Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language Detected language: English [00:00.000 --> 00:05.960] So that is the story of Wednesday, February 12th, 2020, but as always, the story continues. [00:05.960 --> 00:08.400] We'll see you back here tomorrow night at 7. [00:08.400 --> 00:09.400] Good night, everybody. [00:09.400 --> 00:10.400] Good evening. [00:10.400 --> 00:21.880] Welcome to Tucker Carlson Tonight. [00:21.880 --> 00:25.760] So here's the actual headline, the one that should be running but isn't. [00:25.760 --> 00:29.480] Bernie Sanders is now officially the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination. [00:29.480 --> 00:32.480] Sanders won the New Hampshire primary last night. [00:32.480 --> 00:33.920] He received the most votes. [00:33.920 --> 00:35.200] He will get the most delegates. [00:35.200 --> 00:38.800] Now, the Democratic contest now turns to the state of Nevada. [00:38.800 --> 00:40.360] Sanders is likely to win there, too. [00:40.360 --> 00:44.640] So at this point, and the betting markets agree on this, Sanders is the odds-on favorite [00:44.640 --> 00:47.160] to face Donald Trump in November. [00:47.160 --> 00:49.400] So pause for a moment and think about what that means. [00:49.400 --> 00:51.520] It's kind of an amazing story, really. [00:51.520 --> 00:56.320] For decades, Bernie Sanders was dismissed out of hand as a crank, an ideological antica [00:56.320 --> 01:01.600] and a weirdo with excessive ear hair and Soviet sympathies, all of which essentially was true. [01:01.600 --> 01:05.040] Nobody in Washington took Bernie Sanders seriously, not for a moment. [01:05.040 --> 01:06.600] He wasn't even technically a Democrat. [01:06.600 --> 01:10.920] He was a proud independent who despised the Democratic Party. [01:10.920 --> 01:15.160] And now, all of a sudden, the odds-makers are telling us that Bernie Sanders is likely [01:15.160 --> 01:19.120] to take over the Democratic Party, the whole thing. [01:19.120 --> 01:20.200] Amazing. [01:20.200 --> 01:24.440] So no matter what you think of him, Bernie Sanders' rise is one of the most remarkable [01:24.440 --> 01:29.320] developments in American politics in decades, and yet the political press is essentially [01:29.320 --> 01:30.320] not covering it. [01:30.320 --> 01:32.040] Many have decided it's just not happening. [01:32.040 --> 01:35.640] They've been told by their masters of the DNC to stop Sanders, and for weeks they've [01:35.640 --> 01:37.560] worked their best to affect that. [01:37.560 --> 01:41.400] A couple of weeks ago, they colluded with Elizabeth Warren to call Sanders a sexist. [01:41.400 --> 01:42.400] That failed. [01:42.400 --> 01:47.120] So now they're pretending that losing candidates are actually the winners. [01:47.120 --> 01:50.560] A chiron in MSNBC last night read this, quote, [01:50.560 --> 01:55.640] Buddha Judge, Klobuchar, and Sanders leading in New Hampshire, in other words, perfectly [01:55.640 --> 01:58.720] inverting reality in the state of the race. [01:58.720 --> 02:03.800] Then Chris Matthews came on stream to explain that actually Bernie Sanders didn't win. [02:03.800 --> 02:06.400] I mean, yeah, he got the most votes, but that doesn't matter. [02:06.400 --> 02:07.400] What is this? [02:07.400 --> 02:08.400] Some kind of democracy? [02:08.400 --> 02:13.160] A win's a win, as you say, at the New York Giants, New York football Giants, yes. [02:13.160 --> 02:16.600] But it wasn't a victory of a guy that got 60% last time. [02:16.600 --> 02:23.400] And Buddha Judge and Klobuchar together trounced Bernie tonight. [02:23.400 --> 02:24.400] You following that? [02:24.400 --> 02:28.800] If you take two totally different candidates and you meld them into a single person, Sanders [02:28.800 --> 02:31.000] would in fact be in second place. [02:31.000 --> 02:33.040] Take that, Bernie Bros. [02:33.040 --> 02:38.360] But even if you use Chris Matthews' math, you couldn't hide the biggest loser last night. [02:38.360 --> 02:41.200] And that, of course, was media-appointed frontrunner Joe Biden. [02:41.200 --> 02:45.240] During a rare moment of lucidity last fall, Biden, in a complete sentence, promised he [02:45.240 --> 02:47.040] was going to win New Hampshire. [02:47.040 --> 02:48.520] Instead last night, he finished fifth. [02:48.520 --> 02:53.000] His vote total at the end was closer to zero than it was to what Bernie Sanders got. [02:53.000 --> 02:58.120] In fact, Biden failed so completely in New Hampshire that he didn't even bother to speak [02:58.120 --> 03:02.320] to his supporters in the state, many of whom have campaigned on his behalf for a year. [03:02.320 --> 03:06.160] Instead, he blew them off completely and fled to South Carolina, where he delivered [03:06.160 --> 03:10.720] a bizarre rambling speech declaring that New Hampshire voters don't matter anyway. [03:10.720 --> 03:11.720] Who cares about them? [03:11.720 --> 03:13.240] They're the wrong skin color. [03:13.240 --> 03:19.160] Up till now, we haven't heard from the most committed constituents of the Democratic Party, [03:19.160 --> 03:20.160] the African-American community. [03:20.160 --> 03:28.880] I want y'all to think of a number, 99.9 percent, that's the percentage of African-American voters [03:28.880 --> 03:33.280] who have not yet had a chance to vote in America. [03:33.280 --> 03:38.560] One more number, 99.8, that's the percent of Latina. [03:38.560 --> 03:43.800] So to hear all these pundits and experts, cable TV talkers, talk about the race, tell [03:43.800 --> 03:49.680] them it ain't over, man, we're just getting started. [03:49.680 --> 03:54.000] Our votes count, too. [03:54.000 --> 03:55.000] Our votes count. [03:55.000 --> 03:56.560] You heard that right. [03:56.560 --> 04:00.320] Biden's plans resuscitate his campaign, make it about race. [04:00.320 --> 04:04.280] Now, that, of course, is a tactic that Democrats have used for over a hundred years. [04:04.280 --> 04:08.120] There's nothing uglier than that, though, unfortunately, it's sometimes effective. [04:08.120 --> 04:10.000] According to this, it's Biden's new ad. [04:10.000 --> 04:14.360] He plays the role of civil rights marcher, fresh out of gospel choir practice. [04:14.360 --> 04:15.360] Listen. [04:15.360 --> 04:17.440] We don't feel no ways tired. [04:17.440 --> 04:20.960] We've come too far from where we started. [04:20.960 --> 04:24.800] Nobody told me the road would be easy, and I don't believe he brought me to this far [04:24.800 --> 04:25.800] to stop now. [04:25.800 --> 04:31.120] You don't like what's going on in this country, you only have one thing to do, work together [04:31.120 --> 04:34.400] we can and we'll win. [04:34.400 --> 04:39.240] Take back this country now. [04:39.240 --> 04:44.720] So if you're Biden's age and you're literally this close, probably weeks away to retiring [04:44.720 --> 04:49.400] to Del Boca Vista, why degrade yourself like that? [04:49.400 --> 04:55.240] That was pandering so blatant you got to wonder if Biden got it from Hillary Clinton. [04:55.240 --> 05:04.040] I don't feel no ways tired, I've come too far from where I started from. [05:04.040 --> 05:11.920] Nobody told me that the road would be easy, I don't believe he brought me this far to [05:11.920 --> 05:15.360] leave me. [05:15.360 --> 05:17.000] Imagine talking like that. [05:17.000 --> 05:18.600] How much would you hate yourself? [05:18.600 --> 05:22.040] Ugh, Biden thought it was great, so he copied it. [05:22.040 --> 05:23.040] Sad. [05:23.040 --> 05:25.720] A campaign that should have been euthanized a long time ago. [05:25.720 --> 05:29.720] But the same press corps that told you Joe Biden was the frontrunner and ignored his [05:29.720 --> 05:35.480] obvious infirmity is enabling him once again and they're doing that by playing along as [05:35.480 --> 05:40.720] he reframes this entire contest as really something about race. [05:40.720 --> 05:45.160] According to the media, New Hampshire's voters, just like the voters in Iowa, don't really [05:45.160 --> 05:46.160] matter. [05:46.160 --> 05:49.120] They don't count because they're the wrong color, they're telling you that. [05:49.120 --> 05:53.840] MSNBC anchor Craig Melvin tweeted this and we're quoting, an accurate headline would [05:53.840 --> 05:59.240] read Bernie Sanders wins, Amy surges and surprises, black and brown voters now start casting [05:59.240 --> 06:01.200] primary ballots. [06:01.200 --> 06:04.920] Please, talk about someone who doesn't even read the newspaper, black and brown voters [06:04.920 --> 06:07.960] as he said have been voting from the beginning and by the way plenty of them have voted for [06:07.960 --> 06:09.000] Bernie Sanders. [06:09.000 --> 06:14.080] He won their votes in Iowa, he'll almost certainly win heavily Hispanic Nevada. [06:14.080 --> 06:17.200] But take three steps back, why are we even having this conversation? [06:17.200 --> 06:21.280] Do you really want to live in a country where votes are tallied by race? [06:21.280 --> 06:22.600] They do, but do you? [06:22.600 --> 06:24.320] How do you think that ends? [06:24.320 --> 06:27.120] It ends badly every single time. [06:27.120 --> 06:28.120] So why are they doing this? [06:28.120 --> 06:31.880] Well it's pretty obvious why they're doing it, as long as voters are divided by race [06:31.880 --> 06:36.320] and that's their aim to divide them, they're less likely to notice that the real debates [06:36.320 --> 06:39.920] in this country and the real problems are about economics. [06:39.920 --> 06:44.200] Issues like rising inequality, a detached elite willing to cash out even if it means [06:44.200 --> 06:47.000] sending all American jobs to China. [06:47.000 --> 06:51.400] For Wall Street, wokeness is a fantastic