Statistics: 1012 / 4683 (21.61%) words changed

Detecting									Detecting
language									language
using										using
up										up
to										to
the										the
first										first
30										30
seconds										seconds
Use										Use
`--language`									`--language`
to										to
specify										specify
the										the
language									language
Detected									Detected
language									language
French										French
I'm										I'm
really										really
happy										happy
to										to
see										see
that										that
when										when
we										we
were										were
passing										passing
by										by
trains										trains
there										there
was										was
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
traffic										traffic
jams										jams
Now										Now
that										that
there										there
is										is
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
traffic										traffic
people										people
can										can
get										get
around										around
in										in
peace										peace
If										If
you										you
have										have
a										a
way										way
you										you
can										can
take										take
a										a
way										way
to										to
Brasaville									Brasaville
It's										It's
a										a
good										good
thing										thing
Because										Because
in										in
the										the
enclave										enclave
villages									villages
people										people
have										have
difficulties									difficulties
It										It
was										was
difficult									difficult
to										to
come										come
and										and
sell										sell
here										here
in										in
Pointe-Nord									Pointe-Nord
But										But
when										when
there										there
is										is
a										a
way										way
there										there
is										is
the										the
facility									facility
to										to
enter										enter
the										the
merchandise									merchandise
either										either
in										in
Pointe-Nord									Pointe-Nord
or										or
in										in
Brasaville									Brasaville
It's										It's
a										a
good										good
thing										thing
for										for
the										the
roads										roads
We										We
need										need
roads										roads
in										in
Congo										Congo
that's										that's
it										it
In										In
Njila										Njila
there										there
is										is
a										a
way										way
to										to
Njila										Njila
You										You
have										have
to										to
go										go
to										to
Pointe-Nord									Pointe-Nord
and										and
Brasaville									Brasaville
It's										It's
a										a
good										good
thing										thing
for										for
the										the
roads										roads
In										In
Njila										Njila
there										there
is										is
a										a
way										way
to										to
Njila										Njila
It's										It's
a										a
good										good
thing										thing
for										for
the										the
roads										roads
If										If
you										you
have										have
a										a
way										way
you										you
can										can
go										go
to										to
Pointe-Nord									Pointe-Nord
and										and
Brasaville									Brasaville
It's										It's
a										a
good										good
thing										thing
for										for
the										the
roads										roads
If									  |	There
you									  |	is
have									  <
a										a
way										way
you									  |	to
can									  |	Njila
									  >	You
									  >	have
									  >	to
go										go
to										to
Pointe-Nord									Pointe-Nord
and										and
Brasaville									Brasaville
It's										It's
a										a
good										good
thing										thing
for										for
the										the
roads										roads
A										A
place										place
for										for
example										example
was										was
debated										debated
by										by
the										the
drivers										drivers
the										the
oba										oba
vérité										vérité
									  >	Or
									  >	literally
									  >	the
									  >	title
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	truth
The										The
oba										oba
vérité										vérité
the										the
expression									expression
was										was
born										born
from										from
the										the
difficulties									difficulties
encountered									encountered
by										by
motorists									motorists
to										to
climb										climb
this										this
mountain									mountain
You										You
had										had
to										to
tell										tell
the										the
truth										truth
if										if
your										your
permit										permit
was										was
									  >	a
true										true
or										or
									  >	a
false										false
									  >	one
Follow										Follow
my										my
eyes									  |	look
No										No
damaged										damaged
vehicles									vehicles
no										no
sick										sick
people										people
left										left
without										without
assistance									assistance
no										no
damaged										damaged
merchandise									merchandise
The									  |	Wisdom
wisdom									  <
commanded									commanded
the										the
drivers										drivers
to										to
slow										slow
down										down
here										here
to										to
stop										stop
there									  |	here
and										and
sometimes									sometimes
									  >	to
go										go
back									  <
down										down
to										to
tighten										tighten
the										the
bolts									  |	wheels
to										to
adjust										adjust
the										the
shocks									  |	brakes
You										You
had										had
to										to
be										be
healed										healed
at									  |	by
the										the
heat										heat
of										of
the										the
hard									  <
blows										blows
to										to
drive										drive
all										all
night										night
drive										drive
all										all
day										day
take										take
the										the
									  >	steering
wheel										wheel
back									  <
all										all
night										night
and										and
all										all
day										day
again										again
We										We
were									  <
traveling								  <
in									  <
really										really
									  >	traveled
									  >	in
impossible									impossible
conditions									conditions
to										to
believe										believe
Before										Before
we										we
could										could
go										go
to										to
Pointe-Nord									Pointe-Nord
and									  |	then
Brasaville								  |	we
It									  <
could										could
take										take
us									  <
at										at
least										least
7										7
hours										hours
Even									  |	Now
									  >	even
if										if
it										it
rains										rains
there										there
are										are
									  >	probably
no										no
more										more
problems									problems
I'm									  |	I
									  >	am
a										a
driver										driver
I										I
drive									  |	made
this										this
route										route
from										from
Pointe-Nord									Pointe-Nord
to									  <
Brasaville								  <
The										The
road									  |	route
is										is
very										very
good										good
except										except
that									  |	for
we									  <
can't									  <
see									  <
the										the
drivers									  |	driver's
In									  |	computer
conditions								  |	You
you									  <
have										have
to										to
respect										respect
the										the
signs										signs
a										a
little										little
									  >	bit
so										so
that										that
you										you
do									  <
your									  <
transport									transport
very									  |	your
well									  <
from									  <
departure									departure
to										to
									  >	the
destination									destination
									  >	very
									  >	well
There										There
are										are
customers									customers
who										who
are										are
in										in
a										a
hurry										hurry
you									  |	You
have										have
to										to
drive										drive
them										them
a										a
little										little
faster									  |	fast
There										There
are										are
people									  |	some
who										who
say										say
no										no
no										no
go										go
slowly										slowly
slowly										slowly
Otherwise								  |	It's
maximum									  |	3
if									  |	o'clock
you									  |	in
respect									  |	the
everything								  <
it's									  <
three									  <
hours									  <
of									  <
taxi										taxi
time									  |	but
But									  <
if										if
you										you
don't										don't
respect										respect
it										it
you										you
									  >	have
									  >	to
drive										drive
a										a
little										little
faster										faster
you									  <
can									  <
do									  <
two									  <
hours									  <
and									  <
a									  <
few									  <
I										I
have										have
the										the
ambition								  |	mission
to										to
do										do
only										only
two										two
laps										laps
because										because
I'm										I'm
not										not
in										in
a										a
hurry										hurry
for										for
the										the
car										car
You										You
have										have
to										to
try										try
to										to
keep										keep
the										the
material								  |	equipment
for										for
tomorrow									tomorrow
You									  <
go									  <
back									  <
and									  <
forth									  <
I										I
go									  |	do
back									  |	the
									  >	return
and										and
forth									  |	return
in										in
one										one
day										day
I										I
can										can
also										also
sometimes									sometimes
do										do
three										three
laps										laps
but										but
I										I
don't										don't
want										want
to										to
do										do
that										that
to										to
keep										keep
the										the
material								  |	equipment
The										The
road									  |	route
is										is
very										very
well										well
done										done
Very									  <
well									  <
done									  <
We										We
thank										thank
His										His
Excellency									Excellency
Denis										Denis
Assungue									Assungue
									  >	who
									  >	is
									  >	responsible
for										for
what									  |	making
he									  <
thought									  <
of									  <
us									  <
To									  <
make									  <
this										this
beautiful									beautiful
road									  |	route
for										for
us										us
which										which
will										will
maybe										maybe
be										be
done										done
at										at
least										least
20										20
years										years
later										later
But										But
except									  <
that									  <
what										what
I										I
want										want
to										to
ask										ask
the										the
political									political
authorities									authorities
and										and
those										those
who										who
have										have
the									  |	a
right									  |	lot
to									  |	of
vote									  |	work
									  >	is
that										that
after										after
that										that
for										for
work										work
that									  <
they										they
leave										leave
a										a
