02:11:28.380 --> 02:11:30.380] economy and culture. [02:11:30.380 --> 02:11:32.380] The head of the Azerbaijani national [02:11:32.380 --> 02:11:34.380] and, I hope, [02:11:34.380 --> 02:11:36.380] the endless support and assistance [02:11:36.380 --> 02:11:38.380] of the Turkish police officers [02:11:38.380 --> 02:11:40.380] who have helped the people of Azerbaijan [02:11:40.380 --> 02:11:42.380] have restored the center city of Azerbaijan. [02:11:42.380 --> 02:11:44.380] In September 7, [02:11:44.380 --> 02:11:46.380] all the central state bodies [02:11:46.380 --> 02:11:48.380] of independent Azerbaijan [02:11:48.380 --> 02:11:50.380] were taken to Baku [02:11:50.380 --> 02:11:52.380] and a new state was established. [02:11:52.380 --> 02:11:54.380] When Baku, in general, [02:11:54.380 --> 02:11:56.380] cleaned up the enemies of Azerbaijan, [02:11:56.380 --> 02:11:58.380] the military minister of the Ottoman Empire, [02:11:58.380 --> 02:12:00.380] the brother of Enver Pasha, [02:12:00.380 --> 02:12:02.380] the 29-year-old brother of [02:12:02.380 --> 02:12:04.380] the military minister of the Ottoman Empire, [02:12:04.380 --> 02:12:06.380] Nuru Pasha, [02:12:06.380 --> 02:12:08.380] and 300 people [02:12:08.380 --> 02:12:10.380] with the help of the Azerbaijani army [02:12:10.380 --> 02:12:12.380] were taken to Baku. [02:12:12.380 --> 02:12:14.380] Both historical significance [02:12:14.380 --> 02:12:16.380] and the belief and pride [02:12:16.380 --> 02:12:18.380] that his brother showed [02:12:18.380 --> 02:12:20.380] were identified. [02:12:20.380 --> 02:12:22.380] Nuru Pasha, the commander [02:12:22.380 --> 02:12:24.380] of the Azerbaijani and his people [02:12:24.380 --> 02:12:26.380] who love their people very much [02:12:26.380 --> 02:12:28.380] in November 1918, [02:12:28.380 --> 02:12:30.380] said, [02:12:30.380 --> 02:12:32.380] The brotherhood of Azerbaijan [02:12:32.380 --> 02:12:34.380] is sacred for everyone. [02:12:34.380 --> 02:12:36.380] If Azerbaijan needs new victims [02:12:36.380 --> 02:12:38.380] in the path of freedom, [02:12:38.380 --> 02:12:40.380] we are ready for it. [02:12:40.380 --> 02:12:42.380] With this nature of [02:12:42.380 --> 02:12:44.380] the characteristics, [02:12:44.380 --> 02:12:46.380] the most beautiful expression [02:12:46.380 --> 02:12:48.380] on the subject of brotherhood [02:12:48.380 --> 02:12:50.380] and assistance [02:12:50.380 --> 02:12:52.380] is made by the famous president [02:12:52.380 --> 02:12:54.380] and great leader Haydar Aliyev [02:12:54.380 --> 02:12:56.380] to Azerbaijan and Turkey. [02:12:56.380 --> 02:12:58.380] He found it in his words. [02:12:58.380 --> 02:13:00.380] We should not forget [02:13:00.380 --> 02:13:02.380] that the great Ataturk [02:13:02.380 --> 02:13:04.380] said many years ago, [02:13:04.380 --> 02:13:06.380] the sadness of Azerbaijan, [02:13:06.380 --> 02:13:08.380] our sadness, [02:13:08.380 --> 02:13:10.380] the joy of Azerbaijan, [02:13:10.380 --> 02:13:12.380] our joy. [02:13:12.380 --> 02:13:14.380] Azerbaijan [02:13:14.380 --> 02:13:16.380] was not unfaithful [02:13:16.380 --> 02:13:18.380] in helping [02:13:18.380 --> 02:13:20.380] the Turkish soldiers [02:13:20.380 --> 02:13:22.380] directly. [02:13:22.380 --> 02:13:24.380] As a matter of fact, [02:13:24.380 --> 02:13:26.380] with the instruction [02:13:26.380 --> 02:13:28.380] of the famous president [02:13:28.380 --> 02:13:30.380] and great leader Haydar Aliyev, [02:13:30.380 --> 02:13:32.380] a great monument has been erected [02:13:32.380 --> 02:13:34.380] on this subject [02:13:34.380 --> 02:13:36.380] and this monument [02:13:36.380 --> 02:13:38.380] has been honored. [02:13:40.380 --> 02:13:42.380] To Azerbaijan. [02:13:42.380 --> 02:13:44.380] All the guests who come to the garden [02:13:44.380 --> 02:13:46.380] visit the cemetery [02:13:46.380 --> 02:13:48.380] located at the top of the garden. [02:13:48.380 --> 02:13:50.380] Here, too, a nation [02:13:50.380 --> 02:13:52.380] is the eternal home [02:13:52.380 --> 02:13:54.380] of brotherhood. [02:14:22.380 --> 02:14:24.380] To Azerbaijan. [02:14:52.380 --> 02:14:54.380] I'm going to kill you. [02:14:58.380 --> 02:15:00.380] You should not have said that. [02:15:00.380 --> 02:15:02.380] What does it mean? [02:15:02.380 --> 02:15:04.380] I am worried. [02:15:04.380 --> 02:15:06.380] I will never surrender. [02:15:06.380 --> 02:15:08.380] The man should know [02:15:08.380 --> 02:15:10.380] when to give up. [02:15:10.380 --> 02:15:22.380] If you know. [02:15:40.380 --> 02:15:42.380] Baku [02:15:42.380 --> 02:15:44.380] calls the flag of Gita [02:15:44.380 --> 02:15:46.380] under a flag. [02:15:46.380 --> 02:15:48.380] The most complex [02:15:48.380 --> 02:15:50.380] competitions of 2015, [02:15:50.380 --> 02:15:52.380] the first [02:15:52.380 --> 02:15:54.380] European Games, [02:15:54.380 --> 02:15:56.380] another test [02:15:56.380 --> 02:15:58.380] for human physical [02:15:58.380 --> 02:16:00.380] capabilities. [02:16:02.380 --> 02:16:04.380] A new history [02:16:04.380 --> 02:16:06.380] will be written on our flag. [02:16:06.380 --> 02:16:08.380] A million [02:16:08.380 --> 02:16:10.380] million