Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language Detected language: English [00:00.000 --> 00:06.280] for a free consultation. Go to's Dine Around the Bay to purchase half-price restaurant gift certificates. [00:12.480 --> 00:19.520] A water main break in Hercules is causing a massive leak there. Cron4's dial-in shows us the work being done to fix the break. [00:20.160 --> 00:25.960] A large water line that broke here in the town of Roedale is causing problems for some East Bay Mud customers. [00:25.960 --> 00:35.560] A spokeswoman for the water company says shortly after 3 o'clock today, they received a lot of calls from customers in Roedale and Hercules reporting a drop in water pressure. [00:35.560 --> 00:45.400] After sending a crew out here near the intersection of Willow Avenue and Hawthorne Drive, they found a large water line about 24 inches in diameter had burst. [00:45.400 --> 00:51.400] Aside from a drop in water pressure, a couple of East Bay Mud customers also reported getting dirty water. [00:51.400 --> 00:58.760] An East Bay Mud spokeswoman says the rupture is also affecting a nearby Conoco Philips refinery and C&H Sugar. [00:58.760 --> 01:08.040] Crews have shut off that 24-inch line and the water is now leaking into Roedale Creek. Many residents say the water pressure is slowly returning to normal. [01:08.040 --> 01:19.720] Relieved? Yeah, because we need the water to cook and take a shower. It seems to be pretty normal. We have water, we have electricity, everything. [01:19.720 --> 01:27.400] East Bay Mud is trying to find out what caused that line to rupture and they're not exactly sure when they'll have that line replaced or fixed. [01:27.400 --> 01:30.920] In Roedale, I'm Darlene Cronfor News. [01:30.920 --> 01:38.600] A Nevada man is in jail after an early morning DUI crash sent a teenager to the hospital. Cronfor's Maureen Kelley explains what happened. [01:38.600 --> 01:48.520] Here you can see the driver stumbling during his field sobriety test conducted just minutes after police say he crashed his car into a 15-year-old boy. [01:48.520 --> 01:54.600] The point one five, he was almost double the legal limit. That's extremely drunk. You're not able to really function. [01:54.600 --> 02:05.400] The unidentified teenager who was struck had been walking with a group of four other kids as they attempted to cross this intersection of East Washington and Edith at 1238 this morning. [02:05.400 --> 02:13.320] The 15-year-old was the first one to try and cross. This orange X you see on the ground is where he was walking when the car hit him. [02:13.320 --> 02:22.440] There are no stoplights or stop signs here at this busy intersection but police say cars in three of the four lanes on this street stopped to let the group cross. [02:22.440 --> 02:31.240] But the suspect driving here in this fourth lane apparently didn't see the teenagers or the other stop traffic and kept on driving. [02:31.240 --> 02:38.840] Here you can see where the victim smashed against the suspect vehicle's front windshield. The boy was transported by ambulance with a broken leg. [02:38.840 --> 02:44.520] Police say the suspect, 20-year-old Wesley Pickford, had a clean driving record up to this point. [02:44.520 --> 02:52.200] He was booked into the Sonoma County Jail for felony DUI. It's a charge which could result in very serious and expensive consequences. [02:52.200 --> 03:01.320] You know DUIs can run anywhere from like in a legal defense for ten thousand dollars and anytime you're talking about felonies there's a possibility of going to state prison. [03:01.320 --> 03:03.080] Maureen Kelly, Cronfour News. [03:03.080 --> 03:10.280] A Stockton woman is in jail accused of driving drunk then hitting and killing a pedestrian while her four children were in the car with her. [03:10.280 --> 03:14.520] Police say the 29-year-old hit the man just outside his home on New Year's Eve. [03:14.520 --> 03:21.080] The suspect faces charges of vehicular manslaughter, felony drunk driving and endangering her children. [03:21.080 --> 03:24.680] A new law that went into effect today targets repeat drunk drivers. [03:24.680 --> 03:30.760] Any Californian who is convicted of a DUI three or more times could have their license suspended for up to ten years. [03:30.760 --> 03:35.400] That law was created after a San Mateo man was arrested for his ninth DUI. [03:35.400 --> 03:39.160] One of the bill's authors is San Mateo Assemblyman Jerry Hill. [03:39.160 --> 03:43.080] Another new law in San Jose bans plastic bags from all stores. [03:43.080 --> 03:46.840] Craig Sklar shows us what that means to the average grocery shopper. [03:49.080 --> 03:52.120] No more paper or plastic. Now it's paper or bring your own. [03:53.800 --> 04:00.040] This save mart store in East San Jose was ready, offering free reusable canvas bags for early customers to use from now on. [04:00.040 --> 04:01.880] After that, you'll have to buy them yourself. [04:01.880 --> 04:03.960] So plastic bags are out. So your choices? [04:03.960 --> 04:07.320] Well, you can go paper bags, which you gotta pay a dime every time you use one, [04:07.320 --> 04:11.080] or a reusable canvas bag, but you gotta remember to bring it with you to the store every time. [04:12.600 --> 04:16.280] Most customers are saying they accept the change in the name of protecting the environment [04:16.280 --> 04:19.320] and the landfills from endless discarded plastic bags. [04:19.320 --> 04:21.640] That's why San Jose passed a law in the first place. [04:21.640 --> 04:26.680] It's nothing new to me. I mean, I've been using these for a couple years now, so it's no really biggie to me. [04:26.680 --> 04:33.080] It's better than having those plastic bags and just going to the creeks and, you know, [04:33.080 --> 04:35.800] hurt the environment. So this is a good way to go. [04:35.800 --> 04:39.000] Some, though, are irritated. They like the convenience of plastic. [04:39.000 --> 04:44.040] They're more handy. To me, they are. A lot of people hate them, but I don't. I enjoy the plastic bags. [04:44.040 --> 04:47.880] Critics say the law just adds cost to businesses and hardship for customers. [04:47.880 --> 04:51.320] But Sunnyvale and Monterey will be joining San Jose and San Francisco, [04:51.320 --> 04:53.560] with bans going into effect later this year. [04:53.560 --> 04:58.360] So remember to bring your reusable bag. It's likely to become a regular part of your shopping life. [04:58.360 --> 05:00.600] In San Jose, Craig Sparkler on 4 News. [05:00.600 --> 05:06.520] Banana Sam the monkey is back home tonight at the San Francisco Zoo after he was stolen two days ago. [05:06.520 --> 05:11.000] Police say the 17-year-old squirrel monkey was found by a man at a nearby park. [05:11.000 --> 05:14.360] The man lured the pocket-sized primate into his backpack. [05:14.360 --> 05:16.600] Police are not sure exactly who took the monkey. [05:16.600 --> 05:24.360] However, the zoo has increased security because vandals cut two holes in the mesh of the monkey exhibit to get that monkey out. [05:24.360 --> 05:30.760] He was trembling and hungry last night, but I'm pretty pleased to report that he is in good health and calm today. [05:30.760 --> 05:34.120] He's eating well. His stool is fine. He looks to be in great health. [05:34.120 --> 05:38.360] Well, we received a call from the police last night that someone had called into them [05:38.360 --> 05:42.040] and had been able to lure a squirrel monkey back into a knapsack. [05:42.040 --> 05:44.280] The police are still investigating the matter. [05:44.280 --> 05:50.760] All I know is that the call was made from Stern Grove, so allegedly the monkey was found in Stern Grove. [05:50.760 --> 05:53.960] We were very fearful, but we're grateful. He seems to be in good shape. [05:53.960 --> 05:57.160] He unfortunately is on his own right now as we examine him, [05:57.160 --> 06:00.920] and we hope we can return him back to his fellow colleagues here at the exhibit. [06:00.920 --> 06:03.160] How long will he be in quarantine? [06:03.160 --> 06:07.240] You know, it can be anywhere up to 30 days, depending on how he responds to medical tests. [06:07.240 --> 06:09.800] We hope it's sooner than that, of course, though. [06:09.800 --> 06:13.560] Back in 2000, another animal was stolen from the San Francisco Zoo. [06:13.560 --> 06:17.880] A mother koala and her baby were taken from their enclosure in 2000. [06:17.880 --> 06:20.040] They were later found in a San Francisco home. [06:20.040 --> 06:21.080] They were okay but hungry. [06:21.080 --> 06:25.800] They had been taken by two teenagers who wanted to give them to their girlfriends for Christmas. [06:29.400 --> 06:32.120] Gorgeous weather for this first day of 2012. [06:32.120 --> 06:36.600] We had mostly sunny skies and some warm temperatures that made it up into the 60s [06:36.600 --> 06:37.720] in a lot of locations. [06:37.720 --> 06:41.720] Upper 60s, even 70 degrees for Mountain View today. [06:41.720 --> 06:47.640] These readings running about 10 degrees above normal in a lot of spots around the Bay Area, [06:47.640 --> 