Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language Detected language: English [00:00.000 --> 00:05.600] Set back to Army Chief General as the Defense Ministry formally rejects his appeal, seeking to correct his date of birth. [00:08.000 --> 00:11.840] Foreign Minister Assembly regional rights to the family of Anoj Bidwe, who was killed in UK, [00:11.840 --> 00:15.600] assuring all help in bringing back the body, the government will bear the expenses. [00:16.240 --> 00:20.320] Anna Hazari may still be waiting for Parliament to pass a strong anti-corruption law, [00:20.320 --> 00:23.840] but he has named a baby in his native village exactly that, Lokpa. [00:23.840 --> 00:32.800] Hello and welcome, I'm Kiyangri Atop story. The war of words that we saw on the Rajasapathal, [00:32.800 --> 00:37.760] the early hours of Friday morning, has not died out. Political leaders, whereas the government [00:37.760 --> 00:43.040] or the opposition members of Team Anna, everyone continues to speak out their mind on the [00:43.040 --> 00:47.120] moves that resulted in the Lokpaal Bill not going through this Parliament session. [00:48.480 --> 00:53.280] If that was freedom at midnight, this was literally freedom at midnight. [00:53.280 --> 00:57.200] Here is the case where the assassins are living the victims. [01:23.360 --> 01:29.920] These reparty kipi, music, jolti, party gata, or actors, the kriban, the kriban, [01:29.920 --> 01:35.440] subheeparty skipi. Last night what we saw through the day was another 10-letter word [01:35.440 --> 01:37.040] and that was a caricature. [01:37.040 --> 01:44.080] Now, after 27th of December, there has been a change of mind on that issue. [01:44.080 --> 01:53.440] As I said earlier, it's a matter that we need to sit and talk with the TMC. [02:14.240 --> 02:21.600] Some drawbacks and errors of the BGP also occasionally are visible to them. [02:21.600 --> 02:27.120] A very political party, a very Rajasinate, a mistake, a mistake will be forced, [02:27.120 --> 02:33.760] that the Lokpaal will not be able to do so, but it will be a little bit different. [02:33.760 --> 02:38.400] I don't understand that there is no need to look at this issue, [02:38.400 --> 02:45.920] there is no need to look at this issue, there is no need to look at this issue, there is no need to look at this issue. [02:45.920 --> 02:49.120] Anas, the blame came continues over whose response for the midnight. [02:49.120 --> 02:54.320] Fiasco, NDTV's Rahul Shivasav has exclusive details on what led to the disruption. [02:55.600 --> 03:01.360] Perhaps the government till the end, till what we are hearing, till 1145 in the night, [03:01.360 --> 03:04.480] did not tell the chapeurs and all the Rajasava secretariat, [03:04.480 --> 03:06.960] whether it was interested in passing the bill. [03:06.960 --> 03:11.680] If we go back last year we should know if you remember that there was a very clear indication [03:11.680 --> 03:15.920] after the Nudge from Sonya Gandhi, the UPHA person that the Congress wanted, [03:15.920 --> 03:20.800] the women reservation bill to be passed and then the clear indication was sent to the Rajasava [03:20.800 --> 03:25.440] secretariat and the Rajasava chairman and then what had happened if you remember that when [03:25.440 --> 03:30.960] members started protesting, tried to stall, marshals were called inside the house and they were [03:30.960 --> 03:35.280] the people who were protesting were taken out and then the bill was put to vote and the bill had [03:35.280 --> 03:38.480] sailed through the Rajasava, though it is yet to come up in the looks of up. [03:38.480 --> 03:43.120] Perhaps we should do that clear indication was lacking and that is why the chair could not decide [03:43.120 --> 03:47.680] which way to go. The second crisis arose when what to do about the extension of the house because [03:47.680 --> 03:53.200] speakers was speaking till virtually as late as 1115 in the night. The government went to the chair [03:53.200 --> 04:00.320] person, chairman of Rajasava and told