maintenance									maintenance
service										service
That's										That's
what										what
will										will
make										make
the										the
road									  |	route
be									  <
able									  <
to									  <
take										take
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
time										time
Without										Without
maintenance									maintenance
we										we
didn't									  <
have										have
to										to
pick									  |	collect
up									  |	nothing
anything								  <
I										I
make										make
the										the
road									  |	route
from										from
Olysie-Pointe-Noire							  |	Izy
									  >	to
									  >	Pointe-Nord
I										I
leave										leave
I										I
do									  |	make
less										less
than										than
three										three
hours										hours
of										of
time										time
three										three
hours										hours
and										and
thirty										thirty
minutes										minutes
of										of
walking										walking
from										from
Olysie-Pointe-Noire							  |	Izy
									  >	to
									  >	Pointe-Nord
I										I
carry									  |	transport
the										the
passenger									passenger
in										in
my										my
RAV4										RAV4
The										The
road										road
is										is
very										very
good										good
it										it
is										is
well										well
done										done
It's										It's
been										been
six										six
years										years
since										since
I've										I've
been										been
on										on
the										the
road										road
when									  |	since
the										the
road										road
wasn't										wasn't
good										good
yet										yet
I										I
still										still
have										have
the										the
experience									experience
of										of
the										the
road										road
What										What
I										I
really										really
appreciate									appreciate
a										a
lot										lot
is										is
that										that
the										the
road										road
is										is
well										well
done										done
I										I
just										just
have										have
to										to
draw										draw
									  >	the
attention									attention
to									  |	of
my										my
colleagues									colleagues
									  >	the
drivers										drivers
It's									  <
to										to
drive										drive
slowly										slowly
I										I
									  >	have
already										already
do									  |	made
a										a
long										long
distance									distance
from										from
Kishasaba-Kongo								  |	Kishasaba
									  >	to
									  >	Congo
which										which
is										is
365										365
kilometers									kilometers
I										I
have										have
									  >	also
seen										seen
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
accidents									accidents
on										on
the										the
road										road
Also										Also
the										the
road										road
is										is
still										still
short										short
from										from
Olysie-Pointe-Noire							  |	Izy
									  >	to
									  >	Pointe-Nord
I										I
think										think
it										it
can										can
be									  |	do
160									  |	a
kilometers								  |	hundred
									  >	and
									  >	sixty-something
It's										It's
a										a
route										route
that										that
you										you
can										can
run										run
even										even
at										at
2									  |	two
o'clock										o'clock
or										or
1									  |	one
hour									  |	thirty
and									  <
30									  <
minutes									  <
But										But
you										you
have										have
to										to
respect										respect
the										the
equipment									equipment
respect										respect
the										the
passengers									passengers
So										So
you										you
have										have
to										to
drive										drive
three										three
hours										hours
three										three
hours									  <
and										and
thirty										thirty
minutes										minutes
to										to
get										get
to										to
Olysie-Pointe-Noire							  |	Izy
We										We
are										are
very									  |	really
happy										happy
I										I
appreciate									appreciate
the										the
good										good
work										work
of										of
the										the
President									President
of										of
the										the
Republic									Republic
Lately										Lately
we										we
drive										drive
freely										freely
we										we
drive										drive
freely										freely
There										There
is										is
one										one
thing										thing
you									  |	You
have										have
to										to
respect										respect
the										the
signs										signs
You									  |	you
have										have
to										to
respect										respect
the										the
turn										turn
You									  |	There
									  >	you
can										can
even									  <
do										do
20									  |	even
									  >	twenty
years										years
And									  |	and
then										then
we										we
ask										ask
for										for
help										help
on										on
the										the
road										road
The										The
difficulties									difficulties
encountered								  |	faced
by										by
the										the
workers										workers
and										and
engineers									engineers
were										were
as										as
they										they
believed									believed
sometimes									sometimes
wrong										wrong
or										or
right										right
to										to
have										have
seriously									seriously
discontented									discontented
the										the
geniuses									geniuses
of										of
the										the
mountain									mountain
On										On
this										this
route										route
these										these
geniuses									geniuses
would										would
have										have
lined										lined
up										up
to										to
remind										remind
the										the
first										first
arrivals									arrivals
that										that
a										a
									  >	somme
beast										beast
of									  <
sand									  <
was										was
buying										buying
from										from
its										its
owner										owner
Some										Some
loyalty										loyalty
has										has
been										been
accomplished									accomplished
									  >	in
									  >	order
to										to
appease										appease
the										the
geniuses									geniuses
and										and
ask										ask
them										them
for										for
the										the
opportunity								  |	possibility
to									  |	of
defeat									  |	defeating
the										the
mayan									  |	maillot
This										This
is										is
all										all
the										the
meaning										meaning
of										of
the										the
ritual										ritual
organized									organized
on										on
the										the
falls										falls
of										of
Muzololo									Muzololo
asking										asking
the										the
guardian									guardian
genius										genius
of										of
the										the
terroir										terroir
to										to
free										free
the										the
places										places
to										to
allow										allow
the										the
Chinese										Chinese
to										to
work										work
without										without
complications									complications
and										and
to										to
end										end
the										the
very										very
intense										intense
accidents									accidents
in										in
the										the
area										area
of										of
​​the									  |	the
									  >	construction
site										site
on										on
the										the
first										first
days										days
of										of
									  >	the
work										work
The										The
biggest										biggest
obstacle									obstacle
was										was
a										a
large										large
									  >	inform
stone										stone
a									  |	which
form									  |	for
that									  <
despite									  <
the										the
needs										needs
of										of
the										the
cause										cause
was										was
immediately									immediately
recomposed								  |	re-composed
									  >	in
the										the
next									  <
morning										morning
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	next
									  >	day
forcing										forcing
the										the
workers										workers
to										to
repeat										repeat
the										the
same										same
operation									operation
several										several
times										times
and										and
several										several
days										days
as										as
Penélope									Penélope
Tissonsa-Toile									Tissonsa-Toile
or										or
Sisyphe										Sisyphe
Escaladon-Saponte								Escaladon-Saponte
Meanwhile								  |	did
									  >	The
									  >	report
									  >	in
									  >	this
									  >	astonishing
									  >	landscape
									  >	is
									  >	at
									  >	risk
									  >	of
									  >	taking
									  >	a
									  >	detour
									  >	so
									  >	much
									  >	so
									  >	that
									  >	it
									  >	seems
									  >	a
									  >	mystery
									  >	and
									  >	attracts
									  >	immeasurably
									  >	questions
									  >	and
									  >	reflections
									  >	curiosities
									  >	and
									  >	desires
									  >	Nothing
									  >	really
									  >	can
									  >	dissipate
									  >	the
									  >	mystery
									  >	Researchers
									  >	and
									  >	scientists
									  >	will
									  >	one
									  >	day
									  >	answer
									  >	these
									  >	questions
									  >	In
									  >	the
									  >	meantime
a										a
certainty									certainty
nevertheless									nevertheless
is										is
that										that
Denis										Denis
Sasungesso								  |	Sassoun-Guesso
has										has
just										just
overcome									overcome
this										this
natural										natural
temerity									temerity
by										by
building									building
a										a
heavy										heavy
road										road
in										in
the									  |	which
trail									  <
crossing								  <
the										the
legendary									legendary
and										and
dreadful									dreadful
mountains								  <
of									  <
the									  <
Mayan										Mayan
									  >	mountains
									  >	cross
The										The
road										road
the										the
object										object
of										of
the										the
pride										pride
of										of
the										the
Congolese									Congolese
is										is
now										now
confidently									confidently
leading										leading
to										to
Brazzaville									Brazzaville
which										which
it										it
will										will
only										only
reach										reach
after										after
a										a
few										few
years										years
Would										Would
it										it
be										be
exaggerated								  |	too
									  >	much
to										to
say										say
it									  <
Surely										Surely
not										not
In									  |	Indeed
fact									  <
it										it
is										is
a										a
site										site
that										that
has										has
had										had
a										a
particular									particular
proximity									proximity
with										with
difficulty									difficulty
a									  |	A
site										site
on										on
which										which
the										the
body										body
could										could
crack										crack
at										at
one										one
time									  |	point
or										or
another										another
