Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language Detected language: English [00:00.000 --> 00:09.720] This is World News, and tonight, the fire fears mountain California, an arsonist on [00:09.720 --> 00:10.720] the loose. [00:10.720 --> 00:14.560] More than three dozen fires, cars, apartment buildings going up in flames. [00:14.560 --> 00:17.960] Tonight, the profile investigators are piecing together. [00:17.960 --> 00:22.600] Under arrest, an Army soldier charged, authorities say he was about to carry explosives onto [00:22.600 --> 00:25.840] a plane, his family with him. [00:25.840 --> 00:29.440] Storm warning, the first major winter storm of the new year on the move tonight, deadly [00:29.440 --> 00:34.520] winds in Colorado, and now plummeting temperatures across a huge part of this country. [00:34.520 --> 00:38.600] The most potent painkiller yet, the raging debate tonight over a new drug. [00:38.600 --> 00:43.000] It's supposed to erase extreme pain, but could it do more harm than good? [00:43.000 --> 00:47.480] And the behind the scenes images we didn't see this past year, that moment at the new [00:47.480 --> 00:52.880] memorial, two presidents, two first ladies, the president as coach in chief, and nice [00:52.880 --> 00:53.880] ride. [00:53.880 --> 00:59.760] We'll learn just where Bo is headed. [00:59.760 --> 01:05.680] From ABC News, this is ABC World News with David Muir. [01:05.680 --> 01:08.920] Good evening, it's great to start another year with you, and we begin here tonight with [01:08.920 --> 01:11.000] those growing fire fears out west. [01:11.000 --> 01:16.000] The images coming in all weekend long after a major rash of fires, more than three dozen [01:16.000 --> 01:20.280] set over three nights in several Los Angeles neighborhoods, and so far, authorities say [01:20.280 --> 01:22.360] they don't know who's behind it all. [01:22.360 --> 01:26.880] But look at the pictures tonight, this firefighter here battling a fully engulfed car, and then [01:26.880 --> 01:30.680] this image, like so many others, once the cars are set on fire, the buildings beside [01:30.680 --> 01:34.780] them going up in flames, leaving apartments like this one a burned out shell. [01:34.780 --> 01:37.080] You can see the family there sifting through what's left. [01:37.080 --> 01:41.080] Tonight, the latest from investigators as they try to put together a profile. [01:41.080 --> 01:43.600] Here's ABC's Abby Boudreau. [01:43.600 --> 01:48.540] Police tonight announcing a possible break in the case, surveillance video of a person [01:48.540 --> 01:53.840] of interest, as investigators search for the serial arsonist responsible for a string of [01:53.840 --> 01:55.840] fires set throughout Hollywood. [01:55.840 --> 02:00.440] The acts we've seen over the last 72 hours here in these communities have kept these [02:00.440 --> 02:02.400] public safety professionals up at night. [02:02.400 --> 02:06.920] It's being called the worst wave of arson in 20 years in LA. [02:06.920 --> 02:09.280] Fortunately, no one has been injured. [02:09.280 --> 02:11.420] I could have died with my children. [02:11.420 --> 02:16.320] Even as firefighters and police officers doubled and tripled their manpower throughout the [02:16.320 --> 02:22.880] city, the increased surveillance was not enough to stop a serial arsonist from striking again. [02:22.880 --> 02:25.520] Seven more fires. [02:25.520 --> 02:29.760] Investigators say most of the fires began as car fires, but the flames quickly spread [02:29.760 --> 02:32.360] to nearby structures and apartment buildings. [02:32.360 --> 02:36.120] By the time I got out there, the whole carport was engulfed. [02:36.120 --> 02:40.800] Arson investigators are searching for clues and also building a psychological profile [02:40.800 --> 02:41.800] of the arsonist. [02:41.800 --> 02:48.000] They do it for recognition or fame, and oftentimes we see that they do it out of spite, out of [02:48.000 --> 02:49.400] anger. [02:49.400 --> 02:52.120] Experts say many serial arsonists act alone. [02:52.120 --> 02:55.560] They're typically white males with below average IQs. [02:55.560 --> 02:59.900] It would appear that the primary motive may not be killing people. [02:59.900 --> 03:02.220] The primary motive may be attention. [03:02.220 --> 03:09.280] And until investigators solve this case, it looks like another restless night for firefighters. [03:09.280 --> 03:13.760] Experts say that many serial arsonists find pleasure in coming back to the scene of the [03:13.760 --> 03:17.880] fire, so they can watch as firefighters try to battle the blaze. [03:17.880 --> 03:22.560] Investigators are asking anyone who sees anything suspicious to contact them right away. [03:22.560 --> 03:23.560] David? [03:23.560 --> 03:24.560] Abby Boudreau tonight. [03:24.560 --> 03:25.560] Abby, thank you. [03:25.560 --> 03:28.960] And in Texas this evening, growing questions about the intentions of an American soldier [03:28.960 --> 03:32.200] arrested while preparing to board a flight with his family. [03:32.200 --> 03:35.600] Authorities say he had explosives in his carry-on bag. [03:35.600 --> 03:38.200] Here's ABC's Cecilia Vega tonight. [03:38.200 --> 03:42.600] The man accused of trying to board a New Year's Eve flight with explosives in his carry-on [03:42.600 --> 03:45.440] hardly fits the profile of a terrorist. [03:45.440 --> 03:50.960] The suspect, Trey Scott Atwater, a 30-year-old soldier traveling with his