Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language Detected language: English [00:00.000 --> 00:08.500] Piano Music [00:08.500 --> 00:27.720] Piano Music [01:27.720 --> 01:41.320] Very good afternoon to the audience of the round table. Today we will be following two [01:41.320 --> 01:45.960] facts of its importance, of its current state. The situation in Japan after that [01:45.960 --> 01:51.360] symptom of more than nine points on the Richter scale and that powerful tsunami that has left [01:51.360 --> 01:57.040] a whole political, economic and above all nuclear drama in that country. We will also be [01:57.040 --> 02:02.680] following the situation in the Arab world, specifically in Libya, where international pressures [02:02.680 --> 02:08.200] continue on this conflict and also the loyal troops to leader Muhammad al-Qadhafi continue [02:08.200 --> 02:13.920] to advance over the rebel zone. To talk about these topics, I have two guests today. [02:13.920 --> 02:18.640] Gladys Hernández, specialist in the research center of the world economy, [02:18.640 --> 02:25.400] 100 and colleague Lionel Nodal, journalist and analyst in international issues related to the [02:25.400 --> 02:30.920] Middle East and which has also been responsible for the Latin press agency in many countries in that [02:30.920 --> 02:40.720] region. Today on the round table. The Japanese government talks about around 3,400 dead and about 7,000 [02:40.720 --> 02:45.560] disappeared due to the earthquake and the tsunami that occurred on Friday in that country, [02:45.560 --> 02:49.560] with what the number of victims will surely exceed 10,000. [02:49.560 --> 02:54.840] After the earthquake, the incertidum has been empowered by the Japanese economy, [02:54.840 --> 02:58.560] played for more than two decades by the low growth and by the deflation. [02:59.920 --> 03:05.320] And the second most important city in Libya and the main opposite key lives moments of [03:05.320 --> 03:10.440] tension. It is expected that in the next few days, the loyal forces to Muhammad al-Qadhafi will enter [03:10.440 --> 03:18.720] that locality. And before I propose to give the lecture to the most recent reflections of the [03:18.720 --> 03:22.560] commander-in-chief Fidel Castro-Ruz, titled the disasters that threaten the world and that were [03:22.560 --> 03:29.520] published in the Cuban press this March 15, 2011. Fidel says, if the speed of light [03:29.520 --> 03:35.320] did not exist, if the star closer to our sun did not have four years of earth's light, [03:35.320 --> 03:41.880] a single planet inhabited by our system, if the UFOs really existed, the imaginary visitors [03:41.880 --> 03:46.320] to the planet would continue to travel without understanding the things of our suffering humanity. [03:46.320 --> 03:51.720] It has been just a few centuries in the millennial history of man, no one knew what was happening [03:51.720 --> 03:57.400] on the other side of the globe. Today we can know them instantaneously and sometimes they are [03:57.400 --> 04:02.960] events of great transcendence that affect all the peoples of the world. Without further introduction, [04:02.960 --> 04:06.680] I will limit myself to the most important news of the last two days. [04:06.680 --> 04:15.280] On March 13, 2011, the eruption of the volcano in Japan activates a new alarm. The Japanese meteorological [04:15.280 --> 04:21.200] team reported that the chimodake volcano, located in the Yushu Island in the east of Japan, [04:21.200 --> 04:27.320] erupted this Sunday in ashes and stones up to 4000 meters high after two weeks of relatively [04:27.320 --> 04:32.760] calm and two days after the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck the country. It entered [04:32.760 --> 04:38.960] activity in January last year for the first time in 52 years. According to a BBC report, [04:38.960 --> 04:44.880] constructions located on a radius of four kilometers from