Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language Detected language: English [00:00.000 --> 00:05.800] The agenda is the deployment of the B-22A spray aircraft in Okinawa, which has triggered [00:05.800 --> 00:10.760] massive protests in the region over safety concerns. [00:10.760 --> 00:16.560] The Pentagon has described the U.S.-Japan alliance as a cornerstone of its U.S.-Asia-Pacific [00:16.560 --> 00:17.560] engagement. [00:17.560 --> 00:23.760] After that, Panada will travel to China at the invitation of Defense Minister Liang Guanglie. [00:23.760 --> 00:28.920] The Pentagon calls it an opportunity for increasing military cooperation with China. [00:28.920 --> 00:33.960] Panada is also expected to tell China that their relocating military resources to Asia [00:33.960 --> 00:38.840] Pacific is not meant to confront China. [00:38.840 --> 00:44.720] And for more about Leon Panada's Asian visit, we're now joined on the line by Mr. Liu Youfeng [00:44.720 --> 00:47.600] from the China Institute of International Studies. [00:47.600 --> 00:49.200] Well, good evening, Professor Liu. [00:49.200 --> 00:54.720] Could you tell us what is really behind the timing of Panada's visit to Japan this time [00:54.720 --> 00:59.000] as the row between China and Japan over the disputed islands is just on the rise? [00:59.000 --> 01:06.440] Well, we could see the disputes between Japan and China over Diaoyu Islands have almost [01:06.440 --> 01:08.960] come to the boiling point. [01:08.960 --> 01:16.640] The United States used to assure Japan that the security pact would take effect when Diaoyu [01:16.640 --> 01:20.360] Island would under attack, quote, unquote. [01:20.360 --> 01:25.240] For that matter, the two naval forces held the most long military exercises. [01:25.240 --> 01:32.040] However, when the current Japanese government staged the drama to purchase the Diaoyu Island, [01:32.040 --> 01:39.700] quote, unquote, Chinese side acted with tit for tat and implemented series of punitive [01:39.700 --> 01:44.700] actions to show China's sovereignty over the island. [01:44.700 --> 01:51.880] I am sure that more actions are in the pipeline should the Japanese side fail to come back [01:51.880 --> 01:53.160] to senses. [01:53.160 --> 02:00.780] Therefore, I can see that the U.S. Defense Secretary has to hurry to Tokyo in order to [02:00.780 --> 02:07.880] persuade the Japanese government to refrain from taking any aggressive measures that might [02:07.880 --> 02:13.800] further complicate the disputes, which would surely bring Japan into conflict with China [02:13.800 --> 02:16.000] over the island. [02:16.000 --> 02:19.680] Then the United States might be drawn into the eventual conflict. [02:19.680 --> 02:24.960] This would surely be the last thing that the U.S. wanted when the January election is around [02:24.960 --> 02:26.520] the corner. [02:26.520 --> 02:32.880] Any further deterioration of the dispute would damage the U.S. pivotal to the Asian Pacific. [02:32.880 --> 02:38.500] After all, Diaoyu Island is not the priority in terms of the U.S. interests at the moment. [02:38.500 --> 02:39.640] Back to you, Mr. Joe. [02:39.640 --> 02:45.880] So it is understood that maybe President Obama doesn't want to see an unsettling situation [02:45.880 --> 02:48.960] in East Asia at this moment, election year. [02:48.960 --> 02:54.560] But what do you think it is on the agenda, Panetta, when he comes to China and Japan? [02:54.560 --> 02:59.560] Is it want to complicate the situation or ease down the tension? [02:59.560 --> 03:09.620] My guess is the U.S. would want very much the disputes to maintain at the current level, [03:09.620 --> 03:10.880] at least. [03:10.880 --> 03:18.720] So my guess is the first and foremost mission for the Defense Secretary is to try to reaffirm [03:18.720 --> 03:22.360] the alliance relations between U.S. and Japan. [03:22.360 --> 03:23.960] That's what he has to do. [03:23.960 --> 03:30.360] But the Defense Secretary would also have to persuade the latter to act in caution vis-à-vis [03:30.360 --> 03:33.280] the disputes with China over Diaoyu Island. [03:33.280 --> 03:38.560] The second agenda I could