06:53.480] and it's going to remain on the warm side through this coming week, the first week of 2012. [06:53.480 --> 06:55.800] The mild temperatures continue into this evening. [06:55.800 --> 06:58.760] Right now, lots of spots checking in in the 50s. [06:58.760 --> 07:03.080] It's 54 degrees in San Francisco as well as Mountain View, San Jose right now, [07:03.080 --> 07:09.480] 53, and the overnight lows for tonight and into tomorrow morning will be relatively mild as well. [07:09.480 --> 07:13.080] We're going to see increasing low clouds as we go into tonight [07:13.080 --> 07:16.760] and some valley fog developing for the North Bay Valleys. [07:16.760 --> 07:20.600] Santa Rosa and Fairfield could see some low visibility for tomorrow morning. [07:20.600 --> 07:22.760] Temperatures not as cold as what we've seen. [07:22.760 --> 07:27.640] Mid 40s, San Francisco and Oakland, coolest spots in the North Bay into the mid 30s. [07:27.640 --> 07:33.560] Now going through the day, we're going to see some high clouds, sunshine mixed with the clouds [07:33.560 --> 07:36.280] through the day as a weather system makes its way through the Bay Area. [07:36.280 --> 07:39.880] Any chance for wet weather, though, is going to stay two hour north. [07:39.880 --> 07:42.840] Look for high temperatures, not quite as warm as what we've seen, [07:42.840 --> 07:46.280] but still pretty nice, upper 50s and low 60s. [07:46.280 --> 07:49.320] I'll talk more about the weather for this first week of 2012. [07:49.320 --> 07:50.520] Coming up, Vicki. [07:50.520 --> 07:54.440] Well, the Oakland Raiders needed a win today for a chance to get into the playoffs. [07:54.440 --> 07:56.920] Despite a late push, they just couldn't get it done. [07:56.920 --> 08:00.280] San Diego Chargers defeating the Raiders 38 to 26. [08:00.920 --> 08:03.000] 49ers are already in the playoffs today. [08:03.000 --> 08:07.640] They played to keep their second seed, which means a bye in the first round of the playoffs. [08:07.640 --> 08:09.960] The Niners defeated the St. Louis Rams today. [08:09.960 --> 08:15.480] They will play Saturday, January 14th against either the Falcons, Giants or Cowboys. [08:16.520 --> 08:21.560] Coming up on Cron 4 News at 8, we look at who the top contenders are to win the Iowa caucus. [08:22.520 --> 08:29.240] San Francisco skyline will soon change once SF MoMA opens up its new museum in this location. [08:29.240 --> 08:31.080] Coming up, we'll show you what it will look like. [08:31.080 --> 08:35.560] And we'll tell you how to get cash from any gift cards you received this holiday season. [08:37.160 --> 08:38.280] Start your day in four. [08:38.280 --> 08:40.360] Start with us on the Cron 4 Morning News. [08:43.000 --> 08:48.440] This holiday, treat yourself to the gift of driving from Mazda, the company obsessed with it. [08:48.440 --> 08:52.680] Like the 2012 Mazda 3 with revolutionary Skyactiv technology, [08:52.680 --> 08:56.440] combining 40 miles per gallon highway with uncompromised performance. [08:56.440 --> 09:01.800] We've wrapped up the 2012 Mazda 3 with 1.9% APR for 60 months, plus no payments for 90 days, [09:01.800 --> 09:03.240] but only through January 3rd. [09:03.240 --> 09:06.280] If it's not worth driving, it's not worth building. [09:06.280 --> 09:08.120] We build Mazdas. [09:08.120 --> 09:09.240] What do you drive? [09:09.240 --> 09:36.600] So-so. [09:36.600 --> 09:41.800] Hurry into the BMW Mission to Drive sales event for an up to $2,500 credit toward a new BMW. [09:43.480 --> 09:46.440] I fix up cars to sell them, but Mako paints them first. [09:46.440 --> 09:47.480] It increases their value. [09:48.280 --> 09:51.480] Maybe I should go to Mako instead of trading in my old SUV. [09:51.480 --> 09:53.160] They were great after my accident. [09:53.160 --> 09:55.960] Yes, Mako restores the color and the shine. [09:55.960 --> 09:56.920] It'll look almost new. [09:56.920 --> 09:59.880] So I went to Mako and sold my car for top dollar. [09:59.880 --> 10:00.680] Naturally. [10:00.680 --> 10:02.600] Act now and you can save too. [10:02.600 --> 10:05.320] Mako's most popular paint service is now half price. [10:05.320 --> 10:06.600] That's right, half price. [10:06.600 --> 10:08.200] Now only $299. [10:08.200 --> 10:09.000] Come in today. [10:09.000 --> 10:10.680] You don't want to miss our half price sale. [10:10.680 --> 10:12.520] Whatever your uh-oh, better get Mako. [10:14.920 --> 10:18.440] I'm away on a movie shoot and it hasn't been going exactly as planned. [10:20.440 --> 10:22.600] I thought we'd be on location for three days. [10:22.600 --> 10:24.040] It's been three weeks. [10:24.040 --> 10:26.120] So I had to pick up some more things. [10:26.120 --> 10:28.360] Good thing I've got the city simplicity card. [10:28.360 --> 10:36.280] I don't get hit with a fee if I'm late with a payment, which is good because on this job, [10:36.280 --> 10:37.960] I may not be home for a while. [10:37.960 --> 10:39.480] The new city simplicity card. [10:39.480 --> 10:41.800] No late fees, no penalty rate, no worries. [10:46.360 --> 10:47.800] Now to decision 2012. [10:47.800 --> 10:51.880] A final push from the Republican presidential candidates before the Iowa caucus. [10:51.880 --> 10:54.440] And with only two days to go, a new poll suggests [10:54.440 --> 10:58.840] Mitt Romney and Ron Paul will battle it out for the top spot. [10:58.840 --> 11:01.480] Barbara Hall shows us where the candidates are stumping today. [11:03.080 --> 11:08.760] A political fight to the finish line before the first real voting of the 2012 presidential race. [11:08.760 --> 11:13.800] The latest Des Moines Register poll shows Mitt Romney and Ron Paul neck and neck. [11:13.800 --> 11:16.520] Paul says his campaign is picking up momentum. [11:16.520 --> 11:21.800] We're doing very, very well and people should just be a little bit patient. [11:21.800 --> 11:25.160] You know, on Tuesday, we're going to find out a lot more about the future of this election. [11:25.160 --> 11:28.760] Rival Mitt Romney is narrowly leading among caucus goers. [11:28.760 --> 11:33.880] On Sunday, he picked up another endorsement from Iowa newspaper, the Quad City Times. [11:33.880 --> 11:38.840] Former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania grounded out the top three in the poll. [11:38.840 --> 11:43.320] My surge is going to come on January 3rd after the people of Iowa do what they do, [11:43.320 --> 11:47.480] which is actually analyze the candidates, figure out where their positions are, [11:47.480 --> 11:52.440] find out who's the right leader, who's got what it takes to defeat Barack Obama and to [11:52.440 --> 11:53.400] lead this country. [11:53.400 --> 11:55.480] Iowa's governor seems to agree. [11:55.480 --> 12:03.080] My goal is, as governor, unite the Republican Party, attract the independents and defeat Obama. [12:03.080 --> 12:04.840] We launched him, we want to sink him. [12:04.840 --> 12:07.320] Also on the campaign trail Sunday, Newt Gingrich, [12:07.320 --> 12:12.920] Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann stumping in Iowa, while Jon Huntsman focuses on New Hampshire, [12:12.920 --> 12:15.320] which votes a week after the Iowa caucus. [12:15.320 --> 12:18.600] Barbara Hall, Cron 4 News. [12:18.600 --> 12:21.080] The rush to tie the knot in paradise. [12:21.080 --> 12:25.720] Coming up, we'll show you the first same-sex civil unions now official in Hawaii. [12:26.520 --> 12:28.920] A storm system offshore for tonight. [12:28.920 --> 12:30.200] It's headed toward the West Coast. [12:30.200 --> 12:48.280] I'll let you know where the rain is headed with this storm coming up. [12:48.280 --> 12:53.560] Get 500 bonus cash on Ultima or 0% financing on Rogue. [12:53.560 --> 12:55.640] Visit [12:55.640 --> 12:57.640] Test drive at your local Nissan dealer. [12:57.640 --> 13:12.520] Hurry in! [13:12.520 --> 13:15.160] Secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. [13:15.160 --> 13:16.440] It's not just irritating. [13:18.680 --> 13:20.760] It can cause heart disease and even death. [13:24.040 --> 13:25.800] Speak up about secondhand smoke. [13:25.800 --> 13:33.160] Your health and the health of your family depend on it. [13:56.120 --> 13:56.760] Chevy Cruze. [13:56.760 --> 14:01.880] Very well qualified with seats can sign and drive a 2012 Cruze LS for around $199 a month. [14:01.880 --> 14:02.360] Hurry. [14:02.360 --> 14:03.560] Offering is January 3rd. [14:08.200 --> 14:10.520] It's called the Munchy Mobile. [14:10.520 --> 14:14.040] I built it to give people a taste of my newly revamped classics. [14:14.040 --> 14:17.000] I've got a 100% beef patty that's seasoned while it cooks. [14:17.000 --> 14:21.000] It makes my jumbo jack, ultimate cheeseburger and sourdough jack better than ever. [14:21.000 --> 14:21.800] Real tasty. [14:22.360 --> 14:23.400] Crazy good. [14:23.400 --> 14:24.040] Insane. [14:24.040 --> 14:24.920] This is good. [14:24.920 --> 14:25.800] Really, really good. [14:27.000 --> 14:27.800] Juicy as hell. [14:34.600 --> 14:37.080] If a new Honda isn't sitting in your driveway by now, [14:37.080 --> 14:39.880] then perhaps