Thank										Thank
God										God
there									  |	There
was										was
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
difficulty									difficulty
to										to
overcome									overcome
it's										it's
true										true
But										But
at										at
the										the
same										same
time										time
we										we
were										were
stimulated									stimulated
by										by
the										the
interest									interest
of										of
what										what
we										we
were										were
doing										doing
and										and
by										by
the										the
feeling										feeling
that										that
what										what
we										we
were										were
doing										doing
was										was
important									important
To										To
do										do
this										this
everyone									everyone
was										was
convinced									convinced
that										that
we										we
should										should
never										never
be										be
let										let
down										down
by										by
need										need
									  >	because
by										by
organizing									organizing
ourselves									ourselves
well										well
we										we
can										can
face										face
and										and
resist										resist
our									  |	its
burden									  |	load
For										For
most										most
of										of
them										them
the										the
end										end
of										of
work										work
is										is
a										a
moment										moment
of										of
great										great
emotion										emotion
just									  |	as
like									  |	well
									  >	as
leaving										leaving
this										this
site										site
It's									  |	It
									  >	is
the										the
end										end
of										of
a										a
moment										moment
where										where
they										they
lived										lived
together									together
They										They
lived										lived
such										such
intense										intense
moments										moments
There										There
was										was
so										so
much										much
burden									  |	responsibility
personal									personal
demands									  |	demand
the										the
deployment									deployment
of										of
each										each
of										of
your										your
collectives									collectives
that										that
each										each
one									  <
is										is
very										very
marked										marked
For										For
them										them
of										of
course										course
the										the
Mayombe									  |	Mayan
will										will
remain										remain
an										an
unforgettable									unforgettable
experience									experience
In										In
the										the
daily										daily
work										work
organization									organization
it										it
was										was
necessary									necessary
to										to
see										see
at										at
what										what
pace										pace
the										the
workers										workers
were										were
working										working
at										at
what										what
pace									  |	speed
the										the
engineers									engineers
were										were
activating									activating
at										at
what										what
pace									  |	speed
the										the
controllers									controllers
were										were
pressing									pressing
at										at
what										what
measure										measure
the										the
machines									machines
were										were
dealing										dealing
with										with
monumental									monumental
tasks										tasks
at										at
what										what
pace									  |	speed
the										the
machinists									machinists
were										were
digging										digging
beeching									beeching
or										or
rumbling									rumbling
With										With
what									  |	such
enthusiasm									enthusiasm
each										each
body										body
of										of
work										work
provided									provided
all										all
the										the
measurement									measurement
of										of
its										its
talent										talent
with										with
what									  |	which
ardor									  |	the
									  >	operator
									  >	engine
driver										driver
of									  <
machines								  <
and										and
manoeuvres								  |	maneuverer
master										master
of										of
work										work
and										and
master										master
of										of
work										work
if										if
he										he
worked										worked
tirelessly									tirelessly
day										day
and										and
night										night
in										in
the										the
torrential									torrential
rain										rain
or										or
in										in
the										the
burning										burning
sun										sun
to										to
undo										undo
the										the
trap										trap
to										to
undo									  |	dismantle
the										the
goal										goal
each										each
working										working
as										as
hard										hard
as										as
he										he
could										could
to										to
give										give
the										the
best										best
of										of
himself										himself
It										It
was										was
really										really
necessary									necessary
to										to
see										see
Rather									  |	I
we									  |	would
should									  |	rather
not										not
give										give
up									  |	it
									  >	back
thank										thank
God										God
Frankly										Frankly
to										to
have										have
left										left
us										us
alive										alive
to										to
see										see
this									  |	him
work									  |	realize
done									  |	his
Really									  |	cause
I										I
									  >	really
thank										thank
the										the
Lord										Lord
because										because
there										there
are										are
so										so
many										many
who										who
									  >	have
dreamed										dreamed
and										and
									  >	who
									  >	have
thought										thought
of										of
seeing										seeing
this										this
work									  |	road
But									  |	but
today										today
it										it
is										is
I										I
who										who
come										come
to										to
see										see
this										this
work									  |	road
thanks										thanks
to										to
the										the
work										work
carried										carried
out										out
by										by
the										the
President									President
of										of
the										the
French									  |	United
Railways								  |	Nations
And									  |	and
who										who
thought										thought
he										he
could										could
defeat										defeat
this										this
great										great
Mayombe									  |	Mayan
mountain									mountain
So									  |	so
we										we
can										can
say										say
mission										mission
accomplished									accomplished
because										because
we										we
will										will
arrive										arrive
very										very
soon										soon
in										in
Tunisia										Tunisia
And									  |	and
to									  <
defeat										defeat
Mayombe									  |	the
									  >	Mayan
who										who
thinks									  |	earn
frankly										frankly
of									  <
what										what
to										to
write										write
the										the
history										history
of										of
this										this
country										country
And										And
I										I
believe										believe
that										that
several										several
heads										heads
of										of
state										state
also									  |	have
dreamed										dreamed
of									  |	too
making									  |	to
									  >	realize
such										such
a										a
great										great
work										work
Until									  |	We
									  >	have
									  >	until
then										then
we									  <
always										always
thought										thought
									  >	that
it										it
was										was
the										the
way										way
to										to
do										do
it										it
but										but
today										today
we										we
are										are
here										here
Tomorrow									Tomorrow
again										again
there									  |	it
may										may
be										be
other										other
routes									  |	roads
that										that
you										you
will										will
see										see
in										in
this										this
country										country
And										And
of										of
course										course
there									  |	we
is									  |	have
only									  |	to
									  >	have
a										a
feeling										feeling
of										of
satisfaction									satisfaction
and										and
to										to
say										say
thank										thank
you										you
to										to
the										the
President									President
of										of
the										the
French									  |	United
Railways								  |	Nations
Not										Not
simply									  |	only
									  >	did
he										he
arrived									  |	dream
but										but
he										he
did									  |	realized
it										it
And										And
we										we
the										the
population									population
the										the
Congolese									Congolese
we										we
must										must
make										make
this										this
tribute										tribute
to									  <
him									  <
To									  <
thank										thank
him										him
for										for
this										this
work										work
He										He
thought										thought
a										a
lot										lot
about										about
it										it
but										but
it										it
takes										takes
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
courage										courage
And										And
also										also
to									  <
have										have
a										a
team										team
of										of
course										course
There										There
is										is
not										not
only										only
him										him
but										but
there										there
is										is
the										the
whole										whole
team										team
who									  |	that
supported									supported
him										him
who									  |	and
was									  <
behind									  <
And									  <
also										also
our										our
Chinese										Chinese
brothers									brothers
who									  |	They
thought										thought
they										they
could										could
do										do
it										it
Today										Today
I										I
am										am
very									  |	13
happy									  |	and
And									  |	a
									  >	half
									  >	and
I										I
am										am
here									  <
the										the
first										first
to										to
be										be
on										on
this										this
path										path
Certainly								  |	The
we									  |	Master
will										will
									  >	certainly
say										say
but										but
how										how
									  >	did
it										it
was									  |	happen
done									  |	It's
Many									  |	so
certainly								  |	crazy
you									  |	in
especially								  |	front
									  >	of
									  >	all
the										the
young										young
									  >	people
you										you
will										will
write										write
on										on
this										this
road										road
And										And
there										there
we										we
will										will
have										have
a										a
path										path
as										as
we										we
see										see
in										in
other										other
countries									countries
of										of
Africa										Africa
it's									  |	advanced
like										like
the										the
South										South
and										and
we										we
are										are
there										there
It's									  |	The
a									  |	advice
pride									  |	of
for									  |	the
me									  |	Master
									  >	it's