wishes, [02:16:10.380 --> 02:16:12.380] joy, hope and joy [02:16:12.380 --> 02:16:14.380] will be taken [02:16:14.380 --> 02:16:16.380] to the land of the trees. [02:16:18.380 --> 02:16:20.380] Sunday, [02:16:20.380 --> 02:16:22.380] 13-15, [02:16:22.380 --> 02:16:24.380] on Azerbaijan TV. [02:16:26.380 --> 02:16:28.380] Everything starts with us. [02:16:28.380 --> 02:16:30.380] We are ready. [02:16:30.380 --> 02:16:32.380] We are ready. [02:16:32.380 --> 02:16:34.380] At the according to the [02:16:34.380 --> 02:16:36.380] Mugham lovers [02:16:36.380 --> 02:16:38.380] with the support of the [02:16:38.380 --> 02:16:40.380] Heydar Aliyev Foundation, [02:16:40.380 --> 02:16:42.380] The Arbitration of [02:16:42.380 --> 02:16:44.380] Azerbaijan Culture Foundation, [02:16:44.380 --> 02:16:46.380] Mugham TV Contest, [02:16:46.380 --> 02:16:48.380] initiative of Azerbaijan [02:16:48.380 --> 02:16:50.380] TV, [02:16:50.380 --> 02:16:52.380] and the participation of [02:16:52.380 --> 02:16:54.380] the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. [02:16:54.380 --> 02:16:56.380] Every week, the first and the fifth days [02:17:26.380 --> 02:17:34.380] On July 30, on the live broadcast of Azerbaijan TV, the civil channel and the Azerbaijan Radio. [02:17:56.380 --> 02:18:03.380] The historical events in the pictures of the Czech Republic are a special place for the portraits of terrifying personalities. [02:18:03.380 --> 02:18:10.380] The works related to the national spirit and national roots create a bridge between the past and today. [02:18:10.380 --> 02:18:27.380] The works are kept in the State Art Museum and personal collections. [02:18:41.380 --> 02:18:47.380] The artist's creativity is his inner world. [02:18:47.380 --> 02:18:51.380] Every artist should be different from his own place. [02:18:51.380 --> 02:18:58.380] You don't have to be anything else to please someone else, you just have to be yourself. [02:18:58.380 --> 02:19:19.380] Beauty attracts us because we feel it every time. [02:19:19.380 --> 02:19:23.380] The artist is the prisoner of his own materialism. [02:19:23.380 --> 02:19:28.380] When a human being is born, he or she becomes a piece of art. [02:19:28.380 --> 02:19:35.380] This is a natural thing. [02:19:35.380 --> 02:19:38.380] This is the Sunkar Nature. [02:19:38.380 --> 02:19:45.380] The blessed soil, the healing water and the air are ancient Karabakh. [02:19:45.380 --> 02:19:53.380] Because of the blessings of God, this soil has always been a source of trouble. [02:19:53.380 --> 02:20:10.380] But in all places, the Karabakh heroes have been able to preserve this ancient soil with their own strength and blood. [02:20:10.380 --> 02:20:15.380] My father talked a lot about this man. [02:20:15.380 --> 02:20:18.380] He talked a lot about the essence of Natava. [02:20:18.380 --> 02:20:21.380] Because the houses were built in the same way. [02:20:21.380 --> 02:20:25.380] He gave immunity and became a teacher, a civil teacher. [02:20:25.380 --> 02:20:31.380] This man was appointed as the conservator of the Caucasus. [02:20:31.380 --> 02:20:40.380] Sahlalikishi would quickly understand the order chosen between the sons. [02:20:40.380 --> 02:20:44.380] The merchant who travels to Russia and Iran was not so interested in paper and pen. [02:20:44.380 --> 02:20:59.380] The close friend of this family, writer-dramaturg Abdulrahim Bey Hakverdiyev saw the interest in the art of the child and asked Sahlalikishi for permission to take him to the famous artist, poet Mir Mohsin Nawab in Shusha. [02:20:59.380 --> 02:21:02.380] Sahlalikishi took Hakverdiyev's words to the ground. [02:21:10.380 --> 02:21:13.380] There were nine painters in our family. [02:21:13.380 --> 02:21:17.380] My mother's brother, Bedro Khan, was Afghan. [02:21:17.380 --> 02:21:19.380] He was an Azerbaijani painter. [02:21:19.380 --> 02:21:23.380] He had done a lot of theater work. [02:21:23.380 --> 02:21:27.380] My father's brother, Hasan Hajiyev, was an Afghan painter. [02:21:27.380 --> 02:21:32.380] My mother's brother, Arif Agamalov, was saved in Leningrad. [02:21:32.380 --> 02:21:35.380] And his companion was also saved in Leningrad. [02:21:35.380 --> 02:21:39.380] Both of them were Azerbaijani painters. [02:21:39.380 --> 02:21:44.380] Their two sons were also saved in Moscow. [02:21:44.380 --> 02:21:49.380] My own son, Gik, was also saved in Leningrad. [02:21:49.380 --> 02:21:54.380] My own son, Gik, was also saved in Moscow. [02:21:54.380 --> 02:21:58.380] And my oldest son was my father. [02:21:58.380 --> 02:22:03.380] Amir Hajiyev went to Genci from Shusha. [02:22:03.380 --> 02:22:09.380] In Genci, he took his exam in theater and art. [02:22:09.380 --> 02:22:11.380] Then they went to Tiflis. [02:22:11.380 --> 02:22:15.380] After working in Tiflis for a while, we came to Baku. [02:22:15.380 --> 02:22:19.380] At that time, we were in Azerbaijan. [02:22:19.380 --> 02:22:23.380] There, I started working as a painter. [02:22:23.380 --> 02:22:27.380] At the same time, I was teaching at my daughter's school. [02:22:27.380 --> 02:22:29.380] She was called Amir Efendi. [02:22:33.380 --> 02:22:37.380] In the old days, in the villages