Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language Detected language: Arabic [00:00.000 --> 00:28.880] The [00:28.880 --> 00:35.880] The celebration of the Christian sects in Syria at the beginning of the new year is limited to prayers and Qadadis. [00:42.880 --> 00:49.880] There is a rise in the number of mosques and mosques in some provinces. [00:49.880 --> 00:58.880] There is a rise in the number of mosques and mosques in some provinces. [01:01.880 --> 01:07.880] There is a rise in the number of mosques and mosques in some provinces. [01:07.880 --> 01:14.880] The celebration of the Christian sects in Syria at the beginning of the new year is limited to prayers and Qadadis. [01:14.880 --> 01:21.880] There is a rise in the number of mosques and mosques in some provinces. [01:24.880 --> 01:31.880] On this occasion, a major religious celebration was held in the Mariamid church in Damascus. [01:31.880 --> 01:39.880] It was led by the Patriarch Ignatius IV Hazim, Patriarch of Antioch and the rest of the East by the Roman Orthodox. [01:39.880 --> 01:52.880] It was assisted by the priests Moses Khoury, Luka Khoury, Eshaq Barakat, and the representative of the Church of Russia in Damascus, Archimandrite Alexander, and a group of priests and priests. [01:52.880 --> 02:00.880] On this occasion, a major religious celebration was held in the Mariamid church in Damascus. [02:00.880 --> 02:09.880] It was assisted by the priests Moses Khoury, Luka Khoury, Eshaq Barakat, and the representative of the Church of Russia in Damascus, Archimandrite Alexander, and a group of priests and priests. [02:09.880 --> 02:18.880] On this occasion, a major religious celebration was held in the Mariamid church in Damascus. [02:18.880 --> 02:23.880] It was assisted by the priests Moses Khoury, Luka Khoury, Eshaq Barakat, and the representative of the Church of Russia in Damascus, Archimandrite Alexander, and a group of priests and priests. [02:23.880 --> 02:32.880] On this occasion, a major religious celebration was held in the Mariamid church in Damascus. [02:32.880 --> 02:39.880] We must remember those who care about us, especially in this period of our country's history. [02:39.880 --> 02:48.880] Our country is not made of stone and clay, but you are, my beloved ones, you are in all your forms. [02:48.880 --> 02:58.880] So, for those who care about you and us, we raise our hearts to Allah and ask Him to guide and strengthen them [02:58.880 --> 03:07.880] in order to serve us all and to protect us. I mean our army that protects the unity of the country and its dignity. [03:07.880 --> 03:11.880] Come with me so that we can raise our hearts to Allah, the Exalted. [03:11.880 --> 03:19.880] Grant us every kind of sustenance, and that we pray to Him to preserve for us the President of this country, President Bashar al-Assad, [03:19.880 --> 03:35.880] and to strengthen him, especially in these delicate circumstances in which it is no longer known who among the brothers and the sons of the one nation are with whom, and who among them are for whom. [03:35.880 --> 03:43.880] We ask Allah to strengthen him so that he becomes an element that unites those who disobey and unites those who stay away, [03:43.880 --> 03:53.880] and unites those who do not look far away with a conscious look, aware of what is hidden in this country and this region, [03:53.880 --> 03:59.880] by capturing it from an enemy, and from the will of a tyrant, and from the will of Ba'athara. [03:59.880 --> 04:03.880] It is a short prayer, but the language of the people's state. [04:03.880 --> 04:08.880] They hope for a strong and stable homeland, and a year in which goodness overcomes evil, [04:08.880 --> 04:16.880] and the enemy regains the essence of which he is accustomed. [04:16.880 --> 04:26.880] We ask Allah, the Exalted, to preserve this country, and to preserve this people who are strong in their faith, [04:26.880 --> 04:37.880] strong in their patriotism, and to guide those who are deceived by it, and those who work without their will. [04:37.880 --> 04:43.880] God willing, this new year will be blessed for all people, Syria is a country for all, and it is not against anyone at all. [04:43.880 --> 04:49.880] In Syria, we are accustomed to living in all sects together, we do not know anyone from anyone, we are all brothers. [04:49.880 --> 04:54.880] The crisis, God willing, will disappear. [04:54.880 --> 05:06.880] It will disappear because we believe that the country is sacred, and Damascus in particular is more sacred than any other country. [05:06.880 --> 05:12.880] Therefore, we do not fear anything, as long as God is with us. [05:12.880 --> 05:22.880] The most important thing is that the country is in good health, and that we live in peace, and that no one hurts us, with the power of God. [05:22.880 --> 05:29.880] I pray from the bottom of my heart, so that God does good to our country, and that we end this crisis. [05:29.880 --> 05:32.880] Peace, God willing, and a good year. [05:32.880 --> 05:36.880] A new year has begun on the occasion of these prayers and prayers, [05:36.880 --> 05:43.880] to pray for love, peace, and hope that Syria remains steadfast in the face of the crisis. [05:43.880 --> 05:48.880] Sulafa Shihadeh, Syrian Arab Television, Damascus. [05:48.880 --> 05:56.880] Syrian Arab Television, Damascus. [05:56.880 --> 06:00.880] In the framework of the Syrian letter, about its independent and sovereign line, [06:00.880 --> 06:04.880] the armed terrorism tried to target the Syrian people in their life and identity, [06:04.880 --> 06:07.880] supported by countries, organizations, and personalities. [06:07.880 --> 06:19.880] Shihadeh made the Syrians shiver from their firm resistance. [06:19.880 --> 06:23.880] Several months passed in the year 2011, [06:23.880 --> 06:27.880] and the international terrorist forces were working to strike Syria, [06:27.880 --> 06:30.880] in order to liberate it from its independent and sovereign line. [06:30.880 --> 06:32.880] During these months, [06:32.880 --> 06:38.880] there was nothing on the side of terrorism, except for its use in all forms. [06:38.880 --> 06:43.880] Weapons. [06:43.880 --> 06:49.880] Weapons. [06:49.880 --> 06:58.880] And crimes against civilians, soldiers, buildings, and private and public properties. [06:58.880 --> 07:04.880] Three of its executors, behind noble slogans, called for peace and freedom. [07:04.880 --> 07:10.880] What came out of it was the murder of those who were funded and armed from abroad. [07:10.880 --> 07:14.880] This abroad did not hide, and did not shy away from supporting the terrorist elements [07:14.880 --> 07:17.880] that were moving on the land of Syria. [07:17.880 --> 07:24.880] The American calls were in the direction of not giving up the armed forces and their weapons. [07:24.880 --> 07:30.880] The French are warning with words and trying with actions to start a war in Syria, [07:30.880 --> 07:34.880] so that the Americans and the French can move to the Security Council, [07:34.880 --> 07:37.880] with the participation of a large number of people, [07:37.880 --> 07:42.880] who will be punished by the institutions and personalities of Syria. [07:42.880 --> 07:49.880] The goal is to limit the Syrian state's ability to face the terrorism it is exposed to. [07:49.880 --> 07:54.880] And when we faced the friendly countries of Syria in the Security Council, [07:54.880 --> 07:59.880] they took advantage of the policy of Arab and regional leaders to contain the armed groups, [07:59.880 --> 08:04.880] and to move terrorist operations from their lands against the Syrian people. [08:04.880 --> 08:11.880] During this period, they accompanied the calling of individuals who were involved in the killing of the Syrian people and fighting them. [08:11.880 --> 08:21.880] They participated directly in the deterioration of the situation, and in inciting hatred, and in supporting and participating in the terrorists who were armed to kill the Syrian blood. [08:21.880 --> 08:27.880] And between the attack on the citizens as individuals, and the attack on the Syrian homeland as a whole, [08:27.880 --> 08:36.880] the armed terrorist groups and those who support them, thought that they were capable of terrorizing and destroying the main Syrian model. [08:36.880 --> 08:42.880] However, the strong awareness in the blood of the Syrians and their affiliation, cut off the way for them, [08:42.880 --> 08:47.880] and the word was the word of the Arab Syrian citizens. [08:47.880 --> 