Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language Detected language: Arabic [00:00.000 --> 00:25.200] music [00:25.200 --> 00:27.200] music [00:27.200 --> 00:32.200] Jordan is a joint partnership between the Palestinians and the Israelis of the two countries [00:32.200 --> 00:38.200] which is accepted in the struggle to reach an independent land for direct competition [00:40.200 --> 00:44.200] The president of the Arab Parliament calls for the Arab supporters from Syria [00:44.200 --> 00:50.200] and the opposition is expecting a plan to set the political rules for the next stage [00:50.200 --> 00:59.200] Despite the new U.S. sanctions, Iran is experiencing an attack on the Middle Middle East [00:59.200 --> 01:05.200] which is a threat to the country and is the first to be tested by a local nuclear plant [01:10.200 --> 01:17.200] Dear viewers, peace be upon you and the mercy of God to all of you who are watching the news from the Jordan TV [01:17.200 --> 01:21.200] The official spokesman of the foreign ministry, Safir Mohamed Al-Kahed, [01:21.200 --> 01:28.200] said that the massive movement that was led by the king Abdullah II in the last election [01:28.200 --> 01:36.200] aimed at breaking the peace treaty between the Palestinians and the Israelis during the last year [01:36.200 --> 01:42.200] He added that the foreign minister, Nasir Jude, will join a joint partnership [01:42.200 --> 01:48.200] with the National Fourth Committee in Amman on the day of the 3rd of tomorrow [01:48.200 --> 01:51.200] with the Palestinians and the Israelis. [01:51.200 --> 01:58.200] Another meeting between the two parties in the struggle to reach an independent land [01:58.200 --> 02:05.200] for direct competition with the Israeli Palestinian peace agreement [02:05.200 --> 02:13.200] to resolve the two countries' solution and to resolve the final issue of the treaty [02:13.200 --> 02:18.200] with the promise that was made by the Fourth Committee in the end of the year 2012 [02:19.200 --> 02:24.200] The president of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, warned that the Palestinian leadership [02:24.200 --> 02:29.200] will study all the options that are possible if the Fourth Committee is hidden [02:29.200 --> 02:34.200] in the midst of peace negotiations until the 26th and the 20th of January [02:34.200 --> 02:39.200] Abbas made an agreement after he signed an agreement with Dikra [02:39.200 --> 02:44.200] that the movement of Fira Mallah will be stable on his website [02:44.200 --> 02:50.200] to establish a Palestinian state at the limits of the Fourth Committee in 1967 [02:50.200 --> 02:53.200] and that the Eastern Church will be the capital of it [02:53.200 --> 02:58.200] That is why the Palestinian leadership decided to head to the National Security Council [02:58.200 --> 03:04.200] of the National Security Council and invited the Arab Council of the United Arab Emirates [03:04.200 --> 03:07.200] to face the implementation of the Israeli Security Council in the Eastern Church [03:07.200 --> 03:09.200] and the Western occupation [03:11.200 --> 03:15.200] The Arab Parliament's president called on the Arab viewers from Syria [03:15.200 --> 03:20.200] to continue their work and to end the Arab Council's protocol [03:20.200 --> 03:25.200] That is why the signing of the agreement between the Syrian National Security Council [03:25.200 --> 03:31.200] and the National Council is the political agreement for the next phase [03:35.200 --> 03:39.200] While the Arab Parliament is closing, a new team is sending to Syria [03:39.200 --> 03:43.200] the next president of the Arab Parliament for al-Daghbasi [03:43.200 --> 03:46.200] the General Secretary of the Arab Parliament, Nabil Al-Arabi [03:46.200 --> 03:49.200] to the Arab viewers' office on Al-Fawr [03:49.200 --> 03:54.200] to continue their