family, headed [03:50.960 --> 03:56.180] back to his North Carolina military base after visiting relatives in Texas. [03:56.180 --> 04:01.260] It was during an X-ray screening at the Midland International Airport that a TSA agent spotted [04:01.260 --> 04:06.680] the bag and the suspicious item, the kind of explosives used by the military for demolitions [04:06.680 --> 04:09.460] like this. [04:09.460 --> 04:13.760] This was Atwater's return flight, raising questions about whether he managed to fly [04:13.760 --> 04:18.880] with the C-4 explosives during the first leg of his trip and what exactly he planned to [04:18.880 --> 04:19.960] do with them. [04:19.960 --> 04:24.120] There's no indication at this point that there was, he wasn't wanting to do anything malicious. [04:24.120 --> 04:29.520] I mean, it's in his carry-on bag, unless he had some sort of detonator. [04:29.520 --> 04:33.720] And authorities say there was no detonator and therefore no threat to passengers. [04:33.720 --> 04:38.400] And law enforcement sources tell us this looks more like a dumb move than an act of terror. [04:38.400 --> 04:42.320] Atwater is now facing federal charges for trying to bring explosives on an airplane. [04:42.320 --> 04:43.320] David. [04:43.320 --> 04:45.040] Cecilia Vega in our Washington bureau tonight. [04:45.040 --> 04:46.040] Cecilia, thank you. [04:46.040 --> 04:47.040] And now to politics. [04:47.040 --> 04:51.300] Your voice, your vote in just two days until the Iowa caucus is now casting the first votes [04:51.300 --> 04:55.520] of this presidential election year and a new poll tonight of likely Republican voters [04:55.520 --> 04:56.800] showing a tightening race. [04:56.800 --> 05:02.000] Mitt Romney and Ron Paul on top, Rick Santorum in third place and surging with Newt Gingrich [05:02.000 --> 05:03.880] and the other candidates trailing. [05:03.880 --> 05:07.320] ABC's Jonathan Karl spent the weekend face to face with the candidates and here's what [05:07.320 --> 05:09.400] they're saying on the eve of Iowa. [05:09.400 --> 05:12.040] Here's John now from Des Moines. [05:12.040 --> 05:15.440] Here's the candidate Iowa is putting on the map. [05:15.440 --> 05:19.620] Former Senator Rick Santorum campaigning today in Iowa City. [05:19.620 --> 05:22.000] This is your chance, Heartland. [05:22.000 --> 05:24.800] This is your chance, Heartland of America, to speak out. [05:24.800 --> 05:30.320] Until recently, Santorum was ignored by his opponents and virtually invisible in the polls. [05:30.320 --> 05:36.600] Now nobody is rising faster within striking distance of winning the Iowa caucuses. [05:36.600 --> 05:41.160] He's done it the old fashioned way, spending more time traveling around the state and talking [05:41.160 --> 05:43.480] to voters than anybody else. [05:43.480 --> 05:45.840] We met up with him in Marshalltown, Iowa. [05:45.840 --> 05:49.040] I'm very confident we're going to do well and surprise a lot of people. [05:49.040 --> 05:54.040] Santorum has been helped by the collapse of Newt Gingrich, who spent the last week complaining [05:54.040 --> 05:57.600] about negative ads and he has been hit hard here. [05:57.600 --> 06:00.400] Newt has more baggage than the airlines. [06:00.400 --> 06:05.440] Today Gingrich lashed out at Mitt Romney, accusing him of trying to buy the election. [06:05.440 --> 06:06.440] He would buy an election if he could. [06:06.440 --> 06:07.440] Do you believe he's trying to buy the election? [06:07.440 --> 06:12.120] Well I don't know, three and a half million dollars in negative ads, you tell me. [06:12.120 --> 06:16.760] Later Gingrich point blank accused Romney of lying in his negative ads. [06:16.760 --> 06:21.200] Somebody who will lie to you to get to be president will lie to you when they are president. [06:21.200 --> 06:26.040] Romney, riding high in the polls, stayed above the fray today as he campaigned in Atlantic [06:26.040 --> 06:27.040] Iowa. [06:27.040 --> 06:30.200] I want to restore the principles that made America great and I will do it. [06:30.200 --> 06:37.160] Michelle Bachmann, who was born in Iowa and won the big straw poll here in August, is [06:37.160 --> 06:39.760] now languishing at the back of the pack. [06:39.760 --> 06:42.840] She told us she expects some divine help on Tuesday. [06:42.840 --> 06:47.280] I'm believing in a miracle because I know the one who gives miracles. [06:47.280 --> 06:49.640] You don't come in first, second or third, can you continue? [06:49.640 --> 06:55.480] I am going to be the next president of the United States of America. [06:55.480 --> 06:58.880] David Gingrich has tried to make a virtue of the fact that he hasn't run any negative [06:58.880 --> 07:04.520] ads here in Iowa, but he has made it clear that all bets are off after the Iowa caucuses. [07:04.520 --> 07:09.640] You can expect to see a feistier Gingrich not afraid to savage his opponents, especially [07:09.640 --> 07:10.640] Mitt Romney. [07:10.640 --> 07:11.640] David? [07:11.640 --> 07:12.640] John Carl tonight in Iowa. [07:12.640 --> 07:13.640] John, thanks. [07:13.640 --> 07:14.640] We'll see you in Iowa tomorrow. [07:14.640 --> 07:17.440] In the meantime, I want to bring in ABC News political analyst Matthew Dowd with us here [07:17.440 --> 07:18.440] in New York tonight. [07:18.440 --> 07:19.880] Matthew, always great to have you. [07:19.880 --> 07:23.160] And you were telling me earlier what we all should be watching for in Iowa, which is not [07:23.160 --> 07:27.320] necessarily the winner to be chosen for the nomination, but for the field to be winnowed [07:27.320 --> 07:28.320] down. [07:28.320 --> 07:29.320] Yeah, we're about to get to the voting. [07:29.320 --> 07:30.320] Months we've been waiting for this. [07:30.320 --> 07:33.120] And the voting in Iowa usually doesn't pick the nominee. [07:33.120 --> 07:34.560] It picks who the nominee isn't. [07:34.560 --> 07:38.420] And so if you go back and look at history as recently as 2008, Mike Huckabee wins a [07:38.420 --> 07:41.760] surprising victory in Iowa and is not the Republican nominee. [07:41.760 --> 07:44.160] John McCain becomes the Republican nominee. [07:44.160 --> 07:45.440] That has happened over and over. [07:45.440 --> 07:49.360] Iowa performs a very good function, which is it winnows the field down from multiple [07:49.360 --> 07:51.000] candidates to a smaller number of candidates. [07:51.000 --> 07:53.960] So when you look at this image tonight of the debate, we pulled it up the last ABC News [07:53.960 --> 07:54.960] debate. [07:54.960 --> 07:57.960] You predict that the next ABC News debate, less than a week from now, we might not see [07:57.960 --> 07:59.080] all the same people standing there. [07:59.080 --> 08:02.040] It'll be a less crowded stage, and when we throw up in New Hampshire, it'll be a much [08:02.040 --> 08:04.960] less crowded stage, and one or two of those candidates probably won't be there. [08:04.960 --> 08:08.440] Now, the White House surely will be watching Iowa, whether they say they are or not. [08:08.440 --> 08:11.960] And what is their strategy at this point, their possible path to victory, given the [08:11.960 --> 08:12.960] field as it stands? [08:12.960 --> 08:15.160] They're in an incredibly vulnerable environment. [08:15.160 --> 08:19.320] The president's job approval isn't very high, the wrong direction of the country is high, [08:19.320 --> 08:23.600] and consumer confidence is low, and so they know that this race shouldn't be about them. [08:23.600 --> 08:26.040] They want it to be about whoever the Republican nominee is. [08:26.040 --> 08:29.440] If it's Mitt Romney, they want him to be emerged beaten up. [08:29.440 --> 08:32.720] So far he hasn't, but as soon as this thing is over, they're going to start their campaign [08:32.720 --> 08:33.720] in earnest. [08:33.720 --> 08:34.720] All right, Matthew Dow tonight. [08:34.720 --> 08:38.240] Matthew, thank you, and Matt will be here Tuesday night with Diane and George following [08:38.240 --> 08:42.200] the caucus results, and it's hard to believe, but we're now just six days away from the [08:42.200 --> 08:45.480] next ABC News debate, just before the New Hampshire primary. [08:45.480 --> 08:50.160] Diane Sawyer, George Stephanopoulos moderating, will all be there in New Hampshire next Saturday [08:50.160 --> 08:51.160] night. [08:51.160 --> 08:54.000] The Republican candidates have been critical of the White House when it comes to foreign [08:54.000 --> 08:58.080] policy, and there are a lot of eyes on Iran tonight after they claimed this weekend to [08:58.080 --> 09:02.520] have made huge inroads in their longstanding warning to build their nuclear muscle. [09:02.520 --> 09:06.840] Tonight ABC's Kelly Kobiea on what happened today and why everyday Americans could pay [09:06.840 --> 09:10.680] the price for it at the pump. [09:10.680 --> 09:15.800] Iran flexed its military muscle today, test firing a missile in the Strait of Hormuz. [09:15.800 --> 09:19.840] Twenty percent of the world's oil exports travel through here, and Iran has threatened [09:19.840 --> 09:23.560] to block these waters if it's hit with more sanctions. [09:23.560 --> 09:25.800] That could force up gas prices. [09:25.800 --> 09:30.800] Even more worrying, Iran says it is one step closer to becoming a nuclear nation, claiming [09:30.800 --> 09:37.640] today it tested its first Iranian-made nuclear fuel rod, technology no country has been allowed [09:37.640 --> 09:39.360] to sell to Iran. [09:39.360 --> 09:41.260] So why is that important? [09:41.260 --> 09:46.120] The U.S. and its allies believe Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons, but it lacks the [09:46.120 --> 09:49.160] know-how to make the fuel rods on its own. [09:49.160 --> 09:53.800] The fear is that Iran's nuclear program is now farther along than expected, meaning a [09:53.800 --> 09:57.280] showdown over it may be closer than many thought. [09:57.280 --> 09:59.440] Iran denies it has a weapons program. [09:59.440 --> 10:02.240] Still, President Obama is ratcheting up the pressure. [10:02.240 --> 10:07.080] He signed a bill this weekend to put the economic squeeze on Iran if the nuclear program is [10:07.080 --> 10:09.480] not shut down in six months. [10:09.480 --> 10:10.480] David? [10:10.480 --> 10:12.640] Kelly, thank you. [10:12.640 --> 10:16.520] Back in this country and a major winter weather on the move tonight, first the deadly winds [10:16.520 --> 10:17.880] across Colorado. [10:17.880 --> 10:21.640] They reached over 100 miles per hour, roaring through the Rockies, killing at least one [10:21.640 --> 10:23.360] man and injuring several others. [10:23.360 --> 10:25.120] Cars and homes were damaged. [10:25.120 --> 10:28.520] And now a winter storm is hitting parts of the upper Midwest with more than a foot of [10:28.520 --> 10:30.800] snow and bitterly cold temperatures. [10:30.800 --> 10:34.320] And so we want to bring in meteorologist