of Baku, they used to plant palm trees. [02:22:37.380 --> 02:22:48.380] Because the palm trees here were the only ones that could not be watered down. [02:22:48.380 --> 02:22:54.380] The Agamalovs had a small house in the village of Tesece. [02:22:54.380 --> 02:22:57.380] This tree was planted when Fedor was born. [02:22:57.380 --> 02:23:01.380] At the age of six, this father came to his home. [02:23:01.380 --> 02:23:05.380] His childhood and youth are here, among these walls. [02:23:05.380 --> 02:23:09.380] And this palm tree was planted on these mountains. [02:23:11.380 --> 02:23:15.380] His father, the king, Agamalov, was the head of the city. [02:23:15.380 --> 02:23:22.380] Since it was possible, he bought land on the famous Aziaiski street and built a three-story building. [02:23:22.380 --> 02:23:30.380] Since there was enough space for his family in his property, he had space for the daughters of the family. [02:23:30.380 --> 02:23:36.380] Amir Hajiyev marries the eldest daughter of the Agamalovs to Seyare Khan. [02:23:36.380 --> 02:23:39.380] And the two children come to the world. [02:23:39.380 --> 02:23:47.380] Amir Hajiyev is considered the most respectful man in the Agamalovs' big family. [02:23:47.380 --> 02:23:59.380] Amir Hajiyev is very busy with book graphics in the exhibition area, near 30 years old, because he knows miniature painting and classical literature perfectly. [02:23:59.380 --> 02:24:11.380] Amir Hajiyev is very busy with book graphics in the exhibition area, near 30 years old, because he knows miniature painting and classical literature perfectly. [02:24:19.380 --> 02:24:21.380] The Nizam's jubilee had to pass. [02:24:21.380 --> 02:24:30.380] The Nizam's jubilee had to pass. [02:24:30.380 --> 02:24:37.380] The Nizam's jubilee had to pass. [02:24:37.380 --> 02:24:47.380] Altay Hajiyev was born in 1931 in Baku, in the family of Amir Hajiyev. [02:24:47.380 --> 02:24:54.380] Altay Hajiyev was born in 1931 in Baku, in the family of Amir Hajiyev. [02:24:54.380 --> 02:25:02.380] The environment of creativity that comes from childhood creates a great love for the art of painting in Altay. [02:25:02.380 --> 02:25:10.380] The endless love for the art of painting makes him a member of the state school of painting in the name of Azim Azimzade. [02:25:10.380 --> 02:25:19.380] Altay, who started his education in 1951, started his activity as a painter with a certain connection in the Republic. [02:25:19.380 --> 02:25:27.380] With the help of his eyes, he draws illustrations with the original connection of the book. [02:25:27.380 --> 02:25:34.380] I went to Iran with my family and worked there. [02:25:34.380 --> 02:25:39.380] And being there had a very big impact on me. [02:25:39.380 --> 02:25:46.380] I got to know those Iranian painters who were only busy with miniature painting. [02:25:46.380 --> 02:25:52.380] He drew the shape of Akbar Tabrizzi's father from nature. [02:25:52.380 --> 02:25:57.380] He drew the shape of Akbar Tabrizzi's father from nature. [02:25:57.380 --> 02:26:01.380] He drew the shape of Akbar Tabrizzi's father from nature. [02:26:01.380 --> 02:26:05.380] He drew the shape of Akbar Tabrizzi's father from nature. [02:26:06.380 --> 02:26:12.380] But it was one of his greatest wishes to get a degree in family painting. [02:26:12.380 --> 02:26:17.380] I continued my education in Kiev, Ukraine. [02:26:17.380 --> 02:26:23.380] I studied there for six years. [02:26:23.380 --> 02:26:28.380] My father only painted with colored paper. [02:26:28.380 --> 02:26:31.380] I only painted with colored paper. [02:26:31.380 --> 02:26:35.380] It was a new art. [02:26:35.380 --> 02:26:39.380] It brought me to the world of painting. [02:26:39.380 --> 02:26:41.380] Me with my mom [02:26:42.380 --> 02:26:44.380] The art of painting in the sea and the oil field... [02:26:44.380 --> 02:26:49.380] The art of painting in the sea and the oil field... [02:26:49.380 --> 02:26:52.380] Chickens that work in the air and are far off theเอ stretch the dette... [02:26:52.380 --> 02:26:55.380] Chickens that work in the air and are far off the擀 stretch the dette... [02:26:55.380 --> 02:27:03.380] In the works against the storm, it is as if you can see the calmness of the sea, it is as if you can see the calmness of the sea, [02:27:03.380 --> 02:27:08.380] the cloud that the hill draws to the waves, and you can hear the words that the waves whistle to the coast. [02:27:12.380 --> 02:27:15.380] Realistic style is a style that is always necessary. [02:27:15.380 --> 02:27:25.380] Because it is a style that shows the feelings of love, love, and war to people. [02:27:25.380 --> 02:27:31.380] In his works, the important jihad is the harmony of color and music. [02:27:31.380 --> 02:27:41.380] According to the illustrations that Lermontov has drawn on the works of Aşık Garip, the artist Koroğlu, [02:27:41.380 --> 02:27:46.380] he is considered worthy of special rewards in Moscow. [02:27:46.380 --> 02:27:52.380] I worked on the book Aşık Garip with great enthusiasm. [02:27:52.380 --> 02:28:02.380] It was a very important book. I worked on it in miniature style. [02:28:02.380 --> 02:28:07.380] Altay Hajiyev tried to