work and to end the Arab Parliament's protocol [03:54.200 --> 03:58.200] The first team of 50 viewers of the past two weeks [03:58.200 --> 04:01.200] has arrived at the Arab Parliament's protocol [04:01.200 --> 04:05.200] which has been approved by Syria in the second of the 22nd [04:05.200 --> 04:09.200] to support the Syrian army from the cities and residential areas [04:09.200 --> 04:14.200] to stop the violence against civilians and to leave the resistance [04:14.200 --> 04:19.200] The Syrian Parliament, on the other hand, has the right to kill three civilians [04:19.200 --> 04:21.200] and send another four bodies [04:21.200 --> 04:25.200] saying that they are responsible for the torture of their families [04:25.200 --> 04:30.200] That is why the signing of the agreement between the Syrian National Security Council [04:30.200 --> 04:35.200] and the National Council is the political agreement for the next phase [04:35.200 --> 04:40.200] According to the local government, the young people are in a new year [04:40.200 --> 04:43.200] through the organization of organized demonstrations [04:43.200 --> 04:47.200] in all of Idlib, Halab, Zabadani, Daraa and Qamishli [04:47.200 --> 04:52.200] Iran has announced that its scientists have experienced [04:52.200 --> 04:57.200] a nuclear attack on the beginning of the invasion of Iran [04:57.200 --> 05:00.200] in the country, after an hour of the attack of Tehran [05:00.200 --> 05:03.200] in the middle of the middle of the Mediterranean [05:03.200 --> 05:06.200] during a sea cruise near Hormuz [05:06.200 --> 05:10.200] In the morning, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said [05:10.200 --> 05:14.200] that the Iranian Central Bank will respond to the new US sanctions [05:14.200 --> 05:18.200] with the help of the US Prime Minister Barack Obama [05:18.200 --> 05:20.200] as a law to pay the bills [05:20.200 --> 05:24.200] to support the sanctions on the Iranian financial sector [05:26.200 --> 05:28.200] The scene itself is repeated [05:28.200 --> 05:31.200] with the exception of a force from the side of Tehran [05:34.200 --> 05:38.200] This time, the central bank of the Mediterranean [05:38.200 --> 05:41.200] from the face of the Iranian leadership [05:41.200 --> 05:44.200] It is true that every time you are more powerful [05:44.200 --> 05:46.200] you might be more involved in the negotiations [05:46.200 --> 05:49.200] But the point of view of this does not exist [05:49.200 --> 05:52.200] in Washington, so its stop is gradually rising [05:52.200 --> 05:56.200] against Tehran, a series of economic sanctions [05:56.200 --> 06:00.200] that Washington wants to prevent its influence on the level of the economy [06:01.200 --> 06:04.200] The last sanctions of Washington were a legal project [06:04.200 --> 06:07.200] that aims to limit Tehran's intentions of suicide [06:07.200 --> 06:09.200] In addition to European research [06:09.200 --> 06:12.200] to decide to reduce the power of the sanctions [06:12.200 --> 06:15.200] they may reach the end of the next month [06:15.200 --> 06:18.200] Despite that, President Ahmadinejad said [06:18.200 --> 06:22.200] that the Iranian Central Bank will respond to the new Western sanctions [06:22.200 --> 06:24.200] with strength [06:24.200 --> 06:26.200] Of course, the Western sanctions [06:26.200 --> 06:29.200] have a great impact on the Iranian economy [06:29.200 --> 06:32.200] but its investments may be more important [06:32.200 --> 06:34.200] especially the prices [06:34.200 --> 06:38.200] Tehran, whose negotiations cost near Hormuz [06:38.200 --> 06:41.200] which is about 30% of the world [06:41.200 --> 06:43.200] talked about the cost of the sanctions [06:43.200 --> 06:45.200] if the new sanctions are imposed [06:45.200 --> 06:47.200] in order to stop the nuclear program [06:47.200 --> 06:49.200] And the