08:53.880] Syria belongs to the Syrians, and it will never be without it. [08:53.880 --> 09:09.880] Our media institutions, with all their means, were ready to destroy, destroy, and burn many times. [09:09.880 --> 09:12.880] And the matter was not limited to that. [09:12.880 --> 09:19.880] The European sanctions on some of the Syrian media, embody the freedom that the West wants for Syria. [09:19.880 --> 09:29.880] It was not easy for some to transfer the means of the Syrian media, the truth on the ground, and to be the language of the people in the Syrian street. [09:29.880 --> 09:35.880] These means were available to attack and destroy more than once. [09:35.880 --> 09:44.880] The Dar'a Television Center was the first media institution that was exposed to destruction and burning with all its contents, [09:44.880 --> 09:47.880] so that the effects of the destruction remain a witness to that. [09:47.880 --> 09:52.880] And the centers of destruction and burning were not far from this destructive act, [09:52.880 --> 10:00.880] so they were exposed to theft and looting, and the destruction of cameras and technical equipment in them, [10:00.880 --> 10:05.880] as well as the brutal attack on some of the Syrian media. [10:05.880 --> 10:11.880] The Syrian media are telling the truth, and that's why they are supporting the Arab and foreign countries. [10:11.880 --> 10:18.880] There must be a voice for the truth, and the truth of what is happening in Syria, and the truth of the Syrian people. [10:18.880 --> 10:23.880] And in order to complete the concept of democracy and freedom, according to the Western concept, [10:23.880 --> 10:28.880] the European Union imposed sanctions on the Syrian media and some of its means, [10:28.880 --> 10:33.880] such as Al-Dunya Al-Fadaiya, Al-Jarida Al-Watan, Isham Ebris website, [10:33.880 --> 10:41.880] and Al-Tashwish on the Syrian News Channel, to embody the freedom that the West wants for Syria. [10:41.880 --> 10:46.880] They are fighting us with our channels, they are fighting Al-Dunya, they are trying to fight Al-Fadaiya, [10:46.880 --> 10:53.880] they are terrorists, they are agents, they are trying to harm us as the Syrian people. [10:53.880 --> 11:01.880] In the terrorist scene that Damascus was exposed to on the 23rd of January 2011, [11:01.880 --> 11:06.880] the Syrian media didn't prevent this crime, [11:06.880 --> 11:13.880] so the public body of the TV and the headquarters of the unit were exposed to great financial damages [11:13.880 --> 11:20.880] because of these two terrorist explosions, in which more than 50 people were martyred. [11:20.880 --> 11:26.880] And with all of this, our media will continue to use all of its means, [11:26.880 --> 11:32.880] speaking in the language of the Syrian people, and standing in the face of what Syria is going through, [11:32.880 --> 11:35.880] a ferocious media war. [11:35.880 --> 11:41.880] It is no longer hidden from anyone that Syria is going through a media war in the first place, [11:41.880 --> 11:45.880] to escalate the situation and deepen the crisis and influence the public opinion. [11:45.880 --> 11:50.880] And of course, no one denies the danger of this war and its impact on the land, [11:50.880 --> 11:55.880] especially since the planned plan is based on the main centers of media misguidance, [11:55.880 --> 11:59.880] the ones that are based on the corruption, propaganda, psychological warfare, [11:59.880 --> 12:04.880] the extermination, the ignorance, the sedition, the abusing, the defamation, the heart of the picture, [12:04.880 --> 12:07.880] the incitement, and the poison in the body, [12:07.880 --> 12:10.880] and the participation in the bloodshed of the Syrian people. [12:10.880 --> 12:15.880] There are many evidence of the media war against Syria. [12:15.880 --> 12:21.880] Here, for example, the channel of Al-Jazeera's urgent channel, Al-Ahmar, [12:21.880 --> 12:25.880] went to the middle of the screen to announce the news of the resignation of Amia Chakour, [12:25.880 --> 12:30.880] the Syrian ambassador in France, from her position, in protest of what is going on in her country. [12:30.880 --> 12:37.880] And many channels participate in this, and all of them moved this news from the French channel, [12:37.880 --> 12:40.880] so that the ambassador would come out after them with their claims. [12:40.880 --> 12:47.880] What is completely normal is that I would file a complaint to condemn France 24 [12:47.880 --> 12:53.880] for these acts of disinformation, by the way, which are part of a campaign of falsification of information. [12:53.880 --> 12:57.880] And in their search for a symbol that they use in public opinion against the country, [12:57.880 --> 13:02.880] they tried to completely deprive the Syrian government of its humanity. [13:02.880 --> 13:07.880] And they isolated long spaces using the words of the brave, the crying, and the wailing, [13:07.880 --> 13:13.880] for the soul of the tortured, the oppressed, the severed limbs of the disfigured body of Zainab Al-Husni. [13:13.880 --> 13:18.880] But the truth shocked them from the mouth of the person who is related to her. [13:18.880 --> 13:21.880] Zainab was tortured and her body was severed. [13:21.880 --> 13:25.880] And the Arab is sorry to show pictures of her cruelty. [13:25.880 --> 13:27.880] My name is Zainab Omar Al-Husni. [13:27.880 --> 13:29.880] I was born in 1993, one by one. [13:29.880 --> 13:32.880] My mother's name is Iftata Malouk, and my father is Omar Al-Husni. [13:32.880 --> 13:35.880] And the news that came out was a lie. [13:35.880 --> 13:37.880] And now I'm alive, I'm not dead. [13:37.880 --> 13:42.880] And to avoid this failure, they confirmed this time the death of a child whose mother was crying. [13:42.880 --> 13:45.880] They found the scene to have mislead them. [13:45.880 --> 13:50.880] But for a few hours, the mother had to hold her breath, [13:50.880 --> 13:54.880] to add to their horror, another horror. [13:54.880 --> 13:59.880] Pictures showing a mother crying, a child who was not older than 10 years old, [13:59.880 --> 14:02.880] was killed by the Syrian security forces. [14:02.880 --> 14:06.880] A bullet, a bullet in the eye, inside, in the eye. [14:06.880 --> 14:09.880] If there was an army, my son would not have died. [14:09.880 --> 14:12.880] My son would not have left the army, my son would not have left the army. [14:12.880 --> 14:15.880] My son would not have left the army, my son would not have left the army. [14:15.880 --> 14:19.880] And the giant screens behind the TV channels, [14:19.880 --> 14:22.880] showed hard pictures under the title of the Syrian revolution, [14:22.880 --> 14:25.880] and the revolution of freedom, and others from their revolutions. [14:25.880 --> 14:27.880] To deceive the eyes of the Syrians, [14:27.880 --> 14:30.880] through what is called the demagogic neural programming. [14:30.880 --> 14:33.880] Where the picture is linked to the title, [14:33.880 --> 14:38.880] to make it clear that most of these pictures are of events that are not in Syria. [14:38.880 --> 14:42.880] Like this Iraqi mother, who is holding her little child. [14:42.880 --> 14:46.880] In 2011, during the events that were taking place, [14:46.880 --> 14:48.880] during the crisis we are living in, [14:48.880 --> 14:51.880] I was surprised that the channel of Bissal, and the Arabic channel, [14:51.880 --> 14:53.880] and the channel of Safa and Al Jazeera, [14:53.880 --> 14:56.880] showed this picture of a mother holding her child, [14:56.880 --> 14:59.880] on the basis that he was present in Dar'a. [14:59.880 --> 15:03.880] That this child was killed, and his mother was holding him in Dar'a. [15:03.880 --> 15:05.880] I completely confirm, [15:05.880 --> 15:08.880] that this picture is fabricated and fabricated. [15:08.880 --> 15:11.880] I wrote the article in 2009. [15:11.880 --> 15:13.880] And who forgets the preparation of the TV channels, [15:13.880 --> 15:15.880] that are leading the public opinion in Syria, [15:15.880 --> 15:17.880] to wait for the big explosion, [15:17.880 --> 15:19.880] during the blessed month of Ramadan. [15:19.880 --> 15:21.880] And they are going to set the dates, [15:21.880 --> 15:24.880] that will be the point of the end of the state in it. [15:24.880 --> 15:26.880] And with the coming of the blessed month, [15:26.880 --> 15:27.880] at the end of it, [15:27.880 --> 15:29.880] without achieving what they wanted, [15:29.880 --> 15:31.880] they created special rooms, [15:31.880 --> 15:33.880] for