I failed to convey the proper sense of urgency. [14:39.880 --> 14:41.320] Cue dramatic music. [14:41.320 --> 14:43.640] In a short time, happy Honda days will be over. [14:43.640 --> 14:44.600] More dramatic. [14:44.600 --> 14:49.000] Taking with it your chance to get one of the most incredible deals all year on a Honda. [14:49.000 --> 14:49.320] Poof! [14:49.960 --> 14:52.680] Going up faster than a match to dry Evergreen. [14:52.680 --> 14:53.560] There's still time. [14:53.560 --> 14:54.680] But it's running out. [14:55.560 --> 14:56.440] Show offer card. [14:57.960 --> 14:59.240] Quit reading the fine print. [14:59.240 --> 14:59.960] It's a great deal. [14:59.960 --> 15:01.400] Get your Honda dealer already. [15:04.120 --> 15:07.640] History was made in Hawaii today after the stroke of midnight. [15:07.640 --> 15:12.280] Several same-sex couples took advantage of a new law that allows civil unions. [15:12.280 --> 15:14.280] Dick Allgeier was there for the celebration. [15:15.240 --> 15:21.320] We now pronounce that you are legally joined as partners in life. [15:21.320 --> 15:29.000] After midnight, in the opening moments of 2012, [15:29.000 --> 15:32.840] the first civil unions became official in Honolulu. [15:32.840 --> 15:36.120] The event was held at a beautiful private home in Aina Haina. [15:36.120 --> 15:42.200] It was organized by a number of gay, lesbian, and transgender activist and support groups. [15:42.200 --> 15:44.440] The celebration began on New Year's Eve. [15:44.440 --> 15:49.240] There was a party, a recognition ceremony to honor those who have fought for civil unions [15:49.240 --> 15:52.600] for so many years, and then the unions. [15:52.600 --> 15:56.040] Without beginning or end, they symbolize eternity. [15:56.760 --> 16:00.360] Reverends from local churches presided over the civil unions. [16:00.360 --> 16:05.240] The couple said they wanted their unions to become official as soon as possible. [16:05.240 --> 16:09.960] We really don't want to wait any longer because we have been together for 33 years, [16:10.520 --> 16:18.120] waiting for the opportunity and our rights and everything that goes with it. [16:18.120 --> 16:20.520] So, why wait? [16:20.520 --> 16:26.120] The historic part of it for me is that to be one of the first to open that door [16:26.120 --> 16:30.920] so that the rest of them after us, you know, there's others out there that want to do this [16:30.920 --> 16:35.480] and they can, I can show them, you know, we can show them, you know, hey, you love somebody, [16:35.480 --> 16:38.120] you have the right to be with them the rest of your life also. [16:38.920 --> 16:41.400] They say the official recognition is important. [16:41.960 --> 16:47.000] It means that our state supports us and that's a really good feeling [16:47.000 --> 16:53.080] after all this time and it'll be that much easier for those who come after us. [16:53.960 --> 16:56.680] And they have a message to other same-sex couples. [16:57.240 --> 17:02.920] Our message is go for the gusto, like they say in Hawaii, go for broke. [17:04.760 --> 17:05.480] Don't be ashamed. [17:06.760 --> 17:09.800] Hawaii is not the only state allowing same-sex unions. [17:09.800 --> 17:18.280] Delaware saw 400 people tie the knot today thanks to their new law. [17:18.280 --> 17:22.840] Well, here's the view from Twin Peaks this afternoon for San Francisco this January 1st, [17:22.840 --> 17:23.640] 2012. [17:23.640 --> 17:27.640] A beautiful day, mostly sunny skies and the temperature in San Francisco up to [17:28.360 --> 17:30.120] 61 degrees. [17:30.120 --> 17:34.920] So, we're starting off dry and warm and that's the way it's been lately around here. [17:34.920 --> 17:38.040] Right now, live San Francisco looking at the Embarcadero and by the way, [17:38.040 --> 17:43.880] this very shot last night on Cronford at midnight, a beautiful fireworks display over the city. [17:43.880 --> 17:46.440] And we have some more nice weather to talk about for tonight. [17:46.440 --> 17:48.440] Temperatures in the 50s right now. [17:48.440 --> 17:53.960] It is mild, Ocean Beach 53 degrees, Berkeley at 54, Pittsburgh and Petaluma cooler, [17:53.960 --> 17:57.080] but still not too bad in the mid 40s. [17:57.080 --> 18:01.720] Here's the satellite view and we have a weather system offshore for tonight. [18:01.720 --> 18:08.040] This system though, like we've seen so much of lately is going to stay to the north. [18:08.040 --> 18:09.400] That's where all the rain is going to be. [18:09.400 --> 18:13.080] We're going to see some cloudiness out of this for tomorrow. [18:13.080 --> 18:16.600] So, as we go through the night tonight, look for the clouds to increase. [18:16.600 --> 18:22.520] We'll wake up to mostly cloudy skies for tomorrow morning and then look for partly sunny skies [18:22.520 --> 18:23.240] in the afternoon. [18:23.240 --> 18:28.040] So, it'll be a mixture of sunshine and high thin clouds and this dry weather we've seen [18:28.040 --> 18:31.800] is going to stick around at least through next weekend. [18:31.800 --> 18:37.000] So, no relief in sight from this spell of rain free days. [18:37.000 --> 18:41.480] Here's futurecast midnight tonight and we'll watch the clouds increase as we go through [18:41.480 --> 18:42.440] the overnight hours. [18:42.440 --> 18:43.640] There it comes. [18:43.640 --> 18:47.400] All the rain up here around Eureka to the north of Ukiah. [18:47.400 --> 18:51.320] There originally was a chance for showers around Santa Rosa, but that is now out of [18:51.320 --> 18:52.040] the forecast. [18:52.040 --> 18:56.520] Look for clouds in the morning, partly sunny afternoon and then the clouds will clear out [18:56.520 --> 18:58.280] for tomorrow night. [18:58.280 --> 19:03.320] And as far as the rainfall totals go for December, one of the driest December's on record. [19:03.320 --> 19:08.440] Oakland, San Jose and Santa Rosa picking up less than a tenth of an inch for the entire [19:08.440 --> 19:08.760] month. [19:08.760 --> 19:13.240] Typically, we see much more than that and a lot of locations around the Bay Area. [19:13.240 --> 19:16.280] It was the second driest December on record. [19:16.280 --> 19:18.920] Now, for tomorrow morning, cloudy skies, mostly cloudy. [19:18.920 --> 19:23.880] Could see some fog here in the North Bay Valleys, Fairfield, Santa Rosa, mid to upper 30s, low [19:23.880 --> 19:29.240] to mid 40s by the Bay with highs in the afternoon not quite as warm because of the cloud cover, [19:29.240 --> 19:31.640] upper 50s and low 60s. [19:32.440 --> 19:37.880] And looking ahead at the next seven days, this first week of 2012, well, it's looking [19:37.880 --> 19:38.360] pretty nice. [19:38.360 --> 19:43.960] We're going to see dry conditions once again and morning fog, afternoon sunshine through [19:43.960 --> 19:49.400] much of this week and continued warm temperatures, mid to upper 60s for Tuesday and Wednesday. [19:49.400 --> 19:51.720] There's a system coming by for Thursday. [19:51.720 --> 19:56.280] All the rain stays to the north with that one as well and dry weather through next weekend. [19:56.280 --> 19:56.600] Vicki? [19:57.400 --> 20:01.400] Make them and break them seems to be the theme for many of us who make promises for the new [20:01.400 --> 20:03.240] year only to stumble weeks later. [20:03.240 --> 20:08.040] But as Karen Kayfa tells us in this week's Clicked In, your smartphone could be your [20:08.040 --> 20:09.320] resolution solution. [20:13.480 --> 20:15.960] Out with old habits, in with the new. [20:15.960 --> 20:21.800] I'm going to join a gym and become more active. [20:21.800 --> 20:25.320] I'm going to try to drink more water because I drink too much diet soda. [20:25.320 --> 20:30.040] New Year's resolutions are easy to make and even easier to break. [20:30.040 --> 20:32.680] Have you guys ever had a resolution that you didn't quite stick with? [20:32.680 --> 20:33.320] Yes. [20:33.320 --> 20:33.880] What was that? [20:33.880 --> 20:34.600] Going on a diet. [20:35.720 --> 20:38.120] It was to stop biting my nails, but then they worked out. [20:38.120 --> 20:41.640] So what if you had a reminder in your pocket every day? [20:41.640 --> 20:47.320] That's the goal of smartphone apps like Resolutions 2012, which lets users choose goals, [20:47.320 --> 20:51.640] identify habits they need to change to meet them, and track progress. [20:52.200 --> 20:55.080] Weight loss is a popular resolution each year. [20:55.080 --> 20:59.320] The daily burn app for iPhone manages workouts and calorie counts. [20:59.320 --> 21:04.040] The new weight loss app for Android gives day-by-day tips on eating, working out, [21:04.040 --> 21:05.400] and slimming down. [21:05.400 --> 21:10.200] The My Quick Coach app from Livestrong is for those who want to kick butts in 2012. [21:10.200 --> 21:14.520] The app presents daily guidelines for quitting smoking gradually over time [21:14.520 --> 21:16.520] or helping you go cold turkey. [21:16.520 --> 21:20.680] The quitter app for iPhone tallies how much money you've saved since putting down your [21:20.680 --> 21:21.880] last cigarette. [21:21.880 --> 