situation is this [06:49.200 --> 06:52.200] The increase in the number of sanctions [06:52.200 --> 06:54.200] on the first nuclear power crisis [06:54.200 --> 06:57.200] is caused by the uranium storage [06:57.200 --> 07:01.200] which has been put in the search engine [07:01.200 --> 07:04.200] to study its benefits [07:04.200 --> 07:06.200] The conflict between Tehran and the West [07:06.200 --> 07:08.200] comes at the speed of the balance of power [07:08.200 --> 07:10.200] in the Gulf region [07:10.200 --> 07:12.200] and is an attempt to reduce the power of the sides [07:12.200 --> 07:14.200] and especially Tehran [07:14.200 --> 07:17.200] which tries to secure new options for survival [07:17.200 --> 07:20.200] to depend on terrorism and the direction of destruction [07:20.200 --> 07:23.200] so it uses its power from the side [07:23.200 --> 07:26.200] and demands the continuation of the talks from the other side [07:28.200 --> 07:30.200] The Iraqi numbers have been recorded [07:30.200 --> 07:32.200] which killed an orphan worker [07:32.200 --> 07:34.200] returned from 2011 [07:34.200 --> 07:36.200] in comparison to the year [07:36.200 --> 07:39.200] which has been recorded as the number of Iraqi figures [07:39.200 --> 07:45.200] and it has benefited from the killing of 2,645 Iraqi workers [07:45.200 --> 07:52.200] in comparison to the killing of 3,655 people in 2010 [07:52.200 --> 07:54.200] The head of the Iraqi plant, Noor Al-Maliki [07:54.200 --> 07:56.200] has been promised to be [07:56.200 --> 07:59.200] a stage after the departure of the American military [07:59.200 --> 08:00.200] from the country [08:00.200 --> 08:03.200] especially for construction and construction [08:03.200 --> 08:05.200] and the American forces have completed [08:05.200 --> 08:07.200] their departure from Iraq [08:07.200 --> 08:09.200] in the 18th century [08:09.200 --> 08:11.200] which was the first of the past [08:11.200 --> 08:14.200] which was beneficial for the agreement between Baghdad and Washington [08:14.200 --> 08:16.200] in 2008 [08:19.200 --> 08:21.200] The American Revolution has ended [08:21.200 --> 08:23.200] in the beginning of the new year [08:23.200 --> 08:26.200] after Asia, Middle East and Europe [08:26.200 --> 08:28.200] where every revolution has been accepted [08:28.200 --> 08:33.200] by the way of its work in 2012 [08:35.200 --> 08:38.200] In 2011, the city of Al-Maliki was closed [08:38.200 --> 08:41.200] the people of Al-Maliki opened in 2011 [08:41.200 --> 08:44.200] leaving behind them a terrible year [08:44.200 --> 08:46.200] In the United States of America [08:46.200 --> 08:49.200] there have been increased security measures [08:49.200 --> 08:51.200] including the arrest of the protesters [08:51.200 --> 08:53.200] at the Times Square in New York [08:53.200 --> 08:55.200] and the streets surrounded by it [08:55.200 --> 08:58.200] with the promotion of a new year [08:58.200 --> 09:00.200] and the acceptance of a new work [09:00.200 --> 09:02.200] where the lights of the fire play [09:02.200 --> 09:04.200] in the middle of the night are called New York [09:04.200 --> 09:06.200] and the colored paper has been dropped [09:06.200 --> 09:08.200] on the site of the city of Manhattan [09:08.200 --> 09:10.200] after sending a large ball of light [09:10.200 --> 09:13.200] in the last minute of the year [09:13.200 --> 09:16.200] and it started in 2009 [09:16.200 --> 09:18.200] and in the city of Al-Ajouz [09:18.200 --> 09:20.200] and in Europe, the summer of the year [09:20.200 --> 09:22.200] which witnessed the defeat of Europe [09:22.200 --> 09:25.200] with the threat of getting a fire without security [09:25.200 --> 09:28.200] in the year of 2012 it will be better [09:28.200 --> 09:31.200] leaving behind their memories of the year of victory [09:31.200 --> 09:33.200] in its beauty and its glory [09:33.200 --> 09:36.200] in the year of 2012 in Europe [09:36.200 --> 09:38.200] in the traditional celebrations [09:38.200 --> 09:40.200] with the release of the fire play [09:40.200 --> 09:42.200] with a new year [09:42.200 --> 09:44.200] so that it can fix what has been destroyed [09:44.200 --> 09:47.200] In Italy, despite the economic crisis [09:47.200 --> 09:49.200] that has been affected by it [09:49.200 --> 09:52.200] there is a free musical festival in Rome [09:52.200 --> 09:55.200] also with the release of the fire play [09:55.200 --> 09:58.200] and it is considered an Eiffel tower [09:58.200 --> 10:01.200] in Paris, the French returned in 2011 [10:01.200 --> 10:04.200] and in London, the British celebrated [10:04.200 --> 10:06.200] with a new work [10:06.200 --> 10:08.200] after the opening of the Big Ben watch [10:08.200 --> 10:10.200] until the middle of the night [10:10.200 --> 10:12.200] in The Times [10:12.200 --> 10:14.200] and from the Red Square in Russia [10:14.200 --> 10:16.200] where the fire play has been dropped [10:16.200 --> 10:19.200] in the middle of the night [10:19.200 --> 10:22.200] there is a big concert on the music stand [10:22.200 --> 10:24.200] from the 70s to the 90s [10:24.200 --> 10:27.200] on a screen full of music [10:27.200 --> 10:29.200] the Middle East [10:29.200 --> 10:31.200] in the middle of the middle of the year [10:31.200 --> 10:33.200] there is an example of the Arab Spring [10:33.200 --> 10:36.200] where Dubai and the world's best bourgeoisie [10:36.200 --> 10:38.200] the new year with a new play [10:38.200 --> 10:40.200] in the scene [10:40.200 --> 10:42.200] it is declared one of the best shows in the world [10:42.200 --> 10:44.200] in Japan [10:44.200 --> 10:46.200] which payswouldte Swain [10:46.200 --> 10:49.200] and was an ESF [10:49.200 --> 10:52.200] and directed it family to worship [10:52.200 --> 10:54.200] until the end of the year [10:54.200 --> 10:56.200] We wish from year 2012 [10:56.200 --> 10:59.200] to restrain the past year [10:59.200 --> 11:08.060] the year looked like [11:08.200 --> 11:11.340] and it was the beginning to enjoy the internal events [11:11.340 --> 11:27.340] Australia has launched an amazing play in Sydney, which gave Australia the chance to meet with the traditional play in Sydney, with more than a million and a half million people. [11:27.340 --> 11:33.340] The short break after that is that the audience is with us. [11:57.340 --> 12:01.340] New thinking, new possibilities. [12:01.340 --> 12:11.340] Australia has launched a new play in Sydney, which gave Australia the chance to meet with the traditional play in Sydney, with more than a million people. [12:11.340 --> 12:21.340] Australia has launched a new play in Sydney, which gave Australia the chance to meet with the traditional play in Sydney, with more than a million and a half million people. [12:21.340 --> 12:31.340] No matter what the weather is, Samsung's improvements are enough to reduce the wind with the technology of the virus doctor. [12:51.340 --> 13:07.340] Australia has launched a new play in Sydney, which gave Australia the chance to meet with the traditional play in Sydney, with more than a million and a half million people. [13:21.340 --> 13:31.340] Australia has launched a new play in Sydney, which gave Australia the chance to meet with the traditional play in Sydney, with more than a million and a half million people. [13:51.340 --> 14:01.340] Australia has launched a new play in Sydney, which gave Australia the chance to meet with the traditional play in Sydney, with more than a million people. [14:21.340 --> 14:31.340] Australia has launched a new play in Sydney, which gave Australia the chance to meet with the traditional play in Sydney, with more than a million and a half million people. [14:51.340 --> 15:01.340] Australia has launched a