him at 1142 that the government does not want an extension [04:00.320 --> 04:06.160] of the session. What it meant that barely 15 minutes before the clock would take 12 or midnight, [04:06.160 --> 04:12.560] the chair did not really know which way to go. The bill does not really die. It remains alive [04:12.560 --> 04:18.560] for 5 months, 29 days. That means within 6 months it can be taken up again. That is good news [04:18.560 --> 04:23.520] for the low-power bill. That perhaps that within 6 months the debate can start all over where [04:23.520 --> 04:27.840] it had left off in the Rajasava. The adjournments can be taken up but there is a right [04:27.840 --> 04:34.320] of it. That perhaps given the fact that it is a contentious bill and the budget session [04:34.320 --> 04:38.400] is a very crucial session for the government. Perhaps the government's first indication [04:38.400 --> 04:43.200] which we have got is that budget first low-power necks. So that is why the second half [04:43.200 --> 04:46.960] could well be the time of the budget cent when the low-power bill can come up. [04:48.400 --> 04:52.480] In the air of the storm the government says the low-power bill is not in cold storage. [04:52.480 --> 04:57.280] Varisandhi Pukhan explains the budget session in March comes with its own complications. [04:59.280 --> 05:03.360] The UPN ever had the numbers to push through the low-power bill in the Rajasava. The picture [05:03.360 --> 05:08.080] was further complicated by the Trinomool Congress who refused to support the government bill. [05:09.040 --> 05:13.280] But predictably for the government the BJP became the main villain of the peace. [05:14.160 --> 05:20.240] So does all this effectively mean that the low-power bill has been put to sleep at the stroke of midnight? [05:20.240 --> 05:25.120] For the record the government says it will try to revive the bill in the next session of [05:25.120 --> 05:30.160] parliament and the budget session of parliament. But the key question is will the government bring [05:30.160 --> 05:36.560] such a controversial bill that may end up the political class, especially at a time when it [05:36.560 --> 05:41.920] has to pass important economic legislations like the budget and the food security bill? [05:41.920 --> 05:47.920] That's the key question. In a decisive set back to the Army Chief General VK Singh, [05:47.920 --> 05:52.640] the Defense Ministry has formally rejected his appeal seeking to correct his date of birth. [05:52.640 --> 05:57.040] This means he will have to retire in May 2012, but he can now approach the courts. [05:57.840 --> 05:59.840] Generous Singh has met Prime Minister, [05:59.840 --> 06:02.720] Generous Singh has also met Finance Minister, Pranambu Kaji, [06:02.720 --> 06:04.800] Michael League, Sudhir Anjansen, has a details. [06:06.000 --> 06:09.920] The Defense Ministry has officially today communicated to the Chief of Army staff that is [06:09.920 --> 06:16.000] statutory complaint in which he had said that his date of birth or the year of birth is 1951 [06:16.000 --> 06:20.880] and now 1950 cannot be accepted. The Attorney General has said since he was made a Chief of [06:20.880 --> 06:26.400] Army staff with the consideration or with the calculation that he was born in 1950 cannot be [06:26.400 --> 06:31.600] changed at this stage. This opinion had been conveyed to the to the ministry some time ago, [06:31.600 --> 06:36.880] today it has been communicated. In this statutory complaint the Army Chief had made it very clear [06:36.880 --> 06:42.080] that he is not fighting for tenure because if his age and which is there in his matriculation [06:42.080 --> 06:47.120] certificate as 1951 he gets another year. But in the statutory complaint the Chief has made it [06:47.120 --> 06:52.080] very, very clear that he is not fighting for tenure, but it is his personal honour that he is fighting [06:52.080 --> 06:59.040] for because he says or the Army believes that if the Chief of Army staff's age is being doubted [06:59.040 --> 07:04.000] what