Jeff Smith of our station here in New York, WABC. [10:34.320 --> 10:35.720] And Jeff, what are we looking at? [10:35.720 --> 10:39.740] The coldest air mass, David, since last winter, since last February, is going to be moving [10:39.740 --> 10:42.680] through the eastern half of the country, starting tomorrow, really. [10:42.680 --> 10:45.560] It's moving across the parts of the upper Midwest right now, if we take a look at that [10:45.560 --> 10:46.560] map. [10:46.560 --> 10:47.920] The Arctic blast moves off to the south. [10:47.920 --> 10:53.200] We have highs in the teens and 20s over the Ohio Valley from tomorrow right through Tuesday. [10:53.200 --> 10:55.560] And that reaches the East Coast on Tuesday. [10:55.560 --> 10:56.600] And a lot of snow with this. [10:56.600 --> 10:57.800] What kind of totals are we looking at? [10:57.800 --> 10:59.960] Yes, the cold air moves across the warmer Great Lakes. [10:59.960 --> 11:03.200] We're looking at snowfall totals of potentially over a foot. [11:03.200 --> 11:07.920] Downwind of the lakes, parts of lower Michigan, which had the least snowy December that they've [11:07.920 --> 11:11.760] had on record, might be getting snowfall totals over a foot with blizzard conditions in that [11:11.760 --> 11:12.760] area. [11:12.760 --> 11:13.760] All right. [11:13.760 --> 11:14.760] It's just beginning. [11:14.760 --> 11:15.760] Jeff Smith, thanks to you. [11:15.760 --> 11:16.760] A new year and tonight new laws. [11:16.760 --> 11:19.880] Four more states joining the growing crackdown on illegal immigration. [11:19.880 --> 11:25.100] Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee now requiring employers to verify the legal [11:25.100 --> 11:27.120] status of people they hire. [11:27.120 --> 11:31.100] Workers in eight states are getting a raise as their state's minimum wage goes up. [11:31.100 --> 11:34.640] And tonight we take a closer look here at one new law in California that might have [11:34.640 --> 11:39.080] some parents wrestling to get their eight-year-olds back into their car seats. [11:39.080 --> 11:42.080] Here's ABC's Clayton Sandel now. [11:42.080 --> 11:46.560] At LA's Griffith Park, you can ride the big ponies if you're seven years old. [11:46.560 --> 11:50.960] But starting today, in a car, you'll be back in a booster seat. [11:50.960 --> 11:52.800] I can't believe it. [11:52.800 --> 11:57.320] California, which has more drivers than any other state, is raising the car seat cutoff [11:57.320 --> 11:59.240] age from six to eight. [11:59.240 --> 12:00.840] I'm not happy about it. [12:00.840 --> 12:04.920] It's creating crisis in millions of families with six and seven-year-olds who thought they'd [12:04.920 --> 12:07.160] left their car seat days behind. [12:07.160 --> 12:11.000] Brenda Salazar got rid of her twin's car seats when they turned six. [12:11.000 --> 12:15.480] I sold them a yard sale and now it's time to go buy some. [12:15.480 --> 12:19.320] Most parents understand it's all about safety. [12:19.320 --> 12:23.560] Ben here is helping us demonstrate that even though he's six, this seat belt is the wrong [12:23.560 --> 12:24.560] fit. [12:24.560 --> 12:27.920] It comes right across his neck and right across the soft parts of his belly. [12:27.920 --> 12:32.080] The booster lifts him up, putting the belt where it should be, across the bony parts [12:32.080 --> 12:33.760] of his chest and hips. [12:33.760 --> 12:38.460] The Golden State helps drive trends in auto safety, and this new law might help ramp up [12:38.460 --> 12:41.320] pressure for a nationwide car seat standard. [12:41.320 --> 12:45.920] We need to have a federal standard because when parents go to buy a booster seat, there's [12:45.920 --> 12:51.960] no guarantee that that booster seat is going to provide good belt fit in all kinds of different [12:51.960 --> 12:53.080] vehicles. [12:53.080 --> 12:58.200] In our completely unscientific kid poll, we found two-thirds against the new law, but [12:58.200 --> 13:05.400] there's an incentive to enforce it, break the law, and mom or dad get a $475 ticket. [13:05.400 --> 13:07.880] Clayton Sandell, ABC News, Los Angeles. [13:07.880 --> 13:09.340] Our thanks to Clayton tonight. [13:09.340 --> 13:13.400] On this New Year's weekend, we got a new glimpse from inside the White House from the photographers [13:13.400 --> 13:18.600] who were there every moment this past year, and tonight, some of what we didn't see. [13:18.600 --> 13:21.560] Ground zero on the 10th anniversary of 9-11. [13:21.560 --> 13:25.680] Former President George W. Bush, former First Lady Laura Bush, with President Obama and [13:25.680 --> 13:28.840] the First Lady as they greet families of the victims. [13:28.840 --> 13:29.840] And there was this. [13:29.840 --> 13:33.480] The President about to present a wounded warrior with a purple heart, walking into a hospital [13:33.480 --> 13:36.000] room at Walter Reed wearing scrubs. [13:36.000 --> 13:39.760] This photograph taken high above the Oval Office of the Rose Garden, a state dinner [13:39.760 --> 13:41.740] for the German Chancellor. [13:41.740 --> 13:44.300] The funeral for former First Lady Betty Ford. [13:44.300 --> 13:48.160] There for the service, three former First Ladies, Nancy Reagan, Hillary Clinton, Rosalynn [13:48.160 --> 13:51.480] Carter, joining First Lady Michelle Obama. [13:51.480 --> 13:54.860] The President and First Lady bidding farewell to the Queen and Prince Philip, following [13:54.860 --> 13:57.200] a dinner in London to honor the Queen. [13:57.200 --> 14:02.180] And there was this smile, the President filling in his basketball coach for his daughter Sasha. [14:02.180 --> 14:06.320] And as this nation prepares for a toughly fought presidential race, we noted the children [14:06.320 --> 14:07.320] in this picture. [14:07.320 --> 14:10.840] Behind the President, their video games far more pressing. [14:10.840 --> 14:16.280] And Beau, with a view from inside the presidential motorcade, en route to PetSmart, we're told, [14:16.280 --> 14:18.440] to get his Christmas gift. [14:18.440 --> 14:20.000] The view from the White House. [14:20.000 --> 14:23.720] Still ahead here on World News this Sunday night, the debate this evening over a brand [14:23.720 --> 14:24.720] new drug. [14:24.720 --> 14:29.560] Some say it's the strongest pain reliever ever made, but will it do more harm than good? [14:29.560 --> 14:33.280] Also tonight, a royal rebound, what we saw today from Prince Philip. [14:33.280 --> 14:36.360] And we know there's a million ways to say Happy New Year, and so tonight, so many of [14:36.360 --> 14:42.480] you sent us messages on Facebook and online, the new year, in your three words. [14:42.480 --> 14:55.640] This is ABC World News with David Muir, brought to you by Progressive. [14:55.640 --> 14:57.360] Any tree on this lot is on me. [14:57.360 --> 14:58.840] I'm the messenger, by the way. [14:58.840 --> 14:59.840] What's your name? [14:59.840 --> 15:00.840] Joanne. [15:00.840 --> 15:04.000] The hundreds that I've saved with Progressive on my car insurance, this tree's on me. [15:04.000 --> 15:05.000] No way. [15:05.000 --> 15:06.000] Way. [15:06.000 --> 15:07.000] This tree's on me. [15:07.000 --> 15:08.000] Really? [15:08.000 --> 15:09.000] Yes. [15:09.000 --> 15:13.360] Let me just trim it up a little bit for you. [15:13.360 --> 15:14.360] Thank you. [15:14.360 --> 15:15.360] Savings greetings. [15:15.360 --> 15:16.360] You guys are going to get this tree right here? [15:16.360 --> 15:17.360] Are you sure that's the one? [15:17.360 --> 15:19.160] I'll tie it to the roof for you. [15:19.160 --> 15:23.840] Make savings a new holiday tradition. [15:23.840 --> 15:25.200] Is this your normal? [15:25.200 --> 15:26.680] Jamie Lee Curtis. [15:26.680 --> 15:27.680] Oh, hi. [15:27.680 --> 15:28.680] Yes. [15:28.680 --> 15:30.880] Wow, you really went all out on the decorations, huh? [15:30.880 --> 15:35.320] Yeah, but I'm so slow taking them down after all the fatty holiday food. [15:35.320 --> 15:37.240] Well, that's normal. [15:37.240 --> 15:38.340] What do you mean that's normal? [15:38.340 --> 15:39.920] It doesn't have to be. [15:39.920 --> 15:43.120] To me, normal means feeling good inside, not slow. [15:43.120 --> 15:44.120] Try some Activia. [15:44.120 --> 15:47.600] Activia helps with occasional irregularity when eaten three times a day. [15:47.600 --> 15:48.600] Keep a video diary. [15:48.600 --> 15:49.600] Activia. [15:49.600 --> 15:50.600] And let me know about your new normal. [15:50.600 --> 15:54.040] Love your new normal or it's free. [15:54.040 --> 15:55.040] Bicitis congestion. [15:55.040 --> 15:56.640] Ed, it's your fault. [15:56.640 --> 15:59.560] Instead of blaming me, try Advil Congestion Relief. [15:59.560 --> 16:02.280] Often the real problem is swelling, not mucus. [16:02.280 --> 16:05.880] Advil Congestion Relief reduces swelling due to nasal inflammation. [16:05.880 --> 16:07.080] So I can breathe. [16:07.080 --> 16:09.480] Advil Congestion Relief. [16:09.480 --> 16:11.480] Chug that java. [16:11.480 --> 16:12.480] Down that dog. [16:12.480 --> 16:20.240] No matter what life throws at you, you can take the heat until it turns into heartburn. [16:20.240 --> 16:23.680] Good thing you've got what it takes to beat that heat, too. [16:23.680 --> 16:24.680] Zantac. [16:24.680 --> 16:25.680] It's strong. [16:25.680 --> 16:26.680] Just one pill can knock out the burn. [16:26.680 --> 16:27.680] It's fast. [16:27.680 --> 16:28.680] The speed you need for heartburn relief. [16:28.680 --> 16:29.680] And it lasts up to 12 hours. [16:29.680 --> 16:30.680] So let them turn up the heat. [16:30.680 --> 16:35.680] You can stop that heartburn cold. [16:35.680 --> 16:36.680] Zantac. [16:36.680 --> 16:37.680] Beat that heartburn heat. [16:37.680 --> 16:38.680] From the soups you know and love comes soups that you'll love getting to know. [16:38.680 --> 16:39.680] New Slow Kettle style soups from Campbell's. [16:39.680 --> 16:40.680] Extraordinary taste sensations crafted from premium ingredients. [16:40.680 --> 16:41.680] Slow Kettle. [16:41.680 --> 16:42.680] New from Campbell's. [16:42.680 --> 16:43.680] It's amazing what soup can do. [16:43.680 --> 16:44.680] My name's Jill Strange. [16:44.680 --> 16:45.680] I'm 49 years old. [16:45.680 --> 16:46.680] I love gardening and I love volleyball. [16:46.680 --> 16:47.680] I've been taking osteobiflex for several years now. [16:47.680 --> 16:48.680] I really can't see myself not taking it. [16:48.680 --> 16:49.680] Osteobiflex is a great product. [16:49.680 --> 16:50.680] I can go back and do gardening. [16:50.680 --> 17:13.160] Osteobiflex, the glucosamine chondroitin supplement with five loxin advanced, shows improvement [17:13.160 --> 17:15.920] in joint comfort within seven days. [17:15.920 --> 17:19.680] Since taking osteobiflex, there's nothing that I can't do. [17:19.680 --> 17:23.320] Osteobiflex, the number one doctor and