21:25.480] And keeping a resolution can require a support system. [21:25.480 --> 21:27.560] I want to try to eat healthier. [21:27.560 --> 21:31.080] We've got to be a role model and show them more how to eat healthy. [21:31.080 --> 21:35.640] Try posting your goal on social media so connections can cheer you on. [21:35.640 --> 21:38.040] I'm Karen Kaytha, and you're now clicked in. [21:38.040 --> 21:40.360] Making more room for art in the city. [21:40.360 --> 22:09.000] Coming up, we're going to show you the bigger, better, brand new redesign for SFMOMA. [22:11.080 --> 22:40.280] It's the perfect time to find great deals on the 4G LTE [22:40.280 --> 22:41.720] devices you love. [22:41.720 --> 22:44.840] Like the Droid Bionic by Motorola for $199.99. [22:49.400 --> 22:52.280] Or the Pantech Breakout for $49.99. [22:52.280 --> 22:53.800] Our lowest price ever. [22:53.800 --> 22:57.160] Get the technology you love on the network you deserve. [22:57.160 --> 23:00.600] And for a limited time, get twice the data for the same low price. [23:01.400 --> 23:01.960] Verizon. [23:04.040 --> 23:07.720] This holiday, treat yourself to the gift of driving from Mazda, [23:07.720 --> 23:09.800] the company obsessed with it. [23:09.800 --> 23:12.600] Like the spacious Mazda 6 Sport Sedan. [23:12.600 --> 23:15.160] The five-passenger Mazda CX-7. [23:15.160 --> 23:17.960] And the seven-passenger Mazda CX-9. [23:17.960 --> 23:22.760] We've wrapped up these Mazdas with 0% APR for 60 months plus no payments for 90 days. [23:22.760 --> 23:24.120] But only through January 3rd. [23:24.680 --> 23:27.640] If it's not worth driving, it's not worth building. [23:27.640 --> 23:29.240] We build Mazdas. [23:29.240 --> 23:30.040] What do you drive? [23:32.920 --> 23:36.440] I'd like to think I'm a smart guy and can handle any situation. [23:36.440 --> 23:40.920] But when a drunk driver totaled my motorcycle, my friend insisted that I call attorney Neil [23:40.920 --> 23:44.440] Kovara first before I called my insurance company. [23:44.440 --> 23:48.520] Because even your own insurance company can and will use what you tell them against you. [23:49.160 --> 23:52.680] Neil Kovara's 35-plus years of experience paid off. [23:52.680 --> 23:55.160] I didn't know him a cent until he settled my case. [23:55.160 --> 23:57.800] And he got me a lot more money than the insurance company offered. [23:58.440 --> 24:01.480] Calling attorney Neil Kovara was definitely the smart choice. [24:03.080 --> 24:04.040] Let's go to Vegas. [24:04.040 --> 24:06.760] Come on, let's do it. [24:06.760 --> 24:07.560] Let's go to Vegas. [24:10.440 --> 24:13.480] Maybe we should head back to the dealership first. [24:16.680 --> 24:18.600] No, this is a test drive. [24:18.600 --> 24:19.800] It's practically yours. [24:19.800 --> 24:21.320] But we still need your signature. [24:21.320 --> 24:23.000] Volkswagen Sign & Drive is back. [24:23.000 --> 24:24.920] And it's never been easier to get a Jetta. [24:24.920 --> 24:26.520] That's the power of German engineering. [24:26.520 --> 24:29.160] Get zero first month's payment, zero down, zero security deposit, [24:29.160 --> 24:31.240] and zero do-it-signing on any new Volkswagen. [24:31.240 --> 24:34.360] Visit [24:34.360 --> 24:38.200] Cron 4 News, your source for the most local news in the Bay Area. [24:38.200 --> 24:44.040] From people you know, people you trust, relentless coverage during breaking news, [24:44.040 --> 24:47.240] Cron 4 is the Bay Area's news station. [24:49.400 --> 24:53.480] Now, time for the Cron 4 Tech Report with Gabe Slate. [24:53.480 --> 24:54.440] I'm at SFO. [24:54.440 --> 24:57.400] I've been talking to travelers about this issue. [24:57.400 --> 24:59.960] Most people I talked to were unaware of it. [24:59.960 --> 25:03.000] But they did have a reaction to that and more on that later. [25:03.000 --> 25:04.680] First, here's what's going on. [25:04.680 --> 25:07.960] Google has launched an online flight fare finder service. [25:07.960 --> 25:11.720] You can find it at backslash flights. [25:11.720 --> 25:15.560] It's their version of Expedia, Orbitz, Travelocity, or Kayak. [25:15.560 --> 25:18.760] You just put in the cities you want to fly to and from, [25:18.760 --> 25:21.400] and Google lists out the prices of that flight. [25:21.400 --> 25:24.360] They compare the airlines to find you the cheapest ticket. [25:24.360 --> 25:25.800] If you click on those ticket prices, [25:25.800 --> 25:29.720] you are taken directly to the airline's website to purchase the tickets. [25:29.720 --> 25:31.080] I thought the service was great. [25:31.080 --> 25:33.400] I found it really fast and easy to use. [25:33.400 --> 25:34.600] But here's the problem. [25:34.600 --> 25:36.600] Now that Google has an online travel service, [25:36.600 --> 25:39.960] it puts Google in direct competition with sites like Expedia, [25:39.960 --> 25:43.720] Hotwire, Travelocity, Orbitz, Kayak, and Priceline. [25:43.720 --> 25:48.760] And those websites are claiming that when you do a basic search for travel on, [25:48.760 --> 25:51.880] something like flights from San Francisco to New York, [25:51.880 --> 25:55.080] Google puts its flights fare service higher [25:55.080 --> 25:58.680] within the results than the other online travel websites. [25:58.680 --> 26:00.520] Before Google offered their new service, [26:00.520 --> 26:03.960] sites like Orbitz and Expedia would be up at the top of the results. [26:03.960 --> 26:07.400] These middlemen online travel sites depend on some of their traffic [26:07.400 --> 26:12.120] coming from generic travel searches through Google's search site. [26:12.120 --> 26:13.880] So they're upset and feel it's unfair [26:13.880 --> 26:16.760] that they have been pushed down in the list of results. [26:16.760 --> 26:19.560] In a statement Google sent to me, they said this. [26:19.560 --> 26:20.680] Like any other partner, [26:20.680 --> 26:23.960] Google needs to honor the airline's distribution decisions [26:23.960 --> 26:25.560] with the flight search feature. [26:25.560 --> 26:29.640] That means we currently can only show airlines in the booking links. [26:29.640 --> 26:34.840] We're exploring advertising opportunities within the page to showcase other partners. [26:34.840 --> 26:37.400] So it sounds like Google will try to make it a little more fair [26:37.400 --> 26:39.640] for their competitors in the near future. [26:39.640 --> 26:42.760] This could turn into a Department of Justice antitrust issue. [26:42.760 --> 26:45.160] There could be a big lawn and drawn-out lawsuit. [26:45.160 --> 26:47.080] We'll have to wait and see how this shakes out. [26:47.080 --> 26:49.720] Here at SFO, I talked to travelers about all of this [26:49.720 --> 26:51.800] and several people brought up a good point. [26:51.800 --> 26:54.920] People who use Kayak, Orbitz, Expedia, Travelocity, [26:54.920 --> 26:56.840] these types of sites often, [26:56.840 --> 27:00.040] they just go to those websites to do their travel shopping. [27:00.040 --> 27:02.680] They don't find those sites through a Google search. [27:02.680 --> 27:05.800] So they'll just keep doing what they're doing unaffected. [27:05.800 --> 27:11.400] Google Fairfinder is just now another of the dozen online travel tools that they can use. [27:11.400 --> 27:13.480] Gabe Slate, Cron 4 News. [27:13.480 --> 27:17.000] Could the Sacramento Delta be another Katrina-like flood in the making? [27:17.000 --> 27:19.160] Coming up, we're going to see why experts are worried [27:19.160 --> 27:21.480] about a possible breach in the Delta levees. [27:21.480 --> 27:23.160] Plus, we'll get a look at the new design [27:23.160 --> 27:25.320] for San Francisco's Modern Art Museum. [27:54.120 --> 27:57.240] Hurry into the BMW Mission to Drive sales event [27:57.240 --> 28:24.280] for an up to $2,500 credit toward a new BMW. [28:24.280 --> 28:28.760] Fact is, on your own, there are many things you can do to deter identity theft. [28:28.760 --> 28:31.480] Protect your social security number, be internet savvy, [28:31.480 --> 28:35.880] use intricate passwords, safeguard your person wallet, shred and destroy. [28:35.880 --> 28:38.760] Seriously, are you really going to do all that? [28:38.760 --> 28:41.800] Or do you want someone to help protect you from identity theft? [28:42.520 --> 28:43.560] We're LifeLock. [28:43.560 --> 28:47.080] We offer the most comprehensive identity theft service ever created. [28:47.080 --> 28:51.800] We take proactive steps to deter identity theft to help stop it before it happens. [28:51.800 --> 28:55.560] Expanded alerts now include checking and savings account takeover fraud. [28:55.560 --> 28:58.600] Try LifeLock Ultimate risk-free for a full 60 days. [28:59.240 --> 29:02.280] Someone was trying to open up a consumer account [29:02.280 --> 29:05.880] under my social security number and LifeLock contacted me [29:06.520 --> 29:09.240] and we were able to stop that account from being open. [29:09.240 --> 29:10.600] So why get LifeLock? [29:10.600 --> 29:13.640] You are nearly four times more likely to have your identity stolen [29:13.640 --> 29:15.240] than to have your