Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language Detected language: English [00:00.000 --> 00:05.600] all, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or immigration status. [00:05.600 --> 00:14.640] Gavin Newsom for Governor, courage for a change. [00:14.640 --> 00:18.580] On the CBS evening news this Wednesday, as more rescues take place, more bodies have [00:18.580 --> 00:22.460] been recovered following terrible flooding in Texas. [00:22.460 --> 00:26.280] What forced the First Lady's plane to make an emergency landing? [00:26.280 --> 00:31.200] An eye on America, our undercover cameras are there as a priest is confronted by two [00:31.200 --> 00:34.840] men who say he sexually abused them as children. [00:34.840 --> 00:39.560] But first, the headlines in 60 seconds. [00:39.560 --> 00:43.280] Severe flooding in Texas, forcing the governor to issue disaster declarations. [00:43.280 --> 00:44.560] It's the home of the Saudi Arabia. [00:44.560 --> 00:49.440] I want to find out what happened. [00:49.440 --> 00:53.240] The Secret Service says it is now reviewing an incident in which an agent blocked CBS [00:53.240 --> 00:58.960] News correspondent, Errol Barnett, from trying to question Jared Kushner. [00:58.960 --> 01:04.720] 18 people are dead and dozens hurt after a gunman opened fire at a vocational college [01:04.720 --> 01:05.720] in Crimea. [01:05.720 --> 01:08.120] Police say it is not terror related. [01:08.120 --> 01:12.520] The top U.S. burger chains were graded on their antibiotic policies in a new report. [01:12.520 --> 01:14.720] Only two chains received an A grade. [01:14.720 --> 01:17.920] The other 23 got a D minus or an F. [01:17.920 --> 01:27.200] From a stick to Shake Shack, in Canada, the first legal purchase of marijuana has officially [01:27.200 --> 01:28.200] been made. [01:28.200 --> 01:29.200] I'm so excited. [01:29.200 --> 01:34.680] You want to be able to tell your kids that you were there for this moment. [01:34.680 --> 01:35.680] Good evening. [01:35.680 --> 01:37.640] I'm Jeff Glore and this is our Western edition. [01:37.640 --> 01:41.560] We are going to begin tonight in Texas, which has been hit by devastating flooding. [01:41.560 --> 01:44.080] There have been high water rescues and evacuations. [01:44.080 --> 01:48.560] At least two people have been killed and at least 12 million people live in areas impacted [01:48.560 --> 01:53.720] by this and what has been the region's wettest fall season on record. [01:53.720 --> 01:56.760] Some towns have gotten nearly a foot of rain this week. [01:56.760 --> 01:59.560] The crush of water washed away one bridge. [01:59.560 --> 02:03.520] Mark Strassman is in the Flood Zone. [02:03.520 --> 02:07.320] Central Texas has so much flood water with no place to go. [02:07.320 --> 02:12.740] The Leno River, still roaring and still causing havoc to communities. [02:12.740 --> 02:16.580] At least two deaths have been blamed on the flood waters. [02:16.580 --> 02:21.960] We came across a rescue team who found two men trapped in their submerged SUV, nosed [02:21.960 --> 02:24.840] down in a street that had washed away. [02:24.840 --> 02:28.580] One of dozens of rescues over the last couple of days. [02:28.580 --> 02:33.480] Most of this excess water has flowed into Bloated Lake Travis, engineered to relieve [02:33.480 --> 02:34.480] the water pressure. [02:34.480 --> 02:36.160] How fast did the water come up? [02:36.160 --> 02:40.400] I would say it probably came up five or six feet in a matter of 15 minutes. [02:40.400 --> 02:45.320] On Tuesday morning, Scott Turner's family of four discovered the Leno River had surged [02:45.320 --> 02:50.160] a half mile into their house, ruining almost everything they own. [02:50.160 --> 02:53.600] When the water came up in the house and we got out, it was probably almost up to past [02:53.600 --> 02:54.600] our ankles. [02:54.600 --> 02:55.600] Time to go. [02:55.600 --> 02:56.600] Time to go. [02:56.600 --> 02:59.520] We got the dogs out and that was it. [02:59.520 --> 03:04.460] The Turners had no flood insurance, a costly reality for other families here. [03:04.460 --> 03:09.760] From our drone camera, you can get a sense of the power and the scale of the overflowing [03:09.760 --> 03:11.160] Leno River. [03:11.160 --> 03:13.800] And the worst may be yet to come, Jeff. [03:13.800 --> 03:16.800] There's more rain in the forecast through Saturday. [03:16.800 --> 03:17.800] Wow. [03:17.800 --> 03:18.800] Take a look at that. [03:18.800 --> 03:19.800] Mark Strassman. [03:19.800 --> 03:20.800] Thank you. [03:20.800 --> 03:25.920] Turkish crime scene investigators today searched the home of a Saudi official in Istanbul 15 [03:25.920 --> 