the distance had suffered damage and hundreds [04:44.880 --> 04:52.200] of people fled from the surroundings in panic. The seismic movement of magnitude 9.0 on the [04:52.200 --> 04:57.800] Richter scale, according to Japan's meteorological agency, had already had repercussions on other [04:57.800 --> 05:03.280] volcanoes. Japan has been bombed by seismos, tsunamis and explosions in nuclear power plants. [05:03.280 --> 05:12.040] Sendai, Japan, on March 14, 2011, an explosion in reactor number 3 of the Fukushima-1 nuclear [05:12.040 --> 05:18.920] power plant, powered this Monday the fear of an atomic disaster in Japan, a country [05:18.920 --> 05:24.560] already bombed by a seismic and a tsunami that could have left more than 10,000 dead. [05:24.560 --> 05:32.880] Tokyo Electric Power TELPCO, Fukushima-1 operator, 250 kilometers northeast of Tokyo, [05:32.880 --> 05:38.520] among other things, also admitted the possibility that the fuel of reactor 2 would have entered [05:38.520 --> 05:44.680] fusion due to a leak in the cooling circuit. The government, on its side, minimized the [05:44.680 --> 05:49.840] possibility that an important explosion would occur in that reactor. [05:49.840 --> 05:57.680] The rescue teams found about 2,000 corpses on the coast of Miyagi's prefecture, northwest, [05:57.680 --> 06:03.400] while millions of Japanese people tried to survive without water, electricity, fuel, [06:03.400 --> 06:09.440] food, enough, and hundreds of thousands were forced to lie in emergency centers because [06:09.440 --> 06:14.840] of the tsunami that destroyed their homes. All the world's rescue teams arrived at [06:14.840 --> 06:20.680] the shipyard to collaborate with more than 100,000 soldiers who are trying to provide assistance [06:20.680 --> 06:26.160] in a country that is still besieged by the earthquakes and in permanent assault by [06:26.160 --> 06:31.840] the false alarms of new tsunamis. The fear of a nuclear disaster was added to the [06:31.840 --> 06:38.480] anguishes caused by devastation. The earthquake, the tsunami, the explosions in the centers [06:38.480 --> 06:44.120] face the country in its most serious crisis since the end of World War II, said the [06:44.120 --> 06:50.160] Prime Minister Naoto Kahn. An explosion had occurred on Saturday in reactor 1, which [06:50.160 --> 06:56.680] cost life, to a technical failure and went to 11. The fusion was caused by the heating [06:56.680 --> 07:03.240] of the fuel bars that begin to melt like candles. The authorities decreed the state [07:03.240 --> 07:10.120] of emergency in a second nuclear plant, the one in Onagawa, northeast of the country. Another [07:10.120 --> 07:15.720] nuclear plant, the one in Tokai, suffered an injury in its cooling system. The earthquake [07:15.720 --> 07:22.840] of magnitude 8.9 and the subsequent tsunami of 10 meters high struck the north-east coast [07:22.840 --> 07:27.880] of the Nippon archipelago. More than 10,000 people could have lost their lives in the [07:27.880 --> 07:36.480] north-west coast of Japan. At least 5.6 million homes continue without electricity. [07:36.480 --> 07:44.080] Data, what happens within the nuclear reactors of Japan? A question, March 14, Reuters. A [07:44.080 --> 07:48.920] second explosion occurred at the Japanese nuclear plant damaged by a earthquake, where [07:48.920 --> 07:55.480] the authorities work in a desperate way to avoid the fusion of the nuclear of the reactors. [07:55.480 --> 08:01.760] The nuclear of a reactor consists of a series of tubes or metal bars of circumnium that [08:01.760 --> 08:09.160] contain fuel pellets of stored uranium in which engineers call fuel teams. The [08:09.160 --> 08:14.880] refligeration of support had problems several times during the last three days in the reactors [08:14.880 --> 08:22.440] 1, 2 and 3 in the Fukushima plant. However, the natural degradation of radioactive materials [08:22.440 --> 08:29.480] in the reactor core