and highly effective diversion. [06:51.400 --> 06:55.320] Goldman Sachs will gladly issue a press release saying they're banning all white IPOs, they [06:55.320 --> 06:56.960] did it last month. [06:56.960 --> 07:01.400] They're happy to do it as long as it keeps Democrats from raising their taxes. [07:01.400 --> 07:02.800] That's all they care about is the money. [07:02.800 --> 07:07.480] And they're willing to rip the country in half, stoke racial conflict, get away with [07:07.480 --> 07:09.480] looting the country, that's the truth. [07:09.480 --> 07:12.680] Now it's tempting to assume that the press is going along with this because they know [07:12.680 --> 07:13.680] what's happening. [07:13.680 --> 07:17.160] But that's probably not true, they're probably just dumb, they have no idea. [07:17.160 --> 07:20.200] These are the same people who thought Beto O'Rourke was the next Bobby Kennedy. [07:20.200 --> 07:23.240] They don't know anything, they didn't know what they're saying. [07:23.240 --> 07:26.440] Keep that in mind the next time I tell you, Pete Buttigieg is going to be president. [07:26.440 --> 07:27.440] Yeah. [07:27.440 --> 07:28.440] Okay. [07:28.440 --> 07:29.440] Richard Goetzine is an attorney. [07:29.440 --> 07:30.440] He's a former advisor to Bill and Hillary Clinton. [07:30.440 --> 07:31.440] He joins us tonight. [07:31.440 --> 07:32.440] Richard, thanks so much for coming up. [07:32.440 --> 07:33.440] Okay. [07:33.440 --> 07:34.440] So I understand that you're upset about Bernie Sanders. [07:34.440 --> 07:35.440] I get it. [07:35.440 --> 07:36.520] I'm not for Bernie Sanders. [07:36.520 --> 07:39.400] But when Barack Obama was president, I hated it. [07:39.400 --> 07:42.040] I didn't think he was a good president, but at least I admitted he was president. [07:42.040 --> 07:43.240] I didn't pretend he wasn't. [07:43.240 --> 07:45.920] I'm seeing Democrats saying, you know, Bernie Sanders is just not the frontrunner because [07:45.920 --> 07:46.920] I don't want it to be true. [07:46.920 --> 07:47.920] So it can't be. [07:47.920 --> 07:49.440] What do you make of that? [07:49.440 --> 07:54.560] So there are two groups of people that talk about Bernie Sanders being frontrunner. [07:54.560 --> 07:56.720] One, or Bernie Sanders supporters. [07:56.720 --> 08:02.280] Two, are people who engage in wishful thinking, hoping that he'll be the frontrunner and the [08:02.280 --> 08:07.880] eventual nominee because they know what a weak general election candidate he'll be. [08:07.880 --> 08:11.640] I don't know where, since you declared him a frontrunner, I don't know which category [08:11.640 --> 08:14.080] you're in, but I'm just saying that's it. [08:14.080 --> 08:17.320] And let me just say, 40 years ago at this exact point. [08:17.320 --> 08:19.040] No, I'm a math guy actually. [08:19.040 --> 08:20.040] That's why I say that. [08:20.040 --> 08:21.040] 40 years ago. [08:21.040 --> 08:22.040] Because I'm looking at the numbers. [08:22.040 --> 08:24.640] I'm looking at this at a precise time right after New Hampshire. [08:24.640 --> 08:26.680] Bernie was actually up for delegates. [08:26.680 --> 08:29.240] He's now down to Buttigieg. [08:29.240 --> 08:32.280] So again, you have to accept what I'm saying. [08:32.280 --> 08:35.600] He's not the frontrunner other than in people's imagination. [08:35.600 --> 08:36.840] Okay. [08:36.840 --> 08:40.240] So just since you mentioned it four years ago, I was on television and you can check [08:40.240 --> 08:41.240] the tape. [08:41.240 --> 08:43.400] I never for one moment thought that Bernie Sanders was going to be the nominee. [08:43.400 --> 08:44.400] I never thought he was the frontrunner. [08:44.400 --> 08:46.160] I don't care where he was in the process. [08:46.160 --> 08:50.960] I'm looking at this layout and I'm recognizing what's very obvious to anyone who's not emotionally [08:50.960 --> 08:53.680] involved, which is no one can stop Bernie. [08:53.680 --> 08:58.440] You can't hire some, you know, tiny mayor from New York or from South Bend even to come [08:58.440 --> 09:01.440] in and just like force himself on Democratic voters. [09:01.440 --> 09:02.440] They agree with Bernie. [09:02.440 --> 09:03.440] They like Bernie. [09:03.440 --> 09:04.840] And I don't see who's going to stop him. [09:04.840 --> 09:05.840] Who is going to stop him? [09:05.840 --> 09:06.840] Seriously. [09:06.840 --> 09:09.760] I think he's stopping himself and the evidence is actually in the numbers. [09:09.760 --> 09:15.120] He got less than half the vote in Iowa last week than he got four years ago. [09:15.120 --> 09:20.520] He got way less than half last night in New Hampshire than he got four years ago. [09:20.520 --> 09:25.000] I hate to interrupt, but I'm sincerely, like how many, how many people was he running against [09:25.000 --> 09:26.000] four years ago? [09:26.000 --> 09:27.000] How many people was he running against this time? [09:27.000 --> 09:31.960] I mean, again, I refer you back to mathematics, which is like kind of a part of nature. [09:31.960 --> 09:32.960] Like it doesn't change. [09:32.960 --> 09:33.960] Right. [09:33.960 --> 09:35.480] So he had many more opponents this time. [09:35.480 --> 09:37.040] So of course he got a smaller percentage. [09:37.040 --> 09:38.040] No. [09:38.040 --> 09:42.080] Well, but there were 75,000 people that voted for him last time that didn't vote for him [09:42.080 --> 09:43.080] this time. [09:43.080 --> 09:46.240] He won all but four towns in New Hampshire last time. [09:46.240 --> 09:48.360] He lost over 90 this time. [09:48.360 --> 09:53.920] So again, I'm saying he's not wearing well, to will, so you say who could beat him? [09:53.920 --> 09:57.960] The answer is all the, look, there's a, there's a narrative that says, oh, the Democrats are [09:57.960 --> 10:01.440] being overtaken by liberals and progressives and socialists. [10:01.440 --> 10:02.840] The voters say otherwise. [10:02.840 --> 10:06.960] The voters in the aggregate are voting more for moderate candidates in Iowa and New Hampshire [10:06.960 --> 10:09.360] so far than they are for liberals. [10:09.360 --> 10:10.360] It's simple. [10:10.360 --> 10:11.360] You're right. [10:11.360 --> 10:12.360] You're absolutely right. [10:12.360 --> 10:13.360] You're absolutely right. [10:13.360 --> 10:16.360] The problem is aggregate is not a candidate. [10:16.360 --> 10:19.400] It's an amalgam of a bunch of people. [10:19.400 --> 10:20.520] It's a bunch of separate candidates. [10:20.520 --> 10:21.520] So we'll see. [10:21.520 --> 10:23.080] And the Democrats have to line up behind somebody to beat him. [10:23.080 --> 10:27.600] And if they don't, he's the nominee, he'll lose, he'll get clobbered. [10:27.600 --> 10:29.200] Democrats can't stand in line, as you well know. [10:29.200 --> 10:30.200] They don't queue well. [10:30.200 --> 10:32.240] Richard, great to see you. [10:32.240 --> 10:33.240] Thank you. [10:33.240 --> 10:34.360] Thank you. [10:34.360 --> 10:38.680] So after Joe Biden, the other big loser on Tuesday was another ex-front on Elizabeth [10:38.680 --> 10:39.680] Warren. [10:39.680 --> 10:40.680] She finished fourth. [10:40.680 --> 10:44.320] She had barely half the votes of the third place finisher, Amy Klobuchar. [10:44.320 --> 10:45.560] If he's not good. [10:45.560 --> 10:48.840] So officially, Elizabeth Warren's presidential campaign is still going. [10:48.840 --> 10:50.840] Nobody believes really it means anything. [10:50.840 --> 10:54.720] In fact, we can't say at this point what exactly Elizabeth Warren is running for. [10:54.720 --> 10:56.040] Maybe she hopes to get a few delegates. [10:56.040 --> 10:59.000] She can exchange for a cabinet job if the Democrat wins. [10:59.000 --> 11:03.480] Maybe she wants to sabotage Bernie Sanders because he's a sexist by siphoning votes from [11:03.480 --> 11:04.480] him. [11:04.480 --> 11:07.320] Or maybe she just like traveling around, giving speeches with lots of servants around her [11:07.320 --> 11:09.960] and flying on private planes, which she loves to do. [11:09.960 --> 11:13.520] But one thing for certain, Warren is not running for president because she thinks she can become [11:13.520 --> 11:15.840] president because she can't. [11:15.840 --> 11:19.720] Despite that, in her non-concession speech last night, and this is very telling, Warren [11:19.720 --> 11:24.600] bragged about taking half the bank account of a broke college student to finance her [11:24.600 --> 11:25.720] doomed ambitions. [11:25.720 --> 11:26.720] Watch this. [11:26.720 --> 11:34.080] A young woman came up by herself and she said, I'm a broke college student with a lot of [11:34.080 --> 11:36.560] student loan debt. [11:36.560 --> 11:40.920] And she said, I checked and I have $6 in the bank. [11:40.920 --> 11:46.720] So I just gave $3 to keep you in this fight. [11:46.720 --> 11:47.720] That's what we've got to do. [11:47.720 --> 11:53.640] We've got to stay in this fight with people who are counting on us. [11:53.640 --> 12:00.480] She's literally begging money from the indigent to continue a campaign that can't win. [12:00.480 --> 12:03.920] It's not really a campaign at that point, it's a religious movement or a cult or something. [12:03.920 --> 12:06.800] But really, didn't even happen is the story real. [12:06.800 --> 12:07.800] Who knows? [12:07.800 --> 12:11.320] Warren has been caught lying about so many things we can actually check, just imagine [12:11.320 --> 12:13.040] what she says when she can't be caught. [12:13.040 --> 12:14.040] I mean, really. [12:14.040 --> 12:18.800] So it's tempting to say that Warren collapsed, that her campaign died because she lies a lot, [12:18.800 --> 12:21.040] but that's actually not the case. [12:21.040 --> 