guess is to have further discussion on the pending deployment [03:38.560 --> 03:42.040] of the military aircraft in Japan. [03:42.040 --> 03:47.760] And last but not least, maybe the U.S. would try to act as the kind of the mediator, quote [03:47.760 --> 03:54.600] unquote, in the bilateral contradiction between Japan and China, which has for long been the [03:54.600 --> 03:59.200] aim of the United States, to fish in the troubled water. [03:59.200 --> 04:00.200] Back to you, Mr. Joe. [04:00.200 --> 04:01.200] All right. [04:01.200 --> 04:02.840] Thank you very much, Mr. Liu, for your take on this. [04:02.840 --> 04:08.880] You're now watching CCTV News and coming up next on this program, storming the embassy's [04:08.880 --> 04:18.520] protests against the U.S. sparked by an anti-Islam film spread all over the world. [04:18.520 --> 04:25.320] And four U.S.-NATO troops die in a shooting by an Afghan police officer, the third attack [04:25.320 --> 04:26.320] in three days. [04:26.320 --> 04:42.480] Harbin Logistics, center of supply, Lingyi, Shandong, son of the sun, the chosen land [04:42.480 --> 04:56.840] of heaven, Erdos, same speed at different latitudes, consistent action at different [04:56.840 --> 05:22.440] latitudes, global service, Hangzhou, China, welcome to Luoyang, China. [05:22.440 --> 05:29.040] We can help better understand this region and its role. [05:29.040 --> 05:35.080] We show the decisions made, the accomplishments, and things people in Asia still hope to achieve. [05:35.080 --> 05:40.440] Not only that, we offer a wide mix of bold news, from business and politics to culture, [05:40.440 --> 05:41.440] entertainment, and sport. [05:41.440 --> 05:42.440] It imparts on us around the world, working to present news from a different perspective. [05:42.440 --> 05:43.440] We can be at the source where things are happening. [05:43.440 --> 05:55.440] And viewers can judge for themselves. [05:55.440 --> 05:57.720] The world is more integrated than ever. [05:57.720 --> 06:03.840] How well we go forward depends on how well we know each other. [06:03.840 --> 06:07.840] CCTV News, your link to Asia. [06:07.840 --> 06:11.080] We debate and discuss to push the envelope. [06:11.080 --> 06:14.000] China needs dialogue to facilitate integration. [06:14.000 --> 06:21.560] We call for deep, intellectual, use it to your own, assertive, it is the fundamental [06:21.560 --> 06:32.520] problem, level playing, observant, in an age of multi-lateralism, graceful, universal [06:32.520 --> 06:33.520] elevation. [06:33.520 --> 06:46.640] This is dialogue where ideas do matter. [06:46.640 --> 06:51.240] Protests sparked by an anti-Islam film has spread to multiple countries. [06:51.240 --> 06:57.400] On Saturday, thousands of protesters demonstrated in front of the U.S. Embassy compound in Tunis. [06:57.400 --> 07:02.760] They tore down the American flag and raised an Islamic one, while looting and burning [07:02.760 --> 07:04.600] buildings. [07:04.600 --> 07:09.040] Protesters also attacked a neighboring American school, burning school buses and storming [07:09.040 --> 07:12.260] classrooms and teaching facilities. [07:12.260 --> 07:14.640] The clashes have left four dead and 49 injured. [07:14.640 --> 07:20.680] In Paris, some 250 demonstrators gathered outside the U.S. Embassy. [07:20.680 --> 07:25.880] Local police broke up the demonstration, briefly detaining 150 people. [07:25.880 --> 07:30.680] The U.S. State Department has ordered the departure of all family members and non-essential [07:30.680 --> 07:36.160] U.S. government personnel from its embassies in Sudan and Tunisia. [07:36.160 --> 07:40.360] It also issued travel warnings to American citizens. [07:40.360 --> 07:47.640] Meanwhile, Sudan has refused to allow the U.S. to send Marines to Khartoum. [07:47.640 --> 07:53.520] As Libyan investigators examined the inside of the American consulate in Benghazi following [07:53.520 --> 07:59.480] a last Tuesday's attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other embassy employees, [07:59.480 --> 08:05.440] witnesses say the cause of the death is unclear and that there is a lack of security when [08:05.440 --> 