continues to produce heat, called residual heat, which falls to a quarter [08:29.480 --> 08:36.040] of its original level during the first hour and then disappears slower. Normally, that [08:36.040 --> 08:42.040] heat is eliminated by refrigeration bombs, which in the Fukushima plant lost the supply [08:42.040 --> 08:49.120] of emergency energy due to earthquakes, tsunamis or both. It was that hydrogen gas that caused [08:49.120 --> 08:55.920] the two explosions in the Fukushima plant on Saturday 1 in the reactor 3 on Monday, [08:55.920 --> 09:03.200] according to experts and employees. If a steel dome breaks inside a reactor, the [09:03.200 --> 09:09.240] radiation levels would rise, but at this point there is no enough heat to destroy them, [09:09.240 --> 09:14.040] according to experts. There is still the risk that the nuclear is found, which could [09:14.040 --> 09:20.760] cause a lot or even impossible to remove the fuel, which is what happened in Three [09:20.760 --> 09:29.400] My Island in Pennsylvania in 1979, F-14, in March. The United States went far away from [09:29.400 --> 09:35.400] Japanese coasts when detecting radioactivity in 17 military. The Pentagon reported that [09:35.400 --> 09:41.840] 17 military, who participated in the assistance work in Japan, gave a positive to low level [09:41.840 --> 09:47.920] of radioactivity and ordered to temporarily reposition the ships of the seventh fleet [09:47.920 --> 09:55.120] based on the Japanese city of Yokuzuka. The U.S.S. aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan [09:55.120 --> 10:01.440] concentrated 160 kilometers to the northeast of the energy plant at the time of the escape [10:01.440 --> 10:06.360] after the tsunami, which followed the earthquake of nine degrees on the Richter scale, which [10:06.360 --> 10:12.520] occurred in Japan. Fight to refrigerate reactors 2 and 3 of Fukushima and increase the number [10:12.520 --> 10:19.960] of deaths. International reaction, March 14 of the F-agency, the responsible of reactor [10:19.960 --> 10:27.040] 2 of the Fukushima Japanese Central, try to refrigerate it after it could have suffered [10:27.040 --> 10:33.120] a partial leak due to overheating, as well as cooling the reactor 3, where there was [10:33.120 --> 10:38.760] an explosion that did not produce radioactivity escape. While authorities are panicking to [10:38.760 --> 10:44.780] control nuclear risk, the number of dead victims of the earthquake that has caused the worst [10:44.780 --> 10:51.880] tragedy in Japan since World War II. The tremor was felt with force in Tokyo, the [10:51.880 --> 10:57.040] largest city in the world with more than 30 million inhabitants, where the environment is [10:57.040 --> 11:03.120] sad. The citizens resort to means of alternative transport, such as the bicycle, to the cuts [11:03.120 --> 11:09.240] of the electric supply. Meteorological agency of the country warned the Japanese population [11:09.240 --> 11:15.080] of a week of replicas and 70% of probabilities that a earthquake of 7 degrees in Japan will [11:15.080 --> 11:25.880] be recorded. Germany suspends nuclear extension plans for three months. Berlin, March 14, [11:25.880 --> 11:32.320] German DPA. The recorded accident this weekend in the Japanese plant of Fukushima, due to [11:32.320 --> 11:36.920] the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that devastated the Asian country on Friday, has [11:36.920 --> 11:43.040] completely changed the global situation, said Merkel. Japan's accidents show that what [11:43.040 --> 11:48.480] we believe is impossible is possible, and the risks that we consider unlikely are not [11:48.480 --> 11:54.960] as unlikely as they continue to punctualize. AFP, Yemen, three dead protesters, including [11:54.960 --> 12:03.520] a 12-year-old child. March 12, 2011, Sanaa AFP. Three protesters died, including a [12:03.520 --> 12:10.360] 12-year-old child, and hundreds were injured on Saturday in