12:22.240] Warren's been lying for a long time. [12:22.240 --> 12:23.720] She pretended to be an American Indian. [12:23.720 --> 12:24.720] Remember that? [12:24.720 --> 12:26.240] That happened before she launched her campaign. [12:26.240 --> 12:31.360] Voters knew it, and yet for a while she was the Democratic front-runner, so clearly Democrats [12:31.360 --> 12:34.040] were willing to forgive her fabrications. [12:34.040 --> 12:35.280] No. [12:35.280 --> 12:37.680] She destroyed her campaign for a different, much more interesting reason. [12:37.680 --> 12:41.400] Warren fell apart for the same reason that Beto O'Rourke did. [12:41.400 --> 12:47.160] Because in place of a message, an actual message that unites people around ideas and policies, [12:47.160 --> 12:51.000] she went all in on wokeness, all in. [12:51.000 --> 12:55.680] Every appearance brought out a new facet to her remarkable wokeness. [12:55.680 --> 12:59.360] There was her town hall endorsing race-based reparations. [12:59.360 --> 13:07.920] I believe it's time to start the national full-blown conversation about reparations [13:07.920 --> 13:11.040] in this country. [13:11.040 --> 13:14.560] So she wrote that for a while, but then by summer, that wasn't enough. [13:14.560 --> 13:15.680] Reparations old hat. [13:15.680 --> 13:17.240] But Warren is nothing if not creative. [13:17.240 --> 13:22.520] So she invented a brand new kind of racism, a whole new category. [13:22.520 --> 13:23.520] Watch this. [13:23.520 --> 13:29.920] We're living in a country now where the president is advancing environmental racism, economic [13:29.920 --> 13:35.200] racism, criminal justice racism, health care racism. [13:35.200 --> 13:39.320] Yep, Warren was pledging to fight health care racism. [13:39.320 --> 13:41.280] Is that committed by doctors? [13:41.280 --> 13:42.680] She never explained. [13:42.680 --> 13:44.640] Are nurses committing health care racism? [13:44.640 --> 13:45.640] Who knows? [13:45.640 --> 13:46.640] But she was going to eliminate it. [13:46.640 --> 13:48.680] It was the last thing she did. [13:48.680 --> 13:50.160] But then she kept going. [13:50.160 --> 13:55.320] By early this year, Warren was promising to let transgender children pick her cabinet [13:55.320 --> 13:56.800] members for real. [13:56.800 --> 14:03.760] I'm going to have a secretary of education that this young trans person interviews on [14:03.760 --> 14:05.280] my behalf. [14:05.280 --> 14:12.240] And only if this person believes that our secretary or secretary of education nominee [14:12.240 --> 14:18.680] is someone who is committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment and [14:18.680 --> 14:23.320] a full educational curriculum for everyone, will that person actually be advanced to be [14:23.320 --> 14:24.320] secretary of education. [14:24.320 --> 14:25.320] You like that? [14:25.320 --> 14:29.320] Let's do this. [14:29.320 --> 14:30.960] So was that pandering? [14:30.960 --> 14:31.960] Was that scripted? [14:31.960 --> 14:34.240] No, it wasn't. [14:34.240 --> 14:36.280] No lobby group told her to say that. [14:36.280 --> 14:38.240] You couldn't make that up. [14:38.240 --> 14:40.880] She came to that on her own, because you know what? [14:40.880 --> 14:42.280] She meant it. [14:42.280 --> 14:48.640] After a while, the wokeness infected her brain so completely, took over Elizabeth Warren [14:48.640 --> 14:53.680] that she really believed a couple's great idea, gender non-binary people, the backbone [14:53.680 --> 14:58.320] of our democracy, that eventually it was too much. [14:58.320 --> 15:02.560] Even for liberals, they looked at this and said, what the hell are you talking about? [15:02.560 --> 15:07.280] Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, was promising universal health care, something they actually want, [15:07.280 --> 15:10.120] whether it's a good idea or not, something people wanted. [15:10.120 --> 15:13.240] Warren tried to jump on and promise the same thing, except she said she would magically [15:13.240 --> 15:15.480] do it without raising taxes on the middle class. [15:15.480 --> 15:19.280] Again, even Democrats couldn't buy it after a while. [15:19.280 --> 15:22.320] When Warren finally gives up this charade, I'm running for president. [15:22.320 --> 15:24.320] No, you're not, please. [15:24.320 --> 15:32.600] Well you'll be able to sum her campaign up in three words, died of wokeness. [15:32.600 --> 15:37.160] So if presidential campaigns were sold in kits like model airplanes, Pete Buttigieg [15:37.160 --> 15:39.720] would be president for life. [15:39.720 --> 15:45.440] He's so fake that if you look closely, you will see glue dripping from his shirt sleeves. [15:45.440 --> 15:50.440] Eventually the president loves him and loved him from the second he started running. [15:50.440 --> 15:56.240] There he was yesterday, front and center, now third in the polls with a speech that many [15:56.240 --> 15:57.840] have said are historic. [15:57.840 --> 16:01.560] He's inspirational so far and that's something that voters absolutely want. [16:01.560 --> 16:03.280] He has this appeal for a lot of reasons. [16:03.280 --> 16:05.080] He is a veteran. [16:05.080 --> 16:06.520] He is openly gay. [16:06.520 --> 16:07.800] He is from Indiana. [16:07.800 --> 16:12.920] This guy is chicken soup for my soul. [16:12.920 --> 16:18.120] The thing about love is when it's real, it just gets deeper and more intense and sometimes [16:18.120 --> 16:19.560] even more passionate. [16:19.560 --> 16:21.240] Ten months later, that's where we are. [16:21.240 --> 16:23.040] The press loves him. [16:23.040 --> 16:29.120] Now most of America is wondering if Pete Buttigieg actually has a soul, but late night MSNBC [16:29.120 --> 16:33.120] reporter Vaughn Hilliard gushed that the boy wonder has the greatest soul of all. [16:33.120 --> 16:38.680] God bless Pete Buttigieg, but he kind of talks at the level of Mr. Rogers and with that sort [16:38.680 --> 16:44.200] of like composure and poise and if you go back and read the transcript of his speech, it's [16:44.200 --> 16:48.400] like he typed it out and he has the comma and everything perfectly because he speaks [16:48.400 --> 16:49.520] in perfect sentences. [16:49.520 --> 16:50.520] It's impressive. [16:50.520 --> 16:51.520] He's an amazing human being. [16:51.520 --> 16:55.080] Oftentimes you hear, especially these older voters who he's doing well with, is their [16:55.080 --> 17:00.200] son or the person that they want their son or daughter to be friends with or date. [17:00.200 --> 17:05.880] Yeah, if you could sum him up, he's just an amazing human being. [17:05.880 --> 17:06.880] That's journalism. [17:06.880 --> 17:09.760] Chadwick Moore is a journalist actually, he lives in New York and we're always happy [17:09.760 --> 17:10.760] to have him, especially tonight. [17:10.760 --> 17:11.760] Chadwick, great to see you. [17:11.760 --> 17:16.760] So you heard it, Pete Buttigieg is chicken soup for the soul. [17:16.760 --> 17:19.360] How do you assess that? [17:19.360 --> 17:23.360] They've certainly got a crush, don't they? [17:23.360 --> 17:25.040] Nothing he says makes any sense. [17:25.040 --> 17:30.200] You listen to him speak and it's like his speeches are put through an Obama word generator. [17:30.200 --> 17:36.080] We're going to imagineer the better future for the, he says nothing when he speaks. [17:36.080 --> 17:38.240] He has absolutely no leadership skills. [17:38.240 --> 17:42.200] He's accomplished nothing in his life that would impress an average person. [17:42.200 --> 17:46.680] It certainly impresses the folks who work in media that he's a Rhodes Scholar and can [17:46.680 --> 17:49.280] speak a couple languages. [17:49.280 --> 17:50.280] Nothing else. [17:50.280 --> 17:55.640] 37-year-old mayor of a crumbling, very, very racially and economically divided serfdom [17:55.640 --> 18:01.520] in Indiana and here they are trying to create a celebrity, trying to create a leader where [18:01.520 --> 18:10.200] they're absolutely, simply without a doubt is not one and that is undeniable. [18:10.200 --> 18:13.760] It's every speech is an avalanche of banalities. [18:13.760 --> 18:18.600] You could suffocate beneath hollow phrases by the millions that just dump down from Mount [18:18.600 --> 18:19.600] Buddha judge. [18:19.600 --> 18:22.360] So, I mean, does this guy have a chance? [18:22.360 --> 18:26.680] Well, here's what I keep thinking is that with Biden tanking in the early, in the early [18:26.680 --> 18:30.400] states, I mean, first of all, look, we just had primaries in the caucus and the primary [18:30.400 --> 18:34.200] and two of the whitest states in the country, right, and we're pitted fairly well. [18:34.200 --> 18:35.200] That's not so surprising. [18:35.200 --> 18:38.040] Pete does terrible among black voters. [18:38.040 --> 18:42.520] In recent polls with Democrat black voters, he didn't even register. [18:42.520 --> 18:45.680] That means less than 1 percent, close to 0 percent. [18:45.680 --> 18:49.740] Democrats can't win elections without black voters motivated to get out. [18:49.740 --> 18:51.400] They really don't like Mayor Pete. [18:51.400 --> 18:55.120] So the next couple of primaries will be interesting. [18:55.120 --> 18:59.800] I personally sort of see the party getting behind him because if Biden is—if the nation [18:59.800 --> 19:04.880] sort of onto the fact that Biden is too incompetent or what have you to be their nominee—if [19:04.880 --> 19:08.920] there's anyone who looks like you can absolutely control him, if there's anyone who can get [19:08.920 --> 19:12.680] Wall Street money, if there's anyone who can be bought and sold and will just play [19:12.680 --> 19:14.960] ball, then it is Mayor Pete. [19:14.960 --> 19:17.000] The man just wants to be famous. [19:17.000 --> 19:19.600] He just wants to see his name. [19:19.600 --> 19:20.600] One of his top advisers. [19:20.600 --> 19:22.800] He just hired Goldman Sachs guy. [19:22.800 --> 19:23.800] Exactly. [19:23.800 --> 19:24.800] Chad McMurray. [19:24.800 --> 19:25.800] Great to see you tonight. [19:25.800 --> 19:26.800] Thank you. [19:26.800 --> 19:32.680] Well, both the creepy porn lawyer and Jussie Smollett are facing prison time because ultimately [19:32.680 --> 19:33.680] justice is real. [19:33.680 --> 19:36.200] The one and only Nancy Grace is here just ahead. [19:36.200 --> 19:42.480] While justice does exist, it's often imperfect, and it's never been more imperfect than the [19:42.480 --> 19:48.520] case of Roger Stone, who is facing a grossly unjust prison sentence, and it's likely only [19:48.520 --> 20:00.040] the president can fix it. [20:00.040 --> 20:03.840] Have you started a free trial of Fox Nation yet? [20:03.840 --> 20:04.840] You ought to. [20:04.840 --> 20:05.840] It's available right now. [20:05.840 --> 20:11.120] Fox Nation is a members-only streaming service for many of the people who bring you Fox News [20:11.120 --> 20:15.600] with lots of exclusives from your favorite Fox News personalities. [20:15.600 --> 20:16.600] It's all there. 