									  >	to
									  >	be
									  >	proud
									  >	of
									  >	yourself
And										And
now										now
it's										it's
the										the
man										man
who										who
is										is
always										always
at										at
the										the
center										center
of										of
everything									everything
It										It
will										will
be										be
necessary									necessary
that										that
the										the
Congolese									Congolese
also										also
get										get
to										to
work										work
Do										Do
not										not
always										always
wait										wait
for										for
the										the
assistant									assistant
Unfortunately									Unfortunately
it's									  |	this
									  >	is
what										what
we										we
see										see
in										in
our										our
country										country
Currently									Currently
everything									everything
must										must
be										be
free										free
But										But
we										we
think										think
that									  <
as										as
we									  |	they
say										say
there										there
is										is
no										no
job										job
There										There
is										is
no										no
job										job
but									  <
often										often
they										they
are										are
always										always
as										as
we									  |	they
say										say
And									  |	Indeed
indeed									  |	it
it's									  |	is
true										true
we										we
have										have
the										the
road										road
but										but
it										it
will										will
be										be
necessary									necessary
that										that
people										people
work										work
And										And
young										young
people										people
work										work
The										The
president									president
always										always
speaks									  |	talks
always										always
and										and
always										always
of									  |	about
agriculture									agriculture
A										A
long										long
time										time
ago										ago
when										when
we										we
came										came
here										here
for										for
some										some
visits										visits
the										the
population									population
complained									complained
about										about
the										the
lack										lack
of										of
									  >	the
road										road
In										In
the										the
Sahara										Sahara
or										or
elsewhere									elsewhere
the										the
Pandas										Pandas
they										they
produced									produced
a										a
lot										lot
a										a
lot										lot
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
bananas										bananas
But										But
they										they
could										could
not										not
grow										grow
their										their
bananas										bananas
to										to
Pointe-Toire								  |	Pointe-3
to										to
Brazzaville									Brazzaville
or										or
Pointe-Toire								  |	Pointe-3
Sometimes									Sometimes
there										there
is										is
a										a
lack										lack
of										of
road										road
Now										Now
we										we
are									  |	have
on									  <
the										the
road										road
It									  |	But
is									  |	it
									  >	will
also										also
									  >	be
necessary									necessary
that										that
									  >	the
young										young
people										people
get										get
to										to
work										work
that									  |	That
we										we
produce										produce
more										more
to										to
make										make
these										these
cities										cities
live										live
We										We
also										also
think										think
that										that
there										there
will										will
be										be
less										less
rural										rural
exhaust									  |	exodus
There										There
will										will
be										be
young										young
people										people
who										who
will										will
settle										settle
down										down
because									  |	Because
the										the
road										road
will										will
lead										lead
to										to
so										so
much										much
more										more
work										work
will										will
lead										lead
to										to
other										other
structures									structures
that										that
will										will
make										make
the										the
young										young
people										people
stay										stay
in										in
their										their
villages									villages
On										On
the										the
160										160
km										km
of										of
road										road
today										today
crowded										crowded
the										the
Chinese										Chinese
company										company
China										China
State										State
Construction									Construction
Engineering									Engineering
Corporation									Corporation
									  >	has
intervened									intervened
with										with
powerful									powerful
technical									technical
means										means
to										to
build										build
support									  |	the
walls										walls
moved									  |	of
									  >	support
									  >	to
									  >	move
millions									millions
of										of
cubic										cubic
meters										meters
of										of
land										land
braved									  |	to
the									  |	mow
collapse								  |	down
									  >	landslides
and										and
collapse								  |	landslides
of									  |	to
land									  |	control
controlled								  <
the										the
fall										fall
of										of
trees										trees
and										and
soil										soil
movements									movements
demolished								  |	to
									  >	terrace
millions									millions
of										of
cubic										cubic
meters										meters
of										of
slabs										slabs
erected									  |	to
									  >	erect
bridges										bridges
dams										dams
and										and
other										other
works										works
of										of
art										art
In										In
total										total
299										299
billion										billion
441										441
million										million
CFA										CFA
francs										francs
have										have
been										been
committed									committed
just									  |	only
for										for
the										the
first										first
transo										transo
Yes										Yes
indeed										indeed
the										the
first										first
transo										transo
is										is
finished									finished
so									  |	It
it									  <
is										is
already										already
under										under
circulation									circulation
since										since
the									  |	it
rubble									  |	has
ends									  |	been
									  >	covered
up										up
in									  |	to
Dolisie									  |	Dolisi
And										And
since										since
a										a
small										small
year										year
we										we
have										have
started										started
									  >	the
mobilization									mobilization
on										on
the										the
transo										transo
of										of
Dolisie-Brasaville							  |	Dolisi-Brazaville
and										and
the										the
works									  |	work
started									  |	began
about										about
6									  |	six
months										months
ago										ago
I										I
am										am
Edith										Edith
Prarios										Prarios
I										I
am										am
the										the
water										water
chief										chief
of										of
the										the
control										control
mission										mission
of										of
the										the
works										works
between										between
Pointe										Pointe
Noire										Noire
and										and
Malélé										Malélé
So										So
the										the
transo										transo
is										is
over										over
54										54
km										km
plus										plus
another										another
1300									  |	1,300
meters										meters
on										on
the										the
RN6										RN6
to										to
make										make
the										the
other										other
weighting								  |	weigh
post									  |	station
We										We
are										are
here										here
on										on
the										the
weighting								  |	weigh
post									  |	station
So										So
the										the
post									  |	station
consists								  |	is
									  >	composed
of										of
8									  |	eight
ways									  |	tracks
4									  |	Four
ways									  |	tracks
in										in
one										one
direction									direction
4									  |	four
ways									  |	tracks
in										in
the										the
other										other
One										One
way									  |	track
at										at
the										the
end										end
for										for
the										the
heavyweights									heavyweights
which										which
is										is
more										more
than										than
4.5										4.5
meters										meters
wide										wide
to										to
take										take
into										into
account										account
a									  <
little									  <
the										the
outgap									  |	size
of										of
the										the
possible								  <
heavyweights									heavyweights
plus										plus
3									  |	three
wires									  |	lines
of										of
3									  |	three
meters										meters
for										for
the									  |	light
lightweights								  |	vehicles
Each										Each
post									  |	station
is										is
semi-automated									semi-automated
that										that
is										is
to										to
say										say
that										that
the										the
barrier										barrier
is										is
automatic									automatic
The										The
height										height
under										under
the										the
pavement									pavement
is										is
about										about
6									  |	six
meters										meters
with										with
the										the
administrative									administrative
building									building
a										a
pump										pump
building									building
with										with
the										the
water										water
tank										tank
there										there
is									  |	will
									  >	be
a										a
fire										fire
system										system
plus										plus
the										the
water										water
supply										supply
systems										systems
public										public
toilets										toilets
Here										Here
we										we
have										have
a										a
weighting								  |	weigh
post									  |	station
for										for
the									  <
heavyweights									heavyweights
with										with
the										the
possible									possible
overloads									overloads
of										of
the										the
heavyweights									heavyweights
The										The
heavyweights									heavyweights
that										that
will										will
be										be
overloaded									overloaded
will										will
be										be
directed									directed
to										to
the										the
parking										parking
lot										lot
to										to
be										be
unloaded									unloaded
And										And
I										I
tell										tell
you										you
the										the
electrical									electrical
installation									installation
is										is
done										done
at									  |	At
night										night
all										all
the										the
lights										lights
work										work
the										the
barriers									barriers
work										work
The										The
users										users
of										of
this										this
road									  |	route
which										which
did										did
not										not
exist										exist
yesterday									yesterday
they										they
were										were
not										not
used										used
to										to
the										the
pavement									pavement