express himself more in colors. [02:28:07.380 --> 02:28:18.380] He created beautiful, original works of art with each other. [02:28:18.380 --> 02:28:23.380] He lived an unforgettable past in the series of the stars of our people. [02:28:23.380 --> 02:28:35.380] He has shown the personalities of the images and images that have not been known so far with concrete images that are full of colors in people's imaginations. [02:28:35.380 --> 02:28:40.380] As you know, Hacer was the life partner of Nabi. [02:28:40.380 --> 02:28:46.380] Nabi, who saw the splendor of Hacer, divided his work into two parts. [02:28:46.380 --> 02:28:48.380] One of them was Hacer. [02:28:48.380 --> 02:28:52.380] Nakhchivan Khan's daughter Gonchabeyim was known. [02:28:52.380 --> 02:28:56.380] However, at that time, there was an interesting poet. [02:28:56.380 --> 02:29:01.380] In Nakhchivan, Eysan Khan's house was in Kribayedov's mansion. [02:29:01.380 --> 02:29:04.380] Hürdi poet was there. [02:29:04.380 --> 02:29:10.380] They stayed for a while in this woman's grave, the martyrs he wrote. [02:29:10.380 --> 02:29:15.380] The third image is of Mahsafi Genca. [02:29:15.380 --> 02:29:17.380] He was a life partner. [02:29:17.380 --> 02:29:21.380] He read all the poems and poems of her. [02:29:21.380 --> 02:29:25.380] He fell in love with love. [02:29:25.380 --> 02:29:28.380] He married her and lived in the Sultanate. [02:29:28.380 --> 02:29:33.380] After the situation in Genca changed, Genca Khan said, [02:29:33.380 --> 02:29:40.380] We read all the poems and poems of her and we need to write them down. [02:29:42.380 --> 02:29:47.380] The fourth image is of Tutibike. [02:29:47.380 --> 02:29:53.380] Tutibike had a gun in her hand for nine months. [02:29:53.380 --> 02:29:56.380] She was a heroine. [02:29:56.380 --> 02:30:00.380] The last image is of Natava. [02:30:00.380 --> 02:30:03.380] Natava's greatness comes from her. [02:30:03.380 --> 02:30:05.380] She was a heroine. [02:30:05.380 --> 02:30:09.380] She was a heroine for the people of Shusha. [02:30:09.380 --> 02:30:15.380] Natava wanted to show nature as a part of herself. [02:30:15.380 --> 02:30:30.380] She was a heroine for the people of Shusha. [02:30:30.380 --> 02:30:42.380] Malik Altay Hajiyev was a great artist. [02:30:42.380 --> 02:30:48.380] He was a great artist. [02:30:52.380 --> 02:30:55.380] He was a great artist. [02:30:55.380 --> 02:31:00.380] Qopuze Mugaddes always feared her. [02:31:00.380 --> 02:31:07.380] Fatali Khan, an expert in painting, pressed his booming potatoes on her. [02:31:07.380 --> 02:31:23.300] The artist was acclaimed for [02:31:23.300 --> 02:31:28.300] fighter and politician Ulu Atabey Şemseddin Eldeniz, [02:31:28.300 --> 02:31:33.300] Muminah Hatun, Nusreddin Pehlavan and Muzaffereddin Gızilarzlan [02:31:33.300 --> 02:31:38.300] are the works that bring people back to the past. [02:31:38.300 --> 02:31:42.300] The artist, diplomat and judge, [02:31:42.300 --> 02:31:46.300] brought Sarah Hatun back to life twice. [02:31:46.300 --> 02:31:49.300] Sarah Hatun was in the foreground. [02:31:49.300 --> 02:31:53.300] Drunhasen, the deputy minister, was in the background. [02:31:53.300 --> 02:31:59.300] It was the second time they asked me to go to another place [02:31:59.300 --> 02:32:03.300] but I was working in a different place. [02:32:03.300 --> 02:32:07.300] The image changed immediately. [02:32:07.300 --> 02:32:12.300] The events that took place in Amfun changed. [02:32:12.300 --> 02:32:17.300] Tomirisin, the life partner of Mirza Jalil, [02:32:17.300 --> 02:32:20.300] the first Azerbaijani woman, [02:32:20.300 --> 02:32:24.300] the film actress, Izzet Khanum Orugevan, [02:32:24.300 --> 02:32:28.300] and Ibrahim Khalil Khan Jevanshir's sister, [02:32:28.300 --> 02:32:33.300] Agha Baci, are the portraits of Agha Beyim Agha, [02:32:33.300 --> 02:32:42.300] who wrote many poems in the past. [02:32:42.300 --> 02:32:48.300] Grocery Store [02:32:48.300 --> 02:32:51.300] Haribul-Bul [02:32:51.300 --> 02:32:59.300] Macそうですね [02:33:01.300 --> 02:32:45.640] The [02:33:04.300 --> 02:33:07.300] English version of Haribul-Bul [02:33:37.300 --> 02:33:39.300] Do you want to erase it now? [02:33:39.300 --> 02:33:41.300] You drew the edge of the country. [02:33:41.300 --> 02:33:45.300] What is it if it ends up like this? [02:33:45.300 --> 02:33:49.300] It is a pain in my wounded heart. [02:33:49.300 --> 02:33:52.300] The pain of the prisoner. [02:33:52.300 --> 02:34:08.300] We will come to your view with victory. [02:34:08.300 --> 02:34:14.300] There are words that Mehriban Khan wrote in her book Shusha. [02:34:14.300 --> 02:34:18.300] I like that sentence very much. [02:34:18.300 --> 02:34:24.300] He says that Shusha is the land of the Armenian army. [02:34:24.300 --> 02:34:28.300] We are all Shusha. [02:34:28.300 --> 02:34:41.300] The artist lives on the scale with a special love and affection for the historical personalities of our national culture and our fine art. [02:34:41.300 --> 02:34:52.300] The manifestation of this love can be seen in the pictures of the poet Khurshid Banu Mateban, in more than 60 graphics and colors. [02:34:52.300 --> 02:35:04.300] In these