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[23:10.320 --> 23:15.440] From their town halls to big wins in New Hampshire, Democracy 2020 is on Fox News Channel. [23:15.440 --> 23:28.280] Smooth, soft, comfy, warm, don't just see the floor, experience the floor. [23:28.280 --> 23:31.040] Get floored at California Carpet. [23:31.040 --> 23:35.720] Sometimes your small screen is your big screen and with the Xfinity Stream app which is free [23:35.720 --> 23:40.960] with your service, you can take a spin through on-demand shows or stream live TV. [23:40.960 --> 23:44.040] Download your DVR shows and movies on the fly. [23:44.040 --> 23:46.520] Even record from right where you are. [23:46.520 --> 23:50.000] Whether you're traveling around the car or around the house, keep what you watch with [23:50.000 --> 23:52.400] you. [23:52.400 --> 24:19.320] Download the Xfinity Stream app and watch all the shows you love. [24:19.320 --> 24:23.820] Back in November, former Trump advisor Roger Stone was convicted of several charges related [24:23.820 --> 24:27.800] to the now officially discredited Russia investigation. [24:27.800 --> 24:31.280] Prosecutors claimed that Stone lied about communicating with a former stand-up comedian [24:31.280 --> 24:36.400] called Randy Credico, a man whose role in the story was so minor that it's already been [24:36.400 --> 24:38.080] lost to history. [24:38.080 --> 24:43.480] For this offense, prosecutors say Stone, who is 67 years old and has no criminal record, [24:43.480 --> 24:46.320] must spend up to nine years in prison. [24:46.320 --> 24:51.240] Now, for perspective on that sentence, the typical rapist in this country spends four [24:51.240 --> 24:56.280] years in prison, armed robbers three years, thugs who commit violent assault less than [24:56.280 --> 25:03.920] a year and a half, but Roger Stone must do nine years until he is 76 years old for lying. [25:03.920 --> 25:06.280] Now, there's some irony here. [25:06.280 --> 25:09.800] So-called criminal justice reform is fashionable in Washington right now. [25:09.800 --> 25:14.200] An awful lot of sex offenders and drug dealers and other predators, serious predators, have [25:14.200 --> 25:16.600] been released early from prison lately. [25:16.600 --> 25:21.640] It's compassionate, they're telling us, yet somehow nobody in D.C. believes that compassion [25:21.640 --> 25:27.680] ought to extend to Roger Stone, who's guilty of nonviolent, essentially political offenses. [25:27.680 --> 25:28.800] Notice the opposite. [25:28.800 --> 25:34.240] The usual moralizers seem gleeful at the thought that Stone will die in a cell. [25:34.240 --> 25:37.080] CNN has been especially ghoulish on the subject. [25:37.080 --> 25:40.920] You'll remember that prosecutors tipped off Jeff Zucker's network last year so they could [25:40.920 --> 25:45.760] have cameras in place when dozens of federal agents armed with automatic weapons dragged [25:45.760 --> 25:48.240] Roger Stone from his home at dawn. [25:48.240 --> 25:49.840] Talk about state TV. [25:49.840 --> 25:54.160] For the last two days, the hyenas on CNN have been driven to hysteria by the thought that [25:54.160 --> 25:59.160] the Justice Department might reduce Roger Stone's sentence even by a day. [25:59.160 --> 26:04.800] It is clearly utterly offensive to the rule of law. [26:04.800 --> 26:07.240] This is what sets this country apart. [26:07.240 --> 26:09.620] This is what a banana republic does. [26:09.620 --> 26:11.520] This is what a dictator does. [26:11.520 --> 26:13.320] It is outrageous. [26:13.320 --> 26:17.160] I hope people are infuriated by this. [26:17.160 --> 26:22.200] The reason they're doing it is slimy, sleazy, dirty. [26:22.200 --> 26:26.520] Roger Stone is somebody I hold in minimum high esteem. [26:26.520 --> 26:30.160] So I was not unhappy to see him get seven to nine. [26:30.160 --> 26:31.160] But I do. [26:31.160 --> 26:33.280] You didn't think that was too aggressive? [26:33.280 --> 26:36.640] I thought it was aggressive. [26:36.640 --> 26:37.640] Wait a second. [26:37.640 --> 26:43.480] Is that really John Dean telling you how happy he is that Roger Stone will die in jail? [26:43.480 --> 26:50.120] So CNN's moral arbiter on questions of law and order is literally a convicted felon? [26:50.120 --> 26:51.680] It's enough to make your head spin. [26:51.680 --> 26:54.560] But at least it's now clear what's actually going on. [26:54.560 --> 26:57.000] This is a pure political hit. [26:57.000 --> 27:01.880] Roger Stone is facing prison because he is a high-profile Donald Trump supporter. [27:01.880 --> 27:02.880] It's that simple. [27:02.880 --> 27:03.880] You want proof? [27:03.880 --> 27:04.880] Here it is. [27:04.880 --> 27:07.640] Brennan and James Clapper will sleep at home tonight. [27:07.640 --> 27:12.920] Both have been caught lying under oath on camera about matters of national importance, [27:12.920 --> 27:14.680] and yet neither's in jail. [27:14.680 --> 27:15.920] Neither's been indicted. [27:15.920 --> 27:17.760] Neither ever will be. [27:17.760 --> 27:22.680] The Stone case, by contrast, was transparently political from day one. [27:22.680 --> 27:27.320] The lead prosecutor, Andrew Weissman, is now literally an MSNBC contributor. [27:27.320 --> 27:31.880] The judge in the case, Amy Berman Jackson, is an out-of-control Democratic partisan [27:31.880 --> 27:36.360] who purely out of spite stripped Roger Stone of his First Amendment rights and prevented [27:36.360 --> 27:40.640] him from making a living, coming on this show, for example, speaking it all in public. [27:40.640 --> 27:46.680] Now, Stone and his wife, who is 71 years old and deaf, have lost their home because of [27:46.680 --> 27:47.680] this. [27:47.680 --> 27:48.680] They have no insurance. [27:48.680 --> 27:50.400] They're utterly broke. [27:50.400 --> 27:53.480] The whole thing is shocking and it's disgusting. [27:53.480 --> 27:57.240] It's a farce that discredits the entire American justice system. [27:57.240 --> 27:59.360] The president seems to understand that. [27:59.360 --> 28:03.760] Not allow this miscarriage of justice, he tweeted recently, he's right, on a couple [28:03.760 --> 28:04.920] of levels. [28:04.920 --> 28:07.160] What's happening to Roger Stone is totally wrong. [28:07.160 --> 28:09.880] It's immoral and we should not allow it in this country. [28:09.880 --> 28:12.600] But politically, it has significance too. [28:12.600 --> 28:16.520] Stone's prosecution was designed in part to confirm the fantasies that Democrats have [28:16.520 --> 28:20.560] constructed to explain the outcome of the 2016 election. [28:20.560 --> 28:22.440] His conviction helps their case. [28:22.440 --> 28:26.720] In other words, if the Russia collusion story was a hoax, and of course it most certainly [28:26.720 --> 28:32.360] was a hoax, then why is Roger Stone going to prison for his role in it? [28:32.360 --> 28:37.600] If Roger Stone serves even a single day behind bars, the Russia lie will be validated as [28:37.600 --> 28:39.400] true. [28:39.400 --> 28:44.240] Stone's imprisonment will be prima facie evidence in the view of Democrats. [28:44.240 --> 28:46.680] So at this point, there's really only one solution. [28:46.680 --> 28:52.600] The president must pardon Roger Stone or commute his sentence before he goes to jail. [28:52.600 --> 28:54.040] Democrats will howl if he does that. [28:54.040 --> 28:55.200] Well, they're howling anyway. [28:55.200 --> 28:56.200] They howl every day. [28:56.200 --> 29:00.560] Chuck Schumer is now yelping about yet another investigation into Roger Stone. [29:00.560 --> 29:07.960] Russia gate two, in one entirely constitutional act, the president, Roger Stone's life, vindicate [29:07.960 --> 29:11.600] himself and end this nonsense forever. [29:11.600 --> 29:12.600] Let's hope he does it. [29:12.600 --> 29:16.600] We'll be watching. [29:16.600 --> 29:19.760] Tom Fitton has been following the Roger Stone case since day one. [29:19.760 --> 29:20.760] He joins us tonight. [29:20.760 --> 29:22.520] He's, of course, the president of judicial watch. [29:22.520 --> 29:28.280] Tom, this is the most political prosecution I've ever seen in this country. [29:28.280 --> 29:32.320] The more you know about it, the more shocking it is. [29:32.320 --> 29:37.920] Tell us why we should doubt the fairness of these proceedings. [29:37.920 --> 29:43.440] Well, it arises out of the