03:30.040] days after the disappearance of Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi. [03:30.040 --> 03:33.440] Turkish officials claim the Saudis executed Khashoggi. [03:33.440 --> 03:36.720] President Trump is urging patience in the investigation. [03:36.720 --> 03:40.000] Holly Williams reports from Istanbul. [03:40.000 --> 03:45.160] I want to find out what happened, where is the fault, and we will probably know that [03:45.160 --> 03:46.480] by the end of the week. [03:46.480 --> 03:51.720] Today, President Trump denied giving cover to Saudi Arabia in the disappearance of Jamal [03:51.720 --> 03:56.840] Khashoggi, once again playing up the lucrative economic relationship. [03:56.840 --> 04:04.080] When I went there, they committed to purchase $450 billion worth of things and $110 billion [04:04.080 --> 04:05.920] worth of military. [04:05.920 --> 04:11.400] But it was only today, more than two weeks after Khashoggi disappeared, that Saudi Arabia [04:11.400 --> 04:17.240] finally gave Turkish forensics investigators access to the Saudi Consul General's residence [04:17.240 --> 04:18.920] in Istanbul. [04:18.920 --> 04:24.040] Khashoggi visited the Saudi consulate on October 2nd and then went missing. [04:24.040 --> 04:29.040] Turkish officials have told journalists they believe he was killed inside the consulate. [04:29.040 --> 04:34.440] Unverified reports have suggested that Khashoggi's body may have been disposed of at the Consul [04:34.440 --> 04:36.040] General's residence. [04:36.040 --> 04:42.640] We have an audio recording from inside the consulate of Khashoggi being killed. [04:42.640 --> 04:49.640] Some reports, which we cannot verify, include grisly details of him being dismembered. [04:49.640 --> 04:53.480] President Trump confirmed today that the US has asked to hear it. [04:53.480 --> 04:57.040] I'm not sure yet that it exists, probably does, possibly does. [04:57.040 --> 05:01.800] The New York Times reported that one of the suspects is a forensics doctor and another [05:01.800 --> 05:06.640] has links to Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. [05:06.640 --> 05:11.800] But the Crown Prince and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were all smiles when they met [05:11.800 --> 05:12.800] yesterday. [05:12.800 --> 05:17.240] Pompeo said today that Saudi leaders had given him their word. [05:17.240 --> 05:21.640] They'll fully investigate Khashoggi's disappearance. [05:21.640 --> 05:27.080] An editorial in The Washington Post, the paper for which Jamal Khashoggi wrote, accused the [05:27.080 --> 05:32.080] Trump administration of a, quote, diplomatic cleanup operation. [05:32.080 --> 05:33.080] Jeff. [05:33.080 --> 05:34.080] All right. [05:34.080 --> 05:35.080] Holly Williams. [05:35.080 --> 05:36.080] Thank you much. [05:36.080 --> 05:38.840] And Coach Norah O'Donnell, former vice president in Trump leaders. [05:38.840 --> 05:45.320] I just don't know why this administration seems to feel the need to coddle autocrats [05:45.320 --> 05:46.320] and dictators. [05:46.320 --> 05:48.080] I don't understand it. [05:48.080 --> 05:51.120] Why do you think President Trump does that? [05:51.120 --> 05:58.480] I don't want to speculate on my worst fears, but either he doesn't know what he's doing [05:58.480 --> 06:06.060] or he has an absolutely convoluted notion of what allows America to lead the world. [06:06.060 --> 06:09.880] You can see more of Norah's interview with the former vice president tomorrow on CBS [06:09.880 --> 06:11.760] This Morning. [06:11.760 --> 06:14.120] There was a scare in the air today for the first lady. [06:14.120 --> 06:16.760] Chip Reid has that story. [06:16.760 --> 06:23.000] First Lady Melania Trump boarded a Boeing 757 this morning for a quick trip to Philadelphia. [06:23.000 --> 06:27.640] About 10 minutes after takeoff, the traveling press watched as Secret Service agents suddenly [06:27.640 --> 06:32.600] headed toward the front of the plane, then saw a thin haze of smoke and smelled something [06:32.600 --> 06:33.600] burning. [06:33.600 --> 06:36.240] The plane quickly returned to Joint Base Andrews. [06:36.240 --> 06:39.160] The first lady spoke to President Trump by phone. [06:39.160 --> 06:40.160] She got in another plane. [06:40.160 --> 06:42.480] I said, I hope this plane's better than the first one. [06:42.480 --> 06:47.400] Problem, the White House says, was a minor mechanical issue, preliminary reports indicate [06:47.400 --> 06:50.700] a piece of communications equipment overheated. [06:50.700 --> 06:53.680] There are four 757s kept at Andrews. [06:53.680 --> 06:58.720] The Air Force says President Trump has never flown on this plane, but he has used other [06:58.720 --> 07:04.240] 757s when airports can't handle the 747 jumbo jet. [07:04.240 --> 07:06.480] How reliable are these planes? [07:06.480 --> 07:08.440] These are very reliable airplanes. [07:08.440 --> 07:12.440] Mark Rosenkirr is the former head of the White House military office. [07:12.440 --> 07:20.680] I don't think you can find a more reliable aircraft, a safer aircraft, a more well-trained [07:20.680 --> 07:21.680] crew. [07:21.680 --> 07:24.080] I'm sorry for a little delay. [07:24.080 --> 07:29.600] After eventually making it to Philadelphia for a conference on newborns exposed to opioids, [07:29.600 --> 07:31.720] Mrs. Trump returned. [07:31.720 --> 07:37.120] The 757s and more than half a dozen other smaller jets are available to dozens of senior [07:37.120 --> 07:42.000] government officials, but because a single flight can cost tens of thousands of dollars [07:42.000 --> 07:46.560] or more, the White House says requests for those planes are carefully reviewed. [07:46.560 --> 07:47.560] Jeff? [07:47.560 --> 07:49.040] Chipri, thank you. [07:49.040 --> 07:54.340] Today, state lawmakers in Pennsylvania debated a key recommendation of the grand jury that [07:54.340 --> 07:58.200] revealed decades of sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests. [07:58.200 --> 08:03.200] It would open a two-year window for anyone now over 30 to sue over abuse suffered as [08:03.200 --> 08:04.800] a child. [08:04.800 --> 08:07.080] That includes the two men you're about to meet. [08:07.080 --> 08:11.760] Our undercover cameras captured their extraordinary confrontation with a priest they say abused [08:11.760 --> 08:13.040] them as children. [08:13.040 --> 08:17.840] The two survivors asked us to record it to help other victims of abuse. [08:17.840 --> 08:25.320] Nikki Battiste has the story and the video in tonight's Eye on America. [08:25.320 --> 08:26.720] I don't have happy memories here. [08:26.720 --> 08:27.720] Neither do I. [08:27.720 --> 08:31.400] I mean, when I think of grade school, I think of this. [08:31.400 --> 08:32.920] I think of the abuse. [08:32.920 --> 08:37.000] This is the first time Shosalina together in nearly 30 years. [08:37.000 --> 08:40.040] We drive by something that most people just drive by. [08:40.040 --> 08:44.840] We see it, and you have these feelings of being 12 years old again. [08:44.840 --> 08:49.560] They've come to sit down face to face with Father George Koharczyk, their former teacher [08:49.560 --> 08:53.080] who they say molested them in a Catholic grade school. [08:53.080 --> 08:56.520] Doherty says the abuse began at age 10. [08:56.520 --> 09:01.560] At what point did you start to think George was doing something wrong? [09:01.560 --> 09:07.400] After the second or third time you're on his lap in his car and he accidentally brushes [09:07.400 --> 09:13.560] his thumb and hand against your penis, you start to think, yeah, this is different. [09:13.560 --> 09:18.680] Until then, I was in sixth grade, and that's when the actual physical abuse began. [09:18.680 --> 09:20.120] We were kids. [09:20.120 --> 09:21.720] That was our normal. [09:21.720 --> 09:26.160] But they never talked about the abuse and eventually went their separate ways until [09:26.160 --> 09:30.780] 2012, when Koharczyk made front page headlines. [09:30.780 --> 09:34.520] Doherty later admitted to abusing at least five children. [09:34.520 --> 09:44.560] I picked up the phone a million times to call George Koharczyk, but I never did. [09:44.560 --> 09:45.560] George. [09:45.560 --> 09:46.560] Until now. [09:46.560 --> 09:49.560] This is Sean Doherty calling. [09:49.560 --> 09:52.880] I think it would be beneficial to talk to him. [09:52.880 --> 09:55.200] Doherty finally asked Koharczyk to meet. [09:55.200 --> 09:58.480] The key, Doherty wanted the meeting recorded. [09:58.480 --> 10:03.200] They hope a conversation with their abuser shown publicly will give other victims the [10:03.200 --> 10:06.800] courage to come forward as well. [10:06.800 --> 10:11.000] Before the meeting, CBS News set up hidden cameras. [10:11.000 --> 10:12.000] What's up, George? [10:12.000 --> 10:13.000] How you doing? [10:13.000 --> 10:14.000] Have a seat. [10:14.000 --> 10:15.000] How you doing? [10:15.000 --> 10:16.000] I don't know if Brian's going to be ready to shake yet. [10:16.000 --> 10:17.000] All right. [10:17.000 --> 10:18.000] Have a seat. [10:18.000 --> 10:22.600] So we'll try to make this as least awkward as possible, I guess. [10:22.600 --> 10:39.800] I mean, you're not still active, are you? [10:39.800 --> 10:41.080] What was it about us? [10:41.080 --> 10:44.760] Is it more convenience because we live close to the school? [10:44.760 --> 