08:09.960] the attack happened. [08:09.960 --> 08:13.280] Entering the consulate, we can see a burnt car. [08:13.280 --> 08:19.440] The guard says on Tuesday the militants threw a grenade into the outside court of the building, [08:19.440 --> 08:22.920] then rushed into the consulate, setting fire to it. [08:22.920 --> 08:27.480] The blaze continued for several hours, dying down the next morning. [08:27.480 --> 08:32.580] The militants are believed to have taken a number of items from the consulate. [08:32.580 --> 08:37.640] The guard says the ambassador did not die as a result of the rocket-propelled mortar [08:37.640 --> 08:40.980] attack that followed. [08:40.980 --> 08:43.080] The ambassador died of suffocation. [08:43.080 --> 08:47.280] He was not hit directly by the mortar attack. [08:47.280 --> 08:50.040] Moose lives very near to the consulate. [08:50.040 --> 08:52.560] His son is a witness to the attack. [08:52.560 --> 08:56.480] He says they went into the consulate the moment the militants left. [08:56.480 --> 09:02.560] Later, they heard screaming and then found the ambassador on the floor of the washroom. [09:02.560 --> 09:07.960] So far, the Libyan government says they've made considerable progress in the investigation [09:07.960 --> 09:13.380] and have arrested many suspects but cannot release detailed information. [09:13.380 --> 09:19.320] To avoid disruption, Libya has stepped up the police presence at the consulate and tightened [09:19.320 --> 09:21.960] security around its perimeter. [09:21.960 --> 09:24.520] Bi Jianlu, CCTV. [09:24.520 --> 09:28.940] Now to Afghanistan, according to Afghan and international officials, at least one Afghan [09:28.940 --> 09:34.160] police officer turned his gun on NATO troops at a remote checkpoint in southern Afghanistan [09:34.160 --> 09:36.160] before dawn on Sunday. [09:36.160 --> 09:40.760] Four American members of the International Security Assistance Force were killed. [09:40.760 --> 09:46.600] It was the third recent attack by Afghan forces or insurgents disguised in military uniforms [09:46.600 --> 09:49.000] against international forces. [09:49.000 --> 09:50.840] Eight troops have been killed. [09:50.840 --> 09:56.120] There has been a string of attacks by Afghan forces against their international counterparts [09:56.120 --> 09:57.740] in recent months. [09:57.740 --> 10:03.280] The killings have imperiled the military partnership between Kabul and NATO. [10:03.280 --> 10:10.220] Many fear the anti-Islam film marking the Prophet Mohammed may further aggravate Afghan-U.S. [10:10.220 --> 10:13.280] relations. [10:13.280 --> 10:17.660] The United States and more than two dozen allies are gearing up for the largest naval [10:17.660 --> 10:22.680] exercise in the Mideast focused on countering the threat of anti-ship mines. [10:22.680 --> 10:30.320] While the maneuvers from 16 to 27 September will focus on a hypothetical extremist organization [10:30.320 --> 10:35.280] to prepare for threats that could block vital trade routes at sea. [10:35.280 --> 10:41.240] While U.S. Navy officials say the anti-mon exercise is not targeting any specific country [10:41.240 --> 10:47.320] nor about a response to Iranian threats to shut down the narrow Strait of Hormuz at the [10:47.320 --> 10:51.840] mouth of the Persian Gulf, the rat of one-fifth of the world's oil. [10:51.840 --> 10:57.120] However, Iran's foreign minister says the U.S.-led military drill in the Gulf shakes [10:57.120 --> 11:01.360] up the sensitive region and will be closely monitoring. [11:01.360 --> 11:07.920] Meanwhile, Iran will also hold a large-scale military drill involving all of its air defense [11:07.920 --> 11:13.000] systems from September 21 to October 21. [11:13.000 --> 11:25.520] It will include fighter jets and simulate emergency situations. [11:25.520 --> 11:26.520] Back to this country. [11:26.520 --> 11:31.880] China's Ministry of Commerce has announced that the countermeasures to an EU investigation [11:31.880 --> 11:38.320] into Chinese-made solar products will be released by September 17 at the latest. [11:38.320 --> 11:43.960] The EU announced earlier it will launch an investigation into imports