home burglarized. [29:16.120 --> 29:20.200] At LifeLock, we believe you have the right to live life without having to think twice. [29:20.200 --> 29:23.720] Every time you fill out a form, make a purchase or throw out your mail. [29:24.520 --> 29:26.200] Call today and we will send you this free [29:26.200 --> 29:29.320] comprehensive identity theft protection kit with enrollment. [29:29.320 --> 29:31.320] Don't wait until you become the next victim. [29:32.040 --> 29:35.320] LifeLock your identity today for 60 days risk-free. [29:36.280 --> 29:38.680] Order now and also get this document shredder [29:38.680 --> 29:40.600] to keep your documents out of the wrong hands. [29:41.320 --> 29:43.640] A $29 value, free. [29:43.640 --> 29:49.080] Call 1-800-920-9553 and use promo code ACTFAST. [29:49.080 --> 29:53.000] That's 1-800-920-9553. [29:53.000 --> 29:58.200] 1-800-920-9553 or go to [30:02.440 --> 30:06.840] Federal authorities say they sent fighter jets to check out a plane headed to the Bay Area this [30:06.840 --> 30:10.040] morning. That flight was going to Oakland from Santa Monica. [30:10.040 --> 30:15.000] The FAA says that air traffic controllers lost radio contact with the plane near Ventura. [30:15.000 --> 30:17.480] They sent the jets as a precaution. [30:17.480 --> 30:21.000] Air traffic controllers eventually got into contact with the plane and the jets were called [30:21.000 --> 30:23.640] off. That plane landed in Oakland without incident. [30:24.360 --> 30:28.440] Oakland police are still searching for the person who shot and killed a five-year-old Friday night. [30:28.440 --> 30:30.120] Now they're offering a reward. [30:30.120 --> 30:35.400] Gabriel Martinez Jr. was with his family at the taco truck that they own on International Boulevard. [30:35.400 --> 30:39.960] Police say that the suspect ordered a taco, started eating, then just started shooting. [30:39.960 --> 30:41.400] Gabriel was hit in the stomach. [30:41.400 --> 30:43.640] Police do not know why the man opened fire there, [30:43.640 --> 30:48.840] teaming up with crime stoppers to offer a $25,000 reward for his arrest. [30:48.840 --> 30:51.800] There are several new laws that go into effect today. [30:51.800 --> 30:54.360] Cronford's Alejandra Cerebal tells us what to expect. [30:56.040 --> 31:01.080] California employers will no longer use the federal E-Verify program to determine the [31:01.080 --> 31:06.280] eligibility of employees to work in the U.S. unless it's required by federal law. [31:06.280 --> 31:12.280] And employers will be banned from requesting consumer credit reports to evaluate employees [31:12.280 --> 31:15.800] unless the position they're applying for meets certain criteria. [31:15.800 --> 31:20.360] Now students who enter the country illegally will be eligible to receive [31:20.360 --> 31:23.320] private financial aid at public colleges. [31:23.320 --> 31:28.680] Now when it comes to your car, it can't be impounded at a sobriety checkpoint [31:28.680 --> 31:31.800] if the only offense is not having a valid license. [31:31.800 --> 31:38.840] Now starting January 1st, you can register to vote online and it will be illegal to sell, [31:38.840 --> 31:42.280] sell, trade and distribute shark fins. [31:42.280 --> 31:44.520] Alejandra Cerebal, Cronford News. [31:48.040 --> 31:54.200] Well we have new laws for 2012 with the same weather pattern here as we had last year in 2011. [31:54.200 --> 31:56.040] Very dry and sunny. [31:56.040 --> 32:00.120] Now for tonight, clear skies over the bay but there are some clouds beginning to develop at [32:00.120 --> 32:04.040] the coast and those clouds are forecast to move into the bay overnight tonight. [32:04.040 --> 32:07.320] So for tomorrow morning, it's going to be a mostly cloudy start [32:07.320 --> 32:09.480] with some fog into the North Bay valleys. [32:09.480 --> 32:13.080] Visibility could be limited at times as we go through the day. [32:13.080 --> 32:17.080] We're catching the tail end of a weather system that's going to produce some clouds [32:17.080 --> 32:21.080] but it'll be a mixture of sunshine and some high clouds for the afternoon. [32:21.080 --> 32:25.000] No rain expected from this weather system, at least not here in the bay area. [32:25.000 --> 32:30.680] Temperature wise, 6 a.m., 30s, coolest valleys north and east, 40s by the bay. [32:30.680 --> 32:33.640] And as we get into the afternoon, because of the cloud cover, [32:33.640 --> 32:36.760] the temperatures will not be quite as mild as what we had today. [32:36.760 --> 32:43.240] So look for highs in the upper 50s in blue and some lower 60s in the green for the South Bay. [32:43.240 --> 32:47.320] In the Sierra today, here's Lake Tahoe, heavenly, lots of sunshine. [32:47.320 --> 32:51.480] Temperatures here today in the mid 50s and we're going to see more [32:51.480 --> 32:53.560] warm weather continue for the next few days. [32:53.560 --> 32:59.720] It'll be cloudy for Monday, Tuesday, sunny, possibly some record highs in the mid 50s [32:59.720 --> 33:02.360] and the dry weather continues for this week. [33:02.360 --> 33:05.000] I'll talk more about the forecast coming up in a few minutes. [33:05.000 --> 33:05.400] Vicki? [33:05.400 --> 33:07.560] All right, Brian, well, with the winter rains yet to come, [33:07.560 --> 33:12.600] it's hard to imagine that this was the scene in the Delta just five years ago. [33:12.600 --> 33:18.120] 2006 came in with a huge storm that sent the Sacramento River spilling its banks, [33:18.120 --> 33:21.000] flooding thousands of acres and hundreds of homes. [33:21.000 --> 33:24.680] Now state planners are warning that more than the levees are substandard [33:24.680 --> 33:27.160] and without billions of dollars of repairs, [33:27.160 --> 33:31.320] they represent a danger to lives, agriculture and drinking water supplies. [33:31.320 --> 33:33.480] Cronford's Kathryn Heenan has details. [33:33.480 --> 33:36.760] The damage was easily visible from space. [33:36.760 --> 33:40.680] You can see the Sacramento River spread out over the surrounding countryside. [33:40.680 --> 33:43.080] The warnings have been coming in for years. [33:43.080 --> 33:46.520] There are two kinds of levees, those that have failed and those that will fail. [33:46.520 --> 33:49.480] Now the state has released its first comprehensive plan [33:49.480 --> 33:52.200] for fixing the aging flood control system. [33:52.200 --> 33:56.520] There are about 1500 miles of levees in the Sacramento River Basin. [33:56.520 --> 33:59.800] More than half are classified as higher concern. [33:59.800 --> 34:03.720] The report was commissioned after the Hurricane Katrina disaster. [34:03.720 --> 34:07.000] It says that New Orleans is now protected from the kind of flood [34:07.000 --> 34:09.640] that could come once in 250 years. [34:10.200 --> 34:14.200] St. Louis is protected from a once in 500 year storm. [34:14.200 --> 34:18.200] For Sacramento, it's a once in 85 year storm. [34:18.200 --> 34:20.840] Fixing all of that will take money, of course. [34:20.840 --> 34:24.680] Five years ago, voters approved a $5 billion bond measure. [34:24.680 --> 34:29.720] About half the money has been spent bringing the levee system into the 21st century. [34:29.720 --> 34:34.840] The latest estimate, another $12 billion will be needed to finish the job. [34:34.840 --> 34:39.320] The Central Valley Flood Protection Board has until June to approve that plan. [34:39.320 --> 34:45.080] A Georgia woman says that her two brothers successfully escaped from Alcatraz years ago. [34:45.080 --> 34:49.320] Marie Anglin Widener says that her brothers are two of the three men credited with the [34:49.320 --> 34:51.320] only escape from Alcatraz. [34:51.320 --> 34:55.880] She says that they robbed an Alabama bank with a toy gun back in 1958. [34:55.880 --> 34:58.840] They were captured but kept trying to escape from prison, [34:58.840 --> 35:00.360] so they were sent to Alcatraz. [35:00.360 --> 35:02.680] She believes that they're still alive today. [35:03.880 --> 35:09.400] The only reason they put them in Alcatraz was because they could not keep them [35:09.400 --> 35:10.600] anywhere else they put them. [35:10.600 --> 35:11.880] They kept getting away. [35:11.880 --> 35:12.680] We know they're okay. [35:14.440 --> 35:20.280] Widener plans to come to San Francisco to mark the 50th anniversary of their escape this summer. [35:20.280 --> 35:24.520] The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art is moving ahead with its expansion plans. [35:24.520 --> 35:28.120] Here is a picture of before and after the expansion. [35:28.120 --> 35:31.560] While the Planning Commission has already approved the environmental impact report, [35:31.560 --> 35:35.880] Cron 4's Reggie Kumar shows people the new face of downtown San Francisco. [35:36.440 --> 35:42.440] SFMOMA officials tell Cron 4 when they first moved into the current facilities in 1995, [35:42.440 --> 35:45.000] the museum housed 12,000 works. [35:45.000 --> 35:49.640] Since then, the collection has doubled in size and attendance has tripled. [35:49.640 --> 35:51.800] That's why the new gallery is