10:51.160] Or was there something else about Sean and I that made us a target? [10:51.160 --> 10:54.640] No, it was familiarity, maybe. [10:54.640 --> 10:55.960] I'm going to tell you this. [10:55.960 --> 10:59.400] I'm angry with what you did, right? [10:59.400 --> 11:00.400] I'm angry. [11:00.400 --> 11:06.240] But I have forgiven you a long, long, long time ago for this, right? [11:06.240 --> 11:09.680] The part that I cannot forgive is the cover-up. [11:09.680 --> 11:12.040] I am, that crushed me. [11:12.040 --> 11:16.720] We were taught to, oh, there's a God, there's, I mean, I tried to kill myself over this when [11:16.720 --> 11:19.800] I was 24, legit. [11:19.800 --> 11:24.200] When you first started having those feelings, did you feel like, should I talk to someone [11:24.200 --> 11:29.040] or, I mean, it could have saved 10 of us. [11:29.040 --> 11:33.920] If there is something that you see as a, as if we're going to call the bishop up and say [11:33.920 --> 11:45.440] anything about it, because then you're, yeah, that's good, thank you, then you run the risk [11:45.440 --> 11:49.720] of, well, being dismissed or whatever. [11:49.720 --> 11:53.360] Is this something that you would have confessed, any confessional? [11:53.360 --> 11:55.640] Oh, I have, yes. [11:55.640 --> 11:57.680] Do you think that's forgiven you? [11:57.680 --> 12:04.520] Yeah, from what I understand, God's forgiveness to me, so. [12:04.520 --> 12:07.800] Maybe with God. [12:07.800 --> 12:08.800] I can't. [12:08.800 --> 12:12.360] I have to carry this rest of my life. [12:12.360 --> 12:26.000] His buried emotion's surface needed a moment to himself. [12:26.000 --> 12:32.040] I came to tell you, I don't want to think about you anymore. [12:32.040 --> 12:35.120] I can't forgive you. [12:35.120 --> 12:39.640] Doherty and Sabo ended the meeting nearly 90 minutes later. [12:39.640 --> 12:46.440] We gave Koharchik another opportunity to speak after he declined our request for an [12:46.440 --> 12:47.440] interview. [12:47.440 --> 12:49.200] Nikki Battiste with CBS News. [12:49.200 --> 12:52.880] Why did you come to meet with Sean and Brian? [12:52.880 --> 12:58.720] Nothing, nothing you want to say to your victims? [12:58.720 --> 13:02.440] I just successfully met with the guy that abused me and got to say everything that I [13:02.440 --> 13:03.440] wanted to say to him. [13:03.440 --> 13:08.440] He got it off my chest and I'm at peace right now. [13:08.440 --> 13:13.440] I made sure I told him the pain you've caused, I'm giving it back to you, and you said you [13:13.440 --> 13:16.480] understood for whatever reason. [13:16.480 --> 13:20.920] Way that other people could see that other victims could hear. [13:20.920 --> 13:26.560] So they could see the other victims who were betrayed and who are vulnerable to see his [13:26.560 --> 13:28.360] vulnerability. [13:28.360 --> 13:41.720] And that's a long damn road, but you can, can regain your control over your own life. [13:41.720 --> 13:46.080] Doherty and Sabo told us they were frustrated that George Koharchik would not address whether [13:46.080 --> 13:52.320] or not he knew why he was moved from parish to parish seven times, or Jeff, if the church [13:52.320 --> 13:54.160] knew about his abusive behavior. [13:54.160 --> 13:56.680] So Nikki, where is George Koharchik now? [13:56.680 --> 13:58.380] He is living freely at home. [13:58.380 --> 14:03.160] He was removed from ministry, but he has never been charged because the statute of limitations [14:03.160 --> 14:04.160] has run out. [14:04.160 --> 14:05.160] Okay. [14:05.160 --> 14:07.040] Nikki Batiste with our Eye on America report tonight. [14:07.040 --> 14:09.680] Nikki, thank you. [14:09.680 --> 14:13.920] Still ahead here tonight on the CBS Evening News, why most burger chains flunked a test [14:13.920 --> 14:16.200] by consumer groups. [14:16.200 --> 14:19.040] Our dad was in the hospital. [14:19.040 --> 14:20.040] Because of smoking. [14:20.040 --> 14:21.040] Still had to have a cigarette. [14:21.040 --> 14:22.040] Had to. [14:22.040 --> 14:25.160] But then we were like, what are we doing? [14:25.160 --> 14:29.000] The Nicoderm CQ patch helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. [14:29.000 --> 14:30.000] Nicoderm CQ. [14:30.000 --> 14:32.400] You know why, we know how. [14:32.400 --> 14:37.120] The day after chemo shouldn't mean going back to the doctor just for a shot. [14:37.120 --> 14:40.660] With Nulasta On Pro, patients get their day back. [14:40.660 --> 14:43.960] To be with family or just to sleep in. [14:43.960 --> 14:47.020] Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. [14:47.020 --> 14:53.680] In a key study, Nulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%, a 