portraits, which are depicted in nature and beauty, both the details of the knowledge and the colors in these works show the essence of the feelings of the poet. [02:35:04.300 --> 02:35:13.300] Who loves you, I do not know. I love you, I do not know. [02:35:13.300 --> 02:35:22.300] I saw you in Gülşehir, I do not know. I do not know. [02:35:22.300 --> 02:35:26.300] Zakir always came to him. [02:35:26.300 --> 02:35:34.300] He used to read poems when he saw him. [02:35:34.300 --> 02:35:41.300] I was very attracted to the play of chess with Alexander Dumas. [02:35:41.300 --> 02:35:45.300] When Dumas came to Baku, he met with the chess player. [02:35:45.300 --> 02:35:50.300] He played chess with the chess player. [02:35:50.300 --> 02:35:58.300] When Dumas met with the chess player, Alexander Dumas forgave the chess player. [02:35:58.300 --> 02:36:02.300] It was a very good story. [02:36:02.300 --> 02:36:26.300] Nizami Gencevi's seven beautiful poems are based on the motifs of Arab beauty, Iranian beauty, Indian beauty, Greek beauty. [02:36:26.300 --> 02:36:34.300] Behramdur created a number of colorful works called Fitne and Obda. [02:36:34.300 --> 02:36:58.300] The title was made with great respect by the poet Mehmet Fizuli, who was famous in all eastern countries. [02:36:58.300 --> 02:37:06.300] According to the shape and color, these works of the artist are new and special to him. [02:37:11.300 --> 02:37:22.300] Our main wealth is our national energy, our national mentality, love atmosphere, sadness, expenses. [02:37:22.300 --> 02:37:25.300] At the same time, it is miniature. [02:37:25.300 --> 02:37:29.300] Maybe it is not necessary to create miniature in the Spanish language today. [02:37:29.300 --> 02:37:36.300] But it is very important to preserve that influence. [02:37:36.300 --> 02:37:53.300] The mysterious nature of the artist Garabağ is depicted in the image of Irisgul, [02:37:53.300 --> 02:38:07.300] Aşık Kadınlar, Aşık Peri, Nehme, Bulağbaşında, Aşık Peri, Dağ Çiçeği, Bahar Ovgatı. [02:38:07.300 --> 02:38:10.300] These are very original works. [02:38:10.300 --> 02:38:19.300] I often went to the regions because I was curious. [02:38:19.300 --> 02:38:23.300] They do not see the Dilek tree in different regions. [02:38:23.300 --> 02:38:35.300] To fulfill their wish, they would tie a piece of oak or a part of a rope to the top of that tree. [02:38:35.300 --> 02:38:45.300] A beautiful Azerbaijani woman does not sleep at night, the children sleep quietly. [02:38:49.300 --> 02:38:57.300] Aşık Mirze is next to Yüzeyir Hacibeyoğlu, where the artist brings the colors together with his tongue. [02:38:57.300 --> 02:39:00.300] Aşıglar, Semed Vurgunlu. [02:39:00.300 --> 02:39:08.300] The dialogue of generations, such as the conversation between Aleskar Alekberov and Fuat Poladov, [02:39:08.300 --> 02:39:16.300] tells us about the rich world view of the artist and the history of our world. [02:39:16.300 --> 02:39:21.300] Aşıglar, Semed Vurgunlu. [02:39:26.300 --> 02:39:29.300] I was born and raised in Baku. [02:39:29.300 --> 02:39:31.300] When I was young, I lived here. [02:39:31.300 --> 02:39:34.300] Baku has its own style. [02:39:34.300 --> 02:39:38.300] In my last exhibition, I gave a work to Baku. [02:39:38.300 --> 02:39:41.300] Baku is the village I love. [02:39:41.300 --> 02:39:46.300] Baku is different from Inoum. [02:39:46.300 --> 02:39:50.300] It is necessary to have a good artist. [02:39:50.300 --> 02:39:52.300] Altan Mirmi is an artist. [02:39:52.300 --> 02:39:54.300] He says that he is limited. [02:39:54.300 --> 02:39:58.300] Because all his works are from the history of Azerbaijan. [02:39:58.300 --> 02:40:03.300] Thanks to his graphic design, thanks to his talent, he is able to read. [02:40:03.300 --> 02:40:05.300] Altan is like an artist. [02:40:05.300 --> 02:40:11.300] He has his own style, his own school. [02:40:16.300 --> 02:40:23.300] The painting was a new form of the works of Faiyiz, Ceyran, Aşıglar, Bahar and Lina Graviro, [02:40:23.300 --> 02:40:27.300] which are from the series of the Azerbaijani folk songs. [02:40:27.300 --> 02:40:29.300] It required a lot of accuracy. [02:40:29.300 --> 02:40:37.300] You can not be moved by these romantic works, which are made with the amazing rhythm of the Ağgara lines. [02:40:37.300 --> 02:40:54.300] From Altay Hajiyev's series of national folk songs, [02:40:54.300 --> 02:40:59.300] there are songs like Sherg Motivleri, Namus ve Silah, Merasim Gabı, [02:40:59.300 --> 02:41:07.300] and old folk songs such as Miskerlik, Lina Graviro. [02:41:07.300 --> 02:41:11.300] The features of our folk songs, the features of our folk songs, [02:41:11.300 --> 02:41:15.300] were made with the unique Ağgara colors of folk songs. [02:41:15.300 --> 02:41:20.300] With these works, the artist opens the field to think. [02:41:20.300 --> 02:41:26.300] I think that the wider the art circle of the artist, [02:41:26.300 --> 02:41:32.300] the more interesting and lively his works are. [02:41:32.300 --> 02:41:51.300] They make his creation brighter and more beautiful. [02:41:51.300 --> 02:41:56.300] Altay Hajiyev created works worthy of attention in all aspects of painting