he has stated is being doubted then you are doubting the Chief's intention and the entire [07:04.000 --> 07:09.840] office of the Chief of Army staff is under a club. So it is basically a question of personal honour [07:09.840 --> 07:15.840] that the Chief has been fighting for. After being targeted relentlessly of allegations of favoring [07:15.840 --> 07:21.120] a former client the home ministry has asked all officers to show drafts of letters if the letter [07:21.120 --> 07:27.280] says that a decision has the approval or concurrence of the ministry. So Dhamma Ramas said his ministry [07:27.280 --> 07:31.760] has issued a directive to all officers that when a draft is being prepared and finalized with [07:31.760 --> 07:37.280] a note that this issue has the approval of the home minister or home secretary the draft must [07:37.280 --> 07:44.960] be put up to either of the two. At least 27 people were killed after cyclone [07:44.960 --> 07:51.120] Thane hit North Coast will not go to Tamil Nadu early on Friday leaving a trail of destruction. [07:51.840 --> 07:57.120] The cyclonic storm is weakening over land but rains are expected to continue in the [07:57.120 --> 08:09.920] coastal districts of the state and also in southern anthropadish over the next 24 hours. [08:09.920 --> 08:15.440] They have a creek by cyclone Thane that cross coastal Puducheri and Keralu district of Tamil Nadu [08:15.440 --> 08:20.400] early on Friday. The wind speed was upwards of 120 kilometers per hour. [08:20.400 --> 08:28.800] As far as next 24 hours is concerned it is likely to rain at most at many places in Tamil Nadu [08:28.800 --> 08:33.760] and Puducheri one out of places may experience heavy to very heavy rainfall. [08:33.760 --> 08:38.320] Early in the morning tomorrow is when Med Department official say cyclone Thane will make [08:38.320 --> 08:42.880] landfall and that's in the coastal district of Keralu anywhere between Puducheri and Keralu [08:42.880 --> 08:48.480] and this rainfall is expected to last till afternoon or tomorrow evening. Of course people have been [08:48.480 --> 08:54.800] asked to stay in shelters, government has taken precaution to move the people in the coastal [08:54.800 --> 09:01.200] districts of to safer places of course heavy rainfall expected and also very high speed winds. [09:01.200 --> 09:07.120] Some 250 coastal villages inhabited by fishermen have been put on high alert and the [09:07.120 --> 09:24.720] atmosphere all night long several hundreds were evacuated. [09:37.440 --> 09:44.480] The full extent of the damage reached by cyclone Thane is still to be assessed. [09:44.480 --> 09:49.440] People say they have not seen such a cyclone in several years but the worry is going to be [09:49.440 --> 09:54.640] about the days ahead because many of these fishermen along the coast have lost their livelihood [09:54.640 --> 09:59.920] because the catamaran and the boats have been destroyed. With Madhuvarti in Puducheri [09:59.920 --> 10:02.960] in Chennai with Keralu Puducheri in Nagraju, Umasudit and DTV. [10:02.960 --> 10:09.440] The capital woke up to a white blanket of fog on Friday morning as visibility dropped [10:09.440 --> 10:15.440] disrupting rail and air traffic. As many as 75 flights were delayed and 40 trains cancelled, [10:15.440 --> 10:18.880] the Madh department has said the fog is likely to continue into the new year. [10:20.880 --> 10:26.080] A relatively warmer morning in Delhi but as the temperature went up to 6.8 degrees, [10:26.080 --> 10:29.760] dense fog closed in affecting road, rail and air traffic. [10:29.760 --> 10:34.560] Visibility at the airport dropped to below 50 meters and many flights had to land using the [10:34.560 --> 10:41.840] cap 3-B landing system. On the whole 75 flights were delayed, 15 cancelled and 7 flights [10:41.840 --> 10:46.480] diverted. Problems people are facing a while driving, [10:46.480 --> 10:49.920] you know how much traffic you are driving in the city of Koharem. [10:49.920 --> 10:53.680] It is very difficult here. When I went