pharmacist recommended brand. [17:23.320 --> 17:30.520] First came ABC News in Iowa with America's most watched debate, and now this Saturday [17:30.520 --> 17:36.640] night Americans again turn to ABC News just days before our country's first primary for [17:36.640 --> 17:40.040] the high stakes New Hampshire Republican debate. [17:40.040 --> 17:45.900] Saturday night at 9 Eastern, 6 Pacific on ABC, then the very next morning, George returns [17:45.900 --> 17:50.560] to Sunday morning politics on ABC This Week with George Stephanopoulos. [17:50.560 --> 17:55.560] This election year, watch ABC News and see the whole political picture. [17:55.560 --> 18:00.600] Well, tonight some doctors are hailing it as the strongest painkiller yet to help Americans [18:00.600 --> 18:05.400] battling chronic pain, but many others say it would instead open a Pandora's box of new [18:05.400 --> 18:08.140] concerns, chief among them addiction. [18:08.140 --> 18:11.040] Here's ABC's Ron Claiborne tonight. [18:11.040 --> 18:15.680] The powerful new painkiller would be aimed at people like Kelly Amsbrocker, who suffers [18:15.680 --> 18:18.240] from intense migraine headaches. [18:18.240 --> 18:24.160] Throbbing, pulsating, feeling like spears are coming through my eyes. [18:24.160 --> 18:28.400] Currently undergoing testing in patients, Zohydro contains pure hydrocodone. [18:28.400 --> 18:31.320] It can be as much as 10 times stronger than Vicodin. [18:31.320 --> 18:36.800] Zogenix, one of four companies developing the drug, told ABC News Zohydro represents [18:36.800 --> 18:42.240] a potentially safer option because it does not contain acetaminophen, a drug associated [18:42.240 --> 18:44.380] with serious liver toxicity. [18:44.380 --> 18:50.140] The critics say Zohydro would only add a powerful and unnecessary drug to the nation's abundant [18:50.140 --> 18:51.640] supply of painkillers. [18:51.640 --> 18:56.280] Do you believe that Zohydro is a dangerous painkiller, dangerous to the public? [18:56.280 --> 19:01.440] When you pack this amount of a narcotic into a single pill, it's very easy for somebody [19:01.440 --> 19:03.120] to overdose and die from it. [19:03.120 --> 19:05.280] There's also the potential for addiction. [19:05.280 --> 19:10.440] The terrific business model, if a medication like this gets prescribed to a patient, many [19:10.440 --> 19:13.940] people will be on this medication for the rest of their life. [19:13.940 --> 19:19.720] An estimated 15,000 people die each year from overdosing on prescription painkillers, according [19:19.720 --> 19:21.720] to the Centers for Disease Control. [19:21.720 --> 19:27.880] And law enforcement officials link painkiller use and abuse to waves of violent crime and [19:27.880 --> 19:30.040] a surge in pharmacy break-ins. [19:30.040 --> 19:35.480] Just yesterday, an off-duty federal alcohol, tobacco and firearms agent was killed on Long [19:35.480 --> 19:36.480] Island, New York. [19:36.480 --> 19:40.260] The robber, who was also killed, was demanding OxyContin. [19:40.260 --> 19:45.440] But Zogenix says Zohydro could be a crucial new weapon against chronic pain. [19:45.440 --> 19:51.160] Critics say it's one painkiller the nation's medicine cabinets don't need. [19:51.160 --> 19:53.200] And Ron Clayborne joins us on the desk here in New York. [19:53.200 --> 19:56.580] Ron, if and when this drug is approved in the coming year, what kind of safeguards will [19:56.580 --> 19:58.400] be in place, given all the concern out there? [19:58.400 --> 20:03.160] Well, David, if it is approved, then almost certainly it will be a class two medication, [20:03.160 --> 20:07.800] which means that to get it filled and refilled, each time you have to go back to your physician [20:07.800 --> 20:12.280] instead of getting an automatic five refills, which is done for most painkillers now. [20:12.280 --> 20:15.280] So it'll be much more restricted if it is approved. [20:15.280 --> 20:16.280] If. [20:16.280 --> 20:17.280] All right. [20:17.280 --> 20:18.280] Ron Clayborne tonight, thanks very much. [20:18.280 --> 20:30.240] When we come back here, those falling birds from the sky on New Year's Eve, not again. [20:30.240 --> 20:35.360] When a moment suddenly turns romantic, men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident [20:35.360 --> 20:39.200] in their ability to be ready with Cialis for daily use. [20:39.200 --> 20:43.200] Even if it doesn't happen every day, you can be ready any time the moment's right, because [20:43.200 --> 20:48.480] you take a clinically proven low-dose tablet every day. [20:48.480 --> 20:52.400] Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is [20:52.400 --> 20:54.440] healthy enough for sexual activity. [20:54.440 --> 20:58.240] Don't take Cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop [20:58.240 --> 20:59.240] in blood pressure. [20:59.240 --> 21:01.400] Do not drink alcohol in excess with Cialis. [21:01.400 --> 21:05.320] Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed back ache, or muscle ache. [21:05.320 --> 21:08.720] To avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more [21:08.720 --> 21:09.880] than four hours. [21:09.880 --> 21:14.000] If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, stop taking Cialis and [21:14.000 --> 21:16.840] call your doctor right away. [21:16.840 --> 21:19.840] Ask your doctor if Cialis for daily use is right for you. [21:19.840 --> 21:25.720] For a 30 tablet free trial offer, go to [21:25.720 --> 21:29.960] For many, Nexium helps relieve heartburn symptoms caused by acid reflux disease. [21:29.960 --> 21:33.840] Osteoporosis-related bone fractures and low magnesium levels have been seen with Nexium. [21:33.840 --> 21:36.920] Possible side effects include headache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. [21:36.920 --> 21:38.920] Other serious stomach conditions may still exist. [21:38.920 --> 21:41.840] Talk to your doctor about Nexium. [21:41.840 --> 21:47.160] I take an Omega for my heart, but to be honest, I find the Omega choice is overwhelming. [21:47.160 --> 21:48.160] Which one is right for me? [21:48.160 --> 21:51.560] Then I found NuPro Nutrients Omega 3. [21:51.560 --> 21:53.920] It's from Centrum, a name I trust. [21:53.920 --> 21:57.320] It goes beyond my heart to support my brain and eyes, too. [21:57.320 --> 22:01.680] And these ultra-concentrated mini-gels are much smaller than many others. [22:01.680 --> 22:04.080] It's part of a whole new line of supplements. [22:04.080 --> 22:06.240] There's probiotic and fruit and veggie, too. [22:06.240 --> 22:10.920] NuPro Nutrients from Centrum, look for your $5 coupon in this Sunday's paper. [22:10.920 --> 22:11.920] This is Laura. [22:11.920 --> 22:14.520] Her morning begins with arthritis pain. [22:14.520 --> 22:16.800] That's a coffee and two pills. [22:16.800 --> 22:20.480] The afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. [22:20.480 --> 22:24.680] Evening guests arrive, back to sore knees, back to more pills. [22:24.680 --> 22:26.480] The day is done, but hang on. [22:26.480 --> 22:28.160] Her doctor recommended Aleve. [22:28.160 --> 22:32.560] Just two pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than Tylenol. [22:32.560 --> 22:37.600] This is Laura, who chose two Aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. [22:37.600 --> 22:40.640] Get an Aleve coupon in this Sunday's paper. [22:40.640 --> 22:45.680] We were flattered when Regenerist beat $100 cream, flabbergasted when we creamed a $500 [22:45.680 --> 22:46.680] cream. [22:46.680 --> 22:51.120] For about $30, Regenerist Microsculpting Cream hydrates better than over 20 of America's [22:51.120 --> 22:53.080] most expensive luxury creams. [22:53.080 --> 22:55.080] Fantastic, phenomenal Regenerist. [22:55.080 --> 22:59.640] History repeating itself today in the town of Beebe, Arkansas. [22:59.640 --> 23:03.720] Folks there woke up this morning to find hundreds of dead blackbirds littering their streets. [23:03.720 --> 23:06.800] The same thing happened in Beebe last year, though the number of birds falling from the [23:06.800 --> 23:08.760] skies this time a little smaller. [23:08.760 --> 23:11.960] Animal control experts suspect the birds were spooked by the fireworks. [23:11.960 --> 23:13.680] That's what they said last year, too. [23:13.680 --> 23:14.680] There were plenty of fireworks. [23:14.680 --> 23:18.760] Meantime, elsewhere around the world, spectacular displays lighting up the night skies, everywhere [23:18.760 --> 23:22.680] from Sydney, where one and a half million people turned out, to Seattle, where the Space [23:22.680 --> 23:25.120] Needle provided a glorious launching point. [23:25.120 --> 23:29.080] 250,000 people filled the streets of London to see a dazzling display. [23:29.080 --> 23:34.400] And in Las Vegas, police cleared a four-mile section of the strip for a spectacular display [23:34.400 --> 23:36.360] in Vegas, too. [23:36.360 --> 23:39.640] Prince Philip made his first official public appearance today after spending four days [23:39.640 --> 23:41.560] in the hospital for a heart procedure. [23:41.560 --> 23:45.840] The 90-year-old walked 400 yards to attend traditional New Year's Day services with the [23:45.840 --> 23:46.840] Queen. [23:46.840 --> 23:47.840] Great to see. [23:47.840 --> 23:50.500] When we come back here on World News, we were so impressed by your three words. [23:50.500 --> 23:55.200] With so many of you sent in on Facebook, online, you're about to see the range of your three [23:55.200 --> 23:58.280] words in a moment. [23:58.280 --> 23:59.280] My name's Jeff. [23:59.280 --> 24:02.880] I'm a dad, coach, and I quit smoking with Chantix. [24:02.880 --> 24:06.600] Knowing that I could smoke during the first week was really important to me. [24:06.600 --> 24:09.880] Along with support, Chantix has proven to help people quit smoking. [24:09.880 --> 24:14.520] Chantix reduced my urge to smoke, and personally, that's what I knew I needed. [24:14.520 --> 24:18.560] Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood [24:18.560 --> 24:22.080] and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping Chantix. [24:22.080 --> 24:25.800] If you notice any of these, stop taking Chantix and call your doctor right away. [24:25.800 --> 24:29.320] Tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could [24:29.320 --> 24:31.180] get worse while taking Chantix. [24:31.180 --> 24:34.320] Don't take Chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. [24:34.320 --> 24:38.040] If you develop these, stop taking Chantix and see your doctor right away, as some can [24:38.040 --> 24:39.040] be life-threatening. [24:39.040 --> 24:42.060] If you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new [24:42.060 --> 24:43.180] or worse symptoms. [24:43.180 --> 24:45.960] Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. [24:45.960 --> 24:48.280] Use caution when driving or operating