of solar panels [11:43.960 --> 11:46.680] and key components from China. [11:46.680 --> 11:52.360] It also says provisional anti-dumping duties may be imposed within nine months. [11:52.360 --> 11:56.720] The lawsuit has been the largest in scale against China involving a value of more than [11:56.720 --> 11:59.420] 20 billion U.S. dollars. [11:59.420 --> 12:06.100] It involves more than 100 Chinese photovoltaic companies if confirmed as anti-dumping. [12:06.100 --> 12:11.520] The companies will face a continuous anti-dumping tax within the next five years. [12:11.520 --> 12:16.960] China's photovoltaic products account for 74 percent of the total in European markets. [12:16.960 --> 12:22.360] A commerce ministry official said the solar panel dispute has evolved into a major problem, [12:22.360 --> 12:26.360] putting China-EU economic and trade relations into test. [12:26.360 --> 12:32.640] But China does not want to see the case trigger wider disputes. [12:32.640 --> 12:37.560] In Europe, in Portugal, tens of thousands of people rallied against further austerity [12:37.560 --> 12:39.920] measures and the Troika. [12:39.920 --> 12:44.920] Since last week's new austerity measures were announced, people throughout the country have [12:44.920 --> 12:49.240] been expressing their anger over further sacrifices. [12:49.240 --> 12:53.120] Our correspondent Julie Scheier has the support from Lisbon. [12:53.120 --> 13:01.720] They came in their thousands from the four corners of Lisbon, young, old, employed, unemployed, [13:01.720 --> 13:02.720] rich or poor. [13:02.720 --> 13:08.240] There was no distinction, only one objective, to show the government that the country has [13:08.240 --> 13:09.240] had enough. [13:09.240 --> 13:18.200] The sense of frustration was overwhelming. [13:18.200 --> 13:25.280] More than 100,000 people marched holding homemade banners that read, we've had enough, and chanted, [13:25.280 --> 13:30.880] this debt is not ours, IMF get out of here. [13:30.880 --> 13:34.480] I'm here to protest against these kind of measures. [13:34.480 --> 13:35.680] I think it's enough. [13:35.680 --> 13:40.640] I was one of the people who supported them in the first place, but I think it's enough. [13:40.640 --> 13:50.120] I don't have an employee now, and I will not have an employee in a few months. [13:50.120 --> 13:52.600] I don't have a future here. [13:52.600 --> 13:53.960] I don't have a future. [13:53.960 --> 14:00.240] They are stealing from people that have no other measures and ways of living. [14:00.240 --> 14:02.920] So we all have to stand for them. [14:02.920 --> 14:05.920] We all have to stand here. [14:05.920 --> 14:06.920] Education! [14:06.920 --> 14:07.920] Education! [14:07.920 --> 14:08.920] The Portuguese are angry. [14:08.920 --> 14:13.200] They feel that they are being made to pay for the mistakes of the government. [14:13.200 --> 14:18.440] Since the country asked for a bailout of 78 billion euros last year, the Portuguese have [14:18.440 --> 14:25.320] seen wages frozen and taxes increased in order to bring down the country's deficit. [14:25.320 --> 14:30.640] This week's announcement by the Prime Minister that sacrifices are still not enough and that [14:30.640 --> 14:43.040] further austerity is needed has intensified people's anger and sent out a national outcry. [14:43.040 --> 14:48.840] The demonstration went well into the night and protesters unexpectedly ended up in front [14:48.840 --> 14:50.120] of parliament. [14:50.120 --> 14:55.560] They were determined to make their voices heard loud and clear. [14:55.560 --> 15:01.200] It's been a long protest that started peacefully, but as night has fallen, tempers have flared [15:01.200 --> 15:03.720] and the police is out. [15:03.720 --> 15:08.720] Protesters here have no intention yet of returning home, for they feel their message against [15:08.720 --> 15:12.440] the Troika and austerity has not been heard. [15:12.440 --> 15:17.160] Julie Charest, CCTV, in Lisbon, Portugal. [15:17.160 --> 15:19.680] And that will do it for this edition of the News Update. [15:19.680 --> 15:20.680] Thanks for joining us. [15:20.680 --> 15:50.400] Good-bye for now.