art. [02:41:56.300 --> 02:42:03.300] We can see this from the monumental mosaic and stained-glass painting of the artist. [02:42:03.300 --> 02:42:08.300] In addition, the artist, who has shown great interest in this field since his youth, [02:42:08.300 --> 02:42:11.300] has gradually made his own interest, [02:42:11.300 --> 02:42:16.300] creating original works in a number of Baku liquor stores, [02:42:16.300 --> 02:42:21.300] at the base of the Nefci Football Club and in other places in this direction. [02:42:21.300 --> 02:42:25.300] We were busy with a big job in Penza. [02:42:25.300 --> 02:42:29.300] There was a building in the center of Penza. [02:42:29.300 --> 02:42:32.300] It was the building of a state-owned trading company. [02:42:32.300 --> 02:42:36.300] They had a goal in front of us, [02:42:36.300 --> 02:42:41.300] which was to send this building to a stronghold of Azerbaijan. [02:42:41.300 --> 02:42:43.300] We worked there for the first half of the year. [02:42:43.300 --> 02:42:45.300] The result was clear. [02:42:45.300 --> 02:43:01.300] It was a beautiful mosaic, my Azerbaijan. [02:43:01.300 --> 02:43:05.300] The monumental mosaic and stained-glass works of the artist, [02:43:05.300 --> 02:43:10.300] which represent the office of Baku oil company, are particularly worth attention. [02:43:10.300 --> 02:43:16.300] They all have their own aesthetic values. [02:43:16.300 --> 02:43:23.300] We often say that our most valuable capital is oil. [02:43:23.300 --> 02:43:25.300] Of course, it is oil. [02:43:25.300 --> 02:43:27.300] But at the same time, [02:43:27.300 --> 02:43:33.300] it is the quality of our internal resources, [02:43:33.300 --> 02:43:35.300] our national identity. [02:43:35.300 --> 02:43:47.300] Look, this is our capital. [02:43:47.300 --> 02:43:49.300] Woodland, [02:43:49.300 --> 02:43:51.300] fire, [02:43:51.300 --> 02:43:52.300] inner city, [02:43:52.300 --> 02:43:54.300] blue cedar, [02:43:54.300 --> 02:43:56.300] and the wealth of cedar, [02:43:56.300 --> 02:44:01.300] which represents the history of Azerbaijan oil, [02:44:01.300 --> 02:44:09.300] is worth mentioning. [02:44:09.300 --> 02:44:11.300] The color arrangement of the composition, [02:44:11.300 --> 02:44:13.300] the special effects, [02:44:13.300 --> 02:44:15.300] and the wonderful paintings [02:44:15.300 --> 02:44:19.300] are like symphonies of colors. [02:44:19.300 --> 02:44:21.300] As in other works, [02:44:21.300 --> 02:44:23.300] in these works, [02:44:23.300 --> 02:44:25.300] the artist had the power to create [02:44:25.300 --> 02:44:51.300] beautiful, eye-catching examples. [02:44:51.300 --> 02:44:55.300] The works of the artist began in 1959 [02:44:55.300 --> 02:44:58.300] and were exhibited in the Republic and international exhibitions [02:44:58.300 --> 02:44:59.300] in Baku, [02:44:59.300 --> 02:45:00.300] Moscow, [02:45:00.300 --> 02:45:02.300] Tbilisi, [02:45:02.300 --> 02:45:03.300] Berlin, [02:45:03.300 --> 02:45:04.300] Prague, [02:45:04.300 --> 02:45:05.300] Budapest, [02:45:05.300 --> 02:45:06.300] Montreal, [02:45:06.300 --> 02:45:07.300] Oslo, [02:45:07.300 --> 02:45:08.300] Washington, [02:45:08.300 --> 02:45:17.300] and many other places of the world. [02:45:17.300 --> 02:45:19.300] The art awards of the artist [02:45:19.300 --> 02:45:22.300] have always been highly valued [02:45:22.300 --> 02:45:25.300] by the state and public organizations. [02:45:25.300 --> 02:45:27.300] In 1982, [02:45:27.300 --> 02:45:29.300] the artist of Azerbaijan, [02:45:29.300 --> 02:45:31.300] in 2002, [02:45:31.300 --> 02:45:44.300] was considered worthy of the title of the People's Artist. [02:45:44.300 --> 02:45:47.300] You have to think about the present life. [02:45:47.300 --> 02:45:49.300] Because in it, [02:45:49.300 --> 02:45:51.300] you have to be an example. [02:45:51.300 --> 02:45:53.300] You have to preserve the classical style. [02:45:53.300 --> 02:45:55.300] The public and the realistic style [02:45:55.300 --> 02:45:57.300] will live in it. [02:45:57.300 --> 02:45:59.300] Because the feelings in people [02:45:59.300 --> 02:46:25.300] will live in them. [02:46:25.300 --> 02:46:27.300] The work of the artist [02:46:27.300 --> 02:46:33.300] is very interesting. [02:46:33.300 --> 02:46:35.300] Among Altay Hajiyev's paintings, [02:46:35.300 --> 02:46:38.300] there is one that attracts attention. [02:46:38.300 --> 02:46:41.300] This is his life partner, [02:46:41.300 --> 02:46:43.300] Tamilla Hanım. [02:46:43.300 --> 02:46:51.300] They shared a half-life marriage life together. [02:46:51.300 --> 02:46:55.300] They shared their joys and sorrows together. [02:46:55.300 --> 02:46:58.300] A boy and a girl are the owners. [02:46:58.300 --> 02:47:00.300] The daughter of Seyare Hanım, [02:47:00.300 --> 02:47:02.300] the son of Addis Hajiyev, [02:47:02.300 --> 02:47:04.300] who lives in Moscow, [02:47:04.300 --> 02:47:07.300] are the famous symbols in the art world. [02:47:07.300 --> 02:47:09.300] Addis' creativity, [02:47:09.300 --> 02:47:13.300] especially when she was studying in school, [02:47:13.300 --> 02:47:16.300] she had her own style. [02:47:16.300 --> 02:47:19.300] She had very beautiful shapes. [02:47:19.300 --> 