the night of Qadr. [15:33.880 --> 15:35.880] In the early hours of the first dawn, [15:35.880 --> 15:37.880] their red carriages, [15:37.880 --> 15:40.880] are racing in the millions to the squares of Damascus. [15:40.880 --> 15:43.880] However, the rooms of operations of the Syrian TV, [15:43.880 --> 15:45.880] were aware of this conspiracy. [15:45.880 --> 15:47.880] So, the direct transport cars, [15:47.880 --> 15:49.880] were present in those squares, [15:49.880 --> 15:51.880] to show the white thread, [15:51.880 --> 15:53.880] from the black. [15:53.880 --> 15:55.880] What's wrong with you, Al Jazeera? [15:55.880 --> 15:56.880] What's wrong with you, Arab? [15:56.880 --> 15:57.880] The people of Syria are aware. [15:57.880 --> 15:59.880] They went to my car, [15:59.880 --> 16:00.880] from El Khadra, [16:00.880 --> 16:01.880] to Qudsaya, [16:01.880 --> 16:02.880] to the Dommar project, [16:02.880 --> 16:03.880] to the square of Limawin, [16:03.880 --> 16:04.880] to the square of Abbasin. [16:04.880 --> 16:05.880] And on the contrary, [16:05.880 --> 16:07.880] now I'm in the square of Limawin. [16:07.880 --> 16:09.880] All of them are liars. [16:09.880 --> 16:11.880] And because the media, [16:11.880 --> 16:13.880] is an image in the first degree, [16:13.880 --> 16:15.880] and a word in the second degree. [16:15.880 --> 16:17.880] Here are the pictures speaking. [16:17.880 --> 16:19.880] And the people who lived their stories, [16:19.880 --> 16:21.880] are the ones who are talking, [16:21.880 --> 16:23.880] during the ten months. [16:23.880 --> 16:26.880] So, can they turn off the light of the sun, [16:26.880 --> 16:28.880] in the fourth day? [16:28.880 --> 16:31.880] The teams of the Arab State University, [16:31.880 --> 16:32.880] are continuing their tours, [16:32.880 --> 16:34.880] in a number of areas, [16:34.880 --> 16:35.880] and the cities of Syria. [16:35.880 --> 16:36.880] In Idlib, [16:36.880 --> 16:37.880] a team of the inspectors, [16:37.880 --> 16:38.880] in the city, [16:38.880 --> 16:40.880] visited the national hospital. [16:40.880 --> 16:42.880] Three teams of the inspectors, [16:42.880 --> 16:43.880] from the neighborhoods of, [16:43.880 --> 16:44.880] Al Arman, Al Zahra, [16:44.880 --> 16:45.880] and Al Abbasin, [16:45.880 --> 16:46.880] visited Homs, [16:46.880 --> 16:47.880] and met the people. [16:47.880 --> 16:49.880] A group of the inspectors, [16:49.880 --> 16:50.880] visited the military hospital in Homs, [16:50.880 --> 16:52.880] and looked at the condition of the wound. [16:52.880 --> 16:54.880] Another group visited, [16:54.880 --> 16:55.880] the door of Dreyb, [16:55.880 --> 16:56.880] in Homs, [16:56.880 --> 16:57.880] and met the people. [16:57.880 --> 16:59.880] And in the countryside of Damascus, [16:59.880 --> 17:00.880] a group of the inspectors, [17:00.880 --> 17:01.880] visited the Mu'azzamiya area, [17:01.880 --> 17:03.880] and met the people there. [17:03.880 --> 17:04.880] Another group, [17:04.880 --> 17:05.880] from Ba'afah, [17:05.880 --> 17:06.880] in Dar'a, [17:06.880 --> 17:07.880] took a tour in the city, [17:07.880 --> 17:10.880] and met the people there. [17:11.880 --> 17:13.880] Ambassador Adnan Issa Al Akhdir, [17:13.880 --> 17:15.880] the head of the Special Operations Room, [17:15.880 --> 17:17.880] sent the inspectors to Syria. [17:17.880 --> 17:18.880] He confirmed that the room, [17:18.880 --> 17:20.880] is in constant contact, [17:20.880 --> 17:22.880] with the Arab inspectors' bus, [17:22.880 --> 17:24.880] located in the Syrian lands. [17:24.880 --> 17:25.880] It is also in contact, [17:25.880 --> 17:27.880] with the Special Operations Room, [17:27.880 --> 17:28.880] of the Ba'afah, [17:28.880 --> 17:29.880] located in Damascus, [17:29.880 --> 17:31.880] and the heads of the sectors, [17:31.880 --> 17:32.880] are in constant contact, [17:32.880 --> 17:34.880] with the first team, [17:34.880 --> 17:35.880] Mohammed Ahmed Mostafa Dabi, [17:35.880 --> 17:37.880] about the missions of the Ba'afah, [17:37.880 --> 17:38.880] in Syria. [17:38.880 --> 17:39.880] In his turn, [17:39.880 --> 17:41.880] he cooperates with the heads of the sectors, [17:41.880 --> 17:44.880] regarding the location of the Ba'afah teams, [17:44.880 --> 17:46.880] according to the plan of the matter. [17:46.880 --> 17:48.880] Al Akhdir said that, [17:48.880 --> 17:50.880] the team of the inspectors in Syria, [17:50.880 --> 17:51.880] is equipped with all the means, [17:51.880 --> 17:53.880] of monitoring and documenting. [17:53.880 --> 17:55.880] Also, its movement, [17:55.880 --> 17:57.880] takes place in different areas, [17:57.880 --> 17:58.880] visited by the teams, [17:58.880 --> 17:59.880] according to the protocol, [17:59.880 --> 18:01.880] which was signed, [18:01.880 --> 18:03.880] with the Arab University. [18:03.880 --> 18:04.880] He pointed out that, [18:04.880 --> 18:05.880] the Syrian authorities, [18:05.880 --> 18:06.880] are committed to the protection, [18:06.880 --> 18:07.880] of the Ba'afah team, [18:07.880 --> 18:09.880] of the Arab University. [18:09.880 --> 18:10.880] Al Akhdir said that, [18:10.880 --> 18:12.880] we receive in the operations room, [18:12.880 --> 18:14.880] daily communications, [18:14.880 --> 18:16.880] and we deliver this information, [18:16.880 --> 18:18.880] to the operations room, [18:18.880 --> 18:19.880] of the Ba'afah team, [18:19.880 --> 18:20.880] in Damascus, [18:20.880 --> 18:21.880] first, [18:21.880 --> 18:23.880] and then they take action, [18:23.880 --> 18:24.880] regarding it, [18:24.880 --> 18:25.880] in the field. [18:25.880 --> 18:27.880] Konstantin Makayenko, [18:27.880 --> 18:28.880] the deputy director of the center, [18:28.880 --> 18:29.880] of strategic analysis, [18:29.880 --> 18:31.880] and Russian technology, [18:31.880 --> 18:32.880] and Fassili Belozirov, [18:32.880 --> 18:33.880] the head of the association, [18:33.880 --> 18:36.880] of the Russian political and military analysts, [18:36.880 --> 18:37.880] confirmed that, [18:37.880 --> 18:38.880] Syria has become a target, [18:38.880 --> 18:39.880] of a severe pressure, [18:39.880 --> 18:41.880] and a traveling aggression. [18:41.880 --> 18:42.880] It is obvious that, [18:42.880 --> 18:44.880] Syria has become an object, [18:44.880 --> 18:47.880] of a severe pressure, [18:47.880 --> 18:49.880] and even a traveling aggression, [18:49.880 --> 18:51.880] whether from the western countries, [18:51.880 --> 18:53.880] or from some regional countries. [18:53.880 --> 18:54.880] It is also clear, [18:54.880 --> 18:56.880] that the situation of the instability, [18:56.880 --> 18:58.880] that Syria is currently living in, [18:58.880 --> 18:59.880] its funding is running, [18:59.880 --> 19:00.880] and its incitement, [19:00.880 --> 19:01.880] in a strong way, [19:01.880 --> 19:03.880] and the extremist opposition, [19:03.880 --> 19:04.880] in it, [19:04.880 --> 19:05.880] gets a financial aid, [19:05.880 --> 19:07.880] from the western side. [19:07.880 --> 19:08.880] The western countries, [19:08.880 --> 19:10.880] and their allies in the region, [19:10.880 --> 19:11.880] will strive with all their power, [19:11.880 --> 19:13.880] to continue to escalate the situation, [19:13.880 --> 19:14.880] in Syria, [19:14.880 --> 19:16.880] and this is what the terrorist bombings, [19:16.880 --> 19:19.880] that are targeting Mashq, [19:19.880 --> 19:20.880] and carrying with them, [19:20.880 --> 19:22.880] the fingerprints of Al-Qaeda, [19:22.880 --> 19:23.880] and others, [19:23.880 --> 19:25.880] from the terrorist organizations. [19:30.880 --> 19:31.880] There is no doubt, [19:31.880 --> 19:32.880] that certain Western powers, [19:32.880 --> 19:34.880] are working to implement scenarios, [19:34.880 --> 19:35.880] in Syria, [19:35.880 --> 19:36.880] that they have done before, [19:36.880 --> 19:37.880] in other countries, [19:37.880 --> 19:38.880] and in particular, [19:38.880 --> 19:40.880] in the course of what happened in Libya. [19:40.880 --> 19:42.880] We can clearly see the results, [19:42.880 --> 19:43.880] of these scenarios, [19:43.880 --> 19:44.880] by comparing the situations, [19:44.880 --> 19:45.880] in several countries, [19:45.880 --> 19:46.880] including Libya, [19:46.880 --> 19:48.880] which is now drowning in chaos, [19:48.880 --> 19:50.880] and has turned into a source, [19:50.880 --> 19:51.880] that threatens the stability, [19:51.880 --> 19:52.880] of the other countries. [19:52.880 --> 19:54.880] And it is never permissible, [19:54.880 --> 19:56.880] to