to Chaskispur, [10:53.680 --> 10:59.040] I went to Baskispur, I went there for two hours and I was going to Charkand. [10:59.040 --> 11:03.040] At the railway station, things were no different. Over 40 trains were cancelled [11:03.040 --> 11:07.840] and an equal number either running late or diverted, leaving many passengers stranded. [11:08.400 --> 11:12.640] We hear the announcements that, sorry about the inconvenience but the trains are going to be [11:12.640 --> 11:17.600] delayed. The situation has got to do with the fog. We see the fog clearing but nonetheless, [11:17.600 --> 11:21.440] a lot of the trains are still coming in later. They are passengers out here. [11:21.440 --> 11:25.040] This is Fida Bajanata, here in Pellia, Tiri Fida Bajanata. [11:25.040 --> 11:30.800] But the worst affected was with the Pradesh. In Mathurav, [11:30.800 --> 11:33.920] four people died in a roadmissive view to fog. [11:33.920 --> 11:37.920] And in Naprin Shah Jahampur, another road accident due to blinding fog, [11:37.920 --> 11:41.920] came five lives. The metapotment has focused fog over the next few days [11:41.920 --> 11:44.880] affecting new year plans of most commuters. [11:44.880 --> 11:47.680] With Hina Gambir, Kumi Kulsu and DTV. [11:50.240 --> 11:53.840] The Ministry of External Affairs has stepped in to assist the family members [11:53.840 --> 11:58.880] of Anoj Bidwai, an Indian student who was brutally shocked dead in Manchester City [11:58.880 --> 12:03.680] in United Kingdom last week. The consulate in Birmingham is expediting the visa process [12:03.680 --> 12:07.680] for two members of Anoj's family and will also bear the travel expenses. [12:11.280 --> 12:15.360] A murdered son. And now, the torturous wait for his body. [12:16.080 --> 12:21.280] The family of 23-year-old Anoj Bidwai, a victim of hate crime in the United Kingdom, [12:21.280 --> 12:25.440] urging the government to exert diplomatic pressure on authorities in Manchester [12:25.440 --> 12:30.400] to release their son's body at the earliest. The Ministry of External Affairs has asked [12:30.400 --> 12:34.960] the coroner's court to expedite the process and has promised to bear all expenses. [12:35.520 --> 12:40.400] The Lancaster University has told the MA that they will return Anoj's tuition fees. [12:40.400 --> 12:46.000] You can police wants us to be coming there because they have a process of body identification. [12:46.560 --> 12:50.240] And we will also try and get Anoj back with us. [12:50.240 --> 12:53.680] Meanwhile, unlike the counterparts in Australia, [12:53.680 --> 12:58.000] with several Indians have been attacked, the British police was quick to treat the murder [12:58.000 --> 13:02.480] as a hate crime. We have not yet established a clear motive for this murder. [13:03.760 --> 13:08.880] And there is no evidence or information at this time to suggest it's racially motivated. [13:09.760 --> 13:14.080] However, because of concerns in the community and perceptions in the community, [13:15.120 --> 13:18.320] we are going to treat treating this as a hate crime. [13:18.320 --> 13:24.480] For the family back in Pune, the weight getting that much harder to achieve closure. [13:25.360 --> 13:31.280] In the last two decades, the UK has seen racetrime rates go down considerably, [13:31.840 --> 13:35.520] but it's still continues to be a very real threat. [13:35.520 --> 13:39.920] And this is something that the home office will have to take into account [13:39.920 --> 13:43.280] when it starts to probe the murder of Anoj Bidwai. [13:43.280 --> 13:47.040] Of course, the police investigation, which is currently on, [13:47.040 --> 13:52.720] has admitted that it is a race crime, but is also according to sources saying that they're looking [13:52.720 --> 13:55.520] into whether it could be a gang in a seashore. [13:55.520 --> 14:13.920] Time for a break, news updates continue on the other side. [14:25.520 --> 14:48.560] The future of business travel is here today for single multiple economy business or [14:48.560 --> 14:53.920] first