94% decrease. [14:53.680 --> 14:58.640] Nulasta On Pro is designed to deliver Nulasta the day after chemo and is used by most patients [14:58.640 --> 14:59.640] today. [14:59.640 --> 15:02.960] Nulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. [15:02.960 --> 15:06.520] Do not take Nulasta if you're allergic to it or neupogen filgrastin. [15:06.520 --> 15:08.920] An incomplete dose could increase infection risk. [15:08.920 --> 15:13.240] Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, [15:13.240 --> 15:16.520] kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. [15:16.520 --> 15:20.000] Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor [15:20.000 --> 15:21.000] right away. [15:21.000 --> 15:24.880] In patients with sickle cell disorders, serious sometimes fatal crises can occur. [15:24.880 --> 15:27.200] The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. [15:27.200 --> 15:29.440] Ask your doctor about Nulasta On Pro. [15:29.440 --> 15:32.720] Pay note with copay card. [15:32.720 --> 15:37.480] We're in Memphis, Tennessee, a city with one of the highest increases of women-owned businesses [15:37.480 --> 15:38.760] in the U.S. [15:38.760 --> 15:43.180] It's really this constant juxtaposition when you're a mom and entrepreneur. [15:43.180 --> 15:47.480] With more businesses starting every day, how do they plan for their financial wellness? [15:47.480 --> 15:56.720] I am very mindful of the sacrifices that I made, so I have to manage my time wisely. [15:56.720 --> 15:58.520] Plan your financial life with Prudential. [15:58.520 --> 16:03.360] Bring your challenges. [16:03.360 --> 16:04.720] Make a smart choice. [16:04.720 --> 16:09.320] Replace a day with Glucerna, made with carb study to help manage blood sugar, and end [16:09.320 --> 16:11.920] the day with a smile. [16:11.920 --> 16:12.920] Glucerna. [16:12.920 --> 16:16.120] Everyday progress. [16:16.120 --> 16:20.520] President Trump today presented the nation's highest military honor to a Vietnam veteran [16:20.520 --> 16:23.760] who risked his life to save fellow Marines. [16:23.760 --> 16:26.440] David Martin has his story. [16:26.440 --> 16:31.480] Eighty years old and looking as though he could still lead Marines into combat, retired [16:31.480 --> 16:37.720] Sergeant Major John Canley received the Medal of Honor for his actions in the 1968 Battle [16:37.720 --> 16:38.720] of Hue. [16:38.720 --> 16:42.840] We'll get to the details in a moment. [16:42.840 --> 16:45.600] But here's what you really need to know about what happened. [16:45.600 --> 16:53.440] I can't think of any other way or reason of where I would rather die than with my Marines. [16:53.440 --> 16:56.160] Did you think you were going to die that day? [16:56.160 --> 16:58.000] That never crossed my mind. [16:58.000 --> 17:02.480] Canley was leading his Marines into the teeth of a North Vietnamese ambush on the southern [17:02.480 --> 17:04.360] outskirts of Hue. [17:04.360 --> 17:10.920] My troops would follow me to death, so if they are in a position where it's that they [17:10.920 --> 17:16.040] might die, what am I supposed to do? [17:16.040 --> 17:21.080] According to statements submitted by his men, what he did was repeatedly expose himself [17:21.080 --> 17:24.480] to enemy fire to pull wounded Marines to safety. [17:24.480 --> 17:26.520] They're still alive, right? [17:26.520 --> 17:28.040] So I'm going to try to get to them. [17:28.040 --> 17:33.640] Eyewitnesses saw him pull at least 10 wounded Marines to safety, charge a machine gun that [17:33.640 --> 17:39.360] had them pinned down, and deliberately expose himself to fire in order to pinpoint enemy [17:39.360 --> 17:41.280] locations. [17:41.280 --> 17:46.360] But he hates being singled out from all the other Marines who did their time in Nam. [17:46.360 --> 17:54.360] When you look at what type of award or what type of recognition they received, it's nothing. [17:54.360 --> 17:57.680] That really offends me. [17:57.680 --> 18:03.120] The Marines who followed him into battle, Canley says, were the source of his courage. [18:03.120 --> 18:07.840] Knowing that there was 100 percent behind me, fear never existed. [18:07.840 --> 18:12.200] David Martin, CBS News, Washington. [18:12.200 --> 18:17.280] Coming up next here, what's behind the skyrocketing number of migrant families crossing the border [18:17.280 --> 18:18.280] illegally? [18:18.280 --> 18:19.280] She's doing it again. [18:19.280 --> 18:20.280] No cover-up spray here. [18:20.280 --> 18:32.280] It's the irresistibly fresh scent of Febreze Aerofax. [18:32.280 --> 18:35.960] Cheaper aerosols can cover up odors, bearing the smell in a flowery fog. [18:35.960 --> 