post									  |	It
This									  <
is										is
what									  |	a
makes									  |	bit
									  >	uncomfortable
									  >	with
the										the
installation									installation
of										of
this										this
big										big
gem									  |	jewel
a									  <
little									  <
more									  <
comfortable								  <
For										For
the										the
moment										moment
it										it
has										has
never										never
really										really
worked										worked
for										for
vehicles									vehicles
but									  |	But
I										I
think										think
we										we
will										will
have										have
done										done
all										all
the										the
signaling									signaling
so										so
that										that
people										people
get										get
used										used
to										to
it										it
So										So
it's									  |	it
									  >	is
true										true
that										that
there										there
will										will
be										be
a										a
little									  |	small
learning								  <
phase										phase
there									  |	of
									  >	learning
									  >	There
are										are
already										already
two										two
pHs										pHs
that										that
exist										exist
so										so
people										people
begin										begin
to										to
understand									understand
the										the
system										system
of										of
barriers									barriers
and										and
to										to
stop										stop
to										to
adjust										adjust
the										the
tax										tax
for										for
driving										driving
For										For
me										me
there										there
will										will
be										be
no										no
problem										problem
There										There
will										will
be										be
a										a
little									  |	bit
									  >	of
learning									learning
of										of
course										course
but										but
it's									  |	it
									  >	is
a										a
phase										phase
that										that
will										will
not										not
last										last
very										very
long										long
At										At
PK									  |	PK137
137									  <
near										near
Mvuti										Mvuti
a										a
50-metre-long								  <
bridge										bridge
was									  |	of
built									  |	50
									  >	meters
									  >	long
with										with
three										three
crossings									crossings
									  >	has
									  >	been
									  >	built
Mvuti										Mvuti
one										one
of										of
the										the
major										major
towns										towns
crossed										crossed
by										by
national								  |	Route
road									  |	Nationale
number									  |	N°1
1									  <
would										would
take										take
the										the
name										name
of										of
Dvuti										Dvuti
a										a
very										very
famous										famous
tree										tree
in										in
the										the
region										region
Under										Under
this										this
tree										tree
would										would
have										have
held										held
meetings									meetings
between										between
the										the
colonial									colonial
explorer									explorer
and										and
the										the
Foncier										Foncier
owner										owner
the										the
old										old
Mandimbu									Mandimbu
Legend									  |	The
has									  |	legend
it									  |	adds
that										that
it										it
was										was
a										a
tree										tree
full										full
of										of
mystery									  |	mysteries
that										that
cut										cut
off										off
the										the
day										day
before										before
was										was
completely									completely
rebuilt										rebuilt
the										the
next										next
day										day
It										It
is										is
the										the
old										old
Emil										Emil
Macoso										Macoso
the										the
originator									originator
of										of
Mandimbu									Mandimbu
Kai										Kai
who										who
responding									responding
to										to
the										the
call										call
would										would
have										have
indicated									indicated
that										that
he										he
was										was
talking										talking
under										under
the										the
Dvuti										Dvuti
on										on
which										which
the										the
white										white
man										man
concluded									concluded
that										that
the										the
village										village
he										he
visited									  |	was
									  >	visiting
was										was
called										called
Mvuti										Mvuti
Today										Today
the										the
small										small
Mvuti										Mvuti
yesterday									yesterday
a										a
simple										simple
hunter's									hunter's
hut										hut
has										has
grown										grown
becoming								  |	up
a									  <
reference								  <
station									  <
on										on
the										the
Congo-Oceania								  <
railway										railway
									  >	from
									  >	Congo
									  >	to
									  >	the
									  >	ocean
with										with
its										its
4,000										4,000
inhabitants									inhabitants
Mvuti										Mvuti
is										is
									  >	also
now										now
the										the
passage										passage
of										of
the										the
route										route
Pointe-Nord-Brasaville								Pointe-Nord-Brasaville
Here										Here
the										the
old										old
building									building
unfortunately								  |	alas
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	U.S.
which										which
housed										housed
the										the
district's								  <
administrative									administrative
services									services
									  >	of
									  >	the
									  >	district
has										has
been										been
demolished									demolished
Instead										Instead
the										the
president									president
of										of
the										the
republic									republic
									  >	has
built										built
a										a
new										new
seat										seat
under										under
the										the
prefecture									prefecture
There										There
is										is
also										also
social										social
as										as
you										you
									  >	have
said										said
for										for
the										the
construction									construction
of										of
schools										schools
integrated								  <
health										health
centres									  |	centers
And									  |	and
we										we
have										have
the										the
obligation									obligation
when										when
we										we
find										find
that										that
there										there
is										is
an										an
administrative									administrative
building									building
located										located
in										in
the										the
middle										middle
of										of
the										the
road										road
we										we
are										are
obliged										obliged
to										to
demolish									demolish
this										this
building									building
and										and
									  >	to
build										build
another										another
one										one
It										It
is										is
like										like
in										in
Mvuti										Mvuti
you										you
have										have
seen										seen
the										the
sub-prefecture									sub-prefecture
of										of
Mvuti										Mvuti
the										the
building									building
of										of
the										the
sub-prefecture									sub-prefecture
is										is
located										located
in										in
the										the
middle										middle
of										of
the										the
road										road
and										and
we										we
are										are
obliged										obliged
to										to
do										do
another										another
project										project
to										to
build										build
a										a
new										new
building									building
for										for
the										the
sub-prefecture									sub-prefecture
We										We
are										are
less										less
than										than
5										5
meters										meters
3										3
meters										meters
from										from
the										the
crosswalk								  |	crossroads
to										to
do										do
a										a
sub-prefecture									sub-prefecture
where										where
there										there
will										will
be										be
trucks										trucks
that										that
will										will
pass										pass
by										by
There										There
is										is
no										no
other										other
comment										comment
to										to
make										make
and										and
the										the
road										road
is										is
right										right
there										there
Our									  |	We
									  >	the
Mayan										Mayan
population									population
is									  |	are
very										very
relieved									relieved
really										really
very										very
relieved									relieved
because										because
the										the
road										road
is										is
visible										visible
To										To
get										get
to										to
Pointe-Noir									Pointe-Noir
here										here
it										it
was										was
really										really
it									  <
was									  <
a										a
crash										crash
It									  |	it
was										was
in										in
time										time
before										before
there										there
was										was
the										the
road										road
it										it
was										was
really										really
difficult									difficult
Tell										Tell
me										me
the										the
road										road
we										we
know										know
it										it
is										is
an										an
important									important
development									development
factor										factor
Here										Here
in										in
Mvuti										Mvuti
how										how
do										do
you										you
intend										intend
to										to
contribute									contribute
to										to
the										the
development									development
of										of
the										the
Congo										Congo
through										through
this										this
road										road
that										that
now										now
passes										passes
through										through
Mvuti										Mvuti
Yes										Yes
the										the
development									development
our										our
contribution									contribution
is										is
agriculture									agriculture
In										In
the										the
first										first
place										place
it's										it's
agriculture									agriculture
Because										Because
today										today
we										we
don't										don't
think										think
we										we
have										have
the										the
forest										forest
we										we
have										have
the										the
waters										waters
We									  |	we
can										can
use										use
everything									everything
for										for
the										the
development									development
of										of
the										the
country										country
compared								  |	in
									  >	relation
to										to
the										the
road										road
where										where
it's										it's
the										the
forest										forest
In									  <
fact									  <
it's									  <
agriculture								  <
raising									  <
What										What
exactly									  <
do										do
you										you
do										do
here										here
									  >	precisely
in										in
Mvuti										Mvuti
Well										Well
here										here
we										we
do										do
agriculture									agriculture
What										What
do										do
you										you
do										do
yourself									yourself
Me									  <
I										I
do										do
agriculture									agriculture
and										and