new play in Sydney, with more than a million and a half million people. [15:21.340 --> 15:31.340] Australia has launched a new play in Sydney, which gave Australia the chance to meet with the traditional play in Sydney, with more than a million people. [15:51.340 --> 16:11.340] Australia has launched a new play in Sydney, which gave Australia the chance to meet with the traditional play in Sydney, with more than a million people. [16:11.340 --> 16:21.340] Washington has become the first U.S. state to take care of its workers until it is ready to pay more than $9 per hour. [16:21.340 --> 16:41.340] Today, the U.S. has set up another U.S. state-owned trade fairs in the U.S. for the sake of economic stability. [16:41.340 --> 16:51.340] Australia has set up another U.S. state-owned trade fairs in the U.S. for the sake of economic stability. [16:52.340 --> 17:04.340] Australia has set up another U.S. state-owned trade fair in the U.S. for the sake of economic stability. [17:04.340 --> 17:14.340] Australia has set up another U.S. state-owned trade fair in the U.S. for the sake of economic stability. [17:15.340 --> 17:27.340] Australia has set up another U.S. state-owned trade fair in the U.S. for the sake of economic stability. [17:27.340 --> 17:41.340] Australia has set up another U.S. state-owned trade fair in the U.S. for the sake of economic stability. [17:41.340 --> 17:56.340] Australia has set up another U.S. state-owned trade fair in the U.S. for the sake of economic stability. [17:56.340 --> 18:19.340] Today, the Iranian state-owned trade fair has set up another U.S. state-owned trade fair in the U.S. for the sake of economic stability. [18:19.340 --> 18:35.340] Australia has set up another U.S. state-owned trade fair in the U.S. for the sake of economic stability. [18:35.340 --> 18:49.340] Australia has set up another U.S. state-owned trade fair in the U.S. for the sake of economic stability. [18:49.340 --> 19:12.340] Australia has set up another U.S. state-owned trade fair in the U.S. for the sake of economic stability. [19:12.340 --> 19:22.340] The economic development of Australia has been successful. [19:23.340 --> 19:30.340] Australia has set up another U.S. state-owned trade fair in the U.S. for the sake of economic stability. [19:30.340 --> 19:45.340] Australia has set up another U.S. state-owned trade fair in the U.S. for the sake of economic stability. [19:45.340 --> 20:07.340] Australia has set up another U.S. state-owned trade fair in the U.S. for the sake of economic stability. [20:07.340 --> 20:22.340] Australia has set up another U.S. state-owned trade fair in the U.S. for the sake of economic stability. [20:22.340 --> 20:39.340] For the current year and the head of the year, thank God it has been set up so that it can be improved for the next few years. [20:40.340 --> 20:42.340] The tourism program is great. [20:42.340 --> 20:54.340] We want to try to use the largest number of tourism, especially the Jordanian one, after the foreign one. [20:55.340 --> 21:03.340] This will benefit the area of the economy as a private area, and it will benefit us as tourism restaurants. [21:03.340 --> 21:13.340] We hope that the next year will be a great year for tourism and investment. [21:14.340 --> 21:16.340] May God protect the country from all troubles. [21:17.340 --> 21:18.340] We are from Amman. [21:19.340 --> 21:26.340] We hope that the end of the year will be good, love and peace in the world. [21:26.340 --> 21:35.340] We hope that the end of the year will be good, love and friendship with our family and friends. [21:36.340 --> 21:37.340] Happy New Year to you as well. [21:38.340 --> 21:48.340] In the beginning of the year, I am coming from Britain to the end of the year, in the city of Aqaba, which is distinguished by its beautiful and clean atmosphere. [21:48.340 --> 22:05.340] I