18:38.000] Switch to Febreze Aerofax. [18:38.000 --> 18:41.800] Febreze eliminates even the toughest odors from the air, and it uses an all-natural [18:41.800 --> 18:44.680] propellant to leave behind a pleasant scent you'll love. [18:44.680 --> 18:47.360] Use anywhere odors can spread, freshen up. [18:47.360 --> 18:48.360] Don't cover up. [18:48.360 --> 18:49.920] Febreze Aerofax. [18:49.920 --> 18:53.200] Insurance that won't replace the full value of your new car, you're better off throwing [18:53.200 --> 18:55.200] your money right into the harbor. [18:55.200 --> 18:57.960] I'm gonna regret that. [18:57.960 --> 19:01.960] With Liberty Mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. [19:01.960 --> 19:05.040] Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. [19:05.040 --> 19:07.160] Ways to lose stubborn belly fat. [19:07.160 --> 19:13.040] The roasted core wrap. [19:13.040 --> 19:14.040] Not cool. [19:14.040 --> 19:17.320] Freezing away fat cells with CoolSculpting, now that's cool. [19:17.320 --> 19:22.840] CoolSculpting safely freezes and removes fat cells with little or no downtime and no surgery. [19:22.840 --> 19:25.040] Results and patient experience may vary. [19:25.040 --> 19:28.520] Some common side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. [19:28.520 --> 19:32.960] Ask your doctor if CoolSculpting is right for you, and visit today [19:32.960 --> 19:50.520] for your chance to win a free treatment. [19:50.520 --> 19:54.740] With Advil, you'll ask, what's sore muscles? [19:54.740 --> 19:56.840] What pounding head? [19:56.840 --> 20:00.000] Advil is relief that's fat strength that lasts. [20:00.000 --> 20:02.520] You'll ask, what pain? [20:02.520 --> 20:03.520] With Advil. [20:03.520 --> 20:05.960] I'm not made for this. [20:05.960 --> 20:06.960] That's Jake's worry monster. [20:06.960 --> 20:11.120] I was thrilled when he had his health scare, but now he runs and drinks palm and nothing [20:11.120 --> 20:12.760] I say makes him worry anymore. [20:12.760 --> 20:13.760] Watch. [20:13.760 --> 20:14.760] Jake, don't run too hard. [20:14.760 --> 20:15.760] You're gonna chafe. [20:15.760 --> 20:16.760] You'll chafe. [20:16.760 --> 20:21.680] Cripes, is that my pulse? [20:21.680 --> 20:26.160] It's a lot easier to make decisions when you know what comes next. [20:26.160 --> 20:31.760] If you move your old 401k to a Fidelity IRA, we make sure you're in the loop at every [20:31.760 --> 20:32.760] step. [20:32.760 --> 20:36.320] From the moment you decide to move your money, to the instant your new retirement account [20:36.320 --> 20:37.320] is funded. [20:37.320 --> 20:41.360] And at Fidelity, you'll see how all your investments are working together. [20:41.360 --> 20:49.200] Because when you know where you stand, things are just clearer. [20:49.200 --> 20:51.680] In an emergency, seconds matter. [20:51.680 --> 20:53.960] That's why Prop 6 is so dangerous. [20:53.960 --> 20:58.560] There are more than 3,600 deaths on California roads every year. [20:58.560 --> 21:02.960] Money caused by bad infrastructure to eliminate more than a billion, obligated to fixing roads, [21:02.960 --> 21:04.640] bridges, and infrastructure. [21:04.640 --> 21:09.080] That delays emergency response times and puts Californians at risk. [21:09.080 --> 21:12.760] Getting to the scene quickly could mean the difference between life and death. [21:12.760 --> 21:18.400] Join public safety leaders, no on 6. [21:18.400 --> 21:23.440] The number of migrant families entering the U.S. illegally surged last month to record [21:23.440 --> 21:24.440] levels. [21:24.440 --> 21:30.320] Nearly 17,000 families were arrested, according to government figures obtained by the Washington [21:30.320 --> 21:31.320] Post. [21:31.320 --> 21:35.280] The increase began when the Trump administration stopped separating migrant families entering [21:35.280 --> 21:36.280] illegally. [21:36.280 --> 21:41.440] Chances are that fast food burger you like is loaded with antibiotics that were fed to [21:41.440 --> 21:45.880] cattle and could cause drug-resistant infections in humans. [21:45.880 --> 21:52.160] A report today by consumer groups found burgers at 22 of the top 25 chains, including McDonald's [21:52.160 --> 21:54.360] and Burger King, contain antibiotics. [21:54.360 --> 21:57.040] And thus were given failing grades, Fs. [21:57.040 --> 22:00.400] Wendy's got a D- for partially removing antibiotics. [22:00.400 --> 22:04.600] Shake Shack and Burger Fi were the only chains free of them. [22:04.600 --> 22:10.400] They got an A. Tonight's Powerball jackpot is at least $345 million. [22:10.400 --> 22:11.580] That is not bad. [22:11.580 --> 22:13.680] But how about $900 million? [22:13.680 --> 22:15.660] That is the jackpot for Friday's mega-millions. [22:15.660 --> 22:19.720] That is the second largest jackpot in U.S. history. [22:19.720 --> 22:22.840] Up next here, the biggest TV star you've never seen. [22:22.840 --> 22:26.800] He's waiting in the wings. [22:26.800 --> 22:31.120] This portion of the CBS Evening News is sponsored by Tums. [22:31.120 --> 22:35.520] Fights heartburn fast. [22:35.520 --> 22:39.200] Heartburn and gas? [22:39.200 --> 22:40.200] Fight both fast. [22:40.200 --> 22:41.200] Tums Chewy Bites with gas relief. [22:41.200 --> 22:47.000] All-in-one relief of heartburn and gas. [22:47.000 --> 22:50.240] Tums Chewy Bites with gas relief. [22:50.240 --> 22:53.200] This place isn't for me. [22:53.200 --> 22:56.080] That last place was pretty nice. [22:56.080 --> 22:59.400] I don't like this whole thing. [22:59.400 --> 23:04.400] I think we can do better. [23:04.400 --> 23:05.400] Change is hard. [23:05.400 --> 23:08.400] Try to keep open. [23:08.400 --> 23:12.680] Principal, we can help you plan for that. [23:12.680 --> 23:16.960] We've transformed this home to show the new Keurig K-Cafe Brewer is so easy, it makes any [23:16.960 --> 23:17.960] house a coffee house. [23:17.960 --> 23:20.560] Whiskey and coffee house is open. [23:20.560 --> 23:25.360] Pop that in for a coffee or brew a shot and froth fresh milk for a latte or cappuccino. [23:25.360 --> 23:26.760] Easy peasy. [23:26.760 --> 23:27.760] Now she's a barista. [23:27.760 --> 23:32.040] We've got the best coffee in the world being made by an underskilled staff. [23:32.040 --> 23:33.040] Excellent. [23:33.040 --> 23:34.040] It's so frothy. [23:34.040 --> 23:35.040] A little piece of heaven. [23:35.040 --> 23:36.040] Thank you. [23:36.040 --> 23:37.040] But how's the coffee? [23:37.040 --> 23:38.040] Latte for no one. [23:38.040 --> 23:39.040] Nelson. [23:39.040 --> 23:40.040] Sorry? [23:40.040 --> 23:41.040] That's for Nelson. [23:41.040 --> 23:42.040] Latte for Nelson. [23:42.040 --> 23:52.080] Thank you. [23:52.080 --> 23:56.760] Carla is living with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that is... She's also [23:56.760 --> 24:01.320] taking prescription Ibrans with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women [24:01.320 --> 24:06.120] with hormone receptor positive, HER2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal [24:06.120 --> 24:07.320] based therapy. [24:07.320 --> 24:11.840] Ibrans plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression [24:11.840 --> 24:13.400] versus letrozole. [24:13.400 --> 24:16.940] Patients taking Ibrans can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious [24:16.940 --> 24:18.920] infections that can lead to death. [24:18.920 --> 24:23.560] Before taking Ibrans, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills or other signs of infection, [24:23.560 --> 24:27.720] liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding or plan to become pregnant. [24:27.720 --> 24:31.560] Common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, [24:31.560 --> 24:36.480] tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning [24:36.480 --> 24:40.040] or loss, vomiting, rash and loss of appetite. [24:40.040 --> 24:45.840] Carla calls it her new normal because a lot has changed, but a lot hasn't. [24:45.840 --> 24:50.800] Ask your doctor about Ibrans, the number one prescribed FDA approved oral combination [24:50.800 --> 25:02.680] treatment for HR positive, HER2 negative MBC. [25:02.680 --> 25:03.680] Feeling unsure? [25:03.680 --> 25:07.680] What if you had some help? [25:07.680 --> 25:14.480] Introducing the new 2019 Ford Edge with the confidence of Ford Co-Pilot 360 technology, [25:14.480 --> 25:23.320] the most available driver assist technology in its class, the new 2019 Ford Edge. [25:23.320 --> 25:28.640] There's a lot to love about Medicare, also a lot to know. [25:28.640 --> 25:30.120] Like it doesn't pay for everything. [25:30.120 --> 25:31.120] Yep. [25:31.120 --> 25:33.280] You're on the hook for the rest. [25:33.280 --> 25:38.880] So consider an AARP Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan insured by United Health Care Insurance [25:38.880 --> 25:44.360] Company, the only plans of their kind endorsed by AARP. [25:44.360 --> 25:49.960] A plan like this helps pay some of what Medicare doesn't, so you could end up paying less. [25:49.960 --> 25:55.880] Call United Health Care Insurance Company today for your free decision guide. [25:55.880 --> 25:59.560] Breaking news, a violent sexual assault near a South Bay church. [25:59.560 --> 26:03.240] And just in the last few hours in arrest, we're live in San Jose. [26:03.240 --> 26:04.240] Next. [26:04.240 --> 26:07.960] His voice is instantly recognizable. [26:07.960 --> 26:10.160] So is the suit he wears to work. [26:10.160 --> 26:13.840] But most folks couldn't tell you his name or pick him out of a lineup. [26:13.840 --> 26:15.320] Now he's retiring. [26:15.320 --> 26:17.200] So maybe it's time you met him. [26:17.200 --> 26:18.200] Here's Tony DeCople. [26:18.200 --> 26:23.360] I'll bet today will be a perfect day. [26:23.360 --> 26:26.760] He's had one of the longest runs in television history. [26:26.760 --> 26:28.680] I'm a very good bird. [26:28.680 --> 26:33.800] You know, we're not talking about the eight foot bird, but the voice inside him. [26:33.800 --> 26:36.160] I just go a couple of octaves higher. [26:36.160 --> 26:37.160] So hello. [26:37.160 --> 26:38.160] How are you? [26:38.160 --> 26:39.160] How are you? [26:39.160 --> 26:40.160] I go up here. [26:40.160 --> 26:42.280] And it sounds cuter without me trying. [26:42.280 --> 26:43.280] Oh boy. [26:43.280 --> 26:49.440] Since 1969, it's been puppeteer Carol Spinney giving life to Big Bird. [26:49.440 --> 26:50.440] They say, what do you do? [26:50.440 --> 26:52.960] I said, well, you've heard of Sesame Street. [26:52.960 --> 26:54.540] I'm Big Bird. [26:54.540 --> 26:55.680] And this, no. [26:55.680 --> 27:00.480] It was Spinney operating the beak with his right hand and the wings with his left who [27:00.480 --> 27:07.240] changed Big Bird from a goofy adult into America's most innocent six-year-old. [27:07.240 --> 27:09.880] I love to move to the music, love to tap out a beat. [27:09.880 --> 27:14.160] I think we should play him like he's a kid, just a really tall kid. [27:14.160 --> 27:22.760] The job has taken him around the world and into our living rooms, where he also played [27:22.760 --> 27:26.400] another memorable character, Oscar the Grouch. [27:26.400 --> 27:30.240] Who is kicking my can? [27:30.240 --> 27:33.480] Both roles will be taken over by understudies. [27:33.480 --> 27:38.340] And Spinney, now 84, will be left to look back on his success. [27:38.340 --> 27:40.080] He still pinches himself. [27:40.080 --> 27:43.320] Not so it hurts, but because it doesn't have to. [27:43.320 --> 27:46.380] It puts a smile on my face. [27:46.380 --> 27:52.600] And ours, as Big Bird might say, toot-a-loo, Mr. Spinney, toot-a-loo. [27:52.600 --> 27:56.840] Tony DeCoppo, CBS News, New York. [27:56.840 --> 27:58.200] That is the evening news. [27:58.200 --> 27:59.200] I'm Jeff Glor. [27:59.200 --> 28:00.200] Good night. [28:00.200 --> 28:01.200] Co-op! [28:01.200 --> 28:02.200] Co-op! [28:02.200 --> 28:03.200] Cooperation! [28:03.200 --> 28:04.200] Co-op! [28:04.200 --> 28:05.200] Co-op! [28:05.200 --> 28:06.200] Co-op! [28:06.200 --> 28:07.200] Co-op! [28:07.200 --> 28:08.200] Co-op! [28:08.200 --> 28:09.200] Co-op! [28:09.200 --> 28:10.200] Co-op! [28:10.200 --> 28:35.320] Okay, we're going to talk about cars today. [28:35.320 --> 28:40.360] If you were going to design your perfect car, which three features would you choose? [28:40.360 --> 28:41.360] Safety with the kids. [28:41.360 --> 28:42.360] Fuel. [28:42.360 --> 28:43.360] Affordable price. [28:43.360 --> 28:45.960] My dream car would have all of these things. [28:45.960 --> 28:48.920] What if I told you that there was a car that did have everything? [28:48.920 --> 28:49.920] Seriously? [28:49.920 --> 28:50.920] Okay. [28:50.920 --> 28:52.120] This is the Chevy Cruze. [28:52.120 --> 28:53.120] Go Chevy! [28:53.120 --> 28:57.200] Get in Cruze models when you finance with GM Financial. [28:57.200 --> 29:04.320] Find new roads at your local Chevy dealer. [29:04.320 --> 29:05.840] We begin with breaking news. [29:05.840 --> 29:11.480] A violent sexual assault near a South Bay church, now late word of an arrest. [29:11.480 --> 29:14.520] The suspect was taken into custody just hours ago. [29:14.520 --> 29:19.600] This attack happened behind Liberty Baptist Church on South King Road in San Jose. [29:19.600 --> 29:24.680] Police say the suspect lured the victim into a secluded area and then assaulted her. [29:24.680 --> 29:30.200] KPIX 5's Joe Vasquez is live outside the San Jose Police Department and he's got the latest. [29:30.200 --> 29:31.480] Joe? [29:31.480 --> 29:34.480] San Jose police just announced the arrest. [29:34.480 --> 29:39.880] They described the attack as violent and they say it was a teenage girl that was the victim. [29:39.880 --> 29:47.040] He just crossed paths and he engaged her and shortly after is when the incident occurred. [29:47.040 --> 29:51.840] According to San Jose police, 20-year-old Esteban Mosqueda faces several felony charges [29:51.840 --> 30:07.880] for the sexual assault of a 17-year-old girl.