I										I
do									  |	make
the										the
artisanal								  |	craft
sieving									  |	chair
I										I
sieve									  |	make
the										the
plank										plank
Do										Do
young										young
people										people
in										in
Mvuti										Mvuti
do										do
the										the
same										same
as										as
you										you
Yes										Yes
we										we
are										are
many										many
We										We
are										are
many										many
to										to
do										do
especially									especially
the										the
sieving									  |	sawing
Well										Well
the										the
plantations									plantations
because										because
we										we
had										had
a										a
bit										bit
of										of
difficulty									difficulty
to										to
transport									transport
There									  |	there
may									  |	could
have										have
been										been
traces									  |	cuts
of									  |	either
bananas									  |	from
									  >	the
									  >	banana
everything									everything
but										but
I										I
think										think
that										that
with										with
the										the
road										road
it										it
will										will
work										work
But										But
now										now
we										we
are										are
young										young
We									  |	we
are										are
many										many
to										to
do										do
the										the
artisanal									artisanal
sieving									  |	sawing
So										So
the										the
road										road
is										is
visible										visible
today										today
It									  |	it
allows										allows
you										you
to										to
easily										easily
flow									  |	pass
your										your
products									products
And									  |	and
so										so
your										your
feeling									  |	feelings
about									  |	in
									  >	relation
									  >	to
that										that
Are									  |	are
you										you
happy										happy
about									  |	in
									  >	relation
									  >	to
that										that
relieved									relieved
In										In
any										any
case										case
the										the
feelings									feelings
are										are
huge										huge
We										We
are										are
so										so
happy										happy
Our									  |	we
youth									  |	are
									  >	young
in										in
Mvuti										Mvuti
in										in
fact										fact
those										those
who										who
think										think
									  >	what
The										The
road										road
today										today
it's									  |	it
									  >	is
made										made
The									  |	the
president									president
did									  |	made
it										it
for										for
us										us
It's									  |	it's
a										a
jewel										jewel
Because									  |	because
it										it
passes									  |	goes
directly									directly
into										into
our										our
village										village
So										So
in										in
our										our
village										village
So									  |	so
for										for
us										us
it's..									  |	in
In									  <
fact										fact
it										it
was										was
a										a
dream										dream
Became									  |	it
									  >	became
a										a
reality										reality
today										today
We									  |	Well
									  >	we
didn't										didn't
even										even
know										know
Because									  |	because
I									  <
am									  <
a									  <
native									  <
of									  <
Mvuti									  <
I										I
was										was
born										born
in										in
Mvuti										Mvuti
We									  |	we
didn't										didn't
even										even
think										think
that										that
one										one
day										day
we										we
were									  |	would
going									  |	go
to										to
see										see
the										the
gutter									  |	gondron
in										in
Mvuti										Mvuti
In										In
fact										fact
it										it
was										was
really										really
a										a
dream										dream
It										It
was										was
really										really
a										a
dream										dream
So										So
that's										that's
why										why
I										I
say										say
that										that
We									  |	we
have										have
to										to
think										think
I									  |	First
think									  <
that									  <
first									  <
of										of
all										all
I										I
support										support
first									  <
of									  <
all									  <
the										the
project										project
of										of
the										the
president									president
of									  <
the										the
NISASONGESO								  <
The									  <
path										path
of										of
the										the
future										future
Because									  |	because
with										with
the										the
path										path
of										of
the										the
future										future
we..									  |	our
Our									  <
population									population
seems										seems
									  >	to
									  >	be
a										a
little										little
relieved									relieved
Precisely									Precisely
relieved									relieved
Because									  |	because
today										today
compared								  |	in
									  >	relation
to										to
yesterday's									yesterday's
life										life
there										there
is										is
a										a
change										change
									  >	clearly
Yesterday									Yesterday
the										the
population									population
had										had
difficulties									difficulties
to										to
move										move
So										So
today										today
with										with
the										the
presence									presence
of										of
the										the
road										road
the										the
inhabitants									inhabitants
of										of
Mayombe										Mayombe
who										who
had										had
difficulties									difficulties
to										to
move										move
today										today
they										they
move										move
easily										easily
Especially								  |	especially
for										for
the										the
merchants									merchants
of									  |	the
businessmen									businessmen
I										I
am										am
very										very
happy										happy
with										with
everything									everything
that										that
is										is
happening									happening
everything									everything
that										that
the										the
president									president
is										is
doing										doing
as										as
a										a
project										project
in										in
our										our
country										country
You									  |	The
say									  <
that									  <
today									  <
the									  <
population									population
moves									  |	is
									  >	moving
better										better
compared								  |	than
to									  <
before										before
but										but
there										there
was										was
the										the
railway										railway
too										too
So									  |	so
it										it
was									  |	didn't
not									  <
really										really
									  >	help
the										the
population									population
What										What
do										do
you										you
want										want
We										We
can't										can't
criticize									criticize
the										the
old										old
woman										woman
because										because
we										we
have										have
the										the
news									  |	new
									  >	one
But										But
otherwise									otherwise
for										for
the										the
railway										railway
I										I
have										have
concerns								  |	worries
I										I
don't										don't
know										know
if										if
the										the
railway										railway
is									  |	will
the									  |	revive
same									  |	like
as									  <
before										before
After										After
the										the
1980s										1980s
when										when
there										there
was										was
the										the
creation									creation
of										of
blue										blue
trains										trains
									  >	trains
in										in
the										the
sun										sun
especially									especially
today										today
the										the
traveller									traveller
is										is
no										no
longer										longer
interested									interested
in										in
trains										trains
Because										Because
in										in
my										my
childhood									childhood
when										when
we									  |	you
travelled								  |	travel
with										with
the										the
ABJ										ABJ
train										train
A1										A1
A2										A2
really									  <
the										the
Congolese									Congolese
travelled								  |	travel
freely										freely
Today									  |	But
									  >	today
with										with
the										the
road										road
the										the
traveller									traveller
decides										decides
when										when
he										he
wants										wants
and										and
he										he
travels										travels
freely									  |	with
Eight									  |	the
bridges									  |	ABJ
have									  |	train
									  >	Wepan
									  >	has
been										been
built										built
along										along
the										the
Transan										Transan
The										The
one										one
in										in
Maseka									  |	Maseca
on										on
the										the
upper										upper
passage									  |	part
of										of
the										the
Cefceo										Cefceo
was									  |	has
									  >	been
built										built
at									  |	in
the										the
size										size
of										of
the										the
railway										railway
with										with
the										the
possibility									possibility
of										of
doubling									doubling
the										the
railway										railway
The										The
several-hour									several-hour
route										route
is										is
also										also
an										an
opportunity									opportunity
to										to
establish									establish
contact										contact
with										with
the										the
populations								  |	population
thanks										thanks
to										to
the										the
number										number
of										of
localities								  |	towns
that										that
run									  |	follow
the										the
route										route
and										and
to										to
which										which
a										a
large										large
part										part
of										of
									  >	Transan
the										the
population								  |	Sahara
lives									  <
These									  <
villages								  <
in									  <
the									  <
name									  <
of									  <
Maseka									  <
Vuti									  <
the									  <
Saras									  <
the										the
Bandas									  |	Banda
I										I
always									  <
forget										forget
about									  <
them										them
									  >	all
So										So
many										many
stages										stages
where										where
the										the
transit										transit
will										will
be										be
uninterrupted									uninterrupted
to										to
the										the
point										point
of										of
making										making
everyday								  |	the
									  >	daily
theatre										theatre
									  >	of
a										a
great										great
animation									animation
Women										Women
and										and
men										men
will										will
sell										sell
vegetables									vegetables
and										and
fruits										fruits
like										like
pineapple									pineapple
banana										banana
coconut										coconut
manioc										manioc
papaya										papaya
mango										mango
saffron										saffron
and										and
other										other
products									products
in										in
detail										detail
or										or