needed. [35:51.800 --> 35:57.080] It will be constructed between Minna and Howard Streets and connect to the rear of the museum. [35:57.080 --> 36:03.000] Officials say once the new buildings open, they will have 130,000 square feet of space [36:03.000 --> 36:06.840] to enhance exhibits and expand educational programs. [36:06.840 --> 36:11.000] One of the architects said the design responds to the unique physical [36:11.000 --> 36:13.320] and urban terrain of San Francisco. [36:13.320 --> 36:16.200] Some have mixed feelings about how it's going to look. [36:16.200 --> 36:21.720] The first time I looked for the museum, I imagined it to be a unique building. [36:21.720 --> 36:24.040] It didn't really stand out the first time. [36:24.040 --> 36:26.920] I had to ask people, and they're like, oh, it's right there across the street. [36:26.920 --> 36:28.200] I was like, oh, OK, really? [36:28.840 --> 36:33.560] So I think, like, as a tourist from far away and I would see this building, [36:33.560 --> 36:37.720] I would immediately, like, recognize, oh, yeah, it's the museum for the modern arts. [36:37.720 --> 36:40.440] It's not exactly the most beautiful building that I've ever seen, [36:40.440 --> 36:43.800] but San Francisco's known for stepping outside of the box a little bit, [36:43.800 --> 36:46.200] so I don't think it's a horrible addition. [36:46.200 --> 36:51.640] If all goes as planned, the new museum will open up behind the existing one in 2016. [36:51.640 --> 36:54.200] The price tag, $555 million. [36:55.080 --> 36:59.640] Nearly all of the funding is being raised through a private endowment. [36:59.640 --> 37:02.360] This is not a city or state funded project. [37:02.920 --> 37:06.440] In San Francisco, Reggie Kumar, Cron 4 News. [37:06.440 --> 37:08.840] Warning, if you can't pay your creditors coming up, [37:08.840 --> 37:11.880] we're going to introduce you to one guy who ended up in jail. [37:11.880 --> 37:15.080] That is even after he worked out a payment plan with the bill collector. [37:15.800 --> 37:16.920] But if you're short on cash, [37:16.920 --> 37:24.120] we'll show you one way to pull money out of your unwanted gift cards. [37:24.120 --> 37:27.160] And in case you missed last night's New Year's Eve show, [37:27.160 --> 37:28.520] we posted it on our website. [37:28.520 --> 37:32.040] Just go to and click on the New Year's live banner. [37:33.640 --> 37:38.280] Sales so big, up to 70% off at your Bay Area Ashley furniture home store. [37:38.280 --> 37:48.440] Right now, thousands of American workers are building the world's largest fleet [37:50.200 --> 37:51.720] of an amazing aircraft. [37:53.400 --> 37:55.480] The Emirates Boeing 777. [37:57.320 --> 38:02.520] It's the aircraft of tomorrow arriving slightly ahead of schedule. [38:02.520 --> 38:06.760] Flight Emirates. [38:08.440 --> 38:11.400] Now that Christmas is over, it's a great time to come by. [38:11.400 --> 38:14.920] Because it's buy one get one free on everything in the store. [38:14.920 --> 38:17.400] Jeans, dress shirts, even suits. [38:17.400 --> 38:20.440] Everything you wanted for Christmas but didn't get. [38:20.440 --> 38:22.120] You're gonna like the way you look. [38:22.120 --> 38:23.160] I guarantee it. [38:23.800 --> 38:25.400] Holidays were meant for family. [38:26.600 --> 38:29.960] Jeep Grand Cherokee is the most awarded SUV ever. [38:29.960 --> 38:33.000] Jeep Compass gets up the 29 MPG highway. [38:33.000 --> 38:38.360] And the Jeep Wrangler has an all-new powertrain with improved performance and fuel economy. [38:38.360 --> 38:41.480] Season's greetings from our family to yours. [38:41.480 --> 38:45.160] Hurry in, the year's best deals end January 3rd. [38:45.160 --> 38:49.640] During the big finish event, well-qualified last sees get the 2012 Grand Cherokee Laredo [38:49.640 --> 39:00.520] 4x2 for $309 a month. [39:00.520 --> 39:06.840] Sure got a lot of techie gifts this year. [39:06.840 --> 39:08.840] Yep. [39:08.840 --> 39:11.160] Xfinity Internet will get them working better than ever. [39:13.400 --> 39:14.840] Man, it sure gets cold up here, huh? [39:14.840 --> 39:19.800] Why don't you roll up your window? [39:19.800 --> 39:20.360] Yeah! [39:22.120 --> 39:26.120] Bring joy to your toys with Xfinity, the fastest internet provider in the nation. [39:26.120 --> 39:29.160] Easily surf, download music, and share pictures online. [39:29.160 --> 39:31.640] Switch for just $19.99 a month for six months. [39:31.640 --> 39:33.240] Call 1-800-XFINITY today. [39:33.880 --> 39:38.840] A Kansas man is paying a stiff price for furniture he bought back in 2008. [39:38.840 --> 39:42.040] He didn't pay his credit card bills and wound up in jail. [39:42.040 --> 39:45.960] And now he's warning others to pay attention when creditors take legal action. [39:45.960 --> 39:47.080] Mary Snow has more. [39:48.600 --> 39:53.960] For 57-year-old James Davis of Kansas, using a credit card to buy this computer and some [39:53.960 --> 39:57.080] furniture is haunting him in ways he never imagined. [39:57.080 --> 40:02.600] In 2008, when the economy went south, Davis lost his job and fell behind on bills. [40:02.600 --> 40:04.440] The creditor took him to court. [40:04.440 --> 40:07.880] Davis admits he didn't show up, and a bench warrant was issued. [40:07.880 --> 40:12.200] But he says he thought he rectified the situation by reaching a pay plan agreement [40:12.200 --> 40:14.520] until he was arrested in January. [40:14.520 --> 40:15.880] I was confused. [40:15.880 --> 40:17.400] Of course, I was humiliated. [40:21.000 --> 40:24.040] Somewhat mentally disrobed, I guess you would say. [40:24.760 --> 40:29.640] Davis spent several hours in jail before getting out on $250 bond. [40:29.640 --> 40:33.080] But he's now suing for unfair debt collection practices. [40:33.080 --> 40:37.000] The creditor refutes that in a legal response to the suit, writing, [40:37.000 --> 40:41.480] the bench warrant was not issued for failure to make payments on the payment plan, [40:41.480 --> 40:44.840] but was issued for civil contempt for disobeying court orders. [40:45.720 --> 40:51.240] Outside of this case, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan says there are others where people [40:51.240 --> 40:55.880] in debt are not aware that creditors are taking them to court and wind up arrested [40:55.880 --> 40:57.640] for not meeting a court date. [40:57.640 --> 41:01.400] It's a chain reaction that begins when they fail to pay their bills. [41:01.400 --> 41:05.480] In Illinois, and unfortunately my understanding is in other states in this country, there are [41:05.480 --> 41:09.960] people who are being put into prison right now because they're poor, essentially. [41:09.960 --> 41:15.160] Madigan says there are no hard numbers, and these kinds of cases are on track nationwide. [41:15.160 --> 41:17.880] But she worries about complaints she's receiving. [41:17.880 --> 41:20.600] A lot of it stems from what's known as debt buying. [41:20.600 --> 41:24.200] So there are debt buyers out there who are purchasing debt. [41:24.200 --> 41:29.320] And then again, they're using terribly aggressive and illegal tactics to collect it. [41:30.200 --> 41:35.160] But a trade group representing debt collectors says going to court to collect debt is a last [41:35.160 --> 41:35.960] resort. [41:35.960 --> 41:40.440] And a spokesman disputes the claim that people are going to jail for their debt. [41:40.440 --> 41:43.000] Debtors' prisons are illegal in the United States. [41:43.000 --> 41:47.160] And so we're not seeing a return to debtors' prisons. [41:47.160 --> 41:53.800] What we are seeing is that somebody who owes a debt, and after many, many attempts to try [41:53.800 --> 41:58.840] to collect that debt, the creditor or the collector has taken the consumer to court. [41:58.840 --> 42:02.760] James Davis has a warning for others who have unpaid bills. [42:02.760 --> 42:11.800] If you have proper notice from a creditor, and they are attempting to take you to court [42:11.800 --> 42:15.880] over that debt, to pay very, very close attention to it. [42:15.880 --> 42:21.080] In response to complaints, the Federal Trade Commission says it's been encouraging states [42:21.080 --> 42:26.120] to make sure that consumers are notified if they are supposed to appear in court. [42:26.680 --> 42:28.680] Mary Snow, CNN, New York. [42:28.680 --> 42:35.560] First day of 2012, some gorgeous weather, sunshine, and warm temperatures in the mid-60s [42:35.560 --> 42:36.440] around the Bay Area. [42:36.440 --> 42:40.280] Mid to upper 60s, even 70 degrees today in Mountain View. [42:40.280 --> 42:42.280] I'll let you know if this warm weather will stick around. [42:42.280 --> 43:09.560] Coming up. [43:09.560 --> 43:13.560] This operates January 3rd, so hurry to your California Ford dealer. [43:39.560 --> 43:43.240] Call Heavenly Greens today and put your lawnmower away. [44:10.520 --> 44:11.880] And no fear of falling. [44:11.880 --> 44:16.440] So whether getting into your tub has become a problem, or you want to just pamper yourself [44:16.440 --> 44:21.720] with the luxury of a jacuzzi