repeat the same scenario, [19:56.880 --> 19:57.880] in Syria, [19:57.880 --> 19:58.880] the independent state, [19:58.880 --> 19:59.880] that is the ruler, [19:59.880 --> 20:00.880] and the friend of Russia, [20:00.880 --> 20:02.880] and it is the right of the Syrian people, [20:02.880 --> 20:04.880] to decide their future on their own, [20:04.880 --> 20:06.880] and this is what the official Russian position, [20:06.880 --> 20:07.880] insists on, [20:07.880 --> 20:09.880] in solving Syria's problems on their own, [20:09.880 --> 20:12.880] away from any foreign intervention. [20:12.880 --> 20:14.880] What the satellites are promoting, [20:14.880 --> 20:16.880] about what is happening in Syria, [20:16.880 --> 20:18.880] and doubting the work of the Arab observers, [20:18.880 --> 20:20.880] is nothing but to fail their mission, [20:20.880 --> 20:22.880] and to call for foreign intervention. [20:22.880 --> 20:23.880] This issue, [20:23.880 --> 20:25.880] has formed the focus of the newspapers, [20:25.880 --> 20:26.880] that are following it, [20:26.880 --> 20:27.880] in the corner of Sada Al-Hadath, [20:27.880 --> 20:28.880] with Al-Batul Al-Ali, [20:28.880 --> 20:29.880] after a short break. [20:38.880 --> 20:39.880] Welcome, [20:39.880 --> 20:41.880] we will start the corner of Sada Al-Hadath, [20:41.880 --> 20:43.880] with the Egyptian press, [20:43.880 --> 20:45.880] that believes that the situation in Syria, [20:45.880 --> 20:47.880] is different than what the satellites are promoting. [20:47.880 --> 20:49.880] Mohamed El Fawal wrote, [20:49.880 --> 20:50.880] under the title, [20:50.880 --> 20:51.880] the Arab mission, [20:51.880 --> 20:52.880] after a week. [20:52.880 --> 20:54.880] I am sure that the Arab observers' mission, [20:54.880 --> 20:56.880] will discover that the situation in Syria, [20:56.880 --> 20:58.880] is different than what they heard, [20:58.880 --> 20:59.880] read, [20:59.880 --> 21:01.880] and what the satellites are promoting. [21:01.880 --> 21:03.880] And that it will not find a war, [21:03.880 --> 21:05.880] that is on the streets and squares, [21:05.880 --> 21:07.880] nor blood running in rivers, [21:07.880 --> 21:09.880] nor tanks and armored vehicles, [21:09.880 --> 21:11.880] that attack the protesters, [21:11.880 --> 21:13.880] and completely destroy their lives. [21:13.880 --> 21:14.880] The writer added, [21:14.880 --> 21:15.880] I was also sure, [21:15.880 --> 21:17.880] that the observers' mission, [21:17.880 --> 21:19.880] will hear from the national opposition, [21:19.880 --> 21:20.880] inside, [21:20.880 --> 21:21.880] in a language, [21:21.880 --> 21:23.880] that is different from what the opposition, [21:23.880 --> 21:24.880] outside, [21:24.880 --> 21:25.880] is using. [21:25.880 --> 21:26.880] The opposition from America, [21:26.880 --> 21:27.880] Europe, [21:27.880 --> 21:29.880] and some provinces in the region, [21:29.880 --> 21:30.880] are financially, [21:30.880 --> 21:31.880] politically, [21:31.880 --> 21:32.880] and in the media, [21:32.880 --> 21:33.880] to establish their positions, [21:33.880 --> 21:35.880] and to raise the ceiling of their demands, [21:35.880 --> 21:39.880] and to encourage them to mediate, [21:39.880 --> 21:40.880] and to intervene externally. [21:40.880 --> 21:41.880] The newspaper, [21:41.880 --> 21:42.880] Al-Watan Al-Omani, [21:42.880 --> 21:43.880] saw in the article, [21:43.880 --> 21:44.880] of Zuhair Majed, [21:44.880 --> 21:45.880] that the Syrian army, [21:45.880 --> 21:46.880] is the public figure, [21:46.880 --> 21:47.880] and said, [21:47.880 --> 21:48.880] that the eyes, [21:48.880 --> 21:49.880] are fixed on Syria, [21:49.880 --> 21:50.880] and there is no other place, [21:50.880 --> 21:51.880] that is tense in the media, [21:51.880 --> 21:52.880] that is a liar, [21:52.880 --> 21:53.880] and then, [21:53.880 --> 21:54.880] they believe it. [21:54.880 --> 21:55.880] Attacks, [21:55.880 --> 21:56.880] and pressure, [21:56.880 --> 21:57.880] and money, [21:57.880 --> 21:58.880] in billions, [21:58.880 --> 21:59.880] and weapons of all kinds, [21:59.880 --> 22:00.880] and threats, [22:00.880 --> 22:01.880] and warnings. [22:01.880 --> 22:02.880] And the newspaper, [22:02.880 --> 22:03.880] explained, [22:03.880 --> 22:04.880] that the Syrian Arab army, [22:04.880 --> 22:05.880] is responsible for protecting, [22:05.880 --> 22:06.880] the state, [22:06.880 --> 22:07.880] the country, [22:07.880 --> 22:08.880] and the people, [22:08.880 --> 22:09.880] and this army, [22:09.880 --> 22:10.880] deserves to be, [22:10.880 --> 22:11.880] the public figure, [22:11.880 --> 22:12.880] with a right. [22:12.880 --> 22:13.880] The Jordanian newspaper, [22:13.880 --> 22:14.880] Ra'a, [22:14.880 --> 22:15.880] said in an article, [22:15.880 --> 22:16.880] to Mohammed Khurub, [22:16.880 --> 22:17.880] that the air raid, [22:17.880 --> 22:20.880] that killed 36 civilians, [22:20.880 --> 22:21.880] and most of the youth, [22:21.880 --> 22:22.880] in a region, [22:22.880 --> 22:23.880] south east of Turkey, [22:23.880 --> 22:24.880] is a new disaster, [22:24.880 --> 22:25.880] that adds to the record, [22:25.880 --> 22:26.880] of the problems, [22:26.880 --> 22:27.880] that are taking place, [22:27.880 --> 22:28.880] in the conflict, [22:28.880 --> 22:29.880] between Turkey, [22:29.880 --> 22:30.880] internally and externally, [22:30.880 --> 22:31.880] after the theory, [22:31.880 --> 22:32.880] of zero problems, [22:32.880 --> 22:33.880] has been rejected. [22:33.880 --> 22:34.880] And the newspaper, [22:34.880 --> 22:35.880] explained, [22:35.880 --> 22:36.880] that this is what happened, [22:36.880 --> 22:37.880] in the Syrian crisis, [22:37.880 --> 22:38.880] that was dealt with, [22:38.880 --> 22:39.880] by Ankara, [22:39.880 --> 22:40.880] by Fawqiya, [22:40.880 --> 22:41.880] and Sa'la, [22:41.880 --> 22:42.880] and they used, [22:42.880 --> 22:43.880] language, [22:43.880 --> 22:44.880] and terms, [22:44.880 --> 22:45.880] that give off, [22:45.880 --> 22:46.880] the smell of insults, [22:46.880 --> 22:47.880] and warnings, [22:47.880 --> 22:48.880] and they went far, [22:48.880 --> 22:49.880] and in a fast pace, [22:49.880 --> 22:50.880] they raised the doubt, [22:50.880 --> 22:51.880] more than what, [22:51.880 --> 22:52.880] caused anger, [22:52.880 --> 22:53.880] and increased reaction, [22:53.880 --> 22:54.880] to the occupation of, [22:54.880 --> 22:55.880] the Syrian opposition. [22:55.880 --> 22:56.880] And this is an example, [22:56.880 --> 22:57.880] of the natural reaction, [22:57.880 --> 22:58.880] of the reaction, [22:58.880 --> 22:59.880] that started, [22:59.880 --> 23:00.880] to distinguish, [23:00.880 --> 23:01.880] the Turkish diplomacy. [23:01.880 --> 23:02.880] With this, [23:02.880 --> 23:03.880] our viewers, [23:03.880 --> 23:04.880] until the end of the event, [23:04.880 --> 23:05.880] I return to you, [23:05.880 --> 23:06.880] Samer, [23:06.880 --> 23:07.880] Jafar, [23:07.880 --> 23:08.880] and Fawqiya. [23:08.880 --> 23:09.880] Thank you Batool. [23:09.880 --> 23:10.880] Thank you Batool. [23:10.880 --> 23:11.880] Our news girl, [23:11.880 --> 23:12.880] is continuing, [23:12.880 --> 23:13.880] and in it too. [23:13.880 --> 23:14.880] Turkey, [23:14.880 --> 23:15.880] is helping, [23:15.880 --> 23:16.880] to suppress, [23:16.880 --> 23:17.880] the popular protests, [23:17.880 --> 23:18.880] that are threatening, [23:18.880 --> 23:19.880] to kill, [23:19.880 --> 23:20.880] the innocent, [23:20.880 --> 23:21.880] in the region of Shanghai. [23:30.880 --> 23:31.880] New numbers, [23:31.880 --> 23:32.880] in the record, [23:32.880 --> 23:33.880] of the Syrian opposition, [23:33.880 --> 23:34.880] in the crimes, [23:34.880 --> 23:35.880] against the Palestinians, [23:35.880 --> 23:36.880] during the year, [23:36.880 --> 23:37.880] 2011. [23:37.880 --> 23:38.880] The Palestinians, [23:38.880 --> 23:39.880] are more steadfast, [23:39.880 --> 23:40.880] in the fight against, [23:40.880 --> 23:41.880] the occupation, [23:41.880 --> 23:42.880] and their retreat. [23:42.880 --> 23:43.880] In the year, [23:43.880 --> 23:44.880] 2011, [23:44.880 --> 23:45.880] the developments, [23:45.880 --> 23:46.880] and the fast-paced, [23:46.880 --> 23:47.880] events in the whole world, [23:47.880 --> 23:48.880] and especially, [23:48.880 --> 23:49.880] on the level of, [23:49.880 --> 23:50.880] the Palestinian issue. [23:50.880 --> 23:51.880] And the Palestinian lands, [23:51.880 --> 23:52.880] that are occupied, [23:52.880 --> 23:53.880] have witnessed, [23:53.880 --> 23:54.880] an Israeli escalation, [23:54.880 --> 23:55.880] through air raids, [23:55.880 --> 23:56.880] and continuous shelling, [23:56.880 --> 23:57.880] on the safe people. [23:57.880 --> 23:58.880] What led to, [23:58.880 --> 23:59.880] the martyrdom of, [23:59.880 --> 24:00.880] 180 Palestinians, [24:00.880 --> 24:01.880] including, [24:01.880 --> 24:02.880] 22 children. [24:02.880 --> 24:03.880] Apart from, [24:03.880 --> 24:04.880] the arrests, [24:04.880 --> 24:05.880] that lasted, [24:05.880 --> 24:06.880] more than, [24:06.880 --> 24:07.880] 3300 Palestinians, [24:07.880 --> 24:08.880] in places, [24:08.880 --> 24:09.880] separated from, [24:09.880 --> 24:10.880] the occupied, [24:10.880 --> 24:11.880] Palestinian lands. [24:11.880 --> 24:12.880] And one of the most important, [24:12.880 --> 24:13.880] is the lighting, [24:13.880 --> 24:14.880] on the settlement war, [24:14.880 --> 24:15.880] against the Palestinians, [24:15.880 --> 24:16.880] that accompanied, [24:16.880 --> 24:17.880] a religious war, [24:17.880 --> 24:18.880] that represented, [24:18.880 --> 24:19.880] the burning of, [24:19.880 --> 24:20.880] places of worship, [24:20.880 --> 24:21.880] such as mosques, [24:21.880 --> 24:22.880] and churches, [24:22.880 --> 24:23.880] in addition to, [24:23.880 --> 24:24.880] the destruction of, [24:24.880 --> 24:25.880] what is more than, [24:25.880 --> 24:26.880] 495 houses, [24:26.880 --> 24:27.880] and buildings, [24:27.880 --> 24:28.880] that were destroyed, [24:28.880 --> 24:29.880] during the war. [24:29.880 --> 24:30.880] Apart from, [24:30.880 --> 24:31.880] the practices of, [24:31.880 --> 24:32.880] the Israeli, [24:32.880 --> 24:33.880] enemy settlers, [24:33.880 --> 24:34.880] that, [24:34.880 --> 24:35.880] left behind, [24:35.880 --> 24:36.880] more than, [24:36.880 --> 24:37.880] 18,000, [24:37.880 --> 24:38.880] and 764, [24:38.880 --> 24:39.880] trees, [24:39.880 --> 24:40.880] that were burned, [24:40.880 --> 24:41.880] due to, [24:41.880 --> 24:42.880] their burning, [24:42.880 --> 24:43.880] of the Palestinian lands. [24:43.880 --> 24:44.880] And the extortion, [24:44.880 --> 24:45.880] of 15,525, [24:45.880 --> 24:46.880] dollars, [24:46.880 --> 24:47.880] to witness, [24:47.880 --> 24:48.880] after that, [24:48.880 --> 24:49.880] the occupied, [24:49.880 --> 24:50.880] lands, [24:50.880 --> 24:51.880] expanding, [24:51.880 --> 24:52.880] in an unprecedented way, [24:52.880 --> 24:53.880] with an American, [24:53.880 --> 24:54.880] public coverage. [24:54.880 --> 24:55.880] And the number of, [24:55.880 --> 24:56.880] settlements, [24:56.880 --> 24:57.880] that were built, [24:57.880 --> 24:58.880] in this year, [24:58.880 --> 24:59.880] is about, [24:59.880 --> 25:00.880] 26,837, [25:00.880 --> 25:01.880] settlements, [25:01.880 --> 25:02.880] in all, [25:02.880 --> 25:03.880] parts of, [25:03.880 --> 25:04.880] the occupied, [25:04.880 --> 25:05.880] Palestine. [25:05.880 --> 25:06.880] And the most, [25:06.880 --> 25:07.880] prominent event, [25:07.880 --> 25:08.880] that, [25:08.880 --> 25:09.880] hundreds of families, [25:09.880 --> 25:10.880] have been waiting for, [25:10.880 --> 25:11.880] is the success of, [25:11.880 --> 25:12.880] the exchange of, [25:12.880 --> 25:13.880] the captives, [25:13.880 --> 25:14.880] that ended, [25:14.880 --> 25:15.880] the release of, [25:15.880 --> 25:16.880] the Israeli captives, [25:16.880 --> 25:17.880] Jilad Shalit, [25:17.880 --> 25:18.880] in exchange for, [25:18.880 --> 25:19.880] the release of, [25:19.880 --> 25:20.880] 1027 captives. [25:20.880 --> 25:21.880] And in the shadow, [25:21.880 --> 25:22.880] of the continuous, [25:22.880 --> 25:23.880] Israeli rise, [25:23.880 --> 25:24.880] and the systematic, [25:24.880 --> 25:25.880] and supported, [25:25.880 --> 25:26.880] by Washington, [25:26.880 --> 25:27.880] with a international silence, [25:27.880 --> 25:28.880] waiting for, [25:28.880 --> 25:29.880] what will come, [25:29.880 --> 25:30.880] in the coming days, [25:30.880 --> 25:31.880] in the middle of, [25:31.880 --> 25:32.880] the angry, [25:32.880 --> 25:33.880] Arab public movement, [25:33.880 --> 25:34.880] from the clashes, [25:34.880 --> 25:35.880] between governments, [25:35.880 --> 25:36.880] as long as, [25:36.880 --> 25:37.880] the eyes are covered, [25:37.880 --> 25:38.880] from what is happening, [25:38.880 --> 25:39.880] in the occupied, [25:39.880 --> 25:40.880] Arab lands. [25:40.880 --> 25:41.880] After 9 years, [25:41.880 --> 25:42.880] of the material, [25:42.880 --> 25:43.880] and human, [25:43.880 --> 25:44.880] repression, [25:44.880 --> 25:45.880] Iraq, [25:45.880 --> 25:46.880] officially celebrates, [25:46.880 --> 25:47.880] the defeat of, [25:47.880 --> 25:48.880] the American occupation, [25:48.880 --> 25:49.880] from its land. [25:49.880 --> 25:50.880] And the Iraqi Prime Minister, [25:50.880 --> 25:51.880] invites the Iraqis, [25:51.880 --> 25:52.880] to the reconciliation, [25:52.880 --> 25:53.880] and the support, [25:53.880 --> 25:54.880] of the political process, [25:54.880 --> 25:55.880] to protect, [25:55.880 --> 25:56.880] the sovereignty of Iraq, [25:56.880 --> 25:57.880] in Iraq. [25:57.880 --> 25:58.880] I announce this day, [25:58.880 --> 25:59.880] the 31st of the month, [25:59.880 --> 26:00.880] of the first law, [26:00.880 --> 26:01.880] which coincides, [26:01.880 --> 26:02.880] with the completion, [26:02.880 --> 26:03.880] of the withdrawal, [26:03.880 --> 26:04.880] of the foreign forces, [26:04.880 --> 26:05.880] from Iraq, [26:05.880 --> 26:06.880] all. [26:06.880 --> 26:07.880] A national day, [26:07.880 --> 26:08.880] it is the day of Iraq. [26:08.880 --> 26:09.880] The day of Iraq. [26:09.880 --> 26:10.880] A day, [26:10.880 --> 26:11.880] that the Iraqis, [26:11.880 --> 26:12.880] have been waiting for, [26:12.880 --> 26:13.880] for 9 years, [26:13.880 --> 26:14.880] to officially announce, [26:14.880 --> 26:15.880] the liberation, [26:15.880 --> 26:16.880] of the two countries, [26:16.880 --> 26:17.880] from an colonial period, [26:17.880 --> 26:18.880] led by, [26:18.880 --> 26:19.880] the United States, [26:19.880 --> 26:20.880] of America. [26:20.880 --> 26:21.880] And it has stopped, [26:21.880 --> 26:22.880] the pace of civilization, [26:22.880 --> 26:23.880] and the development, [26:23.880 --> 26:24.880] in it, [26:24.880 --> 26:25.880] in Iraq. [26:25.880 --> 26:26.880] And it has spread, [26:26.880 --> 26:27.880] during it, [26:27.880 --> 26:28.880] blood, [26:28.880 --> 26:29.880] destruction, [26:29.880 --> 26:30.880] and destruction, [26:30.880 --> 26:31.880] on its land. [26:31.880 --> 26:32.880] A historical day, [26:32.880 --> 26:33.880] for all the children of Iraq, [26:33.880 --> 26:34.880] they achieved it, [26:34.880 --> 26:35.880] by their resistance, [26:35.880 --> 26:36.880] and their steadiness, [26:36.880 --> 26:37.880] and their steadiness, [26:37.880 --> 26:38.880] on the battle, [26:38.880 --> 26:39.880] of the army, [26:39.880 --> 26:40.880] many, [26:40.880 --> 26:41.880] with the help, [26:41.880 --> 26:42.880] of all the forces, [26:42.880 --> 26:43.880] resisting in the region. [26:43.880 --> 26:44.880] But, [26:44.880 --> 26:45.880] the challenges, [26:45.880 --> 26:46.880] after that, [26:46.880 --> 26:47.880] impose on the Iraqis, [26:47.880 --> 26:48.880] a double effort, [26:48.880 --> 26:49.880] to overcome, [26:49.880 --> 26:50.880] the results, [26:50.880 --> 26:51.880] of the previous, [26:51.880 --> 26:52.880] from the period of, [26:52.880 --> 26:53.880] the catastrophic occupation, [26:53.880 --> 26:54.880] and to prevent, [26:54.880 --> 26:55.880] what the West, [26:55.880 --> 26:56.880] is drawing, [26:56.880 --> 26:57.880] to the region. [26:57.880 --> 26:58.880] The Iraqi Prime Minister, [26:58.880 --> 26:59.880] Nouri Al-Maliki, [26:59.880 --> 27:00.880] has confirmed, [27:00.880 --> 27:01.880] that the Iraqis, [27:01.880 --> 27:02.880] all of them, [27:02.880 --> 27:03.880] are contributing, [27:03.880 --> 27:04.880] to the achievement of this day, [27:04.880 --> 27:05.880] as an ambassador, [27:05.880 --> 27:06.880] in a central celebration, [27:06.880 --> 27:07.880] that was held, [27:07.880 --> 27:08.880] in the people's hall, [27:08.880 --> 27:09.880] the Iraqis, [27:09.880 --> 27:10.880] to preserve, [27:10.880 --> 27:11.880] the new achievement, [27:11.880 --> 27:12.880] and to protect, [27:12.880 --> 27:13.880] the stability, [27:13.880 --> 27:14.880] and the