Yemen, where the victims accused [12:10.360 --> 12:17.440] the police of using toxic gases to dispersal them. A manifestant died and about 300 were [12:17.440 --> 12:23.360] injured or intoxicated by gases. According to the UN, 37 protesters and at least six [12:23.360 --> 12:27.520] policemen died from the beginning of the riots in Yemen. [12:27.520 --> 12:33.120] Abu Dhabai, March 14, Reuters, the rise of the prices of the crude, the recent and precipitated [12:33.120 --> 12:39.880] reduction of the global assistance of cereals, could lead to a crisis of its minister, said [12:39.880 --> 12:45.360] the director of the Organization, Favre, in English, Jack Tewf, at Reuters. The highest [12:45.360 --> 12:51.880] prices are worrying and we have a strong decrease in the existence. [12:51.880 --> 13:01.360] London AFP. The Biasystem PLC, with central offices in Great Britain, subordinated authorities [13:01.360 --> 13:07.000] from Saudi Arabia to get contracts millionaires of weapons, according to a diplomatic, US-led [13:07.000 --> 13:11.040] government, filtered and distributed by WikiLeaks. [13:11.040 --> 13:17.000] Abu Dhabai, the biggest defense contractor in Europe, had delivered more than 70 million [13:17.000 --> 13:23.080] pounds, 113 million dollars, equivalent to a Saudi prince. [13:23.080 --> 13:29.000] AFP. Aston does not discard the possibility of imposing an air exclusion zone on Libya. [13:29.000 --> 13:33.760] The responsible for the foreign policy of the European Union, Catherine Aston, did not [13:33.760 --> 13:40.280] discard today in Cairo the possibility of imposing an air exclusion zone on Libya after meeting [13:40.280 --> 13:44.480] with the Secretary General of the Arab League, Amr Moussa. [13:44.480 --> 13:52.120] Tripoli, March 14, ANSA. The forces of Muhammad al-Qadhafi attacked today Abu Dhabi, east [13:52.120 --> 13:57.920] of Libya and the location of Subwara, northwest, while the National Council of the Opposition [13:57.920 --> 14:03.280] assured that it will recover positions and said that it has international commitment to establish [14:03.280 --> 14:05.680] an air exclusion zone. [14:05.680 --> 14:10.000] The Council assured today that it obtained the commitment from the United States, Great [14:10.000 --> 14:14.000] Britain and France to have an air exclusion zone. [14:14.000 --> 14:20.220] General Al-Fatah Yunis, member of the rebel military council, assured that it will recover [14:20.220 --> 14:24.560] positions in the coastal area and in the eastern region of the country. [14:24.560 --> 14:29.360] We will resume control of those cities and will soon feel that our army advances towards [14:29.360 --> 14:37.200] Syrta and Tripoli. 100,000 volunteers joined forces of Gadhafi, Tripoli, March 14, ANSA. [14:37.200 --> 14:42.080] Some 100,000 volunteers joined forces armed with Libya from the beginning of the combat [14:42.080 --> 14:48.160] between the troops that support Muhammad al-Qadhafi and rebel groups, said today sources of the [14:48.160 --> 14:49.160] government. [14:49.160 --> 14:56.040] Bahrain, Opposition denounces occupation after arrival of Saudi soldiers. Manama, March 14, [14:56.040 --> 15:03.680] 2011, the town of Bahrain faces a real danger. The one of a war against the Bahrain citizens [15:03.680 --> 15:08.480] without declaration of war, highlighted the seven members of the opposition, including [15:08.480 --> 15:11.680] Wefak Chihita, in a statement. [15:11.680 --> 15:18.040] We consider the entry of all soldiers, of all military vehicles to the land, air and [15:18.040 --> 15:23.440] maritime spaces of the Kingdom of Bahrain as a flagrant occupation, a conspiracy against [15:23.440 --> 15:28.880] the town of Bahrain, disarmament and a violation of agreements and international agreements, [15:28.880 --> 15:30.800] added the opposition. [15:30.800 --> 15:38.280] More protests in Yemen, Bahrain and Morocco. Manama and Aden, 13, ANSA. The protests [15:38.280 --> 15:43.880] continue today in Yemen, where three people died. Bahrain and Morocco, in complaints against [15:43.880 --> 15:48.200] the governments of those countries, reported today local sources. [15:48.200 --> 15:53.440] In Saudi Arabia, dozens of people gathered today near the headquarters of the Ministry [15:53.440 --> 15:59.640] of Interior in Riyadh to ask for the release of a group of activists arrested by the police. [15:59.640 --> 16:06.080] Manama, AAP. Decenas of thousands of protesters in Bahrain surrounded a royal palace on Saturday, [16:06.080 --> 16:11.080] where they demanded political freedoms and the resignation of the king one day after [16:11.080 --> 16:16.040] that security forces reprimanded with violence a similar protest. [16:16.040 --> 16:22.840] The mobilizations in this country are similar to Egypt and Tunisia. Bahrain has a peculiar [16:22.840 --> 16:29.600] importance for Washington because there stands out the fifth fleet of the United States army. [16:29.600 --> 16:36.440] United Arab Emirates are going to send troops to Bahrain. Dubai, March 14, 2011, AFP. [16:36.440 --> 16:41.080] The United Arab Emirates announced on Monday that they are going to send troops to Bahrain [16:41.080 --> 16:48.040] to preserve order and stability in that neighboring country, which has already reached the end of [16:48.040 --> 16:54.440] Saudi military. Manama, March 14, 2011, AFP. Bahrain's opposition [16:54.440 --> 17:00.120] said on Monday that any foreign military presence will be considered as an occupation [17:00.120 --> 17:05.480] when reacting to the arrival of Saudi troops to the kingdom. More than one billion Saudi [17:05.480 --> 17:12.200] troops, which are part of the common force of the Gulf Cooperation Council, arrived [17:12.200 --> 17:18.160] in Bahrain. They were welcomed by a wave of demonstrations, according to the AFP, a responsible [17:18.160 --> 17:24.920] Saudi. Mexico, AFP. The so-called rapid and furious operation in the United States, which [17:24.920 --> 17:30.360] presumably allowed the entry delivered to Mexico by almost 2,000 weapons, put in a [17:30.360 --> 17:35.920] delicate moment the relationship between both countries, according to experts, and caused the [17:35.920 --> 17:40.360] anger of Mexican legislators. If the United States act without including [17:40.360 --> 17:46.240] any Mexican importance, it is an totally unacceptable intermission and a clear [17:46.240 --> 17:52.280] evidence of Washington's distrust against Mexican police forces, said AFP Jorge [17:52.280 --> 17:58.360] Montaño, ex-Mexico ambassador in the United States. Mexico faces a spiral of unprecedented [17:58.360 --> 18:05.560] attacks that has left almost 35,000 deaths since December 2006 in confrontations between [18:05.560 --> 18:11.320] drug traffickers and anti-narcotic operations, in addition to hundreds of victims trapped [18:11.320 --> 18:17.480] in the crossfire. The Mexican Senate described rapid and furious as an aggressive, unilateral [18:17.480 --> 18:21.400] operation, and an aggravy to Mexico's sovereignty. [18:21.400 --> 18:28.920] On March 14, 15 and 4, this night, it was reported that reactor number two of the Central Fukushima [18:28.920 --> 18:34.840] 1 was being destroyed after the emergency cooling systems were failed, which recorded [18:34.840 --> 18:41.000] the fears of radioactive contamination. On Saturday and this Monday, explosions occurred [18:41.000 --> 18:47.440] in reactors 1 and 3. Reactor number two works with a fuel called [18:47.440 --> 18:54.840] mezcla deóxidos, M-O-X, which contains plutonium, a substance especially harmful for health. [18:54.840 --> 19:03.360] Rome 14, Italian agency ANSA, a total of 442 nuclear reactors in the world, concentrated [19:03.360 --> 19:09.760] in 29 countries and built by no more than 10 companies. Europe, whose governments began [19:09.760 --> 19:18.000] to review its policy in the sector, has 148 active reactors