bath, now is the time to call and set up a free in-home [44:21.720 --> 44:22.760] consultation. [44:22.760 --> 44:27.720] When you do, we'll give you dinner for two at the Olive Garden, absolutely free. [44:27.720 --> 44:34.840] And if you buy now, you'll get $500 off the already low price, plus an additional $500 [44:34.840 --> 44:35.960] factory rebate. [44:35.960 --> 44:41.880] Call now to set up your free consultation, 1-800-386-1234. [44:44.040 --> 44:47.800] This year, I decided to spare no expense for our holiday dinner. [44:47.800 --> 44:51.000] So I hired renowned chef Gordon Ramsay. [44:51.000 --> 44:51.880] Oh, come on. [44:51.880 --> 44:53.560] It's disgusting. [44:53.560 --> 44:54.680] And you, what are you doing? [44:54.680 --> 44:56.360] It's raw, you idiot. [44:56.360 --> 44:57.240] Is this your first day? [44:58.120 --> 44:58.920] Congratulations. [44:58.920 --> 44:59.560] It's your last. [44:59.560 --> 45:00.600] Get out of here. [45:00.600 --> 45:02.680] At a time when it's easy to go overboard. [45:02.680 --> 45:04.280] Happy holidays. [45:04.280 --> 45:09.000] Acura invites you to be smarter and over-save during the Season of Reason sales event. [45:09.000 --> 45:13.640] Take advantage of attractive offers on the 2012 Acura TSX for well-qualified customers. [45:14.600 --> 45:18.600] A new roadhouse has joined the long list of Bay Area restaurants. [45:18.600 --> 45:22.440] Kat's restaurant, Ann Tavern, opened last night, just in time for New Year's Eve. [45:22.440 --> 45:26.600] Here's a look inside the colorful former stagecoach stop, Ann Bordello. [45:27.560 --> 45:33.400] If you find yourself along Highway 17 in Las Gatas, there's a really cool new old roadhouse. [45:33.400 --> 45:37.320] In fact, it's so old, it was a stagecoach stop, among other things. [45:37.320 --> 45:38.120] Follow me. [45:38.120 --> 45:40.040] I guess I could saddle up to the bar. [45:40.040 --> 45:41.800] Yes, you certainly could. [45:41.800 --> 45:44.520] Have yourself a wonderful beer, handcrafted. [45:44.520 --> 45:46.040] And just happen to be ready for me. [45:46.040 --> 45:50.120] So Mark Edwards, proprietor of Kat's? [45:50.120 --> 45:50.440] Yes. [45:50.440 --> 45:51.720] Restaurant and Tavern. [45:51.720 --> 45:52.120] Yes. [45:52.120 --> 45:53.720] What's old is new again. [45:53.720 --> 45:59.560] My goal really was to keep it simple, yet have the best barbecue you could ever have. [45:59.560 --> 46:06.280] We have brought in a seven-time world champion barbecue chef, Paul Kirk. [46:06.280 --> 46:10.600] A lot of the chefs will say, Hickory calls them, because it gives you that flavor. [46:10.600 --> 46:11.480] All right, let's check it out here. [46:11.480 --> 46:19.400] And then we'll throw this piece of wood here in the firebox, and the smoking begins. [46:19.400 --> 46:20.360] That's quite a smoker. [46:20.360 --> 46:23.560] And it gives you the flavor that you would not believe. [46:23.560 --> 46:29.080] Right in here is our upstairs banquet room, featuring our 300-year-old bar. [46:29.080 --> 46:29.480] Wow. [46:29.480 --> 46:31.480] So what's up with all these guns here? [46:31.480 --> 46:33.720] Well, it is an old stagecoach stop. [46:33.720 --> 46:39.800] So we thought, how appropriate for the Cowboys to leave their guns here at the bar. [46:39.800 --> 46:41.640] Last cowboy left this one. [46:42.600 --> 46:44.520] He'll be back in a week to pick it up. [46:45.960 --> 46:48.200] Is it true this was once a cat house? [46:49.400 --> 46:51.800] So spoken, yes, I believe so. [46:51.800 --> 46:53.960] I've heard that from numerous sources. [46:53.960 --> 46:55.720] If these walls could talk. [46:56.440 --> 47:00.120] Smoked chicken, ribs, or pulled pork, all under $20. [47:00.120 --> 47:03.480] In Los Gatos, Vicki Liviacas, Cron 4 News. [47:07.480 --> 47:10.760] Well, apparently, not just great food, but great entertainment there as well. [47:11.320 --> 47:16.200] Hazy skies from Twin Peaks today, looking across San Francisco, with temperatures made [47:16.200 --> 47:17.560] it up to the low 60s. [47:17.560 --> 47:21.560] And Frank, our photographer, saying the most people he's ever seen in San Francisco [47:21.560 --> 47:23.400] seen up there at Twin Peaks. [47:23.400 --> 47:25.560] Enjoying the view today on this New Year's Day. [47:25.560 --> 47:27.400] Right now, live, Golden Gate Bridge. [47:27.400 --> 47:29.720] Temperatures still mild right now. [47:29.720 --> 47:35.400] Most places checking in in the 50s, but it is a little bit cooler for Walnut Creek and [47:36.120 --> 47:38.280] Fairfield right now at 44 degrees. [47:38.280 --> 47:40.920] San Jose currently 53. [47:40.920 --> 47:45.400] Now we do have a weather system that's rolling in for tonight. [47:45.400 --> 47:50.760] This should increase clouds for tomorrow, but once again, no chance for rain in the [47:50.760 --> 47:51.240] Bay Area. [47:51.240 --> 47:54.440] This pattern of dry weather will continue all the way. [47:54.440 --> 47:59.080] It started in November, December, one of the driest on record, and we're starting out January [47:59.080 --> 48:00.920] looking very dry as well. [48:00.920 --> 48:06.120] So for tomorrow morning, look for areas of low clouds and fog for the North Bay valleys. [48:06.120 --> 48:10.040] We will see some coastal clouds move into the Bay for tonight after midnight. [48:10.040 --> 48:16.360] Temperatures mid 40s for tomorrow morning by the Bay, mid to upper 30s for the inland [48:16.360 --> 48:16.760] valleys. [48:16.760 --> 48:20.840] And as we go through the day, we'll see things warm up into the upper 50s and low 60s. [48:20.840 --> 48:26.520] Here's futurecast at midnight tonight, mainly clear, but watch these clouds begin to fill [48:26.520 --> 48:30.840] into the Bay during the overnight, so we become mostly cloudy for tomorrow morning. [48:30.840 --> 48:35.960] There's the weather system up on the North Coast producing rain shaded in green and yellow, [48:35.960 --> 48:40.120] but this will move inland and not impact the Bay Area, at least with any rain. [48:40.120 --> 48:41.800] We will see clouds through the day. [48:41.800 --> 48:46.600] It'll be partly sunny for the afternoon, mixture of clouds and sunshine. [48:46.600 --> 48:49.320] Then those clouds begin to clear as we get into the evening. [48:49.320 --> 48:54.600] High temperatures for the day, not quite as warm tomorrow as what we saw today because [48:54.600 --> 48:55.400] of the clouds. [48:55.400 --> 49:01.160] Still pretty nice though, low to mid 60s for the South Bay, upper 50s, low 60s, inland [49:01.160 --> 49:05.080] valleys, Concord, Martinez, Walnut Creek, 59 degrees. [49:05.080 --> 49:08.520] Look for highs in the upper 50s and low 60s for the East Shore. [49:09.320 --> 49:13.960] We'll have the clouds in the morning and then for the afternoon a mixture of sunshine and [49:13.960 --> 49:15.400] high thin clouds. [49:15.400 --> 49:21.160] Mid to upper 50s, San Francisco, Ocean Beach, Daly City, Pacifica, Redwood City, up to 61 [49:21.160 --> 49:21.560] degrees. [49:21.560 --> 49:26.200] Could see some heavy fog here for the North Bay valleys, at least early on. [49:26.200 --> 49:30.280] Patchy fog, Santa Rosa, Fairfield, upper 50s, low 60s here. [49:30.280 --> 49:36.120] Here's the seven day around the Bay and more dry weather is the theme here as we go into [49:36.120 --> 49:37.320] 2012. [49:37.320 --> 49:39.800] For Tuesday and Wednesday, it's going to be nice though. [49:39.800 --> 49:43.000] Lots of sunshine, highs in the mid to upper 60s. [49:43.000 --> 49:45.960] There may be some low 70s around the Bay area. [49:45.960 --> 49:49.560] For Thursday, there's another weather system but like the one that's coming through tomorrow, [49:49.560 --> 49:50.760] this one too. [49:50.760 --> 49:53.000] All the rain to the North of the Bay area. [49:53.000 --> 49:56.600] We'll see a few clouds and then mostly sunny into next weekend. [49:56.600 --> 49:57.400] Vicki? [49:57.400 --> 50:02.840] Tom Cruise continues to draw moviegoers and Kirstie Alley wants you to resolve to dance [50:02.840 --> 50:03.960] in 2012. [50:03.960 --> 50:07.400] Michelle Wright has all your entertainment news in today's Hollywood Minute. [50:07.400 --> 50:11.880] Mission Impossible, Ghost Protocol was the top draw at the box office over the New Year's [50:11.880 --> 50:12.680] weekend. [50:12.680 --> 50:16.520] The film starring Tom Cruise held on to the number one spot for the second weekend in [50:16.520 --> 50:21.240] a row with an estimated $31.3 million in ticket sales. [50:21.240 --> 50:26.040] Sherlock Holmes, A Game of Shadows stayed in second place pulling in slightly more than [50:26.040 --> 50:32.760] $22 million and Alvin and the Chipmunks, Chipwrecked held steady in third with $18.3 million in [50:32.760 --> 50:33.960] ticket sales. [50:33.960 --> 50:37.880] Hollywood is most likely glad to bid farewell to 2011. [50:37.880 --> 50:45.000] reports it was the slowest year at the box office since 1995, 16 years ago. [50:45.000 --> 50:49.560] If you've resolved to lose weight in 2012, Kirstie Alley wants to help you dance away [50:49.560 --> 50:50.760] the