02:47:21.300] In Moscow, [02:47:21.300 --> 02:47:25.300] she had two deputies from here [02:47:25.300 --> 02:47:27.300] to join the institute. [02:47:27.300 --> 02:47:29.300] One of them is Hadis Keşli. [02:47:29.300 --> 02:47:31.300] Recently, [02:47:31.300 --> 02:47:33.300] she has been working on two films [02:47:33.300 --> 02:47:35.300] from Hollywood. [02:47:35.300 --> 02:47:37.300] She is an artist. [02:47:37.300 --> 02:47:39.300] But when she becomes an artist, [02:47:39.300 --> 02:47:41.300] she has a problem. [02:47:41.300 --> 02:47:43.300] Their colorful thoughts [02:47:43.300 --> 02:47:45.300] control people [02:47:45.300 --> 02:47:47.300] and exhibit their works [02:47:47.300 --> 02:47:49.300] in art galleries for years. [02:47:49.300 --> 02:47:51.300] When we look at their works separately, [02:47:51.300 --> 02:47:53.300] we see that [02:47:53.300 --> 02:47:55.300] each of the three painters in the family [02:47:55.300 --> 02:47:57.300] has its own way of life. [02:47:57.300 --> 02:47:59.300] Amir Hajiyev, [02:47:59.300 --> 02:48:01.300] who is the founder of the family, [02:48:01.300 --> 02:48:03.300] is more interested in [02:48:03.300 --> 02:48:05.300] national art, [02:48:05.300 --> 02:48:07.300] miniature art, [02:48:07.300 --> 02:48:09.300] and painting. [02:48:09.300 --> 02:48:11.300] Hajiyev was interested in [02:48:11.300 --> 02:48:13.300] national art, [02:48:13.300 --> 02:48:15.300] miniature art, [02:48:15.300 --> 02:48:17.300] and painting. [02:48:17.300 --> 02:48:19.300] Altay Hajiyev [02:48:19.300 --> 02:48:21.300] was interested in [02:48:21.300 --> 02:48:23.300] academic art, [02:48:23.300 --> 02:48:25.300] and was interested in [02:48:25.300 --> 02:48:27.300] realistic art. [02:48:27.300 --> 02:48:29.300] Addis Hajiyev is [02:48:29.300 --> 02:48:31.300] interested in [02:48:31.300 --> 02:48:33.300] contemporary art, [02:48:33.300 --> 02:48:35.300] and is interested in [02:48:35.300 --> 02:48:37.300] the world of [02:48:37.300 --> 02:48:39.300] art. [02:48:41.300 --> 02:48:43.300] To be busy with [02:48:43.300 --> 02:48:45.300] creativity and to learn [02:48:45.300 --> 02:48:47.300] is the only way. [02:48:47.300 --> 02:48:49.300] When an artist [02:48:49.300 --> 02:48:51.300] wants to learn, [02:48:51.300 --> 02:48:53.300] his creativity [02:48:53.300 --> 02:48:55.300] disappears. [02:48:55.300 --> 02:48:57.300] I can learn today. [02:48:57.300 --> 02:48:59.300] Altay Hajiyev, [02:48:59.300 --> 02:49:01.300] who is the founder of [02:49:01.300 --> 02:49:03.300] Altay Hajiyev, [02:49:03.300 --> 02:49:03.300] is interested in [02:49:03.300 --> 02:49:05.300] painting. [02:49:05.300 --> 02:49:07.300] Altay Hajiyev, [02:49:07.300 --> 02:49:09.300] who is the founder of [02:49:09.300 --> 02:49:11.300] Altay Hajiyev, [02:49:11.300 --> 02:49:13.300] is interested in painting. [02:49:13.300 --> 02:49:15.300] His paintings [02:49:15.300 --> 02:49:17.300] have his own [02:49:17.300 --> 02:49:19.300] 香 Besides, [02:49:19.300 --> 02:49:21.300] Altay Hajiyev is [02:49:21.300 --> 02:49:23.300] interested in [02:49:23.300 --> 02:49:25.300] You [02:50:23.300 --> 02:50:29.060] I hold honor and credit for all these men who did everything I could to bring you the [02:50:29.060 --> 02:50:30.060] truth. [02:50:30.060 --> 02:50:31.060] But hmm... [02:50:31.060 --> 02:50:56.800] in [02:50:56.800 --> 02:50:58.800] The future is in your hands. [02:50:59.800 --> 02:51:05.800] The ruler of time, the bearer of the future, the future guarantor of the future, the desires and the future. [02:51:07.800 --> 02:51:10.800] Watch us so that you can be in touch with us. [02:51:12.800 --> 02:51:15.800] April 1st at 13. [02:51:15.800 --> 02:51:17.800] Touch point. [02:51:17.800 --> 02:51:23.800] Every bright person is not a girl. [02:51:23.800 --> 02:51:26.800] And every smart person is bright. [02:51:26.800 --> 02:51:34.800] Many who are ready to conquer the field of intelligence have joined the struggle for bright intelligence. [02:51:34.800 --> 02:51:40.800] They have been chosen only in the most popular public education courses in the world. [02:51:40.800 --> 02:51:44.800] Bright intelligence will continue their education. [02:51:44.800 --> 02:51:48.800] Talking is silver, talking is the golden word. [02:51:48.800 --> 02:51:50.800] It does not work in the field of intelligence. [02:51:50.800 --> 02:51:53.800] Do not shut up, answer, come victorious. [02:51:53.800 --> 02:51:56.800] Win the name of bright intelligence. [02:51:56.800 --> 02:51:59.800] The new essence of bright intelligence. [02:51:59.800 --> 02:52:02.800] Every Sunday at 11 o'clock. [02:52:04.800 --> 02:52:06.800] Bright intelligence. [02:52:06.800 --> 02:52:09.800] The future is in your hands. [02:52:12.800 --> 02:52:14.800] This murderer killed my son. [02:52:18.800 --> 02:52:20.800] This is for me. [02:52:20.800 --> 02:52:22.800] I think the girl should go for a walk. [02:52:22.800 --> 02:52:23.800] No. [02:52:23.800 --> 02:52:24.800] I told you twice. [02:52:24.800 --> 02:52:26.800] What happened? [02:52:26.800 --> 02:52:28.800] But she should defend herself. [02:52:28.800 --> 02:52:30.800] I'm afraid of her. [02:52:30.800 --> 02:52:32.800] You're