Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language Detected language: Arabic [00:00.000 --> 00:05.680] The general conference for the opening of Fatah Al-Mun'aqid in the city of Bayt Lahm in the West Bank, [00:05.680 --> 00:10.800] the election of members of the Central Committee and the Constitutional Council for the Movement. [00:10.800 --> 00:19.000] And Nabil Amr, the speaker, said in the name of the conference that the elections are carried out in cooperation with the Gaza Strip through the phone [00:19.000 --> 00:30.200] after the Hamas movement prevented Fatah Al-Mun'aqid from heading to the city of Bayt Lahm for the presence of the conference. [00:30.200 --> 00:36.920] Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed at the beginning of the weekly meeting of the Prime Minister's Council [00:36.920 --> 00:45.080] that the unification of the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip four years ago was a mistake and will not happen again, [00:45.080 --> 00:51.160] pointing out that the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip did not bring peace and security to Israel [00:51.160 --> 00:57.400] and that his government will not repeat this mistake, to the extent of his words. [01:00.280 --> 01:07.960] Iraqi Prime Minister Nour Al-Maliki announced that the only choice for the Iraqis is the national project [01:07.960 --> 01:14.520] and that there are those who stand in the way of this direction because it does not fulfill its interests. [01:14.520 --> 01:24.280] During his meeting, Wafd Al-Ashairi said that there are those who work with political backgrounds and influence the projects in Iraq. [01:24.280 --> 01:36.280] On the ground, an Iraqi civilian met with him and seven others were injured in two separate explosions in the northern city of Mosul, Iraq. [01:36.280 --> 01:43.960] Ladies and gentlemen, this news comes to you from the radio station of the state of Kuwait. [01:43.960 --> 01:53.560] A high-ranking leader in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard called for the trial and punishment of the former president, Mohamed Khatami, [01:53.560 --> 01:59.560] and candidates opposing the elections, Mir Hussein Mousavi and Mahdi Karoubi, [01:59.560 --> 02:07.240] for their role in the protests that took place in the presidential elections in the last month of June. [02:10.760 --> 02:21.080] News of the conflict in the ranks of the Pakistani Taliban movement against its leader, Baytullah Mahsoud, [02:21.080 --> 02:26.760] who was targeted by an American missile attack last week, broke out. [02:26.760 --> 02:37.000] Unconfirmed information has been spread about the occurrence of a change in the fire during a meeting of a senior leader in the Taliban. [02:37.000 --> 02:41.480] They were looking for a successor to Mahsoud. [02:44.040 --> 02:55.480] U.S. National Security Adviser James Jones announced that the United States does not want to send additional military reinforcements to Afghanistan. [02:55.480 --> 03:05.080] Jones denied that the presidential elections, which are scheduled to be held in Afghanistan in the 20th of this month, [03:05.080 --> 03:09.400] will be safe in different states and African regions. [03:09.400 --> 03:22.520] The U.S. National Security Adviser James Jones confirmed that the leader of the Pakistani Taliban movement, Baytullah Mahsoud, [03:22.520 --> 03:30.760] has been killed, and said that his death would lead to the emergence of confrontations in the ranks of the members of the movement. [03:33.240 --> 03:41.080] The Chinese news agency mentioned that the Afghan plane that was heading for the Xinjiang region, [03:41.080 --> 03:52.120] which is located in the far west of China, returned to Afghanistan and landed in the Qandahar region after receiving a warning that there was a bomb on its base. [03:52.120 --> 04:05.400] The Chinese news agency had previously mentioned that the plane was exposed to hijacking and that the Chinese authorities had refused to land in the airport of the city of Oromichi, [04:05.400 --> 04:11.640] the capital of the Xinjiang region, which witnessed the acts of violence last month. [04:11.640 --> 04:27.640] U.S. National Security Adviser James Jones said that North Korea has sent a signal that it wants to improve relations with the United States. [04:27.640 --> 04:47.000] In response to a question about the visit of the former U.S. President Clinton to North Korea last week, Jones said in a TV interview that North Koreans want new relations and better relations with the United States. [04:47.000 --> 05:02.600] Clinton had met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang during an operation to recover two American journalists who had been hijacked by North Korea. [05:02.600 --> 05:16.200] U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton invited the U.S. Secretary of State to hold presidential elections in Angola on her promised date during the current year. [05:16.200 --> 05:30.120] Clinton said in Angola, the third station in her African tour, that the United States is looking to establish positive and fruitful relations with Angola. [05:30.120 --> 05:46.280] A third bomb exploded on the island of Palma de Mallorca, located on the island of El Billar in Spain, after a warning call from the armed separatist organization. [05:46.280 --> 05:52.280] The third explosion preceded the explosion of two bombs on the island itself. [05:52.280 --> 06:03.160] At the end of this broadcast, I would like to return to you with some of the most important news that I have received. [06:03.160 --> 06:20.440] The president of the United States, Amir Al-Bilad, sent a letter to the president of the Palestinian Authority, saying that the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip was a grave mistake. [06:20.440 --> 06:32.360] The U.S. National Security Adviser said that the assassination of the leader of the Pakistani Taliban movement would lead to the emergence of confrontations in the ranks of the movement. [06:32.360 --> 06:44.600] An Afghan plane returned to the far west of China, to Afghanistan, after receiving a warning that there was a bomb on the island. [06:44.600 --> 06:53.640] The Secretary of State of the United States of America arrived in Angola, the third station in her African tour. [06:55.640 --> 07:01.640] This is the end of our last news broadcast for today. [07:01.640 --> 07:08.680] I present to you the broadcast from the state of Kuwait, read by Mohamed Fahad Al-Ajmi. [07:08.680 --> 07:10.680] Thank you for watching. [07:10.680 --> 07:14.680] May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you. [07:28.680 --> 07:34.680] The tenth minute after midnight in the broadcast of the state of Kuwait. [07:34.680 --> 07:40.680] The broadcast of the state of Kuwait. [08:04.680 --> 08:08.680] News stations [08:08.680 --> 08:36.680] News stations, a daily program, includes many news segments, political and economic issues, published on the international stage. [08:38.680 --> 08:58.680] News stations, a daily program, includes many news segments, published on the international stage. [08:58.680 --> 09:08.680] Greetings from the state of Kuwait. [09:08.680 --> 09:28.680] News stations, a daily program, includes many news segments, political and economic issues, published on the international stage. [09:28.680 --> 09:38.680] News stations, a daily program, includes many news segments, published on the international stage. [09:38.680 --> 09:48.680] News stations, a daily program, includes many news segments, published on the international stage. [09:48.680 --> 09:58.680] News stations, a daily program, includes many news segments, published on the international stage. [09:58.680 --> 10:18.680] News stations, a daily program, includes many news segments, published on the international stage. [10:18.680 --> 10:28.680] News stations, a daily program, includes many news segments, published on the international stage. [10:28.680 --> 10:38.680] News stations, a daily program, includes many news segments, published on the international stage. 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