pounds. [50:50.760 --> 50:55.560] On New Year's Day, the actress launched 100 Days of Dance, a campaign to encourage Americans [50:55.560 --> 51:00.280] to dance for 100 consecutive days to lose weight and get healthy. [51:00.280 --> 51:06.520] Participants can sign up for free on, where Alley plans to upload videos of herself [51:06.520 --> 51:08.200] dancing every day. [51:08.200 --> 51:12.520] She tells she wants everyone to have an experience like she did on Dancing [51:12.520 --> 51:14.040] with the Stars. [51:14.040 --> 51:18.600] Alley lost weight on the show and says she stays in shape by dancing an hour or two a [51:18.600 --> 51:20.920] day and following a diet plan. [51:20.920 --> 51:30.920] For Hollywood Minute, I'm Nichelle Wright. [51:51.320 --> 51:54.160] Once you're there, you click on the link on the left hand side of the page. [51:54.160 --> 51:59.600] It says Coldplay Sweepstakes and very important, in order to enter the contest, you have to [51:59.600 --> 52:01.360] like our Facebook page. [52:01.360 --> 52:06.360] So go to the Cron 4 Facebook fan page, click like now to enter to win a pair of premium [52:06.360 --> 52:10.960] tickets to see Coldplay in San Jose and even if you're a runner up, you'll still win. [52:10.960 --> 52:13.960] We're giving away signed copies of the band's latest album. [52:13.960 --> 52:31.960] Alright, put down the Hyundai Blue Link instructions and just listen. [52:31.960 --> 52:32.960] Love technology? [52:32.960 --> 52:34.960] Then you'll love the Sonata. [52:34.960 --> 52:40.960] Now you can lease the Sonata for just $199 a month or buy one and get an additional $500 [52:40.960 --> 52:44.960] bonus cash, but only at your Bay Area Hyundai dealers. [53:11.960 --> 53:14.960] for fast, effective, drug-free help. [53:14.960 --> 53:19.960] Get ready for a Dodge event that will blow your stockings off. [53:19.960 --> 53:25.960] Featuring the 2012 Dodge Charger that gets up to 31 MPG highway. [53:25.960 --> 53:33.960] And the Dodge Challenger, a 2012 Consumers Digest Best Buy. [53:33.960 --> 53:37.960] Get 0% APR financing at the Dodge Big Finish event. [53:37.960 --> 53:42.960] During the Big Finish event, well-qualified lessees get the 2012 Dodge Challenger SXT [53:42.960 --> 53:44.960] for $278 a month. [53:44.960 --> 53:46.960] Hi, I'm Mike Broth with the Caveira Law Firm. [53:46.960 --> 53:49.960] Over the years, I've listened to injured victims who are in need of help. [53:49.960 --> 53:53.960] What's impressed them the most was that when they called, they spoke directly to Mr. Cavarro. [53:53.960 --> 53:56.960] He cared about them, not just the case. [53:56.960 --> 53:59.960] He understood their pain and explained their rights. [53:59.960 --> 54:03.960] Mr. Cavarro has spent almost 40 years dedicating himself to injured victims. [54:03.960 --> 54:06.960] If you've been injured in a car accident, don't wait. [54:06.960 --> 54:10.960] Call 1-800-FOR-INJURY and speak directly to Mr. Cavarro. [54:10.960 --> 54:14.960] Or visit us on the website at [54:14.960 --> 54:17.960] If a new Honda isn't sitting in your driveway by now, [54:17.960 --> 54:20.960] then perhaps I failed to convey the proper sense of urgency. [54:20.960 --> 54:21.960] Cue dramatic music. [54:21.960 --> 54:24.960] In a short time, happy Honda days will be over. [54:24.960 --> 54:29.960] More dramatic, taking with it your chance to get one of the most incredible deals all year on a Honda. [54:29.960 --> 54:30.960] Poof! [54:30.960 --> 54:33.960] Going up faster than a match to dry Evergreen. [54:33.960 --> 54:36.960] Full time, but it's running out. [54:36.960 --> 54:38.960] Show offer card. [54:38.960 --> 54:40.960] Quit reading the fine print. It's a great deal. [54:40.960 --> 54:42.960] Get your Honda dealer already. [54:45.960 --> 54:49.960] Now, time for the Crawl in 4 Tech Report with Gabe Slate. [54:49.960 --> 54:52.960] Did you get a gift card for the holidays that you don't really need or want? [54:52.960 --> 54:56.960] I'll show you a new reputable online service that will give you cash for that card [54:56.960 --> 54:59.960] or help you trade it in for one you do want. [54:59.960 --> 55:05.960] is an easy, straightforward website to get cash for your unwanted gift card. [55:05.960 --> 55:09.960] They pay you between 75 and 92% of the card's value. [55:09.960 --> 55:10.960] Here's some examples. [55:10.960 --> 55:13.960] For a $50 Apple gift card, you get $43. [55:13.960 --> 55:17.960] For a $50 Nordstrom card, you get $42.50. [55:17.960 --> 55:20.960] For a $50 Safeway card, you would get $46. [55:20.960 --> 55:24.960] And for a $50 Target card, you would also get $46. [55:24.960 --> 55:26.960] The process to sell a gift card is easy. [55:26.960 --> 55:29.960] You fill out a form, mail in the card or cards, [55:29.960 --> 55:32.960] and they will send you a check or send you a payment through PayPal. [55:32.960 --> 55:38.960] Another website that operates similar to is [55:38.960 --> 55:42.960] It's basically the same thing. They will pay you for your unwanted gift card. [55:42.960 --> 55:47.960] If you want to trade your gift card for another, check out [55:47.960 --> 55:49.960] It's also easy and pretty straightforward. [55:49.960 --> 55:52.960] You create a free account, tell them the card you want to trade in [55:52.960 --> 55:55.960] and what kind of card you want for it, and they handle the rest. [55:55.960 --> 55:57.960] They will have you send in your gift card and verify it [55:57.960 --> 55:59.960] and then send you the gift card you want. [55:59.960 --> 56:02.960] They charge you $4 for the trade process. [56:02.960 --> 56:05.960] For a direct link to websites offering to buy your gift card [56:05.960 --> 56:09.960] or help you trade them with other people, log on to [56:09.960 --> 56:11.960] and look for my tech page. There are links there. [56:11.960 --> 56:14.960] Gabe Slate, Cronford News. [56:14.960 --> 56:16.960] And we have some developing news out of San Francisco tonight. [56:16.960 --> 56:22.960] You're looking live at firefighters are battling a blaze on Masonic near Frederick Street. [56:22.960 --> 56:24.960] People in three apartments have been forced from their homes. [56:24.960 --> 56:28.960] There are also two ambulances at the scene, though it's not clear if anyone was injured. [56:28.960 --> 56:32.960] We have a crew at the scene. We'll have more on that developing story at 11. [56:32.960 --> 56:34.960] A little dry out there. [56:34.960 --> 56:38.960] We had no rain in the forecast, at least through next weekend. [56:38.960 --> 56:40.960] But at least the weather will be nice. [56:40.960 --> 56:43.960] We'll see temperatures tomorrow morning, 30s inland, 40s by the bay [56:43.960 --> 56:45.960] and by the afternoon, partly sunny. [56:45.960 --> 56:49.960] Clouds and sunshine and highs in the upper 50s and low 60s. [56:49.960 --> 56:51.960] And that will wrap it up for us. [56:51.960 --> 56:54.960] Happy New Year, everybody. Hope to see you at 11. Bye-bye. [57:21.960 --> 57:25.960] Visit to see how you can enter to win a pair of premium tickets to see Coldplay. [57:25.960 --> 57:28.960] April 27th at the HP Pavilion in San Jose. [57:28.960 --> 57:55.960] Coldplay Litecoin 4 on Facebook. [57:58.960 --> 58:23.960] Every day, thousands of animals throughout America are neglected, tortured and often killed. [58:23.960 --> 58:33.960] But you can help stop this horrible abuse by supporting the Humane Society of the United States. [58:33.960 --> 58:40.960] With your generous donation, you can be a partner in our ongoing fight to end unspeakable cruelty, [58:40.960 --> 58:45.960] rescue these innocent animals and give them the love and care they so desperately deserve. [58:45.960 --> 58:53.960] For just $19 a month, you can join the Humane Society of the United States in our fight to eliminate animal abuse everywhere. [58:53.960 --> 58:55.960] Call in the next 20 minutes to join our fight. [58:55.960 --> 58:59.960] We'll also send you this special jacket and this multi-purpose tote bag [58:59.960 --> 59:03.960] so everyone will know you're supporting the fight against animal cruelty. [59:03.960 --> 59:09.960] And we'll also send you a free subscription to our award-winning magazine, All Animals. [59:09.960 --> 59:13.960] No matter what you can afford, please call the number on your screen right now [59:13.960 --> 59:18.960] or visit us online to fight animal cruelty with your donation. [59:18.960 --> 59:27.960] If you love animals, if these images disturb you, then please help us end this senseless cruelty and abuse right now. [59:27.960 --> 59:29.960] Please don't wait. [59:29.960 --> 59:36.960] Your donation today could be the difference between life and death for these helpless creatures. [59:36.960 --> 59:41.960] No matter what you can afford, please call the number on your screen right now [59:41.960 --> 59:46.960] or visit us online to fight animal cruelty with your donation. [59:46.960 --> 59:54.960] Call now, 877-585-0172 to get your free official HSUS Jacket Tote and Magazine subscription. [59:54.960 --> 01:00:11.960] That's 1-877-585-0172 for your free jacket tote and magazine.