security of Iraq, [27:14.880 --> 27:15.880] through the march, [27:15.880 --> 27:16.880] in the national, [27:16.880 --> 27:17.880] reconciliation project. [27:17.880 --> 27:18.880] Your country, [27:18.880 --> 27:19.880] has become free, [27:19.880 --> 27:20.880] and you, [27:20.880 --> 27:21.880] the masters, [27:21.880 --> 27:22.880] deserve it. [27:22.880 --> 27:23.880] And it is not, [27:23.880 --> 27:24.880] that we are loyal, [27:24.880 --> 27:25.880] except to preserve, [27:25.880 --> 27:26.880] its sovereignty, [27:26.880 --> 27:27.880] and its unity, [27:27.880 --> 27:28.880] and its independence. [27:28.880 --> 27:29.880] The national, [27:29.880 --> 27:30.880] reconciliation project, [27:30.880 --> 27:31.880] that we consider, [27:31.880 --> 27:32.880] almost a salvation, [27:32.880 --> 27:33.880] for all the Iraqis, [27:33.880 --> 27:34.880] is a strategic, [27:34.880 --> 27:35.880] and continuous choice. [27:35.880 --> 27:36.880] The future of Iraq, [27:36.880 --> 27:37.880] is facing a new challenge, [27:37.880 --> 27:38.880] which is the reconstruction, [27:38.880 --> 27:39.880] after the destruction, [27:39.880 --> 27:40.880] that the American occupier, [27:40.880 --> 27:41.880] has left behind. [27:41.880 --> 27:42.880] All the economic, [27:42.880 --> 27:43.880] and social constructions, [27:43.880 --> 27:44.880] and preventing, [27:44.880 --> 27:45.880] the American influence, [27:45.880 --> 27:46.880] from expanding, [27:46.880 --> 27:47.880] through the agreement, [27:47.880 --> 27:48.880] on a national solution, [27:48.880 --> 27:49.880] that the Americans, [27:49.880 --> 27:50.880] have left behind, [27:50.880 --> 27:51.880] in the past, [27:51.880 --> 27:53.880] with the agreement, [27:53.880 --> 27:54.880] on a national solution, [27:54.880 --> 27:55.880] between the political components, [27:55.880 --> 27:56.880] to prevent, [27:56.880 --> 27:57.880] Iraq's transformation, [27:57.880 --> 27:58.880] once again, [27:58.880 --> 27:59.880] into a field, [27:59.880 --> 28:00.880] for the other's struggles, [28:00.880 --> 28:01.880] and to extinguish, [28:01.880 --> 28:02.880] any sedition, [28:02.880 --> 28:03.880] that the occupation, [28:03.880 --> 28:04.880] is taking care of, [28:04.880 --> 28:05.880] and is being carried out, [28:05.880 --> 28:06.880] by evil hands. [28:06.880 --> 28:07.880] The Iranian Foreign Ministry, [28:07.880 --> 28:08.880] has seen the withdrawal, [28:08.880 --> 28:09.880] of the American forces, [28:09.880 --> 28:10.880] from Iraq, [28:10.880 --> 28:11.880] as a great success, [28:11.880 --> 28:12.880] and a great political, [28:12.880 --> 28:13.880] and security achievement, [28:13.880 --> 28:14.880] for Iraq. [28:14.880 --> 28:15.880] The ministry said, [28:15.880 --> 28:16.880] that the new Iraq, [28:16.880 --> 28:17.880] and what it possesses, [28:17.880 --> 28:18.880] of great financial, [28:18.880 --> 28:19.880] and moral capabilities, [28:19.880 --> 28:20.880] will be able, [28:20.880 --> 28:21.880] to lead, [28:21.880 --> 28:22.880] towards development, [28:22.880 --> 28:23.880] and political stability, [28:23.880 --> 28:24.880] and security, [28:24.880 --> 28:25.880] with great steps, [28:25.880 --> 28:26.880] and to carry out, [28:26.880 --> 28:27.880] an active role, [28:27.880 --> 28:28.880] in the regional, [28:28.880 --> 28:29.880] and international developments, [28:29.880 --> 28:30.880] and to accelerate, [28:30.880 --> 28:31.880] in the process of reforming, [28:31.880 --> 28:32.880] its economy, [28:32.880 --> 28:33.880] and providing services, [28:33.880 --> 28:34.880] to the citizens, [28:34.880 --> 28:35.880] by relying, [28:35.880 --> 28:36.880] on the will, [28:36.880 --> 28:37.880] and the national determination. [28:37.880 --> 28:38.880] Iran has tested, [28:38.880 --> 28:39.880] a missile, [28:39.880 --> 28:40.880] in the middle of the airspace, [28:40.880 --> 28:41.880] during its sea maneuvers, [28:41.880 --> 28:42.880] that are continuing, [28:42.880 --> 28:43.880] until tomorrow, [28:43.880 --> 28:44.880] at three o'clock. [28:44.880 --> 28:45.880] The emiral, [28:45.880 --> 28:46.880] Mahmoud Mousavi, [28:46.880 --> 28:47.880] who spoke, [28:47.880 --> 28:48.880] in the name of maneuvers, [28:48.880 --> 28:49.880] said that this missile, [28:49.880 --> 28:50.880] is equipped, [28:50.880 --> 28:51.880] with the latest technology, [28:51.880 --> 28:52.880] to fight, [28:52.880 --> 28:53.880] the hidden goals, [28:53.880 --> 28:54.880] and the smart systems, [28:54.880 --> 28:56.880] that are trying to oppose it. [28:56.880 --> 28:57.880] In his turn, [28:57.880 --> 28:58.880] the commander of the navy, [28:58.880 --> 28:59.880] in the Iranian army, [28:59.880 --> 29:00.880] the emiral Habiballah, [29:00.880 --> 29:01.880] said, [29:01.880 --> 29:02.880] Sayyari, [29:02.880 --> 29:03.880] that the maneuvers, [29:03.880 --> 29:04.880] carry a message, [29:04.880 --> 29:06.880] that the world's right-wing forces, [29:06.880 --> 29:07.880] have no place, [29:07.880 --> 29:08.880] in the region. [29:08.880 --> 29:09.880] Sayyari added, [29:09.880 --> 29:10.880] that the goal of the maneuvers, [29:10.880 --> 29:11.880] is to show, [29:11.880 --> 29:12.880] the determination, [29:12.880 --> 29:13.880] the will, [29:13.880 --> 29:14.880] the power, [29:14.880 --> 29:15.880] and the strength, [29:15.880 --> 29:16.880] of the Iranian armed forces, [29:16.880 --> 29:17.880] and its seriousness, [29:17.880 --> 29:18.880] in defending, [29:18.880 --> 29:19.880] the Iranian interests, [29:19.880 --> 29:20.880] in the free water. [29:20.880 --> 29:21.880] Sayyari considered, [29:21.880 --> 29:22.880] the destroyer Jamran, [29:22.880 --> 29:23.880] a model, [29:23.880 --> 29:24.880] of the power of Iran, [29:24.880 --> 29:25.880] in the manufacturing, [29:25.880 --> 29:26.880] of the marine sector. [29:29.880 --> 29:30.880] The Turkish authorities, [29:30.880 --> 29:31.880] dealt, [29:31.880 --> 29:32.880] harshly, [29:32.880 --> 29:33.880] with the popular anger, [29:33.880 --> 29:34.880] on the crime, [29:34.880 --> 29:35.880] that killed, [29:35.880 --> 29:36.880] 35 villagers, [29:36.880 --> 29:37.880] in the province of Sharnakh, [29:37.880 --> 29:38.880] south-eastern of the country, [29:38.880 --> 29:39.880] a few days ago. [29:39.880 --> 29:40.880] And, [29:40.880 --> 29:41.880] during its repression, [29:41.880 --> 29:42.880] of the demonstrations, [29:42.880 --> 29:43.880] that refused the crime, [29:43.880 --> 29:44.880] the Turkish police killed, [29:44.880 --> 29:45.880] two people, [29:45.880 --> 29:46.880] in the city of Diyarbakir, [29:46.880 --> 29:47.880] south-eastern of the country. [29:47.880 --> 29:48.880] And, [29:48.880 --> 29:49.880] the protest demonstrations, [29:49.880 --> 29:50.880] and the number of, [29:50.880 --> 29:51.880] the cities of Turkey, [29:51.880 --> 29:52.880] and especially, [29:52.880 --> 29:53.880] the heart of Istanbul. [29:53.880 --> 29:54.880] And, [29:54.880 --> 29:55.880] the participants, [29:55.880 --> 29:56.880] echoed, [29:56.880 --> 29:57.880] slogans, [29:57.880 --> 29:58.880] against the government, [29:58.880 --> 29:59.880] that are incited, [29:59.880 --> 30:00.880] in suppressing the demonstrations, [30:00.880 --> 30:01.880] by using, [30:01.880 --> 30:02.880] the water, [30:02.880 --> 30:03.880] and the gas, [30:03.880 --> 30:04.880] that make the tears, [30:04.880 --> 30:05.880] and arrest the dozens. [30:05.880 --> 30:06.880] And, [30:06.880 --> 30:07.880] the protesters, [30:07.880 --> 30:08.880] blame the Erdogan government, [30:08.880 --> 30:09.880] for what happened, [30:09.880 --> 30:10.880] and they run, [30:10.880 --> 30:11.880] in the field, [30:11.880 --> 30:12.880] and they demand, [30:12.880 --> 30:13.880] the death penalty. [30:13.880 --> 30:14.880] And, [30:14.880 --> 30:15.880] the observers see, [30:15.880 --> 30:16.880] that these protests, [30:16.880 --> 30:17.880] are in conflict, [30:17.880 --> 30:18.880] with France, [30:18.880 --> 30:19.880] because of, [30:19.880 --> 30:20.880] a law, [30:20.880 --> 30:21.880] that denies, [30:21.880 --> 30:22.880] the mass killing, [30:22.880 --> 30:23.880] of the Armenians, [30:23.880 --> 30:24.880] in Turkey. [30:24.880 --> 30:25.880] The order, [30:25.880 --> 30:26.880] that Sarkozy, [30:26.880 --> 30:27.880] takes advantage of, [30:27.880 --> 30:28.880] in the presidential elections. [30:28.880 --> 30:29.880] The Chilean authorities, [30:29.880 --> 30:30.880] announced, [30:30.880 --> 30:31.880] the arrest of an