hope that the next year will be a great year for tourism, investment and investment, for this city and for this country. [22:05.340 --> 22:20.340] As well as the number of tourism camps in the area of Ramwaddis, special events and tents in the area, Abdullah Shra'a, the Jordanian TV, the city of Aqaba. [22:21.340 --> 22:26.340] And to the sports field with our friends, good news. [22:27.340 --> 22:28.340] Good news. [22:28.340 --> 22:34.340] The details of the sports news after the break will be with us. [22:43.340 --> 22:44.340] Welcome. [22:44.340 --> 22:55.340] The Sandorland team was surprised by the high standard of winning over Manchester City in the English League, with the goal of returning from the 19th week of the competition. [22:56.340 --> 23:05.340] Despite the loss of Manchester City, the team scored 45 points in the Sandorland to the 13th place in the 21st place. [23:05.340 --> 23:16.340] In other matches, the Everton team won the West Pro match in Alpion, with a goal of reaching 24 points, including the 9th place. [23:16.340 --> 23:31.340] The English Arsenal team is preparing for the winter season in an attempt to get one of the players on the way to the Olympics to win the Belgian goalkeeper Thomas Firmailen. [23:32.340 --> 23:41.340] The goal is to win in Rablatt Alsaq, the day of his participation in a team match against Queen's Park Rangers in the local tournament. [23:41.340 --> 23:49.340] The French Arsenal manager Arsene Finger confirmed that the Arsenal team will win for Firmailen's services in two or three weeks, [23:50.340 --> 23:54.340] so that he will see if he is able to change his position on the way to the Olympics. [23:55.340 --> 24:00.340] It is also mentioned that his team did not play at the Aesar Sports Center. [24:00.340 --> 24:11.340] We will stay with the Arsenal news, so that the Dutch team will be able to keep up with his team in the near future, [24:12.340 --> 24:15.340] until the end of his contract in the month of Zairan from the previous year, [24:16.340 --> 24:20.340] and he will be able to move to Barcelona or Manchester City. [24:20.340 --> 24:29.340] The French team has not yet reached an agreement with the Arsenal to renew its contract for additional years, so that it will be seen by the fans, [24:30.340 --> 24:35.340] and their description is that they are a wonderful crowd, and that they will always win without the team in the shortest time they have. [24:36.340 --> 24:38.340] If he wishes, he will return the beauty to them. [24:38.340 --> 24:47.340] The team has announced that the independent team, which has passed the English contract for the next ball, [24:48.340 --> 24:50.340] will have the Uruguayan national team and the Suarez national team. [24:51.340 --> 24:55.340] The Liverpool team has presented an unexpected and unexpected evidence, [24:56.340 --> 25:00.340] in the results of the round trip to the victory of the French Patiss Avra, [25:00.340 --> 25:09.340] with Manchistar United. The English contract has been discovered by a group of 115 pages on the official website, [25:10.340 --> 25:14.340] which describes the details of the results and the details of what happened between Suarez and Avra, [25:15.340 --> 25:21.340] during the Liverpool games with Manchistar United, which was announced in the 15th of the month of the 21st of last year. [25:21.340 --> 25:31.340] Suarez had won eight games, with a total of 40,000 points, due to his use of words of the Prophet, [25:32.340 --> 25:34.340] which is related to the color of Avra's human being. [25:39.340 --> 25:42.340] The short break after which he was announced as a sportsman in Qumana. [25:42.340 --> 25:54.340] With the participation of the team, the team has won half a million games in the end of the year. [25:55.340 --> 26:07.340] The final of the year, the team has won half a million