Mueller investigation, which has been thoroughly compromised by not [29:43.440 --> 29:49.720] only the FISA, but the political nature of the investigators, most of whom were Democrats [29:49.720 --> 29:52.000] or Democrat donors. [29:52.000 --> 29:58.280] You also had them investigating Trump for almost two years knowing the underlying issue. [29:58.280 --> 30:00.800] Russia collusion was a big scam and a big lie. [30:00.800 --> 30:02.840] They knew that from the get-go. [30:02.840 --> 30:07.000] And on the Stone case, you have at least two of the investigators, two of the prosecutors [30:07.000 --> 30:12.600] who, quote, resigned from the case were Mueller operatives, who have, obviously, an interest [30:12.600 --> 30:13.600] here. [30:13.600 --> 30:17.560] And so when you have prosecutors in the Justice Department, three of whom, by the way, who [30:17.560 --> 30:24.640] resigned, three of those were Democrats, as best I can tell, pushing for a sentence that [30:24.640 --> 30:26.800] the law doesn't require. [30:26.800 --> 30:32.320] They're talking about putting someone in jail for an extra period of time beyond what the [30:32.320 --> 30:33.680] law would require. [30:33.680 --> 30:37.760] That's according to the Justice Department's own filing on Tuesday. [30:37.760 --> 30:38.760] You know, we've got a really— [30:38.760 --> 30:39.760] I don't understand. [30:39.760 --> 30:40.760] Hold on. [30:40.760 --> 30:44.720] None of these so-called crimes would have been prosecuted if he hadn't been pulled [30:44.720 --> 30:48.120] into an investigation that led nowhere. [30:48.120 --> 30:53.880] In other words, he's being put in prison—he's being put in prison as an ancillary victim [30:53.880 --> 30:56.680] of an investigation that turned out to be fruitless. [30:56.680 --> 30:59.440] So it's actually insane if you think about it. [30:59.440 --> 31:03.720] Yeah, I mean, that's presuming that there should have been a charge to begin with. [31:03.720 --> 31:05.760] He called this guy, threatened his dog. [31:05.760 --> 31:07.400] It was obviously a silly threat. [31:07.400 --> 31:08.560] It wasn't a serious threat. [31:08.560 --> 31:11.120] It wasn't taken seriously by the alleged victim. [31:11.120 --> 31:12.120] He's a dog lover. [31:12.120 --> 31:13.120] The whole thing is a lie. [31:13.120 --> 31:17.440] These prosecutors go to the court the other day, these Mueller guys, and tell the court [31:17.440 --> 31:21.240] this is all part of the foreign intervention, which was a big lie. [31:21.240 --> 31:24.440] So you know, there's a scandal at the Justice Department. [31:24.440 --> 31:26.600] It has nothing to do with Bob Barr. [31:26.600 --> 31:32.680] It has everything to do with these prosecutors who are acting like their own little team independent [31:32.680 --> 31:38.800] of the rule of law to target President Trump, to try to vindicate the Mueller scam and slap [31:38.800 --> 31:43.600] at Trump after his vindication by Quiddle and the impeachment thing. [31:43.600 --> 31:47.000] This is all about politics and they want to put it up. [31:47.000 --> 31:48.400] You're right. [31:48.400 --> 31:53.280] If they send him to prison, they will use the fact he went to prison as a way to claim [31:53.280 --> 31:55.160] the Russian investigation was real. [31:55.160 --> 31:58.600] This man needs to pardon before he goes to jail for real. [31:58.600 --> 32:01.360] I'm sorry, we're totally out of time. [32:01.360 --> 32:03.160] Well, they should have. [32:03.160 --> 32:06.160] Trump to pardon everyone caught up in the Mueller scheme. [32:06.160 --> 32:07.360] I agree with that. [32:07.360 --> 32:08.920] You're particularly Roger Stone. [32:08.920 --> 32:09.920] Thank you. [32:09.920 --> 32:13.600] Most of the time, fortunately, the justice system does what it's supposed to do. [32:13.600 --> 32:17.640] Case in point, Jussie Smollett and the Creepy Porn Lair both learning right now that they're [32:17.640 --> 32:18.640] in trouble. [32:18.640 --> 32:19.640] Probably for good reason. [32:19.640 --> 32:22.440] Nancy Grace joins us to assess after the break. [32:22.440 --> 32:45.040] Hello, I'm Mike Lindell and as you know, my passion is to help each and every one of [32:45.040 --> 32:47.480] you get the best sleep of your life. [32:47.480 --> 32:50.480] That's why I created my new Giza Dreams bedsheets. [32:50.480 --> 32:54.040] I guarantee you they'll be the most comfortable sheets you'll ever own. [32:54.040 --> 32:56.800] With the Giza Dreams sheets, I'm getting the best sleep of my life. [32:56.800 --> 33:00.440] I do not likely love my Giza Dreams sheets. [33:00.440 --> 33:04.240] I started by using the world's best cotton called Giza. [33:04.240 --> 33:09.000] It's only grown in a region between the Sahara Desert, the Mediterranean Sea and the Nile [33:09.000 --> 33:10.000] River. [33:10.000 --> 33:13.400] It's ultra soft and breathable, but extremely durable. [33:13.400 --> 33:19.400] My Giza sheets also include full 21 inch wide pillowcases that will fit over any pillow [33:19.400 --> 33:22.560] and deep pocket sheets that will fit over any mattress. [33:22.560 --> 33:26.640] I guarantee you the first night you sleep on my sheets you'll never want to sleep on [33:26.640 --> 33:27.640] anything else. [33:27.640 --> 33:32.160] Go to or call the number on your screen right now. [33:32.160 --> 33:37.160] My pillow Giza Dreams sheets are available in a variety of colors and will be the softest [33:37.160 --> 33:39.960] most comfortable sheets you will ever own. [33:39.960 --> 33:44.640] And listen to this, for a limited time when you use your promo code, Mike will send you [33:44.640 --> 33:48.640] a second set of Giza Dreams sheets absolutely free. [33:48.640 --> 33:51.800] These two sets of sheets for the price of one. [33:51.800 --> 33:55.880] Giza Dreams are made with the finest, most sought after cotton in the world. [33:55.880 --> 34:00.400] Giza Cotton was once reserved for only the finest dress shirts, but is now available [34:00.400 --> 34:02.680] in Mike's Giza Dreams sheets. [34:02.680 --> 34:07.520] They feature a beautiful silky satin weave that helps keep you cool and comfortable all [34:07.520 --> 34:08.520] night long. [34:08.520 --> 34:12.600] Call or go online to order your very own Giza Dreams sheets. [34:12.600 --> 34:17.000] For a limited time when you use your promo code, Mike will send you a second set of Giza [34:17.000 --> 34:19.640] Dreams sheets absolutely free. [34:19.640 --> 34:22.840] That's two sets of sheets for the price of one. [34:22.840 --> 34:28.240] And how about this, just in time for colder weather you can get Mike's new flannel sheets [34:28.240 --> 34:31.600] plus get a second set absolutely free. [34:31.600 --> 34:32.600] Order now. [34:32.600 --> 34:40.880] For the best night's sleep in the whole wide world, visit [34:40.880 --> 34:42.480] Looks like clear skies for the weekend. [34:42.480 --> 34:57.560] All you road trippers out there looks like traffic is going to be smooth sailing. [34:57.560 --> 34:59.240] Stay in your lane with Cup Phone. [34:59.240 --> 35:03.520] The WeatherTech Cup Phone keeps your phone secure, fits virtually any size cup holder [35:03.520 --> 35:06.120] and allows easy access even while charging. [35:06.120 --> 35:09.560] See everything else Cup Phone can do at [35:09.560 --> 35:15.160] Today, your information is more exposed than ever. [35:15.160 --> 35:22.040] When you shop, bank or browse online, you're vulnerable to cyber criminals. [35:22.040 --> 35:24.480] More threats demand more protection. [35:24.480 --> 35:27.280] That's why Norton and LifeLock are now one. [35:27.280 --> 35:32.560] Combining device security, VPN for online privacy and LifeLock Identity Theft Protection [35:32.560 --> 35:35.640] backed by a million dollar protection package. [35:35.640 --> 35:39.200] Get all in one protection on [35:39.200 --> 35:43.600] This is a paid advertisement for legal services from Barron and Bud, recognized in U.S. News [35:43.600 --> 35:47.040] best lawyers best law firms for eight straight years. [35:47.040 --> 35:51.120] Mesothelioma is a fatal form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure. [35:51.120 --> 35:55.720] Manufacturers may be at fault if you or a loved one are suffering with this diagnosis. [35:55.720 --> 36:00.600] While $30 billion is available for asbestos victims, strict deadlines require you to act [36:00.600 --> 36:01.920] immediately. [36:01.920 --> 36:05.400] Companies that chose profits over safety should be held accountable. [36:05.400 --> 36:07.480] I'm Todd Kale with Barron and Bud. [36:07.480 --> 36:11.520] We've been handling Mesothelioma cases for more than four decades, taking on these big [36:11.520 --> 36:16.800] companies and doing so with no out of pocket costs to you and often without going to court. [36:16.800 --> 36:20.880] Give me a call and I will personally come to you for a free consultation anywhere in [36:20.880 --> 36:21.880] the country. [36:21.880 --> 36:26.960] Don't miss the opportunity to discuss your potential case and the compensation you and [36:26.960 --> 36:29.880] your family may be owed. [36:29.880 --> 36:59.000] We've got news tonight from the ongoing saga of the creepy porn lawyer. [36:59.000 --> 37:06.720] The jury deliberated for five hours today before calling it a day. [37:06.720 --> 37:10.360] They're considering three separate charges, but the big one is extortion, which could [37:10.360 --> 37:14.120] send Stormy Daniels former attorney to prison for decades. [37:14.120 --> 37:18.840] He's accused of demanding that Nike pay him $25 million in exchange for him not going [37:18.840 --> 37:23.160] public with allegations that Nike was bribing high school athletes. [37:23.160 --> 37:27.680] During