even										even
local										local
									  >	craft
									  >	products
The										The
point										point
of										of
view										view
of									  |	is
our									  |	the
evolution									evolution
in									  |	of
the										the
village										village
on									  |	in
the									  |	terms
side									  <
of										of
the										the
circulation									circulation
and										and
of									  <
the										the
opportunities									opportunities
to										to
make									  |	sell
our										our
products									products
come									  <
out									  <
No										No
there										there
are										are
many										many
advantages									advantages
because										because
there										there
is										is
the										the
road									  |	bus
the										the
truck									  |	bus
passes										passes
at									  <
any										any
time									  |	other
others									  |	hour
									  >	you
can										can
sell										sell
until										until
									  >	even
tomorrow									tomorrow
morning										morning
people										people
pass										pass
The										The
car										car
when									  <
you									  <
can										can
arrive										arrive
here										here
it										it
keeps									  |	stays
									  >	there
the										the
wine										wine
if									  |	passes
									  >	If
you										you
earn										earn
less									  |	at
than									  |	least
15,000									  |	15,000
in										in
the										the
day										day
it's										it's
already										already
a										a
lot										lot
It's										It's
for										for
the									  |	my
summer									  |	mother-in-law
time									  |	at
less									  |	least
than									  <
15										15
bags										bags
a										a
day										day
And										And
how										how
many										many
bags										bags
do										do
you										you
sell										sell
a										a
day										day
Less									  |	At
than									  |	least
250										250
Today										Today
it's										it's
starting									starting
to										to
be									  |	make
a									  |	me
pleasure								  |	happy
because										because
of										of
the										the
road									  |	route
that										that
the										the
Chinese										Chinese
are										are
about									  |	starting
to										to
make										make
Like										Like
that										that
it										it
really										really
makes										makes
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
pleasure								  |	fun
because									  |	Because
I										I
can										can
even										even
take										take
the										the
cart										cart
if										if
I										I
go									  |	have
to										to
Bois-Avis								  <
I									  <
can									  <
even									  <
go										go
back										back
									  >	and
									  >	forth
So										So
it's										it's
a										a
great										great
pleasure									pleasure
for										for
you										you
but									  |	But
to										to
someone										someone
who										who
made									  |	has
									  >	done
									  >	that
you										you
can									  |	could
easily										easily
use										use
this										this
road									  |	route
what										what
do										do
you										you
say										say
to										to
the										the
place										place
of										of
this										this
person										person
Really									  |	Thank
thank									  <
you										you
very										very
much										much
for										for
this										this
person										person
It's									  |	This
									  >	is
our										our
president									president
Denis										Denis
Asungesso								  |	Assungueso
he									  |	He
really										really
did										did
well										well
for										for
the										the
road									  |	route
It's									  |	He's
a										a
very										very
good										good
president									president
he									  |	He
really										really
deserves									deserves
to										to
command										command
the										the
Congo										Congo
It's									  |	It
not									  |	doesn't
just									  |	matter
anyone									  <
who										who
can										can
do										do
that										that
because										because
there									  <
are									  <
a									  <
lot									  <
of										of
presidents								  |	the
who									  |	president
have									  |	they
passed										passed
here										here
in										in
Congo										Congo
they										they
can't										can't
do										do
that										that
They										They
can't										can't
do										do
that										that
but										but
we										we
still										still
have										have
to										to
produce										produce
our										our
president									president
Sassou									  |	Assungueso
We										We
still										still
have										have
to										to
produce										produce
our										our
president									president
Sassou									  |	Assungueso
because									  |	Because
before										before
there										there
was										was
no										no
road										road
here										here
there									  |	There
was										was
a										a
lot										lot
of										of
mud										mud
									  >	water
crabs										crabs
singing										singing
music										music
and									  |	Like
that's									  |	that
how									  <
it										it
									  >	still
makes										makes
harmony										harmony
We									  |	Look
still									  |	for
have									  |	yourself
from									  |	From
Pointe										Pointe
Noir									  |	Noire
to										to
Bois-A-Ville									Bois-A-Ville
you										you
can										can
even										even
take									  <
your									  <
Diakarta								  <
you									  <
can									  <
even									  <
put										put
your										your
girlfriend									girlfriend
or										or
your									  <
girlfriend									girlfriend
behind										behind
you									  |	You
can										can
easily										easily
go										go
to										to
Bois-A-Ville									Bois-A-Ville
We										We
still										still
have										have
to										to
produce										produce
our										our
president									president
Denis										Denis
Asungesso								  |	Assungueso
Really										Really
that's										that's
all										all
I										I
wanted										wanted
to										to
say										say
That's										That's
it										it
So										So
if										if
you										you
have										have
another										another
question									question
you										you
can										can
ask										ask
No										No
unless										unless
you										you
have										have
something									something
else										else
to										to
tell										tell
us										us
No										No
I										I
don't									  <
have										have
anything								  |	nothing
to										to
say										say
I've										I've
already										already
said										said
my										my
things										things
Thank									  |	Hello
you									  <
very									  <
much									  <
Hello										Hello
Your										Your
name										name
It's										It's
Vélin									  |	Vélire
Sassou									  |	Nsatu
You										You
are										are
here										here
in										in
this										this
market										market
when									  |	How
									  >	long
have										have
you										you
been										been
coming									  |	selling
back									  <
It's										It's
been										been
two										two
weeks										weeks
Tell										Tell
me										me
has										has
this										this
market										market
existed										existed
for										for
a										a
long										long
time										time
For									  |	Six
six									  <
months										months
already										already
no									  <
Six										Six
months										months
already										already
And									  |	So
so									  <
it										it
means										means
that										that
this										this
market										market
was										was
created										created
after										after
the										the
construction									construction
of										of
the										the
road										road
									  >	that
									  >	is
									  >	being
									  >	built
between										between
Pointe										Pointe
Noir									  |	Noire
and										and
Brazzaville								  |	Bois-A-Ville
Yes									  <
What										What
advantages								  |	is
do									  |	the
									  >	advantage
									  >	of
you										you
have									  |	selling
here										here
Here									  <
There										There
are										are
trucks										trucks
									  >	now
that										that
stop										stop
over										over
there										there
There										There
are										are
									  >	also
									  >	the
vehicles									vehicles
that									  |	from
go									  <
to									  <
Doluzi									  <
Pointe										Pointe
Noir									  |	Noire
Doluzi									  |	and
									  >	Bois-A-Ville
When										When
they										they
come										come
here										here
they										they
buy										buy
stuff										stuff
here										here
So										So
we									  |	that's
have									  <
our										our
advantages								  |	advantage
for										for
this										this
road										road
that's									  <
it									  <
What										What
do										do
you										you
do										do
to										to
provide										provide
for										for
yourself									yourself
here										here
There									  <
are..									  <
I									  <
don't									  <
know									  <
what									  <
to									  <
say									  <
Tell										Tell
me										me
the										the
road										road
has										has
been										been
built										built
It's									  |	What
an									  |	is
									  >	the
advantage									advantage
for										for
all									  <
of									  <
us										us
									  >	all
What										What
do										do
you										you
say										say
to										to
the										the
initiator									initiator
of										of
the										the
project										project
Yes										Yes
we										we
thank										thank
the										the
person									  |	one
who										who
gave										gave
us										us
the										the
project										project
and										and
who										who
improved									improved
this										this
road										road
We										We
thank										thank
the										the
head										head
of										of
									  >	the
state										state
for										for
what										what
he										he
did										did
in										in
order										order
to										to
maintain									maintain
the										the
road										road
We										We
thank										thank
him										him
really										really
It										It
makes										makes
us										us
very										very
happy										happy
In										In
order										order
to										to
maintain									maintain
this										this
road										road
two										two
toll										toll
posts										posts
have										have
been										been
erected										erected
respectively								  |	Mengo
in									  <
Mingo									  <
in										in
the										the
Kuilou										Kuilou
and										and
Moukondo									Moukondo
in										in
the										the
Niari										Niari
They									  |	Each
each									  |	of
have									  |	them
									  >	has
a										a
toll										toll