class flights. Our specialist team is available 24 hours a day to offer impartial advice, [14:53.920 --> 14:58.240] dedicated to finding the best deals and tailor-made flights, including our fast track service, [14:58.240 --> 15:02.560] all at unbeatable prices. Let us take the strain out of your business travel needs, [15:02.560 --> 15:09.280] call Southhold Travel on 0844-855-8000 and find out why over 1,000 people every day trust us [15:09.280 --> 15:32.720] to make their travel dreams come true Southhold Travel the future of travel. [15:39.280 --> 15:47.360] Special analysis and much more, download free and www.grammslashans. [16:09.520 --> 16:13.360] No files on is evident that the blood of innocence was built here. [16:20.640 --> 16:24.320] Who is handled the aftermath of the Popeye Yasling? [16:24.320 --> 16:28.560] Differing voices within the government can weaken its fight against noxels and [16:28.560 --> 16:32.720] some not talking by Prime Minister Morn Singh to the Pakistan establishment. [16:32.720 --> 16:38.000] One B.S.R. Jaman was killed in the fire. It's a money money. I really think God [16:38.000 --> 16:42.800] lost area. 4 million gallons of oil has pity. If ever there was a water shed, it is now. [16:50.080 --> 16:53.120] It is the show that everyone has been waiting for. What do you think that is a gentleman? [16:53.120 --> 16:58.320] This is an issue and this is a baby. I ready for it. I was believed that you are single until [16:58.320 --> 17:01.520] you get married. Your whole collapse. He's going to come and he's just going to [17:01.520 --> 17:05.200] save me. All the women are powerful yet. I'm quite nervous about facing people. [17:05.200 --> 17:08.720] What will you give Katrina? I'll give you this dress. I will make me blush. [17:08.720 --> 17:14.320] I'm a child center. Making news only on night out. You're comfortable. You're watching night out. [17:14.320 --> 17:17.440] Just be a night out. Night out. Weeklights at 6. [17:19.920 --> 17:26.160] We are the smartest, toughest, strongest fellow common man. I'm busy right now. It's great to have [17:26.160 --> 17:40.080] politicians and a mercy. I'm not but welcome back. There was a lot more to this year than [17:40.080 --> 17:45.760] India lifting the cricket world cup. Here's a look back at all the highs and lows of Indian sports [17:45.760 --> 18:02.720] in 2011. After the highs of 2010, 2011 was a relatively quieter year for Indian sports. [18:05.600 --> 18:10.560] Ranjant's Saudi let his gun do all the talking. The trap shooter became the first Indian [18:10.560 --> 18:18.640] to successfully defend his world cup title. It was a different story all together for sign [18:18.640 --> 18:23.040] unable. She didn't win a single major tournament but reached the final of the year [18:23.040 --> 18:27.920] ending world super series. A good sign we'd say going into the year of the Olympics. [18:27.920 --> 18:30.880] I'm fine friend that we'll get back on track as quickly as possible. [18:33.280 --> 18:38.080] Signars fellow Shatla's Drawala Goodta and Ashwini Polapado had an impressive run. [18:38.080 --> 18:42.960] The double's bronze was India's first medal at the World Championships in 28 years. [18:45.040 --> 18:49.600] Stars failing to shine right was the trend in boxing as well. [18:52.800 --> 18:57.440] But new stars put born in the range. Because Christian became just the second Indian [18:57.440 --> 19:00.080] boxer after vision their two winner World Championship medal. [19:00.080 --> 19:10.720] The man most synonymous with Indian football bit fair will to the game and it'll probably [19:10.720 --> 19:21.120] be impossible to fail by jungle to shoot. The year began in terrible style for the Indian football [19:21.120 --> 19:28.000] teams being knocked out of the AFC Asian Cup. That was followed by a musical chair of sorts [19:28.000 --> 19:37.840] of national coaches. The end though was a happy one with six staff championship title win at home. [19:41.040 --> 19:45.200] Who runs hockey in India? Never mind if