closing arguments, prosecutors played audio recordings of Stormy's former lawyer [37:27.680 --> 37:30.440] threatening to blow the whistle on Nike. [37:30.440 --> 37:34.160] Prosecutors told the jury, quote, that's what extortion sounds like. [37:34.160 --> 37:38.080] Defense attorneys insist there was no extortion and that the audio tapes were simply the [37:38.080 --> 37:40.760] rantings of an aggressive lawyer. [37:40.760 --> 37:45.880] When or lose after this trial, Stormy's former lawyer goes back to court on charges that [37:45.880 --> 37:50.640] he tried to cheat Stormy herself out of the proceeds of her book deal. [37:50.640 --> 37:53.120] That trial set to begin April 21st. [37:53.120 --> 37:57.520] He's also facing federal charges for stealing money from his other clients to maintain his [37:57.520 --> 38:01.040] beach houses, private planes, and luxury vacations. [38:01.040 --> 38:06.320] For now, he's staying at the not so luxurious Manhattan Metropolitan Correctional Center. [38:06.320 --> 38:07.320] Tucker. [38:07.320 --> 38:10.040] Troy Scaliger, thanks for that update. [38:10.040 --> 38:11.040] Yep. [38:11.040 --> 38:14.720] And more justice news tonight from the story of Jesse Smollett, which is not over. [38:14.720 --> 38:19.160] A year ago you remembered the Chicago State's attorney, Kimberly Fox, a friend of the Obama's, [38:19.160 --> 38:25.400] not surprisingly, inexplicably and clearly wrongly dropped all charges against Smollett [38:25.400 --> 38:27.400] for committing a fake hate crime. [38:27.400 --> 38:30.480] Now a special prosecutor has brought new charges. [38:30.480 --> 38:34.440] Nancy Grace hosts crime stories of Nancy Grace right here on Fox Nation. [38:34.440 --> 38:35.440] We're happy to have her tonight. [38:35.440 --> 38:37.040] Nancy, thanks so much for coming on. [38:37.040 --> 38:38.040] Thank you for inviting me. [38:38.040 --> 38:41.920] So a lot of us never thought that Jesse Smollett would be back in court. [38:41.920 --> 38:42.920] How did this happen? [38:42.920 --> 38:50.520] Well, this is what happened when Kim Fox, the then state's attorney there in Chicago, [38:50.520 --> 38:56.400] suddenly mysteriously and abruptly dropped charges against Jesse Smollett after speaking [38:56.400 --> 39:03.720] to his family and also people within Michelle Obama's staff. [39:03.720 --> 39:05.560] She suddenly dropped charges. [39:05.560 --> 39:10.600] Even when asked why she could not articulate why, well, everybody went berserk. [39:10.600 --> 39:15.200] I'm talking about the police chief, the union, the police union. [39:15.200 --> 39:16.200] They were angry. [39:16.200 --> 39:18.240] They wanted her head. [39:18.240 --> 39:25.680] Then an independent investigator was named to foresee, to oversee what was happening. [39:25.680 --> 39:32.680] And about 11 months later, and interestingly, Tucker, after a sweeping search warrant, two [39:32.680 --> 39:40.920] of them demanding that Google handover, emails, texts, voice dictation, cloud, everything [39:40.920 --> 39:47.000] of Smollett and his manager, about one month later, this new indictment comes down. [39:47.000 --> 39:51.880] It's six counts, each one a felony, although it's called disorderly conduct. [39:51.880 --> 39:55.120] He's looking at one to three on each one plus a fine. [39:55.120 --> 39:59.960] Seeing one other thing, another thing they did in this indictment that I really admire [39:59.960 --> 40:04.560] with a police officer, Muhammad Baig, he tells him the story. [40:04.560 --> 40:08.080] Then he tells the detective, Kimberly Murray, the story. [40:08.080 --> 40:14.920] Then he tells Detective Robert Graves the story, each one of those a separate count. [40:14.920 --> 40:17.600] So it sounds like this is not complicated. [40:17.600 --> 40:20.360] It's what we thought he was guilty of the first time. [40:20.360 --> 40:22.720] So this gives us even no reason. [40:22.720 --> 40:30.480] Right, so this does make us wonder even more if there was corruption involved in the charges [40:30.480 --> 40:32.720] being dropped by the state's attorney, Kimberly Fox. [40:32.720 --> 40:33.720] Yes. [40:33.720 --> 40:39.200] I think there's going to be another ongoing investigation regarding Kim Fox dropping the [40:39.200 --> 40:44.400] charges and why, but you know, it really disturbs me. [40:44.400 --> 40:50.720] I have worked on hate crimes, Tucker, back when we didn't even have the phraseology hate [40:50.720 --> 40:56.880] crimes and I had a particular case that went all the way to the Georgia Supreme Court where [40:56.880 --> 41:03.760] young African American males were raped and they were shot in the head and they were stabbed [41:03.760 --> 41:08.320] and they were found lying around Atlanta where their pants pulled down. [41:08.320 --> 41:09.800] That's a hate crime. [41:09.800 --> 41:10.920] That is a hate crime. [41:10.920 --> 41:16.200] And now when other hate crime victims go in front of the jury, they're going to go back [41:16.200 --> 41:22.320] the jury and go, hmm, you think they're pulling a Smollett, you think this is like Josie Smollett? [41:22.320 --> 41:23.320] That's what he's done. [41:23.320 --> 41:28.560] And another thing, overtime, and now they drop, the charges, are you kidding me? [41:28.560 --> 41:31.040] What a slap in the face. [41:31.040 --> 41:34.800] Do you think having been around the justice system for a long time, if Josie Smollett [41:34.800 --> 41:39.720] had just been an ordinary person and not an actor who had connections to the Obamas, that [41:39.720 --> 41:41.840] he would have gotten away with this the first time? [41:41.840 --> 41:44.880] Oh no, the charges would have been brought. [41:44.880 --> 41:51.480] You had the police chief, you had the police union detectives, 2,000 overtime hours, thousands [41:51.480 --> 41:57.360] and thousands of dollars spent on this, and it's so obvious what he did. [41:57.360 --> 42:03.960] He used hate, hate crimes to his advantage to make more money. [42:03.960 --> 42:10.800] He was already pulling down 65 grand per episode, yes, and that didn't make him happy. [42:10.800 --> 42:14.320] First there were those letters, the letter that came to the Empire set. [42:14.320 --> 42:18.440] I can't wait to see this because it looks like it came out of a murder she wrote or [42:18.440 --> 42:26.200] Nancy Dree where they cut out the words and drew a little man hanging with an, using hate, [42:26.200 --> 42:32.040] using an African-American man with a rope around his neck to conjure up all those horrible, [42:32.040 --> 42:39.120] hateful memories and images and use them to get a raise, uh-uh, that's not gonna work. [42:39.120 --> 42:40.120] He's going down. [42:40.120 --> 42:41.120] They worked in the media. [42:41.120 --> 42:42.120] Robin Roberts believed him. [42:42.120 --> 42:46.520] Well, I don't know about that, just because she was polite to him for Pete's sake. [42:46.520 --> 42:51.160] You know, I mean, she's got a guest either in the chair, I can't ever be accused of [42:51.160 --> 42:56.760] being polite to somebody I think is lying, but hey, I don't care about what the media [42:56.760 --> 43:02.200] thought, I care about what a jury thinks, other victims that now will be tainted because [43:02.200 --> 43:06.920] of Jesse Smollett, yes. [43:06.920 --> 43:07.920] It's a grace. [43:07.920 --> 43:08.920] Great to see you tonight. [43:08.920 --> 43:09.920] Likewise. [43:09.920 --> 43:10.920] Thank you. [43:10.920 --> 43:15.480] Well, kind of a shocking story out of Virginia tonight. [43:15.480 --> 43:22.680] New gun control laws designed to punish nonviolent, non-criminal, because they're voting the [43:22.680 --> 43:23.680] wrong way. [43:23.680 --> 43:26.240] Our investigation into that, next. [43:26.240 --> 43:31.400] Hello, I'm Mike Lindell, inventor of MyPillow. [43:31.400 --> 43:33.160] Just like you, I had problems sleeping. [43:33.160 --> 43:36.040] I tried every pillow out there and nothing worked. [43:36.040 --> 43:38.480] Fifteen years ago, I invented MyPillow. [43:38.480 --> 43:42.840] It took me two years to develop because I wanted to have everything you would ever want [43:42.840 --> 43:43.840] in a pillow. [43:43.840 --> 43:48.360] I made sure that you could adjust my patented fill so you could have the exact support you [43:48.360 --> 43:51.480] need as an individual, regardless of your sleep position. [43:51.480 --> 43:56.000] I also wanted a pillow that would last, so I made MyPillow machine-washable and driable. [43:56.000 --> 44:00.200] I backed MyPillow with a 10-year warranty and a 60-day money-back guarantee. [44:00.200 --> 44:03.840] Not only that, I do all my own manufacturing in my home state of Minnesota. [44:03.840 --> 44:05.600] I really like the fact that I was made in the USA. [44:05.600 --> 44:08.440] I think that USA products are a better quality product. [44:08.440 --> 44:11.280] I've tried a lot of other pillows and nothing's worked like MyPillow. [44:11.280 --> 44:15.640] I'm interrupted in this commercial right now to give you deep discounts, not just on [44:15.640 --> 44:19.720] my pillows, but also my mattress, topper sheets, and so much more. [44:19.720 --> 44:26.560] For example, you can get body pillows, regularly $80,999, not $29.99, or MyPillow dog beds for [44:26.560 --> 44:29.720] as low as $19.99 with your promo code. [44:29.720 --> 44:32.040] I used to think that sheets were just sheets. [44:32.040 --> 44:36.640] I got the Giza Dream sheets, they are the most comfortable sheets I've ever had. [44:36.640 --> 44:42.040] The Go Anywhere pillow is so easy to just roll up and take anywhere I want to go. [44:42.040 --> 44:44.640] Go Anywhere pillow is really comfortable, so that's what I really like. [44:44.640 --> 44:46.560] It's