machinery. [24:48.280 --> 24:51.520] Common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping, and unusual dreams. [24:51.520 --> 24:54.960] These are the reasons I quit smoking. [24:54.960 --> 24:58.200] Ask your doctor if Chantix is right for you. [24:58.200 --> 25:03.320] While some fiber ads use supermodels, Metamucil uses super hardworking psyllium fiber, which [25:03.320 --> 25:06.780] gels to remove unsexy waste and reduce cholesterol. [25:06.780 --> 25:11.080] Taking psyllium fiber won't make you a model, but you should feel a little more super. [25:11.080 --> 25:15.000] Metamucil, down with cholesterol. [25:15.000 --> 25:20.000] Do you have an irregular heartbeat called atrial fibrillation or a-fib that's not caused [25:20.000 --> 25:21.600] by a heart valve problem? [25:21.600 --> 25:25.400] Are you taking Warfarin to reduce your risk of stroke caused by a clot? [25:25.400 --> 25:27.460] You should know about Pradaxa. [25:27.460 --> 25:31.920] An important study showed that Pradaxa 150 milligrams reduced stroke risk 35 percent [25:31.920 --> 25:32.920] more than Warfarin. [25:32.920 --> 25:36.240] And with Pradaxa, there's no need for those regular blood tests. [25:36.240 --> 25:38.640] Pradaxa is progress. [25:38.640 --> 25:42.200] Pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. [25:42.200 --> 25:46.760] Don't take Pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding and seek immediate medical care for unexpected [25:46.760 --> 25:49.640] signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. [25:49.640 --> 25:54.240] Pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have kidney problems or [25:54.240 --> 25:59.160] a bleeding condition like stomach ulcers, or if you take aspirin products, NSAIDs or [25:59.160 --> 26:00.440] blood thinners. [26:00.440 --> 26:04.680] Tell your doctor about all medicines you take, any planned medical or dental procedures, [26:04.680 --> 26:08.520] and don't stop taking Pradaxa without your doctor's approval, as stopping may increase [26:08.520 --> 26:10.600] your stroke risk. [26:10.600 --> 26:15.740] Other side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. [26:15.740 --> 26:21.680] If you have a fib not caused by a heart valve problem, ask your doctor if Pradaxa can reduce [26:21.680 --> 26:23.440] your risk of a stroke. [26:23.440 --> 26:27.040] For more information or help paying for Pradaxa, visit [26:27.040 --> 26:30.440] Tuesday, here comes the bride. [26:30.440 --> 26:32.520] Did she fall, or was she pushed? [26:32.520 --> 26:33.520] But only one guest. [26:33.520 --> 26:35.480] I got a room full of suspects in that bridal suite. [26:35.480 --> 26:36.480] Who knows what really happened? [26:36.480 --> 26:37.480] I hate weddings. [26:37.480 --> 26:45.400] ABC's Body Approve, all new Tuesday at 10, 9 central. [26:45.400 --> 26:49.720] And finally tonight here, your three words, your own way to say Happy New Year. [26:49.720 --> 26:54.600] We put the call out and so many of you responded with high hopes and great expectations for [26:54.600 --> 27:01.600] the year ahead. [27:01.600 --> 27:25.740] Happy New Year, everybody. [27:31.600 --> 27:36.600] Possibilities are endless. [27:48.600 --> 27:49.600] Say it to the camera. [27:49.600 --> 28:05.600] Happy New Year! [28:05.600 --> 28:13.600] When can I stop? [28:13.600 --> 28:26.600] Get a great job! [28:26.600 --> 28:29.600] In your three words for 2012, thank you for sending them in. [28:29.600 --> 28:32.600] Our three words, simpler, Happy New Year. [28:32.600 --> 28:33.600] Thanks for watching tonight. [28:33.600 --> 28:35.600] Diane Sawyer right here tomorrow night. [28:35.600 --> 29:03.600] From all of us here at ABC News, good night. [29:03.600 --> 29:07.600] This is ABC 7 News at 6. [29:07.600 --> 29:08.600] Good evening and Happy New Year. [29:08.600 --> 29:09.600] I'm John Alston in for Alan Wong. [29:09.600 --> 29:10.600] And I'm Amna Dates. [29:10.600 --> 29:11.600] Thank you for joining us. [29:11.600 --> 29:14.600] First tonight, developing news from the East Bay. [29:14.600 --> 29:19.600] Utility crews are on the scene of a major water main break on the Hercules-Rodeo border. [29:19.600 --> 29:21.600] They tell us that a number of customers are without water. [29:21.600 --> 29:24.600] Now, the broken main is two feet in diameter. [29:24.600 --> 29:27.600] It's near the intersection of Willow Road and Hamilton Avenue. [29:27.600 --> 29:29.600] There are reports of some flooding in the area. [29:29.600 --> 29:33.600] We do have a crew on the way and we will have more on ABC 7 News at 11. [29:33.600 --> 29:36.600] Other news, new rules for shoppers in San Jose tonight. [29:36.600 --> 29:39.600] Plastic bags are no longer an option and paper is going to cost you. [29:39.600 --> 29:40.600] It certainly will. [29:40.600 --> 29:42.600] And not everybody is happy about the change. [29:42.600 --> 29:45.600] ABC 7's Sergio Cantana is live tonight in San Jose. [29:45.600 --> 29:47.600] They'll look at how residents are dealing with this change. [29:47.600 --> 29:48.600] Hi, Sergio. [29:48.600 --> 29:49.600] Yeah, hi, Amma. [29:49.600 --> 29:50.600] Well, I'll tell you what. [29:50.600 --> 29:51.600] Environmentalists probably are happy. [29:51.600 --> 29:54.600] Over the years, they've been attacking the use of these plastic shopping bags [29:54.600 --> 29:56.600] because they're not biodegradable. [29:56.600 --> 29:59.600] Environmentalists say they can be dangerous to waterways.