you can't answer that one. [19:48.960 --> 19:55.280] But will India qualify for the 2012 Olympics? Well we certainly hope so. But to do that they'll [19:55.280 --> 19:59.680] have to do better than just one tournament win and one final appearance in a year. [20:02.080 --> 20:06.800] Here's someone who almost found the bullseye. Deepi Kakumari missed out on a World Cup [20:06.800 --> 20:16.560] goal by a whisker. Another Deepi Kakumari had a great year. Three West Particles and a quarter [20:16.560 --> 20:18.800] final finish at the World Championships. [20:18.800 --> 20:28.800] Let's hope in the New Year there are more hits and fewer misses as India aim to make London [20:28.800 --> 20:35.680] 2012 a memorable outing. Here's the weather update with Namprata. [20:40.480 --> 20:45.200] Hello and welcome dense for conditions Woodakka over areas of Delhi, Punjab, Haryana and [20:45.200 --> 20:50.240] Othipadaesh during the next 24 hours. Minimum temperatures could go up by 2 to 4 degrees [20:50.240 --> 20:54.400] over the next couple of days. The minimum temperature in Delhi at 7 degrees today, [20:54.400 --> 21:00.880] Ummrata at minus 2 and Shrinagar at minus 4 degrees mainly drive with expected over the entire region. [21:00.880 --> 21:05.600] In the eastern region plenty of sunshine likely over Bihar, Charkhan, West Bengal and Oresa, [21:05.600 --> 21:09.840] the minimum temperatures have increased over most areas here today. The minimum temperature in [21:09.840 --> 21:15.360] part night 9 degrees up by a couple of degrees since yesterday, Raji at 12, in an northeast mainly [21:15.360 --> 21:20.880] drive with expected over most areas. In the southern region the cyclonic storm Thane is likely [21:20.880 --> 21:26.000] to weaken in the next 12 hours, but very heavy rainfall expected over areas of coastal [21:26.000 --> 21:31.040] entrepidation coastal Tamil Nadu north Tamil Nadu and better weather also likely over areas of south [21:31.040 --> 21:37.600] in Tirakarnatika, Ralseema and areas of Kerala and Lakshvadi. Maximum temperature in Chennai at [21:37.600 --> 21:43.120] 25 degrees and puto cherry at 26. Find the western centre in India. The minimum temperature [21:43.120 --> 21:47.040] could rise by 2 to 4 degrees over central India during the next couple of days. [21:47.040 --> 21:51.440] Mainly drive with expected over Gujarat and the west coast, Mumbai, Nights and Pleasant [21:51.440 --> 21:55.920] at 31 degrees and Panchim slightly warmer at 34 degrees today. [21:55.920 --> 21:57.440] Well that's it on the weather report. [21:57.440 --> 22:09.120] Ahmedabad is the most polluted city in the country, the S.P. level at 399 mAh per cubic meter. [22:09.120 --> 22:14.080] It has displaced Delhi since yesterday, Kolkata at the second spot and Chandigarri at [22:14.080 --> 22:18.560] again the least polluted city in the country. Well that's it on the air pollution report. [22:19.760 --> 22:24.560] That's all we have, but we would like to end on a lighter note with our puppets who decided [22:24.560 --> 22:38.080] to turn the biggest talking point this year into the year's most hummed and google song. [22:54.560 --> 23:01.120] Why is Lokpaal Lokpaal very very weak? [23:01.120 --> 23:14.560] Government who left Gujarat Gujarat wearing khadi whiter for the public all is nighter [23:14.560 --> 23:24.960] public future black why is Lokpaal Lokpaal very very weak? [23:24.960 --> 23:52.640] Ready? [23:54.960 --> 24:01.960] Chawa Chawa, okay Chawa, you better eat now. [24:01.960 --> 24:05.960] Oh God, I am dying now. [24:05.960 --> 24:09.960] She's happy how I work. [24:09.960 --> 24:12.960] This song is for faster boys. [24:12.960 --> 24:15.960] You don't have choice. [24:15.960 --> 24:20.960] Why is Lokbal Lokbal very very weak? [24:20.960 --> 24:22.960] Tell me. [24:22.960 --> 24:27.960] Stop cheering, will you always cry? [24:27.960 --> 24:32.960] Stop cheering, I am dying now. [26:02.960 --> 26:15.760] So, when the Shrivasthib earlier today looked, they had an identified for us a few stocks [26:15.760 --> 26:21.080] from 2011 as the winners and losers, which could be big, big winners in 2012. [26:21.080 --> 26:27.560] So, when there's top best with 2012, I heavy waves like BHEL, R-I-L, H-U-L, and H-DFC. [26:27.560 --> 26:28.560] Why? [26:28.560 --> 26:32.520] Here's the reasoning as given by Sir Pinky. [26:32.520 --> 26:38.840] I'm to decipher what has happened in 2011 and what can be best made out of 2012. [26:38.840 --> 26:44.200] Here has come of some of a stocks that we think that would do well in 2012. [26:44.200 --> 26:49.760] The whole basis of the four stocks that we are about to discuss is the fact that our long-term [26:49.760 --> 26:55.240] view that Nifty should base out somewhere around the 46, 4700 levels still remains intact. [26:55.240 --> 27:01.400] So, till proven otherwise, the medium-term and the short-term trend both are in just around [27:01.400 --> 27:02.400] the long-term supports. [27:02.400 --> 27:07.160] So, first stock that comes to my mind is bail, that is one stock that has completed [27:07.160 --> 27:09.840] the yearly setup. [27:09.840 --> 27:13.400] Minor targets on the downsides here on 1,900 could be left. [27:13.400 --> 27:18.840] We would initiate longs on this one around 1,900, aggressive traders can start accumulating [27:18.840 --> 27:21.040] or from current level itself. [27:21.040 --> 27:24.680] Stops can be placed around 1,74, once those targets are complete on the downside, this [27:24.680 --> 27:29.840] stock could easily give you anywhere between 25 to 30 percent return in 2012. [27:29.840 --> 27:34.400] The next stock that comes to our name is Reliance, Reliance has got good supports around [27:34.400 --> 27:41.280] 68, 700, has been trading a 300-point parallel range over the last two years. [27:41.280 --> 27:45.920] We had broken below 900 over the last couple of months, but now setups look encouraging [27:45.920 --> 27:49.920] this stock should pull back towards 900 in days to come. [27:49.920 --> 27:54.280] 64 remains a very, very crucial support and stop loss for this view because below 64, [27:54.280 --> 27:58.920] the stock can actually weaken and probably that is the time to relocate the Nifty itself. [27:58.920 --> 28:03.760] Going with the flow as of now, this stock could easily give you 900 plus going into [28:03.760 --> 28:06.760] the first two quarters of 2012. [28:06.760 --> 28:11.160] The other name that comes to our mind is H-U-L, being a very, very stronger performer, [28:11.160 --> 28:16.120] the key point in 2011 for the stock was that it took out the high of 2000, so after [28:16.120 --> 28:21.120] 10 of the year 2000, so after 10 long years we have had a breakout out of 325, the breakout [28:21.120 --> 28:23.520] has been solid with volumes. [28:23.520 --> 28:28.880] So now, any pull back towards 335370 should be a good place to accumulate this stock for [28:28.880 --> 28:34.480] 2012, stops can be placed below 319, and this is a stock that could keep on running [28:34.480 --> 28:39.960] through 1213 and could give you returns of the prices upwards of 500 plus on this stock [28:39.960 --> 28:41.920] are definitely visible now. [28:41.920 --> 28:47.000] Next stock in mind is H-DFC bank, again out performer, consolidated income with the 2008 [28:47.000 --> 29:02.480] highs, a small little bullish flag which is right now setting up over the last couple of months. [29:02.480 --> 29:29.600] Hello and welcome to this year and special on the single biggest event of 2011. [29:29.600 --> 29:35.280] If there's one thing that this year will be remembered for, it's for the hope and it's [29:35.280 --> 29:41.760] still only a hope that in 2011 the fight against corruption in our country has finally [29:41.760 --> 29:43.240] begun in earnest. [29:43.240 --> 29:50.280] And this fight against corruption became symbolic with one man, the 74-year-old Anna. [29:50.280 --> 29:56.600] And for the government, the year became to coin a phrase, Anna Horibolas, as the government [29:56.600 --> 30:01.080] bungled and botched, and then buckled under pressure.