in 16 countries. Already active, [19:18.000 --> 19:23.720] 65 are added in construction phases. The world record for a number of nuclear reactors [19:23.720 --> 19:32.120] in operation in the United States, with 104, followed by France, 58, and Japan, 54. [19:32.120 --> 19:40.080] Notices from the last hour that they have just arrived in Cuba inform that there was a third [19:40.080 --> 19:44.640] explosion in Fukushima. F, 15 of March, 20 and 13, is feared of radioactive fusion of [19:44.640 --> 19:50.800] nuclear and a reactor in Fukushima. Tokyo, March 15, Spanish agency F, the operating company [19:50.800 --> 19:56.120] of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, north-east of Japan, recognized that it feared a radioactive [19:56.120 --> 20:01.920] fusion of a possible fusion of the nuclear reactor number two, which this morning suffered [20:01.920 --> 20:08.440] an explosion. Tokyo Electric Power, TEPCO, admitted that it may have emitted radiation [20:08.440 --> 20:14.480] after damaging the structure, which involves reactor number two, while the level of radioactivity [20:14.480 --> 20:22.160] in the area marked the 8,217 microsieverts per hour in front of the 500 allowed. It can [20:22.160 --> 20:26.880] be observed that the complex situation reigns in the Arab world, in which the peoples have [20:26.880 --> 20:33.560] unleashed a revolutionary wave. The Saudi king supports the war on the OTAN in Libya, [20:33.560 --> 20:38.240] while the OTAN supports the Saudi invasion in Bahrain. The blood of the Arab peoples [20:38.240 --> 20:44.360] will be drained in the benefit of the great US transnationals, while the oil prices will [20:44.360 --> 20:51.040] reach non-predecible limits as the wars are unleashed in the areas of greater production [20:51.040 --> 20:56.040] and nuclear disasters in Japan multiply the resistance of the peoples to the proliferation [20:56.040 --> 21:01.640] of nuclear plants. The defeat and the loss of capitalist consumption in its neoliberal [21:01.640 --> 21:07.040] and imperialist phase are taking the world to a road without a way out, where the climate [21:07.040 --> 21:12.000] change and the rising cost of food leads to thousands of millions of people towards [21:12.000 --> 21:22.160] the worst signs of poverty. Fidel Castro-Ruz, March 14, 2011, 9.35, Meridiano's past. [21:22.160 --> 21:29.160] Fidel Castro-Ruz, March 14, 2011, 9.35, Meridiano's past. [21:52.160 --> 21:59.160] Fidel Castro-Ruz, March 14, 2012, Meridiano's past. [22:22.160 --> 22:29.160] Fidel Castro-Ruz, March 14, 2012, Meridiano's past. [22:53.160 --> 23:00.160] In three of them, there have been explosions like this one yesterday in reactor 3. The last [23:00.160 --> 23:03.760] has been at night, at 2, and it is the most serious of all because it has damaged the wall [23:03.760 --> 23:08.400] of concrete that protects the reactor so that there are no radioactive escapes. So, [23:08.400 --> 23:12.560] both this accident and the fire that has been in reactor 4 have been able to cause [23:12.560 --> 23:16.680] some escape. For the time being, the Prime Minister has recognized in a press conference [23:16.680 --> 23:22.960] that the level of radiation in the area has increased. After that, it has been the [23:22.960 --> 23:27.200] government's report that has ensured that the level of radiation is worrying for [23:27.200 --> 23:32.280] health, and so far, the highest nuclear safety authority has said that the alert level [23:32.280 --> 23:38.080] in Fukushima is 6 on a scale of 7, and that there have been two consecutive explosions, [23:38.080 --> 23:44.160] and not one, which has suffered the reactor 2. In the center, there are only 50 workers [23:44.160 --> 23:48.720] trying to avoid a tragedy, and the cities less than 20 kilometers from the center are [23:48.720 --> 23:53.440] deserted, but the concern, as some Spanish residents in Tokyo have told us, reaches [23:53.440 --> 23:58.240] there, to 