nice and supportive and it's nice and small. [44:46.560 --> 44:50.960] The MyPillow topper, for the first time, has enabled me to have a cool night's sleep. [44:50.960 --> 44:53.560] I'm able to go to bed and just get rest. [44:53.560 --> 44:57.640] That's three inches of wonderful that's in the MyPillow mattress topper. [44:57.640 --> 44:59.440] It's just like a firm cloud. [44:59.440 --> 45:04.200] MyPillow helps me get a good night's sleep so I can do my job in the morning. [45:04.200 --> 45:09.760] Go to to get deep discounts, not just on my pillows, but so much more. [45:09.760 --> 45:16.320] For example, you get body pillows, regularly $80,999, not only $29.99, or MyPillow dog [45:16.320 --> 45:19.720] beds for as low as $19.99 with your promo code. [45:19.720 --> 45:28.320] For the best night's sleep in the whole wide world, visit [45:28.320 --> 45:49.080] And if you need new windows, get Anderson windows, because they're the ones that last. [45:49.080 --> 45:53.960] We're a renewal by Anderson, the one and only replacement window division of Anderson. [45:53.960 --> 45:58.200] We sell and install the replacement windows that your dad would tell you to buy. [45:58.200 --> 46:01.120] Only because the engineering is so impressive. [46:01.120 --> 46:04.600] Here's your typical patio door lock. [46:04.600 --> 46:09.800] And here's our reach out locking system. [46:09.800 --> 46:15.240] It literally pulls the door into the door frame for a tighter fit and even greater security. [46:15.240 --> 46:17.400] Think about the most airtight door in your house. [46:17.400 --> 46:19.160] It's your refrigerator, right? [46:19.160 --> 46:21.440] Don't you wish your windows and doors could be that airtight? [46:21.440 --> 46:25.120] Well, our windows use a similar compression seal as your fridge. [46:25.120 --> 46:28.280] It helps keep dust, water, and drafts out of your home. [46:28.280 --> 46:31.800] And because our windows are custom built, we have window styles that make rooms feel [46:31.800 --> 46:34.960] bigger and allow even more light into your home. [46:34.960 --> 46:37.240] Our engineers really thought of everything. [46:37.240 --> 46:39.400] Now, what about the installation? [46:39.400 --> 46:43.080] A lot of window companies make their installers buy their own materials. [46:43.080 --> 46:46.520] But if they're buying their own, they're probably buying the low end stuff. [46:46.520 --> 46:50.080] And those low end installation materials just don't last. [46:50.080 --> 46:52.800] We insist only on using the highest quality materials. [46:52.800 --> 46:55.680] That's why we supply everything to our installers. [46:55.680 --> 46:59.560] This way we can ensure you're getting the best insulation, sealants, and trim. [46:59.560 --> 47:03.160] And this is one of the reasons our windows and doors last so long. [47:03.160 --> 47:05.160] We have so many local customers. [47:05.160 --> 47:07.960] Let us help make this project affordable for you as well. [47:07.960 --> 47:11.400] We're the company that actually replaces other companies' windows and doors. [47:11.400 --> 47:12.400] Give us a call. [47:12.400 --> 47:17.360] Renewal by Anderson has declared February National Replacement Window Month. [47:17.360 --> 47:23.600] Save 20% on windows and save 20% on patio doors, plus take an extra $150 off your entire [47:23.600 --> 47:24.600] order. [47:24.600 --> 47:28.280] And with our financing, don't pay anything for one year. [47:28.280 --> 47:40.480] For an appointment during this event, call before February 29th, 1-800-993-2600. [47:40.480 --> 47:43.440] The state of Virginia has some of the lowest crime rates in America. [47:43.440 --> 47:47.120] Despite that, Democrats are determined to curtail the constitutional rights of its citizens. [47:47.120 --> 47:51.440] The House of Delegates in Virginia is to approve new gun control legislation promoted by Governor [47:51.440 --> 47:54.600] Klann Costume, Governor Blackface, Ralph Northam. [47:54.600 --> 47:58.480] The bill, if it passed to the Senate, would ban the sale of so-called assault weapons, [47:58.480 --> 47:59.480] whatever those are. [47:59.480 --> 48:03.480] It would also ban all gun magazines that carry more than a dozen rounds, which is a lot of [48:03.480 --> 48:04.480] them. [48:04.480 --> 48:06.640] Our team went to Virginia to investigate what's going on there. [48:06.640 --> 48:07.640] Here's what they found. [48:07.640 --> 48:12.080] I'd pacify myself as a gun enthusiast. [48:12.080 --> 48:15.520] Meet Danny Diggs, Sheriff of York County, Virginia. [48:15.520 --> 48:20.040] If the governor told you to confiscate AR-15s, would you do it? [48:20.040 --> 48:22.280] Well, as it stands right now, no. [48:22.280 --> 48:24.040] Who do I say? [48:24.040 --> 48:30.280] Diggs is at the center of a grassroots backlash against gun control measures, being pushed [48:30.280 --> 48:32.400] by the governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam. [48:32.400 --> 48:33.880] The governor cannot tell me to do that. [48:33.880 --> 48:35.080] I don't work for the governor. [48:35.080 --> 48:39.240] In response to the gun control measures, York County, Virginia became a second amendment [48:39.240 --> 48:40.240] sanctuary. [48:40.240 --> 48:43.000] County Supervisor Chad Green wrote the resolution. [48:43.000 --> 48:45.880] Does that mean that the county's not going to enforce the gun laws? [48:45.880 --> 48:52.760] It means that we are opposed to any unnecessary regulation and gun laws. [48:52.760 --> 48:54.480] That's just symbolic, though. [48:54.480 --> 48:59.080] No, it has teeth, and it is legally imbinding and enforceable. [48:59.080 --> 49:03.120] Nearly all of Virginia's counties have enacted second amendment sanctuary resolutions that [49:03.120 --> 49:05.080] protect gun owners. [49:05.080 --> 49:06.600] We don't need more legislation. [49:06.600 --> 49:10.680] The Virginia showdown is the biggest clash yet between Bloomberg-backed anti-gun groups [49:10.680 --> 49:14.200] and firearms owners in the South. [49:14.200 --> 49:15.200] Do you keep one in the chamber? [49:15.200 --> 49:16.200] Yes. [49:16.200 --> 49:19.200] At all times. [49:19.200 --> 49:24.800] Beatrice Hupptich is a Virginia-based firearms instructor. [49:24.800 --> 49:28.440] Virginia definitely is a testing ground for what can happen. [49:28.440 --> 49:32.840] Bloomberg's anti-gun group spent two and a half million dollars in Virginia's last election [49:32.840 --> 49:34.080] cycle alone. [49:34.080 --> 49:35.080] It paid off. [49:35.080 --> 49:38.440] Democrats now control Virginia for the first time in decades. [49:38.440 --> 49:43.280] The Democrats' proposals include a ban on semi-automatic rifles, mandatory background [49:43.280 --> 49:48.560] checks, red flag laws, and a prohibition on magazines that carry more than 10 rounds. [49:48.560 --> 49:52.360] Most magazines carry more than 10 rounds, and that would make me a felon. [49:52.360 --> 49:54.480] Nancy Lee Dixon is a longtime Virginian. [49:54.480 --> 49:56.720] She opposes new gun control measures. [49:56.720 --> 49:58.480] It's my constitutional right. [49:58.480 --> 50:00.680] It says, you know, the right to bear arms. [50:00.680 --> 50:04.880] It doesn't say the right to bear a VB gun. [50:04.880 --> 50:09.280] In 2013, the state of Maryland banned the sale of magazines that carry more than 10 [50:09.280 --> 50:10.280] rounds. [50:10.280 --> 50:12.080] The law didn't make people safer. [50:12.080 --> 50:16.240] Since it passed, police started recovering more large magazines at the scenes of crimes. [50:16.240 --> 50:19.600] The state's murder rate rose 40 percent in three years. [50:19.600 --> 50:24.800] Laws only pertain to those who want to abide by them in the first place. [50:24.800 --> 50:29.280] Northam and his water carriers and the media call the proposed laws common-sense safety [50:29.280 --> 50:30.280] measures. [50:30.280 --> 50:31.840] Sheriff Diggs disagrees. [50:31.840 --> 50:35.960] This sense would say the most dangerous place in America is a gun-free zone. [50:35.960 --> 50:40.320] I can tell you right now, I don't abide by gun-free zones. [50:40.320 --> 50:44.760] Perhaps the most significant factor helping Bloomberg is Virginians rapidly changing demographics. [50:44.760 --> 50:48.720] The majority of people now living in the state were actually born outside it. [50:48.720 --> 50:53.040] If you told yourself 20 years ago that Virginia was going to be in this situation today, would [50:53.040 --> 50:54.040] you have believed it? [50:54.040 --> 50:55.680] I never would have believed it. [50:55.680 --> 50:56.680] Changed very fast. [50:56.680 --> 51:01.560] But as the state's politics changed, the question becomes, will Virginians choose to comply? [51:01.560 --> 51:05.000] Would you give up your guns if the government told you to? [51:05.000 --> 51:06.000] No. [51:06.000 --> 51:08.000] Do you think a lot of people feel the same way? [51:08.000 --> 51:12.360] I think everybody feels that way. [51:12.360 --> 51:14.800] We'll stay on that story because it means something. [51:14.800 --> 51:18.280] Tonight there's evidence, speaking of stories that are significant, that the coronavirus [51:18.280 --> 51:20.560] is spreading through pipes. [51:20.560 --> 51:33.880] A remarkable development that may have implications for us here in the U.S., that's next. [51:33.880 --> 51:39.560] The all-new Sandals Montego Bay, Jamaica's newest and hottest resort. [51:39.560 --> 51:40.560] Call 1-800-SANDALS. [51:40.560 --> 51:41.560] Hi, I'm Caleb and this is my story. [51:41.560 --> 51:42.560] I was born with osteogenesis imperfecta or renal bone disease. [51:42.560 --> 51:57.560] I have broken my bones almost 200 times and I have had 11 