Israeli, [30:31.880 --> 30:32.880] for his involvement, [30:32.880 --> 30:33.880] in the incitement, [30:33.880 --> 30:34.880] of burning the forests, [30:34.880 --> 30:35.880] that are 11,000 hectares high, [30:35.880 --> 30:36.880] in the national park, [30:36.880 --> 30:37.880] of Torres de Apain, [30:37.880 --> 30:38.880] in the Patagonia area, [30:38.880 --> 30:39.880] south of Chile. [30:39.880 --> 30:40.880] And, [30:40.880 --> 30:41.880] the government, [30:41.880 --> 30:42.880] announced, [30:42.880 --> 30:43.880] the emergency situation, [30:43.880 --> 30:44.880] in the area. [30:44.880 --> 30:45.880] And, [30:45.880 --> 30:46.880] the firemen, [30:46.880 --> 30:47.880] went to the place, [30:47.880 --> 30:48.880] in an effort, [30:48.880 --> 30:49.880] to contain the fire, [30:49.880 --> 30:50.880] that forced the authorities, [30:50.880 --> 30:51.880] to evacuate, [30:51.880 --> 30:52.880] 400 tourists. [30:52.880 --> 30:53.880] In his turn, [30:53.880 --> 30:54.880] the Minister of Interior, [30:54.880 --> 30:55.880] Rodrigo, [30:55.880 --> 30:56.880] Hans Peter, [30:56.880 --> 30:57.880] said, [30:57.880 --> 30:58.880] that the calm of the winds, [30:58.880 --> 30:59.880] helped the firemen, [30:59.880 --> 31:00.880] to carry out their tasks. [31:00.880 --> 31:01.880] Because, [31:01.880 --> 31:02.880] it is expected, [31:02.880 --> 31:03.880] that there will be, [31:03.880 --> 31:04.880] bad conditions, [31:04.880 --> 31:05.880] in the next two days. [31:05.880 --> 31:06.880] The year 2011, [31:06.880 --> 31:07.880] witnessed, [31:07.880 --> 31:08.880] a number of, [31:08.880 --> 31:09.880] natural disasters, [31:09.880 --> 31:10.880] in several parts of the world. [31:10.880 --> 31:11.880] And, [31:11.880 --> 31:12.880] the result of, [31:12.880 --> 31:13.880] hundreds of killings, [31:13.880 --> 31:14.880] injuries, [31:14.880 --> 31:15.880] and losses, [31:15.880 --> 31:16.880] in the properties. [31:16.880 --> 31:17.880] And, [31:17.880 --> 31:18.880] the first day, [31:18.880 --> 31:19.880] of the new year, [31:19.880 --> 31:20.880] records a strong earthquake, [31:20.880 --> 31:21.880] in Tokyo. [31:21.880 --> 31:22.880] And, [31:22.880 --> 31:23.880] no news, [31:23.880 --> 31:24.880] about human losses. [31:24.880 --> 31:25.880] The year, [31:25.880 --> 31:26.880] 2011, [31:26.880 --> 31:27.880] was not, [31:27.880 --> 31:28.880] less severe, [31:28.880 --> 31:29.880] than before. [31:29.880 --> 31:30.880] Dozens of natural disasters, [31:30.880 --> 31:31.880] in the continents of the world, [31:31.880 --> 31:32.880] caused, [31:32.880 --> 31:33.880] the extermination, [31:33.880 --> 31:34.880] and the killing, [31:34.880 --> 31:35.880] of tens of thousands of people. [31:35.880 --> 31:36.880] And, [31:36.880 --> 31:37.880] large physical losses. [31:37.880 --> 31:38.880] The severe drought, [31:38.880 --> 31:39.880] that hit, [31:39.880 --> 31:40.880] the east of Africa, [31:40.880 --> 31:41.880] with the earthquake. [31:41.880 --> 31:42.880] And, [31:42.880 --> 31:44.880] the earthquake, [31:44.880 --> 31:45.880] that hit, [31:45.880 --> 31:46.880] the east of Africa, [31:46.880 --> 31:47.880] completely, [31:47.880 --> 31:48.880] caused, [31:48.880 --> 31:49.880] a food crisis, [31:49.880 --> 31:50.880] in several countries. [31:50.880 --> 31:51.880] Among them, [31:51.880 --> 31:52.880] Somalia, [31:52.880 --> 31:53.880] Ethiopia, [31:53.880 --> 31:54.880] and Kenya. [31:54.880 --> 31:55.880] And, [31:55.880 --> 31:56.880] it threatened the lives, [31:56.880 --> 31:57.880] of more than, [31:57.880 --> 31:58.880] 12 million people. [31:58.880 --> 31:59.880] After, [31:59.880 --> 32:00.880] tens of thousands, [32:00.880 --> 32:01.880] of Somali people, [32:01.880 --> 32:02.880] died. [32:02.880 --> 32:03.880] But, [32:03.880 --> 32:04.880] in Japan, [32:04.880 --> 32:05.880] the earthquake, [32:05.880 --> 32:06.880] that hit, [32:06.880 --> 32:07.880] its eastern coasts, [32:07.880 --> 32:08.880] led to, [32:08.880 --> 32:09.880] the killing, [32:09.880 --> 32:10.880] and the loss of thousands, [32:10.880 --> 32:11.880] and the destruction, [32:11.880 --> 32:12.880] of the properties, [32:12.880 --> 32:13.880] and the oil, [32:13.880 --> 32:14.880] and the nuclear facilities. [32:14.880 --> 32:15.880] A scene, [32:15.880 --> 32:16.880] that was repeated, [32:16.880 --> 32:17.880] in Turkey. [32:17.880 --> 32:18.880] Two earthquakes, [32:18.880 --> 32:19.880] that caused, [32:19.880 --> 32:20.880] hundreds of victims, [32:20.880 --> 32:21.880] and thousands of people, [32:21.880 --> 32:22.880] to die. [32:22.880 --> 32:23.880] In addition, [32:23.880 --> 32:24.880] to the severe losses, [32:24.880 --> 32:25.880] in the properties, [32:25.880 --> 32:26.880] and the infrastructure. [32:26.880 --> 32:27.880] And, [32:27.880 --> 32:28.880] New Zealand, [32:28.880 --> 32:29.880] was not, [32:29.880 --> 32:30.880] to avoid, [32:30.880 --> 32:31.880] a similar scene. [32:31.880 --> 32:32.880] The area of, [32:32.880 --> 32:33.880] Canterbury, [32:33.880 --> 32:34.880] was exposed, [32:34.880 --> 32:35.880] to the earthquake, [32:35.880 --> 32:36.880] that hit, [32:36.880 --> 32:37.880] the tens of people. [32:37.880 --> 32:38.880] In addition, [32:38.880 --> 32:39.880] to the large physical losses. [32:39.880 --> 32:40.880] And, [32:40.880 --> 32:41.880] Thailand, [32:41.880 --> 32:42.880] was also, [32:42.880 --> 32:43.880] exposed, [32:43.880 --> 32:44.880] to the earthquakes, [32:44.880 --> 32:45.880] that hit, [32:45.880 --> 32:46.880] many areas, [32:46.880 --> 32:47.880] including the capital, [32:47.880 --> 32:48.880] Bangkok. [32:48.880 --> 32:49.880] And, [32:49.880 --> 32:50.880] led to, [32:50.880 --> 32:51.880] the killing, [32:51.880 --> 32:52.880] of 500 people. [32:52.880 --> 32:53.880] Also, [32:53.880 --> 32:54.880] many of the damage, [32:54.880 --> 32:55.880] and the losses, [32:55.880 --> 32:56.880] in the properties, [32:56.880 --> 32:57.880] and the agricultural lands. [32:57.880 --> 32:58.880] With a estimated cost, [32:58.880 --> 32:59.880] of 5 billion, [32:59.880 --> 33:00.880] US dollars. [33:00.880 --> 33:01.880] And, [33:01.880 --> 33:02.880] to the middle, [33:02.880 --> 33:03.880] and the south, [33:03.880 --> 33:04.880] of China, [33:04.880 --> 33:05.880] also, [33:05.880 --> 33:06.880] a part of the earthquakes. [33:06.880 --> 33:07.880] So, [33:07.880 --> 33:08.880] the water, [33:08.880 --> 33:09.880] was exposed, [33:09.880 --> 33:10.880] to the earthquakes. [33:10.880 --> 33:11.880] And, [33:11.880 --> 33:12.880] it cast, [33:12.880 --> 33:13.880] its shadows, [33:13.880 --> 33:14.880] on the lives, [33:14.880 --> 33:15.880] of more than, [33:15.880 --> 33:16.880] 10 million people. [33:16.880 --> 33:17.880] As for the Philippines, [33:17.880 --> 33:18.880] that is, [33:18.880 --> 33:19.880] under the control, [33:19.880 --> 33:20.880] of the Washi, [33:20.880 --> 33:21.880] hundreds were killed, [33:21.880 --> 33:22.880] in it. [33:22.880 --> 33:23.880] Besides, [33:23.880 --> 33:24.880] the loss of, [33:24.880 --> 33:25.880] at least, [33:25.880 --> 33:26.880] 800 people. [33:26.880 --> 33:27.880] And, [33:27.880 --> 33:28.880] the remaining thousands, [33:28.880 --> 33:29.880] without shelter, [33:29.880 --> 33:30.880] water, [33:30.880 --> 33:31.880] and electricity. [33:31.880 --> 33:32.880] And, [33:32.880 --> 33:33.880] the people of, [33:33.880 --> 33:34.880] the affected areas, [33:34.880 --> 33:35.880] hope, [33:35.880 --> 33:36.880] that the days of, [33:36.880 --> 33:37.880] the new year, [33:37.880 --> 33:38.880] will be removed, [33:38.880 --> 33:39.880] by the earthquakes. [33:40.880 --> 33:41.880] Our next station, [33:41.880 --> 33:42.880] is the news of, [33:42.880 --> 33:43.880] the money and the business, [33:43.880 --> 33:44.880] with Kareem Al-Shibani. [33:44.880 --> 33:45.880] But, [33:45.880 --> 33:46.880] this is the break. [33:54.880 --> 33:55.880] Welcome. [33:55.880 --> 33:56.880] The request of, [33:56.880 --> 33:57.880] the president of, [33:57.880 --> 33:58.880] the cabinet of ministers, [33:58.880 --> 33:59.880] from the ministry of, [33:59.880 --> 34:00.880] the economy and trade, [34:00.880 --> 34:01.880] is to direct, [34:01.880 --> 34:02.880] the public institution, [34:02.880 --> 34:03.880] to the storage and marketing, [34:03.880 --> 34:04.880] and the consumerist institution, [34:04.880 --> 34:05.880] to increase, [34:05.880 --> 34:06.880] its positive intervention, [34:06.880 --> 34:07.880] in the market, [34:07.880 --> 34:08.880] the loss of, [34:08.880 --> 34:09.880] or the rise of, [34:09.880 --> 34:10.880] the prices of, [34:10.880 --> 34:11.880] the main materials, [34:11.880 --> 34:12.880] in the local markets. [34:12.880 --> 34:13.880] And, [34:13.880 --> 34:14.880] to strengthen this role, [34:14.880 --> 34:15.880] with what guarantees, [34:15.880 --> 34:16.880] its continuity. [34:16.880 --> 34:17.880] In addition, [34:17.880 --> 34:18.880] to ensure, [34:18.880 --> 34:19.880] what is possible, [34:19.880 --> 34:20.880] of the basic necessities, [34:20.880 --> 34:21.880] and the necessity, [34:21.880 --> 34:22.880] for the citizens, [34:22.880 --> 34:23.880] with the price, [34:23.880 --> 34:24.880] and the quality, [34:24.880 --> 34:25.880] required. [34:25.880 --> 34:26.880] The area, [34:26.880 --> 34:27.880] planted with wheat, [34:27.880 --> 34:28.880] last year, [34:28.880 --> 34:29.880] reached, [34:29.880 --> 34:30.880] 1,300,000 hectares. [34:30.880 --> 34:31.880] From the original area, [34:31.880 --> 34:32.880] planned for this season, [34:32.880 --> 34:33.880] and reached, [34:33.880 --> 34:34.880] 1,500,000 hectares. [34:34.880 --> 34:35.880] Meanwhile, [34:35.880 --> 34:37.880] the area, [34:37.880 --> 34:38.880] implemented, [34:38.880 --> 34:39.880] for this period, [34:39.880 --> 34:40.880] from last year, [34:40.880 --> 34:41.880] reached, [34:41.880 --> 34:42.880] 1,100,000 hectares. [34:42.880 --> 34:43.880] Also, [34:43.880 --> 34:44.880] the total area, [34:44.880 --> 34:45.880] planted with wheat, [34:45.880 --> 34:46.880] reached, [34:46.880 --> 34:47.880] about, [34:47.880 --> 34:48.880] 700,000 hectares. [34:48.880 --> 34:49.880] And, [34:49.880 --> 34:50.880] for the wheat, [34:50.880 --> 34:51.880] the same area, [34:51.880 --> 34:52.880] was planted. [34:52.880 --> 34:53.880] Thus, [34:53.880 --> 34:54.880] the percentage, [34:54.880 --> 34:55.880] of implementation, [34:55.880 --> 34:56.880] of the planned plan, [34:56.880 --> 34:57.880] for its date, [34:57.880 --> 34:58.880] is, [34:58.880 --> 34:59.880] 81%. [34:59.880 --> 35:00.880] And, [35:00.880 --> 35:01.880] the area, [35:01.880 --> 35:02.880] planted with barley, [35:02.880 --> 35:03.880] reached, [35:03.880 --> 35:04.880] 1,000,000 hectares. [35:04.880 --> 35:05.880] Thus, [35:05.880 --> 35:06.880] the total area, [35:06.880 --> 35:07.880] planted with barley, [35:07.880 --> 35:08.880] reached, [35:08.880 --> 35:09.880] 1,000,000 hectares. [35:09.880 --> 35:10.880] Thus, [35:10.880 --> 35:11.880] the percentage, [35:11.880 --> 35:12.880] of implementation, [35:12.880 --> 35:13.880] of the planned plan, [35:13.880 --> 35:14.880] is, [35:14.880 --> 35:15.880] 70%. [35:15.880 --> 35:16.880] Lucas Papadimos, [35:16.880 --> 35:17.880] the Greek Prime Minister, [35:17.880 --> 35:18.880] said that his country, [35:18.880 --> 35:19.880] is facing, [35:19.880 --> 35:20.880] another difficult year, [35:20.880 --> 35:21.880] in the current year, [35:21.880 --> 35:22.880] calling for, [35:22.880 --> 35:23.880] Greece to hold on, [35:23.880 --> 35:24.880] with its program, [35:24.880 --> 35:25.880] to recover, [35:25.880 --> 35:26.880] to remain, [35:26.880 --> 35:27.880] in the European region. [35:27.880 --> 35:28.880] And, [35:28.880 --> 35:29.880] Papadimos, [35:29.880 --> 35:30.880] pointed to the necessity, [35:30.880 --> 35:31.880] of continuing efforts, [35:31.880 --> 35:32.880] with determination, [35:32.880 --> 35:33.880] to stay in Europe. [35:33.880 --> 35:34.880] With, [35:34.880 --> 35:35.880] the registration of, [35:35.880 --> 35:36.880] unemployment rates, [35:36.880 --> 35:37.880] a new, [35:37.880 --> 35:38.880] quantitative, [35:38.880 --> 35:39.880] unemployment. [35:39.880 --> 35:40.880] Meanwhile, [35:40.880 --> 35:41.880] the country, [35:41.880 --> 35:42.880] is facing, [35:42.880 --> 35:43.880] a debt crisis, [35:43.880 --> 35:44.880] that led to, [35:44.880 --> 35:45.880] the spread of, [35:45.880 --> 35:46.880] earthquakes, [35:46.880 --> 35:47.880] in the European region. [35:47.880 --> 35:48.880] Also, [35:48.880 --> 35:49.880] Athens, [35:49.880 --> 35:50.880] is facing, [35:50.880 --> 35:51.880] difficulties, [35:51.880 --> 35:52.880] in the agreement, [35:52.880 --> 35:53.880] with banks, [35:53.880 --> 35:54.880] on a deal, [35:54.880 --> 35:55.880] to pay off the debts, [35:55.880 --> 35:56.880] with the aim, [35:56.880 --> 35:57.880] to reduce, [35:57.880 --> 35:58.880] its accumulated debts. [35:58.880 --> 35:59.880] And, [35:59.880 --> 36:00.880] it is the main, [36:00.880 --> 36:01.880] component, [36:01.880 --> 36:02.880] in a second, [36:02.880 --> 36:03.880] year. [36:03.880 --> 36:04.880] The risks, [36:04.880 --> 36:05.880] surrounding, [36:05.880 --> 36:06.880] the global, [36:06.880 --> 36:07.880] financial stability, [36:07.880 --> 36:08.880] increased, [36:08.880 --> 36:09.880] in the last few months, [36:09.880 --> 36:10.880] of the past year. [36:10.880 --> 36:11.880] As, [36:11.880 --> 36:12.880] the global, [36:12.880 --> 36:13.880] financial system, [36:13.880 --> 36:14.880] has been affected, [36:14.880 --> 36:15.880] by the slow, [36:15.880 --> 36:16.880] economic growth, [36:16.880 --> 36:17.880] and the disruptions, [36:17.880 --> 36:18.880] of the financial markets, [36:18.880 --> 36:19.880] in Europe. [36:19.880 --> 36:20.880] And, [36:20.880 --> 36:21.880] the decrease, [36:21.880 --> 36:22.880] of the credit rating, [36:22.880 --> 36:23.880] to the United States. [36:23.880 --> 36:24.880] And, [36:24.880 --> 36:25.880] a report, [36:25.880 --> 36:26.880] published by, [36:26.880 --> 36:27.880] the International Monetary Fund, [36:27.880 --> 36:28.880] has confirmed, [36:28.880 --> 36:29.880] that the financial markets, [36:29.880 --> 36:30.880] began to doubt, [36:30.880 --> 36:31.880] in the ability, [36:31.880 --> 36:32.880] to carry out, [36:32.880 --> 36:33.880] the necessary, [36:33.880 --> 36:34.880] procedures, [36:34.880 --> 36:35.880] on the political level. [36:35.880 --> 36:36.880] And, [36:36.880 --> 36:37.880] the report, [36:37.880 --> 36:38.880] published by, [36:38.880 --> 36:39.880] the International Monetary Fund, [36:39.880 --> 36:40.880] has published, [36:40.880 --> 36:41.880] the next day, [36:41.880 --> 36:42.880] with the publication, [36:42.880 --> 36:43.880] of the bank accounts, [36:43.880 --> 36:44.880] regarding, [36:44.880 --> 36:45.880] the global growth, [36:45.880 --> 36:46.880] the debt, [36:46.880 --> 36:47.880] and the government deficit. [36:47.880 --> 36:48.880] And, [36:48.880 --> 36:49.880] it shows, [36:49.880 --> 36:50.880] a weak recovery, [36:50.880 --> 36:51.880] and the distress, [36:51.880 --> 36:52.880] of the crisis. [36:52.880 --> 36:53.880] On the other hand, [36:53.880 --> 36:54.880] Christian Neuer, [36:54.880 --> 36:55.880] member of the European Central Bank Council, [36:55.880 --> 36:56.880] said, [36:56.880 --> 36:57.880] that the euro, [36:57.880 --> 36:58.880] may become the main currency, [36:58.880 --> 36:59.880] in the world, [36:59.880 --> 37:00.880] in the coming ten years. [37:00.880 --> 37:01.880] Many European Central Bank์—์„œ๋„ to recover, [37:01.880 --> 37:02.880] the currency area, [37:02.880 --> 37:03.880] as yeah, [37:03.880 --> 37:04.880] the unite currency area, [37:04.880 --> 37:05.880] scale, [37:05.880 --> 37:27.420] in the [37:27.420 --> 37:47.420] We are back to you, Jafar and Samar. [37:47.420 --> 37:50.420] Thank you very much, our viewers. [37:50.420 --> 37:54.420] This is a reminder of the most important news that came from Anba. [37:54.420 --> 38:17.420] The celebration of the Christian sects in Syria at the beginning of the new year is limited to prayers and Qadadis. [38:17.420 --> 38:25.420] There are many places and hospitals in some provinces. [38:25.420 --> 38:29.420] New numbers in the record of the Zionist entity Hafez al-Bel, [38:29.420 --> 38:37.420] a crime against Palestinians during the year 2011. [38:37.420 --> 38:45.420] Iran is testing a medium-range air-to-air missile equipped with the latest technology. [38:45.420 --> 38:47.420] Thank you for watching. [39:15.420 --> 39:33.420] Thank you very much, our viewers. [39:33.420 --> 39:53.420] Thank you very much, our viewers. [40:03.420 --> 40:23.420] Thank you very much, our viewers. [40:33.420 --> 40:53.420] Thank you very much, our viewers. [41:03.420 --> 41:29.420] Thank you very much, our viewers. [41:33.420 --> 41:53.420] Thank you very much, our viewers. [42:03.420 --> 42:21.420] Thank you very much, our viewers.