200 kilometers from Fukushima. The International Energy Agency has said [23:58.240 --> 24:04.720] that in the last hours, the radiation in the area has reduced to half. [24:04.720 --> 24:09.240] First they evacuated those who lived 10 kilometers from Fukushima, then they have been committed [24:09.240 --> 24:14.120] to rescue those who reside less than 20 kilometers from the center, and in the last [24:14.120 --> 24:21.160] hours, the Prime Minister Naoto Kan has recommended this to those who live less than 30 kilometers. [24:21.160 --> 24:26.160] We would like to ask you to stay inside the buildings, at home or in the office. [24:26.160 --> 24:30.600] Up to there, you are seeing it, the security perimeter arrives for now. The Japanese government, [24:30.600 --> 24:35.040] through the public television, recommended a few hours ago to close the windows, not [24:35.040 --> 24:38.920] to use ventilation systems, not to drink water from the ceiling, to be careful with the [24:38.920 --> 24:44.440] food they ingest, and even not to wear the clothes outside. And the replicas are happening, [24:44.440 --> 24:48.760] a new strong tremor has occurred in the area around Tokyo. The Japanese government [24:48.760 --> 24:56.000] speaks of around 3,400 dead and about 7,000 missing due to the earthquake and tsunami [24:56.000 --> 25:00.400] that occurred on Friday in that country, with which the number of victims will certainly [25:00.400 --> 25:06.960] exceed 10,000. Of the total of dead confirmed, something more than 1,000 have been identified. [25:06.960 --> 25:12.440] In Tokyo, the authorities have rescued about 25,000 people, including this man they have [25:12.440 --> 25:17.640] met with life, almost 100 hours after the earthquake. For the fourth consecutive day, [25:17.640 --> 25:23.320] rescue teams face the triple task of removing the ruins and debris on the coast in search [25:23.320 --> 25:29.400] of survivors or corpses, and also bringing help to the damaged in the areas that are [25:29.400 --> 25:30.400] isolated. [25:30.400 --> 25:37.120] In Tokyo, the activities are gradually renewed, despite the news that ensures that the radiation [25:37.120 --> 25:45.120] emitted from Fukushima has reached the city. Residents feel fear for their health. [25:45.120 --> 25:48.600] This citizen ensures that there is no need to worry about radiation due to the magnitude [25:48.600 --> 25:55.680] of the escape. However, he hopes that the government tells them the truth about this. [25:55.680 --> 26:01.120] In the meantime, food and medicine supply is already observed in Tokyo and the reserves [26:01.120 --> 26:05.920] are put in danger for the next few weeks. The tragedy that Fukushima lives is considered [26:05.920 --> 26:11.920] the worst nuclear accident since it occurred in Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986. [26:11.920 --> 26:17.080] In the streets of Summa, devastation is part of the panorama. The high levels of radiation [26:17.080 --> 26:22.640] after the explosion of a third nuclear reactor in the Daishi complex represent a serious [26:22.640 --> 26:29.680] threat to those who still remain in the area. In the destroyed coast of Fukushima, this [26:29.680 --> 26:34.480] housewife says she doesn't know what to do and that she is worried about radiation. [26:34.480 --> 26:41.600] Well, and we saw some information from foreign TV about the situation in Japan, especially [26:41.600 --> 26:46.680] the social impact that has been very related to the thousands of lives that have been lost [26:46.680 --> 26:51.600] that have not yet been able to counteract and also with the impact that has had the [26:51.600 --> 26:56.880] tears in the explosions in nuclear plants in the nuclear reactors of several nuclear centers [26:56.880 --> 27:02.120] of that country, which of course has expanded the fear about the possibility of radiation [27:02.120 --> 27:07.360] and also of contamination in people. But