games in the end of the year. [26:07.340 --> 26:25.340] The final of the year, the team has won half a million games in the end of the year. [26:25.340 --> 26:27.340] Welcome [26:27.340 --> 26:31.340] Carmiolo Antony, New York's team for the victory in Sacramento, KINGS [26:31.340 --> 26:35.340] With 124 points in 2-2-2-2 [26:35.340 --> 26:38.340] The American national team for the winners [26:38.340 --> 26:43.340] New York won the first quarter in 5-3-2-2 [26:43.340 --> 26:47.340] And Sacramento managed to improve its performance and change the score [26:47.340 --> 26:50.340] To 11 points in the second quarter [26:50.340 --> 26:55.340] Not to mention that the first quarter ended in the first quarter [26:55.340 --> 26:58.340] To 56 points in 2-2-2-2 [26:58.340 --> 27:02.340] New York won the first quarter in 2-2-2-2 [27:02.340 --> 27:04.340] With Carmiolo Antony's team [27:04.340 --> 27:12.340] Who had the best record in 3-3-2-2-2-2-2 [27:12.340 --> 27:19.340] Spain lost 2-1-2 in 2-2-2-2-2 [27:19.340 --> 27:22.340] In the second quarter, the team won the first quarter [27:22.340 --> 27:26.340] To 56 points in 2-2-2-2-2 [27:26.340 --> 27:32.340] New York won the first quarter in 3-2-2-2-2-2 [27:32.340 --> 27:37.340] To 56 points in 2-2-2-2-2-2 [27:37.340 --> 27:43.340] New York won the first quarter in 3-2-2-2-2-2 [27:43.340 --> 27:49.340] To 56 points in 2-2-2-2-2-2 [27:49.340 --> 27:56.340] New York won the first quarter in 3-2-2-2-2-2 [27:56.340 --> 28:02.340] New York won the first quarter in 3-2-2-2-2-2 [28:02.340 --> 28:08.340] To 56 points in 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 [28:08.340 --> 28:15.340] New York won the first quarter in 3-2-2-2-2-2 [28:15.340 --> 28:22.340] To 56 points in 2-2-2-2-2-2 [28:22.340 --> 28:31.340] New York won the first quarter in 3-2-2-2-2-2 [28:31.340 --> 28:38.340] To 56 points in 2-2-2-2-2-2 [28:38.340 --> 28:45.340] New York won the first quarter in 3-2-2-2-2 [28:45.340 --> 28:51.340] New York won the first quarter in 3-2-2-2-2 [28:51.340 --> 28:54.340] 40 minutes and 35 seconds [28:54.340 --> 28:56.340] The kidney is sold by Mark Corrier [28:56.340 --> 28:59.340] in the other kidney of Matthew Keisoryo [28:59.340 --> 29:01.340] in the 3rd center [29:01.340 --> 29:03.340] which includes the previous number for the morning [29:03.340 --> 29:05.340] with a difference of 23 seconds [29:05.340 --> 29:07.340] from the number that the kidney machine [29:07.340 --> 29:09.340] Paul Tergert [29:09.340 --> 29:11.340] in 1995 [29:17.340 --> 29:19.340] We have reached the end [29:19.340 --> 29:21.340] Let's go back to Fakhri [29:21.340 --> 29:23.340] to follow up on the news [29:35.340 --> 29:37.340] And we welcome the viewers [29:37.340 --> 29:39.340] to the expected weather [29:39.340 --> 29:41.340] when the temperature is below 2 degrees [29:41.340 --> 29:43.340] and the weather is cold [29:43.340 --> 29:45.340] and it is always long [29:45.340 --> 29:47.340] between now and the future [29:47.340 --> 29:49.340] and there is a soft wind [29:49.340 --> 29:51.340] stuffs the intestine [29:51.340 --> 29:53.340] and pensar in the air [29:53.340 --> 29:55.340] in the either option [29:55.340 --> 29:57.340] to make a notification [30:11.340 --> 30:13.340] And some on Thursday [30:13.340 --> 30:15.340] is cold [30:15.340 --> 30:21.340] and cold at night, and the wind of the east wind is ready to speed up. [30:21.340 --> 30:26.340] At the end of the summer, this tree is one of the most beautiful. [30:26.340 --> 30:31.340] The Jordanians join a meeting between the sides of the Palestinian and Israeli tribes [30:31.340 --> 30:35.340] in the mosque of Jad to reach the shared land [30:35.340 --> 30:38.340] in order to establish direct relations. [30:39.340 --> 30:43.340] The president of the Arab Parliament calls on the Arab-Syrian observers to [30:43.340 --> 30:49.340] set up a plan to set up a political agreement for the next stage. [30:51.340 --> 30:55.340] Despite the new US sanctions, Iran is experiencing an attempt [30:55.340 --> 30:59.340] to launch a fierce attack on the Jordanians, [30:59.340 --> 31:05.340] and it is the first to establish a nuclear nuclear plant. [31:08.340 --> 31:12.340] We have presented to you viewers the news from the TV program [31:12.340 --> 31:15.340] of the Jordanian television. [32:42.340 --> 32:50.920] The Syrian people's [33:12.340 --> 33:23.340] My beloved, the word of love is in my heart [33:23.340 --> 33:33.340] My beloved, the word of love is in my heart [33:33.340 --> 33:50.340] My beloved, the word of love is in my heart [33:50.340 --> 33:56.340] My beloved, the word of love is in my heart [33:56.340 --> 34:02.340] Faisal in the eye [34:02.340 --> 34:10.340] My beloved, the word of love is in my heart [34:10.340 --> 34:16.340] My beloved, the word of love is in my heart [34:16.340 --> 34:20.820] Oh, my filial and disloyal husband [34:46.340 --> 34:57.340] My beloved, welcome to the state of Ammaniyah [34:57.340 --> 35:03.340] And my mother's hometown is Amkawiyah [35:03.340 --> 35:09.340] My beloved, welcome to the state of Ammaniyah [35:09.340 --> 35:15.340] And my mother's hometown is Amkawiyah [35:15.340 --> 35:21.340] My beloved, welcome to the state of Ammaniyah [35:21.340 --> 35:27.340] My beloved, welcome to the state of Ammaniyah [35:27.340 --> 35:33.340] And my mother's hometown is Amkawiyah [35:33.340 --> 35:39.340] My beloved, welcome to the state of Ammaniyah [35:39.340 --> 35:47.340] My beloved, welcome to the state of Ammaniyah [35:47.340 --> 35:51.340] My beloved, welcome to the state of Ammaniyah [35:51.340 --> 35:57.340] a black stone is broken [36:51.340 --> 36:55.620] Call to the sword, watch it [36:56.860 --> 36:59.620] and remind it [37:00.140 --> 37:02.580] The guidance and the beauty [37:02.860 --> 37:06.440] to wait years [37:07.740 --> 37:12.420] Call to the sword, watch it [37:12.980 --> 37:14.980] and remind it [37:15.740 --> 37:18.340] And the strength of the mother [37:18.340 --> 37:24.340] The river is full of people [37:24.340 --> 37:26.340] The eyes of the Masjid [37:26.340 --> 37:33.340] We sing it, we sing it [37:33.340 --> 37:37.340] And my father is a flower from the soil [37:37.340 --> 37:41.340] From the soil that we gave, I will forget [37:41.340 --> 37:45.340] And my father is a flower from the soil [37:45.340 --> 37:49.340] From the soil that we gave, I will forget [37:49.340 --> 37:57.340] And my mother and the children love the land [37:57.340 --> 38:04.340] And my mother and the children love the land [38:04.340 --> 38:11.340] And my mother and the children love the land [38:35.340 --> 38:43.340] My father is a flower from the soil [38:43.340 --> 38:48.340] From the soil that we gave, I will forget [38:48.340 --> 38:54.340] And my mother and the children love the land [38:54.340 --> 39:00.340] And my mother and the children love the land [39:00.340 --> 39:05.340] And my mother and the children love the land [39:05.340 --> 39:09.340] And my mother and the children love the land [39:09.340 --> 39:14.340] And my father is a flower from the soil [39:14.340 --> 39:19.340] From the soil that we gave, I will forget [39:19.340 --> 39:25.340] And my mother and the children love the land [39:25.340 --> 39:30.340] And my father is a flower from the soil [39:30.340 --> 39:35.340] From the soil that we gave, I will forget [39:35.340 --> 39:41.340] And my mother and the children love the land [39:41.340 --> 39:46.340] And my mother and the children love the land [39:46.340 --> 39:53.340] And my mother and the children love the land [39:53.340 --> 39:59.340] And my mother and the children love the land [39:59.340 --> 40:25.340] And my mother and the children love the land