surgeries, but I didn't let [51:57.560 --> 51:58.560] that stop me. [51:58.560 --> 52:03.560] I love to bike ride, climb, race, and I'm learning how to stand and walk. [52:03.560 --> 52:10.560] Well, I can only do all of this because of generous people like you and China's hospitals [52:10.560 --> 52:11.560] for children. [52:11.560 --> 52:17.320] Because of people like you, Shriners Hospitals for Children has helped more than 1.3 million [52:17.320 --> 52:21.560] kids just like me, regardless of their family's ability to pay. [52:21.560 --> 52:26.060] Shriners Hospitals for Children is only able to provide this world-class, life-changing [52:26.060 --> 52:29.560] medical care because of the generous gifts of people just like you. [52:29.560 --> 52:34.680] Because of you, I can ride my bike. [52:34.680 --> 52:38.560] I can play basketball. [52:38.560 --> 52:41.560] Because of people like you, I can run. [52:41.560 --> 52:46.060] I can smile. [52:46.060 --> 52:51.560] When you give today, we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you [52:51.560 --> 52:55.560] and reminder of the love you gave to a kid just like me. [52:55.560 --> 52:56.560] Thank you. [52:56.560 --> 52:57.560] Thank you. [52:57.560 --> 52:58.560] Gracias. [52:58.560 --> 53:00.560] Thank you. [53:00.560 --> 53:02.560] Please call or go online now. [53:02.560 --> 53:08.560] If operators are busy, please call again or give right away at [53:32.560 --> 53:34.560] I invented my new MyPillow mattress topper. [53:34.560 --> 53:37.560] I made it to have everything you'd ever want in a topper. [53:37.560 --> 53:42.560] My mattress topper helps give you the support you need, helps relieve your pressure points [53:42.560 --> 53:45.560] and regulates your body temperature for you as an individual. [53:45.560 --> 53:47.560] It comes with a 10-year warranty. [53:47.560 --> 53:49.560] You can wash and dry the cover. [53:49.560 --> 53:53.560] It's made in the USA and I back it with my 60-day money-back guarantee. [53:53.560 --> 53:58.560] Go to or call now to get your very own MyPillow mattress topper. [53:58.560 --> 54:03.560] Use the promo code and Mike will give you 30% off and two standard MyPillows absolutely [54:03.560 --> 54:04.560] free. [54:04.560 --> 54:05.560] Order now. [54:05.560 --> 54:09.560] MyPillow topper delivers on its promise to give me a better night's sleep. [54:09.560 --> 54:13.560] I can sleep all night through and it's a miracle for me. [54:13.560 --> 54:18.560] Mike's exclusive three-layer design starts with a layer of MyPillow foam providing you [54:18.560 --> 54:20.560] superior support and comfort. [54:20.560 --> 54:25.560] The second layer of transitional foam evenly distributes body weight and helps relieve uncomfortable [54:25.560 --> 54:28.560] pressure points for optimal comfort. [54:28.560 --> 54:32.560] Mike's ultra-soft outer layer is a patented temperature-regulating cover that helps keep [54:32.560 --> 54:35.560] you at your ideal sleeping temperature all night long. [54:35.560 --> 54:39.560] Unlike other sleep systems costing thousands, the MyPillow mattress topper takes comfort [54:39.560 --> 54:43.560] to a whole new level without any wires, remotes or moving parts. [54:43.560 --> 54:47.560] Call now or go to to order your MyPillow topper. [54:47.560 --> 54:49.560] Use the promo code to see 30%. [54:49.560 --> 54:54.560] When you do, Mike will give you two of his standard MyPillows absolutely free. [54:54.560 --> 54:59.560] That's right, two standard MyPillows free and 30% off your MyPillow topper today. [54:59.560 --> 55:00.560] Order now. [55:00.560 --> 55:05.560] I personally guarantee it's going to change your bed into the most comfortable bed you'll ever own. [55:05.560 --> 55:11.560] For the best night's sleep in the whole wide world, visit [55:11.560 --> 55:15.560] Our friends recommended a couple of pros to help us remodel our kitchen. [55:15.560 --> 55:20.560] After checking the ratings on Angie's list, we felt really confident hiring them. [55:20.560 --> 55:25.560] Find all the pros you need to know, all for free at [55:50.560 --> 56:00.560] Here are the new numbers on coronavirus as of tonight. [56:00.560 --> 56:07.560] There are 242 new deaths from the virus reported in China and almost 15,000 new cases. [56:07.560 --> 56:11.560] Now those are official numbers by China's count, which you obviously cannot trust. [56:11.560 --> 56:15.560] Now there's evidence that the virus is spreading through plumbing pipes. [56:15.560 --> 56:19.560] Apparently even the tiniest crack in a pipe can allow the virus to infect new people. [56:19.560 --> 56:26.560] Two people in a Hong Kong apartment are both infected despite, this is remarkable, living 10 floors apart. [56:26.560 --> 56:29.560] Think about that. [56:29.560 --> 56:35.560] At the moment, the Chinese coronavirus remains a global health concern and a serious one, [56:35.560 --> 56:40.560] but there are already signs it could become an economic crisis as well. [56:40.560 --> 56:44.560] More than 50 countries have restricted travel to China to prevent the spread of the disease. [56:44.560 --> 56:49.560] Huge swaths of that country are essentially shut down, part of its industrial base, mothball. [56:49.560 --> 56:55.560] What could be the effect of all of this on the economy around the world and here in the United States? [56:55.560 --> 56:57.560] Maria Bartiroma is one person who would know. [56:57.560 --> 57:01.560] She hosts warnings with Maria on the Fox Business Network and we're happy to have her tonight. [57:01.560 --> 57:07.560] Maria, are you concerned about the effect of this disease on the global economy? [57:07.560 --> 57:08.560] Oh yeah, hi Tucker. [57:08.560 --> 57:09.560] Thanks for having me. [57:09.560 --> 57:13.560] I think we certainly will see an impact on the global economy. [57:13.560 --> 57:20.560] When you just laid it out, when you consider the fact that China is pretty much shut down right now in terms of economic activity, [57:20.560 --> 57:25.560] no flights going in and out around Wuhan and the surrounding provinces, [57:25.560 --> 57:32.560] tons of companies either shutting operations or temporarily closing down, that's no economic activity. [57:32.560 --> 57:38.560] Today, China represents a much bigger portion of the global economy than ever before. [57:38.560 --> 57:43.560] What happens in China will have an impact on the United States and I think from a practical standpoint, [57:43.560 --> 57:47.560] you have to look at things like components and parts. [57:47.560 --> 57:54.560] There are parts in cars, parts in our phones, components in various devices that are made in China. [57:54.560 --> 57:59.560] So you'll probably see bottlenecks in terms of the supply chain and that will impact earnings. [57:59.560 --> 58:03.560] So we have a very strong economy right now here in the United States. [58:03.560 --> 58:07.560] I would expect a bit of a slowdown later on in the year. [58:07.560 --> 58:16.560] I wonder if this will be a wake up call to American companies that it's in their interest to at least retain the capacity to manufacture key parts here. [58:16.560 --> 58:20.560] Yeah, spot on. That's exactly what is going to happen in my view. [58:20.560 --> 58:23.560] I think it's causing us to have a plan B. [58:23.560 --> 58:32.560] And that's basically what the president tried to do with USMCA as well as the China one phase one deal to send manufacturing back to America [58:32.560 --> 58:38.560] so that companies recognize that the safest place in terms of their own manufacturing will be here at home. [58:38.560 --> 58:41.560] There are also other issues. There's the trust issue. [58:41.560 --> 58:46.560] Look, China lied to us. They did not tell us when this coronavirus actually started. [58:46.560 --> 58:49.560] They knew about this back in November of last year. [58:49.560 --> 58:55.560] Then they sent this huge delegation to the White House to shake everybody's hand to do the China phase one deal. [58:55.560 --> 59:00.560] And then they sent the largest delegation ever sent to Davos. [59:00.560 --> 59:05.560] And they had this virus beginning and, you know, so there's that. [59:05.560 --> 59:12.560] And then they waited a long time before anybody could actually go in there, a foreigner, to see how this originated. [59:12.560 --> 59:20.560] They still will not allow the CDC, the best institution in terms of disease control in the world. [59:20.560 --> 59:31.560] The CDC is not able to get into China on its own to actually better understand where this originated and how severe it is right now. [59:31.560 --> 59:36.560] Mario Bartiromo, ladies and gentlemen, and now also in New York to Sean Hannity right now. [59:36.560 --> 59:39.560] Hey, Sean Tucker. Thank you. Great show as always. Welcome to Hannity tonight. [59:39.560 --> 59:44.560] There is a clear front runner in the extreme radical Democratic Socialist Party. [59:44.560 --> 59:50.560] And, yep, that 78-year-old Khramunjan Devout Soviet-style Socialist. [59:50.560 --> 59:55.560] You know, the guy that took a honeymoon in the former Soviet Union, that guy. [59:55.560 --> 59:58.560] The Democratic Party is in a state of ruins tonight. [59:58.560 --> 01:00:04.560] The moderates, huh, they are non-existent, long gone, pragmatic, centrist politicians. [01:00:04.560 --> 01:00:10.560] There's not even room for Joe Lieberman any longer in this Democratic Party, so radical, extreme. [01:00:10.560 --> 01:00:17.560] And, yes, socialism that would destroy the great American prosperity that we've now experienced for the last three years. [01:00:17.560 --> 01:00:20.560] Last night, Bernie Sanders, huge victory in New Hampshire. [01:00:20.560 --> 01:00:41.560] And now, according to brand-new polls, Bernie...