post										post
to										to
control										control
the										the
									  >	vehicle
traffic										traffic
of									  <
vehicles								  <
The										The
construction									construction
of										of
the										the
road										road
									  >	in
Pointe										Pointe
Noir-Brazzaville							  |	Noire-Bois-A-Ville
									  >	is
already										already
produces								  |	taking
induced									  |	place
effects									  <
in										in
the										the
main										main
villages									villages
crossed									  |	including
in									  <
particular								  <
Pandila										Pandila
and										and
Ponga									  |	Panga
44										44
km										km
from										from
Pointe										Pointe
Noir									  |	Noire
where										where
the										the
president								  |	President
of										of
the										the
republic								  |	Republic
has										has
built										built
a										a
health										health
center										center
									  >	It
									  >	is
									  >	intended
to										to
dispense								  |	provide
quality										quality
care										care
for										for
the										the
local										local
population									population
This									  |	It
dispenser								  |	is
has									  |	the
									  >	cause
									  >	of
a										a
medical										medical
unit										unit
and										and
an										an
administrative									administrative
building									building
In										In
the										the
village										village
of										of
Ponga									  |	Panga
a										a
new										new
building									building
reinforces								  |	strengthens
the										the
capacity									capacity
of										of
the										the
primary										primary
school										school
It										It
includes									includes
three										three
classrooms									classrooms
with										with
a										a
sanitary								  |	health
unit										unit
It's									  |	It
									  >	is
a										a
huge										huge
relief										relief
Yes										Yes
it's									  |	it
									  >	is
a										a
contract									contract
between										between
the										the
									  >	Congolese
state										state
of									  <
Kogoulaye								  <
and										and
the										the
Chinese										Chinese
company										company
because									  |	that
they									  |	is
									  >	building
									  >	the
									  >	road
									  >	They
wanted										wanted
to										to
make										make
us										us
this									  |	happy
beautiful								  <
jewel									  <
for									  <
the									  <
establishment								  <
From									  <
my									  <
point									  <
of									  <
view									  <
I										I
am										am
very										very
happy										happy
The										The
students									students
are										are
also										also
very										very
very									  <
very									  <
happy										happy
We										We
really										really
have										have
to										to
keep										keep
our										our
building									building
We										We
must										must
not										not
destroy										destroy
it										it
It's									  |	It
									  >	is
a										a
beautiful									beautiful
jewel										jewel
We										We
didn't									  |	did
									  >	not
expect										expect
that										that
We										We
have										have
this										this
beautiful									beautiful
jewel										jewel
We										We
can't									  |	cannot
waste										waste
it										it
I										I
really									  <
thank										thank
the										the
president								  |	President
of										of
the										the
republic								  |	Republic
Finally										Finally
after										after
two										two
hours										hours
of										of
travel										travel
the										the
vehicle										vehicle
reaches									  |	has
									  >	reached
Dolis										Dolis
My										My
name										name
is										is
Mr										Mr
Tatiola										Tatiola
									  >	I
									  >	am
the										the
coordinator									coordinator
of										of
the										the
road										road
station										station
of										of
Dolis										Dolis
You										You
are										are
the										the
coordinator									coordinator
of										of
the										the
road										road
station										station
so									  |	Sometimes
you										you
have										have
from									  <
time									  <
to									  <
time									  <
interviews									interviews
with										with
people										people
who										who
often										often
take										take
the										the
road										road
What										What
do										do
they										they
tell										tell
you										you
now										now
Now										Now
in									  |	compared
relation								  <
to										to
the										the
passengers									passengers
who										who
travel										travel
to										to
Dolis										Dolis
Caius										Caius
Sibit									  |	Sibiti
anywhere								  |	everywhere
they										they
say										say
that										that
our										our
prison									  |	president
is										is
doing									  |	making
great									  |	a
efforts									  <
even									  <
great										great
efforts									  |	effort
because									  |	Before
before									  <
we										we
had										had
tracasseries									tracasseries
for									  |	Now
them									  <
In									  <
Dolis										Dolis
you									  <
can										can
do									  |	make
a										a
one-way									  <
return										return
something									something
that										that
was										was
not										not
possible									possible
before										before
So									  |	We
we									  <
say									  <
that									  <
with									  <
the									  <
cost									  <
of									  <
sending									  <
the									  <
path									  <
forward									  <
I									  <
think										think
									  >	that
the										the
prison									  |	president
has										has
made										made
great										great
efforts										efforts
Because									  |	Even
even									  <
here										here
it										it
is										is
a										a
road										road
station										station
that										that
competes									competes
with										with
the										the
railroad									railroad
So									  |	We
we									  <
also										also
pronounce								  |	call
ourselves									ourselves
as									  <
the									  <
path									  <
of									  <
the									  <
future									  <
Congo										Congo
ahead									  |	En
									  >	Avant
We										We
are										are
given										given
big										big
bravo										bravo
big									  <
bravo									  <
and										and
a										a
big									  |	great
encouragement									encouragement
so										so
that										that
tomorrow									tomorrow
as										as
there										there
is										is
already										already
a										a
launch										launch
of										of
work										work
for										for
Dolis										Dolis
									  >	in
Caius										Caius
I										I
think										think
that's										that's
a									  <
bit									  <
what										what
I										I
can										can
say										say
And										And
big										big
thanks										thanks
for									  |	to
the										the
president									president
And									  <
I										I
also										also
give										give
information									information
to										to
the										the
Congolese									Congolese
population									population
who										who
want										want
to										to
travel										travel
freely										freely
to										to
discover									discover
the										the
way									  |	road
of										of
Mayom										Mayom
City									  |	We
									  >	are
located										located
in										in
the										the
valley										valley
of										of
Niari										Niari
at									  <
379										379
km										km
west										west
of										of
Brazzaville									Brazzaville
third										third
of										of
the										the
country										country
by										by
its										its
demographic									demographic
and										and
economic									economic
importance									importance
city										city
of										of
wood										wood
and										and
forest										forest
Dolis										Dolis
is										is
also										also
the										the
city										city
where										where
the										the
high										high
school										school
of										of
Mbunda										Mbunda
was										was
built										built
an									  |	the
institution								  |	establishment
to										to
which										which
the										the
most										most
deserving									deserving
students									students
in									  |	of
our										our
country										country
will										will
access										access
Mbunda										Mbunda
is										is
also										also
the										the
school										school
attended								  |	that
by									  |	the
President								  |	president
Denis										Denis
Assungueso								  |	Asungesu
									  >	attended
At										At
that										that
time										time
the										the
students									students
of										of
Mbunda										Mbunda
were										were
recreating									recreating
themselves								  <
in										in
specific									specific
symbolic									symbolic
places										places
like										like
this										this
tree										tree
which									  |	that
seems										seems
to										to
have										have
resisted									resisted
so										so
much										much
This										This
great										great
tree										tree
stands										stands
here										here
in										in
front										front
of										of
the										the
sky										sky
peaceful									peaceful
and										and
indifferent									indifferent
to										to
the										the
rumors										rumors
of										of
the									  |	everyday
day									  |	life
It										It
is										is
the										the
historic									historic
tree										tree
of										of
De										De
Braza									  |	Brazza
the										the
mokondo										mokondo
on										on
which										which
the										the
former										former
students									students
of										of
Mbunda										Mbunda
engraved									engraved
their										their
names										names
on										on
names										names
or										or
on										on
bricks										bricks
President								  |	The
									  >	president
Denis										Denis
Assungueso								  |	Asungesu
then										then
a										a
student										student
in										in
this										this
establishment									establishment
was										was
also										also
fashionable									fashionable
or										or
better										better
according									according
to										to
the										the
term										term
in										in
vogue										vogue
in										in
schools										schools
he										he
was										was
up-to-date								  |	up
									  >	to
									  >	date
This										This
is										is
how										how
he										he
did										did
not										not
hesitate									hesitate
to										to
write										write
on										on
the										the
tree										tree
his										his
name										name
on									  |	in
which									  |	print
									  >	that
he										he
loved										loved
the										the
most										most
									  >	the
Prince										Prince