a little scared. What do you think of others? [02:52:32.800 --> 02:52:34.800] What do you think? [02:52:34.800 --> 02:52:36.800] What do you think? [02:52:43.800 --> 02:52:45.800] If you know that woman. [02:52:45.800 --> 02:52:47.800] What? [02:52:50.800 --> 02:52:52.800] Field broker. [02:52:52.800 --> 02:52:56.800] He said you are the best in the world. [02:52:56.800 --> 02:53:04.800] We will bring you a new chapter. [02:53:04.800 --> 02:53:06.800] One of April. [02:53:06.800 --> 02:53:29.800] The way out in 2050. [02:53:36.800 --> 02:53:41.800] Thanks to intelligence, thinking and defense. [02:53:41.800 --> 02:53:44.800] You will see interesting questions. [02:53:44.800 --> 02:53:46.800] Every Wednesday. [02:53:46.800 --> 02:53:48.800] At 22.25. [02:53:48.800 --> 02:54:11.800] 6.1 on Azerbaijan TV. [02:54:18.800 --> 02:54:21.800] We invite you to guide with the following commands. [02:54:21.800 --> 02:54:22.800] Support the organization. [02:54:22.800 --> 02:54:24.800] Millenium Tourism and Baku Paradise. [02:54:24.800 --> 02:54:25.800] The sponsor of the concert. [02:54:25.800 --> 02:54:27.800] Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Maslikov. [02:54:27.800 --> 02:54:31.800] You can get tickets from the centers of the city. [02:54:34.800 --> 02:54:35.800] Friends. [02:54:35.800 --> 02:54:36.800] We are not just houses. [02:54:36.800 --> 02:54:38.800] We are building a new life. [02:54:38.800 --> 02:54:40.800] For the most ordinary people. [02:54:40.800 --> 02:54:42.800] Look at this lady. [02:54:42.800 --> 02:54:43.800] For her two children. [02:54:43.800 --> 02:54:45.800] For this simple manager. [02:54:45.800 --> 02:54:49.800] Grand Hayat. [02:54:49.800 --> 02:54:51.800] The new generation. [02:54:51.800 --> 02:54:53.800] Living complex. [02:54:53.800 --> 02:54:57.800] You will have a 10% discount. [02:54:57.800 --> 02:54:59.800] You are very lucky. [02:54:59.800 --> 02:55:00.800] Why? [02:55:00.800 --> 02:55:02.800] Because the new life. [02:55:02.800 --> 02:55:04.800] And the most important. [02:55:04.800 --> 02:55:08.800] The first building of your future. [02:55:10.800 --> 02:55:11.800] New life. [02:55:11.800 --> 02:55:13.800] Reliable and comfortable. [02:55:13.800 --> 02:55:15.800] New Audi A6. [02:55:43.800 --> 02:55:50.800] You can build your home from scratch with the help of the Italian, Turkish and local designers. [02:55:50.800 --> 02:55:51.800] In a word. [02:55:51.800 --> 02:55:54.800] Everything you need for renovation is in one place. [02:55:54.800 --> 02:55:56.800] At the Sinfonia Design Center. [02:55:56.800 --> 02:55:57.800] You are right. [02:55:57.800 --> 02:55:58.800] We are renovating. [02:55:58.800 --> 02:56:00.800] Everything is worth this renovation. [02:56:00.800 --> 02:56:01.800] Run materials. [02:56:01.800 --> 02:56:02.800] Run master. [02:56:02.800 --> 02:56:03.800] Where is Sinfonia? [02:56:03.800 --> 02:56:05.800] There is Sinfonia today. [02:56:05.800 --> 02:56:07.800] I will renovate now. [02:56:07.800 --> 02:56:08.800] I say Sinfonia again. [02:56:08.800 --> 02:56:09.800] I say Sinfonia again. [02:56:09.800 --> 02:56:11.800] Sinfonia. [02:56:11.800 --> 02:56:14.800] Sinfonia Trade and Design Center. [02:56:14.800 --> 02:56:16.800] The construction begins with us. [02:56:16.800 --> 02:56:18.800] According to the tax payers. [02:56:18.800 --> 02:56:20.800] According to the report of 2014. [02:56:20.800 --> 02:56:21.800] Legal individuals. [02:56:21.800 --> 02:56:22.800] Profit. [02:56:22.800 --> 02:56:24.800] On the basis of property and road tax. [02:56:24.800 --> 02:56:25.800] Physical individuals. [02:56:25.800 --> 02:56:27.800] On the basis of income tax. [02:56:27.800 --> 02:56:29.800] On March 31, 2015. [02:56:29.800 --> 02:56:30.800] Without being late. [02:56:30.800 --> 02:56:32.800] To submit to the tax authority. [02:56:32.800 --> 02:56:33.800] And the calculated taxes. [02:56:33.800 --> 02:56:35.800] They have to pay the state budget. [02:56:37.800 --> 02:56:38.800] Azerbaijan Republic. [02:56:38.800 --> 02:56:41.800] The Republic of Azerbaijan. [02:57:09.800 --> 02:57:12.800] Today we are on the air of Azerbaijan Television. [02:57:12.800 --> 02:57:14.800] Our beloved artist. [02:57:14.800 --> 02:57:16.800] Rafik Babaybi will remember. [02:57:16.800 --> 02:57:17.800] We will talk to him. [02:57:17.800 --> 02:57:19.800] April 5. [02:57:19.800 --> 02:57:21.800] At 22.30. [02:57:21.800 --> 02:57:23.800] Loved ones. [02:57:30.800 --> 02:57:34.800] The 35 teams representing 15 cities of our country. [02:57:34.800 --> 02:57:38.800] Azerbaijan Intellectual Club. [02:57:38.800 --> 02:57:41.800] It starts to fight for Kubok. [02:57:43.800 --> 02:57:45.800] From the 5th of April. [02:57:45.800 --> 02:57:46.800] Every market. [02:57:46.800 --> 02:57:48.800] At 21.30. [02:57:48.800 --> 02:57:50.800] On Azerbaijan Television. [02:57:50.800 --> 02:58:04.800] Watch the Brain Ring race. [03:00:20.800 --> 03:00:22.800] Thank you for watching. [03:00:22.800 --> 03:00:24.800] Please subscribe to our channel. [03:00:24.800 --> 03:00:26.800] See you in the next episode. [03:00:26.800 --> 03:00:51.800] Goodbye. [03:00:56.800 --> 03:00:58.800] Goodbye.