there is also a fundamental economic impact, [27:07.360 --> 27:12.440] not only for Japan, for the Japanese economy, which has been presenting problems for several [27:12.440 --> 27:18.480] years, but also on an international and regional level. On that subject, I propose to talk [27:18.480 --> 27:23.680] with our specialist, but first see the material that I had previously promised you about this [27:23.680 --> 27:24.680] economic issue. [27:24.680 --> 27:30.280] After the earthquake, the incertidum has been empowered by the Japanese economy, played [27:30.280 --> 27:33.520] for more than two decades by the low growth and by the deflation. [27:33.520 --> 27:39.720] It comes from what has been called a lost decade. Japan has suffered a very, very strong [27:39.720 --> 27:44.760] crisis that is taking a long time to recover. [27:44.760 --> 27:50.920] Japan, a market of 127 million people, leader in electronics and automobiles, is the third [27:50.920 --> 27:55.960] world economy. The cuts in road lights remain paralyzed a large part of the industry [27:55.960 --> 27:59.360] and this complicates the display of its beginning to recover. [27:59.360 --> 28:04.920] Japan, that crisis was starting to come out in the last year, but unfortunately this [28:04.920 --> 28:07.480] earthquake has interrupted that recovery. [28:07.480 --> 28:11.960] In a short time, the earthquake has touched infrastructures and threatens tourism and [28:11.960 --> 28:12.960] consumption. [28:12.960 --> 28:19.960] The damage is between 100,000 and 200,000 million euros, with magnitude up to a certain [28:19.960 --> 28:20.960] point. [28:20.960 --> 28:25.560] The reconstruction of the country will shoot at the end of the public debt, equivalent [28:25.560 --> 28:31.160] to 200% of the gross domestic product, although the positive reading of analysts is that the [28:31.160 --> 28:32.160] investment will increase. [28:32.160 --> 28:36.080] The Japanese companies have to repatriate many of their investments that they had made [28:36.080 --> 28:41.320] abroad. That causes a repetition of divisions right now. [28:41.320 --> 28:44.900] The catastrophe of Japan will be left to feel, the experts say, and the accounts of [28:44.900 --> 28:47.320] insurance results and energy companies. [28:47.320 --> 28:50.640] At the moment, it has given to the yen that, since Thursday, has been revalued by more [28:50.640 --> 28:53.640] than 1.5%. [28:53.640 --> 28:59.480] And the figures are impressive. The central bank of Japan, we commented yesterday, has had [28:59.480 --> 29:05.720] to inject more than 180,000 million dollars into the Japanese economy and it is also [29:05.720 --> 29:11.360] said that the insurance companies of that country will have to inject more than 35,000 million [29:11.360 --> 29:12.360] dollars. [29:12.360 --> 29:17.000] What has been the impact, Gladys, that you, who have been studying the economy of the [29:17.000 --> 29:20.040] region for so many years, specifically the Chinese economy, the Japanese economy, what [29:20.040 --> 29:26.480] has been the real impact of this natural disaster in the Japanese economy that, as we [29:26.480 --> 29:31.960] said at the beginning, has already faced some problems, what are these problems and how [29:31.960 --> 29:35.920] is the situation now being recorded? [29:35.920 --> 29:42.080] Well, the experts have started a series of arguments, comments, but well, in good [29:42.080 --> 29:50.200] way it would be totally irresponsible to make a detainee approach on the possible [29:50.200 --> 29:55.200] impacts of this disaster because, as we have been observing, it really turns out [29:55.200 --> 30:05.960] that similar decisions are actually made, I would comment on that much, not on those [30:05.960 --> 30:09.800] other things that have happened in the last year, but it turns out that this is not [30:09.800 --> 30:16.520] a wishfuljäne in영 representations of stagnant crops, because of that.